def make_plots(combined_stats): ## Make figures with PLOTLY # load and rename data df = pd.read_csv(combined_stats, sep="\t", index_col=0) df.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) = "Sample" df["Sample"] = df.index # create plots store in div div = {} fig = px.strip(df, y="Percent_Assembled_Reads", hover_name="Sample", **PLOT_PARAMS) fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 100]) div["Percent_Assembled_Reads"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) fig = px.strip(df, y="N_Predicted_Genes", hover_name="Sample", **PLOT_PARAMS) div["N_Predicted_Genes"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) fig = px.scatter(df, y="L50", x="N50", hover_name="Sample", **PLOT_PARAMS) div["N50"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) fig = px.scatter(df, y="L90", x="N90", hover_name="Sample", **PLOT_PARAMS) div["N90"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) fig = px.scatter( df, y="contig_bp", x="n_contigs", hover_name="Sample", **PLOT_PARAMS ) div["Total"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) return div
def character_appearances(self, movie_characters): scene_number = [] xters = [] sc_num = 0 for x in range(len(self.df_movie)): sc_num += 1 for y in movie_characters: if self.df_movie['Scene_Characters'][x]: if y in self.df_movie['Scene_Characters'][x]: xters.append(y) scene_number.append(sc_num) df_app = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(xters, scene_number)), columns=['characters', 'Scene Numbers']) fig = px.strip() fig['layout']['yaxis']['autorange'] = "reversed" fig = px.strip(data_frame=df_app, x='Scene Numbers', y='characters', hover_data=df_app.columns, color='characters', labels={'characters': '<b> Scene Characters <b>'}, width=1000, height=800) #fig['layout']['yaxis']['autorange'] = "reversed" fig.update_layout( title= '<b> Appearances of characters ordered by their first appearance, in the ' + + ' movie <b>', xaxis_title='<b> Scene Numbers <b>', yaxis_title='<b> Scene Characters <b>') iplot(fig) return df_app
def make_plots(bin_table): div = {} div["input_file"] = bin_table # Prepare data df = pd.read_table(bin_table) df.index = df["Bin Id"] df = df.join(tax2table(df["Taxonomy (contained)"], remove_prefix=True).fillna("NA")) df["Quality Score"] = df.eval("Completeness - 5* Contamination") div[ "QualityScore" ] = "<p>Quality score is calculated as: Completeness - 5 x Contamination.</p>" # 2D plot fig = px.scatter( data_frame=df, y="Completeness", x="Contamination", color="phylum", size="Genome size (Mbp)", hover_data=["genus"], hover_name="Bin Id", ) fig.update_yaxes(range=(50, 102)) fig.update_xaxes(range=(-0.2, 10.1)) div["2D"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) ## By sample fig = px.strip( data_frame=df, y="Quality Score", x="Sample", color="phylum", hover_data=["genus"], hover_name="Bin Id", ) fig.update_yaxes(range=(50, 102)) div["bySample"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) # By Phylum fig = px.strip( data_frame=df, y="Quality Score", x="phylum", hover_data=["genus"], hover_name="Bin Id", ) fig.update_yaxes(range=(50, 102)) div["byPhylum"] = fig.to_html(**HTML_PARAMS) return div
def plot_subject_grades(selected_names): student_name = selected_names[-1] student_subjects = clean_df.loc[clean_df['Name'] == student_name] student_sub_df = student_subjects[['Subject1', 'Grade1']].rename(columns={ 'Subject1': 'Subject', 'Grade1': 'Grade' }) for i in range(2, 12): student_sub_df = pd.concat([ student_sub_df, student_subjects[[f'Subject{i}', f'Grade{i}' ]].rename(columns={ f'Subject{i}': 'Subject', f'Grade{i}': 'Grade' }) ], ignore_index=True) student_sub_df = student_sub_df.dropna().drop_duplicates() strip_fig = px.strip(student_sub_df, x='Subject', y='Grade', category_orders={ 'Grade': ['EX', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'P', 'F', 'X', 'Y'] }) return strip_fig
def swarmplot(df, metric, team, dict_metrics): import as px df_filter = df[['Squad', 'Competition', metric]] limits = [ round(np.percentile(df_filter[metric], i), 2) for i in range(20, 120, 20) ] + [team] df_filter['Percentile'] = df_filter[metric].apply( lambda x: str([j for j in limits[:-1] if x <= j][0])) df_filter.loc[df_filter.Squad == team, 'Percentile'] = team colors = ['red', 'coral', 'gold', 'lightgreen', 'forestgreen', 'black'] #plot fig = px.strip( data_frame=df_filter, x=metric, color='Percentile', hover_name='Squad', hover_data=['Competition', metric], color_discrete_sequence=colors, color_discrete_map={str(i): j for i, j in zip(limits, colors)}, stripmode='overlay', template='plotly') fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, xaxis_title=metric, title=dict_metrics[metric]) fig.update_yaxes(showticklabels=False) return fig
def sound_share_strip_by__period(movies_melt_df, sound_color_map): # Sound composition, by movie df = movies_melt_df.copy() df.loc[:, 'period'] = (np.floor(df['year']/20)*20).astype(int) df.loc[:, 'period'] = df['period'].apply(lambda x: f"{x}-<br>{x+19}") fig = px.strip(df.sort_values(by='period'), y='value', color='var_name', facet_col='period', color_discrete_map=sound_color_map, hover_name='title', hover_data=['year', 'top_250_rank']) fig.update_yaxes(dtick=50, range=[0,110], ticksuffix='%') fig.update_xaxes(title='', showticklabels=False) fig.update_layout( title = 'By which type of sound each movie is composed?', showlegend=True, legend_orientation='h', legend_y=-0.1, margin_t=120, legend_title='Type of sound', yaxis_title='') fig = facet_prettify(fig) fig = format_fig(fig) return fig
def sound_share_strip_per_genre(movies_melt_df, sound_color_map): # Strip details df = movies_melt_df.copy() df.loc[:, 'genres'] = df['genres'].apply(lambda x: eval(x)) df = pd.DataFrame.explode(df, column='genres') df.loc[:, 'Genre'] = df['genres'].apply(lambda x: "<b>{}</b>".format(x)) df.loc[:, 'rank_var'] = df.groupby(['genres', 'var_name'])['value'].rank(ascending=False) df = df.sort_values(by=['Genre']) # df.loc[:, 'text'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['title'] if x['rank_var'] == 1 else '', axis=1) fig = px.strip(df, x='value', animation_frame='Genre', y='var_name', hover_data=['year', 'top_250_rank'], hover_name='title', color='var_name', color_discrete_map=sound_color_map ) # fig.update_yaxes(ticksuffix='%', dtick=25, rangemode='tozero', range=[0,101]) fig.update_xaxes(matches=None, range=[-1,101], dtick=25, ticksuffix='%') fig = facet_prettify(fig) fig = format_fig(fig) fig.update_layout( showlegend=False, height=400, yaxis_title='Sound type', title='Sound distribution, per genre', xaxis_title='Share of movie') fig = leave_only_slider(fig) return fig
def generate_strip_plot(df): """Generates vessel strip plot.""" hover_dict = {"VSPD kn":True, "WSPD mph":True, "Transit":True, "% Channel Occupied":True, "Class":True, "Course Behavior":True, "Yaw deg":True, "LOA ft":True, "Beam ft":True, "Effective Beam ft":True, "Location":True, "Date/Time UTC":True, "Name":False} fig = px.strip(df, x="Name", y="VSPD kn", color="Transit", hover_data=hover_dict, hover_name="Name", stripmode="overlay", color_discrete_sequence=["#19336A", "green"], width=900, height=600, title= "<b>Vessel Speed Plot</b><br>" + "One-way Transits: " + str(round((df[df.loc[:, ("Transit")] == "One-way Transit"] .shape[0] / df.shape[0]) * 100, 2)) + "%<br>" + "Two-way Transits: " + str(round((df[df.loc[:, ("Transit")] == "Two-way Transit"] .shape[0] / df.shape[0]) * 100, 2)) + "%") fig.add_shape(type="line", x0=0, y0=10, x1=1, y1=10, xref="paper", yref="y", line=dict(color="red", dash="solid", width=1.5)) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title_text = "", hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor="white", font_size=13), legend_title_text="", width=875, height=650, plot_bgcolor="#F1F1F1", font=dict(size=12), titlefont=dict(size=14)) fig.update_traces(marker_size=4) return fig
def plot_regression(mut_class): if mut_class.accuracy == None: plot_title = f'MSclassifier model prediction.' else: plot_title = f'MSclassifier model prediction. Model accuracy: {mut_class.accuracy}' accuracy = mut_class.accuracy # Plotting the regression prediction together with SVM margin maximizer plot ='prediction') plot['counter'] = range(len(plot)) fig = px.strip(plot, y="prediction", x='counter', color='Sample type', hover_data=['sample']) fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=5)) fig = fig.update_layout(title=plot_title, xaxis_title="Samples", yaxis_title="Prediction") fig = fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, max(plot['counter'])], y=[mut_class.model.margin, mut_class.model.margin], name='Margin', mode='lines', line=dict(color='orange', width=3, dash='dash'))) return fig
def plotStripPlot(df, groupBy, yStatCol, doMeanSem=True): dfMaster = df fig = px.strip(dfMaster, x=groupBy, color=groupBy, y=yStatCol, stripmode='overlay', hover_data=dfMaster.columns) # return fig
def _create_fig_diffplot( ensdf: pd.DataFrame, colorby: str, vector_type: str, phase: str, boxmode: str, boxplot_points: str, ) -> Union[, px.strip]: """Return boxplot or strip-plot fig""" all_columns = list(ensdf) # column names prefix = "DIFF_W" if vector_type == "well" else "DIFF_G" phase_vector = {} phase_vector["Oil"] = prefix + "OPT" phase_vector["Water"] = prefix + "WPT" phase_vector["Gas"] = prefix + "GPT" facet_name = "DATE" if colorby == "DATE": facet_name = "ENSEMBLE" phase_columns = [x for x in all_columns if x.startswith(phase_vector[phase])] phase_well_labels = [col.split(":")[1] for col in phase_columns] text_labels = dict(value=f"{phase} diff (sim-obs)", variable="Well name") if boxplot_points == "strip": fig_phase = px.strip( ensdf, y=phase_columns, color=colorby, facet_col=facet_name, facet_col_wrap=2, labels=text_labels, stripmode=boxmode, ) else: fig_phase = ensdf, y=phase_columns, color=colorby, facet_col=facet_name, facet_col_wrap=2, points=boxplot_points, labels=text_labels, boxmode=boxmode, ) fig_phase.add_hline(0) fig_phase.update_xaxes(ticktext=phase_well_labels, tickvals=phase_columns) return fig_phase
def update_strip(location, scenario, attribute, num_scenarios, n): # arr = df[scenario+":"+attribute].to_numpy().astype(float) indexVals = random.sample(range(0, len(currentArr) - 1), 20) values = [] for i in indexVals: values.append(currentArr[i]) y = np.zeros(10) x = px.strip(y, values, orientation='h', range_x=[currentArrMin, currentArrMax]) return dcc.Graph(figure=x)
def main(): """ Runs the browser app to do data analysis. """ df = pd.read_pickle(FILE_PATH) st.image(LOGO, format='PNG', use_column_width=True) st.title("ARC QC Analytics") st.markdown(WELCOME_MSG) articleno = st.sidebar.text_area("Article No. (enter on separate lines)", df['PH Mat. No.'].iloc[0]) articleno = articleno.split('\n') df1 = df[df['PH Mat. No.'].isin(articleno)] charac = st.sidebar.selectbox("Characteristic", df1['Charac.'].unique()) update = st.sidebar.button("Update Database") if update: pickle_data() new_df = df1[(df1['Charac.'] == charac)].copy() new_df = coerce_strings(new_df, 'Upper tolerance') new_df = coerce_strings(new_df, 'Lower tolerance') new_df = coerce_strings(new_df, 'Avg') new_df.loc[:, 'Upper tolerance'] = new_df['Upper tolerance'].astype('float') new_df.loc[:, 'Lower tolerance'] = new_df['Lower tolerance'].astype('float') new_df.loc[:, 'Avg'] = new_df['Avg'].astype('float') new_df = new_df.rename(columns={'Order:': 'Order'}) st.header("Data") st.write(new_df[[ 'Order', 'PH Mat. No.', 'Charac.', 'Upper tolerance', 'Lower tolerance' ]]) st.header("Chart") strip = px.strip(new_df, x='Order', y='Avg', color='PH Mat. No.', labels={ 'Order': 'Order No.', 'Avg': charac, 'PH Mat. No.': 'Article Number' }) strip.update_layout(xaxis_type='category') st.plotly_chart(strip) st.header("Statistics") st.write(new_df.groupby('Order')['Avg'].describe())
def make_graphs(animal_chosen): # HISTOGRAM df_hist = df[df["animal_type"] == animal_chosen] fig_hist = px.histogram(df_hist, x="animal_breed") fig_hist.update_xaxes(categoryorder="total descending") # STRIP CHART fig_strip = px.strip(df_hist, x="animal_stay_days", y="intake_type") # SUNBURST df_sburst = df.dropna(subset=['chip_status']) df_sburst = df_sburst[df_sburst["intake_type"].isin( ["STRAY", "FOSTER", "OWNER SURRENDER"])] fig_sunburst = px.sunburst( df_sburst, path=["animal_type", "intake_type", "chip_status"]) # Empirical Cumulative Distribution df_ecdf = df[df["animal_type"].isin(["DOG", "CAT"])] fig_ecdf = px.ecdf(df_ecdf, x="animal_stay_days", color="animal_type") # LINE CHART df_line = df.sort_values(by=["intake_time"], ascending=True) df_line = df_line.groupby(["intake_time", "animal_type"]).size().reset_index(name="count") fig_line = px.line(df_line, x="intake_time", y="count", color="animal_type", markers=True) return [ html.Div([ html.Div([dcc.Graph(figure=fig_hist)], className="six columns"), html.Div([dcc.Graph(figure=fig_strip)], className="six columns"), ], className="row"), html.H2("All Animals", style={"textAlign": "center"}), html.Hr(), html.Div([ html.Div([dcc.Graph(figure=fig_sunburst)], className="six columns"), html.Div([dcc.Graph(figure=fig_ecdf)], className="six columns"), ], className="row"), html.Div([ html.Div([dcc.Graph(figure=fig_line)], className="twelve columns"), ], className="row"), ]
def plots(): # sns.relplot(data=data, x='begin', y='A+', kind="line") # fig = px.scatter_matrix(data, ) # fig = px.parallel_coordinates(data, color="A+", labels={"species_id": "A+", "sepal_width": "R-", }, # color_continuous_scale=px.colors.diverging.Tealrose, color_continuous_midpoint=2) fig = px.line(data, x='begin', y='A+') # sns.set_theme(style="ticks") # sns.pairplot(data) # fig = px.line(data, x='begin', y='R-') fig = px.strip(data, x='A+', y='R-')
def plotly_resp_by_state(df, columns, names, graphTitle): """ A function to plot the proportion of patients who gave each response to a survey question Arguments: columns = the name of the variable columns as a list of strings names = the to-be names of the variable columns as a list of strings graphTitle = title of the graph as a string Ouput: plotly plot""" #group by state grp_df=df.groupby(by='state').sum().reset_index() # create dict of current and to-be column names name_dict={} for i, col in enumerate(columns): name_dict[col]=names[i] # add the following two columns to column list col_list=['state','number_of_completed_surveys'] col_list.extend(columns) # create new df from grp_df and rename columns df=grp_df[col_list].rename(columns=name_dict) # change measure from count to proportion of total surveyed patients l=len(col_list) df.iloc[:,2:l]=df.values[:,2:l]/df.values[:,1,None] # restructure DataFrame df=df.melt(id_vars='state', value_vars=names, var_name='rating', value_name='proportion of patients') # create plot fig=px.strip(df, x='rating', y='proportion of patients', orientation = "v", hover_data= ['state']) fig.update_layout(title_text=graphTitle, title_font_size=12, template="plotly_white", autosize=False, width=400, height=400) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="proportion of patients", title_font_size=12)
def update_figure(selected_year): dot_fig = px.strip( prop_df, x=prop_df['funding_year'][prop_df['funding_year'] == selected_year], y=prop_df['property value'][prop_df['funding_year'] == selected_year], color=prop_df['BUILDING CLASS CATEGORY'][prop_df['funding_year'] == selected_year], labels={ "x": "Funding Year", "y": "Property Value", }, width=800, height=800) dot_fig.update_yaxes(matches=None) dot_fig.update_xaxes(matches=None) return dot_fig
def miner_dots(df): fig = px.strip(df, x=df.index, y="miner", color="signal", color_discrete_sequence=["red", "#2CA02C"]) fig.update_layout(height=1000) fig.update_yaxes(categoryorder='total ascending', showgrid=True, tickson="boundaries", title=None) fig.update_layout(title={ 'text': "Green Dot Good, Red Dot Bad (dots are blocks)", 'x': 0.5 }) position_fig(fig, df) return fig
def build_distribuicao_cidades(path_data, grain): df = pd.read_csv(path_data + 'datasets/aggregations/df_class_munic.csv', encoding='utf-8', sep=';') # df.head() # Usuário seleciona o grão do eixo x mygrain = 'UF' if grain == 'by_uf' else 'Região' df = df.dropna() df = df.sort_values(by=mygrain) color_discrete_map = { 'Impacto_Baixo': px.colors.diverging.Geyser[0], 'Impacto_Médio': px.colors.diverging.Geyser[3], 'Impacto_Alto': px.colors.diverging.Geyser[6] } fig = px.strip( df, y='Taxa_Letalidade', stripmode='overlay', x=mygrain, color='Impacto', color_discrete_map=color_discrete_map, ) fig.add_scatter(x=df[mygrain], y=df['Taxa_Letalidade_Br'], mode='lines', marker={'color': px.colors.diverging.Geyser[3]}, name='Letalidade Brasil') fig.update_layout(legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1), legend_title_text='', xaxis_title='', yaxis_title='', title='Letalidade por município') return fig
def update_figure(n_clicks, budget, cpc, ctl, ltc, clv): clv_expected=clv results_df =simulate(budget, cpc, ctl, ltc, clv) # fig=ff.create_distplot([results_df[c] for c in columns], columns) # fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1) # fig.add_trace(ff.create_distplot([results_df['clv']],['CLVDist']),row=1,col=1) # fig.add_trace(ff.create_distplot([results_df['cpa']],['CPADist']),row=2,col=1) fig_clv=ff.create_distplot([results_df['clv']],['CLV'],colors=['rgb(0, 0, 100)']) fig_clv.update_layout(title_text='Customer Life Time Value') df=pd.concat([results_df['new_customer_count'],results_df['leads_count'],results_df['index']],axis=1).reset_index() df_melt=df.melt(id_vars='index', value_vars=['new_customer_count', 'leads_count']) fig_over_time=px.strip(df_melt, x='index' , y='value' , color='variable') fig_over_time.update_layout(title_text='Number of New Clients and Leads over each simulation') fig_cpa=ff.create_distplot([results_df['cpa']],['CPA']) fig_cpa.update_layout(title_text='Cost Per Acquisition') fig_cpl=ff.create_distplot([results_df['cpl']],['CPL']) fig_cpl.update_layout(title_text='Cost Per Lead') fig_new_customer=ff.create_distplot([results_df['new_customer_count']],['new customer count'],colors=['rgb(0, 200, 200)']) fig_new_customer.update_layout(title_text='New Customer Count') fig_clv_cpa=ff.create_distplot([results_df['clv - cpa']],['CLV - CPA']) fig_clv_cpa.update_layout(title_text='CLV - CPA') fig_campaign_ltv=ff.create_distplot([results_df['campaign_ltv']],['Campaign LTV'],colors=['magenta']) fig_campaign_ltv.update_layout(title_text='Campaign LTV') fig_campaign_return=ff.create_distplot([results_df['campaign_return']],['Campaign Return']) fig_campaign_return.update_layout(title_text='Campaign Return') mean_new_customer=round(results_df['new_customer_count'].mean()) mean_cpa=round(results_df['cpa'].mean(),2) mean_cpl=round(results_df['cpl'].mean(),2) mean_diff=round(results_df['clv - cpa'].mean(),2) mean_ltv=round(results_df['campaign_ltv'].mean(),2) mean_return=round(results_df['campaign_return'].mean(),2) return fig_clv, fig_over_time, fig_cpa, fig_cpl, fig_clv_cpa, fig_new_customer,fig_campaign_ltv, fig_campaign_return, clv_expected, mean_cpa,mean_cpl ,mean_diff, mean_new_customer, mean_ltv, mean_return
def get_strip_plot(data): stripfig = px.strip( data_frame=data, x='variable', y='value', category_orders={"CLevel": ["low", "regular", "high"]}, hover_data=['Method'], color='CLevel', color_discrete_map={"high": "firebrick", "regular": "goldenrod", "low": "cornflowerblue"}, facet_col_spacing=0.5, ) stripfig.update_traces(dict(marker_line_width=0.5, marker_line_color="grey")) stripfig.update_layout( height=500, margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), template="plotly_white", font=dict( size=16, ) ) return stripfig
def test(mut_class): test_class = copy.deepcopy( test_class = test_class[(test_class['training'] == 0) & (test_class['class'] != 0)] X = np.asarray(test_class[mut_class.model.features]) test_class['prediction'] = mut_class.model.classifier.predict(X) # Labeling samples according to their SVM binary classification as either proficient or defficient # We need to create svm_pred, a 2-d array with the nn prediction on the x axis and 0s on the y axis svm_pred = np.zeros((test_class.shape[0], 2)) svm_pred[:, 0] = np.asarray(test_class['prediction']) # Then feed svm_pred into the trained SVM model and predict the outcome of each sample svm_pred = pd.DataFrame(mut_class.model.svm.predict(svm_pred)) # Finally we label them in terms of proficiency or deficiency svm_pred = svm_pred.replace(-1, 'Proficient') svm_pred = svm_pred.replace(1, 'Deficient') # Append the prediction to the dataset test_class = test_class.reset_index() test_class['svm prediction'] = svm_pred #fig = px.scatter(, y="prediction", x="Sample type",color='Sample type') fig = px.strip(test_class, y="prediction", x='class', color='Sample type', hover_data=['sample']) fig = fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[-1.5, 1.5], y=[mut_class.model.margin, mut_class.model.margin], name='Margin', mode='lines', line=dict(color='orange', width=3, dash='dash')))
def make_chart(chart_data): fig = px.strip(chart_data, x="Programa", y="Ano", color="Categoria", stripmode="overlay") title = { 'text': f'Formação dos Docentes(Permanente e Colaboradores) ({", ".join(ANOS)})', 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'font': { 'color': '#000000', 'size': 20 } } layout = go.Layout(title=title, font_size=15, height=1000, width=2500) fig.update_layout(layout)
def plotRegion(meth): div_obj = "" valuesPlot = {} valuesPlot["methRatio"] = [] valuesPlot["CpG ID"] = [] for element in meth: idElement = element["chrom"] + "_" + element["start"] valueMeth = element["methRatio"] valuesPlot["methRatio"].append(valueMeth) valuesPlot["CpG ID"].append(idElement) df = pd.DataFrame(data=valuesPlot) fig = px.strip(df, 'CpG ID', 'methRatio', stripmode="overlay") # fig.update_layout(height=500,legend_orientation="h",xaxis_tickfont_size=14) # fig.update_xaxes(title_text='') # fig.update_yaxes(title_text='<b>Meth Ratio</b>',range=[-0.1, 1.1]) div_obj = plot(fig, show_link=False, auto_open=False, output_type='div') return div_obj
def update_graph(task_value): dff = df[df['task'] == task_value] fig_fd = px.strip(dff, x=dff['ses'], y=dff['fd-per']) fig_fd_mean = px.strip(dff, x=dff['ses'], y=dff['fd-mean']) fig_dvars = px.strip(dff, x=dff['ses'], y=dff['dvars-per']) fig_dvars_mean = px.strip(dff, x=dff['ses'], y=dff['dvars-mean']) fig_std_dvars = px.strip(dff, x=dff['ses'], y=dff['std_dvars-per']) fig_std_dvars_mean = px.strip(dff, x=dff['ses'], y=dff['std_dvars-mean']) #fig = px.scatter(x=dff[dff['Indicator Name'] == xaxis_column_name]['Value'], # y=dff[dff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name]['Value'], # hover_name=dff[dff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name]['Country Name']) #fig.update_layout(margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 0}, hovermode='closest') return fig_fd, fig_fd_mean, fig_dvars, fig_dvars_mean, fig_std_dvars, fig_std_dvars_mean
stripfig = px.strip( data_frame=df, x='generation', y='suicides/100k pop', category_orders={ "generation": [ "G.I. Generation 1901-1927", "Silent 28'-45'", "Boomers 46'-64'", "Generation X 65'-80'", "Millenials 81'-96'", "Generation Z 96'-2012" ] }, hover_data=['country'], # values appear as extra data in the hover tooltip # color='sex', # differentiate color between marks # color_discrete_sequence=["springgreen","yellow"], # set specific marker colors for discrete values # color_discrete_map={"male":"rosybrown" ,"female":"orangered"}, # map your chosen colors # orientation='v', # 'v','h': orientation of the marks # stripmode='group', # in 'overlay' mode, bars are top of one another. # in 'group' mode, bars are placed beside each other. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # facet_row='year', # assign marks to subplots in the vertical direction # facet_col='year', # assigns marks to subplots in the horizontal direction # facet_col_wrap=2, # maximum number of subplot columns. Do not set facet_row! #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # log_x=True, # x-axis is log-scaled # log_y=True, # y-axis is log-scaled # hover_name='country', # values appear in bold in the hover tooltip # custom_data=['population'], # values are extra data to be used in Dash callbacks # labels={"sex":"Gender", # "generation":"GENERATION"}, # map the labels # title='Suicide Rate', # figure title # width=1000, # figure width in pixels # height=600, # igure height in pixels # template='seaborn', # 'ggplot2', 'seaborn', 'simple_white', 'plotly', # # 'plotly_white', 'plotly_dark', 'presentation', # # 'xgridoff', 'ygridoff', 'gridon', 'none' # animation_frame='year', # assign marks to animation frames # # animation_group='sex', # use only when df has multiple rows with same object # # range_x=[5,50], # set range of x-axis # range_y=[0,190], # set range of x-axis )
histfunc="avg", color="smoker", barmode="group", facet_row="time", facet_col="day", category_orders={ "day": ["Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"], "time": ["Lunch", "Dinner"] }, ) fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "histogram_histfunc.html")) import as px tips = fig = px.strip(tips, x="total_bill", y="time", orientation="h", color="smoker") fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "strip.html")) import as px tips = fig =, x="day", y="total_bill", color="smoker", notched=True) fig.write_html(os.path.join(dir_name, "box.html")) import as px tips = fig = px.violin( tips, y="tip", x="smoker",
def strip(x_data, y_data, f,color): df = pd.read_csv(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + f) fig = px.strip(df, x=x_data, y=y_data, color=color, animation_frame='Year', height=600) #fig.update_layout({'plot_bgcolor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'}) xbutton = [] ybutton = [] for col in df.columns: xbutton.append( dict( args=['x', [df[str(col)]]], label=str(col), method='restyle' ), ) for col in df.columns: ybutton.append( dict( args=['y', [df[str(col)]]], label=str(col), method='restyle' ), ) fig.update_layout( title="graph", yaxis_title="s", xaxis_title="activity", # Add dropdown updatemenus=[ dict( buttons=list([ dict( args=["type", "line"], label="Line", method="restyle" ), dict( args=["type", "bar"], label="Bar", method="restyle" ), dict( args=["type", "pie"], label="Pie", method="restyle" ), dict( args=["type", "violin"], label="Violin", method="restyle" ), dict( args=["type", "box"], label="Box", method="restyle" ) ]), direction="down", pad={"r": 10, "t": 10}, showactive=True, x=0.1, xanchor="left", y=1.2, yanchor="top" ), dict( buttons=list(xbutton), direction="down", pad={"r": 10, "t": 10}, showactive=True, x=0.250, xanchor="left", y=1.2, yanchor="top" ), dict( buttons=list(ybutton), direction="down", pad={"r": 10, "t": 10}, showactive=True, x=0.4, xanchor="left", y=1.2, yanchor="top" ), ], autosize=True, template="plotly_white" ) plot_div = plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=True) return plot_div
import as px f = open("задание 14.txt", 'r', encoding="utf-8") key_f = f.readline(-1).rstrip().split('\t') df = {key_f[0]: [], key_f[1]: [], key_f[2]: [], key_f[3]: []} for line in f: line_list = line.rstrip().split('\t') df['округ'].append(line_list[0]) df['фамилия'].append(line_list[1]) df['предмет'].append(line_list[2]) df['балл'].append(int(line_list[3])) # print(df) f.close() fig = px.strip(df, x='округ', y='балл', color="предмет", template='presentation')
fig.update_traces(diagonal_visible=False) plot(fig) # these 3 variables have the strongest separation for the target group = [ "RepublicanFraction Ohio", "RepublicanFraction Wyoming", "RepublicanFraction Idaho" ] # plot the group of 3 variables across categories fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x=group[0], y=group[1], z=group[2], color=" DemocratWon", opacity=0.7) plot(fig) # plot two variables across categories fig = px.density_contour(df, x=group[0], y=group[1], marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="box", color=" DemocratWon") plot(fig) # plot SalePrice across categories fig = px.strip(df, y=group[0], color=" DemocratWon") plot(fig)