Пример #1
def construct_calendar(events, start=None, end=None):
    """Return a dictionary with dates in a given timeframe as keys and the
    actual occurrences for that date for building calendars.
    Long lasting events will occur on every day until their end.

    :param events: List of IEvent and/or IOccurrence objects, to construct a
                   calendar data structure from.
    :type events: list

    :param start: An optional start range date.
    :type start: Python datetime or date

    :param end: An optional start range date.
    :type end: Python datetime or date

    :returns: Dictionary with isoformat date strings as keys and event
              occurrences as values.
    :rtype: dict

    if start:
        if is_datetime(start):
            start = start.date()
        assert is_date(start)
    if end:
        if is_datetime(end):
            end = end.date()
        assert is_date(end)

    cal = {}

    def _add_to_cal(cal_data, event, date):
        date_str = date.isoformat()
        if date_str not in cal_data:
            cal_data[date_str] = [event]
        return cal_data

    for event in events:
        acc = IEventAccessor(event)
        start_date = acc.start.date()
        end_date = acc.end.date()

        # day span between start and end + 1 for the initial date
        range_days = (end_date - start_date).days + 1
        for add_day in range(range_days):
            next_start_date = start_date + timedelta(add_day)  # initial = 0

            # avoid long loops
            if start and end_date < start:
                break  # if the date is completly outside the range
            if start and next_start_date < start:
                continue  # if start_date is outside but end reaches into range
            if end and next_start_date > end:
                break  # if date is outside range

            _add_to_cal(cal, event, next_start_date)
    return cal
Пример #2
def construct_calendar(events, start=None, end=None):
    """Return a dictionary with dates in a given timeframe as keys and the
    actual occurrences for that date for building calendars.
    Long lasting events will occur on every day until their end.

    :param events: List of IEvent and/or IOccurrence objects, to construct a
                   calendar data structure from.
    :type events: list

    :param start: An optional start range date.
    :type start: Python datetime or date

    :param end: An optional start range date.
    :type end: Python datetime or date

    :returns: Dictionary with isoformat date strings as keys and event
              occurrences as values.
    :rtype: dict

    if start:
        if is_datetime(start):
            start = start.date()
        assert is_date(start)
    if end:
        if is_datetime(end):
            end = end.date()
        assert is_date(end)

    cal = {}

    def _add_to_cal(cal_data, event, date):
        date_str = date.isoformat()
        if date_str not in cal_data:
            cal_data[date_str] = [event]
        return cal_data

    for event in events:
        acc = IEventAccessor(event)
        start_date = acc.start.date()
        end_date = acc.end.date()

        # day span between start and end + 1 for the initial date
        range_days = (end_date - start_date).days + 1
        for add_day in range(range_days):
            next_start_date = start_date + timedelta(add_day)  # initial = 0

            # avoid long loops
            if start and end_date < start:
                break  # if the date is completly outside the range
            if start and next_start_date <= start:
                continue  # if start is outside but end reaches into range
            if end and next_start_date > end:
                break  # if date is outside range

            _add_to_cal(cal, event, next_start_date)
    return cal
Пример #3
def custom_construct_calendar(events, start=None, end=None):
    """Patch to plone.app.event
    The first day of the calendar is not marked even if the event happens in that day
    We use this method instead of the original one in plone.app.event.base.py
    to fix this issue. 

    The same issue is fixed in higher versions of plone.app.event, but these versions 
    does not support plone 4, so we have to fix it by overwriten the method

    if start:
        if is_datetime(start):
            start = start.date()
        assert is_date(start)
    if end:
        if is_datetime(end):
            end = end.date()
        assert is_date(end)

    cal = {}

    def _add_to_cal(cal_data, event, date):
        date_str = date.isoformat()
        if date_str not in cal_data:
            cal_data[date_str] = [event]
        return cal_data

    for event in events:
        acc = IEventAccessor(event)
        start_date = acc.start.date()
        end_date = acc.end.date()

        # day span between start and end + 1 for the initial date
        range_days = (end_date - start_date).days + 1
        for add_day in range(range_days):
            next_start_date = start_date + timedelta(add_day)  # initial = 0

            # avoid long loops
            if start and end_date < start:
                break  # if the date is completly outside the range
            if start and next_start_date < start:
                continue  # if start is outside but end reaches into range
            if end and next_start_date > end:
                break  # if date is outside range

            _add_to_cal(cal, event, next_start_date)

    return cal
Пример #4
def format_date(dt):
    if is_datetime(dt):
        return dt.isoformat()
            return dt.ISO8601()
        except Exception:
Пример #5
def DT(dt, exact=False):
    """Return a Zope DateTime instance from a Python datetime instance.

    :param dt: Python datetime, Python date, Zope DateTime instance or string.
    :param exact: If True, the resolution goes down to microseconds. If False,
                  the resolution are seconds. Defaul is False.
    :type exact: Boolean
    :returns: Zope DateTime
    :rtype: Zope DateTime


    def _adjust_DT(DT, exact):
        if exact:
            ret = DT
            ret = DateTime(
        return ret

    tz = default_timezone(getSite())
    ret = None
    if is_datetime(dt):
        zone_id = getattr(dt.tzinfo, 'zone', tz)
        tz = validated_timezone(zone_id, tz)
        second = dt.second
        if exact:
            second += dt.microsecond / 1000000.0
        ret = DateTime(
            dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
            dt.hour, dt.minute, second,
    elif is_date(dt):
        ret = DateTime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, 0, 0, 0, tz)
    elif isinstance(dt, DateTime):
        # No timezone validation. DateTime knows how to handle it's zones.
        ret = _adjust_DT(dt, exact=exact)
        # Try to convert by DateTime itself
        ret = _adjust_DT(DateTime(dt), exact=exact)
    return ret
Пример #6
def DT(dt, exact=False):
    """Return a Zope DateTime instance from a Python datetime instance.

    :param dt: Python datetime, Python date, Zope DateTime instance or string.
    :param exact: If True, the resolution goes down to microseconds. If False,
                  the resolution are seconds. Defaul is False.
    :type exact: Boolean
    :returns: Zope DateTime
    :rtype: Zope DateTime


    def _adjust_DT(DT, exact):
        if exact:
            ret = DT
            ret = DateTime(
        return ret

    tz = default_timezone(getSite())
    ret = None
    if is_datetime(dt):
        zone_id = getattr(dt.tzinfo, 'zone', tz)
        tz = validated_timezone(zone_id, tz)
        second = dt.second
        if exact:
            second += dt.microsecond / 1000000.0
        ret = DateTime(
            dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
            dt.hour, dt.minute, second,
    elif is_date(dt):
        ret = DateTime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, 0, 0, 0, tz)
    elif isinstance(dt, DateTime):
        # No timezone validation. DateTime knows how to handle it's zones.
        ret = _adjust_DT(dt, exact=exact)
        # Try to convert by DateTime itself
        ret = _adjust_DT(DateTime(dt), exact=exact)
    return ret
Пример #7
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item <= dtzl and item or null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx > 0 and idx - 1 or idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize

    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Пример #8
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item <= dtzl and item or null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx > 0 and idx - 1 or idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize
    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Пример #9
def ical_import(container,
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    cat = getToolByName(container, 'portal_catalog')
    container_path = '/'.join(container.getPhysicalPath())

    def _get_by_sync_uid(uid):
        return cat(sync_uid=uid, path={'query': container_path, 'depth': 1})

    def _get_prop(prop, item, default=None):
        ret = default
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    def _from_list(ical, prop):
        """For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
        be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
        In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
        This method handles this case.

        TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
        val = ical[prop] if prop in ical else []
        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]

        # Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
        # not support multiple lines here
        # https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
        ret = ''
        for item in val:
            ret = '%s,' % ret if ret else ret  # insert linebreak
            ret = '%s%s' % (ret, item.to_ical())
        return '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) if ret else None

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None:
                end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
        assert (is_datetime(start))
        assert (is_datetime(end))

        # Set timezone, if not already set
        tz = base.default_timezone(container, as_tzinfo=True)
        if not getattr(start, 'tzinfo', False):
            start = tz.localize(start)
        if not getattr(end, 'tzinfo', False):
            end = tz.localize(end)

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = 'RRULE:%s' % rrule.to_ical() if rrule else ''
        rdates = _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
        exdates = _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
        rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])

        # TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
        # vCalAddress values
        attendees = item.get('ATTENDEE', ())

        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = item.get('CATEGORIES', ())
        if getattr(categories, '__iter__', False):
            categories = tuple([safe_unicode(it) for it in categories])

        ext_modified = utc(_get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item))

        content = None
        new_content_id = None
        existing_event = None
        sync_uid = _get_prop('UID', item)
        if sync_uid and sync_strategy is not base.SYNC_NONE:
            existing_event = _get_by_sync_uid(sync_uid)
        if existing_event:
            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_MINE:
                # On conflict, keep mine

            exist_event = existing_event[0].getObject()
            acc = IEventAccessor(exist_event)

            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_NEWER and\
                    (not ext_modified or acc.last_modified > ext_modified):
                # Update only if modified date was passed in and it is not
                # older than the current modified date.  The client is not
                # expected to update the "last-modified" property, it is the
                # job of the server (calendar store) to keep it up to date.
                # This makes sure the client did the change on an up-to-date
                # version of the object.  See
                # http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc5545#section-

            # Else: update
            content = exist_event
            new_content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
            content = container[new_content_id]

        assert (content)  # At this point, a content must be available.

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.title = title
        event.description = description
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories
        if sync_uid and sync_strategy is not base.SYNC_NONE:
            # Set the external sync_uid for sync strategies other than
            # SYNC_NONE.
            event.sync_uid = sync_uid

        # Use commits instead of savepoints to avoid "FileStorageError:
        # description too long" on large imports.
        transaction.get().commit()  # Commit before rename

        if new_content_id and new_content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(new_content_id, new_id)

        # Do this at the end, otherwise it's overwritten
        if ext_modified:
            event.last_modified = ext_modified

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}
Пример #10
def ical_import(container, ics_resource, event_type,
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    cat = getToolByName(container, 'portal_catalog')
    container_path = '/'.join(container.getPhysicalPath())

    def _get_by_sync_uid(uid):
        return cat(
            path={'query': container_path, 'depth': 1}

    def _get_prop(prop, item, default=None):
        ret = default
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    def _from_list(ical, prop):
        """For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
        be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
        In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
        This method handles this case.

        TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
        val = prop in ical and ical[prop] or []
        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]
        #ret = ''
        #for item in val:
        #    ret = ret and '%s\n' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
        #    ret = '%s%s:%s' % (ret, prop, item.to_ical())
        #return ret

        # Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
        # not support multiple lines here
        # https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
        ret = ''
        for item in val:
            ret = ret and '%s,' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
            ret = '%s%s' % (ret, item.to_ical())
        return ret and '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) or None

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        timezone = getattr(getattr(start, 'tzinfo', None), 'zone', None) or\

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None:
                end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = rrule and 'RRULE:%s' % rrule.to_ical() or ''
        rdates = _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
        exdates = _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
        rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])

        # TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
        # vCalAddress values
        attendees = item.get('ATTENDEE', ())

        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = item.get('CATEGORIES', ())
        if hasattr(categories, '__iter__'):
            categories = [safe_unicode(it) for it in categories]

        ext_modified = utc(_get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item))

        # TODO: better use plone.api for content creation, from which some of
        # the code here is copied

        content = None
        new_content_id = None
        existing_event = None
        sync_uid = _get_prop('UID', item)
        if sync_strategy != base.SYNC_NONE and sync_uid:
            existing_event = _get_by_sync_uid(sync_uid)
        if existing_event:
            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_MINE:
                # On conflict, keep mine

            exist_event = existing_event[0].getObject()
            acc = IEventAccessor(exist_event)

            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_NEWER and\
                    (not ext_modified or acc.last_modified >= ext_modified):
                # Update only, if newer, if ext_modified exists

            # Else: update
            content = exist_event
            # TODO: if AT had the same attrs like IDXEventBase, we could set
            # everything within this invokeFactory call.
            new_content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
            content = container[new_content_id]

        assert(content)  # At this point, a content must be available.

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.title = title
        event.description = description
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.timezone = timezone
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories
        if sync_strategy != base.SYNC_NONE:
            # Don't import the sync_uid, if no sync strategy is chosen. Let the
            # sync_uid be autogenerated then.
            event.sync_uid = sync_uid

        # Archetypes specific code
        if getattr(content, 'processForm', False):
            # Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
            # rename-after-creation and such

        # Use commits instead of savepoints to avoid "FileStorageError:
        # description too long" on large imports.
        transaction.get().commit()  # Commit before rename

        if new_content_id and new_content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(new_content_id, new_id)

        # Do this at the end, otherwise it's overwritten
        if ext_modified:
            event.last_modified = ext_modified

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}
Пример #11
def ical_import(container, ics_resource, event_type):
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    def _get_prop(prop, item):
        ret = None
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    def _from_list(ical, prop):
        """For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
        be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
        In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
        This method handles this case.

        TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
        val = prop in ical and ical[prop] or []
        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]
        #ret = ''
        #for item in val:
        #    ret = ret and '%s\n' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
        #    ret = '%s%s:%s' % (ret, prop, item.to_ical())
        #return ret

        # Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
        # not support multiple lines here
        # https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
        ret = ''
        for item in val:
            ret = ret and '%s,' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
            ret = '%s%s' % (ret, item.to_ical())
        return ret and '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) or None

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        timezone = getattr(getattr(start, 'tzinfo', None), 'zone', None) or\

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None: end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = rrule and 'RRULE:%s' % rrule.to_ical() or ''
        rdates =  _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
        exdates =  _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
        rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])

        # TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
        # vCalAddress values
        attendees = _get_prop('ATTENDEE', item)

        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = _get_prop('CATEGORIES', item)
        if hasattr(categories, '__iter__'):
            categories = [safe_unicode(it) for it in categories]

        # for sync
        created = _get_prop('CREATED', item)
        modified = _get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item)

        # TODO: better use plone.api, from which some of the code here is
        # copied
        content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))

        # TODO: if AT had the same attrs like IDXEventBase, we could set
        # everything within this invokeFactory call.
        content = container[content_id]

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.timezone = timezone
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories

        # Archetypes specific code
        if getattr(content, 'processForm', False):
            # Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
            # rename-after-creation and such

        if content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            transaction.savepoint(optimistic=True)  # Commit before renaming
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(content_id, new_id)

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}
Пример #12
def ical_import(container, ics_resource, event_type):
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    def _get_prop(prop, item):
        ret = None
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        timezone = getattr(getattr(start, 'tzinfo', None), 'zone', None) or\

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None: end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = rrule and 'RRULE:%s' % rrule.to_ical() or ''
        rdate = _get_prop('RDATE', item)
        rrule = rdate and '%s\nRDATE:%s' % (rrule, rdate.to_ical()) or ''
        exdate = _get_prop('EXDATE', item)
        rrule = exdate and '%s\nEXDATE:%s' % (rrule, exdate.to_ical()) or ''

        attendees = _get_prop('ATTENDEE', item)
        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = _get_prop('CATEGORIES', item)
        if hasattr(categories, '__iter__'):
            categories = [safe_unicode(it) for it in categories]

        # for sync
        created = _get_prop('CREATED', item)
        modified = _get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item)

        # TODO: better use plone.api, from which some of the code here is
        # copied
        content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))

        # TODO: if AT had the same attrs like IDXEventBase, we could set
        # everything within this invokeFactory call.
        content = container[content_id]

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.timezone = timezone
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories

        # Archetypes specific code
        if getattr(content, 'processForm', False):
            # Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
            # rename-after-creation and such

        if content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            transaction.savepoint(optimistic=True)  # Commit before renaming
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(content_id, new_id)

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}
Пример #13
def ical_import(container,
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    cat = getToolByName(container, 'portal_catalog')
    container_path = '/'.join(container.getPhysicalPath())

    def _get_by_sync_uid(uid):
        return cat(sync_uid=uid, path={'query': container_path, 'depth': 1})

    def _get_prop(prop, item, default=None):
        ret = default
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    def _from_list(ical, prop):
        """For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
        be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
        In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
        This method handles this case.

        TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
        val = prop in ical and ical[prop] or []
        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]
        #ret = ''
        #for item in val:
        #    ret = ret and '%s\n' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
        #    ret = '%s%s:%s' % (ret, prop, item.to_ical())
        #return ret

        # Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
        # not support multiple lines here
        # https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
        ret = ''
        for item in val:
            ret = ret and '%s,' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
            ret = '%s%s' % (ret, item.to_ical())
        return ret and '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) or None

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        timezone = getattr(getattr(start, 'tzinfo', None), 'zone', None) or\

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None:
                end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
        assert (is_datetime(start))
        assert (is_datetime(end))

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = rrule and 'RRULE:%s' % rrule.to_ical() or ''
        rdates = _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
        exdates = _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
        rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])

        # TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
        # vCalAddress values
        attendees = item.get('ATTENDEE', ())

        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = item.get('CATEGORIES', ())
        if hasattr(categories, '__iter__'):
            categories = [safe_unicode(it) for it in categories]

        ext_modified = utc(_get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item))

        # TODO: better use plone.api for content creation, from which some of
        # the code here is copied

        content = None
        new_content_id = None
        existing_event = None
        sync_uid = _get_prop('UID', item)
        if sync_strategy != base.SYNC_NONE and sync_uid:
            existing_event = _get_by_sync_uid(sync_uid)
        if existing_event:
            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_MINE:
                # On conflict, keep mine

            exist_event = existing_event[0].getObject()
            acc = IEventAccessor(exist_event)

            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_NEWER and\
                    (not ext_modified or acc.last_modified >= ext_modified):
                # Update only, if newer, if ext_modified exists

            # Else: update
            content = exist_event
            # TODO: if AT had the same attrs like IDXEventBase, we could set
            # everything within this invokeFactory call.
            new_content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
            content = container[new_content_id]

        assert (content)  # At this point, a content must be available.

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.title = title
        event.description = description
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.timezone = timezone
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories
        if sync_strategy != base.SYNC_NONE:
            # Don't import the sync_uid, if no sync strategy is chosen. Let the
            # sync_uid be autogenerated then.
            event.sync_uid = sync_uid

        # Archetypes specific code
        if getattr(content, 'processForm', False):
            # Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
            # rename-after-creation and such

        # Use commits instead of savepoints to avoid "FileStorageError:
        # description too long" on large imports.
        transaction.get().commit()  # Commit before rename

        if new_content_id and new_content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(new_content_id, new_id)

        # Do this at the end, otherwise it's overwritten
        if ext_modified:
            event.last_modified = ext_modified

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}
Пример #14
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    """Build a dictionary of timezone information from a timezone identifier
    and a date/time object for which the timezone information should be

    :param tzmap: An existing dictionary of timezone information to be extended
                  or an empty dictionary.
    :type tzmap: dictionary
    :param tzid: A timezone identifier.
    :type tzid: string
    :param dt: A datetime object.
    :type dt: datetime

    :returns: A dictionary with timezone information needed to build VTIMEZONE
    :rtype: dictionary

    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item if item <= dtzl else null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx - 1 if idx > 0 else idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize

    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Пример #15
def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt):
    """Build a dictionary of timezone information from a timezone identifier
    and a date/time object for which the timezone information should be

    :param tzmap: An existing dictionary of timezone information to be extended
                  or an empty dictionary.
    :type tzmap: dictionary
    :param tzid: A timezone identifier.
    :type tzid: string
    :param dt: A datetime object.
    :type dt: datetime

    :returns: A dictionary with timezone information needed to build VTIMEZONE
    :rtype: dictionary

    if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt):
        # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects.
        return tzmap
    null = datetime(1, 1, 1)
    tz = pytz.timezone(tzid)
    transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None)
    if not transitions:
        return tzmap  # we need transition definitions
    dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt))

    # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone.
    #     the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item
    #     is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as
    #     soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible
    #     datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this
    #     way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the
    #     given datetime.
    transition = max(transitions,
                     key=lambda item: item if item <= dtzl else null)

    # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom
    idx = transitions.index(transition)
    prev_idx = idx - 1 if idx > 0 else idx
    prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx]

    def localize(tz, dt):
        if dt is null:
            # dummy time, edge case
            # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.)
            return null
        return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz)  # naive to utc + localize
    transition = localize(tz, transition)
    dtstart = tzdel(transition)  # timezone dtstart must be in local time
    prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition)

    if tzid not in tzmap:
        tzmap[tzid] = {}  # initial
    if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]:
        return tzmap  # already there
    tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = {
        'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0),
        'name': transition.tzname(),
        'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(),
        'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(),
        # TODO: recurrence rule
    return tzmap
Пример #16
def ical_import(container, ics_resource, event_type):
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    def _get_prop(prop, item):
        ret = None
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    def _from_list(ical, prop):
        """For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
        be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
        In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
        This method handles this case.

        TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
        val = prop in ical and ical[prop] or []
        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]
        #ret = ''
        #for item in val:
        #    ret = ret and '%s\n' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
        #    ret = '%s%s:%s' % (ret, prop, item.to_ical())
        #return ret

        # Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
        # not support multiple lines here
        # https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
        ret = ''
        for item in val:
            ret = ret and '%s,' % ret or ret  # insert linebreak
            ret = '%s%s' % (ret, item.to_ical())
        return ret and '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) or None

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        timezone = getattr(getattr(start, 'tzinfo', None), 'zone', None) or\

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None:
                end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = rrule and 'RRULE:%s' % rrule.to_ical() or ''
        rdates = _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
        exdates = _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
        rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])

        # TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
        # vCalAddress values
        attendees = _get_prop('ATTENDEE', item)

        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = _get_prop('CATEGORIES', item)
        if hasattr(categories, '__iter__'):
            categories = [safe_unicode(it) for it in categories]

        ## for sync
        #created = _get_prop('CREATED', item)
        #modified = _get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item)

        # TODO: better use plone.api, from which some of the code here is
        # copied
        content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))

        # TODO: if AT had the same attrs like IDXEventBase, we could set
        # everything within this invokeFactory call.
        content = container[content_id]

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.timezone = timezone
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories

        # Archetypes specific code
        if getattr(content, 'processForm', False):
            # Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
            # rename-after-creation and such

        if content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            transaction.savepoint(optimistic=True)  # Commit before renaming
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(content_id, new_id)

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}
Пример #17
def ical_import(container, ics_resource, event_type,
    cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
    events = cal.walk('VEVENT')

    cat = getToolByName(container, 'portal_catalog')
    container_path = '/'.join(container.getPhysicalPath())

    def _get_by_sync_uid(uid):
        return cat(
            path={'query': container_path, 'depth': 1}

    def _get_prop(prop, item, default=None):
        ret = default
        if prop in item:
            ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
        return ret

    def _from_list(ical, prop):
        """For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
        be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
        In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
        This method handles this case.

        TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
        val = ical[prop] if prop in ical else []
        if not isinstance(val, list):
            val = [val]

        # Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
        # not support multiple lines here
        # https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
        ret = ''
        for item in val:
            ret = '%s,' % ret if ret else ret  # insert linebreak
            ical_val = item.to_ical()
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(ical_val, six.binary_type):
                ical_val = ical_val.decode('utf8')
            ret = '%s%s' % (ret, ical_val)
        return '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) if ret else None

    count = 0
    for item in events:
        start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
        end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
        if not end:
            duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
            if duration:
                end = start + duration
            # else: whole day or open end

        whole_day = False
        open_end = False
        if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
            # All day / whole day events
            # End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
            whole_day = True
            if end is None:
                end = start
            if start < end:
                # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
                # a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
                # Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
                # end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
                end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
        elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
            # Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
            open_end = True
            end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))

        # Set timezone, if not already set
        tz = base.default_timezone(container, as_tzinfo=True)
        if not getattr(start, 'tzinfo', False):
            start = tz.localize(start)
        if not getattr(end, 'tzinfo', False):
            end = tz.localize(end)

        title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
        description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
        location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)

        url = _get_prop('URL', item)

        rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
        rrule = rrule.to_ical() if rrule else ''
        if rrule:
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(rrule, six.binary_type):
                rrule = rrule.decode('utf8')
            rrule = 'RRULE:%s' % rrule
        rdates = _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
        exdates = _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
        rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])

        # TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
        # vCalAddress values
        attendees = item.get('ATTENDEE', ())

        contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
        categories = item.get('CATEGORIES', ())
        if getattr(categories, '__iter__', False):
            categories = tuple([safe_unicode(it) for it in categories])

        ext_modified = utc(_get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item))

        content = None
        new_content_id = None
        existing_event = None
        sync_uid = _get_prop('UID', item)
        if sync_uid and sync_strategy is not base.SYNC_NONE:
            existing_event = _get_by_sync_uid(sync_uid)
        if existing_event:
            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_MINE:
                # On conflict, keep mine

            exist_event = existing_event[0].getObject()
            acc = IEventAccessor(exist_event)

            if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_NEWER and\
                    (not ext_modified or acc.last_modified > ext_modified):
                # Update only if modified date was passed in and it is not
                # older than the current modified date.  The client is not
                # expected to update the "last-modified" property, it is the
                # job of the server (calendar store) to keep it up to date.
                # This makes sure the client did the change on an up-to-date
                # version of the object.  See
                # http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc5545#section-

            # Else: update
            content = exist_event
            new_content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
            content = container[new_content_id]

        assert(content)  # At this point, a content must be available.

        event = IEventAccessor(content)
        event.title = title
        event.description = description
        event.start = start
        event.end = end
        event.whole_day = whole_day
        event.open_end = open_end
        event.location = location
        event.event_url = url
        event.recurrence = rrule
        event.attendees = attendees
        event.contact_name = contact
        event.subjects = categories
        if sync_uid and sync_strategy is not base.SYNC_NONE:
            # Set the external sync_uid for sync strategies other than
            # SYNC_NONE.
            event.sync_uid = sync_uid

        # Use commits instead of savepoints to avoid "FileStorageError:
        # description too long" on large imports.
        transaction.get().commit()  # Commit before rename

        if new_content_id and new_content_id in container:
            # Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
            chooser = INameChooser(container)
            new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
            content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(new_content_id, new_id)

        # Do this at the end, otherwise it's overwritten
        if ext_modified:
            event.last_modified = ext_modified

        count += 1

    return {'count': count}