def __main__(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=u"Check CoreJet report against PivotalTracker") parser.add_argument( "sections", nargs="?", help=(u"comma separated list of pivotal.cfg section names to " u"retrieve epics from")) parser.add_argument( "--token", help=u"default pivotal token to use to authenticate") parser.add_argument( "--project", help=u"default pivotal project id to retrieve stories from") parser.add_argument( metavar="corejet.xml", dest="filename", nargs="?", default="parts/test/corejet/corejet.xml", help=(u"path to CoreJet test report " u"(defaults to parts/test/corejet/corejet.xml)")) args = parser.parse_args() defaults = { "project": args.project, "token": args.token } defaults ="defaults", defaults) sections = None if args.sections: sections = [name.strip() for name in args.sections.split(",")] if not sections and "epics" in defaults: sections = [name.strip() for name in defaults["epics"].split(",")] epics = {} if sections: for section in sections: epics[section] =, defaults) if None in defaults.values(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=u"Check CoreJet report against PivotalTracker") parser.add_argument( "--token", required=True, help=u"pivotal token to use to authenticate") parser.add_argument( "--project", required=True, help=u"pivotal project id to retrieve stories from") parser.add_argument( metavar="parts/test/corejet/corejet.xml", dest="filename", help=u"path to CoreJet test report") args = parser.parse_args() corejet_etree = etree.fromstring(open(args.filename).read()) if not sections: for epic in corejet_etree.findall("epic"): doPivotal(defaults, epic) for epic in epics: doPivotal(epics[epic], corejet_etree.find("epic[@id='%s']" % epic))
) ) # Response contains the http response # Content contains the xml string response, content = if response["status"] != "200": print "There was an error adding the story" print "Status Code: %s" % response["status"] for error in content.findall("error"): print error.text sys.exit("Bye!") _story = etree.fromstring(content) story_id = _story.find("id").text print "Added new story #%s" % story_id ############################################################################## # Update the story using PUT ############################################################################## story = pv.projects(project["id"]).stories(story_id).update("story", description="Bar should have plenty of whiskey") response, content = story.put() if response["status"] == "200": print "Story #%s updated successfully" % story_id else: print "There was an error updating the story"