def plot_spectrogram_from_magnitudes(self, experiment_id):

        if isinstance(experiment_id, str):
            # Got a signal_treatment as identifier:
            experiment = self.find_experiment(experiment_id)
            if experiment is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Could not find experiment given '{experiment_id}'")
        elif isinstance(experiment_id, Experiment):
            experiment = experiment_id
            raise TypeError(
                f"Value '{experiment_id}' must be string or Experiment instance"

        spectrogram_info = DSPUtils.get_spectrogram__from_treatment(-40, 5)
        #****** Must find framerate:
        #plotter = Plotter(experiment.framerate)
        plotter = Plotter()
            spectrogram_info['freq_labels'], spectrogram_info['time_labels'],
Пример #2
    def perform_training(sc: SparkContext, params_dict: dict):
        normal_ekg_data_path = None if 'normal_ekg_data_path' not in params_dict else params_dict[
        min_num_of_clusters = 5 if 'min_num_of_clusters' not in params_dict else int(params_dict['min_num_of_clusters'])
        max_num_of_clusters = 20 if 'max_num_of_clusters' not in params_dict else int(
        boundary_ratio = 0.8 if 'boundary_ratio' not in params_dict else int(params_dict['boundary_ratio'])

        ekg_rdd_data = sc.textFile(normal_ekg_data_path).map(
            lambda line: np.array([float(val) for val in line.split(',')]))

        # ekg_rdd_data.foreach(Plotter.plot_signal_window)
        k_range = range(min_num_of_clusters, max_num_of_clusters, 1)
        prev_cost = float(np.inf)
        final_km = KMeansModel(ekg_rdd_data.takeSample(False, 1))
        cost_ratios = []
        found_best = False
        for k in k_range:
            km = KMeans.train(ekg_rdd_data, k)
            # cost equals to sum of squared distances of samples to the nearest cluster centre
            cost = km.computeCost(ekg_rdd_data)
            ratio = cost / prev_cost
            prev_cost = cost
            if (ratio > boundary_ratio) & (not found_best):
                final_km = km
                found_best = True

        Plotter.plot_elbow(cost_ratios, k_range)
        return final_km
Пример #3
def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
    Plot the given two columns of the csv at the given path

    :param args: The parsed command line arguments

    input_csv_path = Path(args.input_csv)
    # Assert input csv path exists
    assert input_csv_path.exists(), f"Input csv path does not exist"
    csv_df = pd.read_csv(input_csv_path)

    plotter = Plotter(csv_df)
    plotter.plot(args.col1_name, args.col2_name, args.limit)
Пример #4
def plot_data(Q: tuple, policy: tuple) -> None:
    """Creates a 3D visualisation for the Q-value function and a 2D visualisation of the policy values."""
    # Format data
    Q_fv = POLICY.Q_to_plot(Q[0])

    # Set plotters
    fv_plotter = Plotter(Q_fv)
    text = FigureText("Player's Current Sum", "Dealer's Showing Card",
                      "State Value")

    # Plot blackjack values (prediction)
                                     x_range=np.arange(11, 22),
                                     y_range=np.arange(1, 11),
                                     figsize=(10, 10))
    def run_ekg_consumer(config_dict: dict):
        spark_home = 'C:/spark-2.3.3-bin-hadoop2.7' if 'spark_home' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        sc = SparkContext(appName='SparkEKGConsumer')
        logging_file = None if 'logging_file' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        logger = initialize_logger(logging_file)
        topic = 'ekg-stream' if 'topic' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        clustering_mode = None if 'clustering_mode' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        normal_ekg_data_file = None if 'normal_ekg_data_file' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        normal_ekg_file_path = os.getcwd() + normal_ekg_data_file
        min_num_of_clusters = 5 if 'min_num_of_clusters' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        max_num_of_clusters = 20 if 'max_num_of_clusters' not in config_dict else config_dict[
        batch_duration = 1 if 'batch_duration' not in config_dict else int(
        training_duration = 20 if 'training_duration' not in config_dict else int(

        clustering_params_dict = dict()
        # basic clusterer params
        clustering_params_dict['normal_ekg_data_path'] = normal_ekg_file_path
        clustering_params_dict['min_num_of_clusters'] = min_num_of_clusters
        clustering_params_dict['max_num_of_clusters'] = max_num_of_clusters
        # streaming clusterer params
        clustering_params_dict['batch_duration'] = batch_duration
        clustering_params_dict['training_duration'] = training_duration

        clusterer = ClustererFactory.get_clusterer(clustering_mode)
        model = clusterer.perform_training(sc, clustering_params_dict)

        clusters = model.clusterCenters
        Plotter.plot_cluster_centers(clusters)'Number of clusters in a model: ' + str(len(clusters)))
        for index, center in enumerate(clusters):
  'Cluster center ' + str(index) + ' : \n' +
                        str(center) + '\n')

        anomaly_detector = AnomalyDetector(model)

        # Spark DStream
            anomaly_detector, sc, topic)
Пример #6
 def check_anomality(self, signal_window):
     closest_center_index = self.model.predict(signal_window)
     closest_center = self.model.centers[closest_center_index]
     diff = distance.euclidean(closest_center, signal_window)
     # correlation_coeff = distance.correlation(closest_center, window)
     # diff = closest_center - window
     # mean = scipy.mean(diff)
     outcome = 'Euclidean distance between closest cluster center and signal: ' + str(diff) + '\n'
     # outcome = 'Correlation distance: ' + str(correlation_coeff) + '\n'
     if diff > 2:
         outcome += 'ANOMALY DETECTED!\n'
         file_path = Plotter.plot_distances(closest_center, signal_window, diff, is_anomaly=True)
         outcome += 'Heartbeat is in normal range \n'
         file_path = Plotter.plot_distances(closest_center, signal_window, diff, is_anomaly=False)
     outcome += 'Signal saved to: ' + file_path
     return outcome
Пример #7
import pickle

from cube.model import Cube
from mcts.solver import Solver
from performance.effectiveness import generate_random_cube
from plotting.plotter import Plotter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('./nets/trained_net500.pkl', 'rb') as input:
        net = pickle.load(input)
    solver = Solver(net)

    cube = generate_random_cube(iterations=6)

    moves = solver.solve(cube)
    sequence = [Cube(cube)] + [Cube(cube.change_by(move)) for move in moves]
    # Plotter().save_sequence(sequence, 'demo.gif')
Пример #8
    def _ensure_prerequisites(self,
        # Prerequisites:

        if outdir is not None and not os.path.exists(outdir):

        if 'labelmask' in actions:
            # Need true framerate and spectrogram bin size
            # to compute time ranges in spectrogram:
            if nfft is None:
                self.log.warn(f"Assuming default time bin nfft of {self.NFFT}!\n" 
                              "If this is wrong, label allignment will be wrong")
            if framerate is None:
                self.log.warn(f"Assuming default framerate of {self.DEFAULT_FRAMERATE}!\n"
                              "If this is wrong, label allignment will be wrong")
            # A .txt file must either be given in the list of infiles,
            # or must be in the directory of one of the infiles:    
            if not any(Path(filename).parent.joinpath(Path(filename).stem + '.txt') 
                       for filename in infiles) and \
                not any(filename.endswith('.txt') for filename in infiles):
                self.log.err("For creating a label mask, must have a Raven selection file")
                return False
        if 'spectro' in actions or 'melspectro' in actions:
            if not any(filename.endswith('.wav') for filename in infiles):
                self.log.err("For creating a spectrogram, a .wav file must be provided")
                return False
            if framerate is not None:
                self.log.warn(f"Framerate was provided, but will be ignore: using framerate from .wav file.")

            if threshold_db is None or low_freq is None or high_freq is None:
                self.log.err("This module always does bandwidth prefilter, and noise gating\n"
                             "In future turning those off may be added. For now,\n"
                             "set low_freq to 0 and high_freq to something high\n",
                             "and set threshold_db to something like -100 to achieve"
                             "the same goal"
                return False
        if 'plot' in actions or 'plotexcerpts' in actions or 'plothits' in actions: 
            # We either need a .pickle file that must be
            # a spectrogram, or we need a .wav file that will
            # be turned into a spectrogram to be plotted
            if not any(filename.endswith('.pickle') or filename.endswith('.wav') 
                       for filename in infiles):
                self.log.err("To plot something, there must be either a .pickle spectrogram file\n"
                             "or a .wav file"
                return False
            self.plotter = Plotter()

        if framerate is None:
            self.framerate = self.DEFAULT_FRAMERATE
        if nfft is None:
  "Assuming NFFT == {Spectrogrammer.NFFT}")
            nfft = Spectrogrammer.NFFT
        if type(infiles) != list:
            infiles = [infiles]

        return True
Пример #9

                        choices=['spectro', 'melspectro','cleanspectro','plot',
                                 'plotexcerpts','plothits', 'labelmask'],
                        help="Which tasks to accomplish (repeatable)"

                        help="Input .wav/.pickle file(s)"

    args = parser.parse_args();
                   # If no_normalize is True, don't normalize:
                   normalize=not args.no_normalize,
    # Keep charts up till user kills the windows:
Пример #10
    def run(self, rhoNo=1, phiNo=0, tfNo=1):
        dataset = Dataset(rhoNo, phiNo, tfNo)
        texDimSize = 128

        renderer = Renderer(self.eye, self.screen)

        rho = dataset.rho
        phi = dataset.phi
        tf =
        phiPlane = SplinePlane(phi, self.splineInterval, self.intersectTolerance)

        boundingBox = phiPlane.createBoundingBox()

        plotter = Plotter(self.splineInterval)
        refSplinePlotter = plotter.refSplineModelPlotter
        directSplinePlotter = plotter.directSplineModelPlotter
        voxelPlotter = plotter.voxelModelPlotter
        paramPlotter = plotter.paramPlotter

        refSplinePlotter.plotGrid(phi.evaluate, 10, 10)
        directSplinePlotter.plotGrid(phi.evaluate, 10, 10)

        paramPlotter.plotGrid(10, 10)
        paramPlotter.plotScalarField(rho, tf)


        # Creating models
        refSplineModel = SplineModel(tf, phiPlane, rho, self.refTolerance)
        directSplineModel = SplineModel(tf, phiPlane, rho)

        samplingScalars = refSplineModel.generateScalarMatrix(boundingBox, texDimSize, texDimSize,
        #voxelPlotter.plotScalars(samplingScalars, boundingBox)

        scalarTexture = Texture2D(samplingScalars)

        voxelModel = VoxelModel(tf, scalarTexture, boundingBox)

        choice = 0

        if choice == 0:
            model = voxelModel
            modelType = ModelType.VOXEL
        elif choice == 1:
            model = BoundaryAccurateModel(tf, directSplineModel, voxelModel)
            modelType = ModelType.BOUNDARYACCURATE
        elif choice == 2:
            voxelWidth = boundingBox.getHeight() / float(texDimSize)
            criterion = GeometricCriterion(self.screen.pixelWidth, voxelWidth)
            model = HybridModel(tf, directSplineModel, voxelModel, criterion)
            modelType = ModelType.HYBRID
            lodTextures = [scalarTexture]

            size = texDimSize / 2
            while size >= 2:
                scalars = refSplineModel.generateScalarMatrix(boundingBox, size, size, self.voxelizationTolerance)
                size /= 2

            model = VoxelLodModel(tf, lodTextures, boundingBox, self.screen.pixelWidth)
            modelType = ModelType.VOXEL

        # Rendering
        refRenderData = RenderData(ModelType.REFERENCE, self.viewRayDeltaRef)
        refRenderData.renderResult = renderer.render(refSplineModel, self.viewRayDeltaRef, refSplinePlotter)

        directRenderData = RenderData(ModelType.DIRECT, self.viewRayDelta)
        directRenderData.renderResult = renderer.render(directSplineModel, self.viewRayDelta, directSplinePlotter)

        renderData = RenderData(modelType, self.viewRayDelta, texSize=texDimSize)
        renderData.renderResult = renderer.render(model, self.viewRayDelta, voxelPlotter)

        # Plotting
        refPixelColors = refRenderData.renderResult.colors
        directPixelColors = directRenderData.renderResult.colors
        pixelColors = renderData.renderResult.colors


        directDiffs =, directPixelColors)
        diffs =, pixelColors)



        # Printing
        directSummary = Summary(directRenderData, directDiffs)

        print ""

        summary = Summary(renderData, diffs)
Пример #11
    def __init__(
            amplitude_cutoff=-40,  # dB of peak
            low_freq=10,  #
            high_freq=50,  #
            spectrogram_freq_cap=60,  # Hz
            framerate=None,  # Only used for testing.
        After completion, property percent_zeroed
        will contain the percentage of audio that was
        too low in amplitude to keep.

        During its work instances of this class may
        produce plots of results. By default those
        will not be plotted. To plot some or all,
        call add_task(plot_name) on the PlotterTasks class
        before creating this instance:
        Available plots are:
           o 'gated_wave_excerpt',
           o 'samples_plus_envelope',
           o 'spectrogram_excerpts',
           o 'low_pass_filter'
        PlotterTasks.add_task(<plotName>, **kwargs)

        @param infile: path to .wav file to be gated
            Can leave at None, if testing is True
        @type infile: str
        @param amplitude_cutoff: dB attenuation from maximum
            amplitude below which voltage is set to zero. If
            value of zero is passed in, no noise gating done.
            Only frequency gating.
        @type amplitude_cutoff: int

        @param low_freq: low end of front end bandpass filter
        @type low_freq: int

        @param high_freq: low end of front end bandpass filter
        @type high_freq: int
        @param framerate: normally extracted from the .wav file.
            Can be set here for testing. Samples/sec
        @type framerate: int

        @param spectrogram_dest: optionally a file to which a
            spectrogram of the entire noise-gated result is written.
            If None, no spectrogram is created. If a directory, a
            name will be constructed by appending '_spectrogram'
            to the input file before the extension
        @type spectrogram_dest: {None | str}

        @param logfile: file where to write logs; Default: stdout
        @type logfile: str

        @param logging_period: number of seconds between reporting
            envelope placement progress.
        @type logging_period: int

        @param outdir: where gated, normalized .wav will be written.
            If None: same outdir as input wav file.
        @type: outdir str
        @param outfile: where gated, normalized .wav will be written.
            If None: same outdir as input wav file, using infile root,
            and adding '_gated'
        @type: outfile str

        @param testing: whether or not unittests are being run. If
            true, __init__() does not initiate any action, allowing
            the unittests to call individual methods.
        @type testing: bool

        if not testing:
            if outdir is None:
                outdir = os.path.dirname(infile)

            # Make sure the outfile can be opened for writing,
            # before going into lengthy computations:

            # Replace input wav file outdir with specified outdir:
            (path, ext) = os.path.splitext(infile)
            fileroot = os.path.basename(path)
            if outfile is None:
                outfile = f"{os.path.join(outdir, fileroot)}_gated{ext}"
            if spectrogram_dest is not None and os.path.isdir(
                spectrogram_dest =\
                    f"{os.path.join(spectrogram_dest, fileroot)}_spectrogram.pickle"

                with open(outfile, 'wb') as _fd:
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(
                    f"Outfile cannot be access for writing; doing nothing: {repr(e)}"

        AmplitudeGater.log = LoggingService(logfile=logfile)

        self.percent_zeroed = None

        # For testing; usually framerate is read from .wav file:
        self.framerate = framerate

        if not testing:
      "Reading .wav file...")
                (self.framerate, samples) =
      "Done reading .wav file.")
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(f"Cannot read .wav file {infile}: {repr(e)}")

        self.plotter = Plotter()

        if testing:
            self.recording_length_hhmmss = "<unknown>"
            num_samples = samples.size
            recording_length_secs = num_samples / self.framerate
            self.recording_length_hhmmss = str(

        self.samples_per_msec = round(self.framerate / 1000.)

        if testing:

        samples_float = samples.astype(float)

        # Free memory:
        samples = None

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: about to norm")

        # Normalize:
        if normalize:
            normed_samples = self.normalize(samples_float)
            normed_samples = samples_float.copy()

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: done norm")

        # Free memory:
        samples_float = None"Taking abs val of values...")
        samples_abs = np.abs(normed_samples)"Done taking abs val of values.")

        # Free memory:
        normed_samples = None

        # Before doing anything else, cut frequencies that
        # would not hold elephant call; gets rid of them
        # damn birds:

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: about to freq gate")
        #************"Filtering unwanted frequencies ...")
        freq_gated_samples = self.frequency_gate(samples_abs,
                                                 high_freq=high_freq)"Done filtering unwanted frequencies.")

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: done freq gate")

        # Free memory:
        samples_abs = None"Computing abs val of filtered freqs...")
        freq_gated_samples_abs = np.abs(freq_gated_samples)"Done computing abs val of filtered freqs.")

        # Free memory:
        samples_abs = None

        if amplitude_cutoff != 0:
            # Noise gate: Chop off anything with amplitude above amplitude_cutoff:
            #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: calling amplitude_gate")

            gated_samples = self.amplitude_gate(

            #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: return from amplitude_gate)")

            gated_samples = freq_gated_samples

            # Result back to int16:

        gated_samples = gated_samples.astype(np.int16)
        if outfile is not None and not testing:
            # Write out the result:
  "Writing {outfile}...")
            wavfile.write(outfile, self.framerate, gated_samples)
  "Done writing {outfile}...")

        # Make samples available to caller via
        # property 'gated_samples' (see below for its definition):
        self._gated_samples = gated_samples
        # Same with path to gated outfile:
        self._gated_outfile = outfile

        if PlotterTasks.has_task('gated_wave_excerpt'):

            # Find a series of 100 array elements where at least
            # the first is not zero. Just to show an interesting
            # area, not a flat line. The nonzero() function returns
            # a *tuple* of indices where arr is not zero. Therefore
            # the two [0][0] to get the first non-zero:

            start_indx = self.find_busy_array_section(gated_samples)
            end_indx = start_indx + 100

                f"Plotting a 100 long series of result from {start_indx}...")
                np.arange(start_indx, end_indx),
                title=f"Amplitude-Gated {os.path.basename(infile)}",
                xlabel='Sample Index',

Пример #12
class AmplitudeGater(object):

    spectrogram_freq_cap = 50  # Hz.
    FFT_WIDTH = 2**12  # 4096
    #****FRONT_END_LOW_PASS_FREQ = 40 # Hz

    # Constructor
    def __init__(
            amplitude_cutoff=-40,  # dB of peak
            low_freq=10,  #
            high_freq=50,  #
            spectrogram_freq_cap=60,  # Hz
            framerate=None,  # Only used for testing.
        After completion, property percent_zeroed
        will contain the percentage of audio that was
        too low in amplitude to keep.

        During its work instances of this class may
        produce plots of results. By default those
        will not be plotted. To plot some or all,
        call add_task(plot_name) on the PlotterTasks class
        before creating this instance:
        Available plots are:
           o 'gated_wave_excerpt',
           o 'samples_plus_envelope',
           o 'spectrogram_excerpts',
           o 'low_pass_filter'
        PlotterTasks.add_task(<plotName>, **kwargs)

        @param infile: path to .wav file to be gated
            Can leave at None, if testing is True
        @type infile: str
        @param amplitude_cutoff: dB attenuation from maximum
            amplitude below which voltage is set to zero. If
            value of zero is passed in, no noise gating done.
            Only frequency gating.
        @type amplitude_cutoff: int

        @param low_freq: low end of front end bandpass filter
        @type low_freq: int

        @param high_freq: low end of front end bandpass filter
        @type high_freq: int
        @param framerate: normally extracted from the .wav file.
            Can be set here for testing. Samples/sec
        @type framerate: int

        @param spectrogram_dest: optionally a file to which a
            spectrogram of the entire noise-gated result is written.
            If None, no spectrogram is created. If a directory, a
            name will be constructed by appending '_spectrogram'
            to the input file before the extension
        @type spectrogram_dest: {None | str}

        @param logfile: file where to write logs; Default: stdout
        @type logfile: str

        @param logging_period: number of seconds between reporting
            envelope placement progress.
        @type logging_period: int

        @param outdir: where gated, normalized .wav will be written.
            If None: same outdir as input wav file.
        @type: outdir str
        @param outfile: where gated, normalized .wav will be written.
            If None: same outdir as input wav file, using infile root,
            and adding '_gated'
        @type: outfile str

        @param testing: whether or not unittests are being run. If
            true, __init__() does not initiate any action, allowing
            the unittests to call individual methods.
        @type testing: bool

        if not testing:
            if outdir is None:
                outdir = os.path.dirname(infile)

            # Make sure the outfile can be opened for writing,
            # before going into lengthy computations:

            # Replace input wav file outdir with specified outdir:
            (path, ext) = os.path.splitext(infile)
            fileroot = os.path.basename(path)
            if outfile is None:
                outfile = f"{os.path.join(outdir, fileroot)}_gated{ext}"
            if spectrogram_dest is not None and os.path.isdir(
                spectrogram_dest =\
                    f"{os.path.join(spectrogram_dest, fileroot)}_spectrogram.pickle"

                with open(outfile, 'wb') as _fd:
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(
                    f"Outfile cannot be access for writing; doing nothing: {repr(e)}"

        AmplitudeGater.log = LoggingService(logfile=logfile)

        self.percent_zeroed = None

        # For testing; usually framerate is read from .wav file:
        self.framerate = framerate

        if not testing:
      "Reading .wav file...")
                (self.framerate, samples) =
      "Done reading .wav file.")
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(f"Cannot read .wav file {infile}: {repr(e)}")

        self.plotter = Plotter()

        if testing:
            self.recording_length_hhmmss = "<unknown>"
            num_samples = samples.size
            recording_length_secs = num_samples / self.framerate
            self.recording_length_hhmmss = str(

        self.samples_per_msec = round(self.framerate / 1000.)

        if testing:

        samples_float = samples.astype(float)

        # Free memory:
        samples = None

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: about to norm")

        # Normalize:
        if normalize:
            normed_samples = self.normalize(samples_float)
            normed_samples = samples_float.copy()

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: done norm")

        # Free memory:
        samples_float = None"Taking abs val of values...")
        samples_abs = np.abs(normed_samples)"Done taking abs val of values.")

        # Free memory:
        normed_samples = None

        # Before doing anything else, cut frequencies that
        # would not hold elephant call; gets rid of them
        # damn birds:

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: about to freq gate")
        #************"Filtering unwanted frequencies ...")
        freq_gated_samples = self.frequency_gate(samples_abs,
                                                 high_freq=high_freq)"Done filtering unwanted frequencies.")

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: done freq gate")

        # Free memory:
        samples_abs = None"Computing abs val of filtered freqs...")
        freq_gated_samples_abs = np.abs(freq_gated_samples)"Done computing abs val of filtered freqs.")

        # Free memory:
        samples_abs = None

        if amplitude_cutoff != 0:
            # Noise gate: Chop off anything with amplitude above amplitude_cutoff:
            #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: calling amplitude_gate")

            gated_samples = self.amplitude_gate(

            #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: gating: return from amplitude_gate)")

            gated_samples = freq_gated_samples

            # Result back to int16:

        gated_samples = gated_samples.astype(np.int16)
        if outfile is not None and not testing:
            # Write out the result:
  "Writing {outfile}...")
            wavfile.write(outfile, self.framerate, gated_samples)
  "Done writing {outfile}...")

        # Make samples available to caller via
        # property 'gated_samples' (see below for its definition):
        self._gated_samples = gated_samples
        # Same with path to gated outfile:
        self._gated_outfile = outfile

        if PlotterTasks.has_task('gated_wave_excerpt'):

            # Find a series of 100 array elements where at least
            # the first is not zero. Just to show an interesting
            # area, not a flat line. The nonzero() function returns
            # a *tuple* of indices where arr is not zero. Therefore
            # the two [0][0] to get the first non-zero:

            start_indx = self.find_busy_array_section(gated_samples)
            end_indx = start_indx + 100

                f"Plotting a 100 long series of result from {start_indx}...")
                np.arange(start_indx, end_indx),
                title=f"Amplitude-Gated {os.path.basename(infile)}",
                xlabel='Sample Index',


    # frequency_gate

    def frequency_gate(self, samples_raw, low_freq, high_freq):
        Input absolute values of time domain voltages.
        @param samples_raw: absolute values of input voltages
        @type samples_raw: int
        @param low_freq: lowest frequency of front end bandpass filter
        @type low_freq: int
        @param high_freq: highest frequency of front end bandpass filter
        @type high_freq: int
            f"Applying front end band pass filter ({low_freq}Hz to {high_freq}Hz)"
        samples_band_passed = self.freq_filter(
            [low_freq, high_freq],
            title="Frontend freq filter: "\
                  f"{low_freq}Hz to {high_freq}Hz"
            )"Done applying front end bandpass pass filter.")

        return samples_band_passed

    # amplitude_gate

    def amplitude_gate(
            spectrogram_freq_cap=150,  # Hz 
        Given an array of raw audio samples, 
        generate a noise-gated array of the same length.
        Optionally, create a full spectrogram into a 
        .npy file. 
        Optionally, plot 30-second spectrograms from 
        18 subsections of the gated samples.
           o Normalize audio to fill 32 bits.
           o On the resulting signal, find all samples that are
             threshold-db below the root mean square (rms) peak of the
             envelope. The value must be negative.
           o At these very low-voltage times, set the original
             audio to zero. This takes signal areas that
             are clearly too low to be significant out of the
             picture, removing some noise. The result is the
             noise-gated signal, which will be returned.
           o Optionally: if spectrogram_dest is a file path
                destination, create a spectrogram over the full
                duration, and save it to that path as a DataFrame
                All frequencies above spectrogram_freq_cap are
                removed from the spectrogram before saving.
           o Optionally: plot 18 30-sec spectrograms from
                times evenly spaced across the total recording.
                Times and freqs in those plots correspond to
                the true times in the recording.   
        @param samples_abs: raw audio
        @type samples_abs: np.array(int)
        @param threshold_db: voltage below which signal is set to zero;
            specified as dB below peak voltage: db FS.
        @type threshold_db: negative int
        @param order: polynomial of Butterworth filter. Default
            can be set with AmplitudeGater.DEFAULT_FILTER_ORDER
        @type order: int
        @param spectrogram_dest: optionally: file name where 
            spectrogram is stored
        @type spectrogram_dest: str
        @param spectrogram_freq_cap: optionally: frequency above 
            which all frequencies are removed from spectrogram.
        @type spectrogram_freq_cap: int

        # Don't want to open the gate *during* a burst.
        # So make a low-pass filter that only roughly envelops

        if order is None:
            order = AmplitudeGater.DEFAULT_FILTER_ORDER

        # Since we are now putting a bandpass filter
        # ahead of this point, we no longer need to use
        # the envelope.
#"Applying low pass filter (cutoff {envelope_cutoff_freq})...")
#         envelope = self.freq_filter(samples_abs,
#                                     envelope_cutoff_freq,
#                                     pass_spec='lowpass',
#                                     title=f"Envelope lowpass filter: {envelope_cutoff_freq}Hz"
#                                     )
#"Done applying low pass filter.")
        envelope = samples_abs

        if PlotterTasks.has_task('samples_plus_envelope') is not None:
            # Show a 1 second wide window:
            desired_secs = 1
            duration_in_samples = self.framerate * desired_secs

            # Take the shown sample not right at the start:
            desired_start_point_secs = 10
            start_point_in_samples = self.framerate * desired_start_point_secs
                samples_abs[start_point_in_samples:start_point_in_samples +
                xlabel=f"Time in samples at {self.framerate} samples/sec")
                envelope[start_point_in_samples:start_point_in_samples +
                f"Env Order {order}",
                xlabel=f"Time in samples at {self.framerate} samples/sec")

        # Compute the threshold below which we
        # set amplitude to 0. It's threshold_db of max
        # value. Note that for a normalized array
        # that max val == 1.0

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: compute RMS")

        # max_voltage = np.amax(envelope)
        rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(envelope)))"Signal RMS: {rms}")

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: done compute RMS")

        # Compute threshold_db of max voltage:
        #Vthresh = max_voltage * 10**(threshold_db/20)
        Vthresh = rms * 10**(threshold_db / 20)"Cutoff threshold amplitude: {Vthresh}")

        # Zero out all amplitudes below threshold:"Zeroing sub-threshold values...")

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: mask ops")

        mask_for_where_non_zero = 1 *,
        gated_samples = envelope * mask_for_where_non_zero

        self.percent_zeroed = 100 * gated_samples[gated_samples ==
                                                  0].size / gated_samples.size"Zeroed {self.percent_zeroed:.2f}% of signal.")

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: done mask ops")

        if spectrogram_dest:

            # Get a combined frequency x time matrix. The matrix values will
            # be complex:
            (freq_labels, time_labels,
             freq_time_dB) = self.make_spectrogram(gated_samples)

            if spectrogram_freq_cap is not None:
                    f"Removing frequencies above {spectrogram_freq_cap}Hz...")
                # Remove all frequencies above, and including
                # spectrogram_freq_cap:
                 capped_spectrogram) = self.filter_spectrogram(
                     freq_labels, freq_time_dB, [(None, spectrogram_freq_cap)])
                    f"Done removing frequencies above {spectrogram_freq_cap}Hz."
                capped_spectrogram = freq_time_dB
                new_freq_labels = freq_labels

            # Save the spectrogram to file:
            DSPUtils.save_spectrogram(capped_spectrogram, spectrogram_dest,
                                      new_freq_labels, time_labels)

        if spectrogram_dest and PlotterTasks.has_task(
                'spectrogram_excerpts') is not None:
            # The matrix is large, and plotting takes forever,
            # so define a matrix excerpt:
                new_freq_labels, time_labels, capped_spectrogram)

        #print(f"Pid {os.getpid()}: exit amp gating")

        return gated_samples

    # filter_spectrogram

    def filter_spectrogram(self, freq_labels, freq_time, freq_bands):
        Given a spectrogram, return a new spectrogram
        with only frequencies within given bands retained.
        freq_time is a matrix whose rows each contain energy
        contributions by one frequency over time. 
        The freq_labels is an np.array with the frequency of
        each row. I.e. the y-axis labels.
        freq_bands is an array of frequency intervals. The
        following would only retain rows for frequencies 
              0 <= f < 5,  
             10 <= f < 20,
         and  f >= 40:
           [(None, 5), (10,20), (40,None)]
        So: note that these extracts are logical OR.
            Contributions from each of these three
            intervals will be present, even though the 
            (10,20) would squeeze out the last pair,
            due to its upper bound of 20.
        Note: Rows will be removed from the spectrogram. Its
              width will not change. But if the spectrogram
              were to be turned into a wav file, that file 
              would be shorter than the original.
        @param freq_labels: array of frequencies highest first
        @type freq_labels: np.array[float]
        @param freq_time: 2d array of energy contributions
        @type freq_time: np.array(rows x cols) {float || int || complex}
        @param freq_bands: bands of frequencies to retain.
        @type freq_bands: [({float | int})]
        @return revised spectrogram, and correspondingly reduced
            frequency labels
        @rtype: (np_array(1), np_array(n,m))
        # Prepare a new spectrogram matrix with
        # the same num of cols as the one passed
        # in, but no rows:

        (_num_rows, num_cols) = freq_time.shape
        new_freq_time = np.empty((0, num_cols))

        # Same for the list of frequencies:
        new_freq_labels = np.empty((0, ))

        for (min_freq, out_freq) in freq_bands:
            if min_freq is None and out_freq is None:
                # Degenerate case: keep all:
            if min_freq is None:
                min_freq = 0
            if out_freq is None:
                # No upper bound, so make a ceiling
                # higher than maximum frequency:
                out_freq = np.amax(freq_labels) + 1.

            # Get the indices of the frequency array
            # where the frequency is within this interval.
            # The np.where returns a tuple, therefore [0]

            filter_indices = np.where(
                np.logical_and(freq_labels >= min_freq,
                               freq_labels < out_freq))[0]

            # Keep only rows (axis=0) that contain the energies for
            # included frequencies:
            new_freq_time = np.vstack(
                (new_freq_time, np.take(freq_time, filter_indices, axis=0)))

            # Also take away the row labels that where excluded:
            new_freq_labels = np.hstack(
                (new_freq_labels, np.take(freq_labels, filter_indices)))

        return (new_freq_labels, new_freq_time)

    # freq_filter

    def freq_filter(self, data, cutoffs, pass_spec='bandpass', title=None):
        Given a voltage sequence and one or two 
        frequency cutoffs, return a filtered version
        of the sequence. If cutoffs is an array of 
        two frequencies, a bandpass filter is constructed.
        Else, pass_spec must be either 'lowpass', or 
        'highpass'. It is an error to specify low/high pass,
        and pass more than one cutoff frequency.
        The filter will be DEFAULT_FILTER_ORDER 
        Chebyshev II.
        @param data: the signal to filter
        @type data: np_array
        @param cutoffs: one or two cutoff frequecies
        @type cutoffs: {int | [int] | [int,int]}
        @param title: title for performance plot, if 
            'filter_response' was added to the PlotterTasks
            beforehand. If plot was requested, and title
            is None, a title is constructed by plot_frequency_reponse()
        @type title: {None | str}
        nyq = 0.5 * self.framerate
        if type(cutoffs) == list and len(cutoffs) == 1:
            cutoffs = cutoffs[0]
        if type(cutoffs) == list:
            # Two critical freqs were passed:
            if pass_spec != 'bandpass':
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Asked for {pass_spec}, but passed two critical freqs.")
            if len(cutoffs) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Asked for bandpass filter, but did not specify two critical freqs"
            normal_cutoffs = [cutoffs[0] / nyq, cutoffs[1] / nyq]
            # Only one critical freq. pass_spec must
            # be lowpass or highpass:
            if pass_spec not in ('lowpass', 'highpass'):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Passed one critical freq, but pass_spec was '{pass_spec}' instead of lowpass or highpass"
            normal_cutoffs = cutoffs / nyq

        # Get DEFAULT_FILTER_ORDER order segments version of
        # a filter, with minimum attenuation in
        # the stopband of 60 in dB:
        sos = iirfilter(self.DEFAULT_FILTER_ORDER,

        if PlotterTasks.has_task('filter_response') is not None:
            self.plotter.plot_frequency_response(sos, self.framerate, cutoffs,
        new_sig = sosfilt(sos, data)

        return new_sig

    # butter_lowpass_filter

    def butter_lowpass_filter(self, data, cutoff, order=4):
        Not used.

        nyq = 0.5 * self.framerate
        normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
        b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)

        envelope = lfilter(b, a, data)

        if PlotterTasks.has_task('filter_response') is not None:
            self.plotter.plot_frequency_response(b, a, cutoff, order)
            # Plot a piece of envelope, roughly from the middle:
            mid_env_index = round(envelope.size / 2)
            end_index = mid_env_index + 100
            self.plotter.plot(np.arange(mid_env_index, end_index),
                              f"Envelope {mid_env_index} to {end_index}",
                              "Time", "Amplitude")

        return envelope

    # suppress_small_voltages

    def suppress_small_voltages(self, volt_vec, thresh_volt, padding_secs):
        Given an array of numbers, set all elements smaller than
        thres_volt to zero. But: leave padding array elements before
        and after each block of new zeroes alone.
        Return the resulting array of same length as volt_vec.
           o say volt_vec == array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1])
                 thres_volt == 5
                 padding == 2    # samples

           o to not worry about out of bound index, add padding zeros
             to the voltage vector:
                 padded_volt_vec = np.hstack((volt_vec, np.zeros(2).astype(int))) 
                     ==> array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0])
           o create an array of indexes that need to be set to 0,
             because voltages at their location exceed thres_volt.
             The np.nonzero returns a one-tuple, therefore the [0]
                 indexes_to_zero = np.nonzero(a>5)[0]
                     ==> (array([5, 6, 7]),)

           o we need to respect the padding ahead of the elements 
             to zero. So add padding samples to each index:
                 indexes_to_zero = indexes_to_zero + 2

        @param volt_vec:
        @type volt_vec:
        @param thresh_volt:
        @type thresh_volt:
        @param padding_secs:
        @type padding_secs:

        padding = self.samples_from_secs(padding_secs)

        # Get a mask with True where we will zero out the voltage:
        volt_mask = volt_vec < thresh_volt

        pt_next_mask_pos = 0
        while True:
            (volt_mask, pt_next_mask_pos) = self.narrow_mask_segment(
                volt_mask, pt_next_mask_pos, padding)
            if pt_next_mask_pos is None:
                # Got a finished mask with padding.

        # Do the zeroing
        volt_vec_zeroed = ma.masked_array(volt_vec, volt_mask).filled(0)
        return volt_vec_zeroed

    # narrow_mask_segment

    def narrow_mask_segment(self, mask, ptr_into_mask, padding):

        # Erroneous args or end of mask:
        mask_len = mask.size
        if ptr_into_mask >= mask_len:
            # None ptr to indicate end:
            return (mask, None)

        zeros_start_ptr = ptr_into_mask

        # Find next Truth value in mask, i.e.
        # the start of a zeroing sequence
        while zeros_start_ptr < mask_len and not mask[zeros_start_ptr]:
            zeros_start_ptr += 1

        # Pointing to the first True (first zeroing index)
        # after a series of False, or end of mask:
        if zeros_start_ptr >= mask_len:
            return (mask, None)

        # Find end of the zeroing sequence (i.e. True vals in mask):
        zeros_end_ptr = zeros_start_ptr
        while zeros_end_ptr < mask_len and mask[zeros_end_ptr]:
            zeros_end_ptr += 1

        # Is the zeroing sequence long enough to accommodate
        # padding to its left?
        zeros_len = zeros_end_ptr - zeros_start_ptr

        if zeros_len < padding:
            # Just don't zero at all for this seq:
            mask[zeros_start_ptr:zeros_end_ptr] = False
            # Don't zero padding samples:
            mask[zeros_start_ptr:min(zeros_start_ptr +
                                     padding, mask_len)] = False

        # New start of zeroing seq: in steady state
        # it's just the start pt moved right by the amount
        # of padding. But the burst of zeroing was too narrow,
        zeros_start_ptr = min(zeros_start_ptr + padding, zeros_end_ptr)

        # Same at the end: Stop zeroing a bit earlier than
        # where the last below-threshold element sits:

        zeros_len = zeros_end_ptr - zeros_start_ptr
        if zeros_len <= padding:
            # Just don't do any zeroing:
            mask[zeros_start_ptr:zeros_end_ptr] = False
            # Just stop zeroing a bit earlier
            mask[zeros_end_ptr - padding:zeros_end_ptr] = False
            zeros_end_ptr = zeros_end_ptr - padding

        return (mask, zeros_end_ptr)

    # normalize

    def normalize(self, samples):
        Make audio occupy the maximum dynamic range
        of int16: -2**15 to 2**15 - 1 (-32768 to 32767)
        Formula to compute new Intensity of each sample:

           I = ((I-Min) * (newMax - newMin)/Max-Min)) + newMin

        @param samples: samples from .wav file
        @type samples: np.narray('int16')
        @result: a new np array with normalized values
        @rtype: np.narray('int16')
        new_min = -2**15  # + 10  # Leave a little bit of room with min val of -32768
        new_max = 2**15  # - 10   # same for max:
        min_val = np.amin(samples)
        max_val = np.amax(samples)"Begin normalization...")

        normed_samples = ((samples - min_val) * (new_max - new_min) /
                          (max_val - min_val)) + new_min

        # Or, using scikit-learn:
        #   normed_samples = preprocessing.minmax_scale(samples, feature_range=[new_min, new_max])"Done normalization.")
        return normed_samples

    # make_sinewave

    def make_sinewave(self, freq):
        time = np.arange(0, freq, 0.1)
        amplitude = np.sin(time)
        return (time, amplitude)

    # db_from_sample

    def db_from_sample(self, sample):
        return 20 * np.log10(sample)

    # samples_from_msecs

    def samples_from_msecs(self, msecs):

        return msecs * self.samples_per_msec

    # samples_from_secs

    def samples_from_secs(self, secs):
        Possibly fractional seconds turned into
        samples. Fractional seconds are rounded up.
        @param secs: number of seconds to convert
        @type secs: {int | float}
        @return: number of corresponding samples
        @rtype: int

        return math.ceil(secs * self.framerate)

    # msecs_from_samples

    def msecs_from_samples(self, num_samples):

        return num_samples * self.samples_per_msec

    # get_max_db

    def get_max_db(self, npa):

        max_val = npa.amax()
        max_db = 20 * np.log10(max_val)
        return max_db

    # export_snippet

    def export_snippet(self,
        Write part of the samples to a two-col CSV.
        @param samples: sample array
        @type samples: np.array
        @param start_sample: index of first sample to export
        @type start_sample: int
        @param end_sample: index of sample after the last one exported
        @type end_sample: int
        @param filename: output file name
        @type filename: str
        @param to_int16: whether or not to convert samples to 16 bit signed int before writing
        @type to_int16: bool

        snippet = samples[start_sample:end_sample]
        if to_int16:
            snippet = snippet.astype(np.int16)
        with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
            for (indx, val) in enumerate(snippet):

    # make_spectrogram

    def make_spectrogram(self, data):
        Given data, compute a spectrogram. Returned
        is a dB scaled spectrogram of the spectral power.
        I.e. values are squared, then dB is computed relative
        to highest value in the spectrogram.

            o self.framerate contains the data framerate
        o The (Hanning) window overlap used (Hanning === Hann === Half-cosine)
        o Length of each FFT segment: 4096 (2**12)
        o Number of points to overlap with each window
             slide: 1/2 the segments size: 2048
        o Amount of zero-padding at the end of each segment:
             the length of the segment again, i.e. doubling the window
             so that the conversion to positive-only frequencies makes
             the correct lengths
        Returns a three-tuple: an array of sample frequencies,
            An array of segment times. And a 2D array of the SFTP:
            frequencies x segment times
        @param data: the time/amplitude data
        @type data: np.array([float])
        @return: (frequency_labels, time_labels, spectrogram_matrix)
        @rtype: (np.array, np.array, np.array)
        # How Jonathan creates spectrograms:
        #"TEMPORARY: Creating spectrogram USING ML...")
        #         from matplotlib import mlab as ml
        #         hop = 800
        #         NFFT= 4096
        #         chunk_size = 1000
        #         start_chunk = 0
        #         len_chunk = (chunk_size - 1) * hop + NFFT
        #         [spectrum, freqs, t] = ml.specgram(data[start_chunk:start_chunk + len_chunk],
        #                                            NFFT=NFFT,
        #                                            Fs=8000,
        #                                            noverlap=(NFFT-hop),
        #                                            window=ml.window_hanning,
        #                                            pad_to=4096)
        #         #[spectrum, freqs, t] = ml.specgram(data, NFFT=NFFT, Fs=8000, noverlap=(NFFT-hop), window=ml.window_hanning,pad_to=4096)
        #         return (freqs, t, spectrum)
        #"TEMPORARY: Creating spectrogram USING ML...")
        #*************"Creating spectrogram...")
        (freq_labels, time_labels,
         complex_freq_by_time) = stft(data,
                                      )"Done creating spectrogram.")
        freq_time = np.absolute(complex_freq_by_time)
        freq_time = DSPUtils.spectrogram_to_db(freq_time)
        return (freq_labels, time_labels, freq_time)

    # make_inverse_spectrogram

    def make_inverse_spectrogram(self, spectrogram):"Inverting spectrogram to time domain...")
        (_time, voltage) = istft(
        )"Done inverting spectrogram to time domain.")

        # Return just the voltages:
        return voltage.astype(np.int16)

    # find_busy_array_section

    def find_busy_array_section(self, arr):

        non_zeros = np.nonzero(arr)[0]
        for indx_to_non_zero in non_zeros:
            if arr[indx_to_non_zero] > 0 and\
                arr[indx_to_non_zero + 1] > 0 and\
                arr[indx_to_non_zero + 2] > 0:
                return indx_to_non_zero

        # Nothing found, return start of array:
        return 0

    # Readers/Writers

    def gated_samples(self):
        return self._gated_samples

    def gated_outfile(self):
        return self._gated_outfile