Пример #1
 def test_project_nn(self):
     shape,wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(12/60.),proj='car')
     shape2,wcs2 = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(6/60.),proj='car')
     shape3,wcs3 = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(24/60.),proj='car')
     imap = enmap.ones(shape,wcs)
     omap2 = enmap.project(imap,shape2,wcs2,order=0,mode='wrap')
     omap3 = enmap.project(imap,shape3,wcs3,order=0,mode='wrap')
     assert np.all(np.isclose(omap2,1))
     assert np.all(np.isclose(omap3,1))
Пример #2
def build_filter(shape, wcs, lbounds, dtype=np.float32):
    # Intermediate because the filter we're applying is for a systematic that
    # isn't on the curved sky.
    ly, lx = enmap.laxes(shape, wcs, method="intermediate")
    ly, lx = [a.astype(dtype) for a in [ly, lx]]
    lbounds = np.asarray(lbounds).astype(dtype)
    if lbounds.ndim < 2:
        lbounds = np.broadcast_to(lbounds, (1, 2))
    if lbounds.ndim > 2 or lbounds.shape[-1] != 2:
        raise ValueError("lbounds must be [:,{ly,lx}]")
    filter = enmap.ones(shape[-2:], wcs, dtype)
    # Apply the filters
    for i, (ycut, xcut) in enumerate(lbounds):
        filter *= 1 - (np.exp(-0.5 * (ly / ycut)**2)[:, None] *
                       np.exp(-0.5 * (lx / xcut)**2)[None, :])
    return filter
Пример #3
def rectangular_apodization(shape, wcs, width, N_cut=0):
    r"""Generate a tapered mask at the edges of the box.

    Maps of actual data are unlikely to be periodic, which will induce
    ringing when one applies a k-space filter. To solve this, we taper the
    edges of the map to zero prior to filtering. This taper was written to
    match the output of Steve's power spectrum pipeline, for reproducibility.

    See :py:func:`nawrapper.maptools.kfilter_map`.

    shape : tuple of ints
        Shape of the map to be tapered.
    wcs : astropy wcs object
        WCS information for the map
    width : float
        width of the taper
    N_cut : int
        number of pixels to set to zero at the edges of the map

    apo : enmap
        A smooth mask that is one in the center and tapers to zero at the

    apo = enmap.ones(shape, wcs=wcs)
    apo_i = np.arange(width)
    apo_profile = 1 - (
        -np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * (width - apo_i) /
                (width - N_cut)) / (2.0 * np.pi)
        + (width - apo_i) / (width - N_cut)

    # set it up for x and y edges
    apo[:width, :] *= apo_profile[:, np.newaxis]
    apo[:, :width] *= apo_profile[np.newaxis, :]
    apo[-width:, :] *= apo_profile[::-1, np.newaxis]
    apo[:, -width:] *= apo_profile[np.newaxis, ::-1]
    return apo
Пример #4
 def test_enplot(self):
     print("Testing enplot...")
     shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0, 0), shape=(3, 100, 100), res=0.01)
     a = enmap.ones(shape, wcs)
     p = enplot.get_plots(a)
Пример #5
# map information
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(shape=(1024, 1024),
                            res=np.deg2rad(0.5 / 60.),
                            pos=(0, 0))

# create power spectrum information
ells = np.arange(0, 6000, 1)
ps = np.zeros(len(ells))
ps[2:] = 1 / ells[2:]**2.5  # don't want monopole/dipole

# generate a realization
imap = enmap.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps[np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
# plt.imshow(imap)

mask = enmap.ones(imap.shape, imap.wcs)

N_point_sources = 50
for i in range(N_point_sources):
    mask[np.random.randint(low=0, high=mask.shape[0]),
         np.random.randint(low=0, high=mask.shape[1])] = 0
# apodize the pixels to make fake sources
point_source_map = 1 - nw.apod_C2(mask, 0.1)

imap += point_source_map  # add our sources to the map
mask = nw.apod_C2(mask, 0.5)  # apodize the mask

# # plot our cool results
# fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8,16))
# axes[0].imshow(imap)
# axes[1].imshow(mask)
Пример #6
lmin = 100
lmax = 3000

polcomb = 'TT'

# Number of sims
nsims = 1

# CAR resolution is decided based on lmax
res = np.deg2rad(2.0 * (3000 / lmax) / 60.)

# Make the full sky geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=res)

# We use a mask of ones for this test
mask = enmap.ones(shape, wcs)

# Initialize the lens simulation interface
solint = solenspipe.SOLensInterface(mask=mask,
# Choose the frequency channel
channel = mapsims.SOChannel("LA", 145)

#empty map showing the shape and geometry of the system
omap = enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape[-2:], wcs)

#Calculation for a given L
L = 100
seed = (0, 0, 0)
Пример #7
for solution in solutions:
down = lambda x, n=2: enmap.downgrade(x, n)

if args.dtiles is not None:
    dtiles = [int(x) for x in args.dtiles.split(',')]
    dtiles = []

if comm.rank == 0:
        os.environ['WORK'] + "/sim_tiling/ivar_ones.fits",
        enmap.pad(enmap.ones((2, ) + pshape[-2:], pwcs), 900) * 0 + 1)

for i, extracter, inserter, eshape, ewcs in ta.tiles(
        from_file=True):  # this is an MPI loop
    # What is the shape and wcs of the tile? is this needed?
    aids = []
    kdiffs = []
    ksplits = []
    kcoadds = []
    masks = []
    lmins = []
    lmaxs = []
    do_radial_fit = []
    hybrids = []
    friends = {}
Пример #8
def integrate(shape,
    Integrate an arbitrary expression after factorizing it.


    shape : tuple
        The shape of the array for the geometry of the footprint. Typically 
        (...,Ny,Nx) for Ny pixels in the y-direction and Nx in the x-direction.
    wcs : :obj:`astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`
        The wcs object completing the specification of the geometry of the footprint.
    feed_dict: dict
        Mapping from names of custom symbols to numpy arrays.
    expr: :obj:`sympy.core.symbol.Symbol` 
        A sympy expression containing recognized symbols (see docs)
    xmask: (Ny,Nx) ndarray,optional
        Fourier space 2D mask for the l1 part of the integral. Defaults to ones.
    ymask:  (Ny,Nx) ndarray, optional
        Fourier space 2D mask for the l2 part of the integral. Defaults to ones.
    cache: boolean, optional
        Whether to store in memory and reuse repeated terms. Defaults to true.
    validate: boolean,optional
        Whether to check that the final expression and the original agree. Defaults to True.
    groups: list,optional 
        Group all terms such that they have common factors of the provided list of 
        expressions to reduce the number of FFTs.
    physical_units: boolean,optional
        Whether the input is in pixel units or not.


    result : (Ny,Nx) ndarray
        The numerical result of the integration of the expression after factorization.

    # Geometry
    modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs)
    lymap, lxmap = enmap.lmap(shape, wcs)

    pixarea = np.prod(enmap.pixshape(shape, wcs))
    feed_dict['L'] = modlmap
    feed_dict['Ly'] = lymap
    feed_dict['Lx'] = lxmap
    shape = shape[-2:]
    ones = enmap.ones(shape, wcs, dtype=np.float32)
    val = 0.
    if xmask is None:
            "No xmask specified; assuming all ones. This is probably not going to end well."
        xmask = ones
    if ymask is None:
            "No xmask specified; assuming all ones. This is probably not going to end well."
        ymask = ones

    # Expression
    syms = expr.free_symbols
    l1funcs = []
    l2funcs = []
    for sym in syms:
        strsym = str(sym)
        if strsym[-3:] == "_l1": l1funcs.append(sym)
        elif strsym[-3:] == "_l2": l2funcs.append(sym)

    integrands,ul1s,ul2s, \
        ogroups,ogroup_weights, \
        ogroup_symbols = factorize_2d_convolution_integral(expr,l1funcs=l1funcs,l2funcs=l2funcs,

    def _fft(x):
        return fft(enmap.enmap(x + 0j, wcs))

    def _ifft(x):
        return ifft(enmap.enmap(x + 0j, wcs))

    if cache:
        cached_u1s = []
        cached_u2s = []
        for u1 in ul1s:
            l12d = evaluate(u1, feed_dict) * ones
            cached_u1s.append(_ifft(l12d * xmask))
        for u2 in ul2s:
            l22d = evaluate(u2, feed_dict) * ones
            cached_u2s.append(_ifft(l22d * ymask))

    # For each term, the index of which group it belongs to

    def get_l1l2(term):
        if cache:
            ifft1 = cached_u1s[term['l1index']]
            ifft2 = cached_u2s[term['l2index']]
            l12d = evaluate(term['l1'], feed_dict) * ones
            ifft1 = _ifft(l12d * xmask)
            l22d = evaluate(term['l2'], feed_dict) * ones
            ifft2 = _ifft(l22d * ymask)
        return ifft1, ifft2

    if ogroups is None:
        for i, term in enumerate(integrands):
            ifft1, ifft2 = get_l1l2(term)
            ot2d = evaluate(term['other'], feed_dict) * ones
            ffft = _fft(ifft1 * ifft2)
            val += ot2d * ffft
        vals = np.zeros((len(ogroup_symbols), ) + shape, dtype=np.float32) + 0j
        for i, term in enumerate(integrands):
            ifft1, ifft2 = get_l1l2(term)
            gindex = ogroups[i]
            vals[gindex, ...] += ifft1 * ifft2 * ogroup_weights[i]
        for i, group in enumerate(ogroup_symbols):
            ot2d = evaluate(ogroup_symbols[i], feed_dict) * ones
            ffft = _fft(vals[i, ...])
            val += ot2d * ffft

    mul = 1 if physical_units else 1. / pixarea
    return val * mul
Пример #9
if analytic:
    Cov = ilc.build_analytic_cov(tsim.modlmap,
                                 theory.lCl('TT', tsim.modlmap),
    Cov = Cov[:, :, modlmap < lmax1].reshape(
        (narrays, narrays, modlmap[modlmap < lmax1].size))

s = stats.Stats(comm)
mask = enmap.ones(tsim.shape[-2:], tsim.wcs)

Cov = maps.SymMat(narrays, tsim.shape[-2:])
names = ["a%d" % i for i in range(narrays)]

def save_fn(tcov, a1, a2):
    Cov[a1, a2] = tcov.copy()

for task in my_tasks:
    with bench.show("sim gen"):
        isim, isimnoise = tsim.get_sim(task)
    with bench.show("ffts"):
        iksplits = []
        ikmaps = []