Пример #1
    def fill_path(self, guid, path):
        # Split path into fragments
        fragments = path.strip('/').split('/')

        # Retrieve TV parameters
        if 'season' in self.media and len(fragments) >= 1:
            guid.season = try_convert(fragments[0], int)

        if 'episode' in self.media and len(fragments) >= 2:
            guid.episode = try_convert(fragments[1], int)
Пример #2
    def fill_path(self, guid, path):
        # Split path into fragments
        fragments = path.strip('/').split('/')

        # Retrieve TV parameters
        if 'season' in self.media and len(fragments) >= 1:
            guid.season = try_convert(fragments[0], int)

        if 'episode' in self.media and len(fragments) >= 2:
            guid.episode = try_convert(fragments[1], int)
Пример #3
    def parse_path(cls, guid, uri):
        # Parse path component for agent-specific data
        path_fragments = uri.path.strip('/').split('/')

        if guid.agent in DEFAULT_TV_AGENTS:
            if len(path_fragments) >= 1:
                guid.season = try_convert(path_fragments[0], int)

            if len(path_fragments) >= 2:
                guid.episode = try_convert(path_fragments[1], int)
            log.warn('Unable to completely parse guid (agent: %r)', guid.agent)
Пример #4
    def fetch(self, key):
        if try_convert(key, int) is None:
            log.info('Ignoring request for metadata with an invalid key: %r', key)
            return None
        # Request metadata from server
        container = Plex['library'].metadata(key)

        if not container:
            return None

        # Cast to `list` (resolve iterators)
        items = list(container)

        if not items:
            return None

        item = items[0]

        # Ignore if this is an unsupported media type
        if item.type not in self.types:
            # TODO set flag to ignore future refresh requests
            log.info('Item %s with type "%s" has been ignored', key, item.type)
            return None

        return item
Пример #5
    def fetch(self, key):
        if try_convert(key, int) is None:
            log.info('Ignoring request for metadata with an invalid key: %r',
            return None

        # Request metadata from server
        container = Plex['library'].metadata(key)

        if not container:
            return None

        # Cast to `list` (resolve iterators)
        items = list(container)

        if not items:
            return None

        item = items[0]

        # Ignore if this is an unsupported media type
        if item.type not in self.types:
            # TODO set flag to ignore future refresh requests
            log.info('Item %s with type "%s" has been ignored', key, item.type)
            return None

        return item
Пример #6
    def match_episode(self, p_identifier, c_identifier):
        p_season, p_episode = p_identifier

        # Season number retrieval/validation (only except exact matches to p_season)
        if 'season' not in c_identifier:

        c_season = try_convert(c_identifier['season'], int)
        if c_season != p_season:

        # Episode number retrieval/validation
        c_episodes = None

        # Single or repeat-style episodes
        if 'episode' in c_identifier:
            episodes = c_identifier['episode']

            if not isinstance(episodes, (list, set)):
                episodes = [episodes]

            c_episodes = [try_convert(x, int) for x in episodes]

        # Extend-style episodes
        if 'episode_from' in c_identifier and 'episode_to' in c_identifier:
            # Cast parameters to integers
            c_from = try_convert(c_identifier['episode_from'], int)
            c_to = try_convert(c_identifier['episode_to'], int)

            if c_from is None or c_to is None:

            # Ensure range is valid
            count = c_to - c_from

            if count > 10 or count < 0:

            # Ensure plex episode is inside identifier episode range
            if c_from <= p_episode <= c_to:
                c_episodes = range(c_from, c_to + 1)

        return c_episodes
Пример #7
    def match_episode(self, p_identifier, c_identifier):
        p_season, p_episode = p_identifier

        # Season number retrieval/validation (only except exact matches to p_season)
        if 'season' not in c_identifier:

        c_season = try_convert(c_identifier['season'], int)
        if c_season != p_season:

        # Episode number retrieval/validation
        c_episodes = None

        # Single or repeat-style episodes
        if 'episode' in c_identifier:
            episodes = c_identifier['episode']

            if not isinstance(episodes, (list, set)):
                episodes = [episodes]

            c_episodes = [try_convert(x, int) for x in episodes]

        # Extend-style episodes
        if 'episode_from' in c_identifier and 'episode_to' in c_identifier:
            # Cast parameters to integers
            c_from = try_convert(c_identifier['episode_from'], int)
            c_to = try_convert(c_identifier['episode_to'], int)

            if c_from is None or c_to is None:

            # Ensure range is valid
            count = c_to - c_from

            if count > 10 or count < 0:

            # Ensure plex episode is inside identifier episode range
            if c_from <= p_episode <= c_to:
                c_episodes = range(c_from, c_to + 1)

        return c_episodes
Пример #8
    def fill(self, guid, uri, media=None):
        # Validate media matches agent
        if media is not None and media not in self.media:
            return False

        # Search children for match
        if self.children:
            # Iterate over children, checking if `guid` can be filled
            for child in self.children:
                if child.fill(guid, uri, media):
                    return True

        # Parse netloc (media id)
        if self.regex:
            # Match `uri.netloc` against pattern
            match = self.regex.match(uri.netloc)

            if not match:
                return False

            id = ''.join(match.groups())
            id = uri.netloc

        # Cast `id` to defined type
        if self.type:
            id = try_convert(id, self.type, id)

        # Update `guid`
        guid.service = self.service
        guid.id = id

        # Fill `guid` with extra details from URI
        self.fill_path(guid, uri.path)
        self.fill_query(guid, uri.query)

        # Process overrides
        if self.season is not None:
            guid.season = self.season

        return True
Пример #9
    def fill(self, guid, uri, media=None):
        # Validate media matches agent
        if media is not None and media not in self.media:
            return False

        # Search children for match
        if self.children:
            # Iterate over children, checking if `guid` can be filled
            for child in self.children:
                if child.fill(guid, uri, media):
                    return True

        # Parse netloc (media id)
        if self.regex:
            # Match `uri.netloc` against pattern
            match = self.regex.match(uri.netloc)

            if not match:
                return False

            id = ''.join(match.groups())
            id = uri.netloc

        # Cast `id` to defined type
        if self.type:
            id = try_convert(id, self.type, id)

        # Update `guid`
        guid.service = self.service
        guid.id = id

        # Fill `guid` with extra details from URI
        self.fill_path(guid, uri.path)
        self.fill_query(guid, uri.query)

        # Process overrides
        if self.season is not None:
            guid.season = self.season

        return True