def one_full_step(city, volk, time): system_size = city.city_size alpha = city.alpha contagiosity = city.contagiosity immunity_step = city.immunity_step # useful constants nr_people = np.size(volk) # creating earth for peole to leave their traces earth = np.zeros((system_size, system_size)) # loop over all people and move them one step and make them leave their traces on the earth for i in range(0, nr_people): if (volk[i].alive == 1): volk[i].one_step(system_size) earth[volk[i].pos[0], volk[i].pos[1]] += volk[i].health_status # now for every healthy person we check the trace of everybody else on the location of that person # and make it infected with a probability. Also we stop infecting people who have arrived at work while others # are still commuting. for i in range(0, nr_people): if (volk[i].health_status == 0 and volk[i].immunity != 1): dirtiesness = earth[volk[i].pos[0], volk[i].pos[1]] probability = dirtiesness * contagiosity if ( np.array_equal(volk[i].pos, volk[i].next_dest) ): #after you arrive at the desried destination you will not get infected till the next shift starts probability = 0 if (np.random.rand() < probability): volk[i].health_status = 1 # increase the immunity of sick people towards 1, by steps of immunity_steps for i in range(0, nr_people): if (volk[i].health_status == 1 and volk[i].immunity < 1): volk[i].immunity += immunity_step if (volk[i].immunity >= 1): #recoverd volk[i].immunity = 1 volk[i].health_status = 0 if (city.mute == False and city.live_stat == True): plot_info(city, volk, city.info_graph) # increment timestep by 1 unit city.timestep = city.timestep + 1
def Run(self): # setup the figure setup_plots(self.my_city) plt.ion() # setting the next_dest to home setting_new_destination(self.volk, self.home, self.home) for i in range(0, 800): #sending everybody home without getting sick one_full_step(self.healthy_city, self.volk, 'night') [healthy, not_infected, immune, sick] = health_statistics(self.my_city, self.volk, 'v') shift = 0 while (sick>0 and shift<100): #setting the new destination if (shift % 3 == 0): setting_new_destination(self.volk, self.work_place, self.home) shift_duration_in_steps = 100 time = 'morning' if (shift % 3 == 1): setting_new_destination(self.volk, self.social_place, self.home) shift_duration_in_steps = 100 time = 'evening' if (shift % 3 == 2): setting_new_destination(self.volk, self.home, self.home) shift_duration_in_steps = 100 time = 'night' plot_info(self.my_city, self.volk, self.my_city.info_graph) commute_to_next_destionation(self.my_city, self.volk, self.home, self.work_place, self.social_place, time) [healthy, not_infected, immune, sick] = health_statistics(self.my_city, self.volk, 'v') plot_info(self.my_city, self.volk, self.my_city.info_graph) for step in range(shift_duration_in_steps): one_partial_step(self.my_city, self.volk) shift = shift + 1 raw_input('press return to continue')
def one_partial_step(city, volk): system_size = city.city_size alpha = city.alpha contagiosity = city.contagiosity immunity_step = city.immunity_step # useful constants nr_people = np.size(volk) # creating earth for peole to leave their traces earth = np.zeros((system_size, system_size)) # loop over all people and make them leave their traces on the earth for i in range(0, nr_people): if (volk[i].alive == 1): earth[volk[i].pos[0], volk[i].pos[1]] += volk[i].health_status # now for every healthy person we check the trace of everybody else on the location of that person for i in range(0, nr_people): if (volk[i].health_status == 0 and volk[i].immunity != 1): dirtiesness = earth[volk[i].pos[0], volk[i].pos[1]] probability = dirtiesness * contagiosity if (np.random.rand() < probability): volk[i].health_status = 1 # increase the immunity of sick people towards 1, by steps of immunity_steps for i in range(0, nr_people): if (volk[i].health_status == 1 and volk[i].immunity < 1): volk[i].immunity += immunity_step if (volk[i].immunity >= 1): #recoverd volk[i].immunity = 1 volk[i].health_status = 0 if (city.mute == False and city.live_stat == True): plot_info(city, volk, city.info_graph) city.timestep = city.timestep + 1
#setting the new destination if (shift % 3 == 0): setting_new_destination(volk, work_place, home) shift_duration_in_steps = 800 time = 'morning' if (shift % 3 == 1): setting_new_destination(volk, social_place, home) shift_duration_in_steps = 400 time = 'evening' if (shift % 3 == 2): setting_new_destination(volk, home, home) shift_duration_in_steps = 1200 time = 'night' if (my_city.mute == False): plot_info(my_city, volk, my_city.info_graph) commute_to_next_destionation(my_city, volk, home, work_place, social_place, time) [healthy, not_infected, immune, sick] = health_statistics(my_city, volk, 'v') if (my_city.mute == False): plot_info(my_city, volk, my_city.info_graph) for step in range(shift_duration_in_steps): one_partial_step(my_city, volk) shift = shift + 1 detailed_health_report(my_city, volk, home, work_place, social_place)
def make_lc_model(time, flux=None, flux_err=None, epoch=0., period=1., R_companion=1., M_companion=1., R_companion_unit='Rearth', M_companion_unit='Mearth', R_host=1., M_host=1., incl=90, ecc=0, omega=0, ldc=[0.6, 0.2], ld='quad', dil=0, sbratio=0, show_plot=False, save_plot=False, save_csv=False, fname_plot='lc.pdf', fname_csv='lc.csv'): ''' Inputs: ------- time : array of float time in days Optional Inputs: ---------------- flux : array of float flux of the 'underlying' lightcurve flux_err : array of float flux error of the 'underlying' lightcurve epoch : float epoch in days period : float period in days R_companion: float radius of the companion default is 1 Rearth M_companion: float mass of the companion default is 1 Mearth R_companion: float radius of the companion default is 1 Rearth M_companion: float mass of the companion default is 1 Mearth R_host : float radius of the star, in Rsun default is 1 M_host: float mass of the star, in Msun default is 1 show_plot : bool show the plot in the terminal, or close it default is False save_plot : bool save the plot to a file, or not default is False save_csv : bool save the lightcurve to a file, or not default is False Returns: -------- model_flux : array of float relative flux of the model ''' if flux is None: flux = np.ones_like(time) if flux_err is None: flux_err = np.zeros_like(time) params = translate(quiet=True, R_companion=R_companion, M_companion=M_companion, R_companion_unit=R_companion_unit, M_companion_unit=M_companion_unit, R_host=R_host, M_host=M_host, epoch=epoch, period=period, incl=incl, ecc=ecc, omega=omega, ldc=ldc, ld=ld) def ellc_lc_short(time): return, radius_1=params['R_host/a'], radius_2=params['R_companion/a'], sbratio=sbratio, incl=params['incl'], light_3=dil, t_zero=params['epoch'], period=params['period'], a=params['a'], q=1, f_c=params['f_c'], f_s=params['f_s'], ldc_1=ldc, ldc_2=None, gdc_1=None, gdc_2=None, didt=None, domdt=None, rotfac_1=1, rotfac_2=1, hf_1=1.5, hf_2=1.5, bfac_1=None, bfac_2=None, heat_1=None, heat_2=None, lambda_1=None, lambda_2=None, vsini_1=None, vsini_2=None, t_exp=None, n_int=None, grid_1='default', grid_2='default', ld_1=ld, ld_2=None, shape_1='sphere', shape_2='sphere', spots_1=None, spots_2=None, exact_grav=False, verbose=1) model_flux = ellc_lc_short(time) flux += (model_flux - 1) if show_plot or save_plot: #::: get model on fine grid time_grid = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], 10001) model_flux_grid = ellc_lc_short(time_grid) #::: get phase-folded data phase, phaseflux, phaseflux_err, N, phi = lct.phase_fold( time, flux, period, epoch, dt=0.002, ferr_type='medsig', ferr_style='sem', sigmaclip=True) #::: get phase-folded model on fine grid from phase -0.25 to 0.75 phase_grid = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.75, 10001) model_phaseflux_grid = ellc_lc_short( params['epoch'] + phase_grid * params['period']) #need to input the phase as time domain for ellc #::: plot all fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10), tight_layout=True) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) plotter.plot_lc_full(fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :]), time, flux, flux_err, time_grid, model_flux_grid) plotter.plot_lc_phase(fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]), phi, flux, phase, phaseflux, phaseflux_err, phase_grid, model_phaseflux_grid) plotter.plot_lc_phasezoom(fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]), phi, flux, phase, phaseflux, phaseflux_err, phase_grid, model_phaseflux_grid, params['period'] * 24. * 60.) plotter.plot_info(fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0]), text=0, params=params) plotter.plot_info(fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1]), text=1, params=params) if save_plot: if len(os.path.dirname(fname_plot)) > 0 and not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(fname_plot)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname_plot)) fig.savefig(fname_plot) plt.close(fig) if show_plot: else: plt.close(fig) if save_csv: if len(os.path.dirname(fname_csv)) > 0 and not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(fname_csv)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname_csv)) X = np.column_stack((time, flux, flux_err)) np.savetxt(fname_csv, X, delimiter=',') return flux
def make_rv_model(time, rv=None, rv_err=None, epoch=0., period=1., R_companion=1., M_companion=1., R_companion_unit='Rearth', M_companion_unit='Mearth', R_host=1., M_host=1., sbratio=0, incl=90, ecc=0, omega=0, dil=0, ldc=[0.6, 0.2], ld='quad', show_plot=False, save_plot=False, save_csv=False, fname_plot='rv.pdf', fname_csv='rv.csv'): ''' Inputs: ------- time : array of float time in days rv : array of float RV of the 'underlying' series rv_err : array of float error of RV of the 'underlying' series epoch : float epoch in days period : float period in days R_companion: float radius of the planet, in R_earth Optional Inputs: ---------------- M_companion: float mass of the planet, in M_earth default is 0 R_host : float radius of the star, in R_sun default is 1 M_host: float mass of the star, in M_sun default is 1 show_plot : bool show the plot in the terminal, or close it default is False save_plot : bool save the plot to a file, or not default is False save_csv : bool save the lightcurve to a file, or not default is False Returns: -------- flux2 : array of float relative flux with injected signal ''' if rv is None: rv = np.zeros_like(time) if rv_err is None: rv_err = np.zeros_like(time) params = translate(quiet=True, R_companion=R_companion, M_companion=M_companion, R_companion_unit=R_companion_unit, M_companion_unit=M_companion_unit, R_host=R_host, M_host=M_host, epoch=epoch, period=period, incl=incl, ecc=ecc, omega=omega, ldc=ldc, ld=ld) def ellc_rv_short(time): return ellc.rv(t_obs=time, radius_1=params['R_host/a'], radius_2=params['R_companion/a'], sbratio=sbratio, incl=params['incl'], t_zero=epoch, period=params['period'], a=params['a'], q=1, f_c=params['f_c'], f_s=params['f_s'], ldc_1=ldc, ldc_2=None, gdc_1=None, gdc_2=None, didt=None, domdt=None, rotfac_1=1, rotfac_2=1, hf_1=1.5, hf_2=1.5, bfac_1=None, bfac_2=None, heat_1=None, heat_2=None, lambda_1=None, lambda_2=None, vsini_1=None, vsini_2=None, t_exp=None, n_int=None, grid_1='default', grid_2='default', ld_1=ld, ld_2=None, shape_1='sphere', shape_2='sphere', spots_1=None, spots_2=None, verbose=1)[0] model_rv = ellc_rv_short(time) rv += model_rv if show_plot or save_plot: #::: get phase phi = lct.calc_phase(time, period, epoch) phi[phi > 0.75] -= 1. #::: get model on fine grid time_grid = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], 10001) model_rv_grid = ellc_rv_short(time_grid) #::: get model on fine grid from phase -0.25 to 0.75 phase_grid = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.75, 10001) model_phaserv_grid = ellc_rv_short(epoch + phase_grid * period) #::: plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10), tight_layout=True) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) plotter.plot_rv_full(fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :]), time, rv, rv_err, time_grid, model_rv_grid) plotter.plot_rv_phase(fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]), phi, rv, rv_err, phase_grid, model_phaserv_grid) plotter.plot_info(fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0]), text=0, params=params) plotter.plot_info(fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1]), text=1, params=params) if save_plot: if len(os.path.dirname(fname_plot)) > 0 and not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(fname_plot)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname_plot)) fig.savefig(fname_plot) if show_plot: else: plt.close(fig) if save_csv: if len(os.path.dirname(fname_csv)) > 0 and not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(fname_csv)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname_csv)) X = np.column_stack((time, rv, rv_err)) np.savetxt(fname_csv, X, delimiter=',') return rv