Пример #1
    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
        fti = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=self.portal_type)

        klass = resolveDottedName(fti.klass)
        if klass is None or not callable(klass):
            raise ValueError(
                'Content class {0:s} set for type {1:s} is not valid'
                .format(fti.klass, self.portal_type)

            obj = klass(*args, **kw)
        except TypeError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                'Error whilst constructing content for {0:s}'
                'using class {1:s}: {2:s}'
                .format(self.portal_type, fti.klass, str(e))

        # Set portal_type if not set, but avoid creating an instance variable
        # if possible
        if getattr(obj, 'portal_type', '') != self.portal_type:
            obj.portal_type = self.portal_type

        return obj
Пример #2
    def _absModelFile(self):
        colons = self.model_file.count(':')
        model_file = self.model_file

        # We have a package and not an absolute Windows path
        if colons == 1 and self.model_file[1:3] != ':\\':
            package, filename = self.model_file.split(':')
            mod = utils.resolveDottedName(package)
            # let / work as path separator on all platforms
            filename = filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)
            model_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(mod.__file__)[0], filename)
            if not os.path.isabs(model_file):
                raise ValueError(
                    u"Model file name %s is not an absolute path and does "
                    u"not contain a package name in %s"
                    % (model_file, self.getId(),)

        if not os.path.isfile(model_file):
            raise ValueError(
                u"Model file %s in %s cannot be found"
                % (model_file, self.getId(),)

        return model_file
Пример #3
def populate_dexterity_type(obj, data):
    request = getRequest()
    for schema in get_dexterity_schemas(context=obj):
        for name in getFieldNames(schema):
            field = schema[name]
            autoform_widgets = schema.queryTaggedValue(WIDGETS_KEY, default={})
            if name in autoform_widgets:
                widgetclass = utils.resolveDottedName(autoform_widgets[name])
                widget = widgetclass(field, request)
                widget = component.getMultiAdapter((field, request), IFieldWidget)

            widget.context = obj
            widget.ignoreRequest = True
            value = widget.value

            if not value or value in [NOT_CHANGED, NO_VALUE] or \
                    not IDataConverter(widget).toFieldValue(widget.value):
                value = get_dummy_dexterity_value(obj, widget, data)

            if value:
                dm = component.getMultiAdapter((obj, field), IDataManager)
                except WrongType:
                    value = IDataConverter(widget).toFieldValue(value)
 def reattachReferencedAttributes(self, obj, attrs_dict):
     obj = aq_base(obj)
     for name, blob in attrs_dict.iteritems():
         iface = resolveDottedName('.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]))
         fname = name.split('.')[-1]
         field = iface.get(fname)
         field.get(iface(obj))._blob = blob
Пример #5
    def _absModelFile(self):
        colons = self.model_file.count(':')
        model_file = self.model_file

        # We have a package and not an absolute Windows path
        if colons == 1 and self.model_file[1:3] != ':\\':
            package, filename = self.model_file.split(':')
            mod = utils.resolveDottedName(package)
            # let / work as path separator on all platforms
            filename = filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)
            model_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(mod.__file__)[0], filename)
            if not os.path.isabs(model_file):
                raise ValueError(
                    u"Model file name %s is not an absolute path and does not contain a package name in %s"
                    % (

        if not os.path.isfile(model_file):
            raise ValueError(u"Model file %s in %s cannot be found" % (

        return model_file
Пример #6
def finish_edit(task, obj, task_id):
    task_record = utils.get_task(task_id)
    changes = task_record["changes"]
    descriptions = []
    for interface, names in changes:
        interface = dexterity_utils.resolveDottedName(interface)
        descriptions.append(zope.lifecycleevent.Attributes(interface, *names))
            zope.lifecycleevent.ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, *descriptions))
        record_task_result.apply_async([task_id, constants.SUCCESS], dict())
    except ConflictError:
        retries = task.request.retries + 1
        max_retries = task.max_retries
        if max_retries is not None and retries > max_retries:
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
                [task_id, constants.ERROR],
    except Exception as e:
        exc = str(e)
        tb = traceback.format_exc()
            [task_id, constants.ERROR],
            dict(message=exc, tb=tb),
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, id, *args, **kwargs):
        self.id = id

        if 'schema' in kwargs:
            self.schema = kwargs['schema']

        if 'klass' in kwargs:
            self.klass = kwargs['klass']

        # if 'aliases' not in kwargs:
        #     self.setMethodAliases(self.default_aliases)

        # if 'actions' not in kwargs:
        #     for action in self.default_actions:
        #         self.addAction(id=action['id'],
        #                        name=action['title'],
        #                        action=action['action'],
        #                        condition=action.get('condition'),
        #                        permission=action.get('permissions', ()),
        #                        category=action.get('category', 'object'),
        #                        visible=action.get('visible', True))

        # Default factory name to be the FTI name
        if not self.factory:
            self.factory = self.id

        # In CMF (2.2+, but we've backported it) the property add_view_expr is
        # used to construct an action in the 'folder/add' category. The
        # portal_types tool loops over all FTIs and lets them provide such
        # actions.
        # By convention, the expression is string:${folder_url}/++add++my.type
        # The ++add++ traverser will find the FTI with name my.type, and then
        # looks up an adapter for (context, request, fti) with a name equal
        # to fti.factory, falling back on an unnamed adapter. The result is
        # assumed to be an add view.
        # Dexterity provides a default (unnamed) adapter for any IFolderish
        # context, request and IDexterityFTI that can construct an add view
        # for any Dexterity schema.

        # if not self.add_view_expr:
        #     add_view_expr = kwargs.get(
        #         'add_view_expr',
        #         'string:${folder_url}/++add++{0:s}'.format(self.getId())
        #     )
        #     self._setPropValue('add_view_expr', add_view_expr)

        # Set the content_meta_type from the klass

        klass = utils.resolveDottedName(self.klass)
        if klass is not None:
            self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)

        if 'behaviors' in kwargs:
            self.behaviors = kwargs['behaviors']
        if 'add_permission' in kwargs:
            self.add_permission = kwargs['add_permission']
Пример #8
 def Metatype(self):
     if self.content_meta_type:
         return self.content_meta_type
     # BBB - this didn't use to be set
     klass = utils.resolveDottedName(self.klass)
     if klass is not None:
         self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
     return self.content_meta_type
Пример #9
 def Metatype(self):
     if self.content_meta_type:
         return self.content_meta_type
     # BBB - this didn't use to be set
     klass = utils.resolveDottedName(self.klass)
     if klass is not None:
         self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
     return self.content_meta_type
 def reattachReferencedAttributes(self, obj, attrs_dict):
     obj = aq_base(obj)
     for name, blob in attrs_dict.iteritems():
         iface = resolveDottedName(".".join(name.split(".")[:-1]))
         fname = name.split(".")[-1]
         field = iface.get(fname)
         if field is not None:  # Field may have been removed from schema
             field.get(iface(obj))._blob = blob
 def reattachReferencedAttributes(self, obj, attrs_dict):
     obj = aq_base(obj)
     for name, blob in attrs_dict.iteritems():
         iface = resolveDottedName('.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]))
         fname = name.split('.')[-1]
         field = iface.get(fname)
         if field is not None:  # Field may have been removed from schema
             field.get(iface(obj))._blob = blob
    def __call__(self, context):
        sm = getSiteManager(context)
        ftis = sm.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IDexterityFTI)

        terms = []
        for fti in ftis:
            cls = resolveDottedName(fti.klass)
            if self.interface.implementedBy(cls):
                terms.append(SimpleTerm(fti, fti.id, fti.title))

        return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
Пример #13
 def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
     fti = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=self.portal_type)
     klass = resolveDottedName(fti.klass)
     if klass is None or not callable(klass):
         raise ValueError("Content class %s set for type %s is not valid" % (fti.klass, self.portal_type))
         obj = klass(*args, **kw)
     except TypeError, e:
         raise ValueError("Error whilst constructing content for %s using class %s: %s" % (self.portal_type, fti.klass, str(e)))
Пример #14
def populate_dexterity(obj, data):
    request = getRequest()
    for schema in get_dexterity_schemas(context=obj):
        for name in getFieldNames(schema):
            field = schema[name]
            if name in ['expires', 'effective', 'relatedItems']:
                # skip some fields
            if getattr(field, 'readonly', False):
            autoform_widgets = schema.queryTaggedValue(WIDGETS_KEY, default={})
            if name in autoform_widgets:
                    widgetclass = utils.resolveDottedName(
                except AttributeError:
                    # XXX: Investigate:
                    # AttributeError: 'ParameterizedWidget' object has no
                    # attribute 'split'
                widget = widgetclass(field, request)
                widget = component.getMultiAdapter(
                    (field, request), IFieldWidget)

            widget.context = obj
            widget.ignoreRequest = True

            if HAS_RECURRENCE_WIDGET and IRecurrenceWidget.providedBy(widget):
                # We cannot yet deal with the recurrence widget

            if name == 'title':
                value = unicode(data['title'])
                value = widget.value
                if not value or value in [NOT_CHANGED, NO_VALUE] or \
                        not IDataConverter(widget).toFieldValue(value):
                    value = get_dummy_dexterity_value(obj, widget, data)
                    if value is None:
                    if interfaces.ICollection.providedBy(widget.field) or \
                        value = [value]

            if value:
                dm = component.getMultiAdapter((obj, field), IDataManager)
                except TypeError:
Пример #15
    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
        fti = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=self.portal_type)

        klass = resolveDottedName(fti.klass)
        if klass is None or not callable(klass):
            raise ValueError("Content class %s set for type %s is not valid" %
                             (fti.klass, self.portal_type))

            obj = klass(*args, **kw)
        except TypeError, e:
            raise ValueError(
                "Error whilst constructing content for %s using class %s: %s" %
                (self.portal_type, fti.klass, str(e)))
Пример #16
    def lookupSchema(self):

        # If a specific schema is given, use it
        if self.schema:
            schema = utils.resolveDottedName(self.schema)
            if schema is None:
                raise ValueError(u"Schema %s set for type %s cannot be resolved" % (self.schema, self.getId()))
            return schema

        # Otherwise, look up a dynamic schema. This will query the model for
        # an unnamed schema if it is the first time it is looked up.
        # See schema.py

        schemaName = utils.portalTypeToSchemaName(self.getId())
        return getattr(plone.dexterity.schema.generated, schemaName)
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DexterityFTI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if 'aliases' not in kwargs:

        if 'actions' not in kwargs:
            for action in self.default_actions:
                               permission=action.get('permissions', ()),
                               category=action.get('category', 'object'),
                               visible=action.get('visible', True))

        # Default factory name to be the FTI name
        if not self.factory:
            self.factory = self.getId()

        # In CMF (2.2+, but we've backported it) the property add_view_expr is
        # used to construct an action in the 'folder/add' category. The
        # portal_types tool loops over all FTIs and lets them provide such
        # actions.
        # By convention, the expression is string:${folder_url}/++add++my.type
        # The ++add++ traverser will find the FTI with name my.type, and then
        # looks up an adapter for (context, request, fti) with a name equal
        # to fti.factory, falling back on an unnamed adapter. The result is
        # assumed to be an add view.
        # Dexterity provides a default (unnamed) adapter for any IFolderish
        # context, request and IDexterityFTI that can construct an add view
        # for any Dexterity schema.

        if not self.add_view_expr:
            add_view_expr = kwargs.get(
                "string:${folder_url}/++add++%s" % self.getId()
            self._setPropValue('add_view_expr', add_view_expr)

        # Set the content_meta_type from the klass

        klass = utils.resolveDottedName(self.klass)
        if klass is not None:
            self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
Пример #18
    def getDexterityFolderTypes():
            from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityFTI
            from plone.dexterity.utils import resolveDottedName
        except ImportError:
            return set([])

        portal_types = getToolByName(portal, "portal_types")
        types = [fti for fti in portal_types.listTypeInfo() if IDexterityFTI.providedBy(fti)]

        ftypes = set([])
        for _type in types:
            klass = resolveDottedName(_type.klass)
            if ISyndicatable.implementedBy(klass):
        return ftypes
Пример #19
    def lookupSchema(self):

        # If a specific schema is given, use it
        if self.schema:
            schema = utils.resolveDottedName(self.schema)
            if schema is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    u"Schema %s set for type %s cannot be resolved" %
                    (self.schema, self.getId()))
            return schema

        # Otherwise, look up a dynamic schema. This will query the model for
        # an unnamed schema if it is the first time it is looked up.
        # See schema.py

        schemaName = utils.portalTypeToSchemaName(self.getId())
        return getattr(plone.dexterity.schema.generated, schemaName)
Пример #20
    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize the view class."""
        fieldId = self.request.get('fieldId', '').split('-')[-1]
        typeOrDottedname = self.request.get('typeOrDottedname')
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        if typeOrDottedname == context.portal_type and shasattr(
                context, 'Schema'):
            # Archetype
            field = context.Schema().getField(fieldId)
            self.multivalued = field.multiValued
            self.widget = field.widget
            fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=typeOrDottedname)
            if fti is None:
                # Must be a standalone z3c.form forms then.
                klass = utils.resolveDottedName(typeOrDottedname)
                field = klass(self.context,
                self.widget = FieldWidget(
                    field, UserAndGroupSelectionWidget(field, self.request))
                self.multivalued = ICollection.providedBy(field)
                # Dexterity
                schema = fti.lookupSchema()
                field = schema.get(fieldId)
                if field is None:
                    # The field might be defined in a behavior schema.
                    # Get the behaviors from either the context or the
                    # portal_type (but not both at the same time).
                    if self.request.get('ignoreContext'):
                        context = None
                        portal_type = typeOrDottedname
                        portal_type = None
                    for behavior_schema in \
                            utils.getAdditionalSchemata(context, portal_type):
                        if behavior_schema is not None:
                            field = behavior_schema.get(fieldId)
                            if field is not None:
                self.widget = FieldWidget(
                    field, UserAndGroupSelectionWidget(field, self.request))
                self.multivalued = ICollection.providedBy(field)

        self.memberlookup = MemberLookup(self.context, self.request,
Пример #21
def getInterfacesFor(context=None, portal_type=None):
    if context is None and portal_type is None:
    if context is None:
        kwargs = {'portal_type': portal_type}
        fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=portal_type)
        kwargs = {'context': context}
        fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=context.portal_type)
    if fti is None:

    for interface in implementedBy(resolveDottedName(fti.klass)):
        yield interface
    for schema in getBehaviorsFor(**kwargs):
        yield schema
    yield fti.lookupSchema()
Пример #22
def iterSchemataForType(portal_type):
    # BBB: merge this with plone.dexterity.utils.iterSchemata, which should
    # really call this function
    fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=portal_type)
    if fti is None:

    yield fti.lookupSchema()

    for behavior in fti.behaviors:
            behaviorInterface = resolveDottedName(behavior)
        except ValueError:
        if behaviorInterface is not None:
            behaviorSchema = IFormFieldProvider(behaviorInterface, None)
            if behaviorSchema is not None:
                yield behaviorSchema
Пример #23
def _getDexterityFolderTypes(portal):
        from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityFTI
        from plone.dexterity.utils import resolveDottedName
        from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.syndication import ISyndicatable
    except ImportError:
        return set([])

    portal_types = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_types')
    types = [fti for fti in portal_types.listTypeInfo() if

    ftypes = set([])
    for _type in types:
        klass = resolveDottedName(_type.klass)
        if ISyndicatable.implementedBy(klass):
    return ftypes
Пример #24
    def _updateProperty(self, id, value):
        """Allow property to be updated, and fire a modified event. We do this
        on a per-property basis and invalidate selectively based on the id of
        the property that was changed.

        oldValue = getattr(self, id, None)
        super(DexterityFTI, self)._updateProperty(id, value)
        new_value = getattr(self, id, None)

        if oldValue != new_value:
            modified(self, DexterityFTIModificationDescription(id, oldValue))

            # Update meta_type from klass
            if id == 'klass':
                klass = utils.resolveDottedName(new_value)
                if klass is not None:
                    self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
Пример #25
    def _updateProperty(self, id, value):
        """Allow property to be updated, and fire a modified event. We do this
        on a per-property basis and invalidate selectively based on the id of
        the property that was changed.

        oldValue = getattr(self, id, None)
        super(DexterityFTI, self)._updateProperty(id, value)
        new_value = getattr(self, id, None)

        if oldValue != new_value:
            modified(self, DexterityFTIModificationDescription(id, oldValue))

            # Update meta_type from klass
            if id == 'klass':
                klass = utils.resolveDottedName(new_value)
                if klass is not None:
                    self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
Пример #26
    def filter_request(self):
        Manipulate the request to support the fallback theme:

        - Remove the 'normal' theme layer from the request
          to disable the diazo transform of that theme and
          fully fall back to the underlying configured theme,
          typically barceloneta.

        - Enable/disable resource bundles to restore the fallback theme.
          Typically involves removing the 'normal' theme bundle(s).
          Some control panels add a bundle to the request on rendering,
          and we make sure to play nice with that and extend rather than
          replace such request bundle settings.
        if self.request.get('ploneintranet.themeswitcher.marker'):
        # manipulate the same request only once
        self.request.set('ploneintranet.themeswitcher.marker', True)

        if not self.isFallbackActive():

        # only on fallback, remove current theme browser layer(s)
        switcher = self.getSwitcherSettings()
        remove_layers = [
            resolveDottedName(x) for x in switcher.browserlayer_filterlist
        active_layers = [
            x for x in directlyProvidedBy(self.request)
            if x not in remove_layers
        directlyProvides(self.request, *active_layers)

        # CMFPlone/resource/browser/resource
        # supports enable/disable bundles directly on the request
        if switcher.fallback_enabled_bundles:
            for bundle in switcher.fallback_enabled_bundles:
                add_bundle_on_request(self.request, bundle)
        if switcher.fallback_disabled_bundles:
            for bundle in switcher.fallback_disabled_bundles:
                remove_bundle_on_request(self.request, bundle)
            log.warn("NO bundles disabled on fallback. That's weird.")
Пример #27
    def __call__(self, context, request):
        if request.get("ploneintranet.layout.app.enabled"):
        # manipulate the same request only once, and only for one app
        request.set("ploneintranet.layout.app.enabled", True)

        app_layers = list(context.app_layers)

        # do not undo themeswitching
        policy = theming_policy(request)
        if ISwitchableThemingPolicy.providedBy(policy) and policy.isFallbackActive():  # only applies to Barceloneta
            switcher = policy.getSwitcherSettings()
            # respect themeswitching blacklist
            remove_layers = [resolveDottedName(x) for x in switcher.browserlayer_filterlist]
            # enable only non-blacklisted IAppLayers
            app_layers = [x for x in app_layers if x not in remove_layers]

        active_layers = app_layers + get_layers(request)
        directlyProvides(request, *active_layers)
    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize the view class."""
        fieldId = self.request.get('fieldId','').split('-')[-1]
        typeOrDottedname = self.request.get('typeOrDottedname')
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        if typeOrDottedname == context.portal_type and shasattr(context, 'Schema'):
            # Archetype
            field = context.Schema().getField(fieldId)
            self.multivalued = field.multiValued
            self.widget = field.widget
            fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=typeOrDottedname)
            if fti is None:
                # Must be a standalone z3c.form forms then.
                klass = utils.resolveDottedName(typeOrDottedname)
                field = klass(self.context, self.request).fields.get(fieldId).field
                self.widget = FieldWidget(field, UserAndGroupSelectionWidget(field, self.request))
                self.multivalued = ICollection.providedBy(field)
                # Dexterity
                schema = fti.lookupSchema()
                field = schema.get(fieldId)
                if field is None:
                    # The field might be defined in a behavior schema.
                    # Get the behaviors from either the context or the
                    # portal_type (but not both at the same time).
                    if self.request.get('ignoreContext'):
                        context = None
                        portal_type = typeOrDottedname
                        portal_type = None
                    for behavior_schema in \
                            utils.getAdditionalSchemata(context, portal_type):
                        if behavior_schema is not None:
                            field = behavior_schema.get(fieldId)
                            if field is not None:
                self.widget = FieldWidget(field, UserAndGroupSelectionWidget(field, self.request))
                self.multivalued = ICollection.providedBy(field)

        self.memberlookup = MemberLookup(self.context,
Пример #29
def getDexterityFields(idextif, portal_type=None):
    fields = []
    ret = {}
    if portal_type:
        # stolen from plone.dexterity.utils
        fti = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=portal_type)
        for behavior_name in fti.behaviors:
                behavior_interface = resolveDottedName(behavior_name)
            except (ValueError, ImportError):
            if behavior_interface is not None:
                behavior_schema = IFormFieldProvider(behavior_interface, None)
                if behavior_schema is not None:
    for k, value in fields:
        ret[k] = value
    return ret
Пример #30
    def filter_request(self):
        Manipulate the request to support the fallback theme:

        - Remove the 'normal' theme layer from the request
          to disable the diazo transform of that theme and
          fully fall back to the underlying configured theme,
          typically barceloneta.

        - Enable/disable resource bundles to restore the fallback theme.
          Typically involves removing the 'normal' theme bundle(s).
          Some control panels add a bundle to the request on rendering,
          and we make sure to play nice with that and extend rather than
          replace such request bundle settings.
        if self.request.get('ploneintranet.themeswitcher.marker'):
        # manipulate the same request only once
        self.request.set('ploneintranet.themeswitcher.marker', True)

        if not self.isFallbackActive():

        # only on fallback, remove current theme browser layer(s)
        switcher = self.getSwitcherSettings()
        remove_layers = [resolveDottedName(x)
                         for x in switcher.browserlayer_filterlist]
        active_layers = [x for x in directlyProvidedBy(self.request)
                         if x not in remove_layers]
        directlyProvides(self.request, *active_layers)

        # CMFPlone/resource/browser/resource
        # supports enable/disable bundles directly on the request
        if switcher.fallback_enabled_bundles:
            for bundle in switcher.fallback_enabled_bundles:
                add_bundle_on_request(self.request, bundle)
        if switcher.fallback_disabled_bundles:
            for bundle in switcher.fallback_disabled_bundles:
                remove_bundle_on_request(self.request, bundle)
            log.warn("NO bundles disabled on fallback. That's weird.")
Пример #31
def getBehaviorsFor(context=None, portal_type=None):
    if context is None and portal_type is None:
    if context is None:
        fti = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=portal_type)
        for behavior_name in fti.behaviors:
            behavior_interface = None
            behavior_instance = queryUtility(IBehavior, name=behavior_name)
            if not behavior_instance:
                    behavior_interface = resolveDottedName(behavior_name)
                except (ValueError, ImportError):
                behavior_interface = behavior_instance.interface
            if behavior_interface is not None:
                yield behavior_interface
        behavior_assignable = IBehaviorAssignable(context, None)
        for behavior_reg in behavior_assignable.enumerateBehaviors():
            yield behavior_reg.interface
Пример #32
    def lookupSchema(self):
        schema = None
        # If a specific schema is given, use it
        if self.schema:
                schema = utils.resolveDottedName(self.schema)
            except ImportError:
                logging.warning(u"Schema %s set for type %s cannot be resolved" % (self.schema, self.getId()))
                # fall through to return a fake class with no
                # fields so that end user code doesn't break
        if schema:
            return schema
        # Otherwise, look up a dynamic schema. This will query the model for
        # an unnamed schema if it is the first time it is looked up. 
        # See schema.py

        schemaName = utils.portalTypeToSchemaName(self.getId())
        return getattr(plone.dexterity.schema.generated, schemaName)
Пример #33
    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
        fti = getUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=self.portal_type)

        klass = resolveDottedName(fti.klass)
        if klass is None or not callable(klass):
            raise ValueError("Content class %s set for type %s is not valid" %
                             (fti.klass, self.portal_type))

            obj = klass(*args, **kw)
        except TypeError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "Error whilst constructing content for %s using class %s: %s" %
                (self.portal_type, fti.klass, str(e)))

        # Set portal_type if not set, but avoid creating an instance variable
        # if possible
        if getattr(obj, 'portal_type', '') != self.portal_type:
            obj.portal_type = self.portal_type

        return obj
Пример #34
    def __call__(self, context, request):
        if request.get('ploneintranet.layout.app.enabled'):
        # manipulate the same request only once, and only for one app
        request.set('ploneintranet.layout.app.enabled', True)

        app_layers = list(context.app_layers)

        # do not undo themeswitching
        policy = theming_policy(request)
        if ISwitchableThemingPolicy.providedBy(policy) \
           and policy.isFallbackActive():  # only applies to Barceloneta
            switcher = policy.getSwitcherSettings()
            # respect themeswitching blacklist
            remove_layers = [
                resolveDottedName(x) for x in switcher.browserlayer_filterlist
            # enable only non-blacklisted IAppLayers
            app_layers = [x for x in app_layers if x not in remove_layers]

        active_layers = app_layers + get_layers(request)
        directlyProvides(request, *active_layers)
Пример #35
 def reattachReferencedAttributes(self, obj, attrs_dict):
     obj = aq_base(obj)
     for name, blob in six.iteritems(attrs_dict):
         iface_name, f_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)
         # In case the field is provided via a behavior:
         # Look up the behavior via dotted name.
         # If the behavior's dotted name was changed, we might still have
         # the old name in our attrs_dict.
         # Use the fallback of plone.behavior, provided via the field
         # former_dotted_names, so that the correct behavior can still
         # be found.
             behavior = lookup_behavior_registration(iface_name)
             iface = behavior.interface
         except BehaviorRegistrationNotFound:
             # Not a behavior - fetch the interface directly
             iface = resolveDottedName(iface_name)
         field = iface.get(f_name)
         if field is not None:  # Field may have been removed from schema
             adapted_field = field.get(iface(obj))
             if adapted_field:
                 adapted_field._blob = blob
 def reattachReferencedAttributes(self, obj, attrs_dict):
     obj = aq_base(obj)
     for name, blob in six.iteritems(attrs_dict):
         iface_name, f_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)
         # In case the field is provided via a behavior:
         # Look up the behavior via dotted name.
         # If the behavior's dotted name was changed, we might still have
         # the old name in our attrs_dict.
         # Use the fallback of plone.behavior, provided via the field
         # former_dotted_names, so that the correct behavior can still
         # be found.
             behavior = lookup_behavior_registration(iface_name)
             iface = behavior.interface
         except BehaviorRegistrationNotFound:
             # Not a behavior - fetch the interface directly
             iface = resolveDottedName(iface_name)
         field = iface.get(f_name)
         if field is not None:  # Field may have been removed from schema
             adapted_field = field.get(iface(obj))
             if adapted_field:
                 adapted_field._blob = blob
Пример #37
    def lookupSchema(self):
        schema = None

        # If a specific schema is given, use it
        if self.schema:
                schema = utils.resolveDottedName(self.schema)
            except ImportError:
                    u"Schema %s set for type %s cannot be resolved" %
                    (self.schema, self.getId()))
                # fall through to return a fake class with no
                # fields so that end user code doesn't break

        if schema:
            return schema

        # Otherwise, look up a dynamic schema. This will query the model for
        # an unnamed schema if it is the first time it is looked up.
        # See schema.py

        schemaName = utils.portalTypeToSchemaName(self.getId())
        return getattr(plone.dexterity.schema.generated, schemaName)
Пример #38
def get_behav(name):
    behav = queryUtility(IBehavior, name=name)
    if behav is not None:
        return behav.interface
        return resolveDottedName(name)