def plot_vhs_tiles(table=None,ra=None, dec=None, wrap_ra24hr=False, PA=90.0, overplot=True, savefig=True): """ table is astropy table ra, dec in degrees """ plot_polygon=True if wrap_ra24hr: angle=Angle(xdata * u.deg) angle.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True) # assumes filename is in table.meta print('plotting: ', table.meta['filename']) filename = table.meta['filename'] if not plot_polygon: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 's', ms=7.0, color='yellow', markeredgecolor='yellow', alpha=0.1, label='OB Progress (submitted)\n' + filename) if plot_polygon: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '.', ms=7.0, color='yellow', markeredgecolor='yellow', alpha=0.1, label='OB Progress (submitted):' + filename) # filled polygon ra=xdata dec=ydata for i in range(len(ra)): if i==0 or i == len(ra): print('i: ', i) ra_poly, dec_poly=plt_tile.mk_polytile(ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='twice', PA=PA) xypolygon=np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i==0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape: ', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon: ',xypolygon) polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, True, color='green', alpha=0.1) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) #print(ob_table.meta) plt.suptitle(dqcfile_vhs) plt.legend(fontsize='small') figname='vhs_des_check_progress_vhs_obprogress_'+ datestamp + '.png' print('Saving: '+figname) plt.savefig(plotdir+figname) plt.suptitle('')
def aitoff_test(ra, dec): """ """ # aitoff example ra = ra * 15.0 c = SkyCoord(ra=ra *, dec=dec *, frame='icrs') ra_rad = c.ra.wrap_at(180.0 * dec_rad = c.dec.radian plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 6.0)) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111, projection="aitoff") plt.title("Aitoff projection of our random data") plt.grid(True) plt.plot(ra_rad, dec_rad, 'o', markersize=2, alpha=0.5) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90, bottom=0.0) figname = 'ob_progress_aitoff.png' print('Saving: ' + figname) plt.savefig(figname) print('Elapsed time(secs):', time.time() - t0) if showplot: aitoff = True PA = 90.0 color = 'blue' alpha = 1.0 debug = False plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 6.0)) plt.subplot(111, projection="aitoff") plt.title("Aitoff projection of our random data") plt.grid(True) for i in range(len(ra)): if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('i:', i) (ra_poly, dec_poly) = plt_tile.mk_polytile( ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='twice', PA=PA) if debug: print('Elapsed time(secs): ', time.time() - t0) if aitoff: # convert to wrapped radians c = SkyCoord(ra=ra_poly, dec=dec_poly, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs') ra_poly = c.ra.wrap_at(180 * u.deg).radian dec_poly = c.dec.radian if debug: print('ra_poly:', i, len(ra_poly), ra_poly) print('Elapsed time(secs):', time.time() - t0) xypolygon = np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape:', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon:', xypolygon) # polygon = Polygon( xypolygon, closed=True, edgecolor='none', facecolor=color, alpha=alpha) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) # this does nothing plt.set_label = 'label test for polygon' plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90, bottom=0.0) figname = 'ob_progress_aitoff_polygons.png' print('Saving:' + figname) plt.savefig('./' + figname) print('Elapsed time(secs):', time.time() - t0) print('Plotting the shaded tiles') if showplot:
def plot_vista_tiles(table=None, ra=None, dec=None, PA=90.0, raUnits='degree', wrap_ra24hr=False, aitoff=False, filename=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, label=None, verbose=False, debug=False, color=None, alpha=None, overplot=False, savefig=True, plotdir=None, figfile=None, showplot=False, pause=False, suffix=None, rarange=[0.0, 24.0], decrange=[-90.0, 10.0], figsize=(12.0, 6.0)): """ see also librgm.plot_radec table is an astropy table INPUT: ra, dec in degrees """ trace = traceback.extract_stack()[-2] print(os.path.basename(trace[0]), ':', str(trace[1])) trace = traceback.extract_stack()[-1] print(os.path.basename(trace[0]), ':', str(trace[1])) trace = traceback.extract_stack() print(trace) t0 = time.time() print('Elapsed time(secs): ', time.time() - t0) print('plot_vista_tiles: label;', label) plot_polygon = True # configure for aitoff if aitoff: raUnits = 'radian' wrap_ra24hr = False # matplotlib aitoff only support full sky if rarange is None and not aitoff: plt.xlim([0, 24.0]) if raUnits == 'degree': plt.xlim([0, 360.0]) if rarange is not None and not aitoff: plt.xlim(rarange) if decrange is None and not aitoff: plt.ylim([-90, 30]) if decrange is not None and not aitoff: plt.ylim(decrange) print('rarange: ', rarange) print('decrange: ', decrange) if alpha is None: alpha = 1.0 if color is None: color = 'green' if not overplot: # plt.clf() plt.figure(num=None, figsize=figsize) if aitoff: plt.subplot(111, projection="aitoff") if raUnits == 'degree': plt.xlabel('RA (degree)') if raUnits == 'hour': plt.xlabel('RA (hour)') if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel('Declination (degree)') if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) # if title != None: plt.title(title) xdata = ra ydata = dec ndata = len(ra) print('RA range: ', np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) print('Dec range:', np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)) # convert to degrees for polygon and wrap calc if raUnits == 'hour': xdata = xdata * 15.0 print('RA range: ', np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) print('Dec range:', np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)) if wrap_ra24hr: angle = Angle(xdata * u.deg) angle.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True) xdata = print('RA range: ', np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) print('Dec range:', np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)) print('Elapsed time(secs): ', time.time() - t0) # assumes filename is in table.meta if table is None and filename is None: filename = '' if table is not None: filename = table.meta['filename'] print('plotting: ', filename) if not plot_polygon: if raUnits == 'hour': xdata = xdata / 15.0 plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 's', ms=7.0, color='yellow', markeredgecolor='yellow', alpha=alpha, label='OB Progress (submitted):' + str(ndata)) print('Elapsed time(secs):', time.time() - t0) # phantom plot to get the label onto legend if plot_polygon: if label is None: label = '' else: label = label + ': ' + str(ndata) plt.plot([-999], [-999], 's', ms=0.1, color=color, markeredgecolor=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) plt.grid() # do not plot the polygon when color = 'none' as used for adding info # to the legend if plot_polygon and color != 'none': if raUnits == 'hour': xdata = xdata / 15.0 # filled polygon ra = xdata dec = ydata if raUnits == 'hour': ra = ra * 15.0 print('Elapsed time(secs): ', time.time() - t0) for i in range(len(ra)): if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('i: ', i) ra_poly, dec_poly = plt_tile.mk_polytile( ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='twice', PA=PA) if raUnits == 'hour': ivertex = -1 if debug: print('ra_poly: ', ra_poly) for vertex in ra_poly: ivertex = ivertex + 1 ra_poly[ivertex] = ra_poly[ivertex] / 15.0 if debug: print('ra_poly: ', ra_poly) if debug: print('Elapsed time(secs): ', time.time() - t0) if aitoff: # convert to wrapped radians ivertex = -1 if debug: print('ra_poly: ', ra_poly) for vertex in ra_poly: ivertex = ivertex + 1 c = SkyCoord(ra=ra_poly[ivertex], dec=dec_poly[ivertex], unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs') ra_poly[ivertex] = c.ra.wrap_at(180 * u.deg).radian dec_poly[ivertex] = c.dec.radian if debug: print('ra_poly: ', ra_poly) print('Elapsed time(secs): ', time.time() - t0) xypolygon = np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape:', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon:', xypolygon) # polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, closed=True, edgecolor='none', facecolor=color, alpha=alpha) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) # this does nothing plt.set_label = 'label test for polygon' print('Elapsed time(secs):', time.time() - t0) plt.title(filename) plt.legend(fontsize='small', markerscale=50, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, ncol=2, loc='upper center', prop={'family': 'monospace', 'size': 'small'}) plt.grid() if savefig: datestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", gmtime()) if plotdir is None: plotdir = '' plotid(progname=True) prefix = os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] if suffix is None: suffix = '' if suffix is not None: suffix = suffix + '_' suffix = os.path.basename(filename) + '_' + suffix figname = prefix + '_' + suffix + \ 'radec_vista_tiles_' + datestamp + '.png' print('Saving:' + figname) plt.savefig(plotdir + figname) if pause: raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") if showplot:
def plot_vhs_tiles(table=None, ra=None, dec=None, wrap_ra24hr=False, PA=90.0, overplot=True, savefig=True): """ table is astropy table ra, dec in degrees """ plot_polygon = True if wrap_ra24hr: angle = Angle(xdata * u.deg) angle.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True) xdata = # assumes filename is in table.meta print('plotting: ', table.meta['filename']) filename = table.meta['filename'] if not plot_polygon: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 's', ms=7.0, color='yellow', markeredgecolor='yellow', alpha=0.1, label='OB Progress (submitted)\n' + filename) if plot_polygon: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '.', ms=7.0, color='yellow', markeredgecolor='yellow', alpha=0.1, label='OB Progress (submitted):' + filename) # filled polygon ra = xdata dec = ydata for i in range(len(ra)): if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('i: ', i) ra_poly, dec_poly = plt_tile.mk_polytile(ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='twice', PA=PA) xypolygon = np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape: ', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon: ', xypolygon) polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, True, color='green', alpha=0.1) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) #print(ob_table.meta) plt.suptitle(dqcfile_vhs) plt.legend(fontsize='small') figname = 'vhs_des_check_progress_vhs_obprogress_' + datestamp + '.png' print('Saving: ' + figname) plt.savefig(plotdir + figname) plt.suptitle('')
def plot_sadt_tile(sadtfile=None, sadtfiles=None, sadtfile_path=None, xlimits=None, ylimits=None, raUnits=None, color='orange'): """ """ from astropy.table import vstack print('plot_sadt_file:') if xlimits is None: xlimits = (-180.0, 180.0) if ylimits is None: ylimits = (-90.0, 2.0) print('xlimits: ', xlimits) print('ylimits: ', ylimits) print('sadtfile:', sadtfile) print('sadtfiles:', sadtfiles) print('sadtfile_path:', sadtfile_path) raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") # read a single sadtfile if sadtfile_path is None and sadtfiles is None: sadt = rd_sadt(infile=sadtfile, csv=False) print('Path: ', os.path.dirname(sadtfile)) sadt.meta['inpath'] = os.path.dirname(sadtfile) sadt.meta['filename'] = sadtfile if sadtfile_path is not None or sadtfiles is not None: if sadtfiles is None: filelist = os.listdir(sadtfile_path) if sadtfiles is not None: filelist = sadtfiles print('sadtfile_path: ', sadtfile_path) print('filelist:', filelist) ifile = 0 for file in filelist: ifile = ifile + 1 print('reading file: ', file) #if sadtfile_path is not None: # sadtfile = sadtfile_path + '/' + file #if sadtfile_path is None: # sadtfile = file sadtfile = file if ifile == 1: sadt = rd_sadt(infile=sadtfile, csv=False) print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(sadt)) if ifile > 1: temp = rd_sadt(infile=sadtfile, csv=False) print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(temp)) sadt = vstack([sadt, temp]) print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(sadt)) del temp print('Path: ', os.path.dirname(sadtfile)) sadt.meta['inpath'] = os.path.dirname(sadtfile) sadt.meta['filename' + str(ifile)] = sadtfile print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(sadt)) print(sadt.colnames) raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") xdata = sadt['ra'] ydata = sadt['dec'] print('xrange: ', np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) print('yrange: ', np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)) print('ndata: ', len(xdata)) ntiles = len(xdata) plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '+k', ms=1.0, label='SADT Tiles: ' + str(ntiles)) plt.title(desfile) plt.suptitle(sadtfile) plotid(progname=True) plt.grid() plt.legend(markerscale=2.0, fontsize='medium') # filled polygon ra = xdata dec = ydata for i in range(len(ra)): if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('i: ', i) ra_poly, dec_poly = plt_tile.mk_polytile(ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='twice') xypolygon = np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape: ', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon: ', xypolygon) polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, True, color=color, alpha=0.2) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) ra_poly, dec_poly = plt_tile.mk_polytile(ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='single') xypolygon = np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i == 0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape: ', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon: ', xypolygon) polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, True, color=color, alpha=0.1) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) plt.xlim(xlimits) plt.ylim(ylimits) print('xlimits: ', xlimits) print('ylimits: ', ylimits) plotdir = './' figname = 'vhs_des_check' + '_sadt_' + datestamp + '.png' print('Saving: ' + figname) plt.savefig(plotdir + figname)
def plot_sadt_tile(sadtfile=None, sadtfiles=None, sadtfile_path=None, xlimits=None, ylimits=None, raUnits=None, color='orange'): """ """ from astropy.table import vstack print('plot_sadt_file:') if xlimits is None: xlimits=(-180.0,180.0) if ylimits is None: ylimits=(-90.0,2.0) print('xlimits: ', xlimits) print('ylimits: ', ylimits) print('sadtfile:', sadtfile) print('sadtfiles:', sadtfiles) print('sadtfile_path:', sadtfile_path) raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") # read a single sadtfile if sadtfile_path is None and sadtfiles is None : sadt = rd_sadt(infile=sadtfile, csv=False) print('Path: ', os.path.dirname(sadtfile)) sadt.meta['inpath']=os.path.dirname(sadtfile) sadt.meta['filename']=sadtfile if sadtfile_path is not None or sadtfiles is not None: if sadtfiles is None: filelist = os.listdir(sadtfile_path) if sadtfiles is not None: filelist = sadtfiles print('sadtfile_path: ', sadtfile_path) print('filelist:', filelist) ifile=0 for file in filelist: ifile=ifile+1 print('reading file: ', file) #if sadtfile_path is not None: # sadtfile = sadtfile_path + '/' + file #if sadtfile_path is None: # sadtfile = file sadtfile = file if ifile == 1: sadt=rd_sadt(infile=sadtfile, csv=False) print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(sadt)) if ifile > 1: temp=rd_sadt(infile=sadtfile, csv=False) print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(temp)) sadt=vstack([sadt, temp]) print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(sadt)) del temp print('Path: ', os.path.dirname(sadtfile)) sadt.meta['inpath']=os.path.dirname(sadtfile) sadt.meta['filename'+str(ifile)]=sadtfile print('Number of SADT tiles: ', len(sadt)) print(sadt.colnames) raw_input("Enter any key to continue: ") xdata=sadt['ra'] ydata=sadt['dec'] print('xrange: ', np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) print('yrange: ', np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)) print('ndata: ', len(xdata)) ntiles=len(xdata) plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '+k', ms=1.0, label='SADT Tiles: ' + str(ntiles)) plt.title(desfile) plt.suptitle(sadtfile) plotid(progname=True) plt.grid() plt.legend(markerscale=2.0, fontsize='medium') # filled polygon ra=xdata dec=ydata for i in range(len(ra)): if i==0 or i == len(ra): print('i: ', i) ra_poly, dec_poly=plt_tile.mk_polytile(ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='twice') xypolygon=np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i==0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape: ', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon: ',xypolygon) polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, True, color=color, alpha=0.2) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) ra_poly, dec_poly=plt_tile.mk_polytile(ra_cen=ra[i], dec_cen=dec[i], coverage='single') xypolygon=np.column_stack((ra_poly, dec_poly)) if i==0 or i == len(ra): print('xypolygon.shape: ', xypolygon.shape) print('xypolygon: ',xypolygon) polygon = Polygon(xypolygon, True, color=color, alpha=0.1) plt.gca().add_patch(polygon) plt.xlim(xlimits) plt.ylim(ylimits) print('xlimits: ', xlimits) print('ylimits: ', ylimits) plotdir='./' figname='vhs_des_check'+ '_sadt_'+ datestamp + '.png' print('Saving: '+figname) plt.savefig(plotdir+figname)