def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculate principal components through demagnetization data using bounds and calculation type stored in "redo" file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -F: specify output file, default is zeq_specimens.txt -fre REDO: specify redo file, default is "zeq_redo" -fsa SAMPFILE: specify er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -A : don't average replicate measurements, default is yes -crd [s,g,t] : specify coordinate system [s,g,t] [default is specimen coordinates] are specimen, geographic, and tilt corrected respectively NB: you must have a SAMPFILE in this directory to rotate from specimen coordinates -leg: attaches "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " to comment field INPUTS zeq_redo format file is: specimen_name calculation_type[DE-BFL,DE-BFL-A,DE-BFL-O,DE-BFP,DE-FM] step_min step_max component_name[A,B,C] """ dir_path='.' INCL=["LT-NO","LT-AF-Z","LT-T-Z","LT-M-Z"] # looking for demag data beg,end,pole,geo,tilt,askave,save=0,0,[],0,0,0,0 user,doave,comment= "",1,"" geo,tilt=0,0 version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] meas_file,pmag_file,mk_file= dir_path+"/"+"magic_measurements.txt",dir_path+"/"+"zeq_specimens.txt",dir_path+"/"+"zeq_redo" samp_file,coord=dir_path+"/"+"er_samples.txt","" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-A" in args:doave=0 if "-leg" in args: comment="Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") pmag_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fre" in args: ind=args.index("-fre") mk_file=dir_path+"/"+args[ind+1] try: mk_f=open(mk_file,'rU') except: print "Bad redo file" sys.exit() mkspec,skipped=[],[] speclist=[] for line in mk_f.readlines(): tmp=line.split() mkspec.append(tmp) speclist.append(tmp[0]) if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=="g":geo,tilt=1,0 if coord=="t":geo,tilt=1,1 # # now get down to bidness if geo==1: samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file " sys.exit() # set orientation priorities SO_methods=[] for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) # # # meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() # # sort the specimen names # k = 0 print 'Processing ',len(speclist), ' specimens - please wait' PmagSpecs=[] while k < len(speclist): s=speclist[k] recnum=0 PmagSpecRec={} method_codes,inst_codes=[],[] # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth=[] for rec in meas_data: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record in demag block skip=1 if rec["er_specimen_name"]==s: methods=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") if len(set(methods) & set(INCL))>0: PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" inst=rec['magic_instrument_codes'].split(":") for I in inst: if I not in inst_codes: # copy over instruments inst_codes.append(I) meths=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth:meas_meth.append(meth) if "LP-DIR-AF" in meas_meth or "LT-AF-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="T" if "LP-DIR-AF" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-AF") if "LP-DIR-T" in meas_meth or "LT-T-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="K" if "LP-DIR-T" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-T") if "LP-DIR-M" in meas_meth or "LT-M-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="J" if "LP-DIR-M" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-M") if PmagSpecRec=={}: print 'no data found for specimen: ',s print 'delete from zeq_redo input file...., then try again' sys.exit() # # data,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,meas_data) # datablock=data noskip=1 if len(datablock) <2 or s not in speclist : noskip=0 k+=1 # print 'skipping ', s,len(datablock) if noskip: # # find replicate measurements at given treatment step and average them # # step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) # # if len(avedata) != len(datablock): # if doave==1: # method_codes.append("DE-VM") # datablock=avedata # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1: # find top priority orientation method redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",s orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 p+=1 # # if tilt selected, get stratigraphic correction # tiltblock,geoblock=[],[] for rec in datablock: if "sample_azimuth" in orient.keys() and orient["sample_azimuth"]!="": d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(rec[1],rec[2],orient["sample_azimuth"],orient["sample_dip"]) geoblock.append([rec[0],d_geo,i_geo,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5]]) if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip_direction" in orient.keys(): d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"],orient["sample_bed_dip"]) tiltblock.append([rec[0],d_tilt,i_tilt,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5]]) elif tilt==1: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print 'no tilt correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],' skipping....' skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) else: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print 'no geographic correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],' skipping....' skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) # # get beg_pca, end_pca, pca if PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name'] not in skipped: compnum=-1 for spec in mkspec: if spec[0]==s: CompRec={} for key in PmagSpecRec.keys():CompRec[key]=PmagSpecRec[key] compnum+=1 calculation_type=spec[1] beg=float(spec[2]) end=float(spec[3]) if len(spec)>4: comp_name=spec[4] else: comp_name=string.uppercase[compnum] CompRec['specimen_comp_name']=comp_name if beg < float(datablock[0][0]):beg=float(datablock[0][0]) if end > float(datablock[-1][0]):end=float(datablock[-1][0]) for l in range(len(datablock)): if datablock[l][0]==beg:beg_pca=l if datablock[l][0]==end:end_pca=l if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]=="Error": pass else: CompRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e '%(datablock[beg_pca][0]) try: CompRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e '%(datablock[end_pca][0] ) except: print 'error in end_pca ',PmagSpecRec['er_specimen_name'] CompRec["specimen_correction"]='u' if calculation_type!='DE-FM': CompRec["specimen_mad"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_mad"]) CompRec["specimen_alpha95"]="" else: CompRec["specimen_mad"]="" CompRec["specimen_alpha95"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_alpha95"]) CompRec["specimen_n"]='%i '%(mpars["specimen_n"]) CompMeths=[] for meth in method_codes: if meth not in CompMeths:CompMeths.append(meth) if calculation_type not in CompMeths:CompMeths.append(calculation_type) if geo==1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-GEO") if tilt==1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-TILT") if "DE-BFP" not in calculation_type: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' else: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"]='p' CompRec["magic_method_codes"]="" if len(CompMeths) != 0: methstring="" for meth in CompMeths: methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth CompRec["magic_method_codes"]=methstring.strip(':') CompRec["specimen_description"]=comment if len(inst_codes) != 0: inststring="" for inst in inst_codes: inststring=inststring+ ":" +inst CompRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inststring.strip(':') PmagSpecs.append(CompRec) k+=1 pmag.magic_write(pmag_file,PmagSpecs,'pmag_specimens') print "Recalculated specimen data stored in ",pmag_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts files generated by SIO kly4S labview program to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -i: allows interactive input of input/output filenames -f FILE: specify .ams input file name -fad AZDIP: specify AZDIP file with orientations, will create er_samples.txt file -fsa SFILE: specify existing er_samples.txt file with orientation information -fsp SPFILE: specify existing er_specimens.txt file for appending -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements output file -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -ocn ORCON: specify orientation convention: default is #3 below -only with AZDIP file -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below DEFAULTS MFILE: magic_measurements.txt AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt SPFILE: create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "unknown" INST: "SIO-KLY4S" SPEC: 1 specimen name is same as sample (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) NOTES: Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-dip i.e., dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -dip i.e., azimuth is strike and dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth; Lab arrow dip = dip-90 e.g. dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction [4] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth; Lab arrow dip = dip [5] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-dip [6] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ citation='This study' cont=0 ask=0 samp_con,Z="1",1 or_con="3" # see help message inst,specnum="SIO-KLY4S",0 AniRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,MeasRecs=[],[],[],[] user,locname,specfile="","unknown","er_specimens.txt" AppSpec=0 sampfile,measfile='','magic_measurements.txt' anisfile='rmag_anisotropy.txt' azdipfile="" dir_path='.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-usr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-usr') user=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ocn' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-ocn') or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 3-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') amsfile=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ print 'must specify ascii input file ' sys.exit() if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') measfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fa') anisfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fr') routput=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsa') sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsp') specfile=sys.argv[ind+1] AppSpec=1 if '-fad' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fad') azdipfile=dir_path+"/"+sys.argv[ind+1] azfile=open(azdipfile,'rU') AzDipDat=azfile.readlines() if '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') locname=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum=-(int(sys.argv[ind+1])) #if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum specfile=dir_path+'/'+specfile sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile measfile=dir_path+'/'+measfile anisfile=dir_path+'/'+anisfile amsfile=dir_path+'/'+amsfile try: input=open(amsfile,'rU') except: print 'Error opening file: ', amsfile sys.exit() SpecRecs,speclist=[],[] if AppSpec==1: try: SpecRecs,filetype=pmag.magic_read(specfile) # append new records to existing if len(SpecRecs)>0: for spec in SpecRecs: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in speclist:speclist.append(spec['er_specimen_name']) except IOError: print 'trouble opening ',specfile Data=input.readlines() samps=[] if sampfile!=dir_path+'/': samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) SO_methods=[] for rec in samps: if "magic_method_codes" in rec.keys(): methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(":") for meth in methlist: if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth and "SO-GT5" not in meth and "SO-ASC" not in meth and "SO-BAD" not in meth: if meth not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth) # SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,ask) for line in Data: rec=line.split() if len(rec)>0: AniRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,MeasRec={},{},{},{},{} specname=rec[0] if specnum!=0: sampname=specname[:specnum] else: sampname=specname site=pmag.parse_site(sampname,samp_con,Z) AniRec['er_location_name']=locname AniRec['er_citation_names']="This study" AniRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst method_codes=['LP-X','AE-H','LP-AN-MS'] AniRec['magic_experiment_name']=specname+":"+"LP-AN-MS" AniRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user AniRec['er_site_name']=site AniRec['er_sample_name']=sampname AniRec['er_specimen_name']=specname labaz,labdip,bed_dip_direction,bed_dip="","","","" if azdipfile!="": for key in AniRec.keys():SampRec[key]=AniRec[key] for oline in AzDipDat: # look for exact match first orec=oline.replace('\n','').split() if orec[0].upper() in specname.upper(): # we have a match labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(orec[1]),float(orec[2]),or_con) bed_dip_direction=float(orec[3])-90. # assume dip to right of strike bed_dip=float(orec[4]) break if labaz=="": # found no exact match - now look at sample level for oline in AzDipDat: orec=oline.split() if orec[0].upper() == sampname.upper(): # we have a match labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(orec[1]),float(orec[2]),or_con) bed_dip_direction=float(orec[3])-90. # assume dip to right of strike bed_dip=float(orec[4]) break if labaz=="": # found no exact match - now look at sample level print 'found no orientation data - will use specimen coordinates' raw_input("<return> to continue") else: for key in AniRec.keys():SampRec[key]=AniRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(labaz) SampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(bed_dip_direction) SampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(bed_dip) SampRecs.append(SampRec) elif sampfile!=dir_path+'/': redo,p=1,0 orient={} if len(SO_methods)==1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(AniRec["er_sample_name"],samps,az_type) if orient['sample_azimuth']!="": method_codes.append(az_type) else: print "no orientation data for ",AniRec["er_sample_name"],labaz orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip"]="" noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",AniRec["er_sample_name"],labaz orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip"]="" noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(AniRec["er_sample_name"],samps,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 noorient=0 p+=1 if orient['sample_azimuth']!="":labaz=float(orient['sample_azimuth']) if orient['sample_dip']!="":labdip=float(orient['sample_dip']) if "sample_bed_dip_direction" in orient.keys() and orient['sample_bed_dip_direction']!="": bed_dip_direction=float(orient['sample_bed_dip_direction']) if "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and orient['sample_bed_dip']!="": sample_bed_dip=float(orient['sample_bed_dip']) for key in AniRec.keys():SpecRec[key]=AniRec[key] for key in AniRec.keys():MeasRec[key]=AniRec[key] AniRec['anisotropy_type']="AMS" AniRec['anisotropy_n']="192" AniRec['anisotropy_s1']=rec[1] AniRec['anisotropy_s2']=rec[2] AniRec['anisotropy_s3']=rec[3] AniRec['anisotropy_s4']=rec[4] AniRec['anisotropy_s5']=rec[5] AniRec['anisotropy_s6']=rec[6] AniRec['anisotropy_sigma']=rec[7] AniRec['anisotropy_tilt_correction']='-1' AniRec['anisotropy_unit']='Normalized by trace' SpecRec['specimen_volume']='%8.3e'%(1e-6*float(rec[12])) # volume from cc to m^3 MeasRec['measurement_flag']='g' # good MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' # unknown date=rec[14].split('/') if int(date[2])>80: date[2]='19'+date[2] else: date[2]='20'+date[2] datetime=date[2]+':'+date[0]+':'+date[1]+":" datetime=datetime+rec[15] MeasRec['measurement_number']='1' MeasRec['measurement_date']=datetime MeasRec['measurement_lab_field_ac']='%8.3e'%(4*math.pi*1e-7*float(rec[11])) # convert from A/m to T MeasRec['measurement_temp']="300" # assumed room T in kelvin MeasRec['measurement_chi_volume']=rec[8] MeasRec['measurement_description']='Bulk measurement' MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LP-X' if SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] not in speclist: # add to list speclist.append(SpecRec['er_specimen_name']) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) methods="" for meth in method_codes: methods=methods+meth+":" AniRec["magic_method_codes"]=methods[:-1] # get rid of annoying spaces in Anthony's export files AniRecs.append(AniRec) if labaz!="": # have orientation info AniRecG,AniRecT={},{} for key in AniRec.keys():AniRecG[key]=AniRec[key] for key in AniRec.keys():AniRecT[key]=AniRec[key] sbar=[] sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s1'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s2'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s3'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s4'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s5'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s6'])) sbarg=pmag.dosgeo(sbar,labaz,labdip) AniRecG["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[0]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[1]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[2]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[3]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[4]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[5]) AniRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' AniRecs.append(AniRecG) if bed_dip!="" and bed_dip!=0: # have tilt correction sbart=pmag.dostilt(sbarg,bed_dip_direction,bed_dip) AniRecT["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[0]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[1]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[2]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[3]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[4]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[5]) AniRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' AniRecs.append(AniRecT) pmag.magic_write(anisfile,AniRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') pmag.magic_write(measfile,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') pmag.magic_write(specfile,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') print 'anisotropy data saved in ',anisfile print 'measurement data saved in ',measfile if AppSpec==1: print 'new specimen information added to ',specfile else: print 'specimen information saved in new ',specfile if azdipfile!="": sampfile='er_samples.txt' pmag.magic_write(sampfile,SampRecs,'er_samples') print 'sample data saved in ',sampfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes equal area projections site by site from pmag_specimens.txt file with Fisher confidence ellipse using McFadden and McElhinny (1988) technique for combining lines and planes allows testing and reject specimens for bad orientations SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints help and quits -f: specify pmag_specimen format file, default is pmag_specimens.txt -fsa: specify er_samples.txt file -exc: use existing pmag_criteria.txt file -N: reset all sample flags to good OUPUT edited er_samples.txt file """ dir_path='.' FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['eqarea']=1 # eqarea is figure 1 in_file='pmag_specimens.txt' sampfile='er_samples.txt' out_file="" fmt,plot='svg',1 Crits="" M,N=180.,1 repeat='' renew=0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fsa") sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-exc' in sys.argv: Crits,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/pmag_criteria.txt') for crit in Crits: if crit['pmag_criteria_code']=='DE-SPEC': M=float(crit['specimen_mad']) N=float(crit['specimen_n']) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-N' in sys.argv: renew=1 # if in_file[0]!="/":in_file=dir_path+'/'+in_file if sampfile[0]!="/":sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile crd='s' Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type!='pmag_specimens': print ' bad pmag_specimen input file' sys.exit() Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) if file_type!='er_samples': print ' bad er_samples input file' sys.exit() SO_methods=[] for rec in Samps: if 'sample_orientation_flag' not in rec.keys(): rec['sample_orientation_flag']='g' if 'sample_description' not in rec.keys(): rec['sample_description']='' if renew==1: rec['sample_orientation_flag']='g' description=rec['sample_description'] if '#' in description: newdesc="" c=0 while description[c]!='#' and c<len(description)-1: # look for first pound sign newdesc=newdesc+description[c] c+=1 while description[c]=='#': c+=1# skip first set of pound signs while description[c]!='#':c+=1 # find second set of pound signs while description[c]=='#' and c<len(description)-1:c+=1 # skip second set of pound signs while c<len(description)-1: # look for first pound sign newdesc=newdesc+description[c] c+=1 rec['sample_description']=newdesc # edit out old comment about orientations if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth.strip() and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) pmag.magic_write(sampfile,Samps,'er_samples') SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) sitelist=[] for rec in Specs: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec['er_site_name']) sitelist.sort() EQ={} EQ['eqarea']=1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ['eqarea'],5,5) k=0 while k<len(sitelist): site=sitelist[k] print site data=[] ThisSiteSpecs=pmag.get_dictitem(Specs,'er_site_name',site,'T') ThisSiteSpecs=pmag.get_dictitem(ThisSiteSpecs,'specimen_tilt_correction','-1','T') # get all the unoriented data for spec in ThisSiteSpecs: if spec['specimen_mad']!="" and spec['specimen_n']!="" and float(spec['specimen_mad'])<=M and float(spec['specimen_n'])>=N: # good spec, now get orientation.... redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"],Samps,az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",spec['er_sample_name'] orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"],Samps,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": redo=0 p+=1 if orient['sample_azimuth']!="": rec={} for key in spec.keys():rec[key]=spec[key] rec['dec'],rec['inc']=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(orient['sample_azimuth']),float(orient['sample_dip'])) rec["tilt_correction"]='1' crd='g' rec['sample_azimuth']=orient['sample_azimuth'] rec['sample_dip']=orient['sample_dip'] data.append(rec) if len(data)>2: print 'specimen, dec, inc, n_meas/MAD,| method codes ' for i in range(len(data)): print '%s: %7.1f %7.1f %s / %s | %s' % (data[i]['er_specimen_name'], data[i]['dec'], data[i]['inc'], data[i]['specimen_n'], data[i]['specimen_mad'], data[i]['magic_method_codes']) fpars=pmag.dolnp(data,'specimen_direction_type') print "\n Site lines planes kappa a95 dec inc" print site, fpars["n_lines"], fpars["n_planes"], fpars["K"], fpars["alpha95"], fpars["dec"], fpars["inc"], fpars["R"] if out_file!="": if float(fpars["alpha95"])<=acutoff and float(fpars["K"])>=kcutoff: out.write('%s %s %s\n'%(fpars["dec"],fpars['inc'],fpars['alpha95'])) pmagplotlib.plotLNP(EQ['eqarea'],site,data,fpars,'specimen_direction_type') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) if k!=0 and repeat!='y': ans=raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, [p]revious site, <return> to continue:\n ") elif k==0 and repeat!='y': ans=raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, <return> to continue:\n ") if ans=="p": k-=2 if ans=="a": files={} files['eqarea']=site+'_'+crd+'_eqarea'+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(EQ,files) if ans=="q": sys.exit() if ans=="e" and Samps==[]: print "can't edit samples without orientation file, sorry" elif ans=="e": # k-=1 testspec=raw_input("Enter name of specimen to check: ") for spec in data: if spec['er_specimen_name']==testspec: # first test wrong direction of drill arrows (flip drill direction in opposite direction and re-calculate d,i d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth'])-180.,-float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],[XY[0]],[XY[1]],sym='g^') # first test wrong end of compass (take az-180.) d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec']),float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth'])-180.,float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],[XY[0]],[XY[1]],sym='kv') # did the sample spin in the hole? # now spin around specimen's z X_up,Y_up,X_d,Y_d=[],[],[],[] for incr in range(0,360,5): d,i=pmag.dogeo(float(spec['specimen_dec'])+incr,float(spec['specimen_inc']),float(spec['sample_azimuth']),float(spec['sample_dip'])) XY=pmag.dimap(d,i) if i>=0: X_d.append(XY[0]) Y_d.append(XY[1]) else: X_up.append(XY[0]) Y_up.append(XY[1]) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],X_d,Y_d,sym='b.') pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ['eqarea'],X_up,Y_up,sym='c.') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) break print "Triangle: wrong arrow for drill direction." print "Delta: wrong end of compass." print "Small circle: wrong mark on sample. [cyan upper hemisphere]" deleteme=raw_input("Mark this sample as bad? y/[n] ") if deleteme=='y': reason=raw_input("Reason: [1] broke, [2] wrong drill direction, [3] wrong compass direction, [4] bad mark, [5] displaced block [6] other ") if reason=='1': description=' sample broke while drilling' if reason=='2': description=' wrong drill direction ' if reason=='3': description=' wrong compass direction ' if reason=='4': description=' bad mark in field' if reason=='5': description=' displaced block' if reason=='6': description=raw_input('Enter brief reason for deletion: ') for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name']==spec['er_sample_name']: samp['sample_orientation_flag']='b' samp['sample_description']=samp['sample_description']+' ## direction deleted because: '+description+'##' # mark description pmag.magic_write(sampfile,Samps,'er_samples') repeat=raw_input("Mark another sample, this site? y/[n] ") if repeat=='y': k-=1 else: print 'skipping site - not enough data with specified coordinate system' k+=1 print "sample flags stored in ",sampfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts NRM data in a magic_measurements type file to geographic and tilt corrected data in a pmag_specimens type file SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS: -h prints the help message and quits -f MFILE: specify input file -fsa SFILE: specify er_samples format file [with orientations] -F PFILE: specify output file -A do not average replicate measurements -crd [g, t]: specify coordinate system ([g]eographic or [t]ilt adjusted) NB: you must have the SFILE in this directory DEFAULTS MFILE: magic_measurements.txt PFILE: nrm_specimens.txt SFILE: er_samples.txt coord: specimen average replicate measurements?: YES """ # # define some variables # beg,end,pole,geo,tilt,askave,save=0,0,[],0,0,0,0 samp_file=1 args=sys.argv geo,tilt,orient=0,0,0 doave=1 user,comment,doave,coord="","",1,"" meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" pmag_file="nrm_specimens.txt" samp_file="er_samples.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-A" in args: doave=0 if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") pmag_file=sys.argv[ind+1] speclist=[] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=="g": geo,orient=1,1 if coord=="t": tilt,orient,geo=1,1,1 # # read in data if samp_file!="": samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file " sys.exit() else: print samp_file,' read in with ',len(samp_data),' records' else: print 'no orientations - will create file in specimen coordinates' geo,tilt,orient=0,0,0 # # meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() # if orient==1: # set orientation priorities SO_methods=[] orientation_priorities={'0':'SO-SUN','1':'SO-GPS-DIFF','2':'SO-SIGHT-BACK','3':'SO-CMD-NORTH','4':'SO-MAG'} for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) # # sort the sample names # sids=pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # # PmagSpecRecs=[] for s in sids: skip=0 recnum=0 PmagSpecRec={} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user method_codes,inst_code=[],"" # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth=[] for rec in meas_data: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record if rec["er_specimen_name"]==s: PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] if len(rec["magic_instrument_codes"]) > len(inst_code): inst_code=rec["magic_instrument_codes"] PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst_code # copy over instruments break # # now check for correct method labels for all measurements # nrm_data=[] for meas_rec in meas_data: if meas_rec['er_specimen_name']==PmagSpecRec['er_specimen_name']: meths=meas_rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth:meas_meth.append(meth) if "LT-NO" in meas_meth:nrm_data.append(meas_rec) # data,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,nrm_data) # datablock=data # # find replicate measurements at NRM step and average them # Specs=[] if doave==1: step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) if len(avedata) != len(datablock): method_codes.append("DE-VM") SpecRec=avedata[0] print 'averaging data ' else: SpecRec=data[0] Specs.append(SpecRec) else: for spec in data:Specs.append(spec) for SpecRec in Specs: # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1: # # find top priority orientation method redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(orientation_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",s skip,redo=1,0 break az_type=orientation_priorities[str(p)] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type.strip()) redo=0 elif orient["sample_azimuth"] =="": p+=1 # # if stratigraphic selected, get stratigraphic correction # if skip==0 and orient["sample_azimuth"]!="" and orient["sample_dip"]!="": d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(SpecRec[1],SpecRec[2],orient["sample_azimuth"],orient["sample_dip"]) SpecRec[1]=d_geo SpecRec[2]=i_geo if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and orient['sample_bed_dip']!="": d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"],orient["sample_bed_dip"]) SpecRec[1]=d_tilt SpecRec[2]=i_tilt if skip==0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(SpecRec[1]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(SpecRec[2]) if geo==1 and tilt==0:PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' if geo==1 and tilt==1: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' if geo==0 and tilt==0: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]="LT-NO" if len(method_codes) != 0: methstring="" for meth in method_codes: methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=methstring[1:] PmagSpecRec["specimen_description"]="NRM data" PmagSpecRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) pmag.magic_write(pmag_file,PmagSpecRecs,'pmag_specimens') print "Data saved in ",pmag_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION makes equal area projections site by site from zeq_specimens_g.txt file with Fisher confidence ellipse using McFadden and McElhinny (1988) technique for combining lines and planes allows testing and reject specimens for bad orientations SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints help and quits -f: specify pmag_specimen format file, default is zeq_specimens_s.txt -fsa: specify er_samples.txt file -exc: use existing pmag_criteria.txt file -N: reset all sample flags to good OUPUT edited er_samples.txt file """ dir_path = "." FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG["eqarea"] = 1 # eqarea is figure 1 in_file = "zeq_specimens_s.txt" sampfile = "er_samples.txt" out_file = "" fmt, plot = "svg", 1 Crits = "" M, N = 180.0, 1 repeat = "" renew = 0 if "-h" in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-f" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-fsa" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fsa") sampfile = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-exc" in sys.argv: Crits, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + "/pmag_criteria.txt") for crit in Crits: if crit["pmag_criteria_code"] == "DE-SPEC": M = float(crit["specimen_mad"]) N = float(crit["specimen_n"]) if "-fmt" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-N" in sys.argv: renew = 1 # in_file = dir_path + "/" + in_file sampfile = dir_path + "/" + sampfile Specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) if file_type != "pmag_specimens": print " bad pmag_specimen input file" sys.exit() Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(sampfile) if file_type != "er_samples": print " bad er_samples input file" sys.exit() SO_methods = [] for rec in Samps: if "sample_orientation_flag" not in rec.keys(): rec["sample_orientation_flag"] = "g" if "sample_description" not in rec.keys(): rec["sample_description"] = "" if renew == 1: rec["sample_orientation_flag"] = "g" description = rec["sample_description"] if "#" in description: newdesc = "" c = 0 while description[c] != "#" and c < len(description) - 1: # look for first pound sign newdesc = newdesc + description[c] c += 1 while description[c] == "#": c += 1 # skip first set of pound signs while description[c] != "#": c += 1 # find second set of pound signs while description[c] == "#" and c < len(description) - 1: c += 1 # skip second set of pound signs while c < len(description) - 1: # look for first pound sign newdesc = newdesc + description[c] c += 1 rec["sample_description"] = newdesc # edit out old comment about orientations if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist = rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth.strip() and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) pmag.magic_write(sampfile, Samps, "er_samples") SO_priorities = pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods, 0) sitelist = [] for rec in Specs: if rec["er_site_name"] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec["er_site_name"]) sitelist.sort() EQ = {} EQ["eqarea"] = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ["eqarea"], 5, 5) k = 0 while k < len(sitelist): site = sitelist[k] print site data = [] for spec in Specs: if spec["er_site_name"] == site: if ( spec["specimen_mad"] != "" and spec["specimen_n"] != "" and float(spec["specimen_mad"]) <= M and float(spec["specimen_n"]) >= N ): # good spec, now get orientation.... redo, p = 1, 0 if len(SO_methods) <= 1: az_type = SO_methods[0] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"], Samps, az_type) redo = 0 while redo == 1: if p >= len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ", spec["er_sample_name"] orient["sample_azimuth"] = "" orient["sample_dip"] = "" redo = 0 else: az_type = SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient = pmag.find_samp_rec(spec["er_sample_name"], Samps, az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": redo = 0 p += 1 if orient["sample_azimuth"] != "": rec = {} for key in spec.keys(): rec[key] = spec[key] rec["dec"], rec["inc"] = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]), float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(orient["sample_azimuth"]), float(orient["sample_dip"]), ) rec["tilt_correction"] = "1" rec["sample_azimuth"] = orient["sample_azimuth"] rec["sample_dip"] = orient["sample_dip"] data.append(rec) if len(data) > 2: print "specimen, dec, inc, n_meas/MAD,| method codes " for i in range(len(data)): print "%s: %7.1f %7.1f %s / %s | %s" % ( data[i]["er_specimen_name"], data[i]["dec"], data[i]["inc"], data[i]["specimen_n"], data[i]["specimen_mad"], data[i]["magic_method_codes"], ) fpars = pmag.dolnp(data, "specimen_direction_type") print "\n Site lines planes kappa a95 dec inc" print site, fpars["n_lines"], fpars["n_planes"], fpars["K"], fpars["alpha95"], fpars["dec"], fpars[ "inc" ], fpars["R"] if out_file != "": if float(fpars["alpha95"]) <= acutoff and float(fpars["K"]) >= kcutoff: out.write("%s %s %s\n" % (fpars["dec"], fpars["inc"], fpars["alpha95"])) pmagplotlib.plotLNP(EQ["eqarea"], site, data, fpars, "specimen_direction_type") if k != 0 and repeat != "y": ans = raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, [p]revious site, <return> to continue:\n ") elif k == 0 and repeat != "y": ans = raw_input("s[a]ve plot, [q]uit, [e]dit specimens, <return> to continue:\n ") if ans == "p": k -= 2 if ans == "a": files = {} files["eqarea"] = site + "_" + crd + "_" + "eqarea" + "." + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(EQ, files) if ans == "q": sys.exit() if ans == "e" and Samps == []: print "can't edit samples without orientation file, sorry" elif ans == "e": # k-=1 testspec = raw_input("Enter name of specimen to check: ") for spec in data: if spec["er_specimen_name"] == testspec: # first test wrong direction of drill arrows (flip drill direction in opposite direction and re-calculate d,i d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]), float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(spec["sample_azimuth"]) - 180.0, -float(spec["sample_dip"]), ) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], [XY[0]], [XY[1]], "g^", "", "", "") # first test wrong end of compass (take az-180.) d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]), float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(spec["sample_azimuth"]) - 180.0, float(spec["sample_dip"]), ) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], [XY[0]], [XY[1]], "kv", "", "", "") # did the sample spin in the hole? # now spin around specimen's z X_up, Y_up, X_d, Y_d = [], [], [], [] for incr in range(0, 360, 5): d, i = pmag.dogeo( float(spec["specimen_dec"]) + incr, float(spec["specimen_inc"]), float(spec["sample_azimuth"]), float(spec["sample_dip"]), ) XY = pmag.dimap(d, i) if i >= 0: X_d.append(XY[0]) Y_d.append(XY[1]) else: X_up.append(XY[0]) Y_up.append(XY[1]) pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], X_d, Y_d, "b.", "", "", "") pmagplotlib.plotXY(EQ["eqarea"], X_up, Y_up, "c.", "", "", "") pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) break print "Triangle: wrong arrow for drill direction." print "Delta: wrong end of compass." print "Small circle: wrong mark on sample. [cyan upper hemisphere]" deleteme = raw_input("Mark this sample as bad? y/[n] ") if deleteme == "y": reason = raw_input( "Reason: [1] broke, [2] wrong drill direction, [3] wrong compass direction, [4] bad mark, [5] displaced block [6] other " ) if reason == "1": description = " sample broke while drilling" if reason == "2": description = " wrong drill direction " if reason == "3": description = " wrong compass direction " if reason == "4": description = " bad mark in field" if reason == "5": description = " displaced block" if reason == "6": description = raw_input("Enter brief reason for deletion: ") for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == spec["er_sample_name"]: samp["sample_orientation_flag"] = "b" samp["sample_description"] = ( samp["sample_description"] + " ## direction deleted because: " + description + "##" ) # mark description pmag.magic_write(sampfile, Samps, "er_samples") repeat = raw_input("Mark another sample, this site? y/[n] ") if repeat == "y": k -= 1 else: print "skipping site - not enough data with specified coordinate system" k += 1 print "sample flags stored in ", sampfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Converts AARM data to best-fit tensor (6 elements plus sigma) Original program ARMcrunch written to accomodate ARM anisotropy data collected from 6 axial directions (+X,+Y,+Z,-X,-Y,-Z) using the off-axis remanence terms to construct the tensor. A better way to do the anisotropy of ARMs is to use 9,12 or 15 measurements in the Hext rotational scheme. SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, default is aarm_measurements.txt -crd [s,g,t] specify coordinate system, requires er_samples.txt file -fsa FILE: specify er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt -Fa FILE: specify anisotropy output file, default is arm_anisotropy.txt -Fr FILE: specify results output file, default is aarm_results.txt INPUT Input for the present program is a series of baseline, ARM pairs. The baseline should be the AF demagnetized state (3 axis demag is preferable) for the following ARM acquisition. The order of the measurements is: positions 1,2,3, 6,7,8, 11,12,13 (for 9 positions) positions 1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14 (for 12 positions) positions 1-15 (for 15 positions) """ # initialize some parameters args=sys.argv user="" meas_file="aarm_measurements.txt" samp_file="er_samples.txt" rmag_anis="arm_anisotropy.txt" rmag_res="aarm_results.txt" dir_path='.' # # get name of file from command line # if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] coord='-1' if "-crd" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=='s':coord='-1' if coord=='g':coord='0' if coord=='t':coord='100' if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fa") rmag_anis=args[ind+1] if "-Fr" in args: ind=args.index("-Fr") rmag_res=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file rmag_anis=dir_path+'/'+rmag_anis rmag_res=dir_path+'/'+rmag_res # read in data meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) meas_data=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'magic_method_codes','LP-AN-ARM','has') if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() if coord!='-1': # need to read in sample data samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid er_samples file " print "Only specimen coordinates will be calculated" coord='-1' # # sort the specimen names # ssort=[] for rec in meas_data: spec=rec["er_specimen_name"] if spec not in ssort: ssort.append(spec) if len(ssort)>1: sids=sorted(ssort) else: sids=ssort # # work on each specimen # specimen=0 RmagSpecRecs,RmagResRecs=[],[] while specimen < len(sids): s=sids[specimen] data=[] RmagSpecRec={} RmagResRec={} method_codes=[] # # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # data=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # # find out the number of measurements (9, 12 or 15) # npos=len(data)/2 if npos==9: # # get dec, inc, int and convert to x,y,z # B,H,tmpH=pmag.designAARM(npos) # B matrix made from design matrix for positions X=[] for rec in data: Dir=[] Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_dec"])) Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_inc"])) Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_magn_moment"])) X.append(pmag.dir2cart(Dir)) # # subtract baseline and put in a work array # work=numpy.zeros((npos,3),'f') for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): work[i][j]=X[2*i+1][j]-X[2*i][j] # # calculate tensor elements # first put ARM components in w vector # w=numpy.zeros((npos*3),'f') index=0 for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): w[index]=work[i][j] index+=1 s=numpy.zeros((6),'f') # initialize the s matrix for i in range(6): for j in range(len(w)): s[i]+=B[i][j]*w[j] trace=s[0]+s[1]+s[2] # normalize by the trace for i in range(6): s[i]=s[i]/trace a=pmag.s2a(s) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculating dels is different than in the Kappabridge # routine. Use trace normalized tensor (a) and the applied # unit field directions (tmpH) to generate model X,Y,Z # components. Then compare these with the measured values. #------------------------------------------------------------ S=0. comp=numpy.zeros((npos*3),'f') for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): index=i*3+j compare=a[j][0]*tmpH[i][0]+a[j][1]*tmpH[i][1]+a[j][2]*tmpH[i][2] comp[index]=compare for i in range(npos*3): d=w[i]/trace - comp[i] # del values S+=d*d nf=float(npos*3-6) # number of degrees of freedom if S >0: sigma=numpy.sqrt(S/nf) else: sigma=0 RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=data[0]["er_location_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=data[0]["er_sample_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=data[0]["er_site_name"] RmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]+":AARM" RmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" RmagResRec["rmag_result_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"]+":AARM" RmagResRec["er_location_names"]=data[0]["er_location_name"] RmagResRec["er_specimen_names"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagResRec["er_sample_names"]=data[0]["er_sample_name"] RmagResRec["er_site_names"]=data[0]["er_site_name"] RmagResRec["magic_experiment_names"]=RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]+":AARM" RmagResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" if "magic_instrument_codes" in data[0].keys(): RmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=data[0]["magic_instrument_codes"] else: RmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_type"]="AARM" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_description"]="Hext statistics adapted to AARM" if coord!='-1': # need to rotate s # set orientation priorities SO_methods=[] for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" not in rec: rec['magic_method_codes']='SO-NO' if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) # continue here redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(RmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",s orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 p+=1 az,pl=orient['sample_azimuth'],orient['sample_dip'] s=pmag.dosgeo(s,az,pl) # rotate to geographic coordinates if coord=='100': sampe_bed_dir,sample_bed_dip=orient['sample_bed_dip_direction'],orient['sample_bed_dip'] s=pmag.dostilt(s,bed_dir,bed_dip) # rotate to geographic coordinates hpars=pmag.dohext(nf,sigma,s) # # prepare for output # RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s1"]='%8.6f'%(s[0]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s2"]='%8.6f'%(s[1]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s3"]='%8.6f'%(s[2]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s4"]='%8.6f'%(s[3]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s5"]='%8.6f'%(s[4]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s6"]='%8.6f'%(s[5]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_mean"]='%8.3e'%(trace/3) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_sigma"]='%8.6f'%(sigma) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_unit"]="Am^2" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_n"]='%i'%(npos) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]=coord RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_F"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F"]) # used by thellier_gui - must be taken out for uploading RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_F_crit"]=hpars["F_crit"] # used by thellier_gui - must be taken out for uploading RmagResRec["anisotropy_t1"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t1"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_t2"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t2"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_t3"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t3"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v1_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v2_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v3_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v1_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v2_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v3_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F12"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F23"]) RmagResRec["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] if hpars["e12"]>hpars["e13"]: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) else: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) if hpars["e23"]>hpars['e12']: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) else: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["tilt_correction"]='-1' RmagResRec["anisotropy_type"]='AARM' RmagResRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-AN-ARM:AE-H' RmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-AN-ARM:AE-H' RmagResRec["magic_software_packages"]=pmag.get_version() RmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=pmag.get_version() specimen+=1 RmagSpecRecs.append(RmagSpecRec) RmagResRecs.append(RmagResRec) else: print 'skipping specimen ',s,' only 9 positions supported','; this has ',npos specimen+=1 if rmag_anis=="":rmag_anis="rmag_anisotropy.txt" pmag.magic_write(rmag_anis,RmagSpecRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') print "specimen tensor elements stored in ",rmag_anis if rmag_res=="":rmag_res="rmag_results.txt" pmag.magic_write(rmag_res,RmagResRecs,'rmag_results') print "specimen statistics and eigenparameters stored in ",rmag_res