def _get_latest_package_version(package):
    Get the latest package version available on pypi for a package.
    It is retried multiple times in case there are transient failures in executing the command.

    :param package: str Name of the package whose latest version must be retrieved
    :return: tuple(command_success: bool, latest_version_value: str)
    pypi_package_info = requests.get(f"{package}/json")
    data = json.loads(pypi_package_info.text)
    versions = data["releases"].keys()
    return str(max(Version(v) for v in versions))
def test_safety(image):
    Runs safety check on a container with the capability to ignore safety issues that cannot be fixed, and only raise
    error if an issue is fixable.
    from dlc.safety_check import SafetyCheck
    safety_check = SafetyCheck()

    repo_name, image_tag = image.split('/')[-1].split(':')
    ignore_ids_list = _get_safety_ignore_list(image)
    sep = " -i "
    ignore_str = "" if not ignore_ids_list else f"{sep}{sep.join(ignore_ids_list)}"

    container_name = f"{repo_name}-{image_tag}-safety"
    docker_exec_cmd = f"docker exec -i {container_name}"
    test_file_path = os.path.join(CONTAINER_TESTS_PREFIX, "testSafety")
    # Add null entrypoint to ensure command exits immediately
        f"docker run -id "
        f"--name {container_name} "
        f"--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/container_tests,target=/test "
        f"--entrypoint='/bin/bash' "
        run(f"{docker_exec_cmd} pip install safety yolk3k ", hide=True)
        json_str_safety_result = safety_check.run_safety_check_on_container(
        safety_result = json.loads(json_str_safety_result)
        for package, affected_versions, curr_version, _, vulnerability_id in safety_result:
            # Get the latest version of the package with vulnerability
            command_success, latest_version = _get_latest_package_version(
                docker_exec_cmd, package)
            if not command_success:
            # If the latest version of the package is also affected, ignore this vulnerability
            if Version(latest_version) in SpecifierSet(affected_versions):
                # Version(x) gives an object that can be easily compared with another version, or with a SpecifierSet.
                # Comparing two versions as a string has some edge cases which require us to write more code.
                # SpecifierSet(x) takes a version constraint, such as "<=4.5.6", ">1.2.3", or ">=1.2,<3.4.5", and
                # gives an object that can be easily compared against a Version object.
                ignore_str += f" -i {vulnerability_id}"
        assert (safety_check.run_safety_check_with_ignore_list(docker_exec_cmd, ignore_str) == 0), \
            f"Safety test failed for {image}"
        run(f"docker rm -f {container_name}", hide=True)
def test_safety(image):
    Runs safety check on a container with the capability to ignore safety issues that cannot be fixed, and only raise
    error if an issue is fixable.
    repo_name, image_tag = image.split('/')[-1].split(':')
    ignore_ids_list = _get_safety_ignore_list(image)
    ignore_str = "" if not ignore_ids_list else " ".join(ignore_ids_list)

    container_name = f"{repo_name}-{image_tag}-safety"
    docker_exec_cmd = f"docker exec -i {container_name}"
    test_file_path = os.path.join(CONTAINER_TESTS_PREFIX, "testSafety")
    # Add null entrypoint to ensure command exits immediately
    run(f"docker run -id "
        f"--name {container_name} "
        f"--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/container_tests,target=/test "
        f"--entrypoint='/bin/bash' "
        f"{image}", hide=True)
        run(f"{docker_exec_cmd} pip install safety yolk3k ", hide=True)
        run_out = run(f"{docker_exec_cmd} safety check --json ", warn=True, hide=True)
        json_str_safety_result = run_out.stdout
        safety_result = json.loads(json_str_safety_result)
        for package, affected_versions, curr_version, _, vulnerability_id in safety_result:
            run_out = run(f"{docker_exec_cmd} yolk -M {package} -f version ", warn=True, hide=True)
            if run_out.return_code != 0:
            latest_version = run_out.stdout
            if Version(latest_version) in SpecifierSet(affected_versions):
                # Version(x) gives an object that can be easily compared with another version, or with a SpecifierSet.
                # Comparing two versions as a string has some edge cases which require us to write more code.
                # SpecifierSet(x) takes a version constraint, such as "<=4.5.6", ">1.2.3", or ">=1.2,<3.4.5", and
                # gives an object that can be easily compared against a Version object.
                ignore_str += f" {vulnerability_id}"

        run(f"{docker_exec_cmd} chmod +x {test_file_path}", hide=True)
        output = run(f"{docker_exec_cmd} {test_file_path} {ignore_str} ", warn=True)"{test_file_path} log for {image}\n{output.stdout}")
        assert output.return_code == 0, f"Safety test failed for {image}\n{output.stdout}"
        run(f"docker rm -f {container_name}", hide=True)