Пример #1
    def __str__(self):
        s = specfile.Package.__str__(self)
        i_size = util.human_readable_size(self.installedSize)
        size = "%.2f %s" % (i_size[0], i_size[1])

        s += _('Distribution: %s, Dist. Release: %s\n') % \
              (self.distribution, self.distributionRelease)
        s += _('Architecture: %s, Installed Size: %s') % \
              (self.architecture, size)

        if self.packageSize:
            p_size = util.human_readable_size(self.packageSize)
            size = "%.2f %s" % (p_size[0], p_size[1])
            s += _(', Package Size: %s') % size

        s += _(', install.tar.xz sha1sum: %s') % self.installTarHash

        return s
Пример #2
def upgrade(A=[], repo=None):
    """Re-installs packages from the repository, trying to perform
    a minimum or maximum number of upgrades according to options."""

    packagedb = pisilinux.db.packagedb.PackageDB()
    installdb = pisilinux.db.installdb.InstallDB()
    replaces = packagedb.get_replaces()
    if not A:
        # if A is empty, then upgrade all packages
        A = installdb.list_installed()

    if repo:
        repo_packages = set(packagedb.list_packages(repo))
        A = set(A).intersection(repo_packages)

    A_0 = A = set(A)
    Ap = find_upgrades(A, replaces)
    A = set(Ap)

    # Force upgrading of installed but replaced packages or else they will be removed (they are obsoleted also).
    # This is not wanted for a replaced driver package (eg. nvidia-X).
    A |= set(pisilinux.util.flatten_list(list(replaces.values())))

    A |= upgrade_base(A)

    A = pisilinux.blacklist.exclude_from(A, ctx.const.blacklist)

    if ctx.get_option('exclude_from'):
        A = pisilinux.blacklist.exclude_from(A, ctx.get_option('exclude_from'))

    if ctx.get_option('exclude'):
        A = pisilinux.blacklist.exclude(A, ctx.get_option('exclude'))

    ctx.ui.debug('A = %s' % str(A))

    if len(A)==0:
        ctx.ui.info(_('No packages to upgrade.'))
        return True

    ctx.ui.debug('A = %s' % str(A))

    if not ctx.config.get_option('ignore_dependency'):
        G_f, order = plan_upgrade(A, replaces=replaces)
        G_f = None
        order = list(A)

    componentdb = pisilinux.db.componentdb.ComponentDB()

    # Bug 4211
    if componentdb.has_component('system.base'):
        order = operations.helper.reorder_base_packages(order)

    ctx.ui.status(_('The following packages will be upgraded:'))

    total_size, cached_size = operations.helper.calculate_download_sizes(order)
    total_size, symbol = util.human_readable_size(total_size)
    ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_('Total size of package(s): %.2f %s') % (total_size, symbol), "yellow"))

    needs_confirm = check_update_actions(order)

    # NOTE: replaces.values() was already flattened above, it can be reused
    if set(order) - A_0 - set(pisilinux.util.flatten_list(list(replaces.values()))):
        ctx.ui.warning(_("There are extra packages due to dependencies."))
        needs_confirm = True

    if ctx.get_option('dry_run'):

    if needs_confirm and \
            not ctx.ui.confirm(_("Do you want to continue?")):
        return False

    ctx.ui.notify(ui.packagestogo, order = order)

    conflicts = []
    if not ctx.get_option('ignore_package_conflicts'):
        conflicts = operations.helper.check_conflicts(order, packagedb)

    paths = []
    for x in order:
        ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_("Downloading %d / %d") % (order.index(x)+1, len(order)), "yellow"))
        install_op = atomicoperations.Install.from_name(x)

    # fetch to be upgraded packages but do not install them.
    if ctx.get_option('fetch_only'):

    if conflicts:


    for path in paths:
        ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_("Installing %d / %d") % (paths.index(path)+1, len(paths)), "yellow"))
        install_op = atomicoperations.Install(path, ignore_file_conflicts = True)
        install_op.install(not ctx.get_option('compare_sha1sum'))
Пример #3
def install_pkg_names(A, reinstall = False):
    """This is the real thing. It installs packages from
    the repository, trying to perform a minimum number of

    installdb = pisilinux.db.installdb.InstallDB()
    packagedb = pisilinux.db.packagedb.PackageDB()

    A = [str(x) for x in A] #FIXME: why do we still get unicode input here? :/ -- exa
    # A was a list, remove duplicates
    A_0 = A = set(A)

    # filter packages that are already installed
    if not reinstall:
        Ap = set([x for x in A if not installdb.has_package(x)])
        d = A - Ap
        if len(d) > 0:
            ctx.ui.warning(_("The following package(s) are already installed "
                             "and are not going to be installed again:"))
            A = Ap

    if len(A)==0:
        ctx.ui.info(_('No packages to install.'))
        return True

    A |= operations.upgrade.upgrade_base(A)

    if not ctx.config.get_option('ignore_dependency'):
        G_f, order = plan_install_pkg_names(A)
        G_f = None
        order = list(A)

    componentdb = pisilinux.db.componentdb.ComponentDB()

    # Bug 4211
    if componentdb.has_component('system.base'):
        order = operations.helper.reorder_base_packages(order)

    if len(order) > 1:
        ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_("Following packages will be installed:"), "brightblue"))

    total_size, cached_size = operations.helper.calculate_download_sizes(order)
    total_size, symbol = util.human_readable_size(total_size)
    ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_('Total size of package(s): %.2f %s') % (total_size, symbol), "yellow"))

    if ctx.get_option('dry_run'):
        return True

    if set(order) - A_0:
        if not ctx.ui.confirm(_('There are extra packages due to dependencies. Do you want to continue?')):
            return False

    ctx.ui.notify(ui.packagestogo, order = order)

    ignore_dep = ctx.config.get_option('ignore_dependency')

    conflicts = []
    if not ctx.get_option('ignore_package_conflicts'):
        conflicts = operations.helper.check_conflicts(order, packagedb)

    paths = []
    for x in order:
        ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_("Downloading %d / %d") % (order.index(x)+1, len(order)), "yellow"))
        install_op = atomicoperations.Install.from_name(x)

    # fetch to be installed packages but do not install them.
    if ctx.get_option('fetch_only'):

    if conflicts:

    for path in paths:
        ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_("Installing %d / %d") % (paths.index(path)+1, len(paths)), "yellow"))
        install_op = atomicoperations.Install(path)

    return True