def plot_diff(self, gcdf_obj_comp): '''this one plots 3 col x [n] num_times: old mod, new mod, plus delta''' # gcdf_obj_comp = the object of comparison. obtained using getCDF i.e. __init__ xlabel_hack = [ 'Modern Model', 'Hedrick WRR18', 'Diff (modern - WRR18)' ] num_times = self.num_times mat = np.empty([3 * num_times, self.nrows, self.ncols]) im = [None] * num_times for i in range(num_times): im[i] = i * 3 #mat index mat_t = self.netCDF[self.string][self.idt[i]] mat_t[self.mask == False] = np.nan mat[im[i], :, :] = mat_t mat_t = gcdf_obj_comp.netCDF[gcdf_obj_comp.string][self.idt[i]] mat_t[self.mask == False] = np.nanplot_diff mat[im[i] + 1, :, :] = mat_t mat[im[i] + 2, :, :] = mat[i, :, :] - mat[i + 1, :, :] # difference mat pltz_obj = pltz.Plotables() # fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = num_times, ncols = 3, figsize = (8, math.ceil(10 * (num_times/3))), dpi = 180) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=num_times, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 12), dpi=180) ct = 0 for i, row in enumerate(axs): for j, cell in enumerate(row): print(ct) mp = cell.imshow(mat[ct, :, :]) pltz_obj.cb_readable(mat[ct, :, :], 4) cbar = fig.colorbar(mp, ax=cell, fraction=0.04, pad=0.04, orientation='vertical', extend='max', ticks=pltz_obj.cb_range) ct += 1 # print(i,j) if i == len(axs) - 1: # print(i) cell.set_xlabel(xlabel_hack[j]) if j == 0: cell.set_ylabel(self.dt[self.idt[i]]) cell.set_xticklabels([]) cell.set_yticklabels([]) # plt.subplot_tool() plt.savefig('Hedrick_Comparison_bets.png', dpi=180)
def plot_CDF(self, img_str): ''' to be used with pull_times method. Not yet generalized ''' pltz_obj = pltz.Plotables() pltz_obj.dist_subP(self.pds) ct, ct_in = 0, 0 for i in range(len(pltz_obj.row)): fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=pltz_obj.row[i], ncols=pltz_obj.col[i], figsize=(6, 8), dpi=180) axs = axs.ravel() for j, axo in enumerate(axs): print(ct_in) if not (pltz_obj.panel_flag + (ct_in == self.pds) == 2): #funky way of saying BOTH need to be true temp_daily = self.mat[ct:ct + self.hd * self.di, :, :] time_avg = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, temp_daily) pltz_obj.cb_readable(time_avg, 4) ct += self.hd * self.di #counter used to index mp = axo.imshow(time_avg) # cbar = fig.colorbar(mp, ax=axo, fraction=0.04, pad=0.04, orientation = 'horizontal', # extend = 'max', format = '%.1f', ticks = pltz_obj.cb_range) cbar = fig.colorbar(mp, ax=axo, fraction=0.04, pad=0.04, orientation='horizontal', extend='max', ticks=pltz_obj.cb_range) mp.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) mp.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) mp.axes.set_title(self.dt_pds[ct_in]) ct_in += 1 else: pass str = img_str + '%r.png' % (i + 1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(str, dpi=180)
def plot_diff_simple(self, idi, img_str): '''Plots only the delta map in multipanels''' # idi options: 2 = diff, 1 = old, 0 = new InDexIndex (idi) num_ticks = 3 # tick marks in colorbar fsize = 10 # base font size pltz_obj = pltz.Plotables() pltz_obj.dist_subP(self.num_times) print('num times = ', self.num_times) pltz_obj.marks_colors() idd = list(range(idi, idi + self.num_times * 3, 3)) #idi picks what to plot (new, old, delta) if idi == 2: col_lim_type = 'A' # else: # Find min, max mat vals for all times vmn, vmx = 0, 0 # initiate vmx, vmn. WILL BREAK if min is pos or max negative for idd in idd: mat_d = self.diff_mat[idd, :, :] vmn = min(vmn, np.nanmin(mat_d)) vmx = max(vmx, np.nanmax(mat_d)) col_lim = [vmn, vmx] col_lim_type = 'L' pltz_obj.cb_readable(col_lim, col_lim_type, num_ticks) ct = 0 for i in range(len(pltz_obj.row)): fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=pltz_obj.row[i], ncols=pltz_obj.col[i], figsize=(12, 12), dpi=180) axs = axs.ravel() for j, axo in enumerate( axs ): #Needs to be fixed HERE! will break if not 4 or multiples of 9. ZRU 6/6/19 try: #ensure no empty subplots diff_mat = self.diff_mat[ct * 3 + idi, :, :] if col_lim_type == 'A': pltz_obj.cb_readable(diff_mat, col_lim_type, num_ticks) mp = axo.imshow(diff_mat, cmap=pltz_obj.cmap, norm=MidpointNormalize( midpoint=0, vmin=pltz_obj.vmin, vmax=pltz_obj.vmax)) cbar = fig.colorbar(mp, ax=axo, fraction=0.04, pad=0.04, extend='max', ticks=pltz_obj.cb_range) axo.set_title(self.dt[self.idt[j + i * 9]], fontsize=fsize + 4) elif col_lim_type == 'L': mp = axo.imshow(diff_mat, cmap=pltz_obj.cmap, norm=MidpointNormalize( midpoint=0, vmin=pltz_obj.vmin, vmax=pltz_obj.vmax)) cbar = fig.colorbar(mp, ax=axo, fraction=0.04, pad=0.04, orientation='horizontal', extend='max', ticks=pltz_obj.cb_range) mp.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) mp.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.suptitle( 'Specific Mass (mm) difference map (New Model - Old Model)', fontsize=fsize + 8) ct += 1 except IndexError: #ensure no empty subplots axo.axis("off") str = img_str + '%r.png' % ( i + 1 ) # adds +1 to fig name if multi image (i.e. > 9 subplots) plt.savefig(str, dpi=180)
# acre_feet_change, pct_storage]), # columns = ['mean sediment change (feet)', '0.01 quantile sediment change (feet)', # '0.99 quantile sediment change (feet)', 'reservoir size (acres)', # 'reservoir depth (avg)', '2018 reservoir storage (acre-ft)', # '2010 reservoir storage (acre-feet)','acre-feet change', # 'percent storage change'], # index = reservoirs) # print(df) # pd.DataFrame.to_csv(df, os.path.join(utilities.get_path(22), 'sediment_summary_stats_all_openTopo.csv')) # Figures # replace nans with numpy nan value arr = arr_copco_diff mask = mask_copco # in this version nans were wierd negative neglible vals pltz_obj = pltz.Plotables(arr, mask) pltz_obj.trim_extent_nan('array') cbar_string = 'Elevation \u0394 (ft; 2018 minus 2002)' reservoir = 'Copco' suptitle_string = '{}: Sediment \u0394 2002 to 2018'.format(reservoir) fp_out = os.path.join( utilities.get_path(22), 'bathymetry_project/{}_Sediment_Change_2018_2002.png'.format(reservoir)) pltz_obj.basic_plot('mat_trimmed_nan_masked', cbar_string, suptitle_string, fp_out) # # # fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1) # # # h = axes.imshow(diff_map, cmap = self.cmap_marks, norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint = 0)) # # h = axes.imshow(arr_IG_10) # # # IG lims # # # h.set_clim(2170, 2330)
fp_d1_2 = '/mnt/snowpack/lidar/SanJoaquin/2019/aso/USCASJ20190614_SUPERsnow_depth_50p0m_agg.tif' fp_d2_2 = '/mnt/snowpack/lidar/SanJoaquin/2019/aso/USCASJ20190704_SUPERsnow_depth_50p0m_agg.tif' fp_out = '/home/zachuhlmann/projects/basin_masks/' utils_obj = gdalUtils.GDAL_python_synergy(fp_d1, fp_d2, fp_out) utils_obj.clip_extent_overlap() utils_obj.make_diff_mat() # utils_obj.basic_stats() # # utils_obj.save_tiff('mat_diff_norm') # # utils_obj.replace_qml() pltz_obj = pltz.Plotables() pltz_obj.set_zero_colors(1) pltz_obj.marks_colors() # MAPPING OUTLIERS name = ['mat_clip1', 'mat_diff_norm', 'mat_clip2'] operator = [['lt', 'gt'], ['lt', 'gt']] #display options val = [[17, -0.01], [10, -1.01]] #display options histogram_mats = ['mat_clip1', 'mat_diff_norm'] bin_dims = (60, 200) moving_window_size = 3 moving_window_name = 'bins' threshold_histogram_space = [0,-0.9,(4/9)] # mov_wind(config['bin']['wind_sz']) # mov_wind(config['map']['wind_sz'])