Пример #1
def main(argv=None):
    Command-line arguments are created and parsed, fed to functions.

    parser = get_parser()

    options = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # options_dict = vars(options)

    session = get_session(options)

    files = get_files(options)

    tables = get_or_create_tables(options, session, create=True)

    lastids = ['arid', 'chanid', 'evid', 'orid', 'wfid']
    last = get_lastids(session, tables['lastid'], lastids, create=True)

    # for item in iterable:
    for sacfile in files:
        print sacfile

        # row_dicts = get_row_dicts(item)

        tr = read(sacfile, format='SAC', debug_headers=True)[0]

        # rows needs to be a dict of lists, for make_atomic
        # row_dicts = get_row_dicts(tr.stats.sac) # put in the whole trace, to determine byte order?
        dicts = sac.sachdr2tables(tr.stats.sac, tables=tables.keys())
        # row_instances = dicts_to_instances(row_dicts, tables)
        rows = dicts2rows(dicts, tables)

        # manage dir, dfile, datatype
        # XXX: hack.  replace with an updated obspy.io.sac later.
        bo = tr.data.dtype.byteorder
        if bo == '<':
            datatype = 'f4'
        elif bo == '>':
            datatype = 't4'
        elif bo == '=':
            if sys.byteorder == 'little':
                datatype = 'f4'
                datatype = 't4'

        for wf in rows['wfdisc']:
            wf.datatype = datatype
            wf.dfile = os.path.basename(sacfile)
            if options.absolute_paths:
                idir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sacfile))
                idir = os.path.dirname(sacfile)
            wf.dir = idir

        # manage the ids
        make_atomic(last, **rows)

        plugins = get_plugins(options)

        rows = apply_plugins(plugins, **rows)

        # add rows to the database
        # XXX: not done very elegantly.  some problem rows are simply skipped.
        for table, instances in rows.items():
            if instances:
                # could be empty []
                except exc.IntegrityError as e:
                    # duplicate or nonexistant primary keys
                    print("rollback {}".format(table))
                except exc.OperationalError as e:
                    # no such table, or database is locked
                    print("rollback {}".format(table))
Пример #2
def main(**kwargs):
    Command-line arguments are created and parsed, fed to functions.

    session : SQLAlchemy.orm.Session instance
    tables : list
        Canonical names for desired database tables.
    prefix : str
        Target core tables using 'account.prefix' naming.
    absolute_paths : bool
    bbfk : bool
        Pull in deast & dnorth info from user7 & user8 header fields
    file_list : str
        Name of a text file containing full SAC file names.
    files : list
        List of SAC file names.

    print("sac2db: {}".format(kwargs))
    session = kwargs['session']

    if kwargs.get('file_list'):
        files = get_files(kwargs['file_list'], file_check=_is_sac)
        files = kwargs['files']

    tables = get_or_create_tables(session, create=True)

    lastids = ['arid', 'chanid', 'evid', 'orid', 'wfid']
    last = get_lastids(session, tables['lastid'], lastids, create=True)

    # for item in iterable:
    for sacfile in files:

        # row_dicts = get_row_dicts(item)

        tr = read(sacfile, format='SAC', debug_headers=True)[0]

        # sachdr2tables produces table dictionaries
        # rows needs to be a dict of lists, for make_atomic
        dicts = sac.sachdr2tables(tr.stats.sac, tables=tables.keys())
        rows = dicts2rows(dicts, tables)

        # manage dir, dfile, datatype
        # XXX: hack.  replace with an updated obspy.io.sac later.
        bo = tr.data.dtype.byteorder
        if bo == '<':
            datatype = 'f4'
        elif bo == '>':
            datatype = 't4'
        elif bo == '=':
            if sys.byteorder == 'little':
                datatype = 'f4'
                datatype = 't4'

        for wf in rows['wfdisc']:
            wf.datatype = datatype
            wf.dfile = os.path.basename(sacfile)
            if kwargs['absolute_paths']:
                idir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sacfile))
                idir = os.path.dirname(sacfile)
                # make sure relative paths are non-empty
                if idir == '':
                    idir = '.'
            wf.dir = idir

        # manage the ids
        make_atomic(last, **rows)

        # plugins = get_plugins(options)

        # rows = apply_plugins(plugins, **rows)

        # add rows to the database
        # XXX: not done very elegantly.  some problem rows are simply skipped.
        for table, instances in rows.items():
            if instances:
                # could be empty []
                except exc.IntegrityError as e:
                    # duplicate or nonexistant primary keys
                    print("rollback {}".format(table))
                except exc.OperationalError as e:
                    # no such table, or database is locked
                    print("rollback {}".format(table))
Пример #3
def main(**kwargs):
    Command-line arguments are created and parsed, fed to functions.

    session : SQLAlchemy.orm.Session instance
    tables : list
        Canonical names for desired database tables.
    prefix : str
        Target core tables using 'account.prefix' naming.
    absolute_paths : bool
    file_list : str
        Name of a text file containing full SAC file names.
    files : list
        List of SAC file names.

    print("sac2db: {}".format(kwargs))
    session = kwargs['session']

    if kwargs.get('file_list'):
        files = get_files(kwargs['file_list'])
        files = kwargs['files']

    tables = get_or_create_tables(session, create=True)

    lastids = ['arid', 'chanid', 'evid', 'orid', 'wfid']
    last = get_lastids(session, tables['lastid'], lastids, create=True)

    # for item in iterable:
    for sacfile in files:

        # row_dicts = get_row_dicts(item)

        tr = read(sacfile, format='SAC', debug_headers=True)[0]

        # rows needs to be a dict of lists, for make_atomic
        # row_dicts = get_row_dicts(tr.stats.sac) # put in the whole trace, to determine byte order?
        dicts = sac.sachdr2tables(tr.stats.sac, tables=tables.keys())
        # row_instances = dicts_to_instances(row_dicts, tables)
        rows = dicts2rows(dicts, tables)

        # manage dir, dfile, datatype
        # XXX: hack.  replace with an updated obspy.io.sac later.
        bo = tr.data.dtype.byteorder
        if bo == '<':
            datatype = 'f4'
        elif bo == '>':
            datatype = 't4'
        elif bo == '=':
            if sys.byteorder == 'little':
                datatype = 'f4'
                datatype = 't4'

        for wf in rows['wfdisc']:
            wf.datatype = datatype
            wf.dfile = os.path.basename(sacfile)
            if kwargs['absolute_paths']:
                idir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sacfile))
                idir = os.path.dirname(sacfile)
            wf.dir = idir

        # manage the ids
        make_atomic(last, **rows)

        # plugins = get_plugins(options)

        # rows = apply_plugins(plugins, **rows)

        # add rows to the database
        # XXX: not done very elegantly.  some problem rows are simply skipped.
        for table, instances in rows.items():
            if instances:
                # could be empty []
                except exc.IntegrityError as e:
                    # duplicate or nonexistant primary keys
                    print("rollback {}".format(table))
                except exc.OperationalError as e:
                    # no such table, or database is locked
                    print("rollback {}".format(table))