def cracked_concrete_plot(c: Config): response_types = [ResponseType.YTranslation, ResponseType.Strain] sensor_point = Point(x=51.8, y=0, z=-8.4) # Generate traffic data. total_mins = 2 total_seconds = total_mins * 60 traffic_scenario = normal_traffic(c=c, lam=5, min_d=2) traffic_sequence, traffic, traffic_array = load_traffic( c=c, traffic_scenario=traffic_scenario, max_time=total_seconds, ) # Split the traffic array in half, the crack will happen halfway through. half_i = int(len(traffic_array) / 2) traffic_array_0, traffic_array_1 = traffic_array[:half_i], traffic_array[ half_i:] assert len(traffic_array_0) + len(traffic_array_1) == len(traffic_array) # Collect fem due to traffic. responses = [] for rt in response_types: responses_healthy_cracked = [] for ds, ta in [ (healthy_damage, traffic_array_0), (transverse_crack(), traffic_array_1), ]: print( f"Sections in damage scenario = {len(ds.use(c)[0].bridge.sections)}" ) responses_healthy_cracked.append( responses_to_traffic_array( c=c, traffic_array=ta, response_type=rt, damage_scenario=ds, points=[sensor_point], ).T[0]) # Responses from a single point. responses.append(np.concatenate(responses_healthy_cracked)) responses = np.array(responses) # Plot the cracked time series. x0 = np.arange(half_i) * c.sensor_hz / 60 x1 = np.arange(half_i, len(responses[0])) * c.sensor_hz / 60 plt.landscape() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(x0, responses[0][:half_i] * 1000, label="Healthy") plt.plot(x1, responses[0][half_i:] * 1000, label="Cracked") plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Y translation (mm)") plt.xlabel("Time (minutes)") # plt.plot(np.arange(half_i, len(fem[0])), fem[0][half_i:]) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(x0, responses[1][:half_i], label="Healthy") plt.plot(x1, responses[1][half_i:], label="Cracked") plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Microstrain") plt.xlabel("Time (minutes)") # plt.plot(np.arange(half_i, len(fem[1])), fem[1][half_i:]) plt.savefig(c.get_image_path("verify/cracked", "crack-time-series.pdf"))
def legend(): plt.legend( loc="upper right", borderpad=0.2, labelspacing=0.2, borderaxespad=0, handletextpad=0.2, columnspacing=0.2, )
def plot_qs(Q, mu, strats): spec = GridSpec(4, 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) for i in range(4): fig.add_subplot(spec[i]) for s, strat in enumerate(strats): q = Q[s, :, :, 1, i] / Q[s, :, :, 0, i] q[Q[s, :, :, 0, i] == 0] = 0 plt.plot(q.mean(axis=0), label=strat.__name__, c=colors[s]) plt.axhline(mu[i], ls='--') plt.ylabel("Estimated value of\nAction {}".format(i)) plt.legend(framealpha=0.5, fontsize=10)
def compare_load_positions(c: Config): """Compare load positions (normal vs. buckets).""" c.il_num_loads = 10 num_times = 1000 # Wagen 1 from the experimental campaign. point = Point(x=c.bridge.x_max / 2, y=0, z=-8.4) end_time = uni_axle_vehicle.time_left_bridge(bridge=c.bridge) vehicle_times = list(np.linspace(0, end_time, num_times)) plt.portrait() pw_loads = [ flatten(uni_axle_vehicle.to_point_load_pw(time=time, bridge=c.bridge), PointLoad) for time in vehicle_times ] pw_load_xs = [[c.bridge.x(l.x_frac) for l in pw_loads[time_ind]] for time_ind in range(len(pw_loads))] plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) # for l in pw_load_xs: # print(l) plt.plot([l[0] for l in pw_load_xs]) plt.plot([l[1] for l in pw_load_xs]) wt_loads = [ flatten(uni_axle_vehicle.to_wheel_track_loads(c=c, time=time), PointLoad) for time in vehicle_times ] wt_load_xs = [[c.bridge.x(l.x_frac) for l in wt_loads[time_ind]] for time_ind in range(len(wt_loads))] plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.scatter(vehicle_times, [l[0] for l in wt_load_xs], label="0") plt.scatter(vehicle_times, [l[1] for l in wt_load_xs], label="1") plt.legend() wt_load_kn = [[ for l in wt_loads[time_ind]] for time_ind in range(len(wt_loads))] plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) for l in wt_load_kn: print(l) plt.scatter(vehicle_times, [l[0] for l in wt_load_kn], label="0") plt.scatter(vehicle_times, [l[1] for l in wt_load_kn], label="1") plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(c.get_image_path("verification", "compare-load-positions.pdf")) plt.close()
def multiplot(A, R, strats): nA = int(A.max() + 1) spec = GridSpec(nA + 1, 2, width_ratios=[4, 1], height_ratios=[3] + [1] * nA) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[0]) for s, strat in enumerate(strats): plt.plot(R[s].mean(axis=0), label=strat.__name__, alpha=.4, c=colors[s]) ax.set_xlabel("Epoch") plt.ylabel("Average reward") plt.title("Average reward over {} runs".format(len(A[0]))) plt.legend(loc="lower right", fontsize=(10)) axx = ax for i in range(nA): axx = fig.add_subplot(spec[2 + 2 * i], sharex=axx) for s, strat in enumerate(strats): plt.plot(100 * (A[s, :, :] == i).mean(axis=0), c=colors[s], alpha=.4) plt.ylabel('% Act. {}'.format(i)) fig.add_subplot(spec[1], sharey=ax) bp = plt.boxplot(R.mean(axis=2).T) for box, color in zip(bp['boxes'], colors): box.set_color(color) plt.xticks([]) plt.title("Average\nreward") fig.add_subplot(spec[1:-1, -1], sharey=ax) bp = plt.boxplot(R[:, :, -100:].mean(axis=2).T, labels=[x.__name__ for x in strats]) for box, color in zip(bp['boxes'], colors): box.set_color(color) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=(10)) plt.title("Last 100 epochs")
colors = "rgbky" for si, sigma in enumerate([SIGMA1, SIGMA2, SIGMA3]): t0 = time() Q, R, A = multistrat(mu=MU, sigma=sigma, strategies=strats, epochs=5000) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[0]) for i, s in enumerate(strats): plt.plot(R[i].mean(axis=0), label=s.__name__, alpha=0.5, c=colors[i]) plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc="lower right") plt.title("Average reward over {} runs".format(len(R[0]))) fig.add_subplot(spec[1], sharey=ax) bp = plt.boxplot(R.mean(axis=2).T, labels=[s.__name__ for s in strats]) for box, color in zip(bp['boxes'], colors): box.set_color(color) plt.xticks([]) plt.ylim(3) name = "Ex_2_sigma{}".format(si + 1) print name, time() - t0, "s" show(name)
def top_view_plot(c: Config, max_time: int, skip: int, damage_scenario): response_type = ResponseType.YTranslation # Create the traffic. traffic_scenario = normal_traffic(c=c, lam=5, min_d=2) traffic_sequence, traffic, traffic_array = load_traffic( c=c, traffic_scenario=traffic_scenario, max_time=max_time, ) assert len(traffic) == traffic_array.shape[0] # Points on the deck to collect fem. deck_points = [ Point(x=x, y=0, z=z) for x in np.linspace( c.bridge.x_min, c.bridge.x_max, num=int(c.bridge.length * 2)) for z in np.linspace( c.bridge.z_min, c.bridge.z_max, num=int(c.bridge.width * 2)) # for x in np.linspace(c.bridge.x_min, c.bridge.x_max, num=30) # for z in np.linspace(c.bridge.z_min, c.bridge.z_max, num=10) ] point = Point(x=21, y=0, z=-8.4) # Point to plot deck_points.append(point) # Traffic array to fem array. responses_array = responses_to_traffic_array( c=c, traffic_array=traffic_array, damage_scenario=damage_scenario, points=deck_points, response_type=response_type, ) # Temperature effect July 1st. temps_2019 = temperature.load("holly-springs") temps_2019["temp"] = temperature.resize(temps_2019["temp"]) effect_2019 = temperature.effect( c=c, response_type=response_type, points=deck_points, temps=temps_2019["temp"], solar=temps_2019["solar"], len_per_hour=60, ).T # The effect is ordered by time series and then by points. (104910, 301) assert len(effect_2019) == len(temps_2019) july_2019_i, july_2019_j = temperature.from_to_indices( temps_2019, datetime.fromisoformat(f"2019-10-01T00:00"), datetime.fromisoformat(f"2019-10-01T23:59"), ) temp_effect = [] for i in range(len(deck_points)): temp_effect.append( temperature.apply( # Effect for July 1st, for the current point.. effect=effect_2019.T[i][july_2019_i:july_2019_j], # ..for the length of the time series. responses=responses_array, )) temp_effect = np.array(temp_effect) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(effect_2019.T[-1]) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(temp_effect[-1]) # Determine response due to pier settlement. pd_response_at_point = 0 if isinstance(damage_scenario, PierDispDamage): pd_expt = list( DCMatrix.load(c=c, response_type=response_type, fem_runner=OSRunner(c))) for pier_displacement in damage_scenario.pier_disps: pd_sim_responses = pd_expt[pier_displacement.pier] pd_response_at_point += pd_sim_responses.at_deck( point, interp=False) * (pier_displacement.displacement / c.pd_unit_disp) # Resize fem if applicable to response type. resize_f, units = resize_units(response_type.units()) if resize_f is not None: responses_array = resize_f(responses_array) temp_effect = resize_f(temp_effect.T).T print(np.mean(temp_effect[-1])) pd_response_at_point = resize_f(pd_response_at_point) responses_w_temp = responses_array + temp_effect.T # Determine levels of the colourbar. amin, amax = np.amin(responses_array), np.amax(responses_array) # amin, amax = min(amin, -amax), max(-amin, amax) levels = np.linspace(amin, amax, 25) # All vehicles, for colour reference. all_vehicles = flatten(traffic, Vehicle) # Iterate through each time index and plot results. warmed_up_at = traffic_sequence[0][0].time_left_bridge(c.bridge) # Plot for each time step. for t_ind in range(len(responses_array))[::skip]: plt.landscape() # Plot the bridge top view. plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=2) top_view_bridge(c.bridge, compass=False, lane_fill=False, piers=True) top_view_vehicles( bridge=c.bridge, mv_vehicles=flatten(traffic[t_ind], Vehicle), time=warmed_up_at + t_ind * c.sensor_hz, all_vehicles=all_vehicles, ) responses = Responses( response_type=response_type, responses=[(responses_array[t_ind][p_ind], deck_points[p_ind]) for p_ind in range(len(deck_points))], units=units, ) plot_contour_deck(c=c, responses=responses, levels=levels, mm_legend=False) plt.scatter( [point.x], [point.z], label=f"Sensor in bottom plot", marker="o", color="red", zorder=10, ) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.title( f"{} after {np.around(t_ind * c.sensor_hz, 4)} seconds" ) # Plot the fem at a point. plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (2, 0)) time = t_ind * c.sensor_hz plt.axvline(x=time, color="black", label=f"Current time = {np.around(time, 4)} s") plt.plot( np.arange(len(responses_array)) * c.sensor_hz, responses_w_temp.T[-1], color="red", label="Total effect", ) if isinstance(damage_scenario, PierDispDamage): plt.plot( np.arange(len(responses_array)) * c.sensor_hz, np.ones(temp_effect[-1].shape) * pd_response_at_point, color="green", label="Pier settlement effect", ) plt.plot( np.arange(len(responses_array)) * c.sensor_hz, temp_effect[-1], color="blue", label="Temperature effect", ) plt.ylabel(f"{} ({responses.units})") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.title(f"{} at sensor in top plot") plt.legend(loc="upper right", framealpha=1) # Finally save the image. name = f"{}-{}-{t_ind}" plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(c.get_image_path("classify/top-view", f"{name}.pdf")) plt.savefig(c.get_image_path("classify/top-view/png", f"{name}.png")) plt.close()
def stress_strength_plot(c: Config, top: bool): """Plot the difference of tensile strength and stress under load.""" original_c = c plt.portrait() response_type = ResponseType.StrainT if top else ResponseType.Strain settlement = 3 temp_bottom, temp_top = 21, 30 deck_points = [ Point(x=x, y=0, z=z) for x in np.linspace( # c.bridge.x_min, c.bridge.x_max, num=10 c.bridge.x_min, c.bridge.x_max, num=int(c.bridge.length * 3), ) for z in np.linspace( # c.bridge.z_min, c.bridge.z_max, num=10 c.bridge.z_min, c.bridge.z_max, num=int(c.bridge.width * 3), ) ] # Pier settlement. plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) c, sim_params = pier_disp_damage([(9, settlement / 1000)]).use(original_c) responses = (load_fem_responses( c=c, sim_runner=OSRunner(c), response_type=response_type, sim_params=sim_params, ).resize().to_stress(c.bridge)) top_view_bridge(bridge=c.bridge, compass=False, abutments=True, piers=True) plot_contour_deck(c=c, responses=responses, decimals=2) plt.legend(loc="upper right", borderaxespad=0) plt.title(f"{settlement} mm pier settlement") print("Calculated stress from pier settlement") # Temperature effect. plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) c = original_c print(f"deck_points.shape = {np.array(deck_points).shape}") temp_effect = temperature.effect( c=c, response_type=response_type, points=deck_points, temps_bt=([temp_bottom], [temp_top]), ).T[0] print(f"temp_effect.shape = {np.array(temp_effect).shape}") responses = (Responses( response_type=response_type, responses=[(temp_effect[p_ind], deck_points[p_ind]) for p_ind in range(len(deck_points)) if not np.isnan(temp_effect[p_ind])], ).without(remove=without.edges(c=c, radius=2)).to_stress(c.bridge)) top_view_bridge(c.bridge, compass=False, abutments=True, piers=True) plot_contour_deck(c=c, responses=responses, decimals=2) plt.legend(loc="upper right", borderaxespad=0) plt.title(f"T_bot, T_top = {temp_bottom}°C, {temp_top}°C") # plt.title(f"{top_str} stress\nbottom, top = {temp_bottom}, {temp_top}") print("Calculated stress from temperature") # Cracked concrete. plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) time = wagen1.time_at(x=52, bridge=c.bridge) print(f"wagen1.total_kn() = {}") = 400 loads = wagen1.to_wheel_track_loads(c=c, time=time, flat=True) c, sim_params = transverse_crack().use(original_c) c, sim_params = HealthyDamage().use(original_c) sim_params.ploads = loads responses = (load_fem_responses( c=c, sim_runner=OSRunner(c), response_type=response_type, sim_params=sim_params, ).resize().to_stress(c.bridge)) top_view_bridge(bridge=c.bridge, compass=False, abutments=True, piers=True) plot_contour_deck(c=c, responses=responses, decimals=2) plt.legend(loc="upper right", borderaxespad=0) # plt.title(f"Top stress: cracked concrete\nunder a {int(} kN vehicles") plt.title(f"{int(wagen1.total_kn())} kN vehicle") plt.suptitle(f"Stress {response_type.ss_direction()} for 3 scenarios") equal_lims("x", 3, 1) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) plt.savefig( original_c.get_image_path( "validation", f"stress-strength-{}.pdf")) plt.close()