Пример #1
    logger = mpi.setup_logger(screen=True, file_name='neurokernel.log',
                              mpi_comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, multiline=True)

    man = Manager()

    m1_int_sel_in_gpot = '/a/in/gpot0,/a/in/gpot1'
    m1_int_sel_out_gpot = '/a/out/gpot0,/a/out/gpot1'
    m1_int_sel_in_spike = '/a/in/spike0,/a/in/spike1'
    m1_int_sel_out_spike = '/a/out/spike0,/a/out/spike1'
    m1_int_sel = ','.join([m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_gpot,
                           m1_int_sel_in_spike, m1_int_sel_out_spike])
    m1_int_sel_in = ','.join((m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_in_spike))
    m1_int_sel_out = ','.join((m1_int_sel_out_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_spike))
    m1_int_sel_gpot = ','.join((m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_gpot))
    m1_int_sel_spike = ','.join((m1_int_sel_in_spike, m1_int_sel_out_spike))
    N1_gpot = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m1_int_sel_gpot)
    N1_spike = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m1_int_sel_spike)

    m2_int_sel_in_gpot = '/b/in/gpot0,/b/in/gpot1'
    m2_int_sel_out_gpot = '/b/out/gpot0,/b/out/gpot1'
    m2_int_sel_in_spike = '/b/in/spike0,/b/in/spike1'
    m2_int_sel_out_spike = '/b/out/spike0,/b/out/spike1'
    m2_int_sel = ','.join([m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_gpot,
                           m2_int_sel_in_spike, m2_int_sel_out_spike])
    m2_int_sel_in = ','.join((m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_in_spike))
    m2_int_sel_out = ','.join((m2_int_sel_out_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_spike))
    m2_int_sel_gpot = ','.join((m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_gpot))
    m2_int_sel_spike = ','.join((m2_int_sel_in_spike, m2_int_sel_out_spike))
    N2_gpot = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m2_int_sel_gpot)
    N2_spike = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m2_int_sel_spike)
Пример #2
class BasePortMapper(object):
    Maps integer sequence to/from path-like port identifiers.

    >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
    >>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]')
    array([2, 3])
    >>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1])
    [('a', 0), ('a', 1)]

    selector : str, unicode, or sequence
        Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
        (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]) to map to `data`.
    portmap : sequence of int
        Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified,
        it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0
        through one less than the number of ports.

    index : pandas.MultiIndex
        Index of port identifiers.
    portmap : pandas.Series
        Map of port identifiers to integer indices.

    The selectors may not contain any '*' or '[:]' characters.
    A single port identifier may be mapped to multiple integer indices, 
    but not vice-versa.
    def __init__(self, selector, portmap=None):
        self.sel = SelectorMethods()
        N = self.sel.count_ports(selector)
        if portmap is None:
            self.portmap = pd.Series(data=np.arange(N))
            assert len(portmap) == N
            self.portmap = pd.Series(data=np.array(portmap))
        self.portmap.index = self.sel.make_index(selector)

    def copy(self):
        Return copy of this port mapper.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            Copy of port mapper instance.

        c = BasePortMapper('')
        c.portmap = self.portmap.copy()
        return c

    def from_index(cls, idx, portmap=None):
        Create port mapper from a Pandas index and a sequence of integer indices.

        index : pandas.MultiIndex
            Index containing selector data.
        portmap : sequence of int
            Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified,
            it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0
            through one less than the number of ports.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            New port mapper instance.

        If specified, the portmap sequence is copied into the new mapper to avoid 
        side effects associated with modifying the specified sequence after
        mapper instantiation.

        pm = cls('')
        N = len(idx)
        if portmap is None:
            pm.portmap = pd.Series.from_array(np.arange(N), idx)
            assert len(portmap) == N
            pm.portmap = pd.Series.from_array(np.array(portmap), idx)
        return pm

    def from_pm(cls, pm):
        Create a new port mapper instance given an existing instance.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            Existing port mapper instance.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            New port mapper instance.

        assert isinstance(pm, cls)
        r = cls('')
        r.portmap = pm.portmap.copy()
        return r

    def index(self):
        Port mapper index.

        return self.portmap.index

    def index(self, i):
        self.portmap.index = i

    def inds_to_ports(self, inds):
        Convert list of integer indices to port identifiers.

        >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
        >>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1])
        [('a', 0), ('a', 1)]

        inds : array_like of int
            Integer indices of ports.

        t : list of tuple
            Expanded port identifiers.

        return self.portmap[self.portmap.isin(inds)].index.tolist()

    def ports_to_inds(self, selector):
        Convert port selector to list of integer indices.

        >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
        >>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]')

        selector : str, unicode, or sequence
            Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
            (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]).

        inds : numpy.ndarray of int
            Integer indices of ports comprised by selector. 

        return self.sel.select(self.portmap,

    def get_map(self, selector):
        Retrieve integer indices associated with selector.

        selector : str, unicode, or sequence
            Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
            (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]).

        result : numpy.ndarray
            Selected data.

        return np.asarray(self.sel.select(self.portmap, selector).dropna())

    def set_map(self, selector, portmap):
        Set mapped integer index associated with selector.

        selector : str, unicode, or sequence
            Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
            (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]).            
        portmap : sequence of int
            Integer indices to map to port identifiers.

        self.portmap[self.sel.get_index(self.portmap, selector)] = portmap

    def equals(self, pm):
        Check whether this mapper is equivalent to another mapper.

        pm : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            Mapper to compare to this mapper.

        result : bool
             True if the specified port mapper contains the same port
             identifiers as this instance and maps them to the same integer

        The port identifiers and maps in the specified port mapper need not be
        in the same order as this instance to be deemed equal.

        assert isinstance(pm, BasePortMapper)
        pm0 = self.portmap.sort_values()
        pm1 = pm.portmap.sort_values()
        if np.array_equal(pm0.values, pm1.values) and \
            return True
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return self.portmap.size

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Map:\n----\n' + self.portmap.__repr__()
Пример #3
    def emulate(n, steps):
        n = str(n)

        # Set up emulation:
        man = Manager(get_random_port(), get_random_port(), get_random_port())

        m1_int_sel_in_gpot = '/a/in/gpot0,/a/in/gpot1'
        m1_int_sel_out_gpot = '/a/out/gpot0,/a/out/gpot1'
        m1_int_sel_in_spike = '/a/in/spike0,/a/in/spike1'
        m1_int_sel_out_spike = '/a/out/spike0,/a/out/spike1'
        m1_int_sel = ','.join([m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_gpot,
                               m1_int_sel_in_spike, m1_int_sel_out_spike])
        m1_int_sel_in = ','.join([m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_in_spike])
        m1_int_sel_out = ','.join([m1_int_sel_out_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_spike])
        m1_int_sel_gpot = ','.join([m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_gpot])
        m1_int_sel_spike = ','.join([m1_int_sel_in_spike, m1_int_sel_out_spike])
        N1_gpot = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m1_int_sel_gpot)
        N1_spike = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m1_int_sel_spike)
        m1 = MyModule(m1_int_sel,
                      m1_int_sel_in, m1_int_sel_out,
                      m1_int_sel_gpot, m1_int_sel_spike,
                      np.zeros(N1_gpot, np.float64),
                      np.zeros(N1_spike, int), ['interface', 'io', 'type'],
                      man.port_data, man.port_ctrl, man.port_time, 'm1', None,
                      False, True)

        m2_int_sel_in_gpot = '/b/in/gpot0,/b/in/gpot1'
        m2_int_sel_out_gpot = '/b/out/gpot0,/b/out/gpot1'
        m2_int_sel_in_spike = '/b/in/spike0,/b/in/spike1'
        m2_int_sel_out_spike = '/b/out/spike0,/b/out/spike1'
        m2_int_sel = ','.join([m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_gpot,
                               m2_int_sel_in_spike, m2_int_sel_out_spike])
        m2_int_sel_in = ','.join([m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_in_spike])
        m2_int_sel_out = ','.join([m2_int_sel_out_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_spike])
        m2_int_sel_gpot = ','.join([m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_gpot])
        m2_int_sel_spike = ','.join([m2_int_sel_in_spike, m2_int_sel_out_spike])
        N2_gpot = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m2_int_sel_gpot)
        N2_spike = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m2_int_sel_spike),
        m2 = MyModule(m2_int_sel,
                      m2_int_sel_in, m2_int_sel_out,
                      m2_int_sel_gpot, m2_int_sel_spike,
                      np.zeros(N2_gpot, np.float64),
                      np.zeros(N2_spike, int), ['interface', 'io', 'type'],
                      man.port_data, man.port_ctrl, man.port_time, 'm2', None,
                      False, True)

        # Make sure that all ports in the patterns' interfaces are set so 
        # that they match those of the modules:
        pat12 = Pattern(m1_int_sel, m2_int_sel)
        pat12.interface[m1_int_sel_out_gpot] = [0, 'in', 'gpot']
        pat12.interface[m1_int_sel_in_gpot] = [0, 'out', 'gpot']
        pat12.interface[m1_int_sel_out_spike] = [0, 'in', 'spike']
        pat12.interface[m1_int_sel_in_spike] = [0, 'out', 'spike']
        pat12.interface[m2_int_sel_in_gpot] = [1, 'out', 'gpot']
        pat12.interface[m2_int_sel_out_gpot] = [1, 'in', 'gpot']
        pat12.interface[m2_int_sel_in_spike] = [1, 'out', 'spike']
        pat12.interface[m2_int_sel_out_spike] = [1, 'in', 'spike']
        pat12['/a/out/gpot0', '/b/in/gpot0'] = 1
        pat12['/a/out/gpot1', '/b/in/gpot1'] = 1
        pat12['/b/out/gpot0', '/a/in/gpot0'] = 1
        pat12['/b/out/gpot1', '/a/in/gpot1'] = 1
        pat12['/a/out/spike0', '/b/in/spike0'] = 1
        pat12['/a/out/spike1', '/b/in/spike1'] = 1
        pat12['/b/out/spike0', '/a/in/spike0'] = 1
        pat12['/b/out/spike1', '/a/in/spike1'] = 1
        man.connect(m1, m2, pat12, 0, 1)

        # To set the emulation to exit after executing a fixed number of steps,
        # start it as follows and remove the sleep statement:
        # man.start()
        # time.sleep(2)
        return m1
Пример #4
    man = Manager()

    m1_int_sel_in_gpot = '/a/in/gpot0,/a/in/gpot1'
    m1_int_sel_out_gpot = '/a/out/gpot0,/a/out/gpot1'
    m1_int_sel_in_spike = '/a/in/spike0,/a/in/spike1'
    m1_int_sel_out_spike = '/a/out/spike0,/a/out/spike1'
    m1_int_sel = ','.join([
        m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_gpot, m1_int_sel_in_spike,
    m1_int_sel_in = ','.join((m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_in_spike))
    m1_int_sel_out = ','.join((m1_int_sel_out_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_spike))
    m1_int_sel_gpot = ','.join((m1_int_sel_in_gpot, m1_int_sel_out_gpot))
    m1_int_sel_spike = ','.join((m1_int_sel_in_spike, m1_int_sel_out_spike))
    N1_gpot = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m1_int_sel_gpot)
    N1_spike = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m1_int_sel_spike)

    m2_int_sel_in_gpot = '/b/in/gpot0,/b/in/gpot1'
    m2_int_sel_out_gpot = '/b/out/gpot0,/b/out/gpot1'
    m2_int_sel_in_spike = '/b/in/spike0,/b/in/spike1'
    m2_int_sel_out_spike = '/b/out/spike0,/b/out/spike1'
    m2_int_sel = ','.join([
        m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_gpot, m2_int_sel_in_spike,
    m2_int_sel_in = ','.join((m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_in_spike))
    m2_int_sel_out = ','.join((m2_int_sel_out_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_spike))
    m2_int_sel_gpot = ','.join((m2_int_sel_in_gpot, m2_int_sel_out_gpot))
    m2_int_sel_spike = ','.join((m2_int_sel_in_spike, m2_int_sel_out_spike))
    N2_gpot = SelectorMethods.count_ports(m2_int_sel_gpot)
Пример #5
class BasePortMapper(object):
    Maps integer sequence to/from path-like port identifiers.

    >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
    >>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]')
    array([2, 3])
    >>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1])
    [('a', 0), ('a', 1)]

    selector : str, unicode, or sequence
        Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
        (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]) to map to `data`.
    portmap : sequence of int
        Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified,
        it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0
        through one less than the number of ports.

    index : pandas.MultiIndex
        Index of port identifiers.
    portmap : pandas.Series
        Map of port identifiers to integer indices.

    The selectors may not contain any '*' or '[:]' characters.
    A single port identifier may be mapped to multiple integer indices, 
    but not vice-versa.

    def __init__(self, selector, portmap=None):
        self.sel = SelectorMethods()
        N = self.sel.count_ports(selector)
        if portmap is None:
            self.portmap = pd.Series(data=np.arange(N))
            assert len(portmap) == N
            self.portmap = pd.Series(data=np.array(portmap))
        self.portmap.index = self.sel.make_index(selector)

    def copy(self):
        Return copy of this port mapper.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            Copy of port mapper instance.

        c = BasePortMapper('')
        c.portmap = self.portmap.copy()
        return c

    def from_index(cls, idx, portmap=None):
        Create port mapper from a Pandas index and a sequence of integer indices.

        index : pandas.MultiIndex
            Index containing selector data.
        portmap : sequence of int
            Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified,
            it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0
            through one less than the number of ports.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            New port mapper instance.

        If specified, the portmap sequence is copied into the new mapper to avoid 
        side effects associated with modifying the specified sequence after
        mapper instantiation.

        pm = cls('')
        N = len(idx)
        if portmap is None:
            pm.portmap = pd.Series.from_array(np.arange(N), idx)
            assert len(portmap) == N
            pm.portmap = pd.Series.from_array(np.array(portmap), idx)
        return pm

    def from_pm(cls, pm):
        Create a new port mapper instance given an existing instance.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            Existing port mapper instance.

        result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            New port mapper instance.

        assert isinstance(pm, cls)
        r = cls('')
        r.portmap = pm.portmap.copy()
        return r

    def index(self):
        Port mapper index.
        return self.portmap.index
    def index(self, i):
        self.portmap.index = i

    def inds_to_ports(self, inds):
        Convert list of integer indices to port identifiers.

        >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
        >>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1])
        [('a', 0), ('a', 1)]

        inds : array_like of int
            Integer indices of ports.

        t : list of tuple
            Expanded port identifiers.

        return self.portmap[self.portmap.isin(inds)].index.tolist()

    def ports_to_inds(self, selector):
        Convert port selector to list of integer indices.

        >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
        >>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]')

        selector : str, unicode, or sequence
            Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
            (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]).

        inds : numpy.ndarray of int
            Integer indices of ports comprised by selector. 

        return self.sel.select(self.portmap,

    def get_map(self, selector):
        Retrieve integer indices associated with selector.

        selector : str, unicode, or sequence
            Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
            (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]).

        result : numpy.ndarray
            Selected data.

        return np.asarray(self.sel.select(self.portmap, selector).dropna())

    def set_map(self, selector, portmap):
        Set mapped integer index associated with selector.

        selector : str, unicode, or sequence
            Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences
            (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]).            
        portmap : sequence of int
            Integer indices to map to port identifiers.
        self.portmap[self.sel.get_index(self.portmap, selector)] = portmap

    def equals(self, pm):
        Check whether this mapper is equivalent to another mapper.

        pm : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper
            Mapper to compare to this mapper.

        result : bool
             True if the specified port mapper contains the same port
             identifiers as this instance and maps them to the same integer

        The port identifiers and maps in the specified port mapper need not be
        in the same order as this instance to be deemed equal.

        assert isinstance(pm, BasePortMapper)
        pm0 = self.portmap.sort_values()
        pm1 = pm.portmap.sort_values()
        if np.array_equal(pm0.values, pm1.values) and \
            return True
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return self.portmap.size

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Map:\n----\n'+self.portmap.__repr__()