def visualize(args, test_loader, encoder, decoder, epoch, n_classes, curr_task_labels, device): plotter = plot_utils.plot_samples(args.results_path, args.n_img_x, args.n_img_y, args.img_size, args.img_size) # plot samples of the reconstructed images from the first batch of the test set of the current task for test_batch_idx, (test_data, test_target) in enumerate(test_loader): test_data, test_target =, x = test_data[0:plotter.n_total_imgs, :] x_id = test_target[0:plotter.n_total_imgs] x_id_onehot = get_categorical(x_id,n_classes).to(device) encoder.eval() decoder.eval() with torch.no_grad(): z,_,_ = encoder(x) reconstructed_x = decoder([z, x_id_onehot], dim=1)) reconstructed_x = reconstructed_x.reshape(plotter.n_total_imgs, args.img_size, args.img_size) plotter.save_images(x.cpu().data, name="/x_epoch_%02d" %(epoch) + ".jpg") plotter.save_images(reconstructed_x.cpu().data, name="/reconstructed_x_epoch_%02d" %(epoch) + ".jpg") break #plot pseudo random samples from the previous learned tasks z = Variable(Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (plotter.n_total_imgs, args.latent_dim)))) z_id = np.random.randint(0, curr_task_labels[-1]+1, size=[plotter.n_total_imgs]) z_id_one_hot = get_categorical(z_id, n_classes).to(device) decoder.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pseudo_samples = decoder([z,Variable(Tensor(z_id_one_hot))],1)) pseudo_samples = pseudo_samples.reshape(plotter.n_total_imgs, args.img_size, args.img_size) plotter.save_images(pseudo_samples.cpu().data, name="/pseudo_sample_epoch_%02d" % (epoch) + ".jpg")
def visualize(args, test_loader, encoder, decoder, epoch, n_classes, curr_task_labels, device, task_id): plotter = plot_utils.plot_samples(args.results_path, args.n_img_x, args.n_img_y, args.img_size, args.img_size, args.channels) # plot samples of the reconstructed images from the first batch of the test set of the current task tsne = TSNE() for test_batch_idx, (test_data, test_target) in enumerate(test_loader): test_data, test_target =, x = test_data[0:plotter.n_total_imgs, :] x_id = test_target[0:plotter.n_total_imgs] encoder.eval() decoder.eval() with torch.no_grad(): z, _, _ = encoder(x) x_id_onehot = get_categorical(x_id, n_classes).to(device) reconstructed_x = decoder([z, x_id_onehot], dim=1)) reconstructed_x = reconstructed_x.permute( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) #reshape(plotter.n_total_imgs, args.img_size, args.img_size,args.channels) plotter.save_images(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().data, name="/%02d_x_epoch_%02d" % (task_id, epoch) + ".jpg") plotter.save_images(reconstructed_x.cpu().data, name="/%02d_reconstructed_x_epoch_%02d" % (task_id, epoch) + ".jpg") z_new = tsne.fit_transform(z.cpu().numpy()) plotter.scatter(z_new[:, 0], z_new[:, 1], x_id.cpu().numpy().astype(int), name="/%02d_scatter_epoch_%02d" % (task_id, epoch) + ".jpg") break #plot pseudo random samples from the previous learned tasks z = Variable( Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (plotter.n_total_imgs, args.latent_dim)))) z_id = np.random.randint(0, curr_task_labels[-1] + 1, size=[plotter.n_total_imgs]) z_id_one_hot = get_categorical(z_id, n_classes).to(device) decoder.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pseudo_samples = decoder([z, Variable(Tensor(z_id_one_hot))], 1)) z_, _, _ = encoder(pseudo_samples) pseudo_samples = pseudo_samples.permute( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) #.reshape(plotter.n_total_imgs, args.img_size, args.img_size, args.channels) plotter.save_images(pseudo_samples.cpu().data, name="/%02d_pseudo_sample_epoch_%02d" % (task_id, epoch) + ".jpg") z_new = tsne.fit_transform(z_.cpu().numpy()) plotter.scatter(z_new[:, 0], z_new[:, 1], z_id.astype(int), name="/%02d_scatter_pseudo_epoch_%02d" % (task_id, epoch) + ".jpg")
def train(samples_path='data/interim/samples.npy', lengths_path='data/interim/lengths.npy', epochs_qty=EPOCHS_QTY, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE): """ Train model. :return: """ # Create folders to save models into if not os.path.exists('results'): os.makedirs('results') if WRITE_HISTORY and not os.path.exists('results/history'): os.makedirs('results/history') # Load dataset into memory print("Loading Data...") if not os.path.exists(samples_path) or not os.path.exists(lengths_path): print('No input data found, run first.') exit(1) y_samples = np.load(samples_path) y_lengths = np.load(lengths_path) samples_qty = y_samples.shape[0] songs_qty = y_lengths.shape[0] print("Loaded " + str(samples_qty) + " samples from " + str(songs_qty) + " songs.") print(np.sum(y_lengths)) assert (np.sum(y_lengths) == samples_qty) print("Preparing song samples, padding songs...") x_shape = (songs_qty * NUM_OFFSETS, 1) # for embedding x_orig = np.expand_dims(np.arange(x_shape[0]), axis=-1) y_shape = (songs_qty * NUM_OFFSETS, MAX_WINDOWS) + y_samples.shape[ 1:] # (songs_qty, max number of windows, window pitch qty, window beats per measure) y_orig = np.zeros(y_shape, dtype=np.float32) # prepare dataset array # fill in measure of songs into input windows for network song_start_ix = 0 song_end_ix = y_lengths[0] for song_ix in range(songs_qty): for offset in range(NUM_OFFSETS): ix = song_ix * NUM_OFFSETS + offset # calculate the index of the song with its offset song_end_ix = song_start_ix + y_lengths[song_ix] # get song end ix for window_ix in range( MAX_WINDOWS ): # get a maximum number of measures from a song song_measure_ix = (window_ix + offset) % y_lengths[ song_ix] # chosen measure of song to be placed in window (modulo song length) y_orig[ix, window_ix] = y_samples[ song_start_ix + song_measure_ix] # move measure into window song_start_ix = song_end_ix # new song start index is previous song end index assert (song_end_ix == samples_qty) x_train = np.copy(x_orig) y_train = np.copy(y_orig) # copy some song from the samples and write it to midi again test_ix = 0 y_test_song = np.copy(y_train[test_ix:test_ix + 1]) x_test_song = np.copy(x_train[test_ix:test_ix + 1]) midi_utils.samples_to_midi(y_test_song[0], 'data/interim/gt.mid') # create model if CONTINUE_TRAIN or GENERATE_ONLY: print("Loading model...") model = load_model('results/history/model.h5') else: print("Building model...") model = models.create_autoencoder_model( input_shape=y_shape[1:], latent_space_size=LATENT_SPACE_SIZE, dropout_rate=DROPOUT_RATE, max_windows=MAX_WINDOWS, batchnorm_momentum=BATCHNORM_MOMENTUM, use_vae=USE_VAE, vae_b1=VAE_B1, use_embedding=USE_EMBEDDING, embedding_input_shape=x_shape[1:], embedding_shape=x_train.shape[0]) if USE_VAE: model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=learning_rate), loss=vae_loss) #elif params.encode_volume: #model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=learning_rate), loss='mean_squared_logarithmic_error') else: model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=learning_rate), loss='binary_crossentropy') #model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=learning_rate), loss='mean_squared_error') # plot model with graphvis if installed #try: # plot_model(model, to_file='results/model.png', show_shapes=True) #except OSError as e: # print(e) # train print("Referencing sub-models...") decoder = K.function( [model.get_layer('decoder').input, K.learning_phase()], [model.layers[-1].output]) encoder = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.get_layer('encoder').output) random_vectors = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, (NUM_RAND_SONGS, LATENT_SPACE_SIZE))'data/interim/random_vectors.npy', random_vectors) if GENERATE_ONLY: print("Generating songs...") generate_normalized_random_songs(x_orig, y_orig, encoder, decoder, random_vectors, 'results/') for save_epoch in range(20): x_test_song = x_train[save_epoch:save_epoch + 1] y_song = model.predict(x_test_song, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)[0] midi_utils.samples_to_midi(y_song, 'results/gt' + str(save_epoch) + '.mid') exit(0) save_training_config(songs_qty, model, learning_rate) print("Training model...") train_loss = [] offset = 0 for epoch in range(epochs_qty): print("Training epoch: ", epoch, "of", epochs_qty) if USE_EMBEDDING: history =, y_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=1) else: # produce songs from its samples with a different starting point of the song each time song_start_ix = 0 for song_ix in range(songs_qty): song_end_ix = song_start_ix + y_lengths[song_ix] for window_ix in range(MAX_WINDOWS): song_measure_ix = (window_ix + offset) % y_lengths[song_ix] y_train[song_ix, window_ix] = y_samples[song_start_ix + song_measure_ix] #if params.encode_volume: #y_train[song_ix, window_ix] /= 100.0 song_start_ix = song_end_ix assert (song_end_ix == samples_qty) offset += 1 history =, y_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=1) # train model on reconstruction loss # store last loss loss = history.history["loss"][-1] train_loss.append(loss) print("Train loss: " + str(train_loss[-1])) if WRITE_HISTORY: plot_losses(train_loss, 'results/history/losses.png', True) else: plot_losses(train_loss, 'results/losses.png', True) # save model periodically save_epoch = epoch + 1 if save_epoch in EPOCHS_TO_SAVE or (save_epoch % 100 == 0) or save_epoch == epochs_qty: write_dir = '' if WRITE_HISTORY: # Create folder to save models into write_dir += 'results/history/e' + str(save_epoch) if not os.path.exists(write_dir): os.makedirs(write_dir) write_dir += '/''results/history/model.h5') else:'results/model.h5') print("...Saved.") if USE_EMBEDDING: y_song = model.predict(x_test_song, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)[0] else: y_song = model.predict(y_test_song, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)[0] plot_utils.plot_samples(write_dir + 'test', y_song) midi_utils.samples_to_midi(y_song, write_dir + 'test.mid') generate_normalized_random_songs(x_orig, y_orig, encoder, decoder, random_vectors, write_dir) print("...Done.")