def imagegallery(event): global file values = e.get().split(" ") x0 = int(values[0]) y0 = int(values[1]) x1 = int(values[2]) y1 = int(values[3]) x = 0 y = 0 indexx = x1 for x in range(x1 - x0 + 1): indexy = y1 for y in range(y1 - y0 + 1): s = PixelatedSTEM( hs.signals.Signal2D(file.inav[indexy, indexx])) st = s.template_match_disk(disk_r=6, lazy_result=True, show_progressbar=False) peak_array = st.find_peaks(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) s.add_peak_array_as_markers(peak_array) #plt.plot(s) s.plot() ax = ax.set_xlabel("pixel(" + str(indexx) + "_" + str(indexy) + ")") #plt.title("pixel(" + str(indexx) + "_" + str(indexy) + ")") indexy -= 1 y += 1 indexx -= 1 x += 1 """
def mousecoords(event): global methodOfAnalysis s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[0, 0]) length = len(array(s)) pointxy = (-1, -1) while pointxy is (-1, -1): pointxy = (int(event.x * length / 400), int(event.y * length / 400) ) # get the mouse position from event l['text'] = l['text'] + str(pointxy[0]) + " " + str(pointxy[1]) + "\n" r.update() c2.unbind('<Button-1>') c2.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: mousecoords1(event, pointxy))
def multiprocessing_func(values): global distances s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[values[0], values[1]]) imarray = array(s) s = s.rotate_diffraction(0, show_progressbar=False) ############################################################################################################################ st = s.template_match_disk(disk_r=5, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) peak_array = st.find_peaks(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) peak_array_com = s.peak_position_refinement_com(peak_array, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) s_rem = s.subtract_diffraction_background(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) peak_array_rem_com = s_rem.peak_position_refinement_com( peak_array_com, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) ############################################################################################################################ center = findCenter(imarray, peak_array_rem_com) # finds the specific spot and adding that distance to the array posDistance = 0 closestPoint = center for (x, y) in ndenumerate(peak_array_rem_com): minimum = 999999 for (a, b) in y: dis = distance(values[2], values[3], b, a) if dis < minimum: minimum = dis closestPoint = (b, a) posDistance = distance(closestPoint[0], closestPoint[1], center[0], center[1]) distances[values[1]][values[0]] = round(posDistance, 2)
def Mousecoords(event): global methodOfAnalysis s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[100, 100]) length = len(array(s)) pointxy = (int(event.x * length / 400), int(event.y * length / 400) ) # get the mouse position from event l['text'] = l['text'] + str(pointxy[0]) + " " + str( pointxy[1]) + "\n" l['text'] = l['text'] + "Starting analysis...\n" r.update() analysis(pointxy, values, methodOfAnalysis) remove("temp.png") c2.unbind('<Button-1>') r.destroy() label1['text'] = label1['text'] + "Analysis complete.\n"
def multiprocessing_func(values): global singleValues, distances s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[values[0], values[1]]) imarray = array(s) sigma_est = mean(estimate_sigma(imarray, )) # patch_size for 580 - 1, patch_size for 144 = 3 #nlm = denoise_nl_means(imarray, h=1.15 * sigma_est, fast_mode=True, patch_size=3, patch_distance=6, ) gaussian = gaussian_filter(imarray, 1.15 * sigma_est) #wien = wiener(imarray, 5, 3) original = gaussian # Change this to whatever filter you want to use s = PixelatedSTEM(original) ############################################################################################################################ st = s.template_match_ring(r_inner=1, r_outer=6, lazy_result=True, show_progressbar=False) peak_array = st.find_peaks(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) peak_array_com = s.peak_position_refinement_com(peak_array, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) s_rem = s.subtract_diffraction_background(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) peak_array_rem_com = s_rem.peak_position_refinement_com( peak_array_com, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) ############################################################################################################################ center = findCenter(imarray, peak_array_rem_com) # finds the specific spot and adding that distance to the array posDistance = 0 closestPoint = center idx = 0 for (x, y) in ndenumerate(peak_array_rem_com): minimum = 999999 for (a, b) in y: if (2 < b < 142 and 2 < a < 142): di = distance(center[0], center[1], b, a) distances[values[1]][values[0]][idx] = round(di, 3) idx += 1 dis = distance(values[2], values[3], b, a) if dis < minimum: minimum = dis closestPoint = (b, a) posDistance = distance(closestPoint[0], closestPoint[1], center[0], center[1]) singleValues[values[1]][values[0]] = round(posDistance, 2)
def mousecoords1(event, pointxy): global methodOfAnalysis pointxy1 = None s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[0, 0]) length = len(array(s)) while pointxy1 is None: pointxy1 = (int(event.x * length / 400), int(event.y * length / 400) ) # get the mouse position from event print("pointxy1", pointxy1, "\n", "pointxy", pointxy) l['text'] = l['text'] + str(pointxy1[0]) + " " + str( pointxy1[1]) + "\n" l['text'] = l['text'] + "Starting analysis...\n" analysis(pointxy, pointxy1, values, methodOfAnalysis) r.update() remove("temp.png") c2.unbind('<Button-1>') r.destroy() label1['text'] = label1['text'] + "Analysis complete.\n"
def imagegallery(event): global file values = e.get().split(" ") x0 = int(values[0]) y0 = int(values[1]) x1 = int(values[2]) y1 = int(values[3]) x = 0 y = 0 indexx = x1 for x in range(x1 - x0 + 1): indexy = y1 for y in range(y1 - y0 + 1): s = PixelatedSTEM( hs.signals.Signal2D(file.inav[indexx, indexy])) st = s.template_match_ring(r_inner=1, r_outer=6, lazy_result=True, show_progressbar=False) peak_array = st.find_peaks(method='dog', min_sigma=0.8, max_sigma=15, sigma_ratio=1.9, threshold=0.42, overlap=0.5, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=True) s.add_peak_array_as_markers(peak_array) #plt.plot(s) s.plot() ax = ax.set_xlabel("pixel(" + str(indexx) + "_" + str(indexy) + ")") #plt.title("pixel(" + str(indexx) + "_" + str(indexy) + ")") indexy -= 1 y += 1 indexx -= 1 x += 1 """
def intensity(values): s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[values[0], values[1]]) imarray = array(s) singleValues[values[1]][values[0]] = imarray[values[3]][values[2]]
def startAnalysis(values=None): global file, currFunc methodOfAnalysis = "" def assignMethod(method): global methodOfAnalysis methodOfAnalysis = method def mousecoords(event): global methodOfAnalysis s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[0, 0]) length = len(array(s)) pointxy = (-1, -1) while pointxy is (-1, -1): pointxy = (int(event.x * length / 400), int(event.y * length / 400) ) # get the mouse position from event l['text'] = l['text'] + str(pointxy[0]) + " " + str(pointxy[1]) + "\n" r.update() c2.unbind('<Button-1>') c2.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: mousecoords1(event, pointxy)) def mousecoords1(event, pointxy): global methodOfAnalysis pointxy1 = None s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[0, 0]) length = len(array(s)) while pointxy1 is None: pointxy1 = (int(event.x * length / 400), int(event.y * length / 400) ) # get the mouse position from event print("pointxy1", pointxy1, "\n", "pointxy", pointxy) l['text'] = l['text'] + str(pointxy1[0]) + " " + str( pointxy1[1]) + "\n" l['text'] = l['text'] + "Starting analysis...\n" analysis(pointxy, pointxy1, values, methodOfAnalysis) r.update() remove("temp.png") c2.unbind('<Button-1>') r.destroy() label1['text'] = label1['text'] + "Analysis complete.\n" s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[0, 0])"temp.png") img ="temp.png") img = img.resize((400, 400), Image.ANTIALIAS)'temp.png') r = tk.Toplevel(root) c = tk.Canvas(r, height=720, width=1080) c.pack() f = tk.Frame(r, bg='#333333'), relheight=1) l = tk.Message(f, bg='#999999', font=('Calibri', 15), anchor='nw', justify='left', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, width=1000), rely=0.7, relwidth=0.9, relheight=0.2) b1 = tk.Button(f, text='Intensity Mapping', bg='#620000', font=('Calibri', 15), highlightthickness=0, bd=0, activebackground='#800000', activeforeground='#ffffff', command=lambda: assignMethod("intensity"), pady=0.02, fg='#ffffff'), rely=0.6, relwidth=0.2, relheight=0.05) b2 = tk.Button(f, text='Strain Mapping', bg='#620000', font=('Calibri', 15), highlightthickness=0, bd=0, activebackground='#800000', activeforeground='#ffffff', command=lambda: assignMethod("strain"), pady=0.02, fg='#ffffff'), rely=0.6, relwidth=0.2, relheight=0.05) c2 = tk.Canvas(r, width=400, height=400) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("temp.png")) c2.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=img) c2.bind('<Button-1>', mousecoords) l['text'] = l[ 'text'] + "Please click on the method of analysis and then the point you would like to analyze from the diffraction pattern above.\n" r.mainloop() if path.exists("temp.png"): remove("temp.png")
def multiprocessing_func(values): global singleValues, distances s = PixelatedSTEM(file.inav[values[0], values[1]]) original = array(s) ############################################################################################################################ # # FILTERS # sigma_est = mean(estimate_sigma(original, )) # # patch_size for 580 - 1, patch_size for 144 = 3 # nlm = denoise_nl_means(original, h=1.15*sigma_est, fast_mode=True, patch_size=3, patch_distance=6, ) # gaussian = gaussian_filter(original, 1.15*sigma_est) # wien = wiener(original, 5, 3) # s = PixelatedSTEM(gaussian) # Change this to whatever filter you want to use ############################################################################################################################ # # PIXSTEM # s = s.rotate_diffraction(0,show_progressbar=False) # st = s.template_match_disk(disk_r=5, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) # peak_array = st.find_peaks(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) # peak_array_com = s.peak_position_refinement_com(peak_array, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) # s_rem = s.subtract_diffraction_background(lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) # peak_array_rem_com = s_rem.peak_position_refinement_com(peak_array_com, lazy_result=False, show_progressbar=False) ############################################################################################################################ # MY METHOD # defines template and templates matches # spot for 580 - [265:320, 265:320] # spot for 144 - [65:80, 65:80] template = original[65:80, 65:80] result = match_template(original, template, pad_input=True) # only takes points greater than the threshold r-value tempList = [] for i in range(len(result)): for j in range(len(result[i])): if (result[i][j] > 0.87): # change correlation value tempList.append((i, j)) # removes duplicate spots that are too close to each other i = 0 l = [] while i < len(tempList): j = 0 temp = [] point = tempList[i] while j < len(tempList): if distance(point[0], point[1], tempList[j][0], tempList[j][1]) < 15: # change minimum center distance temp.append(tempList[j]) tempList.pop(j) else: j = j + 1 max = 0 pnt = temp[0] for j in range(len(temp)): if (result[pnt[0]][pnt[1]] < result[temp[j][0]][temp[j][1]]): max = result[temp[j][0]][temp[j][1]] pnt = temp[j] l.append(pnt) peak_array_rem_com = [[], l] ############################################################################################################################ closestPoint = None closestPoint1 = None length = len(original) for (x, y) in ndenumerate(peak_array_rem_com): minimum = 999999 minimum1 = 999999 for (a, b) in y: dis = distance(values[2], values[3], b, a) dis1 = distance(values[4], values[5], b, a) if dis < minimum and dis < length / 10: minimum = dis closestPoint = (b, a) if dis1 < minimum1 and dis1 < length / 10: minimum1 = dis1 closestPoint1 = (b, a) print(closestPoint, closestPoint1, values[4], values[5]) posDistance = distance(closestPoint[0], closestPoint[1], closestPoint1[0], closestPoint1[1]) singleValues[values[1]][values[0]] = round(posDistance, 2)