Пример #1
        def check_login(self, *args, **kwargs):
            required_args = getargspec(handler_method)[0][1:]
            log(args, kwargs, required_args)

            obj = None
            self.user = user = users.get_current_user() # ciju: !
            is_admin = users.is_current_user_admin()
            roles = [x.strip() for x in role.split(",")]
            if not user:
                res = {'status' : 'not_found'}
            elif "admin" in roles or "author" in roles:
                args = list(args)
                log(args, roles)
                k = tryint(args[0]) # incase key is id not name
                key = db.Key.from_path(kind, k) if kind else k
                    obj = db.get(key)
                except db.BadKeyError:
                    res = {'status' : 'not_found'}
                    if obj and (is_admin or user == obj.author):
                        # switch first argument with an object
                        args[0] = obj
                        res = handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
                        res = {'status' : 'not_found'}
            elif "user" in roles:
                res = handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
                res = {'status' : 'not_found'}
            return res
Пример #2
    def check_access(self, user, types):
        q = AccntAuthorization.gql(
            "where project = :p and author = :u and authorization in :a", p=self, a=types, u=user

        log(types, q.count())
        return (
                "where project = :p and author = :u and authorization in :a ", p=self, a=types, u=user
            > 0
Пример #3
 def get_object(resource, args, orig):
     # log(resource, orig, args)
     k, t = resource.split('@')
     attr = orig.index(k)
     log(t, k, args)
     # obj = getattr( getattr(models, t), 'get_by_'+k)(args[attr])
         obj = getattr( getattr(models, t), 'get_by_'+k)(args[attr])
     except db.BadKeyError:
         obj = False
         log(args, k, orig, obj)
         return obj
Пример #4
    def calc_req_tag_val(cls, req):
        "(dimention, (tag,value)) pairs"
        ph_id = req.get("ph_id")
        entries = cls.__entry_list(json.loads(req.get("data")))
        cats = Dimentions.get_dim_and_met(req, req.get("time"))

        result = {"aggregate": {}, "timeline": {}}
        for i in ["aggregate", "timeline"]:
            res = result[i]
            stat = cats[i]
            for c in stat:
                typ = slashify(ph_id, c[0])
                if typ in res:
                    logging.error(" the string should be unique for a single request:" + typ)
                res[typ] = {c[1]: entries}

        return result
Пример #5
    def _aggregate_stats_for_proj(cls, p, till_b4_hr, now, local=False):
        from_hr = p.last_hr  # last hr when stats were taken
        if from_hr is None:
            from_hr = utils.hr_before(4)  # todo: wtf
        from_hr += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

        log(from_hr, till_b4_hr, now)
        if local:  # just for testing.
            till_b4_hr += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
            from_hr = utils.hr_before(1)

        while from_hr < till_b4_hr:
            hr_stats = cls.get_hour_stats(p.key().id(), from_hr)
            if hr_stats:
                    "#### aggregate - [(project) "
                    + p.name
                    + "  till: "
                    + str(till_b4_hr)
                    + "]  [(hr) "
                    + str(from_hr.hour)
                    + "]  "
                    + str(len(hr_stats))
                aggregate = hr_stats["aggregate"]
                timeline = hr_stats["timeline"]

                for i in aggregate:
                    Aggregate.save_aggregate(p.key().id(), i, aggregate[i])

                for i in timeline:
                    Timeline.save_timeline(p.key().id(), i, timeline[i])

            p.last_hr = from_hr
            from_hr += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
Пример #6
        def check_auth(self, *args, **kwargs):
            def copy_and_rm_args(args, kwargs, defaults):
                "map args from kwargs and arg defaults"
                res = []
                dstart = len(args) - len(defaults) # defaults start
                for i, a in enumerate(args):
                    if a in kwargs:
                        del kwargs[a]
                    elif i >= dstart:
                        return False
                return res
            def get_kinds(roles):
                return [x.strip() for x in roles.split(',')]
            def get_object(resource, args, orig):
                # log(resource, orig, args)
                k, t = resource.split('@')
                attr = orig.index(k)
                log(t, k, args)
                # obj = getattr( getattr(models, t), 'get_by_'+k)(args[attr])
                    obj = getattr( getattr(models, t), 'get_by_'+k)(args[attr])
                except db.BadKeyError:
                    obj = False
                    log(args, k, orig, obj)
                    return obj

            def put_object(resource, args, orig, obj):
                k, t = resource.split('@')
                args[orig.index(k)] = obj

            user = self.user = users.get_current_user()
            is_admin = users.is_current_user_admin()
            kinds = get_kinds(roles)
            log(kinds, resources)

            if 'user' in kinds:
                return handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)

            argspec = getargspec(handler_method)
            required_args = argspec[0][1:]
            defaults = argspec[3] or []
            log(required_args, kwargs, defaults)
            args = copy_and_rm_args(required_args, kwargs, defaults)

            obj = get_object(resources, args, required_args)

            # check based on author attribute, if present
            if 'author' in kinds and getattr(obj, 'author', None):
                # where is the author check done ?
                put_object(resources, args, required_args, obj)
                return handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)

            # check generic authorization stuff.
            # @see Project for details
            if getattr(obj, 'check_access', None):
                if obj.check_access(user, kinds):
                    put_object(resources, args, required_args, obj)
                    return handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)

            #     # anon check should be done here.

            if 'admin' in kinds:
                if not is_admin:
                    return {'status': 'not_found'}
                put_object(resources, args, required_args, obj)
                return handler_method(self, *args, **kwargs)

            return {'status': 'not_found'}