Пример #1
    def __init__(self, ebins, czbins, detector_depth=None, earth_model=None,
                 prop_height=None, oversample_e=None,oversample_cz=None,
          * ebins: Energy bin edges
          * czbins: cos(zenith) bin edges
          * earth_model: Earth density model used for matter oscillations.
          * detector_depth: Detector depth in km.
          * prop_height: Height in the atmosphere to begin in km.

        logging.info('Instantiating %s'%self.__class__.__name__)
        self.ebins = np.array(ebins)
        self.czbins = np.array(czbins)
        for ax in [self.ebins, self.czbins]:
            if (len(np.shape(ax)) != 1):
                raise IndexError('Axes must be 1d! '+str(np.shape(ax)))


        earth_model = find_resource(earth_model)
        self.earth_model = earth_model
        self.FTYPE = np.float64

        self.ebins_fine = oversample_binning(self.ebins, oversample_e)
        self.czbins_fine = oversample_binning(self.czbins, oversample_cz)
        self.ecen_fine = get_bin_centers(self.ebins_fine)
        self.czcen_fine = get_bin_centers(self.czbins_fine)


Пример #2
    def __init__(self,
          * ebins: Energy bin edges
          * czbins: cos(zenith) bin edges
          * earth_model: Earth density model used for matter oscillations.
          * detector_depth: Detector depth in km.
          * prop_height: Height in the atmosphere to begin in km.
          * gpu_id: If running on a system with multiple GPUs, it will choose
            the one with gpu_id. Otherwise, defaults to default context

        self.gpu_id = gpu_id
            import pycuda.autoinit
            self.context = cuda.Device(self.gpu_id).make_context()
            print "Initializing PyCUDA using gpu id: %d" % self.gpu_id
            import pycuda.autoinit
            print "Auto initializing PyCUDA..."

        #mfree,mtot = cuda.mem_get_info()
        #print "free memory: %s mb",mfree/1.0e6
        #print "tot memory:  %s mb",mtot/1.0e6

        logging.info('Instantiating %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
        self.ebins = np.array(ebins)
        self.czbins = np.array(czbins)
        self.prop_height = prop_height
        for ax in [self.ebins, self.czbins]:
            if (len(np.shape(ax)) != 1):
                raise IndexError('Axes must be 1d! ' + str(np.shape(ax)))

        report_params(get_params(), ['km', '', '', '', ''])

        earth_model = find_resource(earth_model)
        self.earth_model = earth_model
        self.FTYPE = np.float64

        self.ebins_fine = oversample_binning(self.ebins, oversample_e)
        self.czbins_fine = oversample_binning(self.czbins, oversample_cz)
        self.ecen_fine = get_bin_centers(self.ebins_fine)
        self.czcen_fine = get_bin_centers(self.czbins_fine)

        self.initialize_kernel(detector_depth, **kwargs)

Пример #3
    def __init__(self, ebins, czbins, detector_depth=None, earth_model=None,
                 prop_height=None, oversample_e=None,oversample_cz=None,gpu_id=None,
          * ebins: Energy bin edges
          * czbins: cos(zenith) bin edges
          * earth_model: Earth density model used for matter oscillations.
          * detector_depth: Detector depth in km.
          * prop_height: Height in the atmosphere to begin in km.
          * gpu_id: If running on a system with multiple GPUs, it will choose
            the one with gpu_id. Otherwise, defaults to default context

        self.gpu_id = gpu_id
            import pycuda.autoinit
            self.context = cuda.Device(self.gpu_id).make_context()
            print "Initializing PyCUDA using gpu id: %d"%self.gpu_id
            import pycuda.autoinit
            print "Auto initializing PyCUDA..."

        #mfree,mtot = cuda.mem_get_info()
        #print "free memory: %s mb",mfree/1.0e6
        #print "tot memory:  %s mb",mtot/1.0e6

        logging.info('Instantiating %s'%self.__class__.__name__)
        self.ebins = np.array(ebins)
        self.czbins = np.array(czbins)
        self.prop_height = prop_height
        for ax in [self.ebins, self.czbins]:
            if (len(np.shape(ax)) != 1):
                raise IndexError('Axes must be 1d! '+str(np.shape(ax)))


        earth_model = find_resource(earth_model)
        self.earth_model = earth_model
        self.FTYPE = np.float64

        self.ebins_fine = oversample_binning(self.ebins, oversample_e)
        self.czbins_fine = oversample_binning(self.czbins, oversample_cz)
        self.ecen_fine = get_bin_centers(self.ebins_fine)
        self.czcen_fine = get_bin_centers(self.czbins_fine)


Пример #4
    def get_osc_probLT_dict(self,
        This will create the oscillation probability map lookup tables
        (LT) corresponding to atmospheric neutrinos oscillation
        through the earth, and will return a dictionary of maps:
        {'nue_maps':[to_nue_map, to_numu_map, to_nutau_map],
         'numu_maps: [...],
         'nue_bar_maps': [...],
         'numu_bar_maps': [...],
         'ebins': ebins}
        Will call fill_osc_prob to calculate the individual
        probabilities on the fly.
        By default, the standard binning is oversampled by a factor 10.
        Alternatively, the oversampling factor can be changed or a fine
        binning specified explicitly. In the latter case, the oversampling
        factor is ignored.
        #First initialize the fine binning if not explicitly given
        if not check_fine_binning(ebins, self.ebins):
            ebins = oversample_binning(self.ebins, oversample_e)
        if not check_fine_binning(czbins, self.czbins):
            czbins = oversample_binning(self.czbins, oversample_cz)
        ecen = get_bin_centers(ebins)
        czcen = get_bin_centers(czbins)

        osc_prob_dict = {}
        for nu in ['nue_maps', 'numu_maps', 'nue_bar_maps', 'numu_bar_maps']:
            isbar = '_bar' if 'bar' in nu else ''
            osc_prob_dict[nu] = {
                'nue' + isbar: [],
                'numu' + isbar: [],
                'nutau' + isbar: [],

        evals, czvals = self.fill_osc_prob(osc_prob_dict, ecen, czcen,
        osc_prob_dict['evals'] = evals
        osc_prob_dict['czvals'] = czvals

        return osc_prob_dict
Пример #5
    def get_osc_probLT_dict(self, ebins=None, czbins=None,
                            oversample_e=None,oversample_cz=None, **kwargs):
        This will create the oscillation probability map lookup tables
        (LT) corresponding to atmospheric neutrinos oscillation
        through the earth, and will return a dictionary of maps:
        {'nue_maps':[to_nue_map, to_numu_map, to_nutau_map],
         'numu_maps: [...],
         'nue_bar_maps': [...],
         'numu_bar_maps': [...],
         'ebins': ebins}
        Will call fill_osc_prob to calculate the individual
        probabilities on the fly.
        By default, the standard binning is oversampled by a factor 10.
        Alternatively, the oversampling factor can be changed or a fine
        binning specified explicitly. In the latter case, the oversampling
        factor is ignored.
        #First initialize the fine binning if not explicitly given
        if not check_fine_binning(ebins, self.ebins):
            ebins = oversample_binning(self.ebins, oversample_e)
        if not check_fine_binning(czbins, self.czbins):
            czbins = oversample_binning(self.czbins, oversample_cz)
        ecen = get_bin_centers(ebins)
        czcen = get_bin_centers(czbins)

        osc_prob_dict = {}
        for nu in ['nue_maps','numu_maps','nue_bar_maps','numu_bar_maps']:
            isbar = '_bar' if 'bar' in nu else ''
            osc_prob_dict[nu] = {'nue'+isbar: [],
                                 'numu'+isbar: [],
                                 'nutau'+isbar: [],}

        evals,czvals = self.fill_osc_prob(osc_prob_dict, ecen, czcen, **kwargs)
        osc_prob_dict['evals'] = evals
        osc_prob_dict['czvals'] = czvals

        return osc_prob_dict