Пример #1
from ospy import helpers

from ospy.webpages import showInFooter # Enable plugin to display readings in UI footer

NAME = 'UPS Monitor'
MENU =  _(u'Package: UPS Monitor')
LINK = 'settings_page'

ups_options = PluginOptions(
        'time': 60, # in minutes
        'ups': False,
        'sendeml': False,
        'emlsubject': _(u'Report from OSPy UPS plugin'),
        'enable_log': False,
        'log_records': 0,                             # 0 = unlimited
        'history': 0,                                 # selector for graph history
        'use_footer': True,                           # show data from plugin in footer on home page
        'eplug': 0,                                   # email plugin type (email notifications or email notifications SSL)

# GPIO input pullup and output:                                                #

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO  # RPi hardware

pin_power_ok = 16 # GPIO23
pin_ups_down = 18 # GPIO24
Пример #2
from blinker import signal

NAME = 'Button Control'
MENU = _(u'Package: Button Control')
LINK = 'settings_page'

plugin_options = PluginOptions(
        'use_button': False,
        'button0': u'reboot',
        'button1': u'pwrOff',
        'button2': u'stopAll',
        'button3': u'schedEn',
        'button4': u'runP1',
        'button5': u'runP2',
        'button6': u'runP3',
        'button7': u'runP4',
        [],  # use this stations for stoping scheduler if stations is activated in scheduler
        'i2c_addr': 39,  # 32 decimal to 37 decimal (is 0x20 to 0x27)
        False,  # First stop everything running and then start the program. If we want to start a new program and add it to the running ones, we will leave this option off.

rebooted = signal('rebooted')

def report_rebooted():
Пример #3
from ospy.log import log
from ospy.options import options
from ospy.webpages import ProtectedPage
from ospy.helpers import determine_platform, get_rpi_revision, datetime_string
from ospy.stations import stations
from plugins import PluginOptions, plugin_url

import i18n

NAME = 'Direct 16 Relay Outputs'
LINK = 'settings_page'

plugin_options = PluginOptions(
        'enabled': False,  # default is OFF
        'relays': 1,  # default 1 relay
        'active': 'high'  # default is normal logic   

# Main function loop:                                                          #
class Relay16Checker(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
        self._stop = Event()

        self._sleep_time = 0
Пример #4
from ospy.helpers import poweroff
from ospy.log import log, logEM
from plugins import PluginOptions, plugin_url
from ospy.webpages import ProtectedPage
from ospy.helpers import datetime_string
from ospy.options import options

import i18n

NAME = 'UPS Monitor'
LINK = 'settings_page'

ups_options = PluginOptions(
        'time': 60,  # in minutes
        'ups': False,
        'sendeml': False,
        'emlsubject': _('Report from OSPy UPS plugin')

# GPIO input pullup and output:                                                #

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO  # RPi hardware

pin_power_ok = 16  # GPIO23
pin_ups_down = 18  # GPIO24

    GPIO.setup(pin_power_ok, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
Пример #5
plugin_options = PluginOptions(
        'enabled_a': False,  # enable or disable regulation A
        'enabled_b': False,  # enable or disable regulation B
        'enabled_c': False,  # enable or disable regulation C
        'probe_A_on': 0,  # for selector temperature probe A ON (0-5)
        'probe_B_on': 0,  # for selector temperature probe B ON (0-5)
        'probe_C_on': 0,  # for selector temperature probe C ON (0-5)
        'probe_A_off': 0,  # for selector temperature probe A OFF (0-5)
        'probe_B_off': 0,  # for selector temperature probe B OFF (0-5)
        'probe_C_off': 0,  # for selector temperature probe C OFF (0-5)
        'temp_a_on': 30,  # temperature for output A ON
        'temp_b_on': 40,  # temperature for output B ON
        'temp_c_on': 50,  # temperature for output C ON
        'temp_a_off': 25,  # temperature for output A OFF
        'temp_b_off': 35,  # temperature for output B OFF
        'temp_c_off': 45,  # temperature for output C OFF
        'control_output_A': 0,  # selector for output A (0 to station count)
        'control_output_B': 1,  # selector for output B (0 to station count)
        'control_output_C': 2,  # selector for output C (0 to station count)
        'ds_name_0': '',  # name for DS probe 1 from air temp humi plugin
        'ds_name_1': '',  # name for DS probe 2 from air temp humi plugin
        'ds_name_2': '',  # name for DS probe 3 from air temp humi plugin
        'ds_name_3': '',  # name for DS probe 4 from air temp humi plugin
        'ds_name_4': '',  # name for DS probe 5 from air temp humi plugin
        'ds_name_5': '',  # name for DS probe 6 from air temp humi plugin
        'ds_count': 0,  # DS probe count from air temp humi plugin
        'reg_mm_a': 60,  # min for maximal runtime A
        'reg_ss_a': 0,  # sec for maximal runtime A
        'reg_mm_b': 60,  # min for maximal runtime B
        'reg_ss_b': 0,  # sec for maximal runtime B
        'reg_mm_c': 60,  # min for maximal runtime C
        'reg_ss_c': 0,  # sec for maximal runtime C
        'use_footer': True  # show data from plugin in footer on home page
Пример #6
from plugins import PluginOptions, plugin_url
from ospy.options import options
from ospy.stations import stations
from ospy.inputs import inputs
from ospy.log import log, EVENT_FILE
from ospy.helpers import datetime_string, get_input
import i18n

NAME = 'Remote Notifications'
LINK = 'settings_page'

remote_options = PluginOptions(
        'use': False,
        'rem_adr': "your web server",
        'api': "123456789"

# Main function loop:                                                          #
class RemoteSender(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
        self._stop = Event()

        self._sleep_time = 0
Пример #7
import i18n

NAME = 'Email Notifications'
LINK = 'settings_page'

email_options = PluginOptions(
        'emlpwron': False,
        'emllog': False,
        'emlrain': False,
        'emlrun': False,
        'emlusr': '',
        'emlpwd': '',
        'emladr0': '',
        'emladr1': '',
        'emladr2': '',
        'emladr3': '',
        'emladr4': '',
        'emlsubject': _('Report from OSPy SYSTEM')

# Main function loop:                                                          #
class EmailSender(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
Пример #8
from ospy.programs import programs
from ospy.stations import stations
from ospy.helpers import datetime_string

NAME = 'SMS Modem'
MENU = _(u'Package: SMS Modem')
LINK = 'settings_page'

sms_options = PluginOptions(
    NAME, {
        u'tel1': u'+xxxyyyyyyyyy',
        u'tel2': u'+xxxyyyyyyyyy',
        u'use_sms': False,
        u'use_strength': False,
        u'txt1': u'info',
        u'txt2': u'stop',
        u'txt3': u'start',
        u'txt4': u'restart',
        u'txt5': u'power',
        u'txt6': u'update',
        u'txt7': u'foto',
        u'txt8': u'help',
        u'txt9': u'run'

# Plugin system will catch the following error and disable the plugin automatically:
# import gammu  # for SMS modem import gammu
# if no install modem and gammu visit: http://www.pihrt.com/elektronika/259-moje-rapsberry-pi-sms-ovladani-rpi
# USB modem HUAWEI E303 + SIM card with telephone provider

# Main function loop:                                                          #
Пример #9
from ospy.webpages import ProtectedPage
from plugins import PluginOptions, plugin_url, plugin_data_dir
from ospy.log import log, logEM
from ospy.helpers import datetime_string

from ospy.webpages import showInFooter # Enable plugin to display readings in UI footer

NAME = 'Door Opening'
MENU =  _(u'Package: Door Opening')
LINK = 'start_page'

plugin_options = PluginOptions(
        'open_time': 2,
        'open_output': 0,
        'use_footer': False

class PluginSender(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
        self._sleep_time = 0

    def update(self):
        self._sleep_time = 0