def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
     self.x0 = x0
     self.y0 = y0
     self.y1 = y1
     self.x1 = x1
     self.vector0 = Vector(x0, y0)
     self.vector1 = Vector(x1, y1)
     self.is_target = True
Пример #2
class WanderBot(Bot):
    """Robot that wanders randomly"""
    steps = [Vector(1, 0),
             Vector(0, 1),
             Vector(-1, 0),
             Vector(0, -1)]  # Class attribute

    def __init__(self, position):
        """Setup wandering robot with initial position `position`"""
        # Call the constructor of Bot
        # WanderBot-specific initialization

    def update(self):
        """Take one random step"""
        self.position += random.choice(self.steps)
    def compute_next_state(self, curr_state, cmd, time=Time(1)):
        new_angle = (curr_state.angle +
                     self.coerce_range(cmd.angle - curr_state.angle, -15, 15))
        new_power = (curr_state.power +
                     self.coerce_range(cmd.power - curr_state.power, -1, 1))

        thrust = (Vector(0.0, 1.0) * new_power).rotate(new_angle)
        thrust_acceleration = Acceleration(thrust)
        acceleration = GRAVITY + thrust_acceleration
        new_particle = curr_state.particle.accelerate(acceleration, time)
        new_fuel = curr_state.fuel - new_power

        return State(new_fuel, new_power, new_angle, new_particle)
    def evaluate_hit_ground(self, current_state, next_state):
        # Calculate the landing status (next state)
        # 0, for landing in landing zone
        # 1, for crashing on the ground
        # 2, for flying
        landing_status, self.hit_mark = Vector.is_line_crossing_other(
            current_state.position, next_state.position, Lander.GROUND,

        if landing_status == 0:  # landing in landing zone
            self.status = FlyState.Landed
            return True
        elif landing_status == 1:
            self.status = FlyState.Crashed
            return True
        return False
    def compute_next_state(cls, current_state, cmd):
        next_state_angle = cmd.angle
        next_state_power = cmd.power
        thrust = Vector(0.0,
        next_state_acceleration = current_state.acceleration.add(thrust).add(
        next_state_speed = current_state.speed.add(
        next_state_position = current_state.position.add(
        next_state_fuel = current_state.fuel - next_state_power

        return State(fuel=next_state_fuel,
    def simulate(self, init_position, fuel, ground_points):
        """From each chromosome in population we create object
        of Lander class and compute trajectory
        x, y = init_position[0], init_position[1]
        lander_init_state = State(fuel, 0, 0,
                                  Particle(Point(x, y), Speed(Vector(0, 0))))
        ground_line = ground_inputs_to_line(ground_points)
        self.ground_points = ground_line
        self.simulations = []
        for member in self.population:
            commands = []
            previous_gene = CMD_TUPLE(0, 0)
            for gene in member.genes:
                angle = previous_gene.angle + coerce_range(
                    gene.angle - previous_gene.angle, -15, 15)
                power = previous_gene.power + coerce_range(
                    gene.power - previous_gene.power, -15, 15)
                commands.append(ControlCommands(angle, power))
                previous_gene = gene

            new_lander = Lander(lander_init_state, commands, ground_line)
Пример #7
import bots
import random
import time

width = 60
height = 30

current_bots = []

# Make some wander bots
for i in range(5):
    P = Point(random.randint(0, width - 1), random.randint(0, height - 1))

# Make some patrol bots
patrol_directions = [Vector(1, 0), Vector(0, 1), Vector(1, 1)]
for i in range(10):
    P = Point(random.randint(0, width - 1), random.randint(0, height - 1))
    D = random.choice(patrol_directions)
    current_bots.append(bots.PatrolBot(position=P, direction=D, nstep=8))

# Make two destruct bots
current_bots.append(bots.DestructBot(position=Point(4, 4), lifetime=5))
current_bots.append(bots.DestructBot(position=Point(4, 10), lifetime=15))

# Symbols for the different kinds of bots
botsymbols = {
    bots.PatrolBot: "P",
    bots.DestructBot: "D",
    bots.WanderBot: "W",
    bots.Bot: "*"
 def __init__(self, x0, y0):
     self.x0 = x0
     self.y0 = y0
     self.vector0 = Vector(x0, y0)
     self.is_target = True
import math
from plane import Vector
from enum import Enum

GRAVITY = Vector(0.0, -3.71)
MAX_X = 6999
MIN_X = 0

def get_distance(x0, y0, x1, y1):
    distance = math.sqrt((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)
    return distance

def get_distance_landing(
        landing_zone_index,  # 4
        landing_index,  # 2
    if landing_index > landing_zone_index + 1:
        surface_distance = 0.0
        for i in range(landing_zone_index + 1, landing_index):
            x0_ = ground_list[i].x
            y0_ = ground_list[i].y
            x1_ = ground_list[i + 1].x
            y1_ = ground_list[i + 1].y

            segment_distance = get_distance(x0=x0_, y0=y0_, x1=x1_, y1=y1_)
            surface_distance += segment_distance
        x0 = ground_list[landing_index].x
Пример #10
def init():
    input1 = [
        6,  # number of ground points
        "0 1500",
        "1000 2000",
        "2000 500",
        "3500 500",
        "5000 1500",
        "6999 1000",
        "5000 2500",  # INIT_X INIT_Y
        "0 0",  # INIT_DX INIT_DY
    ]  # INIT_ANGLE
    input2 = [
        15,  # number of ground points
        "0 2500",
        "100 200",
        "500 150",
        "1000 2000",
        "2000 2000",
        "2010 1500",
        "2200 800",
        "2500 200",
        "6899 300",
        "6999 2500",
        "4100 2600",
        "4200 1500",
        "3500 1300",
        "3100 1600",
        "3400 3400",
        "6500 1300",  # INIT_X INIT_Y #16
        "-50 0",  # INIT_DX INIT_DY #17
    ]  # INIT_ANGLE #18

    input3 = [
        15,  # number of ground points
        "0 2500",
        "100 200",
        "500 150",
        "1000 2000",
        "2000 2000",
        "2010 1500",
        "2200 800",
        "2500 200",
        "6899 300",
        "6999 2500",
        "4100 2600",
        "4200 1000",
        "3500 800",
        "3100 1100",
        "3400 2900",
        "6500 1300",  # INIT_X INIT_Y #16
        "0 0",  # INIT_DX INIT_DY #17
    ]  # INIT_ANGLE #18

    input_data_list = list([input1, input2, input3])
    input_data = input_data_list[MAP_SELECTION]
    num_ground_points = input_data[0]
    ground_points = input_data[1:1 + num_ground_points]
    init_pos = input_data[1 + num_ground_points]
    init_speed = input_data[2 + num_ground_points]
    init_angle = input_data[3 + num_ground_points]

    # parse into point object
    ground_points = ground_inputs_to_line(ground_points)
    init_pos = Vector(*map(int, init_pos.split()))
    init_speed = Vector(*map(int, init_speed.split()))
    init_angle = int(init_angle)

    init_state = State(fuel=1000,
                       speed=Vector(init_speed.x, init_speed.y),
                       position=Vector(init_pos.x, init_pos.y),
                       acceleration=Vector(0, 0))

    population = Population(mutation_rate=MUTATION_RATE,

    return population
Пример #11
def ground_inputs_to_line(ground_points):
    points = []
    for point in ground_points:
        points.append(Vector(*map(int, point.split())))
    return points
from plane import Vector
from motion import Time, Acceleration
import enum

GRAVITY = Acceleration(Vector(0.0, -3.711))
MAX_X = 6999
MIN_X = 0

class ControlCommands():
    """Commands for controlling Mars lander
    - power : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    - angle : -90, -75, ... , 0, +15, +30, ..., +75, +90
    def __init__(self, angle, power):
        self.angle = angle
        self.power = power

class State():
    """Current state of Mars lander
    - fuel: integer
    - power : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    - angle : -90, -75, ... , 0, +15, +30, ..., +75, +90
    - particle: instance of Particle class
    def __init__(self, fuel, power, angle, particle):
        self.fuel = fuel
        self.power = power
        self.angle = angle
        self.particle = particle