Пример #1
    def add_user(self, username):

        if not self._manage_users:

        # Check if hte user already exists and exit.
        except KeyError as ex:
            # Doesn't exist, fall through

        # If we're not allowed to manage users, error
        if not self._add_users:
            raise ValidationError(
                "User {} doesn't exist but is required by a DC/OS Component, and "
                "automatic user addition is disabled".format(username))

        # Add the user:
                'useradd', '--system', '--home-dir', '/opt/mesosphere',
                '--shell', '/sbin/nologin', '-c', 'DCOS System User', username
        except CalledProcessError as ex:
            raise ValidationError(
                "User {} doesn't exist and couldn't be created because of: {}".
                format(username, ex.output))
Пример #2
    def add_user(self, username, groupname):

        if not self._manage_users:

        # Check if the user already exists and exit.
            if not is_windows:
                UserManagement.validate_user_group(username, groupname)
        except KeyError as ex:
            # Doesn't exist, fall through
            log.warning("User [%s:%s] already exists", username, groupname)

        # If we're not allowed to manage users, error
        if not self._add_users:
            raise ValidationError(
                "User {} doesn't exist but is required by a DC/OS Component, and "
                "automatic user addition is disabled".format(username))

        log.info("Add the user")
        add_user_cmd = [
            'DCOS System User',

        # A group matching the username will be created by the adduser command.
        # Any other group that the user is added to needs to exist prior to executing the
        # adduser command.
        if groupname is not None and groupname != username:
            add_user_cmd += ['-g', groupname]
            add_user_cmd += ['--user-group']

        add_user_cmd += [username]

            log.debug(" ".join(add_user_cmd))
        except CalledProcessError as ex:
            raise ValidationError(
                "User {} doesn't exist and couldn't be created because of: {}".
                format(username, ex.output))
Пример #3
def validate_compatible(packages, roles):
    # Every package name appears only once.
    names = set()
    ids = set()
    tuples = set()
    for package in packages:
        if package.name in names:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Repeated name {0} in set of packages {1}".format(
                    package.name, ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(x.id), packages))))

        if package.username is None and package.group is not None:
            raise ValidationError("`group` cannot be used without `username`")

        tuples.add((package.name, package.variant))

    # All requires are met.
    # NOTE: Requires are given just to make it harder to accidentally
    # break a cluster.

    # Environment variables in packages, mapping from variable to package.
    environment = dict()

    for package in packages:

        # Check that all requirements of the package are met.
        # Requirements can be specified on a package name or full version string.
        for requirement in package.requires:
            name, variant = expand_require(requirement)
            if name not in names:
                raise ValidationError(
                    ("Package {} variant {} requires {} variant {} but that " +
                     "is not in the set of packages {}").format(
                        ', '.join(str(x.id) for x in packages)))

        # No repeated/conflicting environment variables with other packages as
        # well as magic system environment variables.
        for k, v in package.environment.items():
            if k in reserved_env_vars:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "{0} are reserved environment vars and cannot be specified in packages. Present in package {1}"
                    .format(", ".join(reserved_env_vars), package))
            if k in environment:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Repeated environment variable {0}. In both packages {1} and {2}.".format(
                        k, v, package))
            environment[k] = package
Пример #4
def add_package_file(repository, package_filename):
    """Add a package to the repository from a file.

    repository: pkgpanda.Repository
    package_filename: location of the package file

    filename_suffix = '.tar.xz'
    # Extract Package Id (Filename must be path/{pkg-id}.tar.xz).
    name = os.path.basename(package_filename)

    if not name.endswith(filename_suffix):
        raise ValidationError(
            "ERROR: Can only add package tarballs which have names like "

    pkg_id = name[:-len(filename_suffix)]

    # Validate the package id

    def fetch(_, target):
        extract_tarball(package_filename, target)

    repository.add(fetch, pkg_id)
Пример #5
 def validate_name(name):
     # [a-zA-Z0-9@._+-]
     # May not start with '.' or '-'.
     if not re.match(name_regex, name):
         raise ValidationError(
             "Invalid package name {0}. Must match the regex {1}".format(
                 name, name_regex))
Пример #6
def remove_package(install, repository, package_id):
    """Remove a package from the local repository.

    Errors if any packages in package_ids are activated in install.

    install: pkgpanda.Install
    repository: pkgpanda.Repository
    package_id: package ID to remove from repository

    if package_id in install.get_active():
        raise PackageConflict("Refusing to remove active package {0}".format(package_id))

    sys.stdout.write("\rRemoving: {0}".format(package_id))
        # Validate package id, that package is installed.
    except ValidationError as ex:
        raise ValidationError("Invalid package id {0}".format(package_id)) from ex
    except OSError as ex:
        raise Exception("Error removing package {0}: {1}".format(package_id, ex)) from ex
        sys.stdout.write("\rRemoved: {0}".format(package_id))
Пример #7
 def validate_version(version):
     # [a-zA-Z0-9@._+:]
     # May not contain a '-'.
     if not re.match(version_regex, version):
         raise ValidationError(
             "Invalid package version {0}. Must match the regex {1}".format(
                 version, version_regex))
Пример #8
def symlink_tree(src, dest):
    for name in os.listdir(src):
        src_path = os.path.join(src, name)
        dest_path = os.path.join(dest, name)
        # Symlink files and symlinks directly. For directories make a
        # real directory and symlink everything inside.
        # NOTE: We could relax this and follow symlinks, but then we
        # need to be careful about recursive filesystem layouts.
        if os.path.isdir(src_path) and not os.path.islink(src_path):
            if os.path.exists(dest_path):
                # We can only merge a directory into a directory.
                # We won't merge into a symlink directory because that could
                # result in a package editing inside another package.
                if not os.path.isdir(dest_path) and not os.path.islink(
                    raise ValidationError(
                        "Can't merge a file `{0}` and directory (or symlink) `{1}` with the same name."
                        .format(src_path, dest_path))

            # Recurse into the directory symlinking everything so long as the directory isn't
            symlink_tree(src_path, dest_path)
                os.symlink(src_path, dest_path)
            except FileNotFoundError as ex:
                raise ConflictingFile(src_path, dest_path, ex) from ex
Пример #9
def check_forbidden_services(path, services):
    """Check if package contains systemd services that may break DC/OS

    This functions checks the contents of systemd's unit file dirs and
    throws the exception if there are reserved services inside.

        path: path where the package contents are
        services: list of reserved services to look for

        ValidationError: Reserved serice names were found inside the package
    services_dir_regexp = re.compile(r'dcos.target.wants(?:_.+)?')
    forbidden_srv_set = set(services)
    pkg_srv_set = set()

    for direntry in os.listdir(path):
        if not services_dir_regexp.match(direntry):
        pkg_srv_set.update(set(os.listdir(os.path.join(path, direntry))))

    found_units = forbidden_srv_set.intersection(pkg_srv_set)

    if found_units:
        msg = "Reverved unit names found: " + ','.join(found_units)
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Пример #10
    def validate_group_name(group_name):
        if not group_name:

        if not re.match(linux_group_regex, group_name):
            raise ValidationError("Group {} has invalid name, must match the following regex: {}".format(
                group_name, linux_group_regex))
Пример #11
def swap_active_package(install, repository, package_id, systemd, block_systemd):
    """Replace an active package with a package_id with the same name.

    swap(install, repository, 'foo--version') will replace the active 'foo'
    package with 'foo--version'.

    install: pkgpanda.Install
    repository: pkgpanda.Repository
    package_id: package ID to activate
    systemd: start/stop systemd services
    block_systemd: if systemd, block waiting for systemd services to come up

    active = install.get_active()
    # TODO(cmaloney): I guarantee there is a better way to write this and
    # I've written the same logic before...
    packages_by_name = dict()
    for id_str in active:
        pkg_id = PackageId(id_str)
        packages_by_name[pkg_id.name] = pkg_id

    new_id = PackageId(package_id)
    if new_id.name not in packages_by_name:
        raise ValidationError("No package with name {} currently active to swap with.".format(new_id.name))

    packages_by_name[new_id.name] = new_id
    new_active = list(map(str, packages_by_name.values()))
    # Activate with the new package name
    activate_packages(install, repository, new_active, systemd, block_systemd)
Пример #12
    def checkout_to(self, directory):
        # fetch into a bare repository so if we're on a host which has a cache we can
        # only get the new commits.
        fetch_git(self.bare_folder, self.url)

        # Warn if the ref_origin is set and gives a different sha1 than the
        # current ref.
            origin_commit = get_git_sha1(self.bare_folder, self.ref_origin)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ValidationError("Unable to find sha1 of ref_origin {}: {}".format(self.ref_origin, ex))
        if self.ref != origin_commit:
                "WARNING: Current ref doesn't match the ref origin. "
                "Package ref should probably be updated to pick up "
                "new changes to the code:" +
                " Current: {}, Origin: {}".format(self.ref,

        # Clone into `src/`.
        check_call(["git", "clone", "-q", self.bare_folder, directory])

        # Checkout from the bare repo in the cache folder at the specific sha1
            directory + "/.git",
            directory, "checkout",
Пример #13
def get_git_sha1(bare_folder, ref):
        return check_output(
            ["git", "--git-dir", bare_folder, "rev-parse",
             ref + "^{commit}"]).decode('ascii').strip()
    except CalledProcessError as ex:
        raise ValidationError("Unable to find ref '{}' in '{}': {}".format(
            ref, bare_folder, ex)) from ex
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, src_info, cache_dir):

        assert self.kind == 'git'

        if src_info.keys() != {'kind', 'git', 'ref', 'ref_origin'}:
            raise ValidationError(
                "git source must have keys 'git' (the repo to fetch), 'ref' (the sha-1 to "
                "checkout), and 'ref_origin' (the branch/tag ref was derived from)")

        if not is_sha(src_info['ref']):
            raise ValidationError("ref must be a sha1. Got: {}".format(src_info['ref']))

        self.url = src_info['git']
        self.ref = src_info['ref']
        self.ref_origin = src_info['ref_origin']
        self.bare_folder = cache_dir + "/cache.git".format()
Пример #15
def extract_archive(archive, dst_dir):
    archive_type = _identify_archive_type(archive)

    if archive_type == 'tar':
        check_call(["tar", "-xf", archive, "--strip-components=1", "-C", dst_dir])
    elif archive_type == 'zip':
        check_call(["unzip", "-x", archive, "-d", dst_dir])
        # unzip binary does not support '--strip-components=1',
        raise ValidationError("Unsupported archive: {}".format(os.path.basename(archive)))
Пример #16
    def validate_group(group):
        # Empty group is allowed.
        if not group:


        except KeyError:
            raise ValidationError("Group {} does not exist on the system".format(group))
Пример #17
    def parse(id: str):
        parts = id.split('--')
        if len(parts) != 2:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Invalid package id {0}. Package ids may only ".format(id) +
                "contain one '--' which seperates the name and version")


        return parts[0], parts[1]
Пример #18
def _get_package_list(package_list_id: str, repository_url: str) -> List[str]:
    package_list_url = repository_url + '/package_lists/{}.package_list.json'.format(package_list_id)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
        download(f.name, package_list_url, os.getcwd(), rm_on_error=False)
        package_list = load_json(f.name)

    if not isinstance(package_list, list):
        raise ValidationError('{} should contain a JSON list of packages. Got a {}'.format(
            package_list_url, type(package_list)

    return package_list
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, src_info, cache_dir, working_directory):

        assert self.kind == 'git_local'

        if src_info.keys() > {'kind', 'rel_path'}:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Only kind, rel_path can be specified for git_local")
        if os.path.isabs(src_info['rel_path']):
            raise ValidationError(
                "rel_path must be a relative path to the current directory "
                "when used with git_local. Using a relative path means others "
                "that clone the repository will have things just work rather "
                "than a path.")
        self.src_repo_path = os.path.normpath(working_directory + '/' +

        # Make sure there are no local changes, we can't `git clone` local changes.
            git_status = check_output([
                'git', '-C', self.src_repo_path, 'status', '--porcelain',
                '-uno', '-z'
            if len(git_status):
                raise ValidationError(
                    "No local changse are allowed in the git_local_work base repository. "
                    "Use `git -C {0} status` to see local changes. "
                    "All local changes must be committed or stashed before the "
                    "package can be built. One workflow (temporary commit): `git -C {0} "
                    "commit -am TMP` to commit everything, build the package, "
                    "`git -C {0} reset --soft HEAD^` to get back to where you were.\n\n"
                    "Found changes: {1}".format(self.src_repo_path,
        except CalledProcessError:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Unable to check status of git_local_work checkout {}. Is the "
                "rel_path correct?".format(src_info['rel_path']))

        self.commit = get_git_sha1(self.src_repo_path + "/.git", "HEAD")
Пример #20
def expand_require(require):
    name = None
    variant = None
    if isinstance(require, str):
        name = require
    elif isinstance(require, dict):
        if 'name' not in require or 'variant' not in require:
            raise ValidationError(
                "When specifying a dependency in requires by dictionary to " +
                "depend on a variant both the name of the package and the " +
                "variant name must always be specified")
        name = require['name']
        variant = require['variant']

    if PackageId.is_id(name):
        raise ValidationError(
            "ERROR: Specifying a dependency on '" + name + "', an exact" +
            "package id isn't allowed. Dependencies may be specified by" +
            "package name alone or package name + variant (to change the" +
            "package variant).")

    return (name, variant)
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, name, src_info, package_dir):
        super().__init__(name, src_info, package_dir)

        assert self.kind in {'url', 'url_extract'}

        if src_info.keys() != {'kind', 'sha1', 'url'}:
                raise ValidationError(
                        "url and url_extract sources must have exactly 'sha1' (sha1 of the artifact"
                        " which will be downloaded), and 'url' (url to download artifact) as options")

        self.url = src_info['url']
        self.extract = (self.kind == 'url_extract')
        self.cache_filename = self._get_filename(package_dir + "/cache")
        self.sha = src_info['sha1']
Пример #22
    def validate_user_group(username, group_name):
        user = pwd.getpwnam(username)
        if not group_name:

        group = grp.getgrnam(group_name)
        if user.pw_gid != group.gr_gid:

            # check if the user is the right group, but the group is not primary.
            if username in group.gr_mem:

            raise ValidationError(
                "User {} exists with current UID {}, however he should be assigned to group {} with {} UID, please "
                "check `buildinfo.json`".format(username, user.pw_gid, group_name, group.gr_gid))
Пример #23
def extract_archive(archive, dst_dir):
    archive_type = _identify_archive_type(archive)

    if archive_type == 'tar':
        if is_windows:
            check_call(["bsdtar", "-xf", archive, "-C", dst_dir])
            check_call(["tar", "-xf", archive, "--strip-components=1", "-C", dst_dir])
    elif archive_type == 'zip':
        if is_windows:
            check_call(["powershell.exe", "-command", "expand-archive", "-path", archive, "-destinationpath", dst_dir])
            check_call(["unzip", "-x", archive, "-d", dst_dir])
        # unzip binary does not support '--strip-components=1',
        raise ValidationError("Unsupported archive: {}".format(os.path.basename(archive)))
Пример #24
def _check_components_sanity(path):
    """Check if archive is sane

    Check if there is only one top level component (directory) in the extracted
    archive's directory.

        path: path to the extracted archive's directory

        Raise an exception if there is anything else than a single directory
    dir_contents = os.listdir(path)

    if len(dir_contents) != 1 or not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, dir_contents[0])):
        raise ValidationError("Extracted archive has more than one top level"
                              "component, unable to strip it.")
Пример #25
def get_src_fetcher(src_info, cache_dir, working_directory):
        kind = src_info['kind']
        if kind not in pkgpanda.build.src_fetchers.all_fetchers:
            raise ValidationError(
                "No known way to catch src with kind '{}'. Known kinds: {}".
                format(kind, pkgpanda.src_fetchers.all_fetchers.keys()))

        args = {'src_info': src_info, 'cache_dir': cache_dir}

        if src_info['kind'] in ['git_local', 'url', 'url_extract']:
            args['working_directory'] = working_directory

        return pkgpanda.build.src_fetchers.all_fetchers[kind](**args)
    except ValidationError as ex:
        raise BuildError(
            "Validation error when fetching sources for package: {}".format(
Пример #26
    def __init__(self, src_info, cache_dir, working_directory):

        assert self.kind in {'url', 'url_extract'}

        if ('kind' not in src_info) or ('sha1'
                                        not in src_info) or ('url'
                                                             not in src_info):
            raise ValidationError(
                "url and url_extract sources must have exactly 'sha1' (sha1 of the artifact"
                " which will be downloaded), and 'url' (url to download artifact) as options"

        self.url = src_info['url']
        self.extract = (self.kind == 'url_extract')
        self.cache_dir = cache_dir
        self.cache_filename = self._get_filename(cache_dir)
        self.working_directory = working_directory
        self.sha = src_info['sha1']
Пример #27
    def checkout_to(self, directory):
        # Download file to cache if it isn't already there
        if not os.path.exists(self.cache_filename):
            print("Downloading source tarball {}".format(self.url))
            download_atomic(self.cache_filename, self.url, self.working_directory)

        # Validate the sha1 of the source is given and matches the sha1
        file_sha = sha1(self.cache_filename)

        if self.sha != file_sha:
            corrupt_filename = self.cache_filename + '.corrupt'
            check_call(['mv', self.cache_filename, corrupt_filename])
            raise ValidationError(
                "Provided sha1 didn't match sha1 of downloaded file, corrupt download saved as {}. "
                "Provided: {}, Download file's sha1: {}, Url: {}".format(
                    corrupt_filename, self.sha, file_sha, self.url))

        if self.extract:
            extract_archive(self.cache_filename, directory)
            # Copy the file(s) into src/
            # TODO(cmaloney): Hardlink to save space?
            shutil.copyfile(self.cache_filename, self._get_filename(directory))
Пример #28
 def fetcher(id, target):
     if repository_url is None:
         raise ValidationError("ERROR: Non-local package {} but no repository url given.".format(id))
     return requests_fetcher(repository_url, id, target, os.getcwd())
Пример #29
def _do_bootstrap(install, repository):
    # These files should be set by the environment which initially builds
    # the host (cloud-init).
    repository_url = if_exists(load_string, install.get_config_filename("setup-flags/repository-url"))

    def fetcher(id, target):
        if repository_url is None:
            raise ValidationError("ERROR: Non-local package {} but no repository url given.".format(id))
        return requests_fetcher(repository_url, id, target, os.getcwd())

    setup_pkg_dir = install.get_config_filename("setup-packages")
    if os.path.exists(setup_pkg_dir):
        raise ValidationError(
            "setup-packages is no longer supported. It's functionality has been replaced with late "
            "binding packages. Found setup packages dir: {}".format(setup_pkg_dir))

    setup_packages_to_activate = []

    # If the host has late config values, build the late config package from them.
    late_config = if_exists(load_yaml, install.get_config_filename("setup-flags/late-config.yaml"))
    if late_config:
        pkg_id_str = late_config['late_bound_package_id']
        late_values = late_config['bound_values']
        print("Binding late config to late package {}".format(pkg_id_str))
        print("Bound values: {}".format(late_values))

        if not PackageId.is_id(pkg_id_str):
            raise ValidationError("Invalid late package id: {}".format(pkg_id_str))
        pkg_id = PackageId(pkg_id_str)
        if pkg_id.version != "setup":
            raise ValidationError("Late package must have the version setup. Bad package: {}".format(pkg_id_str))

        # Collect the late config package.
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
                repository_url + '/packages/{0}/{1}.dcos_config'.format(pkg_id.name, pkg_id_str),
            late_package = load_yaml(f.name)

        # Resolve the late package using the bound late config values.
        final_late_package = resolve_late_package(late_package, late_values)

        # Render the package onto the filesystem and add it to the package
        # repository.
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
            do_gen_package(final_late_package, f.name)
            repository.add(lambda _, target: extract_tarball(f.name, target), pkg_id_str)

    # If active.json is set on the host, use that as the set of packages to
    # activate. Otherwise just use the set of currently active packages (those
    # active in the bootstrap tarball)
    to_activate = None
    active_path = install.get_config_filename("setup-flags/active.json")
    if os.path.exists(active_path):
        print("Loaded active packages from", active_path)
        to_activate = load_json(active_path)

        # Ensure all packages are local
        print("Ensuring all packages in active set {} are local".format(",".join(to_activate)))
        for package in to_activate:
            repository.add(fetcher, package)
        print("Calculated active packages from bootstrap tarball")
        to_activate = list(install.get_active())

        package_list_filename = install.get_config_filename("setup-flags/cluster-package-list")
        print("Checking for cluster packages in:", package_list_filename)
        package_list_id = if_exists(load_string, package_list_filename)
        if package_list_id:
            print("Cluster package list:", package_list_id)
            cluster_packages = _get_package_list(package_list_id, repository_url)
            print("Loading cluster-packages: {}".format(cluster_packages))

            for package_id_str in cluster_packages:
                # Validate the package ids
                pkg_id = PackageId(package_id_str)

                # Fetch the packages if not local
                if not repository.has_package(package_id_str):
                    repository.add(fetcher, package_id_str)

                # Add the package to the set to activate
            print("No cluster-packages specified")

    # Calculate the full set of final packages (Explicit activations + setup packages).
    # De-duplicate using a set.
    to_activate = list(set(to_activate + setup_packages_to_activate))

    print("Activating packages")
Пример #30
def _do_bootstrap(install, repository):
    # These files should be set by the environment which initially builds
    # the host (cloud-init).
    repository_url = if_exists(
        load_string, install.get_config_filename("setup-flags/repository-url"))

    # TODO(cmaloney): If there is 1+ master, grab the active config from a master.
    # If the config can't be grabbed from any of them, fail.
    def fetcher(id, target):
        if repository_url is None:
            raise ValidationError(
                "ERROR: Non-local package {} but no repository url given.".
        return requests_fetcher(repository_url, id, target, os.getcwd())

    # Copy host/cluster-specific packages written to the filesystem manually
    # from the setup-packages folder into the repository. Do not overwrite or
    # merge existing packages, hard fail instead.
    setup_packages_to_activate = []
    setup_pkg_dir = install.get_config_filename("setup-packages")
    copy_fetcher = partial(_copy_fetcher, setup_pkg_dir)
    if os.path.exists(setup_pkg_dir):
        for pkg_id_str in os.listdir(setup_pkg_dir):
            print("Installing setup package: {}".format(pkg_id_str))
            if not PackageId.is_id(pkg_id_str):
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Invalid package id in setup package: {}".format(
            pkg_id = PackageId(pkg_id_str)
            if pkg_id.version != "setup":
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Setup packages (those in `{0}`) must have the version setup. "
                    "Bad package: {1}".format(setup_pkg_dir, pkg_id_str))

            # Make sure there is no existing package
            if repository.has_package(pkg_id_str):
                print("WARNING: Ignoring already installed package {}".format(

            repository.add(copy_fetcher, pkg_id_str)

    # If active.json is set on the host, use that as the set of packages to
    # activate. Otherwise just use the set of currently active packages (those
    # active in the bootstrap tarball)
    to_activate = None
    active_path = install.get_config_filename("setup-flags/active.json")
    if os.path.exists(active_path):
        print("Loaded active packages from", active_path)
        to_activate = load_json(active_path)

        # Ensure all packages are local
        print("Ensuring all packages in active set {} are local".format(
        for package in to_activate:
            repository.add(fetcher, package)
        print("Calculated active packages from bootstrap tarball")
        to_activate = list(install.get_active())

        # Fetch and activate all requested additional packages to accompany the bootstrap packages.
        cluster_packages_filename = install.get_config_filename(
        cluster_packages = if_exists(load_json, cluster_packages_filename)
        print("Checking for cluster packages in:", cluster_packages_filename)
        if cluster_packages:
            if not isinstance(cluster_packages, list):
                    'ERROR: {} should contain a JSON list of packages. Got a {}'
                    .format(cluster_packages_filename, type(cluster_packages)))
            print("Loading cluster-packages: {}".format(cluster_packages))

            for package_id_str in cluster_packages:
                # Validate the package ids
                pkg_id = PackageId(package_id_str)

                # Fetch the packages if not local
                if not repository.has_package(package_id_str):
                    repository.add(fetcher, package_id_str)

                # Add the package to the set to activate
            print("No cluster-packages specified")

    # Calculate the full set of final packages (Explicit activations + setup packages).
    # De-duplicate using a set.
    to_activate = list(set(to_activate + setup_packages_to_activate))

    print("Activating packages")