def plot_progress(tech, T): P_tech = T[T['tech'] == tech]['progress'] P_tech = [P for P in P_tech if len(P.shape) > 0] nDists = np.concatenate([P['new_dist'].astype(float) for P in P_tech]) oDists = np.concatenate([P['old_dist'].astype(float) for P in P_tech]) dDists = oDists - nDists fig, ax = plotting.subplots(1, 2, figsize_adjust=(1.0, 0.5), constrained_layout=True) ax[0].hist(nDists, bins=args.hist_bins, **tech_style(tech)) ax[0].axvline(x=0, lw=1, color='black') ax[0].set_ylabel(r'\#steps where new distance is $d$') ax[0].set_xlabel(r'Distance ($d$ — ' + tech + r')') ax[1].hist(dDists, bins=args.hist_bins, **tech_style(tech)) ax[1].axvline(x=0, lw=1, color='black') ax[1].set_ylabel(r'\#steps where progress is $\delta$') ax[1].set_xlabel(r'Progress ($\delta$ — ' + tech + r')'), outdir=outdir, basefilename=filename(tech + '-dist-n-progress'), w_pad=0.06)
def freeyaw(): """ Selected time series of free yaw response cases """ fpath = 'data/calibrated/DataFrame' fdir = 'figures/freeyaw' fname1 = '0405_run_277_9.0ms_dc1_flexies_freeyaw_highrpm.h5' fname2 = '0410_run_330_9ms_dc1_samoerai_freeyaw_highrpm.h5' flex = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(fpath, fname1), 'table') samo = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(fpath, fname2), 'table') fname = '277-vs-330-9ms-rpm' fig, axes = plotting.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5,2), dpi=120) axes = axes.flatten() duration = 15 ax = axes[0] t0 = 48 i0 = int(t0*129024/63.0) i1 = i0 + int(duration*129024/63.0) ax.plot(flex.time[i0:i1]-t0, flex.rpm[i0:i1], 'b-', label='straight blade') t0 = 49.6 i0 = int(t0*69000/69.0) i1 = i0 + int(duration*69000/69.) ax.plot(samo.time[i0:i1]-t0, samo.rpm[i0:i1], 'r-', label='swept blade', alpha=0.7) for ax in axes: leg = ax.legend(loc='best', borderaxespad=0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.6) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('RPM') ax.set_xlim([0, 15]) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) # fig.suptitle('windspeed 9 m/s') print('saving: %s' % os.path.join(fdir, fname)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(fdir, fname + '.png')) fig.savefig(os.path.join(fdir, fname + '.eps')) # ========================================================================= fname = '277-vs-330-9ms-yaw' fig, axes = plotting.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5,2), dpi=120) axes = axes.flatten() duration = 15 ax = axes[0] t0 = 48 i0 = int(t0*129024/63.0) i1 = i0 + int(duration*129024/63.0) ax.plot(flex.time[i0:i1]-t0, flex.yaw_angle[i0:i1], 'b-', label='straight blade') t0 = 49.6 i0 = int(t0*69000/69.0) i1 = i0 + int(duration*69000/69.) ax.plot(samo.time[i0:i1]-t0, samo.yaw_angle[i0:i1], 'r-', label='swept blade', alpha=0.7) for ax in axes: leg = ax.legend(loc='best', borderaxespad=0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.6) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('yaw angle [deg]') ax.set_xlim([0, 15]) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) # fig.suptitle('windspeed 9 m/s') print('saving: %s' % os.path.join(fdir, fname)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(fdir, fname + '.png')) fig.savefig(os.path.join(fdir, fname + '.eps'))
def plot_windbluepower_st_540(): """Plot the data and add some other constant resistance values to it. """ q_rmax, p_rmax, rpm_rmax, emax = torque_power_at_ohm(28) q_rmin, p_rmin, rpm_rmin, emin = torque_power_at_ohm(11) # headers: # Run #,W [rpm],Rsetting [ohm],Voltage [V],Current [A],tau_input [N-m] # P_output [W],Eff [-] fname = "data/model/generator-windbluepower-st-540.csv" df = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=",") rad = df["W [rpm]"].values * np.pi / 30.0 rpm = df["W [rpm]"].values Qc = df["tau_input [N-m]"] R = df["Rsetting [ohm]"] eff = df["Eff [-]"] * 100.0 # the torque-rpm grid xi = np.linspace(rpm.min(), rpm.max(), 200) yi = np.linspace(Qc.min(), Qc.max(), 200) cmap ="jet", 8) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # iso-lines: dump load resistance value in Ohm # grid the data zi = mpl.mlab.griddata(rpm, Qc, R, xi, yi, interp="linear") # consider switching to: matplotlib.tri.Triangulation or # matplotlib.tri.TriInterpolator, see: fig, axes = plotting.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(4, 2), dpi=120) ax = axes.flatten()[0] cnt = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 8, colors=None, cmap=cmap) # , vmax=35, vmin=0) ax.clabel(cnt, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%1.0f") ax.set_xlabel("rotor speed [rpm]") ax.set_ylabel("input torque [Nm]") ax.grid() # clb = fig.colorbar(cnt) # clb.set_label('color bar label') # leg = ax.legend(loc='best', labelspacing=0, columnspacing=0) # leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.6) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("figures/generator-st-540-contour.png") fig.savefig("figures/generator-st-540-contour.eps") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # iso-lines: efficiency # grid the data zi = mpl.mlab.griddata(rpm, Qc, eff, xi, yi, interp="linear") # consider switching to: matplotlib.tri.Triangulation or # matplotlib.tri.TriInterpolator, see: fig, axes = plotting.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(4, 2), dpi=120) ax = axes.flatten()[0] cnt = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 8, colors=None, cmap=cmap) # , vmax=35, vmin=0) ax.clabel(cnt, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%1.0f") ax.set_xlabel("rotor speed [rpm]") ax.set_ylabel("input torque [Nm]") ax.grid() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("figures/generator-st-540-contour-eff.png") fig.savefig("figures/generator-st-540-contour-eff.eps") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fig, axes = plotting.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5, 3), dpi=120) ax = axes.flatten()[0] # plt.figure() # plt.contour(xi, yi, zi,6, colors='k') #, vmax=35, vmin=0) N = len(range(5, 30, 1)) # select a color map cmap ="jet", N) # hot # convert to array cmap_arr = cmap(np.arange(N)) # and now you have each color as an RGB tuple as # for i in cmap_arr: # coltuple = tuple(i[0:3]) for r, color in zip(range(5, 30, 1), cmap_arr): c = tuple(color[0:3]) q_, p_, rpm_, eff_ = torque_power_at_ohm(r) ax.plot(rpm_, q_, ls="-", alpha=0.6, color=c, marker="+") # plt.plot(rpm_rmax, q_rmax, 'r-', label='R=28 (dc0)') # plt.plot(rpm_rmin, q_rmin, 'b-', label='R=11 (dc1)') # plt.legend(loc='best') ax.set_xlabel("rotor speed [rpm]") ax.set_xlabel("input torque [Nm]") ax.grid() # leg = ax.legend(loc='best', labelspacing=0, columnspacing=0) # leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.6) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("figures/generator-st-540.png") fig.savefig("figures/generator-st-540.eps")
def plots(args): T = read_reports(args.dir) outdir = OutputDir(args.outputs, log=True) filename = lambda f: args.prefix + '-' + f if args.prefix is not None else f T = T[T['crit'] == args.criterion] T_init_tests = { n: T[T['init_tests'] == n] for n in np.unique(T['init_tests']) } for init_tests in T_init_tests: generated_tests = sum(run['report']['#tests'][-1] - init_tests for run in T_init_tests[init_tests]) n_runs = len(T_init_tests[init_tests]) print(f'{generated_tests} tests generated for |X_0|={init_tests}' '(average = {} test{}/run).'.format(*s_(generated_tests * 1. / n_runs))) def tech_style(tech): return dict(color='blue' if tech == 'pca' else 'red') # Progress/ICA def plot_progress(tech, T): P_tech = T[T['tech'] == tech]['progress'] P_tech = [P for P in P_tech if len(P.shape) > 0] nDists = np.concatenate([P['new_dist'].astype(float) for P in P_tech]) oDists = np.concatenate([P['old_dist'].astype(float) for P in P_tech]) dDists = oDists - nDists fig, ax = plotting.subplots(1, 2, figsize_adjust=(1.0, 0.5), constrained_layout=True) ax[0].hist(nDists, bins=args.hist_bins, **tech_style(tech)) ax[0].axvline(x=0, lw=1, color='black') ax[0].set_ylabel(r'\#steps where new distance is $d$') ax[0].set_xlabel(r'Distance ($d$ — ' + tech + r')') ax[1].hist(dDists, bins=args.hist_bins, **tech_style(tech)) ax[1].axvline(x=0, lw=1, color='black') ax[1].set_ylabel(r'\#steps where progress is $\delta$') ax[1].set_xlabel(r'Progress ($\delta$ — ' + tech + r')'), outdir=outdir, basefilename=filename(tech + '-dist-n-progress'), w_pad=0.06) if not args.no_pca_progress: plot_progress('pca', T) # Progress/ICA if not args.no_ica_progress: plot_progress('ica', T) # Summary if not args.no_summary: def plot_style(report): return tech_style(report['tech']) def it_(ax): return ax if len(T_init_tests) > 1 else [ax] Nms = args.dnn_name # r'\mathcal{N}_{\mathsf{ms}}' cov_label_ = lambda d, n, x: r'\mathrm{' + d + r'}(\mathcal{B}_{' + n + r', ' + x + '})' cov_label = lambda n, x: \ cov_label_ ('BFCov', n, x) if args.criterion == 'bfc' else \ cov_label_ ('BFdCov', n, x) fig, ax = plotting.subplots(3, len(T_init_tests), sharex='col', sharey='row', constrained_layout=True) for axi in it_(ax[-1]): # unshare x axes for the bottom row: g = axi.get_shared_x_axes() g.remove(axi) for a in g.get_siblings(axi): g.remove(a) for init_tests, axi in zip(T_init_tests, it_(ax[0])): for run in T_init_tests[init_tests]: axi.plot(run['report']['#tests'] - init_tests, **plot_style(run)) from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter for init_tests, axi in zip(T_init_tests, it_(ax[1])): for run in T_init_tests[init_tests]: if len(run['report']) == 0: continue axi.plot( run['report']['coverage'] - run['report']['coverage'][0], **plot_style(run)) axi.yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('{x:2.1f}')) axi.yaxis.set_ticks( np.arange(0, np.amax(axi.get_yticks()), step=0.1)) for init_tests, axi in zip(T_init_tests, it_(ax[2])): init_covs = [ run['report']['coverage'][0] for run in T_init_tests[init_tests] if len(run['report']) > 0 ] final_covs = [ run['report']['coverage'][-1] for run in T_init_tests[init_tests] if len(run['report']) > 0 ] bp = axi.boxplot( [init_covs, final_covs], positions=[0, 20], widths=6, # labels = [r'initial ($i=0$)', 'final'], flierprops=dict(marker='.', markersize=1), bootstrap=1000, manage_ticks=False) axi.yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('{x:2.1f}')) for box in bp['boxes']: box.set(linewidth=.5) for box in bp['caps']: box.set(linewidth=.5) plt.setp(axi.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) for init_tests, axi in zip(T_init_tests, it_(ax[1])): axi.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True) # Set labels and column titles: for init_tests, axi in zip(T_init_tests, it_(ax[0])): axi.set_title(f'$|X_0| = {init_tests}$') for axi in it_(ax[-1]): axi.set_xlabel(r'iteration ($i$)') it_(ax[0])[0].set_ylabel(r'$|X_i| - |X_0|$') it_(ax[1])[0].set_ylabel(r'$' + cov_label(Nms, r'X_i') + '-' + cov_label(Nms, r'X_0') + '$') it_(ax[2])[0].set_ylabel(r'$' + cov_label(Nms, r'X_i') + '$') # it_(ax[-1])[(len (T_init_tests) - 1) // 2 + 1].set_xlabel (r'iteration ($i$)'), basefilename=filename('summary-per-X0'), outdir=outdir, rect=(.01, 0, 1, 1))
def get_steps(self, sigs, weights, cutoff_hz=1.0, order=2, window=4.0, x_threshold=2.0, figname=None, min_step_window=2.0): """ Parameters ---------- sigs : list(ndarray(n), ndarray(n)) List of signals (1D-arrays) """ x = sigs[0] y = sigs[1] xf, xf_ds, xf_ds_dt, x_regress = self.conditioning(x, cutoff_hz=cutoff_hz, order=order, window=window) xf_ds_regress = x_regress[:,0] yf, yf_ds, yf_ds_dt, y_regress = self.conditioning(y, cutoff_hz=cutoff_hz, order=order, window=window) yf_ds_regress = y_regress[:,0] # select on the product of yf_ds_regress * xf_ds_regress, # both need to be steady! xw = weights[0] yw = weights[1] xy_ds = np.abs(xf_ds_regress*xw) + np.abs(yf_ds_regress*yw) xf_sel_mask, xf_sel_arg =, x_threshold) step_ds_mask, steps_ds = self.steady_steps(xf_sel_mask, step_lenght=min_step_window) # save steps in high-res sampling of the original signal steps = np.round(steps_ds * self.sps / self.freq_ds, 0).astype( np.savetxt(figname.replace('.png', '_steps.txt'), steps) # steps_ds_times = self.t_ds[steps_ds.flatten()] # steps = np.ndarray(steps_ds.shape) * np.nan # for k in range(steps.shape[0]): # t0 = self.t_ds[steps[k,0]] # t1 = self.t_ds[steps[k,1]] # steps[k,0] = np.abs(self.time - t0).argmin() # steps[k,0] = np.abs(self.time - t1).argmin() if figname is not None: print('start plotting...') fig, axes = plotting.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(8,9), dpi=120) ax = axes[0,0] ax.set_title('original and filtered signals') ax.plot(self.time, x, 'r-', alpha=0.3) ax.plot(self.time, xf, 'r-') ax.grid() axr = ax.twinx() axr.plot(self.time, y, 'g-', alpha=0.3) axr.plot(self.time, yf, 'g-') ax = axes[1,0] ax.set_title('lin regr window: %1.02f sec' % window) t_mask = self.t_ds.copy() t_mask[~xf_sel_mask] = np.nan x_mask = xf_ds.copy() x_mask[~xf_sel_mask] = np.nan ax.plot(self.t_ds, xf_ds, 'r-', alpha=1.0, label='xf ds') ax.plot(self.t_ds, x_mask, 'k-+', alpha=0.7, label='xf select') ax.grid() axr = ax.twinx() axr.plot(self.t_ds, yf_ds, 'g-', alpha=0.8, label='yx ds') y_mask = yf_ds.copy() y_mask[~xf_sel_mask] = np.nan axr.plot(self.t_ds, y_mask, 'k-+', alpha=0.7, label='yf select') xmin = axr.get_ylim()[0] xmax = axr.get_ylim()[1] collection = region.span_where(self.t_ds, ymin=xmin, ymax=xmax, where=xf_sel_mask, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.4) axr.add_collection(collection) leg = plotting.one_legend(ax, axr, loc='best') leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) ax = axes[2,0] rpl = (x_threshold, min_step_window) ax.set_title('threshold: %1.02f, min step window: %1.2f sec' % rpl) ax.plot(self.t_ds, np.abs(xf_ds_regress), 'r-', label='xf lin regress', alpha=0.9) ax.plot(self.t_ds, np.abs(yf_ds_regress), 'g-', label='yf lin regress', alpha=0.9) ax.plot(self.t_ds, np.abs(xy_ds), 'k-', label='xy*w', alpha=0.7) ax.axhline(y=x_threshold, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='--', aa=False) ax.set_ylim([0,5]) xmin = ax.get_ylim()[0] xmax = ax.get_ylim()[1] collection = region.span_where(self.t_ds, ymin=xmin, ymax=xmax, where=step_ds_mask, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.4) ax.add_collection(collection) # axr = ax.twinx() # axr.plot(self.t_ds, np.abs(yf_ds_regress), 'g-', # label='yf lin regress', alpha=0.9) # ax, axr = plotting.match_yticks(ax, axr) # axr.set_ylim([0,5]) # leg = plotting.one_legend(ax, axr, loc='best') # leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) ax.grid() leg = ax.legend(loc='best') leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(figname) print(figname) return steps