Пример #1
def plot_bigprofiles(prots, pids, unnorm_eluts, sp='Hs', min_count=1,
        remove_multi_base=False, gt=None, eluts_per_plot=10,
        do_cluster=True, label_trans=None, do_plot_tree=False,
        rename_fracs=None, colors=None, **kwargs):
    supply EITHER prots OR protids, set other to None
    unnorm_eluts: [el.NormElut(f, sp=sp, norm_cols=False, norm_rows=False) for f in fs]
    import plotting as pl
    if prots is not None:
        pids = [gt.name2id[p] for p in prots]
    if do_cluster:
        print "clustering"
        pids = cluster_ids(pids, unnorm_eluts, sp, gt=gt, do_plot=do_plot_tree, 
    if gt is not None:
        prots = [gt.id2name[pid] for pid in pids if pid in gt.id2name] #re-order to match
        prots = pids
        print "No gene names provided--labeling with ids."
    if label_trans: 
        print "Translating names for display."
        # Translate displayed names from base ids according to provided dict
        #prots = [gt.id2name[pid] for pid in pids]
        prots = [label_trans.get(p,p) for p in prots]
    prots.reverse(); pids.reverse(); # put them top to bottom
    if colors is not None: colors.reverse()
    print "%s proteins" % len(pids)
    use_eluts = elutions_containing_prots(unnorm_eluts, sp, pids, min_count)
    nplots = int(np.ceil(len(use_eluts) / eluts_per_plot))
    maxfracs = 0
    for iplot in range(nplots):
        pl.subplot(nplots, 1, iplot+1)
        plot_eluts = use_eluts[iplot*eluts_per_plot: (iplot+1)*eluts_per_plot]
        frac_names = [ut.shortname(e.filename) for e in plot_eluts]
        if rename_fracs:
            frac_names = [rename_fracs.get(n,n) for n in frac_names]
        startcols = [0]
        for i,e in enumerate(plot_eluts):
            freqarr = ut.normalize_fracs(e.normarr, norm_rows=False)
            sp_target = ut.shortname(e.filename)[:2]
            protsmax = max([np.max(freqarr[r]) for p in pids if p in
                e.baseid2inds for r in e.baseid2inds[p]])
            plot_big_single(freqarr, pids, e.baseid2inds, protsmax,
                    startcols[-1], colors=colors)
        label_xs(startcols, frac_names)
        maxfracs = maxfracs if maxfracs > startcols[-1] else startcols[-1]
    for iplot in range(nplots):
        pl.subplot(nplots, 1, iplot+1)
    return nplots
Пример #2
def plot_prots(elut, pids, baseid2inds, maxcount):
    import plotting as pl
    for i,pid in enumerate(pids):
        if pid in baseid2inds:
            for rowid in baseid2inds[pid]:
                row = elut.normarr[rowid]
                bottom = np.log2(maxcount)*i
                        color=pl.COLORS[i%len(pl.COLORS)], align='center',width=1,linewidth=0,
    pl.ylim(-.1, np.log2(maxcount)*len(pids))