Пример #1
    def gridstack_test(self):
        """ dstack_test:
            Draw an image, stack it, and make sure it's the same as the
            numpy operation.

        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 = ph.Canvas()
        C3 = ph.Canvas()

        C1 += ph.circle()
        C2 += ph.rectangle()
        C3 += ph.circle(x=1)

        # Make sure something was drawn
        assert_true(C1.img.sum() != 0)
        assert_true(C2.img.sum() != 0)
        assert_true(C3.img.sum() != 0)

        X = ph.gridstack([[C1, C2], [C2, C3]])

        img_stack = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([C1.img, C2.img]),
             np.hstack([C2.img, C3.img])])

        assert_true(np.isclose(img_stack, X.img).all())
Пример #2
    def text_hpos_test(self):
        C0 = ph.Canvas()
        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        C0 += ph.text(hpos="center")
        C1 += ph.text(hpos="left")
        C2 += ph.text(hpos="right")

        # Now check that none of them are equal
        for x, y in itertools.combinations([C0, C1, C2], r=2):
            assert_false((x.img == y.img).all())
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, world_adapter: WorldAdapter):
        self.world_adapter = world_adapter

        self.terrain_map = [[
            for x in range(self.world_adapter.width)
        ] for y in range(self.world_adapter.height)]

        self.rendered_canvas = ph.gridstack(self.terrain_map)
        self.rendered_canvas.name = WINDOW_NAME

        self.base_cell_width = self.terrain_map[0][0].width
        self.base_cell_height = self.terrain_map[0][0].height

        self._sprite_cache = keydefaultdict(lambda k: ph.Canvas().load(k))
Пример #4
    def direct_load_test(self):
        """ direct_load_test:
            Load an image without creating a canvas.
        C = ph.Canvas(bg="yellow")
        C += ph.circle(color="g")

        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as F:
            C2 = ph.load(F.name)

        dist = C.img[:, :, :3] - C2.img[:, :, :3]
        dist = dist.astype(float) / 255
        assert_equal(dist.sum(), 0)
Пример #5
    def empty_artist_test(self):
        canvas = ph.Canvas()

        class EmptyArtist(ph.Artist):

        canvas += EmptyArtist()
Пример #6
    def check_draw_if_offscreen_is_ok_test(self):
        g = ph.gradient.linear(["r", "b"])
        C = ph.Canvas()
        C += ph.circle(x=C.xmax + 20, y=C.ymax + 20, r=1, gradient=g)

        # Check that nothing was drawn
        assert (C.img[:, :, :3] == C.transform_color(C.bg)[:3]).all()
Пример #7
    def combine_canvas_test(self):
        """ combine_canvas_test:
            Try to add two canvas together with blend, add, subtract modes.
        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C1 += ph.circle(color="w")

        C2 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 += ph.circle(x=-0.5, color="b")

        C3 = C1.copy().combine(C2, mode="blend")
        C4 = C1.copy().combine(C2, mode="add")
        C5 = C1.copy().combine(C2, mode="subtract")

        # Now check that none of them are equal
        for x, y in itertools.combinations([C1, C3, C4, C5], r=2):
            assert_false((x.img == y.img).all())
Пример #8
    def set_alpha_value_test(self):
        """ set_alpha_value_test
            Set the alpha channel to a specific value
        C = ph.Canvas()
        C.alpha = 120

        assert_equal(C.alpha.mean(), 120)
Пример #9
    def text_gradient_test(self):
        pal = ph.palette(15)

        C0 = ph.Canvas()
        C0 += ph.text(color=pal[0])

        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C1 += ph.text(color=pal[1])

        g = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]])

        C2 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 += ph.text(gradient=g)

        # Now check that none of them are equal
        for x, y in itertools.combinations([C0, C1, C2], r=2):
            assert_false((x.img == y.img).all())
Пример #10
    def save_load_test(self):
        """ save_load_test:
            Create an image, save it to a tmp location and try to load it
            back in. Make sure we check in PNG (lossless) and don't try to
            check the alpha channel.
        C = ph.Canvas(bg="yellow")
        C += ph.circle(color="g")

        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as F:

        dist = C.img[:, :, :3] - C2.img[:, :, :3]
        dist = dist.astype(float) / 255
        assert_equal(dist.sum(), 0)
Пример #11
 def setup(self):
     kwargs = {
         "width": 200,
         "height": 200,
         "extent": 4.0,
         "bg": "black",
         "shift": 8,
     self.canvas = ph.Canvas(**kwargs)
Пример #12
    def set_rgb_value_test(self):
        """ set_rgb_value_test
            Set the rgb channel to a specific value
        C = ph.Canvas()
        C.rgb = 120

        assert_equal(C.alpha.mean(), 0)
        assert_equal(C.rgb.mean(), 120)
Пример #13
    def grid_points_test(self):
        """ grid_points_test:
            Test if we can get the grid coordinates, do twice to test cache.
        C = ph.Canvas()
        pts = C.grid_points()
        pts = C.grid_points()

        assert_true(len(pts), 2)
Пример #14
    def grid_coordinates_test(self):
        """ grid_coordinates_test:
            Test if we can get the grid coordinates, do twice to test cache.
        C = ph.Canvas()
        coords = C.grid_coordinates()
        coords = C.grid_coordinates()

        assert_true(len(coords), 3)
Пример #15
    def create_from_rgba_channel_img_test(self):
        """ create_from_rgba_channel_img_test:
         Create a canvas from a rgba channel image
        img = 37 * np.ones(shape=(100, 200, 4)).astype(np.uint8)
        C = ph.Canvas(img=img)

        assert_equal(C.rgb.mean(), 37)
        assert_equal(C.alpha.mean(), 37)
Пример #16
    def zero_weight_test(self):
        C0 = ph.Canvas()
        C0 += ph.circle(color=[20, 30, 40, 50])

        C1 = C0.copy()
        C1 += ph.filters.instafilter("1977", weight=0)

        # Check that they are equal
        assert_true(np.isclose(C0.img, C1.img).all())
Пример #17
    def resize_exact_test(self):
        """ resize_exact_test:
            After scaling, it should have these exact dimensions
        C = ph.Canvas(width=200, height=200)
        C += ph.rectangle(x=0.5, y=0.25, x1=0.75, y1=0.75)
        C.resize(output_size=(100, 50))

        assert_true(C.width == 100)
        assert_true(C.height == 50)
Пример #18
    def print_statement_test(self):
        """ print_statement_test:
            Make sure we can print the object
        width, height, extent = 105, 207, 3

        C = ph.Canvas(width, height, extent=extent)
        s1 = C.__repr__()
        s2 = f"Canvas (w/h) {height}x{width}, extent {extent}"
        assert_equal(s1, s2)
Пример #19
    def draw_with_gradient_test(self):
        """ draw_with_gradient_test:
            Draw discrete gradient and check both colors are present
            in the corners.
        C = ph.Canvas()
        g = ph.gradient.linear(["r", "b"], interpolation="discrete")
        C += ph.rectangle(C.xmin, C.ymin, C.xmax, C.ymax, gradient=g)

        assert_true((C.transform_color("r") == C.img[0, 0]).all())
        assert_true((C.transform_color("b") == C.img[-1, -1]).all())
Пример #20
    def set_img_value_from_vector_test(self):
        """ set_rgb_value_from_vector_test
            Set the rgb channel to a specific value from a vector
        C = ph.Canvas()
        C.img = [1, 2, 3, 4]

        assert_equal(C[:, :, 0].mean(), 1)
        assert_equal(C[:, :, 1].mean(), 2)
        assert_equal(C[:, :, 2].mean(), 3)
        assert_equal(C[:, :, 3].mean(), 4)
Пример #21
    def get_set_item_test(self):
        """ get_set_item_test:
            Test pixel access like a numpy array.

        C = ph.Canvas(bg="k")

        assert_true(C[20:30, 50:60].sum() == 0)

        # Set a 10x10 block red
        C[20:30, 50:60] = [255, 0, 0, 0]
        assert_equal(C[20:30, 50:60].sum(), 255 * 100)
Пример #22
 def setup(self):
     kwargs = {
         "width": 200,
         "height": 200,
         "extent": 4.0,
         "bg": "black",
         "shift": 8,
     self.source = ph.Canvas(**kwargs)
     self.source += ph.circle(x=1, y=-0.5, color=[50, 75, 100, 100])
     self.source += ph.rectangle(x=-1, y=0.5, color=[70, 75, 100, 100])
     self.target = self.source.copy()
Пример #23
    def resize_up_test(self):
        """ resize_up_test:
            After scaling by 2x, it should be 400 pixels.
        C = ph.Canvas(width=200, height=200)
        C += ph.rectangle(x=0.5, y=0.25, x1=0.75, y1=0.75)

        assert_true(C.width == 200)
        assert_true(C.height == 200)

        assert_true(C.width == 400)
        assert_true(C.height == 400)
Пример #24
    def set_img_value_from_string_test(self):
        """ set_rgb_value_from_string_test
            Set the rgb channel to a specific value from a string
        C = ph.Canvas()
        C.img = "r"

        assert_equal(C[:, :, 0].mean(), 255)
        assert_equal(C[:, :, 1].mean(), 0)
        assert_equal(C[:, :, 2].mean(), 0)
        assert_equal(C[:, :, 3].mean(), 255)

        C.img = 32
        assert_equal(C.img.mean(), 32)
Пример #25
    def blank_doesnt_modify_in_place_test(self):
        """ blank_doesnt_modify_in_place_test:
            If the canvas has not had anything painted on it, its sum is 0
            If the canvas has been blanked out, its sum is 0
            Otherwise, its sum should be > 0

        canvas = ph.Canvas()
        assert_true(canvas.img.sum() == 0)
        canvas += ph.circle()
        assert_true(canvas.img.sum() > 0)
        assert_true(canvas.img.sum() > 0)
        assert_true(canvas.blank().img.sum() == 0)
Пример #26
    def layer_test(self):
        """ layer_test:
            Test if layers work by testing order of operations
        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 = ph.Canvas()

        C1 += ph.circle(color="r")
        C1 += ph.circle(y=1, color="b")
        C1 += ph.transform.translate(x=1)

        C2 += ph.circle(color="r")
        with C2.layer() as CX:
            CX += ph.circle(y=1, color="b")
            CX += ph.transform.translate(x=1)

        img1, img2 = C1.img, C2.img

        # First make sure something was drawn in each case
        assert_true(img1.sum() > 0)
        assert_true(img2.sum() > 0)

        # Now check that they aren't equal
        assert_false((img1 == img2).all())
Пример #27
def regions_of_high_intensity(canvas, blocksize=3, kernel_size=5):

    # If color, remove the alpha channel and covert (assume BGR!)
    img = cv2.cvtColor(canvas.rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    # Compute the an adaptive Threshold
    lap = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(
    img, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, blocksize, 4)

    kernel = np.ones([kernel_size] * 2)
    sig = convolve2d(255 - lap, kernel, mode="full", boundary="symm")
    sig /= kernel.sum()
    sig = sig.astype(lap.dtype)

    return ph.Canvas(img=sig)
Пример #28
def cutbox(canvas, pts, pixel_buffer=0):
    Given a set of points, cuts out of the canvas a bounding box with
    pixel_buffer number of pixels outside of the bbox. Returns both the bbox
    image and a mask of the points within the bbox.

    pts = np.array(pts)

    y0 = pts[:, 0].min() - pixel_buffer
    y1 = pts[:, 0].max() + pixel_buffer

    x0 = pts[:, 1].min() - pixel_buffer
    x1 = pts[:, 1].max() + pixel_buffer

    mask = np.zeros(canvas.shape[:2], canvas.img.dtype)

    hull = cv2.convexHull(pts)
    cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, hull, color=255)

    img = canvas.img[x0:x1, y0:y1]
    submask = mask[x0:x1, y0:y1]

    return ph.Canvas(img=img), submask, mask
Пример #29
 def missing_filter_test(self):
     canvas = ph.Canvas()
     canvas += ph.filters.instafilter("not_a_filter")
Пример #30
# A working file to test various aspects of the module
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

pal = ph.palette(4)

C = ph.Canvas(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])
C = ph.Animation(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])

C += ph.circle(x=1, y=-0.5, r=2, color=pal[1])
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)

with C.layer() as CX:
    CX += ph.polyline(color="k")
    CX += ph.transform.rotate(theta)
    CX += ph.filters.gaussian_blur(0.25, theta / 6)

C += ph.circle(x=-1, r=1.0)
