def compareFileExtViaBarPlots(dictParam, fileNameParam, listParam): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font import numpy as np xList = [] yList = [] for it_ in listParam: xList.append(it_) yList.append(np.mean(dictParam[it_])) dataToPlot = [go.Bar(x=xList, y=yList)] layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of File Types (Average) : ' + fileNameParam, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Values', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) #plot_url = py.plot(dataToPlot, filename=fileNameParam) figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) fileNameParam = "plot-session-info/" + fileNameParam + ".png" py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileNameParam)
def plotSharpVSOthers(dictParam, fileNameParam, extOfInterest="cSharpCount"): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font cSharpList = dictParam[extOfInterest] otherList = [100.0 - float(x) for x in cSharpList] cSharpTrace_ = go.Box(y=cSharpList, name="C# Files") otherTrace_ = go.Box(y=otherList, name="Other Files") dataToPlot = [cSharpTrace_, otherTrace_] layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of File Types : ' + fileNameParam, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Values', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) #plot_url = py.plot(dataToPlot, filename=fileNameParam) figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) fileNameParam = "plot-session-info/" + fileNameParam + ".png" py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileNameParam)
def compareViaBoxPlot(posGroupParam, zeroGroupParam, negGroupParam, fileNameParam): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font #from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Marker, Data, Layout, XAxis, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font posGroup = go.Box(y=posGroupParam, name='Corr. >= 0.50') zeroGroup = go.Box(y=zeroGroupParam, name='Corr. within 0.0 & 0.499') negGroup = go.Box(y=negGroupParam, name='Corr. < 0.0') layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of Three Groups: ' + fileNameParam, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Values', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) dataToPlot = [posGroup, zeroGroup, negGroup] #plot_url = py.plot(dataToPlot, filename=fileNameParam) figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) fileNameParam = "plots/" + fileNameParam + ".png" py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileNameParam)
def plotTwoGroups(group1Param, group2Param, yAxisParam, titleParam, fileNameParam): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font group1Trace_ = go.Box(y=group1Param, name="High Productivity Sessions") group2Trace_ = go.Box(y=group2Param, name="Low Productivity Sessions") dataToPlot = [group1Trace_, group2Trace_] layoutToUse = Layout( title='Summary of 84030 Sessions : ' + titleParam, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title=yAxisParam, #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) fileNameParam = "plot-session-info/" + fileNameParam + ".png" py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileNameParam) return "DONE!"
def plotConfusionMatrix(self, dataFrame, name): """ @param data (pandas DF) The confusion matrix. @param name (str) """ labels = dataFrame.columns.values.tolist() values = map(list, dataFrame.values) data = Data( [Heatmap(z=values, x=labels, y=labels, colorscale='YIGnBu')]) layout = Layout( title='Confusion Matrix for ' + name, xaxis=XAxis(title='', side='top', titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f')), yaxis=YAxis(title='', titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f'), autorange='reversed'), barmode='overlay', autosize=True, width=1000, height=1000, margin=Margin(l=80, r=80, b=120, t=140)) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig) print "Confusion matrix URL: ", plot_url
def compareFileExtViaBoxPlots(dictParam, fileNameParam, extList): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font #from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Marker, Data, Layout, XAxis, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font dataToPlot = [] for it_ in extList: trace_ = go.Box(y=dictParam[it_], name=it_) dataToPlot.append(trace_) layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of File Types : ' + fileNameParam, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Values', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) #plot_url = py.plot(dataToPlot, filename=fileNameParam) figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) fileNameParam = "plot-session-info/" + fileNameParam + ".png" py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileNameParam)
def plotDistForThreeGroups(group1, group2, group3, fileNameParam): import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font #from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Marker, Data, Layout, XAxis, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font dataToPlot = [] g1Trace_ = go.Box(y=group1, name="Corr >=0.50") g2Trace_ = go.Box(y=group2, name="Corr >=0.0 AND Corr <=0.499") g3Trace_ = go.Box(y=group3, name="Corr < 0.0") dataToPlot = [g1Trace_, g2Trace_, g3Trace_] layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of : ' + fileNameParam, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Values', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) #plot_url = py.plot(dataToPlot, filename=fileNameParam) figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) fileNameParam = "plot-session-info/" + fileNameParam + ".png" py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileNameParam)
def init_plotly(): """ Prepares authenticate tokens for each trace, prepares layout and streams with corresponding scatter graph traces. :return: Returns initialized stream IDs for each trace """ logger = logging.getLogger(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) # pull in Plotly authentication data plotly_creds = username = plotly_creds['username'] api_key = plotly_creds['api_key'] token_cpu, token_temp, token_humidity, token_pressure, token_wu = plotly_creds['stream_ids'][0:5] plotly.plotly.sign_in(username, api_key) # create Stream structures with proper tokens and maximum preserved graph points my_stream_cpu = Stream(token=token_cpu, maxpoints=MAX_POINTS) my_stream_temp = Stream(token=token_temp, maxpoints=MAX_POINTS) my_stream_humidity = Stream(token=token_humidity, maxpoints=MAX_POINTS) my_stream_pressure = Stream(token=token_pressure, maxpoints=MAX_POINTS) my_stream_wu = Stream(token=token_wu, maxpoints=MAX_POINTS) # create Scatter-type structures with appropriate names; don't provide sample data as we'll provide it live in # Stream mode my_scatter_cpu = Scatter(x=[], y=[], stream=my_stream_cpu, name='CPU temperature', mode=TRACE_MODE) my_scatter_temp = Scatter(x=[], y=[], stream=my_stream_temp, name='Environment temperature', mode=TRACE_MODE) my_scatter_humidity = Scatter(x=[], y=[], stream=my_stream_humidity, name='Environment humidity', mode=TRACE_MODE) my_scatter_pressure = Scatter(x=[], y=[], stream=my_stream_pressure, name='Barometric pressure', yaxis='y2', mode=TRACE_MODE) my_scatter_wu = Scatter(x=[], y=[], stream=my_stream_wu, name='Outdoor temperature (Weather Underground)', mode=TRACE_MODE) # prepare Data structure my_data = Data([my_scatter_cpu, my_scatter_temp, my_scatter_humidity, my_scatter_pressure, my_scatter_wu]) # create Layout structure where we have one shared X axis (time series) and two Y axis, one left side (temperature # and humidity) and one right side (pressure) my_layout = Layout(title='Raspberry PI Sensors', xaxis=XAxis(title='Time'), yaxis=YAxis(title='Temperature [C] / Humidity [%]'), yaxis2=YAxis(title='Pressure [hPa]', overlaying='y', side='right', titlefont=Font(color='rgb(148, 103, 189)'), tickfont=Font(color='rgb(148, 103, 189)'))) # prepare Figure structure my_fig = Figure(data=my_data, layout=my_layout) try: # overwrite existing data on creating the new figure plotly.plotly.plot(my_fig, filename=PLOTLY_CHART_NAME, auto_open=False, fileopt=GRAPH_MODE) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, e: logger.error('Cannot connect to PlotLy to create chart: %s. Exiting...' % e) sys.exit(1)
def scatter_df_plotly(df, x, y, z, text_fnct=hover_all, streaming=True, filename=None): """ a wrapper function for `plotlyi.graph_objs.Scatter` on `pandas.Dataframe` usage: ===== d """ layout = Layout( title='colour map: %s' % z, hovermode='closest', # (!) hover -> closest data pt showlegend=False, # remove legend (info in hover) autosize=False, # turn off autosize width=650, # plot width height=500, # plot height xaxis=XAxis(title=x, titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=14, color='#7f7f7f')), yaxis=YAxis(title=y, titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=14, color='#7f7f7f'))) # print('marker sizes:') # print(rescale_marker(df[z], square = True)) SC = Scatter(x=df[x], y=df[y], mode='markers', marker=Marker(size=rescale_marker(df[z], square=True), color=df[z], colorscale='Jet', sizeref=1, sizemode='area')) FIG = Figure(data=Data([SC]), layout=layout) #FIG['layout'].update( ) if text_fnct is not None: FIG['data'][0].update(text = \ df.apply(lambda ds: text_fnct(ds, x=x, y=y,z=z), axis = 1).tolist() ) if not streaming: if filename is not None: return py.plot(FIG, filename=filename) else: return py.plot(FIG) else: return py.iplot(FIG)
def new_canvas(self, figure=None, row=1, col=1, projection='2d', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None, title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, **kwargs): #if 'filename' not in kwargs: # print('PlotlyWarning: filename was not given, this may clutter your plotly workspace') # filename = None #else: # filename = kwargs.pop('filename') if figure is None: figure = self.figure(is_3d=projection == '3d') figure.layout.font = Font(family="Raleway, sans-serif") if projection == '3d': figure.layout.legend.x = .5 figure.layout.legend.bgcolor = '#DCDCDC' return (figure, row, col), kwargs
def plot_ly(subgraph, title, data, measure, colorscale='Hot'): ''' Function to get a plotly figure object to be plotted Args: subgraph (NetworkX Graph): the graph to be plotted title (str): the title for the plot data (dict): the measured data to be plotted measure (str): the measure being plotted colorscale (str): colorscale for the data measure ColorScale options 'Greys' | 'Greens' | 'Bluered' | 'Hot' | 'Picnic' | 'Portland' | Jet' | 'RdBu' | 'Blackbody' | 'Earth' | 'Electric' | 'YIOrRd' | 'YIGnBu' ''' pos = nx.spring_layout(subgraph, k=.12) nodes = list(subgraph.node.keys()) nodes.sort() labels = [] for node in subgraph.nodes(): author_name = subgraph.node[node]['data']['author']['name'].title() label = "{}<br>{} = {}".format(author_name, measure, str(data[node])) labels.append(label) trace1 = scatter_edges(subgraph, pos) trace2 = scatter_nodes(pos=pos, labels=labels, title=title, data=data, nodes=nodes, colorscale=colorscale) width = 800 height = 600 axis = dict(showline=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title='') layout = Layout(title=title, font=Font(), showlegend=False, autosize=False, width=width, height=height, xaxis=dict(title='', titlefont=dict(size=14, color='#7f7f7f'), showline=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False), yaxis=YAxis(axis), margin=Margin( l=40, r=40, b=85, t=100, pad=0, ), hovermode='closest', plot_bgcolor='#EFECEA') data = Data([trace1, trace2]) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
def make_sbplt_anno(sbplt_in, x_in, y_in, name): return Annotation(x=np.mean(x_in), y=y_in[-1], text=name, xanchor='center', align='center', font=Font(size=14), showarrow=False, xref='x{}'.format(sbplt_in), yref='y{}'.format(sbplt_in))
def make_score_anno(sbplt_in, x_in, y_in, score): return Annotation( x=x_in.max() - 0.95, # had to tweak these from y=y_in.min() + 0, # from original text=('%.2f' % score).lstrip('0'), align='right', font=Font(size=15), showarrow=False, xref='x{}'.format(sbplt_in), yref='y{}'.format(sbplt_in))
def plotBucketsMetrics(self, metricsDict, comboMethod, numIterations, modelName): """ @param metricsDicts (dict) Arrays for the min, mean, and max of each metric. @param comboMethod (str) Concatenation method from the experiment. @param numIterations (str) Number of inference steps run. @param modelName (str) Name of tested model. """ xData = range(1, numIterations + 1) for metricName, results in metricsDict.iteritems(): if metricName == "totalRanked": continue minTrace = Scatter(x=xData, y=results[0], mode="lines+markers", name="min") meanTrace = Scatter(x=xData, y=results[1], mode="lines+markers", name="mean") maxTrace = Scatter(x=xData, y=results[2], mode="lines+markers", name="max") data = [minTrace, meanTrace, maxTrace] layout = Layout( title="Buckets Experiment for {} ('{}' concatenation) ".format( modelName, comboMethod), xaxis=XAxis(title="Number of samples queried", titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f'), dtick=1), yaxis=YAxis(title=metricName, titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f'))) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plotUrl = py.plot(fig) print "Plot URL for {}: {}".format(metricName, plotUrl)
def plotConfusionMatrix(self, data, normalize=True): """ Plots the confusion matrix of the input dataframe. @param data (pandas DF) The confusion matrix. @param normalize (bool) True will normalize the confusion matrix values for the total number of actual classifications per label. Thus the cm values are 0.0 to 1.0. """ xyzData = self.interpretConfusionMatrixData(data, normalize) data = Data([ Heatmap(z=xyzData["z"], x=xyzData["x"], y=xyzData["y"], colorscale='YIGnBu') ]) layout = Layout( title='Confusion matrix for ' + self.experimentName, xaxis=XAxis(title='Predicted label', side='top', titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f')), yaxis=YAxis(title='True label', titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f'), autorange='reversed'), barmode='overlay', autosize=True, width=1000, height=1000, margin=Margin(l=200, r=80, b=80, t=450)) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig) print "Confusion matrix URL: ", plot_url
def plotCumulativeAccuracies(self, classificationAccuracies, trainSize): """ Creates scatter plots that show the accuracy for each category at a certain training size @param classificationAccuracies (dict) Maps a category label to a list of lists of accuracies. Each item in the key is a list of accuracies for a specific training size, ordered by increasing training size. @param trainSize (list) Sizes of training sets for trials. """ # Convert list of list of accuracies to list of means classificationSummaries = [ (label, map(numpy.mean, acc)) for label, acc in classificationAccuracies.iteritems() ] data = [] sizes = sorted(set(trainSize)) for label, summary in classificationSummaries: data.append(Scatter(x=sizes, y=summary, name=label)) data = Data(data) layout = Layout( title='Cumulative Accuracies for ' + self.experimentName, xaxis=XAxis(title='Training size', titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f')), yaxis=YAxis(title='Accuracy', titlefont=Font(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f'))) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig) print "Cumulative Accuracies URL: ", plot_url
def create_annotations(): timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') anno_text = 'time: {0}'.format(timestamp) annotations = [ dict( text=anno_text, # set annotation text showarrow=False, # remove arrow xref='paper', # use paper coords yref='paper', # for both coordinates x=0.95, # position's x-coord y=1.10, # and y-coord font=Font(size=16), # increase font size (default is 12) bgcolor='#FFFFFF', # white background borderpad=4 # space bt. border and text (in px) ) ] return annotations
def draw_graph(word, hypernym=False): """Draw graph of word hyponym, or hypernym if hypernym=True, Displays in Jupyter notebook. Requires pre-installed plotly apikey""" G = visualize_word(word, not hypernym) nxpos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) labels = [] pos = [] for k, v in nxpos.items(): labels.append(str(k())) pos.append(v) trace1 = scatter_edges(G, nxpos) trace2 = scatter_nodes(pos, labels=labels) axis = dict( showline=False, # hide axis line, grid, ticklabels and title zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title='') layout = Layout( title='Graph for word "{}"'.format(word), font=Font(), showlegend=False, autosize=True, # width=width, # height=height, xaxis=XAxis(axis), yaxis=YAxis(axis), #margin=Margin( # l=40, # r=40, # b=85, # t=100, # pad=0,), # plot_bgcolor='#EFECEA', #set background color hovermode='closest') data = Data([trace1, trace2]) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return plotly.iplot(fig, filename='networkx')
def make_report_plotly(counts, suffix, report): for count in counts: run_test( report, count ) for category, results in report.iteritems(): #formatter = results['formatter'] scale = results['scale'] unit = results['unit'] bars = [] for name, values in results.iteritems(): if name in ['title', 'scale', 'unit']: continue #values = map(formatter, map(lambda x: x * scale, values)) values = map(lambda x: x * scale, values) bar = Bar( x=counts, y=values, name=name ) bars.append(bar) layout = Layout(title=results['title'], font=Font(family='Raleway, sans-serif'), showlegend=True, barmode='group', bargap=0.15, bargroupgap=0.1, legend=Legend(x=0, y=1.0), xaxis=XAxis(title='Num Sites', type='category'), yaxis=YAxis(title=results['unit']) ) data = Data(bars) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) outpath = '../images/%s%s.png' % (category, suffix) py.image.save_as(fig, outpath) print "Wrote", outpath
prediction = slope * (xi[-1]) + intercept # Creating the dataset, and generating the plot trace1 = Scatter(x=xi, y=y, mode='lines', marker=Marker(color='rgb(255, 127, 14)'), name='Data') trace2 = Scatter(x=[xi[-1] + 1], y=[prediction], mode='markers', marker=Marker(color='rgb(31, 119, 180)'), name='Fit') annotation = Annotation(x=3.5, y=23.5, text='$R^2 = 0.9551,\\Y = 0.716X + 19.18$', showarrow=False, font=Font(size=16)) layout = Layout(title='Linear Fit in Python', plot_bgcolor='rgb(229, 229, 229)', xaxis=XAxis(zerolinecolor='rgb(255,255,255)', gridcolor='rgb(255,255,255)'), yaxis=YAxis(zerolinecolor='rgb(255,255,255)', gridcolor='rgb(255,255,255)'), annotations=[annotation]) to_scatter = [trace1, trace2] plotly.offline.plot({"data": to_scatter, "layout": layout})
def draw_igraph(self, title, colors=None): (Xn, Yn, Zn), (Xe, Ye, Ze) = self.get_3d_position() trace1 = Scatter3d(x=Xe, y=Ye, z=Ze, mode='lines', line=Line(color='rgb(125,125,125)', width=1, dash=True), hoverinfo='none') trace2 = Scatter3d( x=Xn, y=Yn, z=Zn, mode='markers', name='callers', marker=Marker( symbol='dot', size=[100 * x + 5 for x in list(self.betweenness.values())], color=self.colors, colorscale='Rainbow', opacity=0.5), text=self.nodes, hoverinfo='text') axis = dict(showbackground=False, showline=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title='') layout = Layout( title=title, width=1000, height=1000, showlegend=False, scene=Scene( xaxis=XAxis(axis), yaxis=YAxis(axis), zaxis=ZAxis(axis), ), margin=Margin(t=100), hovermode='closest', annotations=Annotations([ Annotation(showarrow=False, text="Data source: ???", xref='paper', yref='paper', x=0, y=0.1, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', font=Font(size=14)) ]), ) data = Data([trace1, trace2]) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) iplot(fig, filename='Call Network')
import plotly.plotly as py import as tls from plotly.graph_objs import Heatmap, Layout, Font stream_id = tls.get_credentials_file()['stream_ids'][3] stream = py.Stream(stream_id) anno_text ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') layout = Layout(annotations=[ dict( text=anno_text, # set annotation text showarrow=False, # remove arrow xref='paper', # use paper coords yref='paper', # for both coordinates x=0.95, # position's x-coord y=1.05, # and y-coord font=Font(size=14), # increase font size (default is 12) bgcolor='#FFFFFF', # white background borderpad=4 # space bt. border and text (in px) ) ]) x = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] y = ['x', 'y', 'z'] z = np.random.randn(3, 4) trace = Heatmap(z=z, x=x, y=y) stream.write(trace, layout=layout) stream.close()
def draw3Dnx(graph=None, out_path=None, perc_threshold=None, positions_array=None, positions_dict=None, plot_title='', plot_description='', colorscale='Set3', notebook_mode=True, auto_open=False): """Draws a given graph in 3D""" if graph is None or nx.is_empty(graph): raise ValueError('input graph can not be empty!') # graph = nx.random_geometric_graph(200, 0.05) if notebook_mode: init_notebook_mode() marker_size = 7 marker_edge_width = 2 link_width = 2 colorbar_title = 'Node Connections' hover_description = '# connections: ' position_attr = ['x', 'y', 'z'] if positions_array is not None: for node in graph.nodes(): for ix, attr in enumerate(position_attr): graph.nodes[node][attr] = positions_array[node][ix] elif positions_dict is not None: for node in graph.nodes(): for attr in position_attr: graph.nodes[node][attr] = positions_array[node][attr] for attr in position_attr: if not nx.get_node_attributes(graph, attr): raise ValueError( 'Position attribute {} missing. ' 'Add it to graph or supply with one of the position inputs'. format(attr)) edge_threshold = -np.Inf if perc_threshold is not None: eval_distr = np.array( list(nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight').values())) try: edge_threshold = np.percentile(eval_distr, perc_threshold) except: print('threshold to prune edges can not be determined.') traceback.print_exc() return edge_trace = Scatter3d( x=[], y=[], z=[], mode='lines', line=Line(width=marker_edge_width, color='#888'), hoverinfo='none', ) def get_position(gnode): """Helper to retun the x, y, z coords of a node""" return gnode['x'], gnode['y'], gnode['z'] for src, dest in graph.edges(): # adding only the strongest edges if perc_threshold is None or graph.get_edge_data( src, dest)['weight'] > edge_threshold: x0, y0, z0 = get_position(graph.nodes[src]) # ['position'] x1, y1, z1 = get_position(graph.nodes[dest]) # ['position'] edge_trace['x'].extend([x0, x1, None]) edge_trace['y'].extend([y0, y1, None]) edge_trace['z'].extend([z0, z1, None]) # empty lists here will be appended with data to be plotted node_trace = Scatter3d(x=[], y=[], z=[], text=[], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=Marker( symbol='dot', showscale=True, colorscale=colorscale, reversescale=True, color=[], size=marker_size, colorbar=dict(thickness=15, title=colorbar_title, xanchor='left', titleside='right'), )) # setting nodal positions and info for ix, node in enumerate(graph.nodes()): x, y, z = get_position(graph.nodes[node]) node_trace['x'].append(x) node_trace['y'].append(y) node_trace['z'].append(z) node_trace['text'].append(node) node_trace['marker']['color'].append(ix) axis = dict(showbackground=False, showline=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title='') scene = Scene(xaxis=XAxis(axis), yaxis=YAxis(axis), zaxis=ZAxis(axis)) annotations = Annotations([ Annotation( showarrow=False, text=plot_description, xref='paper', yref='paper', x=0, y=0.1, # z=0.05, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', # zanchor='bottom', font=Font(size=14)) ]) layout = Layout( title=plot_title, titlefont=dict(size=16), # width=1000, # height=1000, showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', scene=scene, margin=Margin(t=100), # margin=dict(b=20,l=5,r=5,t=40), annotations=annotations, ) fig_data = Data([edge_trace, node_trace]) fig = Figure(data=fig_data, layout=layout) if out_path is None and auto_open is False: auto_open = True if notebook_mode: iplot(fig, filename=out_path) else: plot(fig, filename=out_path, auto_open=auto_open) return fig
showlegend=False, scene=Scene( xaxis=XAxis(axis), yaxis=YAxis(axis), zaxis=ZAxis(axis), ), margin=Margin( t=100 ), hovermode='closest', annotations=Annotations([ Annotation( showarrow=False, text="", xref='paper', yref='paper', x=0, y=0.1, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', font=Font( size=14 ) ) ]), ) data=Data([trace1, trace2]) fig=Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.plot(fig, filename='Crawler')
def Generate_3DModel(idList, labelList, percentage): network = pd.read_csv("network.csv") L = len(network['TF']) #Values=[network['importance'][k] for k in range(L)] #G=ig.Graph(Edges, directed=False) #layt=G.layout('kk', dim=3) G = Create_Graph(idList, labelList, percentage, netthreshold) N = len(list(G.node())) #--> Numero de nodos V = list(G.node()) # lista con todos los nodos #Edges=[(network['TF'][k], network['target'][k]) for k in range(L)] Edges = list(G.edges()) #layt=nx.spectral_layout(G,dim=3) #layt=nx.spring_layout(G, dim=3) #layt=nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G,dim=3) #layt=laytdict.values() #g=nx.Graph() #g.add_nodes_from(V) #g.add_edges_from(Edges) layt = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G, dim=3) #layt = nx.circular_layout(G,scale=10,dim=3) #layt=nx.spring_layout(G,dim=3) laytN = list(layt.values()) Xn = [laytN[k][0] for k in range(N)] # x-coordinates of nodes Yn = [laytN[k][1] for k in range(N)] # y-coordinates Zn = [laytN[k][2] for k in range(N)] # z-coordinates Xe = [] Ye = [] Ze = [] for e in Edges: Xe += [layt[e[0]][0], layt[e[1]][0], None] # x-coordinates of edge ends Ye += [layt[e[0]][1], layt[e[1]][1], None] Ze += [layt[e[0]][2], layt[e[1]][2], None] trace1 = Scatter3d(x=Xe, y=Ye, z=Ze, mode='lines', line=Line(color='rgb(125,125,125)', width=1), hoverinfo='none') trace2 = Scatter3d(x=Xn, y=Yn, z=Zn, mode='markers+text', textposition='top', name='genes', marker=Marker(symbol='dot', size=6, color='#6959CD', colorscale='Viridis', line=Line(color='rgb(50,50,50)', width=1)), text=V, hoverinfo='text') #for node, adjacencies in enumerate(G.adjacency()): #trace2['marker']['color'].append(len(adjacencies)) #node_info = 'Number of connections: '+str(len(adjacencies)) #trace2['text'].append(node_info) axis = dict(showbackground=False, showline=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, title='') fig = Figure(data=Data([trace1, trace2]), layout=Layout( title="Network (3D visualization)", width=1000, height=1000, showlegend=False, scene=Scene( xaxis=XAxis(axis), yaxis=YAxis(axis), zaxis=ZAxis(axis), ), margin=Margin(t=100), hovermode='closest', annotations=Annotations([ Annotation(showarrow=False, text="", xref='paper', yref='paper', x=0, y=0.1, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', font=Font(size=14)) ]), )) py.iplot(fig, filename='networkx3D')
layout=Layout(width=640, height=480, autosize=False, margin=Margin(l=80, r=63, b=47, t=47, pad=0), hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, annotations=Annotations([ Annotation(x=0.000997987927565, y=0.996414507772, text='top-left', xref='paper', yref='paper', showarrow=False, align='left', font=Font(size=12.0, color='#000000'), opacity=1, xanchor='left', yanchor='top'), Annotation(x=0.000997987927565, y=0.00358549222798, text='bottom-left', xref='paper', yref='paper', align='left', showarrow=False, font=Font(size=12.0, color='#000000'), opacity=1, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom'),
def plotCorrelations(fileNameP, listP): import plotly.plotly as py #import plotly from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Marker, Data, Layout, XAxis, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font #import plotly.graph_objs as gObjLib ### authentication stuff .... #py = plotly.plotly(username='******', key='9ebth53cdo') #barSize = 5 fileTrace = [listP[0], listP[1], listP[2]] projectTrace = [listP[3], listP[4], listP[5]] stateTrace = [listP[6], listP[7], listP[8]] namespaceTrace = [listP[9], listP[10], listP[11]] fileCorrTrace = Bar( x=['Corr. >= 0.50', 'Corr. within 0.0 & 0.499', 'Corr. < 0.0'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=fileTrace, name='FileInterleaving') projCorrTrace = Bar( x=['Corr. >= 0.50', 'Corr. within 0.0 & 0.499', 'Corr. < 0.0'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=projectTrace, name='ProjetInterleaving') nspaceCorrTrace = Bar( x=['Corr. >= 0.50', 'Corr. within 0.0 & 0.499', 'Corr. < 0.0'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=namespaceTrace, name='NamespaceInterleaving') stateTrace = Bar( x=['Corr. >= 0.50', 'Corr. within 0.0 & 0.499', 'Corr. < 0.0'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=stateTrace, name='StateInterleaving') #fileCorrTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='blue', size=barSize) #projCorrTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='green', size=barSize) #nspaceCorrTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='yellow', size=barSize) #stateTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='red', size=barSize) fileCorrTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='blue') projCorrTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='green') nspaceCorrTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='yellow') stateTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='red') dataToPlot = Data( [fileCorrTrace, projCorrTrace, nspaceCorrTrace, stateTrace]) layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of Correlation for 339 Datasets : ' + fileNameP, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), barmode='group', xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Interleaving Correlations', titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000'), tickwidth=1.5), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Count', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) fileToSave = 'plots/' + fileNameP + '.png' figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileToSave)
def plotLinesForBaseline(fileNameParam): import csv import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.graph_objs import Layout, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font, XAxis xList = [] baselineAct = [] optimizedAct = [] baselinePass = [] optimizedPass = [] fileToRead = open(fileNameParam, "rU") try: fileReader = csv.reader(fileToRead, delimiter=',', dialect=csv.excel_tab) next(fileReader, None) for rowVar in fileReader: xList.append(rowVar[0]) baselineAct.append(rowVar[1]) optimizedAct.append(rowVar[3]) baselinePass.append(rowVar[2]) optimizedPass.append(rowVar[4]) finally: fileToRead.close() baselineActTrace = go.Scatter(x=xList, y=baselineAct, mode='lines+markers', name='Baseline-Undetected Active Errors') optimizedActTrace = go.Scatter(x=xList, y=optimizedAct, mode='lines+markers', name='Optimized-Undetected Active Errors') baselinePassTrace = go.Scatter(x=xList, y=baselinePass, mode='lines+markers', name='Baseline-Undetected Passive Errors') optimizedPassTrace = go.Scatter(x=xList, y=optimizedPass, mode='lines+markers', name='Optimized-Undetected Passive Errors') ActTraces = [baselineActTrace, optimizedActTrace] PassTraces = [baselinePassTrace, optimizedPassTrace] layout_ActError = Layout( title= 'Comparing Optimized Values with Baseline Values : Undetected Active Errors', titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Iterations of DE', autorange=False, range=[0, 1100], titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Optimized Value', range=[0, 1500], autorange=False, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) layout_PassError = Layout( title= 'Comparing Optimized Values with Baseline Values : Undetected Passive Errors', titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Iterations of DE', autorange=False, range=[0, 1100], titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Optimized Value', range=[0, 5], autorange=False, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=12, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) fig_UnActErr = Figure(data=ActTraces, layout=layout_ActError) fileNameParam = "UnActError.png" py.image.save_as(fig_UnActErr, fileNameParam) fig_UnPassErr = Figure(data=PassTraces, layout=layout_PassError) fileNameParam = "UnPassError.png" py.image.save_as(fig_UnPassErr, fileNameParam) return "DONE!"
layout=Layout(width=640, height=480, autosize=False, margin=Margin(l=80, r=63, b=47, t=47, pad=0), hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, xaxis1=XAxis(domain=[0.0, 1.0], range=[0.0, 5.0], type='linear', showline=True, ticks='inside', nticks=6, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, tickfont=Font(size=12.0), anchor='y1', side='bottom', mirror='ticks'), yaxis1=YAxis(domain=[0.0, 1.0], range=[0.0, 200.0], type='linear', showline=True, ticks='inside', nticks=5, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, tickfont=Font(size=12.0), anchor='x1', side='left', mirror='ticks')))
def plotAllStates(fileNameP, dictP): import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Marker, Data, Layout, XAxis, YAxis, Figure, Margin, Font #import plotly.graph_objs as gObjLib ##### dirToSave = "plotsesscat/" #barSize = 6 listForNormalTrace = [] listForHeavyTrace = [] listForSuperHeavyTrace = [] allCatList = ['None', 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build', 'Navi'] for it_ in allCatList: #print "ZZZZZZZ", dictP[it_] listForNormalTrace.append(dictP[it_][0]) listForHeavyTrace.append(dictP[it_][1]) listForSuperHeavyTrace.append(dictP[it_][2]) #print "length - Normal ... ", listForNormalTrace #print "length - Heavy ... ", listForHeavyTrace #print "length - SuperHeavy ... ", listForSuperHeavyTrace normalTrace = Bar( x=['None', 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build', 'Navi'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=listForNormalTrace, name='Normal') heavyTrace = Bar( x=['None', 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build', 'Navi'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=listForHeavyTrace, name='Heavy') superHeavyTrace = Bar( x=['None', 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build', 'Navi'], #x=[ 'Idle', 'System', 'Code', 'Debug', 'Build'], y=listForSuperHeavyTrace, name='Super Heavy') normalTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='green') heavyTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='yellow') superHeavyTrace['marker'] = Marker(color='red') dataToPlot = Data([normalTrace, heavyTrace, superHeavyTrace]) layoutToUse = Layout( title='Distribution of Different Session Categories', titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=22, color='#000000'), barmode='group', xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Types of Sessions', titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000'), tickwidth=1.5), yaxis=YAxis( showgrid=True, showline=True, title='Count', #range=[0, 35], autorange=True, titlefont=Font(family='Times New Roman', size=18, color='#000000')), width=800, height=600, margin=Margin(l=140, r=40, b=50, t=80), ) fileToSave = dirToSave + fileNameP + '.png' figToPlot = Figure(data=dataToPlot, layout=layoutToUse) #plot_url = py.plot(figToPlot, filename=fileToSave) py.image.save_as(figToPlot, fileToSave)