Пример #1
    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw)
        error = self.player.play()

        if error and menuw:
Пример #2
    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        logger.debug('%s.play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', self.__module__, arg, menuw)
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw, arg)
        error = self.player.play()

        if error and menuw:
Пример #3
    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw)
        error = self.player.play()

        #last.fm scrobbler
        if SCROBBLE:
            self.scrobbled = False

        if error and menuw:
Пример #4
    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        logger.debug('%s.play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', self.__module__, arg, menuw)
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw, arg)
        error = self.player.play()

        if error and menuw:
Пример #5
class AudioItem(Item):
    This is the common class to get information about audiofiles.
    def __init__(self, url, parent, name=None, scan=True):
        self.type = 'audio'
        Item.__init__(self, parent)

        self.set_url(url, info=scan)

        if name:
            self.name = name
            self.name = self.format_track()

        self.start = 0
        self.elapsed = 0
        self.remain = 0
        self.pause = 0

        self.mplayer_options = ''

            self.length = int(self.info['length'])
            self.length = 0

        # Let's try to find if there is any image in the current directory
        # that could be used as a cover
        if self.filename and not self.image and not \
           (self.parent and self.parent.type == 'dir'):
            images = ()
            covers = ()
            files = ()

            def image_filter(x):
                return re.match('.*(jpg|png)$', x, re.IGNORECASE)

            def cover_filter(x):
                return re.search(config.AUDIO_COVER_REGEXP, x, re.IGNORECASE)

            # Pick an image if it is the only image in this dir, or it matches
            # the configurable regexp
            dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
                files = os.listdir(dirname)
            except OSError:
                print "oops, os.listdir() error"
            images = filter(image_filter, files)
            image = None
            if len(images) == 1:
                image = os.path.join(dirname, images[0])
            elif len(images) > 1:
                covers = filter(cover_filter, images)
                if covers:
                    image = os.path.join(dirname, covers[0])
            self.image = image

    def sort(self, mode=None):
        Returns the string how to sort this item
        if mode == 'date':
            if self.filename:
                return u'%s%s' % (os.stat(
                    self.filename).st_ctime, Unicode(self.filename))
        if mode == 'advanced':
            # sort by track number
                return '%s %0.3i-%s' % (self['discs'], int(
                    self['trackno']), Unicode(self.url))
            except ValueError:
                return '%s-%s' % (Unicode(self['trackno']), Unicode(self.url))
        return Unicode(self.url)

    def set_url(self, url, info=True):
        Sets a new url to the item. Always use this function and not set 'url'
        directly because this functions also changes other attributes, like
        filename, mode and network_play
        Item.set_url(self, url, info)
        if url.startswith('cdda://'):
            self.network_play = False
            self.mimetype = 'cdda'

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return the specific attribute as string or an empty string
        if key == 'length' and self.length:
            # maybe the length was wrong
            if self.length < self.elapsed:
                self.length = self.elapsed
            return '%d:%02d' % (int(self.length / 60), int(self.length % 60))

        if key == 'elapsed':
            return '%d:%02d' % (int(self.elapsed / 60), int(self.elapsed % 60))

        return Item.__getitem__(self, key)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def actions(self):
        return a list of possible actions on this item
        return [(self.play, 'Play')]

    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw)
        error = self.player.play()

        if error and menuw:

    def stop(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Stop the current playing

    def format_track(self):
        """ Return a formatted string for use in item.py """
        # Since we can't specify the length of the integer in the
        # format string (Python doesn't seem to recognize it) we
        # strip it out first, when we see the only thing that can be
        # a number.

        # Before we begin, make sure track is an integer

        if self['trackno']:
                mytrack = ('%0.2d' % int(self['trackno']))
            except ValueError:
                mytrack = '  '
            mytrack = '  '

        song_info = {
            'a': self['artist'],
            'l': self['album'],
            'n': mytrack,
            't': self['title'],
            'y': self['year'],
            'f': self['name']

        if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING'):
            return self.parent.DIRECTORY_AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING % song_info
        return config.DIRECTORY_AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING % song_info
Пример #6
class AudioItem(Item):
    This is the common class to get information about audiofiles.
    def __init__(self, url, parent, name=None, scan=True):
        self.type = 'audio'
        Item.__init__(self, parent)

        self.set_url(url, info=scan)

        self.start      = 0
        self.elapsed    = 0
        self.remain     = 0
        self.pause      = 0

        self.mplayer_options = ''

        if name:
            self.name = name

        if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'DIRECTORY_USE_MEDIAID_TAG_NAMES') and \
            self.info.store('title',  self.format(self['title'],   self.name))
            self.info.store('artist', self.format(self['artist'], 'Unknown Artist'))
            self.info.store('album',  self.format(self['album'],  'Unknown Album'))
            self.info.store('year',   self.format(self['year'],   'Unknown Year'))

            self.length = int(self.info['length'])
            self.length = 0

        self.title = self.name
        self.name  = self.format_name()

        # Let's try to find if there is any image in the current directory
        # that could be used as a cover
        if self.filename and not self.image and not (self.parent and self.parent.type == 'dir'):
            images = ()
            covers = ()
            files =()

            def image_filter(x):
                return re.match('.*(jpg|png)$', x, re.IGNORECASE)

            def cover_filter(x):
                result = re.search(config.AUDIO_COVER_REGEXP, x, re.IGNORECASE)
                if result: logger.debug('cover_filter(%s): %r', x, result.group())
                return result

            # Pick an image if it is the only image in this dir, or it matches
            # the configurable regexp
            dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
                files = os.listdir(dirname)
            except OSError:
                print "oops, os.listdir() error"
            images = filter(image_filter, files)
            image = None
            if len(images) == 1:
                image = os.path.join(dirname, images[0])
            elif len(images) > 1:
                covers = filter(cover_filter, images)
                if covers:
                    image = os.path.join(dirname, covers[0])
            self.image = image

    def sort(self, mode=None):
        Returns the string how to sort this item
        if mode == 'date':
            if self.filename:
                return u'%s%s' % (os.stat(self.filename).st_ctime, Unicode(self.filename))
        if mode == 'advanced':
            # sort by track number
                return '%s %0.3i-%s' % (self['discs'],int(self['trackno']), Unicode(self.url))
            except ValueError:
                return '%s-%s' % (Unicode(self['trackno']), Unicode(self.url))
        return Unicode(self.url)

    def set_url(self, url, info=True):
        Sets a new url to the item. Always use this function and not set 'url'
        directly because this functions also changes other attributes, like
        filename, mode and network_play.
        WARNING: This is called whenever self.url is set, therefor it is
        strictly forbidden to set self.url directly in this function
        (infinit recursion!). Use self.__dict__['url'] instead!
        Item.set_url(self, url, info)

        # Look for audio cover image by ID3 tags
        if info:
            filename_array = { 'album'  : self.info['album'],
                               'artist' : self.info['artist'] }
            for format_string in config.AUDIO_COVER_FORMAT_STRINGS:
                filemask = format_string % filename_array
                if format_string.startswith('/'):
                    audiocover = util.getimage(filemask)
                    audiocover = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
                    audiocover = os.path.join(audiocover, String(filemask))
                    audiocover = util.getimage(audiocover)
                if audiocover:
                    self.image = audiocover
                    self.files.image = audiocover

        # additional url types
        if url and url.startswith('cdda://'):
            self.network_play = False
            self.mode = 'cdda'
            self.mimetype = 'cdda'

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return the specific attribute as string or an empty string
        if key  == 'length' and self.length:
            # maybe the length was wrong
            if self.length < self.elapsed:
                self.length = self.elapsed
            return '%d:%02d' % (int(self.length / 60), int(self.length % 60))

        if key  == 'elapsed':
            return '%d:%02d' % (int(self.elapsed / 60), int(self.elapsed % 60))

        res = Item.__getitem__(self, key)

        # workaround for kaa r2818 and newer: 'date' is now named 'userdate'
        if res == '' and key == 'date':
            res = Item.__getitem__(self, 'userdate')

        return res

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def actions(self):
        return a list of possible actions on this item
        return [ ( self.play, 'Play' ) ]

    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        logger.debug('%s.play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', self.__module__, arg, menuw)
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw, arg)
        error = self.player.play()

        if error and menuw:

    def stop(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Stop the current playing

    def format(self, src, alt, fmt=None):
        if src:
            return src
        return alt
    def format_name(self):
        """ Return a formatted string for use in item.py """
        # Since we can't specify the length of the integer in the
        # format string (Python doesn't seem to recognize it) we
        # strip it out first, when we see the only thing that can be
        # a number.

        if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'DIRECTORY_USE_MEDIAID_TAG_NAMES') and \

            # Before we begin, make sure track is an integer
            if self['trackno']:
                    mytrack = ('%0.2d' % int(self['trackno']))
                except ValueError:
                    mytrack = ''
                mytrack = ''

            logger.debug('year=%s', self['year'])

            song_info = {  'a'  : self['artist'],
                           'l'  : self['album'],
                           'n'  : mytrack,
                           't'  : self['title'],
                           'y'  : self['year'],
                           'r'  : self['length'],
                           'f'  : self['name'] }

            if hasattr(self.parent, 'AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING'):
                formatstring = unicode(self.parent.DIRECTORY_AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING)
                formatstring = unicode(config.DIRECTORY_AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING)

            formatted_info = formatstring % song_info

            # check if the song info was not empty
            if formatted_info != (formatstring % { 'a' : '', 'l' : '', 'n' : '  ', 't' : '', 'y' : '', 'r' : '', 'f' : '' }):
                return formatted_info.strip()

        # fallback to current song name
        if self.name:
            return self.name

        logger.debug('last resort, falling back to %s', os.path.split(self.filename)[1])
        # last fallback: return filename
        return os.path.split(self.filename)[1]

    def rename_possible(self):
        Returns True if the video item can be renamed.
            if self.info and self.parent.DIRECTORY_USE_MEDIAID_TAG_NAMES and self.info['title']:
                # sorry, unable to edit media tag info
                return False

        return self.files and not self.files.read_only
Пример #7
class AudioItem(Item):
    This is the common class to get information about audiofiles.
    def __init__(self, url, parent, name=None, scan=True):
        self.type = 'audio'
        Item.__init__(self, parent)

        self.set_url(url, info=scan)

        self.start = 0
        self.elapsed = 0
        self.remain = 0
        self.pause = 0

        self.mplayer_options = ''

        if name:
            self.name = name

        if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'DIRECTORY_USE_MEDIAID_TAG_NAMES') and \
            self.info.store('title', self.format(self['title'], self.name))
                            self.format(self['artist'], 'Unknown Artist'))
            self.info.store('album', self.format(self['album'],
                                                 'Unknown Album'))
            self.info.store('year', self.format(self['year'], 'Unknown Year'))

            self.length = int(self.info['length'])
            self.length = 0

        self.title = self.name
        self.name = self.format_name()

        # Let's try to find if there is any image in the current directory
        # that could be used as a cover
        if self.filename and not self.image and not (
                self.parent and self.parent.type == 'dir'):
            images = ()
            covers = ()
            files = ()

            def image_filter(x):
                return re.match('.*(jpg|png)$', x, re.IGNORECASE)

            def cover_filter(x):
                result = re.search(config.AUDIO_COVER_REGEXP, x, re.IGNORECASE)
                if result:
                    logger.debug('cover_filter(%s): %r', x, result.group())
                return result

            # Pick an image if it is the only image in this dir, or it matches
            # the configurable regexp
            dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
                files = os.listdir(dirname)
            except OSError:
                print "oops, os.listdir() error"
            images = filter(image_filter, files)
            image = None
            if len(images) == 1:
                image = os.path.join(dirname, images[0])
            elif len(images) > 1:
                covers = filter(cover_filter, images)
                if covers:
                    image = os.path.join(dirname, covers[0])
            self.image = image

    def sort(self, mode=None):
        Returns the string how to sort this item
        if mode == 'date':
            if self.filename:
                return u'%s%s' % (os.stat(
                    self.filename).st_ctime, Unicode(self.filename))
        if mode == 'advanced':
            # sort by track number
                return '%s %0.3i-%s' % (self['discs'], int(
                    self['trackno']), Unicode(self.url))
            except ValueError:
                return '%s-%s' % (Unicode(self['trackno']), Unicode(self.url))
        return Unicode(self.url)

    def set_url(self, url, info=True):
        Sets a new url to the item. Always use this function and not set 'url'
        directly because this functions also changes other attributes, like
        filename, mode and network_play.
        WARNING: This is called whenever self.url is set, therefor it is
        strictly forbidden to set self.url directly in this function
        (infinit recursion!). Use self.__dict__['url'] instead!
        Item.set_url(self, url, info)

        # Look for audio cover image by ID3 tags
        if info:
            filename_array = {
                'album': self.info['album'],
                'artist': self.info['artist']
            for format_string in config.AUDIO_COVER_FORMAT_STRINGS:
                filemask = format_string % filename_array
                if format_string.startswith('/'):
                    audiocover = util.getimage(filemask)
                    audiocover = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
                    audiocover = os.path.join(audiocover, String(filemask))
                    audiocover = util.getimage(audiocover)
                if audiocover:
                    self.image = audiocover
                    self.files.image = audiocover

        # additional url types
        if url and url.startswith('cdda://'):
            self.network_play = False
            self.mode = 'cdda'
            self.mimetype = 'cdda'

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return the specific attribute as string or an empty string
        if key == 'length' and self.length:
            # maybe the length was wrong
            if self.length < self.elapsed:
                self.length = self.elapsed
            return '%d:%02d' % (int(self.length / 60), int(self.length % 60))

        if key == 'elapsed':
            return '%d:%02d' % (int(self.elapsed / 60), int(self.elapsed % 60))

        res = Item.__getitem__(self, key)

        # workaround for kaa r2818 and newer: 'date' is now named 'userdate'
        if res == '' and key == 'date':
            res = Item.__getitem__(self, 'userdate')

        return res

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def actions(self):
        return a list of possible actions on this item
        return [(self.play, 'Play')]

    def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Start playing the item
        logger.debug('%s.play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', self.__module__, arg, menuw)
        self.parent.current_item = self
        self.elapsed = 0

        if not self.menuw:
            self.menuw = menuw

        self.player = PlayerGUI(self, menuw, arg)
        error = self.player.play()

        if error and menuw:

    def stop(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        Stop the current playing

    def format(self, src, alt, fmt=None):
        if src:
            return src
        return alt

    def format_name(self):
        """ Return a formatted string for use in item.py """
        # Since we can't specify the length of the integer in the
        # format string (Python doesn't seem to recognize it) we
        # strip it out first, when we see the only thing that can be
        # a number.

        if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'DIRECTORY_USE_MEDIAID_TAG_NAMES') and \

            # Before we begin, make sure track is an integer
            if self['trackno']:
                    mytrack = ('%0.2d' % int(self['trackno']))
                except ValueError:
                    mytrack = ''
                mytrack = ''

            logger.debug('year=%s', self['year'])

            song_info = {
                'a': self['artist'],
                'l': self['album'],
                'n': mytrack,
                't': self['title'],
                'y': self['year'],
                'r': self['length'],
                'f': self['name']

            if hasattr(self.parent, 'AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING'):
                formatstring = unicode(
                formatstring = unicode(config.DIRECTORY_AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING)

            formatted_info = formatstring % song_info

            # check if the song info was not empty
            if formatted_info != (formatstring % {
                    'a': '',
                    'l': '',
                    'n': '  ',
                    't': '',
                    'y': '',
                    'r': '',
                    'f': ''
                return formatted_info.strip()

        # fallback to current song name
        if self.name:
            return self.name

        logger.debug('last resort, falling back to %s',
        # last fallback: return filename
        return os.path.split(self.filename)[1]

    def rename_possible(self):
        Returns True if the video item can be renamed.
            if self.info and self.parent.DIRECTORY_USE_MEDIAID_TAG_NAMES and self.info[
                # sorry, unable to edit media tag info
                return False

        return self.files and not self.files.read_only