Пример #1
class YourFirstTestPlanet(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):


            |  |
               |       |
              0,2-----2,2 (target)
               |      /
            +-0,1    /
            |  |    /

        Instantiates the planet data structure and fills it with paths

        MODEL YOUR TEST PLANET HERE (if you'd like):

        # set your data structure
        self.planet = Planet()

        # self.planet.add_path(...)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST), ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)

    def test_add_paths(self):
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)

    def test_get_paths(self):

        l = [(1, 5),(2,5),(3,5)]

        for k,v in l:
            print(k, v)

        for s,v, in self.planet.planetPaths.items():

            for k,v in self.planet.planetPaths.get(s).items():
                print(s, v[0], v[2])

    def test_integrity(self):
        # were all paths added correctly to the planet
        # check if add_path() works by using get_paths()
            self.planet.get_paths(), {
                (0, 0): {
                    Direction.NORTH: ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH, 1),
                    Direction.EAST: ((1, 0), Direction.WEST, 1),
                    Direction.WEST: ((0, 1), Direction.WEST, 2)
                (0, 1): {
                    Direction.NORTH: ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH, 1),
                    Direction.SOUTH: ((0, 0), Direction.NORTH, 1),
                    Direction.WEST: ((0, 0), Direction.WEST, 2)
                (0, 2): {
                    Direction.NORTH: ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH, 1),
                    Direction.EAST: ((2, 2), Direction.WEST, 2),
                    Direction.SOUTH: ((0, 1), Direction.NORTH, 1)
                (0, 3): {
                    Direction.NORTH: ((0, 3), Direction.WEST, 2),
                    Direction.EAST: ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH, 3),
                    Direction.SOUTH: ((0, 2), Direction.NORTH, 1),
                    Direction.WEST: ((0, 3), Direction.NORTH, 2)
                (1, 0): {
                    Direction.NORTH: ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH, 3),
                    Direction.WEST: ((0, 0), Direction.EAST, 1)
                (2, 2): {
                    Direction.NORTH: ((0, 3), Direction.EAST, 3),
                    Direction.SOUTH: ((1, 0), Direction.NORTH, 3),
                    Direction.WEST: ((0, 2), Direction.EAST, 2)

        #self.fail('implement me!')

    def test_empty_planet(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (1, 2)), [])

    def test_target_not_reachable(self):
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (1, 2)), [])
        #self.fail('implement me!')

    def test_shortest_path(self):
        # at least 2 possible paths
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2)),
                         [((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((1, 0), Direction.NORTH)])

        #self.fail('implement me!')

    def test_same_length(self):
        # at least 2 possible paths with the same weight
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 4)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (
        )), ([((0, 0), 0), ((0, 1), 0), ((0, 2), 90)] or [((0, 0), 90),
                                                          ((1, 0), 0)]))
        #self.fail('implement me!')

    def test_shortest_path_with_loop(self):
        # does the shortest path algorithm loop infinitely?
        # there is a shortest path
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 5)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 2), (
        )), [((0, 2), 0), ((0, 3), 90)])
        #self.fail('implement me!')

    def test_target_not_reachable_with_loop(self):
        #there is no shortest path
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 1), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.EAST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((1, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((1, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), 1)

        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (5, 5)), [])
        #self.fail('implement me!')

    def test_target_not_reacheable_blocked(self):
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        #self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        #self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (0, 3)), [])

    def test_target_not_reacheable_blocked_with_loop(self):
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)

        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        # self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (0, 3)), [])

    def test_shortest_path_with_blocked(self):
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST),
                             ((1, 0), Direction.WEST), -1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 1), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 3), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 3), Direction.EAST),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 3)
        self.planet.add_path(((1, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 3)


    def test_add_path_twice(self):
        # at least 2 possible paths
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)

        self.assertEqual(self.planet.planetPaths, self.planet.get_paths())
        # self.planet.get_paths()

    def test_add_path_bidirectional(self):
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST),
                             ((0, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        map_test = {
            (0, 0): {
                Direction.WEST: ((0, 1), Direction.WEST, 2)
            (0, 1): {
                Direction.WEST: ((0, 0), Direction.WEST, 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.planet.get_paths(), map_test)
Пример #2
class TestRoboLabPlanet(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        Instantiates the planet data structure and fills it with paths

        MODEL YOUR TEST PLANET HERE (if you'd like):


        planet planet:
        (0, 2)----4----(2, 2)
          |              |
          1              2
          |              |
        (0, 0)----2----(2, 0)
        self.planet = Planet()

        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.planet.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 4)
        self.planet.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.NORTH), 2)

                planet same:

                (0, 2)---4---(2, 2)         |     |
                   |            |           |     |
                   1            2           +---(3, 2)
                   |            |
                (0, 0)---1---(2, 0)
                   |            |
                   |            |

        self.same = Planet()

        self.same.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.same.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.same.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 4)
        self.same.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 2)
        self.same.add_path(((3, 2), Direction.WEST), ((3, 2), Direction.NORTH), 1)
        self.same.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.SOUTH), 1)

            planet blocked:
            X = blocked edge
        +----(0, 2)------3-------(2, 2)----+
        |       |                  |       |
        |       |             +----+       |
        |       |             |            |
        |       |       +--X--+            |
        1       |       |                  1
        |       X-----(1, 1)---X           |
        |               |      |           |
        +----(0, 0)-----X      +---(2, 0)--+
                |                    |
        self.blocked = Planet()

        self.blocked.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((1, 1), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.blocked.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.SOUTH), 2)
        self.blocked.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST), ((0, 2), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.blocked.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), ((1, 1), Direction.WEST), -1)
        self.blocked.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 3)
        self.blocked.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.WEST), ((1, 1), Direction.EAST), -1)
        self.blocked.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.EAST), 1)
        self.blocked.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), ((1, 1), Direction.NORTH), -1)

        planet big:
        X = blocked edge
            +-1-+                         +--1-+
            |   |                         |    |
            |   |                         |    |
        (-1, 3)-+                         +--(3, 3)-------1---------+
                                                |                   |
                  +-------1--------+            2                   |
                  |                |            |                   |
            +--(0, 2)-----4-----(2, 2)---+   (3, 2)---2----+        |
            |     |                |     |      |          |        |
            |     |                |     |      1          |        |
            1     1                2     +-2-(3, 1)---3--(4, 1)-----+
            |     |                |                       |
            |     |                |                       |
            +--(0, 0)-----1-----(2, 0)---X---(3, 0)        1
                  |                |                       |
                  +-------1--------+                       |
                                                         (4, -1)

        self.big = Planet()

        self.big.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST), ((0, 2), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 4)
        self.big.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.NORTH), ((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.NORTH), 2)
        self.big.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.EAST), ((3, 1), Direction.WEST), 2)
        self.big.add_path(((-1, 3), Direction.EAST), ((-1, 3), Direction.NORTH), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.EAST), ((3, 0), Direction.WEST), -1)
        self.big.add_path(((3, 1), Direction.NORTH), ((3, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((3, 1), Direction.EAST), ((4, 1), Direction.WEST), 3)
        self.big.add_path(((3, 2), Direction.EAST), ((4, 1), Direction.NORTH), 2)
        self.big.add_path(((3, 2), Direction.NORTH), ((3, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 2)
        self.big.add_path(((3, 3), Direction.EAST), ((4, 1), Direction.EAST), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((4, 1), Direction.SOUTH), ((4, -1), Direction.NORTH), 1)
        self.big.add_path(((3, 3), Direction.WEST), ((3, 3), Direction.NORTH), 1)

        planet one_path:
        X = blocked edge
                           +---X----(3, 3)-----+
                           |          |        |
                           |          |        |
        (0, 2)-----X-----(2, 2)---1---+        |
          |                |                   |
          |                |                   |
          X                X                   |
          |                |                   |
          |                |                   |
        (0, 0)-----X-----(2, 0)--------4-------+
          |                |

        self.one_path = Planet()

        self.one_path.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.one_path.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.WEST), -1)
        self.one_path.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.one_path.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), -1)
        self.one_path.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), -1)
        self.one_path.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.EAST), ((3, 3), Direction.EAST), 4)
        self.one_path.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), ((3, 3), Direction.WEST), -1)
        self.one_path.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.EAST), ((3, 3), Direction.SOUTH), 1)

        planet loops:
        +--1--+               +---1--+
        |     |               |      |
        |     |               |      |
        +---(0, 2)----1-----(2, 2)---+
              |               |
              |               |
              1               1
              |               |
              |               |
        +---(0, 0)----1-----(2, 0)--+
        |     |               |     |
        |     |               |     |
        +--1--+               +--1--+

        self.loops = Planet()

        self.loops.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.WEST), ((0, 0), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.WEST), ((0, 2), Direction.NORTH), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((0, 2), Direction.EAST), ((2, 2), Direction.WEST), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.EAST), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((2, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH), 1)
        self.loops.add_path(((2, 2), Direction.NORTH), ((2, 2), Direction.EAST), 1)

        self.empty = Planet()

    def test_integrity(self):
        This test should check that the dictionary returned by "planet.get_paths()" matches the expected structure

        b = self.planet.get_paths()
        self.assertEqual({(0, 0): {Direction.EAST: ((2, 0), Direction.WEST, 2),
                                   Direction.NORTH: ((0, 2), Direction.SOUTH, 1)},
                          (2, 0): {Direction.WEST: ((0, 0), Direction.EAST, 2),
                                   Direction.NORTH: ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH, 2)},
                          (0, 2): {Direction.SOUTH: ((0, 0), Direction.NORTH, 1),
                                   Direction.EAST: ((2, 2), Direction.WEST, 4)},
                          (2, 2): {Direction.WEST: ((0, 2), Direction.EAST, 4),
                                   Direction.SOUTH: ((2, 0), Direction.NORTH, 2)}}, b)

    def test_empty_planet(self):
        This test should check that an empty planet really is empty

        empty_planet = self.empty.planet_dict


    def test_target(self):
        This test should check that the shortest-path algorithm implemented works.

        Requirement: Minimum distance is three nodes (two paths in list returned)

        path_1 = self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2))
        path_2 = self.big.shortest_path((3, 2), (2, 0))
        path_3 = self.blocked.shortest_path((2, 0), (0, 2))

        self.assertEqual([((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.NORTH)], path_1)
        self.assertEqual([((3, 2), Direction.SOUTH), ((3, 1), Direction.WEST), ((2, 2), Direction.SOUTH)], path_2)
        self.assertEqual([((2, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((0, 0), Direction.WEST)], path_3)

    def test_target_not_reachable(self):
        This test should check that a target outside the map or at an unexplored node is not reachable
        # (3, 3) is not in the map and is therefore currently unexplored/unreachable.
        path_1 = self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (3, 3))

        # (-1, -1) is not in the map and is therefore currently unexplored/unreachable.
        path_2 = self.planet.shortest_path((0, 0), (-1, -1))


    def test_same_length(self):
        This test should check that the shortest-path algorithm implemented also can return alternative routes with the
        same cost (weight) to a specific target

        Requirement: Minimum of two paths with same cost exists, only one is returned by the logic implemented

        shortest_same_1 = self.same.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2))
        my_list_of_paths_1 = []

        shortest_same_2 = self.big.shortest_path((0, 0), (4, -1))
        my_list_of_paths_2 = []

        shortest_same_3 = self.loops.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2))
        my_list_of_paths_3 = []

        self.assertEqual(len(shortest_same_1), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(my_list_of_paths_1), 1)
        self.assertEqual([((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.NORTH)], shortest_same_1)

        self.assertEqual(len(shortest_same_2), 5)
        self.assertEqual(len(my_list_of_paths_2), 1)
        self.assertEqual([((0, 0), Direction.NORTH), ((0, 2), Direction.NORTH),
                          ((2, 2), Direction.EAST), ((3, 1), Direction.EAST), ((4, 1), Direction.SOUTH)], shortest_same_2)

        self.assertEqual(len(shortest_same_3), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(my_list_of_paths_3), 1)
        self.assertEqual([((0, 0), Direction.EAST), ((2, 0), Direction.NORTH)], shortest_same_3)

    def test_target_with_loop(self):
        This test should check that the shortest-path algorithm does not get stuck in a loop between two points while
        searching for a target nearby

        Result: Target is reachable

        shortest_1 = self.same.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2))
        shortest_2 = self.big.shortest_path((0, 0), (4, -1))
        shortest_3 = self.loops.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2))


    def test_target_not_reachable_with_loop(self):
        This test should check that the shortest-path algorithm does not get stuck in a loop between two points while
        searching for a target not reachable nearby

        Result: Target is not reachable

        # (-1, 3) is located in the map but cannot be reached.
        path_1 = self.big.shortest_path((0, 0), (-1, 3))

        # (3, 2) is located in the map but cannot be reached.
        path_2 = self.same.shortest_path((0, 0), (3, 2))


    def test_target_reached(self):
        This test checks that the shortest-path algorithm recognizes when the robot has reached the target.

        Result: Target reached

        path = self.blocked.shortest_path((0, 0), (0, 0))

    def test_target_blocked(self):
        This test checks that the shortest-path algorithm will not return a shortest path or get caught in a loop when
        the target is only connected to blocked edges.

        Result: Target is unreachable

        path_1 = self.big.shortest_path((0, 0), (3, 0))
        path_2 = self.blocked.shortest_path((0, 0), (1, 1))


    def test_start_blocked(self):
        This test checks that the shortest-path algorithm will not return a shortest path or get caught in a loop when
        the start node is only connected to blocked edges.

        Result: Target is unreachable

        path_1 = self.big.shortest_path((3, 0), (0, 0))
        path_2 = self.blocked.shortest_path((1, 1), (0, 0))


    def avoid_blocked(self):
        This test checks that the shortest-path algorithm avoids blocked edges when searching for a shortest path.

        Result: Only one path without blocked edges exists, and that is the path that is returned.

        path = self.one_path.shortest_path((0, 0), (2, 2))

        self.assertEqual([((0, 0), Direction.SOUTH), ((2, 0), Direction.EAST), ((3, 3), Direction.SOUTH)], path)