Пример #1
def _cli(ctx, paths, glx, user_key, **kwds) -> Dict:
    Run specified tool's tests within Galaxy.
    Returns a dict of the status and history_name of the finished workflow.
    See https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/blob/master/planemo/commands/cmd_test.py
    kwds["engine"] = "external_galaxy"
    kwds["shed_install"] = False
    kwds["galaxy_url"] = glx.url
    kwds["galaxy_admin_key"] = glx.user_key
    kwds["history_name"] = "galaxy_benchmarker-" + str(time.time_ns()) + str(
        random.randrange(0, 99999))

    if user_key is not None:
        kwds["galaxy_user_key"] = user_key

    runnables = for_paths(paths)

        with engine_context(ctx, **kwds) as engine:
            test_data = engine.test(runnables)
            exit_code = handle_reports_and_summary(ctx,
            status = "success" if exit_code == 0 else "error"
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("There was an error: {e}".format(e=e))
        status = "error"

    return {"status": status, "history_name": kwds["history_name"]}
def cli(ctx, paths, **kwds):
    """Run specified tool's tests within Galaxy.

    All referenced tools (by default all the tools in the current working
    directory) will be tested and the results quickly summarized.

    To run these tests planemo needs a Galaxy instance to utilize, planemo
    will search parent directories to see if any is a Galaxy instance
    - but one can pick the Galaxy instance to use with the --galaxy_root
    option or force planemo to download a disposable instance with the
    ``--install_galaxy`` flag.

    In additon to to quick summary printed to the console - various detailed
    output summaries can be configured. ``tool_test_output.html`` (settable
    via ``--test_output``) will contain a human consumable HTML report
    describing the test run. A JSON file (settable via ``--test_output_json``
    and defaulting to ``tool_test_output.json``) will also be created. These
    files can can be disabled by passing in empty arguments or globally by
    setting the values ``default_test_output`` and/or
    ``default_test_output_json`` in ``~/.planemo.yml`` to ``null``. For
    continuous integration testing a xUnit-style report can be confiured using
    the ``--test_output_xunit``.

    planemo uses temporarily generated config files and environment variables
    to attempt to shield this execution of Galaxy from manually launched runs
    against that same Galaxy root - but this may not be bullet proof yet so
    please careful and do not try this against production Galaxy instances.
    runnables = for_paths(paths)
    is_cwl = all([
        r.type in [RunnableType.cwl_tool, RunnableType.cwl_workflow]
        for r in runnables
    if kwds.get("engine", None) is None:
        kwds["engine"] = "galaxy" if not is_cwl else "cwltool"

    engine_type = kwds["engine"]
    enable_test_engines = any([
        r.type not in [
            RunnableType.galaxy_tool, RunnableType.galaxy_datamanager,
        ] for r in runnables
    enable_test_engines = enable_test_engines or engine_type != "galaxy"
    if enable_test_engines:
        ctx.vlog("Using test engine type %s" % engine_type)
        with engine_context(ctx, **kwds) as engine:
            test_data = engine.test(runnables)
            return_value = handle_reports_and_summary(
                ctx, test_data.structured_data, kwds=kwds)
            "Running traditional Galaxy tool tests using run_tests.sh in Galaxy root %s"
            % engine_type)
        kwds["for_tests"] = True
        with galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, **kwds) as config:
            return_value = run_in_config(ctx, config, **kwds)

Пример #3
def cli(ctx, paths, **kwds):
    """Run specified tool's tests within Galaxy.

    All referenced tools (by default all the tools in the current working
    directory) will be tested and the results quickly summarized.

    To run these tests planemo needs a Galaxy instance to utilize, planemo
    will search parent directories to see if any is a Galaxy instance
    - but one can pick the Galaxy instance to use with the --galaxy_root
    option or force planemo to download a disposable instance with the
    ``--install_galaxy`` flag.

    In additon to to quick summary printed to the console - various detailed
    output summaries can be configured. ``tool_test_output.html`` (settable
    via ``--test_output``) will contain a human consumable HTML report
    describing the test run. A JSON file (settable via ``--test_output_json``
    and defaulting to ``tool_test_output.json``) will also be created. These
    files can can be disabled by passing in empty arguments or globally by
    setting the values ``default_test_output`` and/or
    ``default_test_output_json`` in ``~/.planemo.yml`` to ``null``. For
    continuous integration testing a xUnit-style report can be confiured using
    the ``--test_output_xunit``.

    planemo uses temporarily generated config files and environment variables
    to attempt to shield this execution of Galaxy from manually launched runs
    against that same Galaxy root - but this may not be bullet proof yet so
    please careful and do not try this against production Galaxy instances.
    runnables = for_paths(paths)
    is_cwl = all([r.type in [RunnableType.cwl_tool, RunnableType.cwl_workflow] for r in runnables])
    if kwds.get("engine", None) is None:
        kwds["engine"] = "galaxy" if not is_cwl else "cwltool"

    engine_type = kwds["engine"]
    enable_test_engines = any([r.type not in [RunnableType.galaxy_tool, RunnableType.directory] for r in runnables])
    enable_test_engines = enable_test_engines or engine_type != "galaxy"
    if enable_test_engines:
        ctx.vlog("Using test engine type %s" % engine_type)
        with engine_context(ctx, **kwds) as engine:
            test_data = engine.test(runnables)
            return_value = handle_reports_and_summary(ctx, test_data.structured_data, kwds=kwds)
        ctx.vlog("Running traditional Galaxy tool tests using run_tests.sh in Galaxy root %s" % engine_type)
        kwds["for_tests"] = True
        with galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, **kwds) as config:
            return_value = run_in_config(ctx, config, **kwds)

Пример #4
def test_runnables(ctx, runnables, original_paths=None, **kwds):
    """Return exit code indicating test or failure."""
    engine_type = kwds["engine"]
    test_engine_testable = {RunnableType.galaxy_tool, RunnableType.galaxy_datamanager, RunnableType.directory}
    enable_test_engines = any(r.type not in test_engine_testable for r in runnables)
    enable_test_engines = enable_test_engines or engine_type != "galaxy"
    if enable_test_engines:
        ctx.vlog("Using test engine type %s" % engine_type)
        with engine_context(ctx, **kwds) as engine:
            test_data = engine.test(runnables)
            ctx.vlog("engine.test returning [%s]" % test_data)
            return_value = handle_reports_and_summary(ctx, test_data.structured_data, kwds=kwds)
        ctx.vlog("Running traditional Galaxy tool tests using run_tests.sh in Galaxy root %s" % engine_type)
        kwds["for_tests"] = True
        if kwds.get('update_test_data'):
            non_copied_runnables = for_paths(original_paths)
            kwds['test_data_target_dir'] = _find_test_data(non_copied_runnables, **kwds)
        with galaxy_config(ctx, runnables, **kwds) as config:
            return_value = run_in_config(ctx, config, **kwds)
    return return_value
Пример #5
def cli(ctx, runnable_identifier, job_path, **kwds):
    """Planemo command for running tools and jobs.

        % planemo run cat1-tool.cwl cat-job.json
    runnable = for_runnable_identifier(ctx, runnable_identifier, kwds)
    is_cwl = runnable.type.is_cwl_artifact
    kwds["cwl"] = is_cwl
    kwds["execution_type"] = "Run"
    if kwds.get("engine", None) is None:
        if is_cwl:
            kwds["engine"] = "cwltool"
        elif kwds.get('galaxy_url', None):
            kwds["engine"] = "external_galaxy"
            kwds["engine"] = "galaxy"
    with engine_context(ctx, **kwds) as engine:
        run_result = engine.run(runnable, job_path)

    if not run_result.was_successful:
        warn("Run failed [%s]" % unicodify(run_result))
    elif kwds.get('no_wait'):
        info('Run successfully executed - exiting without waiting for results.')
        output_json = kwds.get("output_json", None)
        outputs_dict = run_result.outputs_dict
        if output_json:
            with open(output_json, "w") as f:
                json.dump(outputs_dict, f)
        info('Run completed successfully.')

    report_data = StructuredData(data={'tests': [run_result.structured_data()], 'version': '0.1'})
    return_value = handle_reports_and_summary(ctx, report_data.structured_data, kwds=kwds)