Пример #1
def __build_model(auth_params, func_params):
    This script has been defined in order to build (or update) a 
    face recognition model for a specific person based on a
    set of instances previously extracted and saved.
    The object representation of the model must already exist.
    token = auth_params.get('token', '1234')
    model_id = func_params.get('id', 0)

    # retrieve the entity model object if exists
    model = get_model(model_id, token)
    if model is None:
        raise Exception('The provided model id is not valid!')    

    # retrieve all instances associated to the model
    instances = get_instances_by_model(model_id, token)['results']
    inst_paths = []
    for inst in instances:
        inst_paths.append(os.path.join(get_media_root(), inst['features']))
    fm = FaceModels()
    model_file_path = fm.create_model_from_image_list(aligned_faces_list)
    tsm.set_model_file(model_id, model_file_path, token=token)
Пример #2
def delete_face_model(auth_dict, param_dict):
    Function used to delete face model

    :param auth_dict: Input parameters provided by the trigger Action
    :param param_dict: Output parameters returned by the trigger Action
    model_id = param_dict['id']
    fm = FaceModels()
    tsm.delete_model(model_id, auth_params['token'])
    return ok
Пример #3
def __recognize_instance(auth_params, func_params):
    This script has been defined in order to recognize
    face instances that are saved into the database
    according to existent models
        token = auth_params.get('token', '1234')
        instance_id = func_params["id"]
        instance_path = os.path.join(
            get_media_root(), func_params["features"])

        # Get available models
        model_type = 'video'
        models = tsm.get_models(model_type, auth_params['token'])

        # Create dictionary with models
        models_list = []
        for model in models:
            model_id = model['id']
            model_file = os.path.join(
                get_media_root(), model['model_file'])
            model_dict = {c.MODEL_ID_KEY: model_id,
                          c.MODEL_FILE_KEY: model_file,

        fm = FaceModels(models_list)

        # Recognize given instance
        face = cv2.imread(instance_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        (model_id, conf) = fm.recognize_face(face)

        # update the instance reference if recognized
        if model_id != c.UNDEFINED_LABEL:
            edit_instance(instance_id, model_id=label, token=token)
            return 'Instance ' + instance_id + ' associated to model ' + model_id
        return 'Instance ' + instance_id + ' not recognized by any model'

        # TODO modificare i dynamic tag per associare automaticamente la persona ?

    except Exception as e:
        print e
        return 'Error on instance recognition'
Пример #4
def update_face_model(auth_dict, param_dict):
    Function used to update global face models
    used as training set for people recognition.

    :param auth_dict: Input parameters provided by the trigger Action
    :param param_dict: Output parameters returned by the trigger Action

    # Get instances associated to model
    model_id = param_dict['id']
    instances = tsm.get_instances_by_model(model_id, auth_params['token'])

    # Get aligned faces from instances
    aligned_faces_list = []
    for instance in instances:
        aligned_face_path = instance['features']

    fm = FaceModels()

    model_file_path = fm.create_model_from_image_list(aligned_faces_list)

    tsm.set_model_file(model_id, model_file_path, auth_params['token'])