def psIImask(img, mode='thresh'): # pcv.plot_image(img) if mode is 'thresh': # this entropy based technique seems to work well when algae is present algaethresh = filters.threshold_yen(image=img) threshy = pcv.threshold.binary(img, algaethresh, 255, 'light') # mask = pcv.dilate(threshy, 2, 1) mask = pcv.fill(threshy, 250) mask = pcv.erode(mask, 2, 1) mask = pcv.fill(mask, 100) final_mask = mask # pcv.fill(mask, 270) elif isinstance(mode, pd.DataFrame): mode = curvedf rownum = mode.imageid.values.argmax() imgdf = mode.iloc[[1, rownum]] fm = cv2.imread(imgdf.filename[0]) fmp = cv2.imread(imgdf.filename[1]) npq = np.float32(np.divide(fm, fmp, where=fmp != 0) - 1) npq =, mask=fmp < 200) plt.imshow(npq) # pcv.plot_image(npq) final_mask = np.zeros_like(img) else: pcv.fatal_error( 'mode must be "thresh" (default) or an object of class pd.DataFrame' ) return final_mask
def psIImask(img, mode='thresh'): ''' Input: img = greyscale image mode = type of thresholding to perform. Currently only 'thresh' is available ''' # pcv.plot_image(img) if mode is 'thresh': # this entropy based technique seems to work well when algae is present algaethresh = filters.threshold_yen(image=img) threshy = pcv.threshold.binary(img, algaethresh, 255, 'light') # mask = pcv.dilate(threshy, 2, 1) mask = pcv.fill(threshy, 150) mask = pcv.erode(mask, 2, 1) mask = pcv.fill(mask, 45) # mask = pcv.dilate(mask, 2,1) final_mask = mask # pcv.fill(mask, 270) else: pcv.fatal_error( 'mode must be "thresh" (default) or an object of class pd.DataFrame' ) return final_mask
def local_orientation_label_cost(labeled_lines, labeled_lines_num, intact_lines_num, max_orientation, max_response, theta, radius_constant=18): pixel_list = regionprops(np.transpose(labeled_lines)) label_cost = np.zeros((labeled_lines_num + 1, 1)) local_max_orientation = np.zeros((labeled_lines_num, 1)) logical = labeled_lines > 0 logical_double = logical.astype(np.double) # TODO decide number of iterations border_mask = np.logical_and(logical, np.logical_not(erode(logical_double, 3, 1))) border_mask = border_mask.astype(np.double) # area divide by perimeter sw = np.sum(logical_double) / np.sum(border_mask) se = int(round(sw * radius_constant)) line_theta = np.zeros((labeled_lines_num, 1)) for i in range(intact_lines_num, labeled_lines_num): x = pixel_list[i].coords try: pca = PCA() pca_res = pcav = pca_res.components_[0] line_theta[i] = math.atan(pcav[1] / pcav[0]) except Exception as e: line_theta[i] = np.inf continue max_row_coord = np.amax(x, 0)[1] + se min_row_coord = max(np.amin(x, 0)[1] - se, 0) max_col_coord = np.amax(x, 0)[0] + se min_col_coord = max(np.amin(x, 0)[0] - se, 0) roi = labeled_lines[min_row_coord:max_row_coord, min_col_coord:max_col_coord] logical_roi = roi == pixel_list[i].label # logical = labeled_lines == i + 1 logical_double = logical_roi.astype(np.double) mask = np.full(labeled_lines.shape, False) # TODO number of iterations mask[min_row_coord:max_row_coord, min_col_coord:max_col_coord] = dilate(logical_double, se, 1) # mask = dilate(logical_double, se, 1) res = estimate_local_orientations(max_orientation, max_response, theta, mask) index = np.argmax(res[:, 1]) local_max_orientation[i] = res[index, 0] label_cost[i] = 10 * np.exp(50 * (1 - abs( np.cos(math.radians(local_max_orientation[i]) - line_theta[i])))) return label_cost
def main(): # Create input arguments object args = options() # Set debug mode pcv.params.debug = args.debug # Open a single image img, imgpath, imgname = pcv.readimage(filename=args.image) # Visualize colorspaces all_cs = pcv.visualize.colorspaces(rgb_img=img) # Extract the Blue-Yellow ("b") channel from the LAB colorspace gray_img = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(rgb_img=img, channel="b") # Plot a histogram of pixel values for the Blue-Yellow ("b") channel. hist_plot = pcv.visualize.histogram(gray_img=gray_img) # Apply a binary threshold to the Blue-Yellow ("b") grayscale image. thresh_img = pcv.threshold.binary(gray_img=gray_img, threshold=140, max_value=255, object_type="light") # Apply a dilation with a 5x5 kernel and 3 iterations dil_img = pcv.dilate(gray_img=thresh_img, ksize=5, i=3) # Fill in small holes in the leaves closed_img = pcv.fill_holes(bin_img=dil_img) # Erode the plant pixels using a 5x5 kernel and 3 iterations er_img = pcv.erode(gray_img=closed_img, ksize=5, i=3) # Apply a Gaussian blur with a 5 x 5 kernel. blur_img = pcv.gaussian_blur(img=er_img, ksize=(5, 5)) # Set pixel values less than 255 to 0 blur_img[np.where(blur_img < 255)] = 0 # Fill/remove objects less than 300 pixels in area cleaned = pcv.fill(bin_img=blur_img, size=300) # Create a circular ROI roi, roi_str =, x=1725, y=1155, r=400) # Identify objects in the binary image cnts, cnts_str = pcv.find_objects(img=img, mask=cleaned) # Filter objects by region of interest plant_cnt, plant_str, plant_mask, plant_area = pcv.roi_objects( img=img, roi_contour=roi, roi_hierarchy=roi_str, object_contour=cnts, obj_hierarchy=cnts_str) # Combine objects into one plant, mask = pcv.object_composition(img=img, contours=plant_cnt, hierarchy=plant_str) # Measure size and shape properties shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img=img, obj=plant, mask=mask) if args.writeimg: pcv.print_image(img=shape_img, filename=os.path.join(args.outdir, "shapes_" + imgname)) # Analyze color properties color_img = pcv.analyze_color(rgb_img=img, mask=mask, hist_plot_type="hsv") if args.writeimg: pcv.print_image(img=color_img, filename=os.path.join(args.outdir, "histogram_" + imgname)) # Save the measurements to a file pcv.print_results(filename=args.result)
def check_cycles(skel_img): """ Check for cycles in a skeleton image Inputs: skel_img = Skeletonized image Returns: cycle_img = Image with cycles identified :param skel_img: numpy.ndarray :return cycle_img: numpy.ndarray """ # Store debug debug = params.debug params.debug = None # Create the mask needed for cv2.floodFill, must be larger than the image h, w = skel_img.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2), np.uint8) # Copy the skeleton since cv2.floodFill will draw on it skel_copy = skel_img.copy() cv2.floodFill(skel_copy, mask=mask, seedPoint=(0, 0), newVal=255) # Invert so the holes are white and background black just_cycles = cv2.bitwise_not(skel_copy) # Erode slightly so that cv2.findContours doesn't think diagonal pixels are separate contours just_cycles = erode(just_cycles, 2, 1) # Use pcv.find_objects to turn plots of holes into countable contours cycle_objects, cycle_hierarchies = find_objects(just_cycles, just_cycles) # Count the number of holes num_cycles = len(cycle_objects) # Make debugging image cycle_img = skel_img.copy() cycle_img = dilate(cycle_img, params.line_thickness, 1) cycle_img = cv2.cvtColor(cycle_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) if num_cycles > 0: rand_color = color_palette(num_cycles) for i, cnt in enumerate(cycle_objects): cv2.drawContours(cycle_img, cycle_objects, i, rand_color[i], params.line_thickness, lineType=8, hierarchy=cycle_hierarchies) # Store Cycle Data outputs.add_observation(variable='num_cycles', trait='number of cycles', method='plantcv.plantcv.morphology.check_cycles', scale='none', datatype=int, value=num_cycles, label='none') # Reset debug mode params.debug = debug # Auto-increment device params.device += 1 if params.debug == 'print': print_image( cycle_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_cycles.png')) elif params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(cycle_img) return cycle_img
def get_coordinates(self): if self.debug: pcv.params.debug = 'print' # set debug mode pcv.params.debug_outdir = './images/DracaenaVision/' # set output directory blue_threshold = pcv.threshold.binary(, threshold=50, max_value=255, object_type='dark') pcv.apply_mask(self.colour_image, mask=blue_threshold, mask_color='white') # Calculate moments of binary image moments = cv.moments(blue_threshold) # Calculate x,y coordinate of center self.centre_x = int(moments["m10"] / moments["m00"]) self.centre_y = int(moments["m01"] / moments["m00"]) # Put text and highlight the center, (self.centre_x, self.centre_y), 5, (255, 255, 255), -1) cv.putText(self.colour_image, "Centre", (self.centre_x - 25, self.centre_y - 25), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2) red_threshold = pcv.threshold.binary(, threshold=70, max_value=255, object_type='light') # Erode/Dilate the red threshold to remove noise red_threshold = pcv.erode(red_threshold, ksize=5, i=1) red_threshold = pcv.dilate(red_threshold, ksize=5, i=2) # Create mask of area that is of interest mask_pts = np.array( [[576, 415], [800, 420], [1105, 630], [720, 685], [285, 590]], np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) area_of_interest = np.zeros(self.colour_image.shape[:2], np.uint8) cv.fillPoly(area_of_interest, [mask_pts], (255, 255, 255)) red_threshold_in_area_of_interest = pcv.logical_and( area_of_interest, red_threshold) pcv.apply_mask(img=self.colour_image, mask=red_threshold_in_area_of_interest, mask_color='black') params = cv.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() # Unused filters params.filterByCircularity = False params.filterByConvexity = False params.filterByInertia = False # Area filter params.filterByArea = True params.maxArea = 50000 params.minArea = 100 # Colour filter params.filterByColor = True params.blobColor = 255 # Misc options params.minDistBetweenBlobs = 100 blob_detector = cv.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) keypoints = blob_detector.detect(red_threshold, mask=area_of_interest) keypoints.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda kp: kp.size) now ='%d-%m %H %M %S') im_with_keypoints = cv.drawKeypoints( self.colour_image, keypoints, np.array([]), (0, 0, 255), cv.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) self.detection_image = im_with_keypoints.copy() if self.full_screen: self.detection_image = cv.resize(self.detection_image, (1920, 1080)) cv.imshow(self.window_name, self.detection_image) cv.waitKey(1) cv.polylines(im_with_keypoints, [mask_pts], True, (0, 255, 0), thickness=3) cv.imwrite('./images/DracaenaVision/{} detections.png'.format(now), im_with_keypoints) coordinates = [] for keypoint in keypoints: x =[0] y =[1] # For each X and Y determine depth (z-coordinate) depth = -1 step_size_to_centre_x = (self.centre_x - x) / 100 step_size_to_centre_y = (self.centre_y - y) / 100 for i in range(21): delta_x = step_size_to_centre_x * i delta_y = step_size_to_centre_y * i new_x = round(x + delta_x) new_y = round(y + delta_y) depth = self.depth_array[new_y, new_x] if depth < 0.55: print('Depth found with delta ({},{})'.format( delta_x, delta_y)) print('Depth of: {} at {} X, {} Y'.format( depth, new_x, new_y)) break z = depth if depth < 0.55 or depth <= 0 else 0.55 # Determine the angle at which the tool should be held towards the plant angle = 180 - math.degrees( math.atan2(y - self.centre_y, x - self.centre_x)) coordinate = [x, y, z, angle] coordinates.append(coordinate) return coordinates
def main(): args = options() #create options object for argument parsing device = 0 #set device params.debug = args.debug #set debug outfile = False if args.writeimg: outfile = os.path.join(args.outdir, os.path.basename(args.image)[:-4]) # In[114]: img, path, filename = pcv.readimage(filename=args.image, debug=args.debug) #read in image background = pcv.transform.load_matrix( args.npz) #read in background mask image for subtraction # In[115]: device, mask = pcv.naive_bayes_classifier( img, args.pdf, device, args.debug) #naive bayes on image #if args.writeimg: # pcv.print_image(img=mask["94,104,47"], filename=outfile + "_nb_mask.png") # In[116]: new_mask = pcv.image_subtract(mask["94,104,47"], background) #subtract background noise # In[117]: #image blurring using scipy median filter blurred_img = ndimage.median_filter(new_mask, (7, 1)) blurred_img = ndimage.median_filter(blurred_img, (1, 7)) device, cleaned = pcv.fill(np.copy(blurred_img), np.copy(blurred_img), 50, 0, args.debug) #fill leftover noise # In[118]: #dilate and erode to repair plant breaks from background subtraction device, cleaned_dilated = pcv.dilate(cleaned, 6, 1, 0) device, cleaned = pcv.erode(cleaned_dilated, 6, 1, 0, args.debug) # In[119]: device, objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects( img, cleaned, device, debug=args.debug) #find objects using mask if "TM015" in args.image: h = 1620 elif "TM016" in args.image: h = 1555 else: h = 1320 roi_contour, roi_hierarchy = pcv.roi.rectangle(x=570, y=0, h=h, w=1900 - 550, img=img) #grab ROI # In[120]: #isolate plant objects within ROI device, roi_objects, hierarchy, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects( img, 'partial', roi_contour, roi_hierarchy, objects, obj_hierarchy, device, debug=args.debug) #Analyze only images with plants present. if roi_objects > 0: # In[121]: # Object combine kept objects device, plant_contour, plant_mask = pcv.object_composition( img=img, contours=roi_objects, hierarchy=hierarchy, device=device, debug=args.debug) if args.writeimg: pcv.print_image(img=plant_mask, filename=outfile + "_mask.png") # In[122]: # Find shape properties, output shape image (optional) device, shape_header, shape_data, shape_img = pcv.analyze_object( img=img, imgname=args.image, obj=plant_contour, mask=plant_mask, device=device, debug=args.debug, filename=outfile + ".png") # In[123]: if "TM015" in args.image: line_position = 380 elif "TM016" in args.image: line_position = 440 else: line_position = 690 # Shape properties relative to user boundary line (optional) device, boundary_header, boundary_data, boundary_img = pcv.analyze_bound_horizontal( img=img, obj=plant_contour, mask=plant_mask, line_position=line_position, device=device, debug=args.debug, filename=outfile + ".png") # In[124]: # Determine color properties: Histograms, Color Slices and Pseudocolored Images, # output color analyzed images (optional) device, color_header, color_data, color_img = pcv.analyze_color( img=img, imgname=args.image, mask=plant_mask, bins=256, device=device, debug=args.debug, hist_plot_type=None, pseudo_channel="v", pseudo_bkg="img", resolution=300, filename=outfile + ".png") # In[55]: # Output shape and color data result = open(args.result, "a") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_header)) + "\n") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, shape_data)) + "\n") for row in shape_img: result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + "\n") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_header)) + "\n") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, color_data)) + "\n") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_header)) + "\n") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_data)) + "\n") result.write('\t'.join(map(str, boundary_img)) + "\n") for row in color_img: result.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + "\n") result.close()
def main(): # Get options args = options() if args.debug: pcv.params.debug = args.debug # set debug mode if args.debugdir: pcv.params.debug_outdir = args.debugdir # set debug directory os.makedirs(args.debugdir, exist_ok=True) # pixel_resolution # mm # see pixel_resolution.xlsx for calibration curve for pixel to mm translation pixelresolution = 0.052 # The result file should exist if was run if os.path.exists(args.result): # Open the result file results = open(args.result, "r") # The result file would have image metadata in it from, read it into memory metadata = json.load(results) # Close the file results.close() # Delete the file, we will create new ones os.remove(args.result) plantbarcode = metadata['metadata']['plantbarcode']['value'] print(plantbarcode, metadata['metadata']['timestamp']['value'], sep=' - ') else: # If the file did not exist (for testing), initialize metadata as an empty string metadata = "{}" regpat = re.compile(args.regex) plantbarcode =, args.image).groups()[0] # read images and create mask img, _, fn = pcv.readimage(args.image) imagename = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] # create mask # taf=filters.try_all_threshold(s_img) ## remove background s_img = pcv.rgb2gray_hsv(img, 's') min_s = filters.threshold_minimum(s_img) thresh_s = pcv.threshold.binary(s_img, min_s, 255, 'light') rm_bkgrd = pcv.fill_holes(thresh_s) ## low greenness thresh_s = pcv.threshold.binary(s_img, min_s + 15, 255, 'dark') # taf = filters.try_all_threshold(s_img) c = pcv.logical_xor(rm_bkgrd, thresh_s) cinv = pcv.invert(c) cinv_f = pcv.fill(cinv, 500) cinv_f_c = pcv.closing(cinv_f, np.ones((5, 5))) cinv_f_c_e = pcv.erode(cinv_f_c, 2, 1) ## high greenness a_img = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(img, channel='a') # taf = filters.try_all_threshold(a_img) t_a = filters.threshold_isodata(a_img) thresh_a = pcv.threshold.binary(a_img, t_a, 255, 'dark') thresh_a = pcv.closing(thresh_a, np.ones((5, 5))) thresh_a_f = pcv.fill(thresh_a, 500) ## combined mask lor = pcv.logical_or(cinv_f_c_e, thresh_a_f) close = pcv.closing(lor, np.ones((2, 2))) fill = pcv.fill(close, 800) erode = pcv.erode(fill, 3, 1) fill2 = pcv.fill(erode, 1200) # dilate = pcv.dilate(fill2,2,2) mask = fill2 final_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) # Compute greenness # split color channels b, g, r = cv2.split(img) # print green intensity # g_img = pcv.visualize.pseudocolor(g, cmap='Greens', background='white', min_value=0, max_value=255, mask=mask, axes=False) # convert color channels to int16 so we can add them (values will be greater than 255 which is max of current uint8 format) g = g.astype('uint16') r = r.astype('uint16') b = b.astype('uint16') denom = g + r + b # greenness index out_flt = np.zeros_like(denom, dtype='float32') # divide green by sum of channels to compute greenness index with values 0-1 gi = np.divide(g, denom, out=out_flt, where=np.logical_and(denom != 0, mask > 0)) # find objects c, h = pcv.find_objects(img, mask) rc, rh = pcv.roi.multi(img, coord=[(1300, 900), (1300, 2400)], radius=350) # Turn off debug temporarily, otherwise there will be a lot of plots pcv.params.debug = None # Loop over each region of interest i = 0 rc_i = rc[i] for i, rc_i in enumerate(rc): rh_i = rh[i] # Add ROI number to output. Before roi_objects so result has NA if no object. pcv.outputs.add_observation(variable='roi', trait='roi', method='roi', scale='int', datatype=int, value=i, label='#') roi_obj, hierarchy_obj, submask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects( img, roi_contour=rc_i, roi_hierarchy=rh_i, object_contour=c, obj_hierarchy=h, roi_type='partial') if obj_area == 0: print('\t!!! No object found in ROI', str(i)) pcv.outputs.add_observation( variable='plantarea', trait='plant area in sq mm', method='observations.area*pixelresolution^2', scale=pixelresolution, datatype="<class 'float'>", value=0, label='sq mm') else: # Combine multiple objects # ple plant objects within an roi together plant_object, plant_mask = pcv.object_composition( img=img, contours=roi_obj, hierarchy=hierarchy_obj) final_mask = pcv.image_add(final_mask, plant_mask) # Save greenness for individual ROI grnindex = np.mean(gi[np.where(plant_mask > 0)]) pcv.outputs.add_observation( variable='greenness_index', trait='mean normalized greenness index', method='g/sum(b+g+r)', scale='[0,1]', datatype="<class 'float'>", value=float(grnindex), label='/1') # Analyze all colors hist = pcv.analyze_color(img, plant_mask, 'all') # Analyze the shape of the current plant shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img, plant_object, plant_mask) plant_area = pcv.outputs.observations['area'][ 'value'] * pixelresolution**2 pcv.outputs.add_observation( variable='plantarea', trait='plant area in sq mm', method='observations.area*pixelresolution^2', scale=pixelresolution, datatype="<class 'float'>", value=plant_area, label='sq mm') # end if-else # At this point we have observations for one plant # We can write these out to a unique results file # Here I will name the results file with the ROI ID combined with the original result filename basename, ext = os.path.splitext(args.result) filename = basename + "-roi" + str(i) + ext # Save the existing metadata to the new file with open(filename, "w") as r: json.dump(metadata, r) pcv.print_results(filename=filename) # The results are saved, now clear out the observations so the next loop adds new ones for the next plant pcv.outputs.clear() if args.writeimg and obj_area != 0: imgdir = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'shape_images', plantbarcode) os.makedirs(imgdir, exist_ok=True) pcv.print_image( shape_img, os.path.join(imgdir, imagename + '-roi' + str(i) + '-shape.png')) imgdir = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'colorhist_images', plantbarcode) os.makedirs(imgdir, exist_ok=True) pcv.print_image( hist, os.path.join(imgdir, imagename + '-roi' + str(i) + '-colorhist.png')) # end roi loop if args.writeimg: # save grnness image of entire tray imgdir = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'pseudocolor_images', plantbarcode) os.makedirs(imgdir, exist_ok=True) gi_img = pcv.visualize.pseudocolor(gi, obj=None, mask=final_mask, cmap='viridis', axes=False, min_value=0.3, max_value=0.6, background='black', obj_padding=0) gi_img = add_scalebar(gi_img, pixelresolution=pixelresolution, barwidth=20, barlocation='lower left') gi_img.set_size_inches(6, 6, forward=False) gi_img.savefig(os.path.join(imgdir, imagename + '-greenness.png'), bbox_inches='tight') gi_img.clf()
############################################ ###### Perform Calculations ########## ############################################ # combine leaf and labels mask_image_label, path, filename = pcv.readimage( '1_naive_bayes_labels_mask.jpg') mask_image = mask_image_plant + mask_image_label device, mask_image = pcv.rgb2gray_lab(mask_image, 'l', device) #clean the mask up device, img_binary = pcv.binary_threshold(mask_image, 50, 255, 'light', device) pcv.print_image(img_binary, 'img_binary.tif') device, blur_img = pcv.erode( img_binary, 3, 1, device, debug='print' ) # Erode to remove soil and Dilate so that you don't lose leaves (just in case) mask = np.copy(blur_img) device, fill_image = pcv.fill(blur_img, mask, 100, device) pcv.print_image(fill_image, 'fill_image.tif') device, binary_image = pcv.median_blur(fill_image, 1, device) pcv.print_image(binary_image, 'binary_image.tif') device, masked_image = device, dilate_image = pcv.dilate( fill_image, 3, 3, device) ############################################ ########### Create Output ############# ############################################ #Print grid of images for QC
def main_side(): # Setting "args" # Get options pcv.params.debug = args.debug #set debug mode pcv.params.debug_outdir = args.outdir #set output directory # Read image (readimage mode defaults to native but if image is RGBA then specify mode='rgb') # Inputs: # filename - Image file to be read in # mode - Return mode of image; either 'native' (default), 'rgb', 'gray', or 'csv' filename = args.image img = cv2.imread(args.image, flags=0) #img = pcv.invert(img) path, img_name = os.path.split(args.image) img_bkgrd = cv2.imread("background.png", flags=0) #print(img) #print(img_bkgrd) bkg_sub_img = pcv.image_subtract(img_bkgrd, img) bkg_sub_thres_img, masked_img = pcv.threshold.custom_range( rgb_img=bkg_sub_img, lower_thresh=[50], upper_thresh=[255], channel='gray') # Laplace filtering (identify edges based on 2nd derivative) # Inputs: # gray_img - Grayscale image data # ksize - Aperture size used to calculate the second derivative filter, # specifies the size of the kernel (must be an odd integer) # scale - Scaling factor applied (multiplied) to computed Laplacian values # (scale = 1 is unscaled) lp_img = pcv.laplace_filter(gray_img=img, ksize=1, scale=1) # Plot histogram of grayscale values pcv.visualize.histogram(gray_img=lp_img) # Lapacian image sharpening, this step will enhance the darkness of the edges detected lp_shrp_img = pcv.image_subtract(gray_img1=img, gray_img2=lp_img) # Plot histogram of grayscale values, this helps to determine thresholding value pcv.visualize.histogram(gray_img=lp_shrp_img) # Sobel filtering # 1st derivative sobel filtering along horizontal axis, kernel = 1) # Inputs: # gray_img - Grayscale image data # dx - Derivative of x to analyze # dy - Derivative of y to analyze # ksize - Aperture size used to calculate 2nd derivative, specifies the size of the kernel and must be an odd integer # NOTE: Aperture size must be greater than the largest derivative (ksize > dx & ksize > dy) sbx_img = pcv.sobel_filter(gray_img=img, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=1) # 1st derivative sobel filtering along vertical axis, kernel = 1) sby_img = pcv.sobel_filter(gray_img=img, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=1) # Combine the effects of both x and y filters through matrix addition # This will capture edges identified within each plane and emphasize edges found in both images # Inputs: # gray_img1 - Grayscale image data to be added to gray_img2 # gray_img2 - Grayscale image data to be added to gray_img1 sb_img = pcv.image_add(gray_img1=sbx_img, gray_img2=sby_img) # Use a lowpass (blurring) filter to smooth sobel image # Inputs: # gray_img - Grayscale image data # ksize - Kernel size (integer or tuple), (ksize, ksize) box if integer input, # (n, m) box if tuple input mblur_img = pcv.median_blur(gray_img=sb_img, ksize=1) # Inputs: # gray_img - Grayscale image data mblur_invert_img = pcv.invert(gray_img=mblur_img) # combine the smoothed sobel image with the laplacian sharpened image # combines the best features of both methods as described in "Digital Image Processing" by Gonzalez and Woods pg. 169 edge_shrp_img = pcv.image_add(gray_img1=mblur_invert_img, gray_img2=lp_shrp_img) # Perform thresholding to generate a binary image tr_es_img = pcv.threshold.binary(gray_img=edge_shrp_img, threshold=145, max_value=255, object_type='dark') # Do erosion with a 3x3 kernel (ksize=3) # Inputs: # gray_img - Grayscale (usually binary) image data # ksize - The size used to build a ksize x ksize # matrix using np.ones. Must be greater than 1 to have an effect # i - An integer for the number of iterations e1_img = pcv.erode(gray_img=tr_es_img, ksize=3, i=1) # Bring the two object identification approaches together. # Using a logical OR combine object identified by background subtraction and the object identified by derivative filter. # Inputs: # bin_img1 - Binary image data to be compared in bin_img2 # bin_img2 - Binary image data to be compared in bin_img1 comb_img = pcv.logical_or(bin_img1=e1_img, bin_img2=bkg_sub_thres_img) # Get masked image, Essentially identify pixels corresponding to plant and keep those. # Inputs: # rgb_img - RGB image data # mask - Binary mask image data # mask_color - 'black' or 'white' masked_erd = pcv.apply_mask(rgb_img=img, mask=comb_img, mask_color='black') # Need to remove the edges of the image, we did that by generating a set of rectangles to mask the edges # img is (1280 X 960) # mask for the bottom of the image # Inputs: # img - RGB or grayscale image data # p1 - Point at the top left corner of the rectangle (tuple) # p2 - Point at the bottom right corner of the rectangle (tuple) # color 'black' (default), 'gray', or 'white' # masked1, box1_img, rect_contour1, hierarchy1 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img=img, p1=(500, 875), p2=(720, 960)) # mask the edges masked2, box2_img, rect_contour2, hierarchy2 = pcv.rectangle_mask(img=img, p1=(1, 1), p2=(1279, 959)) bx12_img = pcv.logical_or(bin_img1=box1_img, bin_img2=box2_img) inv_bx1234_img = bx12_img # we dont invert inv_bx1234_img = bx12_img #inv_bx1234_img = pcv.invert(gray_img=bx12_img) edge_masked_img = pcv.apply_mask(rgb_img=masked_erd, mask=inv_bx1234_img, mask_color='black') #print("here we create a mask") mask, masked = pcv.threshold.custom_range(rgb_img=edge_masked_img, lower_thresh=[25], upper_thresh=[175], channel='gray') masked = pcv.apply_mask(rgb_img=masked, mask=mask, mask_color='white') #print("end") # Identify objects # Inputs: # img - RGB or grayscale image data for plotting # mask - Binary mask used for detecting contours id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(img=edge_masked_img, mask=mask) # Define ROI # Inputs: # img - RGB or grayscale image to plot the ROI on # x - The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle # y - The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle # h - The height of the rectangle # w - The width of the rectangle roi1, roi_hierarchy = pcv.roi.rectangle(img=edge_masked_img, x=100, y=100, h=800, w=1000) # Decide which objects to keep # Inputs: # img = img to display kept objects # roi_contour = contour of roi, output from any ROI function # roi_hierarchy = contour of roi, output from any ROI function # object_contour = contours of objects, output from pcv.find_objects function # obj_hierarchy = hierarchy of objects, output from pcv.find_objects function # roi_type = 'partial' (default, for partially inside), 'cutto', or # 'largest' (keep only largest contour) with HiddenPrints(): roi_objects, hierarchy5, kept_mask, obj_area = pcv.roi_objects( img=edge_masked_img, roi_contour=roi1, roi_hierarchy=roi_hierarchy, object_contour=id_objects, obj_hierarchy=obj_hierarchy, roi_type='largest') rgb_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # Inputs: # img - RGB or grayscale image data for plotting # contours - Contour list # hierarchy - Contour hierarchy array o, m = pcv.object_composition(img=rgb_img, contours=roi_objects, hierarchy=hierarchy5) ### Analysis ### outfile = False if args.writeimg == True: outfile = args.outdir + "/" + filename # Perform signal analysis # Inputs: # img - RGB or grayscale image data # obj- Single or grouped contour object # mask - Binary image mask to use as mask for moments analysis shape_img = pcv.analyze_object(img=img, obj=o, mask=m) new_im = Image.fromarray(shape_img)"output//" + args.filename + "shape_img_side.png") # Inputs: # gray_img - 8 or 16-bit grayscale image data # mask - Binary mask made from selected contours # bins - Number of classes to divide the spectrum into # histplot - If True, plots the histogram of intensity values nir_hist = pcv.analyze_nir_intensity(gray_img=img, mask=kept_mask, bins=256, histplot=True) # Pseudocolor the grayscale image to a colormap # Inputs: # gray_img - Grayscale image data # obj - Single or grouped contour object (optional), if provided the pseudocolored image gets cropped down to the region of interest. # mask - Binary mask (optional) # background - Background color/type. Options are "image" (gray_img), "white", or "black". A mask must be supplied. # cmap - Colormap # min_value - Minimum value for range of interest # max_value - Maximum value for range of interest # dpi - Dots per inch for image if printed out (optional, if dpi=None then the default is set to 100 dpi). # axes - If False then the title, x-axis, and y-axis won't be displayed (default axes=True). # colorbar - If False then the colorbar won't be displayed (default colorbar=True) pseudocolored_img = pcv.visualize.pseudocolor(gray_img=img, mask=kept_mask, cmap='viridis') # Perform shape analysis # Inputs: # img - RGB or grayscale image data # obj- Single or grouped contour object # mask - Binary image mask to use as mask for moments analysis shape_imgs = pcv.analyze_object(img=rgb_img, obj=o, mask=m) # Write shape and nir data to results file pcv.print_results(filename=args.result)
import cv2 pcv.params.debug = 'plot' plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 12] visfn = "data/vis/A6-GoldStandard2_RGB-20190801T043947-VIS0-0.png" psIIfn = "data/psII/A6-GoldStandard2_PSII-20190801T003230-PSII0-2.png" visimg, bn, fn = pcv.readimage(visfn) psIIimg, bn, fn = pcv.readimage(psIIfn) vis_x = visimg.shape[1] vis_y = visimg.shape[0] psII_x = psIIimg.shape[1] psII_y = psIIimg.shape[0] masko = pcv.threshold.otsu(psIIimg, 255, 'light') mask = pcv.erode(masko, 2, 2) final_mask = mask mask_shift_x = pcv.shift_img(final_mask, 14, 'left') mask_shift_y = pcv.shift_img(mask_shift_x, 3, 'top') # vis_mask = pcv.resize(final_mask, resize_x = vis_x/psII_x, resize_y=vis_y/psII_y) vis_mask2 = cv2.resize(mask_shift_y, (vis_x, vis_y), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) vis_masked = pcv.apply_mask(visimg, vis_mask2, 'black') # vs_ws=pcv.watershed_segmentation(visimg,vis_mask2)
def check_cycles(skel_img): """ Check for cycles in a skeleton image Inputs: skel_img = Skeletonized image Returns: cycle_img = Image with cycles identified :param skel_img: numpy.ndarray :return cycle_img: numpy.ndarray """ # Store debug debug = params.debug params.debug = None # Create the mask needed for cv2.floodFill, must be larger than the image h, w = skel_img.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2), np.uint8) # Copy the skeleton since cv2.floodFill will draw on it skel_copy = skel_img.copy() cv2.floodFill(skel_copy, mask=mask, seedPoint=(0, 0), newVal=255) # Invert so the holes are white and background black just_cycles = cv2.bitwise_not(skel_copy) # Erode slightly so that cv2.findContours doesn't think diagonal pixels are separate contours just_cycles = erode(just_cycles, 2, 1) # Use pcv.find_objects to turn plots of holes into countable contours cycle_objects, cycle_hierarchies = find_objects(just_cycles, just_cycles) # Count the number of holes num_cycles = len(cycle_objects) # Make debugging image cycle_img = skel_img.copy() cycle_img = dilate(cycle_img, params.line_thickness, 1) cycle_img = cv2.cvtColor(cycle_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) rand_color = color_palette(num_cycles) for i, cnt in enumerate(cycle_objects): cv2.drawContours(cycle_img, cycle_objects, i, rand_color[i], params.line_thickness, lineType=8, hierarchy=cycle_hierarchies) # Store Cycle Data outputs.add_observation(variable='num_cycles', trait='number of cycles', method='plantcv.plantcv.morphology.check_cycles', scale='none', datatype=int, value=num_cycles, label='none') # Reset debug mode params.debug = debug # Auto-increment device params.device += 1 if params.debug == 'print': print_image(cycle_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_cycles.png')) elif params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(cycle_img) return cycle_img