class IContentTypeDirective(Interface): portal_type = configuration_fields.MessageID(title=_('Portal type'), description='', required=True) class_ = configuration_fields.GlobalObject(title=_('Class'), description='', required=False) schema = configuration_fields.GlobalInterface(title='', description='', required=True) behaviors = configuration_fields.Tokens( title='', description='', value_type=configuration_fields.GlobalInterface(), required=False) allowed_types = configuration_fields.Tokens( title='', description='', value_type=configuration_fields.MessageID(), required=False) add_permission = configuration_fields.MessageID( title=_('Add permission'), default=DEFAULT_ADD_PERMISSION)
class IAddOn(Interface): name = configuration_fields.PythonIdentifier(title=_('Name of the addon'), description='', required=True) title = configuration_fields.MessageID(title=_('Name of the addon'), description='', required=True) handler = configuration_fields.GlobalObject( title=_('Handler for the addon'), description='', required=True)
async def initialize(self, app=None): # loop = app while True: got_obj = False try: priority, view = await self._queue.get() got_obj = True if view.request.conn.transaction_manager is None: # Connection was closed # Open DB db = view.request.application[view.request._db_id] if SHARED_CONNECTION: view.request.conn = db.conn else: # Create a new conection view.request.conn = view.context = view.request.conn.get(view.context._p_oid) txn = view.request.conn.transaction_manager.begin(view.request) try: view_result = await view() if isinstance(view_result, ErrorResponse): await sync(view.request)(txn.abort) elif isinstance(view_result, UnauthorizedResponse): await sync(view.request)(txn.abort) else: await sync(view.request)(txn.commit) except Unauthorized: await sync(view.request)(txn.abort) view_result = UnauthorizedResponse( _('Not authorized to render operation')) except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception on writing execution", exc_info=e) await sync(view.request)(txn.abort) view_result = ErrorResponse( 'ServiceError', _('Error on execution of operation')) except KeyboardInterrupt or MemoryError or SystemExit or asyncio.CancelledError: self._exceptions = True raise except Exception as e: # noqa self._exceptions = True logger.error('Worker call failed', exc_info=e) finally: if got_obj: self._queue.task_done()
class IResourceDirectory(Interface): name = configuration_fields.MessageID( title=_('Name where is going to be published'), description='', required=True) directory = Path(title='The name of the directory', description='Publish at /static the directory', required=True)
def _validate(self, value): if self.allowed_mime_types\ and value.mimeType not in self.allowed_mime_types: raise WrongType(value, self.allowed_mime_types) if self.max_length is not None and len(value.raw) > self.max_length: raise Invalid(_( 'msg_text_too_long', default=u'Text is too long. (Maximum ${max} characters.)', mapping={'max': self.max_length} )) if not self.constraint(value): raise ConstraintNotSatisfied(value)
def generate_unauthorized_response(e, request): # We may need to check the roles of the users to show the real error eid = uuid.uuid4().hex message = _('Not authorized to render operation') + ' ' + eid user = get_authenticated_user_id(request) extra = { 'r': _url(request), 'u': user } logger.error( message, exc_info=e, extra=extra) return UnauthorizedResponse(message)
def generate_error_response(e, request, error, status=400): # We may need to check the roles of the users to show the real error eid = uuid.uuid4().hex message = _('Error on execution of view') + ' ' + eid user = get_authenticated_user_id(request) extra = { 'r': _url(request), 'u': user } logger.error( message, exc_info=e, extra=extra) return ErrorResponse( error, message, status )
async def __call__(self): """To create a content.""" data = await self.get_data() type_ = data.get('@type', None) id_ = data.get('id', None) behaviors = data.get('@behaviors', None) if not type_: return ErrorResponse('RequiredParam', _("Property '@type' is required")) # Generate a temporary id if the id is not given if not id_: new_id = None else: new_id = id_ user = get_authenticated_user_id(self.request) # Create object try: obj = create_content_in_container(self.context, type_, new_id, id=new_id, creators=(user, ), contributors=(user, )) except PreconditionFailed as e: return ErrorResponse('PreconditionFailed', str(e), status=412) except ConflictIdOnContainer as e: return ErrorResponse('ConflictId', str(e), status=409) except ValueError as e: return ErrorResponse('CreatingObject', str(e), status=400) for behavior in behaviors or (): obj.add_behavior(behavior) # Update fields deserializer = queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request), IResourceDeserializeFromJson) if deserializer is None: return ErrorResponse('DeserializationError', 'Cannot deserialize type {}'.format( obj.portal_type), status=501) try: await deserializer(data, validate_all=True) except DeserializationError as e: return ErrorResponse('DeserializationError', str(e), exc=e, status=400) # Local Roles assign owner as the creator user roleperm = IPrincipalRoleManager(obj) roleperm.assignRoleToPrincipal('plone.Owner', user) await notify(ObjectFinallyCreatedEvent(obj)) absolute_url = queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request), IAbsoluteURL) headers = { 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Location', 'Location': absolute_url() } serializer = queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request), IResourceSerializeToJson) return Response(response=serializer(), headers=headers, status=201)
async def __call__(self): """To create a content.""" data = await self.get_data() type_ = data.get('@type', None) id_ = data.get('id', None) behaviors = data.get('@behaviors', None) if '__acl__' in data: # we don't allow to change the permisions on this patch del data['__acl__'] if not type_: return ErrorResponse( 'RequiredParam', _("Property '@type' is required")) # Generate a temporary id if the id is not given if not id_: new_id = None else: new_id = id_ user = get_authenticated_user_id(self.request) # Create object try: obj = create_content_in_container( self.context, type_, new_id, id=new_id, creators=(user,), contributors=(user,)) except PreconditionFailed as e: return ErrorResponse( 'PreconditionFailed', str(e), status=412) except ConflictIdOnContainer as e: return ErrorResponse( 'ConflictId', str(e), status=409) except ValueError as e: return ErrorResponse( 'CreatingObject', str(e), status=400) for behavior in behaviors or (): obj.add_behavior(behavior) # Update fields deserializer = queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request), IResourceDeserializeFromJson) if deserializer is None: return ErrorResponse( 'DeserializationError', 'Cannot deserialize type {}'.format(obj.portal_type), status=501) try: await deserializer(data, validate_all=True) except DeserializationError as e: return ErrorResponse( 'DeserializationError', str(e), exc=e, status=400) # Local Roles assign owner as the creator user roleperm = IPrincipalRoleManager(obj) roleperm.assign_role_to_principal( 'plone.Owner', user) await notify(ObjectFinallyCreatedEvent(obj, data)) absolute_url = queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request), IAbsoluteURL) headers = { 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Location', 'Location': absolute_url() } serializer = queryMultiAdapter( (obj, self.request), IResourceSerializeToJson ) return Response(response=serializer(), headers=headers, status=201)