Пример #1
def gradient_flat(map_in, lmax=2000):
    """Return the gradient maps of map_in.
    Compute the gradient of the map_in in Fourier space. Simultaneously 
    low-pass the maps such that they only include modes ell < lmax.
    map_in: ndmap, ndarray
        The input map.
    lmax: int
        The cutoff ell for low-passing the maps.
    dy: ndmap, ndarray
        The gradient in the y-direction
    dx: ndmap, ndarray
        The gradient in the x-direction
    ly, lx = map_in.lmap()
    lmod = map_in.modlmap()
    lp = enmap.zeros(map_in.shape)
    lp[np.where(lmod < lmax)] = 1.
    map_fft = enmap.fft(map_in)
    dx = enmap.ifft(map_fft*lp*lx*1j).real
    dy = enmap.ifft(map_fft*lp*ly*1j).real
    return dy, dx
Пример #2
 def test_fft(self):
     # Tests that ifft(ifft(imap))==imap, i.e. default normalizations are consistent
     shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0, 0), shape=(3, 100, 100), res=0.01)
     imap = enmap.enmap(np.random.random(shape), wcs)
     assert np.all(
             enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(imap, normalize='phy'),
     assert np.all(np.isclose(imap, enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(imap)).real))
Пример #3
    def gather_patches_cos(self):
        """Assemble patch statistics for small scale lensing with cos filter.
        Compute the small scale (ell > 3000) temperature power at different 
        patches across the sky as well as the average amplitude of the 
        background temperature gradient (ell < 2000). For the small scale 
        statistics, also apply a filter in Fourier space such that:

        .. math::
            f_\\ell = \\cos(\\hat{\\ell}\\cdot\\hat{\\nabla T})

        self._edge = 5  # Edge pixels to throw away
        p = self._p
        m_fft = enmap.fft(self.map_in)
        hp = np.zeros(self.map_in.shape)
        hp[np.where((self._lmod > self.lmin) & (self._lmod < self.lmax))] = 1.
        # Apply pre-whitening or Wiener/inverse variance filters, then top hat
        if self._aW and self.fid is not None:
            cs = CubicSpline(self.fid[0], self.fid[1])  # (ell, Cl)
            m_fft = m_fft / cs(self._lmod)
        self._Tss = enmap.ifft(m_fft * hp)
        self._dTy, self._dTx = gradient_flat(self.map_in, self.ldT)
        # Scale geometry for lower res map of patches
        pshp, pwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(self.map_in.shape, self.map_in.wcs,
                                          1. / self._p)
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self.map_in, m_fft
        self._T2patch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTxpatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTypatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._T_sub = np.zeros((pshp[-2], pshp[-1], p, p))
        for i in range(self._T2patch.shape[-2]):
            for j in range(self._T2patch.shape[-1]):
                self._dTypatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTy[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                self._dTxpatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTx[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                Tp = self._Tss[i * p:(i + 1) * p, j * p:(j + 1) * p]
                lsuby, lsubx = Tp.lmap()
                lsubmod = Tp.modlmap()
                lsubmod[0, 0] = 1.
                fl = 1.j*(lsubx*self._dTxpatch[i,j] + \
                            lsuby*self._dTypatch[i,j]) / \
                        (lsubmod * np.sqrt(self._dTxpatch[i,j]**2 + \
                fl[0, 0] = 0.
                self._T_sub[i, j, :, :] = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(Tp) * fl).real
                # Throw away pixels with edge effects
                self._T2patch[i, j] = np.var(self._T_sub[i, j, 5:-5, 5:-5])
        self._dT2patch = self._dTxpatch**2 + self._dTypatch**2
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self._dTypatch, self._dTxpatch, self._dTy, self._dTx, self._Tss
            del self._T_sub
Пример #4
    def gather_patches_cos2(self):
        """Assemble patch statistics for small scale lensing with cos^2 filter.
        Compute the small scale (ell > 3000) temperature power at different 
        patches across the sky as well as the average amplitude of the 
        background temperature gradient (ell < 2000). For the small scale 
        statistics, also apply a filter in Fourier space such that:

        .. math::
            f_\\ell = \\cos^2(\\hat{\\ell}\\cdot\\hat{\\nabla T})

        self._edge = 3  # Edge pixels to throw away
        p = self._p
        m_fft = enmap.fft(self.map_in)
        hp = np.zeros(self.map_in.shape)
        hp[np.where((self._lmod > self.lmin) & (self._lmod < self.lmax))] = 1.
        self._Tss = enmap.ifft(m_fft * hp)
        self._dTy, self._dTx = gradient_flat(self.map_in, self.ldT)
        # Scale geometry for lower res map of patches
        pshp, pwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(self.map_in.shape, self.map_in.wcs,
                                          1. / self._p)
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self.map_in, m_fft
        self._T2patch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTxpatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTypatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._T_sub = np.zeros((pshp[-2], pshp[-1], p, p))
        for i in range(self._T2patch.shape[-2]):
            for j in range(self._T2patch.shape[-1]):
                self._dTypatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTy[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                self._dTxpatch[i, j] = np.mean(self._dTx[i * p:(i + 1) * p,
                                                         j * p:(j + 1) * p])
                Tp = self._Tss[i * p:(i + 1) * p, j * p:(j + 1) * p]
                lsuby, lsubx = Tp.lmap()
                lsubmod = Tp.modlmap()
                lsubmod[0, 0] = 1.  # Avoid divide by 0; set fl here to 0 later
                fl = (lsubx*self._dTxpatch[i,j] + \
                        lsuby*self._dTypatch[i,j])**2 / \
                    (lsubmod * np.sqrt(self._dTxpatch[i,j]**2 + \
                fl[0, 0] = 0.
                self._T_sub[i, j, :, :] = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(Tp) * fl).real
                # Throw away pixels with edge effects
                self._T2patch[i, j] = np.var(self._T_sub[i, j, 3:-3, 3:-3])
        self._dT2patch = self._dTxpatch**2 + self._dTypatch**2
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self._dTypatch, self._dTxpatch, self._dTy, self._dTx, self._Tss
            del self._T_sub
Пример #5
def filter_weighted(imap, ivar, filter, tol=1e-4, ref=0.9):
    """Filter enmap imap with the given 2d fourier filter while
	weithing spatially with ivar"""
    filter = 1 - filter
    omap = enmap.ifft(filter * enmap.fft(imap * ivar)).real
    div = enmap.ifft(filter * enmap.fft(ivar)).real
    del filter
    # Avoid division by very low values
    div = np.maximum(div, np.percentile(ivar[::10, ::10], ref * 100) * tol)
    # omap = imap - rhs/div
    omap /= div
    del div
    omap *= -1
    omap += imap
    omap *= imap != 0
    return omap
Пример #6
    def gather_patches_plain(self):
        """Assemble patch statistics relevant to lensing at small scales.

        Compute the small scale (ell > lmin) temperature power at different 
        patches across the sky as well as the average amplitude of the 
        background temperature gradient (ell < ldT).

        self._edge = 0  # Not throwing away edge pixels
        m_fft = enmap.fft(self.map_in)
        hp = np.zeros(self.map_in.shape)
        hp[np.where((self._lmod > self.lmin) & (self._lmod < self.lmax))] = 1.
        self._Tss = enmap.ifft(m_fft * hp)
        self._dTy, self._dTx = gradient_flat(self.map_in, self.ldT)

        # Scale geometry for lower res map of patches
        pshp, pwcs = enmap.scale_geometry(self.map_in.shape, self.map_in.wcs,
                                          1. / self._p)
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self.map_in, m_fft
        self._T2patch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTxpatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        self._dTypatch = enmap.zeros(pshp, pwcs)
        Trs = self._Tss[:pshp[-2] * self._p, :pshp[-1] * self._p].reshape(
            [pshp[-2], self._p, pshp[-1], self._p])
        dTxrs = self._dTx[:pshp[-2] * self._p, :pshp[-1] * self._p].reshape(
            [pshp[-2], self._p, pshp[-1], self._p])
        dTyrs = self._dTy[:pshp[-2] * self._p, :pshp[-1] * self._p].reshape(
            [pshp[-2], self._p, pshp[-1], self._p])
        self._T2patch[:, :] = np.var(Trs, axis=(1, 3))
        self._dTypatch[:, :] = np.mean(dTyrs, axis=(1, 3))
        self._dTxpatch[:, :] = np.mean(dTxrs, axis=(1, 3))
        self._dT2patch = self._dTxpatch**2 + self._dTypatch**2
        if not self.savesteps:
            del self._dTypatch, self._dTxpatch, self._dTy, self._dTx, self._Tss
Пример #7
def cutout_rec(shape, wcs, feed_dict, cmask, kmask, map1_k, map2_k):
    """ cutout lensing reconstruction """
    feed_dict['X'] = map1_k
    feed_dict['Y'] = map2_k

    # unnormalized lensing map in fourier space
    ukappa_k = s.unnormalized_quadratic_estimator(shape,

    # normaliztion
    norm_k = s.A_l(shape,

    # noise
    noise_2d = s.N_l_from_A_l_optimal(shape, wcs, norm_k)
    # normalized Fourier space CMB lensing convergence map
    kappa_k = norm_k * ukappa_k

    # real space CMB lensing convergence map
    kappa = enmap.ifft(kappa_k, normalize='phys')

    return kappa, noise_2d
Пример #8
def cmbmap2alm(i, mtype, p, f, r):

    fmap = enmap.read_map(
        f.imap[mtype][i])  # load flatsky K-space combined map

    # FT
    print('2D ell filtering in F-space and assign to healpix map')
    alm = enmap.fft(fmap)

    # remove some Fourier modes
    shape, wcs = fmap.shape, fmap.wcs
    kmask = mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=p.lcut, lmax=4000, lxcut=90, lycut=50)
    alm[kmask < 0.5] = 0

    # alm -> map
    fmap = enmap.ifft(alm).real

    # transform cmb map to healpix
    hpmap = enmap.to_healpix(fmap, nside=p.nside)

    # from map to alm
    hpmap = r.w * hpmap  # masking
    alm = curvedsky.utils.hp_map2alm(p.nside, p.lmax, p.lmax, hpmap)

    print("save to file")
                open(f.alm[mtype][i], "wb"),
Пример #9
def generate_noise_sim(covsqrt, ivars, seed=None, dtype=None):
    Supports only two cases
    1) nfreqs>=1,npol=3
    2) nfreqs=1,npol=1
    if isinstance(seed, int): seed = (seed, )
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(covsqrt))
    shape, wcs = covsqrt.shape, covsqrt.wcs
    Ny, Nx = shape[-2:]
    ncomps = covsqrt.shape[0]
    assert ncomps == covsqrt.shape[1]
    assert ((ncomps % 3) == 0) or (ncomps == 1)
    nfreqs = 1 if ncomps == 1 else ncomps // 3
    if ncomps == 1: npol = 1
    else: npol = 3
    wmaps = enmap.extract(ivars, shape[-2:], wcs)
    nsplits = wmaps.shape[1]

    if dtype is np.float32: ctype = np.complex64
    elif dtype is np.float64: ctype = np.complex128

    # Old way with loop
    kmap = []
    for i in range(nsplits):
        if seed is None:
            np.random.seed(seed + (i, ))
        rmap = enmap.rand_gauss_harm((ncomps, Ny, Nx),
        kmap.append(enmap.map_mul(covsqrt, rmap))
    del covsqrt, rmap
    kmap = enmap.enmap(np.stack(kmap), wcs)
    outmaps = enmap.ifft(kmap, normalize="phys").real
    del kmap

    # Need to test this more ; it's only marginally faster and has different seed behaviour
    # covsqrt = icovsqrt
    # np.random.seed(seed)
    # rmap = enmap.rand_gauss_harm((nsplits,ncomps,Ny, Nx),covsqrt.wcs)
    # kmap = enmap.samewcs(np.einsum("abyx,cbyx->cayx", covsqrt, rmap),rmap)
    # outmaps = enmap.ifft(kmap, normalize="phys").real

    # isivars = 1/np.sqrt(wmaps)
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        isivars = ((1. / wmaps) - (1. / wmaps.sum(axis=1)[:, None, ...]))**0.5
    isivars[~np.isfinite(isivars)] = 0

    assert np.all(np.isfinite(outmaps))
    # Divide by hits
    for ifreq in range(nfreqs):
        outmaps[:, ifreq * npol:(ifreq + 1) * npol,
                ...] = outmaps[:, ifreq * npol:(ifreq + 1) * npol,
                               ...] * isivars[ifreq, ...] * np.sqrt(nsplits)

    retmaps = outmaps.reshape((nsplits, nfreqs, npol, Ny, Nx)).swapaxes(0, 1)
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(retmaps))
    return retmaps, wmaps
Пример #10
def sim_noise_oneoverf(ivar, apod, lknee=3000, lmin=50, alpha=-3.5):
    l = np.maximum(ivar.modlmap(), lmin)
    fscale = (1 + (l / lknee)**alpha)**0.5
    ref = np.mean(ivar[ivar != 0])
    sim = enmap.rand_gauss(ivar.shape, ivar.wcs, dtype=ivar.dtype)
    sim = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(sim) * fscale).real * np.maximum(
        ivar, ref * 1e-3)**-0.5 * apod**2
    return sim
Пример #11
def filter_riseset(imap, ivar, riseset, filter, tol=1e-4, ref=0.9):
    """Filter enmap imap with the given 2d fourier filter while
	weighting spatially with ivar and allowing for rise vs set-dependent
	pickup. riseset should be a map with values between -1 and 1 that determines
	the balance between rising and setting scans, with 0 meaning equal weight from both.
	Overall this is only a marginal improvement over filter_weighted depsite being
	quite a bit heaver, and it only helps a bit for the pa7 residual stripe issue it
	was invented to deal with, so it probably isn't worth using.
    # We model the map as m = Pa+n, where a is [2] is the rising and setting pickup in
    # a single pixel, and P is the map's response to this pickup, which is
    # P = [x,1-x]*filter, where x=(1-riseset)/2. Given this we can solve for a as:
    # a = (P'N"P)"P'N"m, where N" is ivar. Written out this becomes, for a single pixel.
    # rhs = ifft(filter*fft([x,1-x]*ivar*imap))
    # div = ifft(filter*fft([x,1-x]*ivar*[x,1-x]*ifft(filter)
    # Hm.... The problem here is that we're assuming that there's nothing in the other pixels.
    # That's not what we did in filter_weighted. Let's just do something simple for now.
    x = (1 - riseset) / 2
    x1x = np.array([x, 1 - x])
    del x
    # Broadcast to imap shape
    x1x = x1x[(slice(None), ) + (None, ) * (imap.ndim - 2)]
    print(imap.shape, x1x.shape)
    filter = 1 - filter
    rhs = enmap.ifft(filter * enmap.fft(x1x * ivar * imap)).real
    div = enmap.ifft(filter *
                     enmap.fft(x1x[:, None] * x1x[None, :] * ivar)).real
    del filter
    # Avoid division by very low values
    ref = np.percentile(ivar[::10, ::10], ref * 100) * tol
    for i in range(2):
        div[i, i] = np.maximum(div[i, i], ref)
    # Solve the system
    rhs = np.moveaxis(rhs, 0, -1)
    div = np.moveaxis(div, (0, 1), (-2, -1))
    omap = np.linalg.solve(div, rhs)
    del rhs, div
    omap = np.sum(x1x * np.moveaxis(omap, -1, 0), 0)
    del x1x
    omap = enmap.ndmap(omap, imap.wcs)
    omap *= -1
    omap += imap
    omap *= imap != 0
    return omap
Пример #12
def beam_match(imap, f1, f2):
    """f1, f2 are fcodes instead of the actual frequency centers. It
    assumes that the first one (f1) has larger beam, so f2 will be matched
    to it.
    from common import fwhms
    l = imap.modlmap()
    bmap_f1 = np.exp(-0.5 * l**2 * (fwhms[f1] * u.fwhm * u.arcmin)**2)
    bmap_f2 = np.exp(-0.5 * l**2 * (fwhms[f2] * u.fwhm * u.arcmin)**2)
    rmap = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(imap) *
                      (bmap_f1 / np.maximum(bmap_f2, 1e-3))).real
    return rmap
Пример #13
def smooth_ps_gauss(ps2d, lsigma=200):
    """Smooth a 2d power spectrum to the target resolution in l. Simple
	gaussian smoothing avoids ringing."""
    # This hasn't been tested in isolation, but breaks when used in smooth_ps_mixed
    # First get our pixel size in l
    ly, lx = enmap.laxes(ps2d.shape, ps2d.wcs)
    ires = np.array([ly[1], lx[1]])
    sigma_pix = np.abs(lsigma / ires)
    fmap = enmap.fft(ps2d)
    ky = np.fft.fftfreq(ps2d.shape[-2]) * sigma_pix[0]
    kx = np.fft.fftfreq(ps2d.shape[-1]) * sigma_pix[1]
    kr2 = ky[:, None]**2 + kx[None, :]**2
    fmap *= np.exp(-0.5 * kr2)
    return enmap.ifft(fmap).real
Пример #14
def remove_lxly(fmap, lmin=100, lmax=4096, lxcut=90, lycut=50):

    alm = enmap.fft(fmap)
    shape, wcs = fmap.shape, fmap.wcs
    kmask = define_lmask(shape,
    alm[kmask < 0.5] = 0
    fmap_fl = enmap.ifft(alm).real
    return fmap_fl
Пример #15
def filter_fast(map, vk_mask=None, hk_mask=None, normalize="phys", inv_pixwin_lxly=None):

    """Filter the map in Fourier space removing modes in a horizontal and vertical band
    defined by hk_mask and vk_mask. This is a faster version that what is implemented in pspy
    We also include an option for removing the pixel window function
    map: ``so_map``
        the map to be filtered
    vk_mask: list with 2 elements
        format is fourier modes [-lx,+lx]
    hk_mask: list with 2 elements
        format is fourier modes [-ly,+ly]
    normalize: string
        optional normalisation of the Fourier transform
    inv_pixwin_lxly: 2d array
        the inverse of the pixel window function in fourier space

    lymap, lxmap = map.data.lmap()
    ly, lx = lymap[:,0], lxmap[0,:]

   # filtered_map = map.copy()
    ft = enmap.fft(map.data, normalize=normalize)
    if vk_mask is not None:
        id_vk = np.where((lx > vk_mask[0]) & (lx < vk_mask[1]))
    if hk_mask is not None:
        id_hk = np.where((ly > hk_mask[0]) & (ly < hk_mask[1]))

    if map.ncomp == 1:
        if vk_mask is not None:
            ft[: , id_vk] = 0.
        if hk_mask is not None:
            ft[id_hk , :] = 0.
    if map.ncomp == 3:
        for i in range(3):
            if vk_mask is not None:
                ft[i, : , id_vk] = 0.
            if hk_mask is not None:
                ft[i, id_hk , :] = 0.

    if inv_pixwin_lxly is not None:
        ft  *= inv_pixwin_lxly
    map.data[:] = np.real(enmap.ifft(ft, normalize=normalize))
    return map
Пример #16
def process_map(imap, box=None, deconvolve=False, freq=None, smooth=None):
    if deconvolve:
        fwhm = fwhms[freq]
        l = imap.modlmap()
        bmap = np.exp(-0.5*l**2*(fwhm*u.fwhm*u.arcmin)**2)
        bmap = np.maximum(bmap, 1e-3)
        fmap = enmap.fft(imap)
        omap = enmap.ifft(fmap/bmap).real
        omap = imap
    if smooth is not None:
        omap = enmap.smooth_gauss(omap, smooth*u.fwhm*u.arcmin)
    if box is not None: omap = omap.submap(box)
    if args.comp == 0: return np.log10(omap[0])
    if args.comp == 12: return np.sum(omap[1:]**2, axis=0)**0.5
    else: return omap[args.comp]
Пример #17
def get_filtered_map(map, binary, vk_mask, hk_mask, normalize=False):
    """Filter the map in Fourier space removing modes in a horizontal and vertical band
    defined by hk_mask and vk_mask. Note that we mutliply the maps by a binary mask before
    doing this operation in order to remove pathological pixels

    orig_map: ``so_map``
        the map to be filtered
    binary:  ``so_map``
        a binary mask removing pathological pixels
    vk_mask: list with 2 elements
        format is fourier modes [-lx,+lx]
    hk_mask: list with 2 elements
        format is fourier modes [-ly,+ly]

    if map.ncomp == 1:
        map.data *= binary.data
        map.data[:] *= binary.data

    lymap, lxmap = map.data.lmap()
    ly, lx = lymap[:, 0], lxmap[0, :]

    # filtered_map = map.copy()
    ft = enmap.fft(map.data, normalize=normalize)

    if vk_mask is not None:
        id_vk = np.where((lx > vk_mask[0]) & (lx < vk_mask[1]))
    if hk_mask is not None:
        id_hk = np.where((ly > hk_mask[0]) & (ly < hk_mask[1]))

    if map.ncomp == 1:
        if vk_mask is not None:
            ft[:, id_vk] = 0.0
        if hk_mask is not None:
            ft[id_hk, :] = 0.0

    if map.ncomp == 3:
        if vk_mask is not None:
            ft[:, :, id_vk] = 0.0
        if hk_mask is not None:
            ft[:, id_hk, :] = 0.0

    map.data[:] = np.real(enmap.ifft(ft, normalize=normalize))
    return map
Пример #18
def smooth_ps_grid(ps, res, alpha=4, log=False, ndof=2):
    """Smooth a 2d power spectrum to the target resolution in l"""
    # First get our pixel size in l
    lx, ly = enmap.laxes(ps.shape, ps.wcs)
    ires   = np.array([lx[1],ly[1]])
    smooth = np.abs(res/ires)
    # We now know how many pixels to somoth by in each direction,
    # so perform the actual smoothing
    if log: ps = np.log(ps)
    fmap  = enmap.fft(ps)
    ky    = np.fft.fftfreq(ps.shape[-2])
    kx    = np.fft.fftfreq(ps.shape[-1])
    fmap /= 1 + np.abs(2*ky[:,None]*smooth[0])**alpha
    fmap /= 1 + np.abs(2*kx[None,:]*smooth[1])**alpha
    ps    = enmap.ifft(fmap).real
    if log: ps = np.exp(ps)*log_smooth_corrections[ndof]
    return ps
Пример #19
def map_act_hist(patches, numerics, wf, masks, apo_masks, \
                 negbins, posbins) :#{{{

    # @TODO: check final pixel count!
    # @TODO check changing cmb or noise power changes variance as expected. it will.
    # @TODO plot histogram with and without cmb
    # @TODO plot histogram with and without WF

    # maps are sub-divided into six patches; analyze each separately and then get the PDF of the whole map
    dat_tot = np.array([])
    for i in range(numerics['n_patch']):
        patch = patches[i]
        mask = copy.deepcopy(apo_masks[i])
        patch *= mask  #apply mask
        modlmap = patch.modlmap(
        )  #map of |\vec{ell}| in 2D Fourier domain for the patch
        Fell2d = interp1d(wf[:, 0],
                          wf[:, 1],
                              modlmap)  #get filter in 2D Fourier domain
        kmap = enmap.fft(patch,
                         normalize="phys")  #FFT the patch to 2D Fourier domain
        kfilt = kmap * Fell2d
        patch_filt = enmap.ifft(kfilt, normalize="phys").real
        # point source mask (different for each patch)
        newMask = copy.deepcopy(masks[i])
        newMask[363, :] = 1.
        newMask[:, 2181] = 1.
        la = np.where(newMask < 0.1)
        mask[la] = 0.
        ### pick out unmasked data
        loc2 = np.where(mask > 0.9)
        dat = patch_filt[loc2]  #*fraction
        dat_tot = np.append(dat_tot, np.ravel(dat))

    # histogram the unmasked data
    histneg, bin_edgesneg = np.histogram(dat_tot, negbins)
    histpos, bin_edgespos = np.histogram(dat_tot, posbins[::-1])
    histall = np.concatenate((histneg, histpos))
    PDFpatch = histall / float(len(dat_tot))
    return PDFpatch
Пример #20
def kspace_filter_fast(map, vk_mask=None, hk_mask=None, normalize="phys"):
    """Filter the map in Fourier space removing modes in a horizontal and vertical band
    defined by hk_mask and vk_mask. This is a faster version that what is implemented in pspy
    map: ``so_map``
        the map to be filtered
    vk_mask: list with 2 elements
        format is fourier modes [-lx,+lx]
    hk_mask: list with 2 elements
        format is fourier modes [-ly,+ly]

    lymap, lxmap = map.data.lmap()
    ly, lx = lymap[:,0], lxmap[0,:]

   # filtered_map = map.copy()
    ft = enmap.fft(map.data, normalize=normalize)
    if vk_mask is not None:
        id_vk = np.where((lx > vk_mask[0]) & (lx < vk_mask[1]))
    if hk_mask is not None:
        id_hk = np.where((ly > hk_mask[0]) & (ly < hk_mask[1]))

    if map.ncomp == 1:
        if vk_mask is not None:
            ft[: , id_vk] = 0.
        if hk_mask is not None:
            ft[id_hk , :] = 0.
    if map.ncomp == 3:
        for i in range(3):
            if vk_mask is not None:
                ft[i, : , id_vk] = 0.
            if hk_mask is not None:
                ft[i, id_hk , :] = 0.

    map.data[:] = np.real(enmap.ifft(ft, normalize=normalize))
    return map
Пример #21
def deconvolve_pixwin_CAR(orig_map, binary, inv_pixwin_lxly, norm=0):
    """Deconvolve the two dimensional CAR pixel window function

    orig_map: ``so_map``
        the map to be filtered
    binary:  ``so_map``
        a binary mask removing pathological pixels
    inv_pixwin_lxly: 2d array
        the inverse of the pixel window function in fourier space
    norm: integer
        everytime we do a FFT + IFFT operation we get a normalisation cst to take care of
        this is counting the number of occurence of it, note that we could correct directly by
        using normalize="physical", but dividing the map by a number is slow so we prefer to do it later
        in the code.
    orig_map.data *= binary.data
    ft = enmap.fft(orig_map.data, normalize=False)
    ft *= inv_pixwin_lxly
    orig_map.data = enmap.ifft(ft, normalize=False).real
    norm += 1

    return norm, orig_map
Пример #22
    def compute_map(self,oshape,owcs,qid,pixwin_taper_deg=0.3,pixwin_pad_deg=0.3,

        1. get total alm
        2. apply beam, and pixel window if Planck
        3. ISHT
        4. if ACT, apply a small taper and apply pixel window in Fourier space

        # pad to a slightly larger geometry
        tot_pad_deg = pixwin_taper_deg + pixwin_pad_deg
        res = maps.resolution(oshape,owcs)
        pix = np.deg2rad(tot_pad_deg)/res
        omap = enmap.pad(enmap.zeros((3,)+oshape,owcs),pix)
        ishape,iwcs = omap.shape[-2:],omap.wcs

        # get data model
        dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region_shape=ishape,region_wcs=iwcs,calibrated=True)

        # 1. get total alm
        array_index = self.qids.index(qid)
        tot_alm = int(include_cmb)*self.alms['cmb']

        if include_tsz:
                assert self.tsz_fnu.ndim==2
                tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + hp.almxfl(self.alms['comptony'][0] ,self.tsz_fnu[array_index])
                tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + self.alms['comptony'][0] * self.tsz_fnu[array_index]
        if self.cfgres is not None: tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + int(include_fgres)*self.alms['fgres'][array_index]
        assert tot_alm.ndim==2
        assert tot_alm.shape[0]==3
        ells = np.arange(self.lmax+1)
        # 2. get beam, and pixel window for Planck
        if sht_beam:
            beam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=False)    # NEVER SANITIZE THE BEAM IN A SIMULATION!!!
            for i in range(3): tot_alm[i] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[i],beam)
            if dm.name=='planck_hybrid':
                pixwint,pixwinp = hp.pixwin(nside=tutils.get_nside(qid),lmax=self.lmax,pol=True)
                tot_alm[0] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[0],pixwint)
                tot_alm[1] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[1],pixwinp)
                tot_alm[2] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[2],pixwinp)
        # 3. ISHT
        omap = curvedsky.alm2map(np.complex128(tot_alm),omap,spin=[0,2])
        assert omap.ndim==3
        assert omap.shape[0]==3

        if not(sht_beam):
            taper,_ = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees=pixwin_taper_deg,pad_width_degrees=pixwin_pad_deg)
            modlmap = omap.modlmap()
            beam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True)
            kmap = enmap.fft(omap*taper,normalize='phys')
            kmap = kmap * beam

        # 4. if ACT, apply a small taper and apply pixel window in Fourier space
        if dm.name=='act_mr3':
            if sht_beam: taper,_ = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees=pixwin_taper_deg,pad_width_degrees=pixwin_pad_deg)
            pwin = tutils.get_pixwin(ishape[-2:])
            if sht_beam: 
                omap = maps.filter_map(omap*taper,pwin)
                kmap = kmap * pwin

        if not(sht_beam): omap = enmap.ifft(kmap,normalize='phys').real

        return enmap.extract(omap,(3,)+oshape[-2:],owcs)
Пример #23
#		wmap = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(wmap)*matched_filter).real**2
#		lim  = max(np.median(wmap)*tol1**2, np.max(wmap)*tol2**2)
#		mask |= wmap > lim
#	return mask

comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
beam1d = get_beam(args.beam)
ifiles = sorted(sum([glob.glob(ifile) for ifile in args.ifiles], []))

for ind in range(comm.rank, len(ifiles), comm.size):
    ifile = ifiles[ind]
    if args.verbose: print(ifile)
    ofile = args.odir + "/" + ifile
    imap = enmap.read_map(ifile)
    if args.mask is not None: mask = imap == args.mask
    if args.apodize:
        imap = imap.apod(args.apodize)
    # We will apply a semi-matched-filter to T
    l = np.maximum(1, imap.modlmap())
    beam2d = enmap.samewcs(np.interp(l, np.arange(len(beam1d)), beam1d), imap)
    matched_filter = (1 + (l / args.lknee)**args.alpha)**-1 * beam2d
    fmap = enmap.map2harm(imap, iau=True)
    fmap[0] *= matched_filter
    omap = enmap.ifft(fmap).real
    if args.mask is not None:
        omap[mask] = 0
        del mask
    enmap.write_map(ofile, omap)
    del omap
Пример #24
kmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape,wcs,lmin=Lmin,lmax=Lmax)
feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = cov
feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = cov + (wnoise*np.pi/180/60)**2 / kbeam**2
qe = symlens.QE(shape,wcs,feed_dict,'hu_ok','TT',xmask=xmask,ymask=ymask,kmask=kmask)

s = stats.Stats()

for task in my_tasks:

    cmb = maps.filter_map(mgen.get_map(seed=(1,task))[0],kbeam)
    nseed = (2,task)
    nmap = maps.white_noise(shape,wcs,noise_muK_arcmin=None,seed=nseed,ipsizemap=pmap,div=ivar)

    obs = cmb + nmap
    kobs = enmap.fft(obs,normalize='phys')/kbeam
    kobs[~np.isfinite(kobs)] = 0

    feed_dict['X'] = kobs
    feed_dict['Y'] = kobs
    krecon = qe.reconstruct(feed_dict)


mf = enmap.ifft(s.stacks['kreal'] + 1j*s.stacks['kimag'],normalize='phys')
Пример #25
pathMap = "/global/cscratch1/sd/eschaan/project_ksz_act_planck/data/planck_act_coadd_2020_02_28_r2/" + "act_planck_s08_s18_cmb_f150_daynight_map.fits"

# read maps
iMap = enmap.read_map(pathMap)
# do the reconvolution in Fourier space
mapF = enmap.fft(iMap)
lMap = np.sqrt(np.sum(iMap.lmap()**2,0))

# Reconvolve the map

print("Reconvolve 150 to 90")
pathOutMap = "/global/cscratch1/sd/eschaan/project_ksz_act_planck/data/planck_act_coadd_2020_02_28_r2/" + "act_planck_s08_s18_cmb_f150_daynight_map_reconvto90.fits"
oMap = enmap.ifft(mapF * fBeam90F(lMap) / fBeam150F(lMap)).real
enmap.write_map(pathOutMap, oMap)
print("check finite sum "+str(np.sum(oMap)))

print("Reconvolve 150 to TileC deproj")
pathOutMap = "/global/cscratch1/sd/eschaan/project_ksz_act_planck/data/planck_act_coadd_2020_02_28_r2/" + "act_planck_s08_s18_cmb_f150_daynight_map_reconvtotilecdeproj.fits"
oMap = enmap.ifft(mapF * fBeamTilecDeprojF(lMap) / fBeam150F(lMap)).real
enmap.write_map(pathOutMap, oMap)
print("check finite sum "+str(np.sum(oMap)))

print("Reconvolve 150 to TileC")
pathOutMap = "/global/cscratch1/sd/eschaan/project_ksz_act_planck/data/planck_act_coadd_2020_02_28_r2/" + "act_planck_s08_s18_cmb_f150_daynight_map_reconvtotilec.fits"
oMap = enmap.ifft(mapF * fBeamTilecF(lMap) / fBeam150F(lMap)).real
enmap.write_map(pathOutMap, oMap)
Пример #26
def build_and_save_ilc(arrays,region,version,cov_version,beam_version,
                       pa1_shift = None,
                       pa2_shift = None,
                       pa3_150_shift = None,
                       pa3_090_shift = None,
                       no_act_color_correction=False, ccor_exp = -1, 
                       isotropize=False, isotropize_width=20):

    print("Chunk size is ", chunk_size*64./8./1024./1024./1024., " GB.")
    def warn(): print("WARNING: no bandpass file found. Assuming array ",dm.c['id']," has no response to CMB, tSZ and CIB.")
    aspecs = tutils.ASpecs().get_specs
    bandpasses = not(effective_freq)
    savedir = tutils.get_save_path(version,region)
    covdir = tutils.get_save_path(cov_version,region)
    assert os.path.exists(covdir)
    if not(overwrite):
        assert not(os.path.exists(savedir)), \
       "This version already exists on disk. Please use a different version identifier."
    try: os.makedirs(savedir)
        if overwrite: pass
        else: raise

    mask = enmap.read_map(covdir+"tilec_mask.fits")
    shape,wcs = mask.shape,mask.wcs
    Ny,Nx = shape
    modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs)

    arrays = arrays.split(',')
    narrays = len(arrays)
    kcoadds = []
    kbeams = []
    bps = []
    names = []
    lmins = []
    lmaxs = []
    shifts = []
    cfreqs = []
    lbeams = []
    ells = np.arange(0,modlmap.max())
    for i,qid in enumerate(arrays):
        dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region=mask,calibrated=True)
        lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,cfreq,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid)
        if dm.name=='act_mr3':
            season,array1,array2 = sints.arrays(qid,'season'),sints.arrays(qid,'array'),sints.arrays(qid,'freq')
            array = '_'.join([array1,array2])
        elif dm.name=='planck_hybrid':
            season,patch,array = None,None,sints.arrays(qid,'freq')
            raise ValueError
        kcoadd_name = covdir + "kcoadd_%s.npy" % qid
        kmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape,wcs,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax)
        kcoadd = enmap.enmap(np.load(kcoadd_name),wcs)
        dtype = kcoadd.dtype
        kbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=True)
        if dm.name=='act_mr3':
            lbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=False) # note no pixwin but doesnt matter since no ccorr for planck
        elif dm.name=='planck_hybrid':
            lbeam = None
            raise ValueError
        if bandpasses:
                fname = dm.get_bandpass_file_name(array) 
                if (pa1_shift is not None) and 'PA1' in fname:
                elif (pa2_shift is not None) and 'PA2' in fname:
                elif (pa3_150_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('150' in fname):
                elif (pa3_090_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('090' in fname):

            try: bps.append(cfreq)

    kcoadds = enmap.enmap(np.stack(kcoadds),wcs)

    # Read Covmat
    cov = maps.SymMat(narrays,shape[-2:])
    for aindex1 in range(narrays):
        for aindex2 in range(aindex1,narrays):
            icov = enmap.enmap(np.load(covdir+"tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (names[aindex1],names[aindex2])),wcs)
            if isotropize:
                bin_edges = np.append([0.],np.arange(min(lmins),modlmap.max(),isotropize_width))
                binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges)
                ls,c1d = binner.bin(icov)
                icov = maps.interp(ls,c1d)(modlmap)
            if aindex1==aindex2: 
                icov[modlmap<lmins[aindex1]] = maxval
                icov[modlmap>lmaxs[aindex1]] = maxval
            cov[aindex1,aindex2] = icov
    cov.data = enmap.enmap(cov.data,wcs,copy=False)
    covfunc = lambda sel: cov.to_array(sel,flatten=True)

    assert cov.data.shape[0]==((narrays*(narrays+1))/2) # FIXME: generalize
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(cov.data))

    # Make responses
    responses = {}
    for comp in ['tSZ','CMB','CIB']:
        if bandpasses:
            if no_act_color_correction:
                responses[comp] = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts)
                responses[comp] = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts,
                                                         ccor_cen_nus=cfreqs, ccor_beams=lbeams, 
                                                         ccor_exps = [ccor_exp] * narrays)
            responses[comp] = tfg.get_mix(bps, comp)

    ilcgen = ilc.chunked_ilc(modlmap,np.stack(kbeams),covfunc,chunk_size,responses=responses,invert=True)

    # Initialize containers
    solutions = solutions.split(',')
    data = {}
    kcoadds = kcoadds.reshape((narrays,Ny*Nx))
    for solution in solutions:
        data[solution] = {}
        comps = solution.split('-')
        data[solution]['comps'] = comps
        if len(comps)<=2: 
            data[solution]['noise'] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs)
        if len(comps)==2: 
            data[solution]['cnoise'] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs)
        data[solution]['kmap'] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs,dtype=dtype) # FIXME: reduce dtype?
        if do_weights and len(comps)<=2:
            for qid in arrays:
                data[solution]['weight_%s' % qid] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs)

    for chunknum,(hilc,selchunk) in enumerate(ilcgen):
        print("ILC on chunk ", chunknum+1, " / ",int(modlmap.size/chunk_size)+1," ...")
        for solution in solutions:
            comps = data[solution]['comps']
            if len(comps)==1: # GENERALIZE
                data[solution]['noise'][selchunk] = hilc.standard_noise(comps[0])
                if do_weights: weight = hilc.standard_weight(comps[0])
                data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk] = hilc.standard_map(kcoadds[...,selchunk],comps[0])
            elif len(comps)==2:
                data[solution]['noise'][selchunk] = hilc.constrained_noise(comps[0],comps[1])
                data[solution]['cnoise'][selchunk] = hilc.cross_noise(comps[0],comps[1])
                ret = hilc.constrained_map(kcoadds[...,selchunk],comps[0],comps[1],return_weight=do_weights)
                if do_weights:
                    data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk],weight = ret
                    data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk] = ret

            elif len(comps)>2:
                data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk] = np.nan_to_num(hilc.multi_constrained_map(kcoadds[...,selchunk],comps[0],*comps[1:]))

            if len(comps)<=2 and do_weights:
                for qind,qid in enumerate(arrays):
                    data[solution]['weight_%s' % qid][selchunk] = weight[qind]

    del ilcgen,cov

    # Reshape into maps
    name_map = {'CMB':'cmb','tSZ':'comptony','CIB':'cib'}
    beams = beams.split(',')
    for solution,beam in zip(solutions,beams):
        comps = "tilec_single_tile_"+region+"_"
        comps = comps + name_map[data[solution]['comps'][0]]+"_"
        if len(data[solution]['comps'])>1: comps = comps + "deprojects_"+ '_'.join([name_map[x] for x in data[solution]['comps'][1:]]) + "_"
        comps = comps + version

        if do_weights and len(data[solution]['comps'])<=2:
            for qind,qid in enumerate(arrays):
                enmap.write_map("%s/%s_%s_weight.fits" % (savedir,comps,qid), enmap.enmap(data[solution]['weight_%s' % qid].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs))

            noise = enmap.enmap(data[solution]['noise'].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs)
            enmap.write_map("%s/%s_noise.fits" % (savedir,comps),noise)
        except: pass
            cnoise = enmap.enmap(data[solution]['cnoise'].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs)
            enmap.write_map("%s/%s_cross_noise.fits" % (savedir,comps),cnoise)
        except: pass

        ells = np.arange(0,modlmap.max(),1)
            fbeam = float(beam)
            kbeam = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap,fbeam)
            lbeam = maps.gauss_beam(ells,fbeam)
            qid = beam
            bfunc = lambda x: tutils.get_kbeam(qid,x,version=beam_version,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),planck_pixwin=False)
            kbeam = bfunc(modlmap)
            lbeam = bfunc(ells)

        kmap = enmap.enmap(data[solution]['kmap'].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs)
        smap = enmap.ifft(kbeam*kmap,normalize='phys').real
        enmap.write_map("%s/%s.fits" % (savedir,comps),smap)
        io.save_cols("%s/%s_beam.txt" % (savedir,comps),(ells,lbeam),header="ell beam")

Пример #27
def map_ifft(x): return enmap.ifft(x).real
def corrfun_thumb(corr, n):
Пример #28
def filter_simple(imap, filter):
    return enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(imap) * filter).real
Пример #29
# Beam infos:
# https://phy-wiki.princeton.edu/polwiki/pmwiki.php?n=BeamAnalysis.BeamDistributionCenter
# - 150GHz S16 PA2: Omega = 191 nsr, ie fwhm = 1.41 arcmin
# - 90GHz S16 PA3: Omega = 516 nsr, ie fwhm = 2.32 arcmin

# In[29]:

# beam sigmas in radians (convert from fwhm to sigma)
s150 = 1.41 * np.pi / (180. * 60.) / np.sqrt(8. * np.log(2.))
s90 = 2.32 * np.pi / (180. * 60.) / np.sqrt(8. * np.log(2.))

# do the reconvolution in Fourier space
pact90ReconvF = enmap.fft(pact90)
l2 = np.sum(pact90.lmap()**2, 0)
pact90ReconvF *= np.exp(-0.5 * l2 * (s150**2 - s90**2))
pact90 = enmap.ifft(pact90ReconvF).real

# # Measure power spectra

# In[ ]:

#hMask = enmap.to_healpix(fullMask)

#h150 = enmap.to_healpix(pact150)
#lCen, ClPACT150, sClPACT150 = powerSpectrum(h150, mask=hMask, theory=[flensedTT, ftotal], fsCl=None, nBins=201, lRange=None, plot=False, path=None, save=False)

#h90 = enmap.to_healpix(pact90)
#lCen, ClPACT90, sClPACT90 = powerSpectrum(h90, mask=hMask, theory=[flensedTT, ftotal], fsCl=None, nBins=201, lRange=None, plot=False, path=None, save=False)

# In[ ]:
Пример #30
kmask = maps.mask_kspace(mask.shape, mask.wcs, lmin=lmin, lmax=30000)
# Get coadd map of reference array
kmap = enmap.fft(
    dm.get_coadd("s15", region, array, srcfree=True, ncomp=1)[0] * mask)
# Get pixel window correction
pwin = tutils.get_pixwin(mask.shape[-2:])
bpfile = "data/" + dm.get_bandpass_file_name(array)
# Apply a filter that converts array map to Compton Y units (Eq 8)
f = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed([bpfile],
f2d = maps.interp(ells, f)(modlmap)
filt = kmask / pwin / f2d
filt[~np.isfinite(filt)] = 0
imap = enmap.ifft(kmap * filt).real

# Reconvolve Y map
ymap = maps.filter_map(enmap.read_map(yfile), beam_ratio * kmask)

# Get CMB maps
smap = enmap.read_map(yfile2)
cmap = enmap.read_map(yfile3)

# Width in pixels of stamp cutout
pix = 60

# Initialize stacks
i = 0
istack = 0
ystack = 0