def save_redo(SpecRecs,inspec): SpecRecs,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SpecRecs) pmag.magic_write(inspec,SpecRecs,'pmag_specimens')
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP LIMS discrete sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input .csv file, default is all in directory -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUTS IODP discrete sample .csv file format exported from LIMS database """ # # initialize defaults version_num = pmag.get_version() meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' csv_file = '' MagRecs, Specs = [], [] citation = "This study" dir_path, demag = '.', 'NRM' args = sys.argv noave = 0 # get command line args if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') input_dir_path = args[ind + 1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) return False if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") csv_file = args[ind + 1] if '-F' in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get('csv_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') # format variables meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) if csv_file == "": filelist = os.listdir( input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist = [csv_file] # parsing the data file_found = False for fname in filelist: # parse each file if fname[-3:].lower() == 'csv': file_found = True print('processing: ', fname) with open(fname, 'r') as finput: data = list(finput.readlines()) keys = data[0].replace('\n', '').split(',') # splits on underscores interval_key = "Offset (cm)" demag_key = "Demag level (mT)" offline_demag_key = "Treatment Value (mT or °C)" offline_treatment_type = "Treatment type" run_key = "Test No." if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" if "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" type = "Type" sect_key = "Sect" half_key = "A/W" # need to add volume_key to LORE format! if "Sample volume (cm^3)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm^3)" if "Sample volume (cc)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cc)" if "Sample volume (cm³)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm³)" for line in data[1:]: InRec = {} for k in range(len(keys)): InRec[keys[k]] = line.split(',')[k] inst = "IODP-SRM" MagRec = {} expedition = InRec['Exp'] location = InRec['Site'] + InRec['Hole'] offsets = InRec[interval_key].split( '.' ) # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval if len(offsets) == 1: offset = int(offsets[0]) else: offset = int(offsets[0]) - 1 #interval=str(offset+1)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval interval = str( offset ) # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval specimen = expedition + '-' + location + '-' + InRec[ 'Core'] + InRec[type] + "-" + InRec[ sect_key] + '_' + InRec[half_key] + '_' + interval if specimen not in Specs: Specs.append(specimen) MagRec['er_expedition_name'] = expedition MagRec['er_location_name'] = location MagRec['er_site_name'] = specimen MagRec['er_citation_names'] = citation MagRec['er_specimen_name'] = specimen MagRec['er_sample_name'] = specimen MagRec['er_site_name'] = specimen # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273 ) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = '%8.3e' % ( 273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '0' MagRec["measurement_flag"] = 'g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec[ "measurement_standard"] = 'u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"] = '0' # assume all data are "good" volume = InRec[volume_key] MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = 'LT-NO' sort_by = 'treatment_ac_field' # set default to AF demag if InRec[demag_key] != "0": MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst = inst + ':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value = float( InRec[demag_key].strip('"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T if sort_by == "treatment_ac_field": MagRec[ "treatment_ac_field"] = treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = str( treatment_value) # AF demag in treat mT => T elif offline_treatment_type in list( InRec.keys()) and InRec[offline_treatment_type] != "": if "Lowrie" in InRec['Comments']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LP-IRM-3D' treatment_value = float(InRec[offline_demag_key].strip( '"')) + 273. # convert C => K MagRec["treatment_temp"] = treatment_value MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" sort_by = 'treatment_temp' elif 'Isothermal' in InRec[offline_treatment_type]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' treatment_value = float(InRec[offline_demag_key].strip( '"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = treatment_value MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" sort_by = 'treatment_dc_field' MagRec[ "measurement_standard"] = 'u' # assume all data are "good" vol = float(volume) * 1e-6 # convert from cc to m^3 if run_key in list(InRec.keys()): run_number = InRec[run_key] MagRec['external_database_ids'] = run_number MagRec['external_database_names'] = 'LIMS' else: MagRec['external_database_ids'] = "" MagRec['external_database_names'] = '' MagRec[ 'measurement_description'] = 'sample orientation: ' + InRec[ 'Sample orientation'] MagRec['measurement_inc'] = InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_dec'] = InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens = InRec[int_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_magn_moment'] = '%8.3e' % ( float(intens) * vol ) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MagRec['magic_instrument_codes'] = inst MagRec['measurement_number'] = '1' MagRec['measurement_positions'] = '' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if not file_found: print("No .csv files were found") return False, "No .csv files were found" MagOuts = [] for spec in Specs: Speclist = pmag.get_dictitem(MagRecs, 'er_specimen_name', spec, 'T') Meassorted = sorted(Speclist, key=lambda x, y=None: int( round(float(x[sort_by]) - float(y[sort_by]))) if y != None else 0) for rec in Meassorted: for key in list(rec.keys()): rec[key] = str(rec[key]) MagOuts.append(rec) Fixed = pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts, noave) Out, keys = pmag.fillkeys(Fixed) if pmag.magic_write(meas_file, Out, 'magic_measurements'): print('data stored in ', meas_file) return True, meas_file else: print('no data found. bad magfile?') return False, 'no data found. bad magfile?'
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes the binary 2g format magnetometer files and converts them to magic_measurements, er_samples.txt and er_sites.txt file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input 2g (binary) file -F FILE: specify magic_measurements output file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output file, default is: er_sites.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #5 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass SO-SUN orientation with sun compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ins INST : specify instsrument name -a: average replicate measurements INPUT FORMAT Input files are horrible mag binary format (who knows why?) Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-field_dip i.e., field_dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -field_dip i.e., mag_azimuth is strike and field_dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip i.e., lab arrow same as field arrow, but field_dip was a hade. [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip [5] lab azimuth is same as mag_azimuth,lab arrow dip=field_dip-90 [6] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [7] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: Az will use supplied declination to correct azimuth Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name = sample name [6] site name entered in site_name column in the orient.txt format input file -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXX]YYY: XXX is site designation with Z characters from samples XXXYYY NB: all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in magic_measurements.txt & er_samples.txt formatted files will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # mag_file = '' specnum = 0 ub_file, samp_file, or_con, corr, meas_file = "", "er_samples.txt", "3", "1", "magic_measurements.txt" pos_file, site_file = "", "er_sites.txt" noave = 1 args = sys.argv bed_dip, bed_dip_dir = "", "" samp_con, Z, average_bedding = "2", 1, "0" meths = 'FS-FD' sclass, lithology, _type = "", "", "" user, inst = "", "" DecCorr = 0. location_name = "unknown" months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] gmeths = "" # # dir_path = '.' if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) return False if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-fpos" in args: ind = args.index("-fpos") pos_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fsi" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsi") site_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ocn" in args: ind = args.index("-ocn") or_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-mcd" in args: ind = args.index("-mcd") gmeths = (sys.argv[ind + 1]) if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") location_name = (sys.argv[ind + 1]) if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if "-ins" in args: ind = args.index("-ins") inst = args[ind + 1] if "-a" in args: noave = 0 # ID = False if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') ID = args[ind + 1] # if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file', '') pos_file = kwargs.get('pos_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'er_sites.txt') or_con = kwargs.get('or_con', '3') samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '2') corr = kwargs.get('corr', '1') gmeths = kwargs.get('gmeths', '') location_name = kwargs.get('location_name', '') specnum = int(kwargs.get('specnum', 0)) inst = kwargs.get('inst', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 1) # default is DO average ID = kwargs.get('ID', '') # format and fix variables acquired from command line args or input with **kwargs if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if ID: input_dir_path = ID else: input_dir_path = dir_path if samp_con: if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer") return False, "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer") return False, "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if "6" in samp_con: try: Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read( os.path.join(input_dir_path, 'er_samples.txt')) except: print( "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" ) return False, "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" if file_type == 'bad_file': print( "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" ) return False, "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" if not mag_file: print("mag file is required input") return False, "mag file is required input" output_dir_path = dir_path mag_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file) samp_file = output_dir_path + '/' + samp_file site_file = output_dir_path + '/' + site_file meas_file = output_dir_path + '/' + meas_file samplist = [] try: Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: samplist.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: Samps = [] MagRecs = [] try: f = open(mag_file, 'brU') input = str("b '") f.close() except Exception as ex: print('ex', ex) print("bad mag file") return False, "bad mag file" firstline, date = 1, "" d = input.split('\\xcd') for line in d: rec = line.split('\\x00') if firstline == 1: firstline = 0 spec, vol = "", 1 el = 51 while line[el:el + 1] != "\\": spec = spec + line[el] el += 1 # check for bad sample name test = spec.split('.') date = "" if len(test) > 1: spec = test[0] kk = 24 while line[kk] != '\\x01' and line[kk] != '\\x00': kk += 1 vcc = line[24:kk] el = 10 while rec[el].strip() != '': el += 1 date, comments = rec[el + 7], [] else: el = 9 while rec[el] != '\\x01': el += 1 vcc, date, comments = rec[el - 3], rec[el + 7], [] specname = spec.lower() print('importing ', specname) el += 8 while rec[el].isdigit() == False: comments.append(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 az = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 pl = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 bed_dip_dir = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 bed_dip = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 if rec[el] == '\\x01': bed_dip = 180. - bed_dip el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 fold_az = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 fold_pl = rec[el] el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 if rec[el] != "" and rec[el] != '\\x02' and rec[el] != '\\x01': deccorr = float(rec[el]) az += deccorr bed_dip_dir += deccorr fold_az += deccorr if bed_dip_dir >= 360: bed_dip_dir = bed_dip_dir - 360. if az >= 360.: az = az - 360. if fold_az >= 360.: fold_az = fold_az - 360. else: deccorr = 0 if specnum != 0: sample = specname[:specnum] else: sample = specname SampRec = {} SampRec["er_sample_name"] = sample SampRec["er_location_name"] = location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" labaz, labdip = pmag.orient(az, pl, or_con) # convert to labaz, labpl # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = '%7.1f' % (bed_dip) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = '%7.1f' % (bed_dip_dir) SampRec["sample_dip"] = '%7.1f' % (labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"] = '%7.1f' % (labaz) if vcc.strip() != "": vol = float(vcc) * 1e-6 # convert to m^3 from cc SampRec["sample_volume"] = '%10.3e' % (vol) # SampRec["sample_class"] = sclass SampRec["sample_lithology"] = lithology SampRec["sample_type"] = _type SampRec["sample_declination_correction"] = '%7.1f' % (deccorr) methods = gmeths.split(':') if deccorr != "0": if 'SO-MAG' in methods: del methods[methods.index('SO-MAG')] methods.append('SO-CMD-NORTH') meths = "" for meth in methods: meths = meths + meth + ":" meths = meths[:-1] SampRec["magic_method_codes"] = meths if int(samp_con) < 6 or int(samp_con) == 7: site = pmag.parse_site(SampRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"] = site elif len(Samps) > 1: site, location = "", "" for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == SampRec["er_sample_name"]: site = samp["er_site_name"] location = samp["er_location_name"] break SampRec["er_location_name"] = samp["er_location_name"] SampRec["er_site_name"] = samp["er_site_name"] if sample not in samplist: samplist.append(sample) Samps.append(SampRec) else: MagRec = {} MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '0' meas_type = "LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"] = 'g' MagRec["measurement_standard"] = 'u' MagRec["measurement_number"] = '1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = specname MagRec["er_sample_name"] = SampRec['er_sample_name'] MagRec["er_site_name"] = SampRec['er_site_name'] MagRec["er_location_name"] = location_name el, demag = 1, '' treat = rec[el] if treat[-1] == 'C': demag = 'T' elif treat != 'NRM': demag = 'AF' el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 MagRec["measurement_dec"] = rec[el] cdec = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 MagRec["measurement_inc"] = rec[el] cinc = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 gdec = rec[el] el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 ginc = rec[el] el = skip(2, el, rec) # skip bdec,binc # el=skip(4,el,rec) # skip gdec,ginc,bdec,binc # print 'moment emu: ',rec[el] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = '%10.3e' % ( float(rec[el]) * 1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"] = '%10.3e' % ( float(rec[el]) * 1e-3 / vol) # magnetization in A/m el = skip(2, el, rec) # skip to xsig MagRec["measurement_sd_x"] = '%10.3e' % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3 ) # convert from emu el = skip(3, el, rec) # skip to ysig MagRec["measurement_sd_y"] = '%10.3e' % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3 ) # convert from emu el = skip(3, el, rec) # skip to zsig MagRec["measurement_sd_z"] = '%10.3e' % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3 ) # convert from emu el += 1 # skip to positions MagRec["measurement_positions"] = rec[el] # el=skip(5,el,rec) # skip to date # mm=str(months.index(date[0])) # if len(mm)==1: # mm='0'+str(mm) # else: # mm=str(mm) # dstring=date[2]+':'+mm+':'+date[1]+":"+date[3] # MagRec['measurement_date']=dstring MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = inst MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = "" MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type if demag == "AF": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( float(treat[:-2]) * 1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' elif demag == "T": MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (float(treat[:-1]) + 273. ) # temp in kelvin meas_type = "LT-T-Z" MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) MagOuts, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(MagOuts) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, 'magic_measurements') print("Measurements put in ", meas_file) SampsOut, sampkeys = pmag.fillkeys(Samps) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampsOut, "er_samples") Sites = [] for samp in Samps: SiteRec = {} SiteRec['er_site_name'] = samp['er_site_name'] SiteRec['er_location_name'] = samp['er_location_name'] SiteRec['site_definition'] = 's' SiteRec['er_citation_names'] = 'This study' if 'sample_class' in list(samp.keys()): SiteRec['site_class'] = samp['sample_class'] if 'sample_lithology' in list(samp.keys()): SiteRec['site_lithology'] = samp['sample_lithology'] if 'sample_type' in list(samp.keys()): SiteRec['site_lithology'] = samp['sample_lithology'] if 'sample_lat' in list(samp.keys()): SiteRec['site_lat'] = samp['sample_lat'] else: SiteRec['site_lat'] = "-999" if 'sample_lon' in list(samp.keys()): SiteRec['site_lon'] = samp['sample_lon'] else: SiteRec['site_lon'] = "-999" if 'sample_height' in list(samp.keys()): SiteRec['site_height'] = samp['sample_height'] Sites.append(SiteRec) pmag.magic_write(site_file, Sites, 'er_sites') return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots anisotropy data with either bootstrap or hext ellipses SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -h plots help message and quits -usr USER: set the user name -f AFILE, specify rmag_anisotropy formatted file for input -F RFILE, specify rmag_results formatted file for output -x Hext [1963] and bootstrap -B DON'T do bootstrap, do Hext -par Tauxe [1998] parametric bootstrap -v plot bootstrap eigenvectors instead of ellipses -sit plot by site instead of entire file -crd [s,g,t] coordinate system, default is specimen (g=geographic, t=tilt corrected) -P don't make any plots - just make rmag_results table -sav don't make the rmag_results table - just save all the plots -fmt [svg, jpg, eps] format for output images, pdf default -gtc DEC INC dec,inc of pole to great circle [down(up) in green (cyan) -d Vi DEC INC; Vi (1,2,3) to compare to direction DEC INC -n N; specifies the number of bootstraps - default is 1000 DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt plot bootstrap ellipses of Constable & Tauxe [1987] NOTES minor axis: circles major axis: triangles principal axis: squares directions are plotted on the lower hemisphere for bootstrapped eigenvector components: Xs: blue, Ys: red, Zs: black """ # dir_path = "." version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose args = sys.argv ipar, ihext, ivec, iboot, imeas, isite, iplot, vec = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 hpars, bpars, PDir = [], [], [] CS, crd = '-1', 's' nb = 1000 fmt = 'pdf' ResRecs = [] orlist = [] outfile, comp, Dir, gtcirc, PDir = 'rmag_results.txt', 0, [], 0, [] infile = 'rmag_anisotropy.txt' if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index('-WD') dir_path = args[ind+1] if '-n' in args: ind = args.index('-n') nb = int(args[ind+1]) if '-usr' in args: ind = args.index('-usr') user = args[ind+1] else: user = "" if '-B' in args: iboot, ihext = 0, 1 if '-par' in args: ipar = 1 if '-x' in args: ihext = 1 if '-v' in args: ivec = 1 if '-sit' in args: isite = 1 if '-P' in args: iplot = 0 if '-f' in args: ind = args.index('-f') infile = args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind = args.index('-F') outfile = args[ind+1] if '-crd' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-crd') crd = sys.argv[ind+1] if crd == 'g': CS = '0' if crd == 't': CS = '100' if '-fmt' in args: ind = args.index('-fmt') fmt = args[ind+1] if '-sav' in args: plots = 1 verbose = 0 else: plots = 0 if '-gtc' in args: ind = args.index('-gtc') d, i = float(args[ind+1]), float(args[ind+2]) PDir.append(d) PDir.append(i) if '-d' in args: comp = 1 ind = args.index('-d') vec = int(args[ind+1])-1 Dir = [float(args[ind+2]), float(args[ind+3])] # # set up plots # if infile[0] != '/': infile = dir_path+'/'+infile if outfile[0] != '/': outfile = dir_path+'/'+outfile ANIS = {} initcdf, inittcdf = 0, 0 ANIS['data'], ANIS['conf'] = 1, 2 if iboot == 1: ANIS['tcdf'] = 3 if iplot == 1: inittcdf = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['tcdf'], 5, 5) if comp == 1 and iplot == 1: initcdf = 1 ANIS['vxcdf'], ANIS['vycdf'], ANIS['vzcdf'] = 4, 5, 6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vxcdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vycdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vzcdf'], 5, 5) if iplot == 1: pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['conf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['data'], 5, 5) # read in the data data, ifiletype = pmag.magic_read(infile) for rec in data: # find all the orientation systems if 'anisotropy_tilt_correction' not in rec.keys(): rec['anisotropy_tilt_correction'] = '-1' if rec['anisotropy_tilt_correction'] not in orlist: orlist.append(rec['anisotropy_tilt_correction']) if CS not in orlist: if len(orlist) > 0: CS = orlist[0] else: CS = '-1' if CS == '-1': crd = 's' if CS == '0': crd = 'g' if CS == '100': crd = 't' if verbose: print("desired coordinate system not available, using available: ", crd) if isite == 1: sitelist = [] for rec in data: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec['er_site_name']) sitelist.sort() plt = len(sitelist) else: plt = 1 k = 0 while k < plt: site = "" sdata, Ss = [], [] # list of S format data Locs, Sites, Samples, Specimens, Cits = [], [], [], [], [] if isite == 0: sdata = data else: site = sitelist[k] for rec in data: if rec['er_site_name'] == site: sdata.append(rec) anitypes = [] csrecs = pmag.get_dictitem( sdata, 'anisotropy_tilt_correction', CS, 'T') for rec in csrecs: if rec['anisotropy_type'] not in anitypes: anitypes.append(rec['anisotropy_type']) if rec['er_location_name'] not in Locs: Locs.append(rec['er_location_name']) if rec['er_site_name'] not in Sites: Sites.append(rec['er_site_name']) if rec['er_sample_name'] not in Samples: Samples.append(rec['er_sample_name']) if rec['er_specimen_name'] not in Specimens: Specimens.append(rec['er_specimen_name']) if rec['er_citation_names'] not in Cits: Cits.append(rec['er_citation_names']) s = [] s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s1"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s2"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s3"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s4"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s5"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s6"])) if s[0] <= 1.0: Ss.append(s) # protect against crap # tau,Vdirs=pmag.doseigs(s) ResRec = {} ResRec['er_location_names'] = rec['er_location_name'] ResRec['er_citation_names'] = rec['er_citation_names'] ResRec['er_site_names'] = rec['er_site_name'] ResRec['er_sample_names'] = rec['er_sample_name'] ResRec['er_specimen_names'] = rec['er_specimen_name'] ResRec['rmag_result_name'] = rec['er_specimen_name'] + \ ":"+rec['anisotropy_type'] ResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user ResRec["tilt_correction"] = CS ResRec["anisotropy_type"] = rec['anisotropy_type'] if "anisotropy_n" not in rec.keys(): rec["anisotropy_n"] = "6" if "anisotropy_sigma" not in rec.keys(): rec["anisotropy_sigma"] = "0" fpars = pmag.dohext( int(rec["anisotropy_n"])-6, float(rec["anisotropy_sigma"]), s) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v1_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v2_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v3_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v1_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v2_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v3_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_t1"] = '%10.8f' % (fpars['t1']) ResRec["anisotropy_t2"] = '%10.8f' % (fpars['t2']) ResRec["anisotropy_t3"] = '%10.8f' % (fpars['t3']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest"] = '%10.3f' % (fpars['F']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"] = '%10.3f' % (fpars['F12']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"] = '%10.3f' % (fpars['F23']) ResRec["result_description"] = 'F_crit: ' + \ fpars['F_crit']+'; F12,F23_crit: '+fpars['F12_crit'] ResRec['anisotropy_type'] = pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRecs.append(ResRec) if len(Ss) > 1: if pmagplotlib.isServer: title = "LO:_"+ResRec['er_location_names'] + \ '_SI:_'+site+'_SA:__SP:__CO:_'+crd else: title = ResRec['er_location_names'] if site: title += "_{}".format(site) title += '_{}'.format(crd) ResRec['er_location_names'] = pmag.makelist(Locs) bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plot_anis( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) if len(PDir) > 0: pmagplotlib.plot_circ(ANIS['data'], PDir, 90., 'g') pmagplotlib.plot_circ(ANIS['conf'], PDir, 90., 'g') if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ANIS) ResRec['er_location_names'] = pmag.makelist(Locs) if plots == 1: save(ANIS, fmt, title) ResRec = {} ResRec['er_citation_names'] = pmag.makelist(Cits) ResRec['er_location_names'] = pmag.makelist(Locs) ResRec['er_site_names'] = pmag.makelist(Sites) ResRec['er_sample_names'] = pmag.makelist(Samples) ResRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.makelist(Specimens) ResRec['rmag_result_name'] = pmag.makelist( Sites)+":"+pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRec['anisotropy_type'] = pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user ResRec["tilt_correction"] = CS if isite == "0": ResRec['result_description'] = "Study average using coordinate system: " + CS if isite == "1": ResRec['result_description'] = "Site average using coordinate system: " + CS if hpars != [] and ihext == 1: HextRec = {} for key in ResRec.keys(): HextRec[key] = ResRec[key] # copy over stuff HextRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t1"] = '%10.8f' % (hpars["t1"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t2"] = '%10.8f' % (hpars["t2"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t3"] = '%10.8f' % (hpars["t3"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["F"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F12"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["F12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F23"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["F23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e13"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["magic_method_codes"] = 'LP-AN:AE-H' if verbose: print("Hext Statistics: ") print( " tau_i, V_i_D, V_i_I, V_i_zeta, V_i_zeta_D, V_i_zeta_I, V_i_eta, V_i_eta_D, V_i_eta_I") print(HextRec["anisotropy_t1"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]) print(HextRec["anisotropy_t2"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]) print(HextRec["anisotropy_t3"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]) HextRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num ResRecs.append(HextRec) if bpars != []: BootRec = {} for key in ResRec.keys(): BootRec[key] = ResRec[key] # copy over stuff BootRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v1_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v2_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v3_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v1_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v2_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v3_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t1"] = '%10.8f' % (bpars["t1"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t2"] = '%10.8f' % (bpars["t2"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t3"] = '%10.8f' % (bpars["t3"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F"] = '' BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F12"] = '' BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F23"] = '' # regular bootstrap BootRec["magic_method_codes"] = 'LP-AN:AE-H:AE-BS' if ipar == 1: # parametric bootstrap BootRec["magic_method_codes"] = 'LP-AN:AE-H:AE-BS-P' if verbose: print("Boostrap Statistics: ") print( " tau_i, V_i_D, V_i_I, V_i_zeta, V_i_zeta_D, V_i_zeta_I, V_i_eta, V_i_eta_D, V_i_eta_I") print(BootRec["anisotropy_t1"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]) print(BootRec["anisotropy_t2"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]) print(BootRec["anisotropy_t3"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]) BootRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num ResRecs.append(BootRec) k += 1 goon = 1 while goon == 1 and iplot == 1 and verbose: if iboot == 1: print("compare with [d]irection ") print( " plot [g]reat circle, change [c]oord. system, change [e]llipse calculation, s[a]ve plots, [q]uit ") if isite == 1: print(" [p]revious, [s]ite, [q]uit, <return> for next ") ans = input("") if ans == "q": sys.exit() if ans == "e": iboot, ipar, ihext, ivec = 1, 0, 0, 0 e = input("Do Hext Statistics 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ihext = 1 e = input("Suppress bootstrap 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": iboot = 0 if iboot == 1: e = input("Parametric bootstrap 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ipar = 1 e = input("Plot bootstrap eigenvectors: 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ivec = 1 if iplot == 1: if inittcdf == 0: ANIS['tcdf'] = 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['tcdf'], 5, 5) inittcdf = 1 bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plot_anis( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ANIS) if ans == "c": print("Current Coordinate system is: ") if CS == '-1': print(" Specimen") if CS == '0': print(" Geographic") if CS == '100': print(" Tilt corrected") key = input( " Enter desired coordinate system: [s]pecimen, [g]eographic, [t]ilt corrected ") if key == 's': CS = '-1' if key == 'g': CS = '0' if key == 't': CS = '100' if CS not in orlist: if len(orlist) > 0: CS = orlist[0] else: CS = '-1' if CS == '-1': crd = 's' if CS == '0': crd = 'g' if CS == '100': crd = 't' print( "desired coordinate system not available, using available: ", crd) k -= 1 goon = 0 if ans == "": if isite == 1: goon = 0 else: print("Good bye ") sys.exit() if ans == 'd': if initcdf == 0: initcdf = 1 ANIS['vxcdf'], ANIS['vycdf'], ANIS['vzcdf'] = 4, 5, 6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vxcdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vycdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vzcdf'], 5, 5) Dir, comp = [], 1 print(""" Input: Vi D I to compare eigenvector Vi with direction D/I where Vi=1: principal Vi=2: major Vi=3: minor D= declination of comparison direction I= inclination of comparison direction""") con = 1 while con == 1: try: vdi = input("Vi D I: ").split() vec = int(vdi[0])-1 Dir = [float(vdi[1]), float(vdi[2])] con = 0 except IndexError: print(" Incorrect entry, try again ") bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plot_anis( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) Dir, comp = [], 0 if ans == 'g': con, cnt = 1, 0 while con == 1: try: print( " Input: input pole to great circle ( D I) to plot a great circle: ") di = input(" D I: ").split() PDir.append(float(di[0])) PDir.append(float(di[1])) con = 0 except: cnt += 1 if cnt < 10: print( " enter the dec and inc of the pole on one line ") else: print( "ummm - you are doing something wrong - i give up") sys.exit() pmagplotlib.plot_circ(ANIS['data'], PDir, 90., 'g') pmagplotlib.plot_circ(ANIS['conf'], PDir, 90., 'g') if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ANIS) if ans == "p": k -= 2 goon = 0 if ans == "q": k = plt goon = 0 if ans == "s": keepon = 1 site = input(" print site or part of site desired: ") while keepon == 1: try: k = sitelist.index(site) keepon = 0 except: tmplist = [] for qq in range(len(sitelist)): if site in sitelist[qq]: tmplist.append(sitelist[qq]) print(site, " not found, but this was: ") print(tmplist) site = input('Select one or try again\n ') k = sitelist.index(site) goon, ans = 0, "" if ans == "a": locs = pmag.makelist(Locs) if pmagplotlib.isServer: # use server plot naming convention title = "LO:_"+locs+'_SI:__'+'_SA:__SP:__CO:_'+crd else: # use more readable plot naming convention title = "{}_{}".format(locs, crd) save(ANIS, fmt, title) goon = 0 else: if verbose: print('skipping plot - not enough data points') k += 1 # put rmag_results stuff here if len(ResRecs) > 0: ResOut, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(ResRecs) pmag.magic_write(outfile, ResOut, 'rmag_results') if verbose: print(" Good bye ")
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts Micromag agm files to magic format SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -usr USER: identify user, default is "" - put in quotation marks! -bak: this is a IRM backfield curve -f FILE, specify input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE, specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F MFILE, specify magic measurements formatted output file, default is agm_measurements.txt -spn SPEC, specimen name, default is base of input file name, e.g. SPECNAME.agm -spc NUM, specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -Fsp SPECFILE : name of er_specimens.txt file for appending data to [default: er_specimens.txt] -ncn NCON,: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -syn SYN, synthetic specimen name -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, should have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE (unless synthetic) -ins INST : specify which instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Maud), default is "" -u units: [cgs,SI], default is cgs Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY [8] specimen is a synthetic - it has no sample, site, location information NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT MagIC format files: magic_measurements, er_specimens, er_sample, er_site """ citation='This study' MeasRecs=[] units='cgs' meth="LP-HYS" version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv fmt='old' er_sample_name,er_site_name,er_location_name="","","" inst="" er_location_name="unknown" er_synthetic_name="" user="" er_site_name="" dir_path='.' dm=3 if "-WD" in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-ID" in args: ind = args.index("-ID") input_dir_path = args[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path specfile = output_dir_path+'/er_specimens.txt' output = output_dir_path+"/agm_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if "-bak" in args: meth="LP-IRM-DCD" output = output_dir_path+"/irm_measurements.txt" if "-new" in args: fmt='new' if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") output = output_dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") agm_file= input_dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] er_specimen_name=args[ind+1].split('.')[0] else: print("agm_file field is required option") print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") specfile= output_dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] specnum,samp_con,Z=0,'1',1 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-spn" in args: ind=args.index("-spn") er_specimen_name=args[ind+1] #elif "-syn" not in args: # print "you must specify a specimen name" # sys.exit() if "-syn" in args: ind=args.index("-syn") er_synthetic_name=args[ind+1] er_specimen_name="" if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") sampfile = input_dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) print('sample_file successfully read in') if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer") sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer") sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-u" in args: ind=args.index("-u") units=args[ind+1] dm = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-DM", 2) ErSpecRecs,filetype=pmag.magic_read(specfile) ErSpecRec,MeasRec={},{} ErSpecRec['er_citation_names']="This study" ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name']=er_specimen_name ErSpecRec['er_synthetic_name']=er_synthetic_name if specnum!=0: ErSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=er_specimen_name[:specnum] else: ErSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=er_specimen_name if "-fsa" in args and er_synthetic_name=="": for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == ErSpecRec["er_sample_name"]: ErSpecRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] ErSpecRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6 and int(samp_con)!=8: site=pmag.parse_site(ErSpecRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) ErSpecRec["er_site_name"]=site ErSpecRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name ErSpecRec['er_scientist_mail_names']=user.strip() insert=1 for rec in ErSpecRecs: if rec['er_specimen_name']==er_specimen_name: insert=0 break if insert==1: ErSpecRecs.append(ErSpecRec) ErSpecRecs,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(ErSpecRecs) pmag.magic_write(specfile,ErSpecRecs,'er_specimens') print("specimen name put in ",specfile) f=open(agm_file,'r') Data=f.readlines() if "ASCII" not in Data[0]:fmt='new' measnum,start=1,"" if fmt=='new': # new Micromag formatted file end=2 for skip in range(len(Data)): line=Data[skip] rec=line.split() if 'Units' in line:units=rec[-1] if "Raw" in rec: start=skip+2 if "Field" in rec and "Moment" in rec and start=="": start=skip+2 break else: start = 2 end=1 for i in range(start,len(Data)-end): # skip header stuff MeasRec={} for key in list(ErSpecRec.keys()): MeasRec[key]=ErSpecRec[key] MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MeasRec['magic_method_codes']=meth if 'er_synthetic_name' in list(MeasRec.keys()) and MeasRec['er_synthetic_name']!="": MeasRec['magic_experiment_name']=er_synthetic_name+':'+meth else: MeasRec['magic_experiment_name']=er_specimen_name+':'+meth line=Data[i] rec=line.split(',') # data comma delimited if rec[0]!='\n': if units=='cgs': field =float(rec[0])*1e-4 # convert from oe to tesla else: field =float(rec[0]) # field in tesla if meth=="LP-HYS": MeasRec['measurement_lab_field_dc']='%10.3e'%(field) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='' else: MeasRec['measurement_lab_field_dc']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='%10.3e'%(field) if units=='cgs': MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%10.3e'%(float(rec[1])*1e-3) # convert from emu to Am^2 else: MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%10.3e'%(float(rec[1])) # Am^2 MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' # temp in kelvin MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' # temp in kelvin MeasRec['measurement_flag']='g' MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' MeasRec['measurement_number']='%i'%(measnum) measnum+=1 MeasRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) # now we have to relabel LP-HYS method codes. initial loop is LP-IMT, minor loops are LP-M - do this in measurements_methods function if meth=='LP-HYS': recnum=0 while float(MeasRecs[recnum]['measurement_lab_field_dc'])<float(MeasRecs[recnum+1]['measurement_lab_field_dc']) and recnum+1<len(MeasRecs): # this is LP-IMAG MeasRecs[recnum]['magic_method_codes']='LP-IMAG' MeasRecs[recnum]['magic_experiment_name']=MeasRecs[recnum]['er_specimen_name']+":"+'LP-IMAG' recnum+=1 # if int(dm)==2: pmag.magic_write(output,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') else: print ('MagIC 3 is not supported yet') sys.exit() pmag.magic_write(output,MeasRecs,'measurements') print("results put in ", output)
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts IODP LIMS and LORE SRM archive half sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input .csv file, default is all in directory -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUTS IODP .csv file format exported from LIMS database """ # # initialize defaults version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' csv_file='' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 depth_method='a' # get command line args if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') input_dir_path = args[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") csv_file=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file = args[ind+1] if '-Fsi' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get('csv_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') spec_file = kwargs.get('spec_file', 'er_specimens.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'er_sites.txt') # format variables meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) spec_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, spec_file) Specs,file_type = pmag.magic_read(spec_file) samp_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, samp_file) ErSamps,file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) site_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, site_file) if csv_file=="": filelist=os.listdir(input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist=[csv_file] # parsing the data specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] MagRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs=[],[],[],[] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) file_found = False for f in filelist: # parse each file if f[-3:].lower()=='csv': file_found = True print 'processing: ',f full_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, f) file_input=open(full_file,'rU').readlines() keys=file_input[0].replace('\n','').split(',') # splits on underscores if "Interval Top (cm) on SHLF" in keys:interval_key="Interval Top (cm) on SHLF" if " Interval Bot (cm) on SECT" in keys:interval_key=" Interval Bot (cm) on SECT" if "Offset (cm)" in keys: interval_key="Offset (cm)" if "Top Depth (m)" in keys:depth_key="Top Depth (m)" if "CSF-A Top (m)" in keys:depth_key="CSF-A Top (m)" if "Depth CSF-A (m)" in keys:depth_key="Depth CSF-A (m)" if "CSF-B Top (m)" in keys: comp_depth_key="CSF-B Top (m)" # use this model if available elif "Depth CSF-B (m)" in keys: comp_depth_key="Depth CSF-B (m)" else: comp_depth_key="" if "Demag level (mT)" in keys:demag_key="Demag level (mT)" if "Demag Level (mT)" in keys: demag_key="Demag Level (mT)" if "Inclination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Inclination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" if "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" if "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Intensity (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (A/m)" if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" if "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" if "Core Type" in keys: core_type="Core Type" else: core_type="Type" if 'Run Number' in keys: run_number_key='Run Number' if 'Test No.' in keys: run_number_key='Test No.' if 'Test Changed On' in keys: date_key='Test Changed On' if "Timestamp (UTC)" in keys: date_key="Timestamp (UTC)" if "Section" in keys: sect_key="Section" if "Sect" in keys: sect_key="Sect" if 'Section Half' in keys: half_key='Section Half' if "A/W" in keys: half_key="A/W" if "Text ID" in keys: text_id="Text ID" if "Text Id" in keys: text_id="Text Id" for line in file_input[1:]: InRec={} test=0 recs=line.split(',') for k in range(len(keys)): if len(recs)==len(keys): InRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k] if InRec['Exp']!="": test=1 # get rid of pesky blank lines if test==1: run_number="" inst="IODP-SRM" volume='15.59' # set default volume to this MagRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec={},{},{},{} expedition=InRec['Exp'] location=InRec['Site']+InRec['Hole'] # Maintain backward compatibility for the ever-changing LIMS format (Argh!) while len(InRec['Core'])<3: InRec['Core']='0'+InRec['Core'] if "Last Tray Measurment" in InRec.keys() and "SHLF" not in InRec[text_id] or 'dscr' in csv_file : # assume discrete sample specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[core_type]+"-"+InRec[sect_key]+'-'+InRec[half_key]+'-'+str(InRec[interval_key]) else: # mark as continuous measurements specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[core_type]+"_"+InRec[sect_key]+InRec[half_key]+'-'+str(InRec[interval_key]) SpecRec['er_expedition_name']=expedition SpecRec['er_location_name']=location SpecRec['er_site_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_citation_names']=citation for key in SpecRec.keys():SampRec[key]=SpecRec[key] for key in SpecRec.keys():SiteRec[key]=SpecRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='0' SampRec['sample_dip']='0' SampRec['sample_core_depth']=InRec[depth_key] if comp_depth_key!='': SampRec['sample_composite_depth']=InRec[comp_depth_key] if "SHLF" not in InRec[text_id]: SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V' else: SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SO-V' SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SampRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SampRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen SiteRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen for key in SpecRec.keys():MagRec[key]=SpecRec[key] # set up measurement record - default is NRM #MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=InRec['Test Entered By'] MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=0 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives']=InRec[text_id] if 'Sample Area (cm?)' in InRec.keys() and InRec['Sample Area (cm?)']!= "": volume=InRec['Sample Area (cm?)'] if InRec[run_number_key]!= "": run_number=InRec[run_number_key] datestamp=InRec[date_key].split() # date time is second line of file if '/' in datestamp[0]: mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year if len(mmddyy[0])==1: mmddyy[0]='0'+mmddyy[0] # make 2 characters if len(mmddyy[1])==1: mmddyy[1]='0'+mmddyy[1] # make 2 characters if len(datestamp[1])==1: datestamp[1]='0'+datestamp[1] # make 2 characters date='20'+mmddyy[2]+':'+mmddyy[0]+":"+mmddyy[1] +':' +datestamp[1]+":00.00" if '-' in datestamp[0]: mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('-') # break into month day year date=mmddyy[0]+':'+mmddyy[1]+":"+mmddyy[2] +':' +datestamp[1]+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_date"]=date MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LT-NO' if InRec[demag_key]!="0": MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T if 'Treatment Type' in InRec.keys() and InRec['Treatment Type']!="": if 'Alternating Frequency' in InRec['Treatment Type']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':I`ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard Dtech D2000 treatment_value=float(InRec['Treatment Value'])*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T elif 'Thermal' in InRec['Treatment Type']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-T-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-TDS' # measured on shipboard Schonstedt thermal demagnetizer treatment_value=float(InRec['Treatment Value'])+273 # convert C => K MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e'%(treatment_value) # MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" vol=float(volume)*1e-6 # convert from cc to m^3 if run_number!="": MagRec['external_database_ids']=run_number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' else: MagRec['external_database_ids']="" MagRec['external_database_names']='' MagRec['measurement_inc']=InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_dec']=InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens= InRec[int_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(intens)*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' MagRec['measurement_csd']='' MagRec['measurement_positions']='' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if specimen not in specimens: specimens.append(specimen) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) if MagRec['er_site_name'] not in sites: sites.append(MagRec['er_site_name']) SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) #except: # print 'Boo-boo somewhere - no idea where' if not file_found: print "No .csv files were found" return False, "No .csv files were found" if len(SpecRecs)>0: print 'spec_file', spec_file pmag.magic_write(spec_file,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') #print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file if len(SampRecs)>0: SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,'er_samples') #print 'samples stored in ',samp_file if len(SiteRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(site_file,SiteRecs,'er_sites') #print 'sites stored in ',site_file MagSort=pmag.sortbykeys(MagRecs,["er_specimen_name","treatment_ac_field"]) MagOuts=[] for MagRec in MagSort: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(MagRec['treatment_ac_field']) # convert to string MagOuts.append(MagRec) Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts,noave) if pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements'): print 'data stored in ',meas_file return True, meas_file else: print 'no data found. bad magfile?' return False, 'no data found. bad magfile?'
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ascii files generated by SUSAR ver.4.0 to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -f FILE: specify .asc input file name -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements output file -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -Fr RFILE: specify rmag_results output file -Fs SFILE: specify er_specimens output file with location, sample, site, etc. information -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -k15 : specify static 15 position mode - default is spinning -new : replace all existing magic files DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt SFILE: default is to create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "unknown" INST: "" SPEC: 0 sample name is same as site (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) appends to 'er_specimens.txt, er_samples.txt, er_sites.txt' files Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ citation = 'This study' cont = 0 samp_con, Z = "1", 1 AniRecSs,AniRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs,MeasRecs=[],[],[],[],[],[] user, locname, specfile = "", "unknown", "er_specimens.txt" isspec, inst, specnum = '0', "", 0 spin, new = 1, 0 dir_path = '.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] aoutput, routput, moutput = dir_path + '/rmag_anisotropy.txt', dir_path + '/rmag_results.txt', dir_path + '/magic_measurements.txt' if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-usr' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-usr') user = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer") sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer") sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if '-k15' in sys.argv: spin = 0 if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-f') ascfile = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-F') moutput = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-Fa') aoutput = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-Fr' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-Fr') routput = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-Fs' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-Fs') specfile = dir_path + '/' + sys.argv[ind + 1] isspec = '1' elif '-loc' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-loc') locname = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum = -(int(sys.argv[ind + 1])) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if isspec == "1": specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(specfile) specnames, sampnames, sitenames = [], [], [] if '-new' not in sys.argv: # see if there are already specimen,sample, site files lying around try: SpecRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + '/er_specimens.txt') for spec in SpecRecs: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in specnames: specnames.append(samp['er_specimen_name']) except: SpecRecs, specs = [], [] try: SampRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + '/er_samples.txt') for samp in SampRecs: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in sampnames: sampnames.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: sampnames, SampRecs = [], [] try: SiteRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + '/er_sites.txt') for site in SiteRecs: if site['er_site_names'] not in sitenames: sitenames.append(site['er_site_name']) except: sitenames, SiteRecs = [], [] try: input = open(ascfile, 'r') except: print('Error opening file: ', ascfile) Data = input.readlines() k = 0 while k < len(Data): line = Data[k] words = line.split() if "ANISOTROPY" in words: # first line of data for the spec MeasRec, AniRec, SpecRec, SampRec, SiteRec = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} specname = words[0] AniRec['er_specimen_name'] = specname if isspec == "1": for spec in specs: if spec['er_specimen_name'] == specname: AniRec['er_sample_name'] = spec['er_sample_name'] AniRec['er_site_name'] = spec['er_site_name'] AniRec['er_location_name'] = spec['er_location_name'] break elif isspec == "0": if specnum != 0: sampname = specname[:specnum] else: sampname = specname AniRec['er_sample_name'] = sampname SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] = specname SpecRec['er_sample_name'] = sampname SampRec['er_sample_name'] = sampname SiteRec['er_sample_name'] = sampname SiteRec['site_description'] = 's' AniRec['er_site_name'] = pmag.parse_site( AniRec['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) SpecRec['er_site_name'] = pmag.parse_site( AniRec['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) SampRec['er_site_name'] = pmag.parse_site( AniRec['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) SiteRec['er_site_name'] = pmag.parse_site( AniRec['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) AniRec['er_location_name'] = locname SpecRec['er_location_name'] = locname SampRec['er_location_name'] = locname SiteRec['er_location_name'] = locname AniRec['er_citation_names'] = "This study" SpecRec['er_citation_names'] = "This study" SampRec['er_citation_names'] = "This study" SiteRec['er_citation_names'] = "This study" AniRec['er_citation_names'] = "This study" AniRec['magic_instrument_codes'] = inst AniRec['magic_method_codes'] = "LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS" AniRec['magic_experiment_names'] = specname + ":" + "LP-AN-MS" AniRec['er_analyst_mail_names'] = user for key in list(AniRec.keys()): MeasRec[key] = AniRec[key] MeasRec['measurement_flag'] = 'g' AniRec['anisotropy_flag'] = 'g' MeasRec['measurement_standard'] = 'u' MeasRec[ 'measurement_description'] = 'Bulk sucsecptibility measurement' AniRec['anisotropy_type'] = "AMS" AniRec['anisotropy_unit'] = "Normalized by trace" if spin == 1: AniRec['anisotropy_n'] = "192" else: AniRec['anisotropy_n'] = "15" if 'Azi' in words and isspec == '0': SampRec['sample_azimuth'] = words[1] labaz = float(words[1]) if 'Dip' in words: SampRec['sample_dip'] = '%7.1f' % (-float(words[1])) SpecRec['specimen_vol'] = '%8.3e' % (float( words[10]) * 1e-6) # convert actual volume to m^3 from cm^3 labdip = float(words[1]) if 'T1' in words and 'F1' in words: k += 2 # read in fourth line down line = Data[k] rec = line.split() dd = rec[1].split('/') dip_direction = int(dd[0]) + 90 SampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction'] = '%i' % (dip_direction) SampRec['sample_bed_dip'] = dd[1] bed_dip = float(dd[1]) if "Mean" in words: k += 4 # read in fourth line down line = Data[k] rec = line.split() MeasRec['measurement_chi_volume'] = rec[1] sigma = .01 * float(rec[2]) / 3. AniRec['anisotropy_sigma'] = '%7.4f' % (sigma) AniRec['anisotropy_unit'] = 'SI' if "factors" in words: k += 4 # read in second line down line = Data[k] rec = line.split() if "Specimen" in words: # first part of specimen data AniRec['anisotropy_s1'] = '%7.4f' % (old_div(float( words[5]), 3.)) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec['anisotropy_s2'] = '%7.4f' % (old_div(float(words[6]), 3.)) AniRec['anisotropy_s3'] = '%7.4f' % (old_div(float(words[7]), 3.)) k += 1 line = Data[k] rec = line.split() AniRec['anisotropy_s4'] = '%7.4f' % (old_div(float( rec[5]), 3.)) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec['anisotropy_s5'] = '%7.4f' % (old_div(float(rec[6]), 3.)) AniRec['anisotropy_s6'] = '%7.4f' % (old_div(float(rec[7]), 3.)) AniRec['anisotropy_tilt_correction'] = '-1' AniRecs.append(AniRec) AniRecG, AniRecT = {}, {} for key in list(AniRec.keys()): AniRecG[key] = AniRec[key] for key in list(AniRec.keys()): AniRecT[key] = AniRec[key] sbar = [] sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s1'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s2'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s3'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s4'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s5'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s6'])) sbarg = pmag.dosgeo(sbar, labaz, labdip) AniRecG["anisotropy_s1"] = '%12.10f' % (sbarg[0]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s2"] = '%12.10f' % (sbarg[1]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s3"] = '%12.10f' % (sbarg[2]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s4"] = '%12.10f' % (sbarg[3]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s5"] = '%12.10f' % (sbarg[4]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s6"] = '%12.10f' % (sbarg[5]) AniRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = '0' AniRecs.append(AniRecG) if bed_dip != "" and bed_dip != 0: # have tilt correction sbart = pmag.dostilt(sbarg, dip_direction, bed_dip) AniRecT["anisotropy_s1"] = '%12.10f' % (sbart[0]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s2"] = '%12.10f' % (sbart[1]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s3"] = '%12.10f' % (sbart[2]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s4"] = '%12.10f' % (sbart[3]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s5"] = '%12.10f' % (sbart[4]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s6"] = '%12.10f' % (sbart[5]) AniRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = '100' AniRecs.append(AniRecT) MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) if SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] not in specnames: SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) specnames.append(SpecRec['er_specimen_name']) if SampRec['er_sample_name'] not in sampnames: SampRecs.append(SampRec) sampnames.append(SampRec['er_sample_name']) if SiteRec['er_site_name'] not in sitenames: SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) sitenames.append(SiteRec['er_site_name']) k += 1 # skip to next specimen pmag.magic_write(aoutput, AniRecs, 'rmag_anisotropy') print("anisotropy tensors put in ", aoutput) pmag.magic_write(moutput, MeasRecs, 'magic_measurements') print("bulk measurements put in ", moutput) if isspec == "0": SpecOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SpecRecs) output = dir_path + "/er_specimens.txt" pmag.magic_write(output, SpecOut, 'er_specimens') print("specimen info put in ", output) output = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" SampOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(output, SampOut, 'er_samples') print("sample info put in ", output) output = dir_path + "/er_sites.txt" SiteOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SiteRecs) pmag.magic_write(output, SiteOut, 'er_sites') print("site info put in ", output) print("""" You can now import your data into the Magic Console and complete data entry, for example the site locations, lithologies, etc. plotting can be done with """)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots anisotropy data with either bootstrap or hext ellipses SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -h plots help message and quits -usr USER: set the user name -f AFILE, specify rmag_anisotropy formatted file for input -F RFILE, specify rmag_results formatted file for output -x Hext [1963] and bootstrap -B DON'T do bootstrap, do Hext -par Tauxe [1998] parametric bootstrap -v plot bootstrap eigenvectors instead of ellipses -sit plot by site instead of entire file -crd [s,g,t] coordinate system, default is specimen (g=geographic, t=tilt corrected) -P don't make any plots - just make rmag_results table -sav don't make the rmag_results table - just save all the plots -fmt [svg, jpg, eps] format for output images, pdf default -gtc DEC INC dec,inc of pole to great circle [down(up) in green (cyan) -d Vi DEC INC; Vi (1,2,3) to compare to direction DEC INC -nb N; specifies the number of bootstraps - default is 1000 DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt plot bootstrap ellipses of Constable & Tauxe [1987] NOTES minor axis: circles major axis: triangles principal axis: squares directions are plotted on the lower hemisphere for bootstrapped eigenvector components: Xs: blue, Ys: red, Zs: black """ # dir_path = "." version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose args = sys.argv ipar, ihext, ivec, iboot, imeas, isite, iplot, vec = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 hpars, bpars, PDir = [], [], [] CS, crd = '-1', 's' nb = 1000 fmt = 'pdf' ResRecs = [] orlist = [] outfile, comp, Dir, gtcirc, PDir = 'rmag_results.txt', 0, [], 0, [] infile = 'rmag_anisotropy.txt' if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index('-WD') dir_path = args[ind + 1] if '-nb' in args: ind = args.index('-nb') nb = int(args[ind + 1]) if '-usr' in args: ind = args.index('-usr') user = args[ind + 1] else: user = "" if '-B' in args: iboot, ihext = 0, 1 if '-par' in args: ipar = 1 if '-x' in args: ihext = 1 if '-v' in args: ivec = 1 if '-sit' in args: isite = 1 if '-P' in args: iplot = 0 if '-f' in args: ind = args.index('-f') infile = args[ind + 1] if '-F' in args: ind = args.index('-F') outfile = args[ind + 1] if '-crd' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-crd') crd = sys.argv[ind + 1] if crd == 'g': CS = '0' if crd == 't': CS = '100' if '-fmt' in args: ind = args.index('-fmt') fmt = args[ind + 1] if '-sav' in args: plots = 1 verbose = 0 else: plots = 0 if '-gtc' in args: ind = args.index('-gtc') d, i = float(args[ind + 1]), float(args[ind + 2]) PDir.append(d) PDir.append(i) if '-d' in args: comp = 1 ind = args.index('-d') vec = int(args[ind + 1]) - 1 Dir = [float(args[ind + 2]), float(args[ind + 3])] # # set up plots # if infile[0] != '/': infile = dir_path + '/' + infile if outfile[0] != '/': outfile = dir_path + '/' + outfile ANIS = {} initcdf, inittcdf = 0, 0 ANIS['data'], ANIS['conf'] = 1, 2 if iboot == 1: ANIS['tcdf'] = 3 if iplot == 1: inittcdf = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['tcdf'], 5, 5) if comp == 1 and iplot == 1: initcdf = 1 ANIS['vxcdf'], ANIS['vycdf'], ANIS['vzcdf'] = 4, 5, 6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vxcdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vycdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vzcdf'], 5, 5) if iplot == 1: pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['conf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['data'], 5, 5) # read in the data data, ifiletype = pmag.magic_read(infile) for rec in data: # find all the orientation systems if 'anisotropy_tilt_correction' not in rec.keys(): rec['anisotropy_tilt_correction'] = '-1' if rec['anisotropy_tilt_correction'] not in orlist: orlist.append(rec['anisotropy_tilt_correction']) if CS not in orlist: if len(orlist) > 0: CS = orlist[0] else: CS = '-1' if CS == '-1': crd = 's' if CS == '0': crd = 'g' if CS == '100': crd = 't' if verbose: print("desired coordinate system not available, using available: ", crd) if isite == 1: sitelist = [] for rec in data: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec['er_site_name']) sitelist.sort() plt = len(sitelist) else: plt = 1 k = 0 while k < plt: site = "" sdata, Ss = [], [] # list of S format data Locs, Sites, Samples, Specimens, Cits = [], [], [], [], [] if isite == 0: sdata = data else: site = sitelist[k] for rec in data: if rec['er_site_name'] == site: sdata.append(rec) anitypes = [] csrecs = pmag.get_dictitem(sdata, 'anisotropy_tilt_correction', CS, 'T') for rec in csrecs: if rec['anisotropy_type'] not in anitypes: anitypes.append(rec['anisotropy_type']) if rec['er_location_name'] not in Locs: Locs.append(rec['er_location_name']) if rec['er_site_name'] not in Sites: Sites.append(rec['er_site_name']) if rec['er_sample_name'] not in Samples: Samples.append(rec['er_sample_name']) if rec['er_specimen_name'] not in Specimens: Specimens.append(rec['er_specimen_name']) if rec['er_citation_names'] not in Cits: Cits.append(rec['er_citation_names']) s = [] s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s1"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s2"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s3"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s4"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s5"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s6"])) if s[0] <= 1.0: Ss.append(s) # protect against crap #tau,Vdirs=pmag.doseigs(s) ResRec = {} ResRec['er_location_names'] = rec['er_location_name'] ResRec['er_citation_names'] = rec['er_citation_names'] ResRec['er_site_names'] = rec['er_site_name'] ResRec['er_sample_names'] = rec['er_sample_name'] ResRec['er_specimen_names'] = rec['er_specimen_name'] ResRec['rmag_result_name'] = rec['er_specimen_name'] + ":" + rec[ 'anisotropy_type'] ResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user ResRec["tilt_correction"] = CS ResRec["anisotropy_type"] = rec['anisotropy_type'] if "anisotropy_n" not in rec.keys(): rec["anisotropy_n"] = "6" if "anisotropy_sigma" not in rec.keys(): rec["anisotropy_sigma"] = "0" fpars = pmag.dohext( int(rec["anisotropy_n"]) - 6, float(rec["anisotropy_sigma"]), s) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v1_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v2_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v3_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v1_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v2_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (fpars['v3_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_t1"] = '%10.8f' % (fpars['t1']) ResRec["anisotropy_t2"] = '%10.8f' % (fpars['t2']) ResRec["anisotropy_t3"] = '%10.8f' % (fpars['t3']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest"] = '%10.3f' % (fpars['F']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"] = '%10.3f' % (fpars['F12']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"] = '%10.3f' % (fpars['F23']) ResRec["result_description"] = 'F_crit: ' + fpars[ 'F_crit'] + '; F12,F23_crit: ' + fpars['F12_crit'] ResRec['anisotropy_type'] = pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRecs.append(ResRec) if len(Ss) > 1: if pmagplotlib.isServer: title = "LO:_" + ResRec[ 'er_location_names'] + '_SI:_' + site + '_SA:__SP:__CO:_' + crd else: title = ResRec['er_location_names'] if site: title += "_{}".format(site) title += '_{}'.format(crd) ResRec['er_location_names'] = pmag.makelist(Locs) bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plotANIS(ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) if len(PDir) > 0: pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS['data'], PDir, 90., 'g') pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS['conf'], PDir, 90., 'g') if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ANIS) ResRec['er_location_names'] = pmag.makelist(Locs) if plots == 1: save(ANIS, fmt, title) ResRec = {} ResRec['er_citation_names'] = pmag.makelist(Cits) ResRec['er_location_names'] = pmag.makelist(Locs) ResRec['er_site_names'] = pmag.makelist(Sites) ResRec['er_sample_names'] = pmag.makelist(Samples) ResRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.makelist(Specimens) ResRec['rmag_result_name'] = pmag.makelist( Sites) + ":" + pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRec['anisotropy_type'] = pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user ResRec["tilt_correction"] = CS if isite == "0": ResRec[ 'result_description'] = "Study average using coordinate system: " + CS if isite == "1": ResRec[ 'result_description'] = "Site average using coordinate system: " + CS if hpars != [] and ihext == 1: HextRec = {} for key in ResRec.keys(): HextRec[key] = ResRec[key] # copy over stuff HextRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t1"] = '%10.8f' % (hpars["t1"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t2"] = '%10.8f' % (hpars["t2"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t3"] = '%10.8f' % (hpars["t3"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["F"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F12"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["F12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F23"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["F23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e13"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["e23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["magic_method_codes"] = 'LP-AN:AE-H' if verbose: print("Hext Statistics: ") print( " tau_i, V_i_D, V_i_I, V_i_zeta, V_i_zeta_D, V_i_zeta_I, V_i_eta, V_i_eta_D, V_i_eta_I" ) print(HextRec["anisotropy_t1"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]) print(HextRec["anisotropy_t2"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]) print(HextRec["anisotropy_t3"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]) HextRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num ResRecs.append(HextRec) if bpars != []: BootRec = {} for key in ResRec.keys(): BootRec[key] = ResRec[key] # copy over stuff BootRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v1_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v2_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v3_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v1_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v2_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (bpars["v3_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t1"] = '%10.8f' % (bpars["t1"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t2"] = '%10.8f' % (bpars["t2"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t3"] = '%10.8f' % (bpars["t3"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v1_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v2_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = '%7.1f ' % ( bpars["v3_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F"] = '' BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F12"] = '' BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F23"] = '' BootRec[ "magic_method_codes"] = 'LP-AN:AE-H:AE-BS' # regular bootstrap if ipar == 1: BootRec[ "magic_method_codes"] = 'LP-AN:AE-H:AE-BS-P' # parametric bootstrap if verbose: print("Boostrap Statistics: ") print( " tau_i, V_i_D, V_i_I, V_i_zeta, V_i_zeta_D, V_i_zeta_I, V_i_eta, V_i_eta_D, V_i_eta_I" ) print(BootRec["anisotropy_t1"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]) print(BootRec["anisotropy_t2"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]) print(BootRec["anisotropy_t3"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]) BootRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num ResRecs.append(BootRec) k += 1 goon = 1 while goon == 1 and iplot == 1 and verbose: if iboot == 1: print("compare with [d]irection ") print( " plot [g]reat circle, change [c]oord. system, change [e]llipse calculation, s[a]ve plots, [q]uit " ) if isite == 1: print(" [p]revious, [s]ite, [q]uit, <return> for next ") ans = input("") if ans == "q": sys.exit() if ans == "e": iboot, ipar, ihext, ivec = 1, 0, 0, 0 e = input("Do Hext Statistics 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ihext = 1 e = input("Suppress bootstrap 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": iboot = 0 if iboot == 1: e = input("Parametric bootstrap 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ipar = 1 e = input("Plot bootstrap eigenvectors: 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ivec = 1 if iplot == 1: if inittcdf == 0: ANIS['tcdf'] = 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['tcdf'], 5, 5) inittcdf = 1 bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plotANIS( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ANIS) if ans == "c": print("Current Coordinate system is: ") if CS == '-1': print(" Specimen") if CS == '0': print(" Geographic") if CS == '100': print(" Tilt corrected") key = input( " Enter desired coordinate system: [s]pecimen, [g]eographic, [t]ilt corrected " ) if key == 's': CS = '-1' if key == 'g': CS = '0' if key == 't': CS = '100' if CS not in orlist: if len(orlist) > 0: CS = orlist[0] else: CS = '-1' if CS == '-1': crd = 's' if CS == '0': crd = 'g' if CS == '100': crd = 't' print( "desired coordinate system not available, using available: ", crd) k -= 1 goon = 0 if ans == "": if isite == 1: goon = 0 else: print("Good bye ") sys.exit() if ans == 'd': if initcdf == 0: initcdf = 1 ANIS['vxcdf'], ANIS['vycdf'], ANIS['vzcdf'] = 4, 5, 6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vxcdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vycdf'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS['vzcdf'], 5, 5) Dir, comp = [], 1 print(""" Input: Vi D I to compare eigenvector Vi with direction D/I where Vi=1: principal Vi=2: major Vi=3: minor D= declination of comparison direction I= inclination of comparison direction""") con = 1 while con == 1: try: vdi = input("Vi D I: ").split() vec = int(vdi[0]) - 1 Dir = [float(vdi[1]), float(vdi[2])] con = 0 except IndexError: print(" Incorrect entry, try again ") bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plotANIS( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) Dir, comp = [], 0 if ans == 'g': con, cnt = 1, 0 while con == 1: try: print( " Input: input pole to great circle ( D I) to plot a great circle: " ) di = input(" D I: ").split() PDir.append(float(di[0])) PDir.append(float(di[1])) con = 0 except: cnt += 1 if cnt < 10: print( " enter the dec and inc of the pole on one line " ) else: print( "ummm - you are doing something wrong - i give up" ) sys.exit() pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS['data'], PDir, 90., 'g') pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS['conf'], PDir, 90., 'g') if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ANIS) if ans == "p": k -= 2 goon = 0 if ans == "q": k = plt goon = 0 if ans == "s": keepon = 1 site = input(" print site or part of site desired: ") while keepon == 1: try: k = sitelist.index(site) keepon = 0 except: tmplist = [] for qq in range(len(sitelist)): if site in sitelist[qq]: tmplist.append(sitelist[qq]) print(site, " not found, but this was: ") print(tmplist) site = input('Select one or try again\n ') k = sitelist.index(site) goon, ans = 0, "" if ans == "a": locs = pmag.makelist(Locs) if pmagplotlib.isServer: # use server plot naming convention title = "LO:_" + locs + '_SI:__' + '_SA:__SP:__CO:_' + crd else: # use more readable plot naming convention title = "{}_{}".format(locs, crd) save(ANIS, fmt, title) goon = 0 else: if verbose: print('skipping plot - not enough data points') k += 1 # put rmag_results stuff here if len(ResRecs) > 0: ResOut, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(ResRecs) pmag.magic_write(outfile, ResOut, 'rmag_results') if verbose: print(" Good bye ")
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION finds anisotropy corrected data and replaces that specimen with it. puts in pmag_specimen format file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i allows interactive setting of file names -fu TFILE uncorrected pmag_specimen format file with thellier interpretations created by -fc AFILE anisotropy corrected pmag_specimen format file created by -F FILE pmag_specimens format output file DEFAULTS TFILE: thellier_specimens.txt AFILE: AC_specimens.txt FILE: TorAC_specimens.txt """ dir_path='.' tspec="thellier_specimens.txt" aspec="AC_specimens.txt" ofile="TorAC_specimens.txt" critfile="pmag_criteria.txt" ACSamplist,Samplist,sigmin=[],[],10000 GoodSamps,SpecOuts=[],[] # get arguments from command line if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-fu' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fu') tspec=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fc') aspec=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') ofile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] # read in pmag_specimens file tspec=dir_path+'/'+tspec aspec=dir_path+'/'+aspec ofile=dir_path+'/'+ofile Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(tspec) Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(tspec) Speclist=pmag.get_specs(Specs) ACSpecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(aspec) ACspeclist=pmag.get_specs(ACSpecs) for spec in Specs: if spec["er_sample_name"] not in Samplist:Samplist.append(spec["er_sample_name"]) for spec in ACSpecs: if spec["er_sample_name"] not in ACSamplist:ACSamplist.append(spec["er_sample_name"]) # for samp in Samplist: useAC,Ints,ACInts,GoodSpecs,AC,UC=0,[],[],[],[],[] for spec in Specs: if spec["er_sample_name"].lower()==samp.lower(): UC.append(spec) if samp in ACSamplist: for spec in ACSpecs: if spec["er_sample_name"].lower()==samp.lower(): AC.append(spec) if len(AC)>0: AClist=[] for spec in AC: SpecOuts.append(spec) AClist.append(spec['er_specimen_name']) print('using AC: ',spec['er_specimen_name'],'%7.1f'%(1e6*float(spec['specimen_int']))) for spec in UC: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in AClist: SpecOuts.append(spec) # print 'using UC: ',spec['er_specimen_name'],'%7.1f'%(1e6*float(spec['specimen_int'])) else: for spec in UC: SpecOuts.append(spec) # print 'using UC: ',spec['er_specimen_name'],'%7.1f'%(1e6*float(spec['specimen_int'])) SpecOuts,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SpecOuts) pmag.magic_write(ofile,SpecOuts,'pmag_specimens') print('thellier data assessed for AC correction put in ', ofile)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION combines pmag_specimens.txt file with age, location, acceptance criteria and outputs pmag_results table along with other MagIC tables necessary for uploading to the database SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specimen input magic_measurements format file, default is "magic_measurements.txt" -fsp: specimen input pmag_specimens format file, default is "pmag_specimens.txt" -fsm: sample input er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -fsi: specimen input er_sites format file, default is "er_sites.txt" -fla: specify a file with paleolatitudes for calculating VADMs, default is not to calculate VADMS format is: site_name paleolatitude (space delimited file) -fa AGES: specify er_ages format file with age information -crd [s,g,t,b]: specify coordinate system (s, specimen, g geographic, t, tilt corrected, b, geographic and tilt corrected) Default is to assume geographic NB: only the tilt corrected data will appear on the results table, if both g and t are selected. -cor [AC:CR:NL]: colon delimited list of required data adjustments for all specimens included in intensity calculations (anisotropy, cooling rate, non-linear TRM) unless specified, corrections will not be applied -pri [TRM:ARM] colon delimited list of priorities for anisotropy correction (-cor must also be set to include AC). default is TRM, then ARM -age MIN MAX UNITS: specify age boundaries and units -exc: use exiting selection criteria (in pmag_criteria.txt file), default is default criteria -C: no acceptance criteria -aD: average directions per sample, default is NOT -aI: average multiple specimen intensities per sample, default is by site -aC: average all components together, default is NOT -pol: calculate polarity averages -sam: save sample level vgps and v[a]dms, default is by site -xSi: skip the site level intensity calculation -p: plot directions and look at intensities by site, default is NOT -fmt: specify output for saved images, default is svg (only if -p set) -lat: use present latitude for calculating VADMs, default is not to calculate VADMs -xD: skip directions -xI: skip intensities OUPUT writes pmag_samples, pmag_sites, pmag_results tables """ # set defaults Comps = [] # list of components version_num = pmag.get_version() args = sys.argv DefaultAge = ["none"] skipdirs, coord, excrit, custom, vgps, average, Iaverage, plotsites, opt = 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 get_model_lat = 0 # this skips VADM calculation altogether, when get_model_lat=1, uses present day fmt = 'svg' dir_path = "." model_lat_file = "" Caverage = 0 infile = 'pmag_specimens.txt' measfile = "magic_measurements.txt" sampfile = "er_samples.txt" sitefile = "er_sites.txt" agefile = "er_ages.txt" specout = "er_specimens.txt" sampout = "pmag_samples.txt" siteout = "pmag_sites.txt" resout = "pmag_results.txt" critout = "pmag_criteria.txt" instout = "magic_instruments.txt" sigcutoff, OBJ = "", "" noDir, noInt = 0, 0 polarity = 0 coords = ['0'] Dcrit, Icrit, nocrit = 0, 0, 0 corrections = [] nocorrection = ['DA-NL', 'DA-AC', 'DA-CR'] priorities = ['DA-AC-ARM', 'DA-AC-TRM'] # priorities for anisotropy correction # get command line stuff if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if '-cor' in args: ind = args.index('-cor') cors = args[ind + 1].split(':') # list of required data adjustments for cor in cors: nocorrection.remove('DA-' + cor) corrections.append('DA-' + cor) if '-pri' in args: ind = args.index('-pri') priorities = args[ind + 1].split( ':') # list of required data adjustments for p in priorities: p = 'DA-AC-' + p if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") measfile = args[ind + 1] if '-fsp' in args: ind = args.index("-fsp") infile = args[ind + 1] if '-fsi' in args: ind = args.index("-fsi") sitefile = args[ind + 1] if "-crd" in args: ind = args.index("-crd") coord = args[ind + 1] if coord == 's': coords = ['-1'] if coord == 'g': coords = ['0'] if coord == 't': coords = ['100'] if coord == 'b': coords = ['0', '100'] if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = sys.argv[ind + 1] else: user = "" if "-C" in args: Dcrit, Icrit, nocrit = 1, 1, 1 # no selection criteria if "-sam" in args: vgps = 1 # save sample level VGPS/VADMs if "-xSi" in args: nositeints = 1 # skip site level intensity else: nositeints = 0 if "-age" in args: ind = args.index("-age") DefaultAge[0] = args[ind + 1] DefaultAge.append(args[ind + 2]) DefaultAge.append(args[ind + 3]) Daverage, Iaverage, Caverage = 0, 0, 0 if "-aD" in args: Daverage = 1 # average by sample directions if "-aI" in args: Iaverage = 1 # average by sample intensities if "-aC" in args: Caverage = 1 # average all components together ??? why??? if "-pol" in args: polarity = 1 # calculate averages by polarity if '-xD' in args: noDir = 1 if '-xI' in args: noInt = 1 elif "-fla" in args: if '-lat' in args: print "you should set a paleolatitude file OR use present day lat - not both" sys.exit() ind = args.index("-fla") model_lat_file = dir_path + '/' + args[ind + 1] get_model_lat = 2 mlat = open(model_lat_file, 'rU') ModelLats = [] for line in mlat.readlines(): ModelLat = {} tmp = line.split() ModelLat["er_site_name"] = tmp[0] ModelLat["site_model_lat"] = tmp[1] ModelLat["er_sample_name"] = tmp[0] ModelLat["sample_lat"] = tmp[1] ModelLats.append(ModelLat) get_model_lat = 2 elif '-lat' in args: get_model_lat = 1 if "-p" in args: plotsites = 1 if "-fmt" in args: ind = args.index("-fmt") fmt = args[ind + 1] if noDir == 0: # plot by site - set up plot window import pmagplotlib EQ = {} EQ['eqarea'] = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init( EQ['eqarea'], 5, 5) # define figure 1 as equal area projection pmagplotlib.plotNET( EQ['eqarea'] ) # I don't know why this has to be here, but otherwise the first plot never plots... pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) if '-WD' in args: infile = dir_path + '/' + infile measfile = dir_path + '/' + measfile instout = dir_path + '/' + instout sampfile = dir_path + '/' + sampfile sitefile = dir_path + '/' + sitefile agefile = dir_path + '/' + agefile specout = dir_path + '/' + specout sampout = dir_path + '/' + sampout siteout = dir_path + '/' + siteout resout = dir_path + '/' + resout critout = dir_path + '/' + critout if "-exc" in args: # use existing pmag_criteria file if "-C" in args: print 'you can not use both existing and no criteria - choose either -exc OR -C OR neither (for default)' sys.exit() crit_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(critout) print "Acceptance criteria read in from ", critout else: # use default criteria (if nocrit set, then get really loose criteria as default) crit_data = pmag.default_criteria(nocrit) if nocrit == 0: print "Acceptance criteria are defaults" else: print "No acceptance criteria used " accept = {} for critrec in crit_data: for key in critrec.keys(): # need to migrate specimen_dang to specimen_int_dang for intensity data using old format if 'IE-SPEC' in critrec.keys() and 'specimen_dang' in critrec.keys( ) and 'specimen_int_dang' not in critrec.keys(): critrec['specimen_int_dang'] = critrec['specimen_dang'] del critrec['specimen_dang'] # need to get rid of ron shaars sample_int_sigma_uT if 'sample_int_sigma_uT' in critrec.keys(): critrec['sample_int_sigma'] = '%10.3e' % ( eval(critrec['sample_int_sigma_uT']) * 1e-6) if key not in accept.keys() and critrec[key] != '': accept[key] = critrec[key] # # if "-exc" not in args and "-C" not in args: print "args", args pmag.magic_write(critout, [accept], 'pmag_criteria') print "\n Pmag Criteria stored in ", critout, '\n' # # now we're done slow dancing # SiteNFO, file_type = pmag.magic_read( sitefile) # read in site data - has the lats and lons SampNFO, file_type = pmag.magic_read( sampfile) # read in site data - has the lats and lons height_nfo = pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO, 'site_height', '', 'F') # find all the sites with height info. if agefile != "": AgeNFO, file_type = pmag.magic_read( agefile) # read in the age information Data, file_type = pmag.magic_read( infile) # read in specimen interpretations IntData = pmag.get_dictitem(Data, 'specimen_int', '', 'F') # retrieve specimens with intensity data comment, orient = "", [] samples, sites = [], [] for rec in Data: # run through the data filling in missing keys and finding all components, coordinates available # fill in missing fields, collect unique sample and site names if 'er_sample_name' not in rec.keys(): rec['er_sample_name'] = "" elif rec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(rec['er_sample_name']) if 'er_site_name' not in rec.keys(): rec['er_site_name'] = "" elif rec['er_site_name'] not in sites: sites.append(rec['er_site_name']) if 'specimen_int' not in rec.keys(): rec['specimen_int'] = '' if 'specimen_comp_name' not in rec.keys( ) or rec['specimen_comp_name'] == "": rec['specimen_comp_name'] = 'A' if rec['specimen_comp_name'] not in Comps: Comps.append(rec['specimen_comp_name']) rec['specimen_tilt_correction'] = rec[ 'specimen_tilt_correction'].strip('\n') if "specimen_tilt_correction" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = "-1" # assume sample coordinates if rec["specimen_tilt_correction"] not in orient: orient.append(rec["specimen_tilt_correction"] ) # collect available coordinate systems if "specimen_direction_type" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_direction_type"] = 'l' # assume direction is line - not plane if "specimen_dec" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_direction_type"] = '' # if no declination, set direction type to blank if "specimen_n" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_n"] = '' # put in n if "specimen_alpha95" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_alpha95"] = '' # put in alpha95 if "magic_method_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_method_codes"] = '' # # start parsing data into SpecDirs, SpecPlanes, SpecInts SpecInts, SpecDirs, SpecPlanes = [], [], [] samples.sort() # get sorted list of samples and sites sites.sort() if noInt == 0: # don't skip intensities IntData = pmag.get_dictitem( Data, 'specimen_int', '', 'F') # retrieve specimens with intensity data if nocrit == 0: # use selection criteria for rec in IntData: # do selection criteria kill = pmag.grade(rec, accept, 'specimen_int') if len(kill) == 0: SpecInts.append( rec ) # intensity record to be included in sample, site calculations else: SpecInts = IntData[:] # take everything - no selection criteria # check for required data adjustments if len(corrections) > 0 and len(SpecInts) > 0: for cor in corrections: SpecInts = pmag.get_dictitem( SpecInts, 'magic_method_codes', cor, 'has') # only take specimens with the required corrections if len(nocorrection) > 0 and len(SpecInts) > 0: for cor in nocorrection: SpecInts = pmag.get_dictitem( SpecInts, 'magic_method_codes', cor, 'not' ) # exclude the corrections not specified for inclusion # take top priority specimen of its name in remaining specimens (only one per customer) PrioritySpecInts = [] specimens = pmag.get_specs(SpecInts) # get list of uniq specimen names for spec in specimens: ThisSpecRecs = pmag.get_dictitem( SpecInts, 'er_specimen_name', spec, 'T') # all the records for this specimen if len(ThisSpecRecs) == 1: PrioritySpecInts.append(ThisSpecRecs[0]) elif len(ThisSpecRecs) > 1: # more than one prec = [] for p in priorities: ThisSpecRecs = pmag.get_dictitem( SpecInts, 'magic_method_codes', p, 'has') # all the records for this specimen if len(ThisSpecRecs) > 0: prec.append(ThisSpecRecs[0]) PrioritySpecInts.append(prec[0]) # take the best one SpecInts = PrioritySpecInts # this has the first specimen record if noDir == 0: # don't skip directions AllDirs = pmag.get_dictitem( Data, 'specimen_direction_type', '', 'F') # retrieve specimens with directed lines and planes Ns = pmag.get_dictitem( AllDirs, 'specimen_n', '', 'F') # get all specimens with specimen_n information if nocrit != 1: # use selection criteria for rec in Ns: # look through everything with specimen_n for "good" data kill = pmag.grade(rec, accept, 'specimen_dir') if len(kill) == 0: # nothing killed it SpecDirs.append(rec) else: # no criteria SpecDirs = AllDirs[:] # take them all # SpecDirs is now the list of all specimen directions (lines and planes) that pass muster # PmagSamps, SampDirs = [], [ ] # list of all sample data and list of those that pass the DE-SAMP criteria PmagSites, PmagResults = [], [ ] # list of all site data and selected results SampInts = [] for samp in samples: # run through the sample names if Daverage == 1: # average by sample if desired SampDir = pmag.get_dictitem( SpecDirs, 'er_sample_name', samp, 'T') # get all the directional data for this sample if len(SampDir) > 0: # there are some directions for coord in coords: # step through desired coordinate systems CoordDir = pmag.get_dictitem( SampDir, 'specimen_tilt_correction', coord, 'T') # get all the directions for this sample if len(CoordDir ) > 0: # there are some with this coordinate system if Caverage == 0: # look component by component for comp in Comps: CompDir = pmag.get_dictitem( CoordDir, 'specimen_comp_name', comp, 'T' ) # get all directions from this component if len(CompDir) > 0: # there are some PmagSampRec = pmag.lnpbykey( CompDir, 'sample', 'specimen' ) # get a sample average from all specimens PmagSampRec["er_location_name"] = CompDir[0][ 'er_location_name'] # decorate the sample record PmagSampRec["er_site_name"] = CompDir[0][ 'er_site_name'] PmagSampRec["er_sample_name"] = samp PmagSampRec[ "er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagSampRec[ 'magic_software_packages'] = version_num if nocrit != 1: PmagSampRec[ 'pmag_criteria_codes'] = "ACCEPT" if agefile != "": PmagSampRec = pmag.get_age( PmagSampRec, "er_site_name", "sample_inferred_", AgeNFO, DefaultAge) site_height = pmag.get_dictitem( height_nfo, 'er_site_name', PmagSampRec['er_site_name'], 'T') if len(site_height) > 0: PmagSampRec[ "sample_height"] = site_height[0][ 'site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['sample_comp_name'] = comp PmagSampRec[ 'sample_tilt_correction'] = coord PmagSampRec[ 'er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( CompDir, 'er_specimen_name' ) # get a list of the specimen names used PmagSampRec[ 'magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( CompDir, 'magic_method_codes' ) # get a list of the methods used if nocrit != 1: # apply selection criteria kill = pmag.grade( PmagSampRec, accept, 'sample_dir') else: kill = [] if len(kill) == 0: SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps == 1: # if sample level VGP info desired, do that now PmagResRec = pmag.getsampVGP( PmagSampRec, SiteNFO) if PmagResRec != "": PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) if Caverage == 1: # average all components together basically same as above PmagSampRec = pmag.lnpbykey( CoordDir, 'sample', 'specimen') PmagSampRec["er_location_name"] = CoordDir[0][ 'er_location_name'] PmagSampRec["er_site_name"] = CoordDir[0][ 'er_site_name'] PmagSampRec["er_sample_name"] = samp PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagSampRec[ 'magic_software_packages'] = version_num if nocrit != 1: PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = "" if agefile != "": PmagSampRec = pmag.get_age( PmagSampRec, "er_site_name", "sample_inferred_", AgeNFO, DefaultAge) site_height = pmag.get_dictitem( height_nfo, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') if len(site_height) > 0: PmagSampRec["sample_height"] = site_height[0][ 'site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['sample_tilt_correction'] = coord PmagSampRec['sample_comp_name'] = pmag.get_list( CoordDir, 'specimen_comp_name') # get components used PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( CoordDir, 'er_specimen_name' ) # get specimne names averaged PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( CoordDir, 'magic_method_codes') # assemble method codes if nocrit != 1: # apply selection criteria kill = pmag.grade(PmagSampRec, accept, 'sample_dir') if len(kill) == 0: # passes the mustard SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps == 1: PmagResRec = pmag.getsampVGP( PmagSampRec, SiteNFO) if PmagResRec != "": PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) else: # take everything SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps == 1: PmagResRec = pmag.getsampVGP( PmagSampRec, SiteNFO) if PmagResRec != "": PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) if Iaverage == 1: # average by sample if desired SampI = pmag.get_dictitem( SpecInts, 'er_sample_name', samp, 'T') # get all the intensity data for this sample if len(SampI) > 0: # there are some PmagSampRec = pmag.average_int( SampI, 'specimen', 'sample') # get average intensity stuff PmagSampRec[ "sample_description"] = "sample intensity" # decorate sample record PmagSampRec["sample_direction_type"] = "" PmagSampRec['er_site_name'] = SampI[0]["er_site_name"] PmagSampRec['er_sample_name'] = samp PmagSampRec['er_location_name'] = SampI[0]["er_location_name"] PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user if agefile != "": PmagSampRec = pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec, "er_site_name", "sample_inferred_", AgeNFO, DefaultAge) site_height = pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo, 'er_site_name', PmagSampRec['er_site_name'], 'T') if len(site_height) > 0: PmagSampRec["sample_height"] = site_height[0][ 'site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( SampI, 'er_specimen_name') PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( SampI, 'magic_method_codes') if nocrit != 1: # apply criteria! kill = pmag.grade(PmagSampRec, accept, 'sample_int') if len(kill) == 0: PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = "ACCEPT" SampInts.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) else: PmagSampRec = {} # sample rejected else: # no criteria SampInts.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = "" if vgps == 1 and get_model_lat != 0 and PmagSampRec != {}: # if get_model_lat == 1: # use sample latitude PmagResRec = pmag.getsampVDM(PmagSampRec, SampNFO) del (PmagResRec['model_lat'] ) # get rid of the model lat key elif get_model_lat == 2: # use model latitude PmagResRec = pmag.getsampVDM(PmagSampRec, ModelLats) if PmagResRec != {}: PmagResRec['magic_method_codes'] = PmagResRec[ 'magic_method_codes'] + ":IE-MLAT" if PmagResRec != {}: PmagResRec['er_specimen_names'] = PmagSampRec[ 'er_specimen_names'] PmagResRec['er_sample_names'] = PmagSampRec[ 'er_sample_name'] PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = 'ACCEPT' PmagResRec['average_int_sigma_perc'] = PmagSampRec[ 'sample_int_sigma_perc'] PmagResRec['average_int_sigma'] = PmagSampRec[ 'sample_int_sigma'] PmagResRec['average_int_n'] = PmagSampRec[ 'sample_int_n'] PmagResRec['vadm_n'] = PmagSampRec['sample_int_n'] PmagResRec['data_type'] = 'i' PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if len(PmagSamps) > 0: TmpSamps, keylist = pmag.fillkeys( PmagSamps) # fill in missing keys from different types of records pmag.magic_write(sampout, TmpSamps, 'pmag_samples') # save in sample output file print ' sample averages written to ', sampout # #create site averages from specimens or samples as specified # for site in sites: if Daverage == 0: key, dirlist = 'specimen', SpecDirs # if specimen averages at site level desired if Daverage == 1: key, dirlist = 'sample', SampDirs # if sample averages at site level desired tmp = pmag.get_dictitem(dirlist, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') # get all the sites with directions tmp1 = pmag.get_dictitem( tmp, key + '_tilt_correction', coords[-1], 'T') # use only the last coordinate if Caverage==0 sd = pmag.get_dictitem( SiteNFO, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) if len(sd) > 0: sitedat = sd[0] if Caverage == 0: # do component wise averaging for comp in Comps: siteD = pmag.get_dictitem(tmp1, key + '_comp_name', comp, 'T') # get all components comp if len( siteD ) > 0: # there are some for this site and component name PmagSiteRec = pmag.lnpbykey( siteD, 'site', key) # get an average for this site PmagSiteRec[ 'site_comp_name'] = comp # decorate the site record PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"] = siteD[0][ 'er_location_name'] PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"] = siteD[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] = coords[-1] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, key + '_comp_name') if Daverage == 1: PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, 'er_sample_name') else: PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, 'er_specimen_name') # determine the demagnetization code (DC3,4 or 5) for this site AFnum = len( pmag.get_dictitem(siteD, 'magic_method_codes', 'LP-DIR-AF', 'has')) Tnum = len( pmag.get_dictitem(siteD, 'magic_method_codes', 'LP-DIR-T', 'has')) DC = 3 if AFnum > 0: DC += 1 if Tnum > 0: DC += 1 PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, 'magic_method_codes') + ':' + 'LP-DC' + str(DC) PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") if plotsites == 1: print PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'] pmagplotlib.plotSITE(EQ['eqarea'], PmagSiteRec, siteD, key) # plot and list the data pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) else: # last component only siteD = tmp1[:] # get the last orientation system specified if len(siteD) > 0: # there are some PmagSiteRec = pmag.lnpbykey( siteD, 'site', key) # get the average for this site PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"] = siteD[0][ 'er_location_name'] # decorate the record PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"] = siteD[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] = comp PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] = coords[-1] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, key + '_comp_name') PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, 'er_specimen_name') PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, 'er_sample_name') AFnum = len( pmag.get_dictitem(siteD, 'magic_method_codes', 'LP-DIR-AF', 'has')) Tnum = len( pmag.get_dictitem(siteD, 'magic_method_codes', 'LP-DIR-T', 'has')) DC = 3 if AFnum > 0: DC += 1 if Tnum > 0: DC += 1 PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, 'magic_method_codes') + ':' + 'LP-DC' + str(DC) PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") if Daverage == 0: PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] = pmag.get_list( siteD, key + '_comp_name') if plotsites == 1: pmagplotlib.plotSITE(EQ['eqarea'], PmagSiteRec, siteD, key) pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) else: print 'site information not found in er_sites for site, ', site, ' site will be skipped' for PmagSiteRec in PmagSites: # now decorate each dictionary some more, and calculate VGPs etc. for results table PmagSiteRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSiteRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagSiteRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num if agefile != "": PmagSiteRec = pmag.get_age(PmagSiteRec, "er_site_name", "site_inferred_", AgeNFO, DefaultAge) PmagSiteRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = 'ACCEPT' if 'site_n_lines' in PmagSiteRec.keys( ) and 'site_n_planes' in PmagSiteRec.keys() and PmagSiteRec[ 'site_n_lines'] != "" and PmagSiteRec['site_n_planes'] != "": if int(PmagSiteRec["site_n_planes"]) > 0: PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"] = PmagSiteRec[ 'magic_method_codes'] + ":DE-FM-LP" elif int(PmagSiteRec["site_n_lines"]) > 2: PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"] = PmagSiteRec[ 'magic_method_codes'] + ":DE-FM" kill = pmag.grade(PmagSiteRec, accept, 'site_dir') if len(kill) == 0: PmagResRec = { } # set up dictionary for the pmag_results table entry PmagResRec['data_type'] = 'i' # decorate it a bit PmagResRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num PmagSiteRec[ 'site_description'] = 'Site direction included in results table' PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = 'ACCEPT' dec = float(PmagSiteRec["site_dec"]) inc = float(PmagSiteRec["site_inc"]) if 'site_alpha95' in PmagSiteRec.keys( ) and PmagSiteRec['site_alpha95'] != "": a95 = float(PmagSiteRec["site_alpha95"]) else: a95 = 180. sitedat = pmag.get_dictitem( SiteNFO, 'er_site_name', PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'], 'T')[0] # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) lat = float(sitedat['site_lat']) lon = float(sitedat['site_lon']) plong, plat, dp, dm = pmag.dia_vgp( dec, inc, a95, lat, lon) # get the VGP for this site if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] == '-1': C = ' (spec coord) ' if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] == '0': C = ' (geog. coord) ' if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] == '100': C = ' (strat. coord) ' PmagResRec["pmag_result_name"] = "VGP Site: " + PmagSiteRec[ "er_site_name"] # decorate some more PmagResRec[ "result_description"] = "Site VGP, coord system = " + str( coord) + ' component: ' + comp PmagResRec['er_site_names'] = PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'] PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes'] = 'ACCEPT' PmagResRec['er_citation_names'] = 'This study' PmagResRec['er_analyst_mail_names'] = user PmagResRec["er_location_names"] = PmagSiteRec[ "er_location_name"] if Daverage == 1: PmagResRec["er_sample_names"] = PmagSiteRec[ "er_sample_names"] else: PmagResRec["er_specimen_names"] = PmagSiteRec[ "er_specimen_names"] PmagResRec["tilt_correction"] = PmagSiteRec[ 'site_tilt_correction'] PmagResRec["pole_comp_name"] = PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] PmagResRec["average_dec"] = PmagSiteRec["site_dec"] PmagResRec["average_inc"] = PmagSiteRec["site_inc"] PmagResRec["average_alpha95"] = PmagSiteRec["site_alpha95"] PmagResRec["average_n"] = PmagSiteRec["site_n"] PmagResRec["average_n_lines"] = PmagSiteRec["site_n_lines"] PmagResRec["average_n_planes"] = PmagSiteRec["site_n_planes"] PmagResRec["vgp_n"] = PmagSiteRec["site_n"] PmagResRec["average_k"] = PmagSiteRec["site_k"] PmagResRec["average_r"] = PmagSiteRec["site_r"] PmagResRec["average_lat"] = '%10.4f ' % (lat) PmagResRec["average_lon"] = '%10.4f ' % (lon) if agefile != "": PmagResRec = pmag.get_age(PmagResRec, "er_site_names", "average_", AgeNFO, DefaultAge) site_height = pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') if len(site_height) > 0: PmagResRec["average_height"] = site_height[0][ 'site_height'] PmagResRec["vgp_lat"] = '%7.1f ' % (plat) PmagResRec["vgp_lon"] = '%7.1f ' % (plong) PmagResRec["vgp_dp"] = '%7.1f ' % (dp) PmagResRec["vgp_dm"] = '%7.1f ' % (dm) PmagResRec["magic_method_codes"] = PmagSiteRec[ "magic_method_codes"] if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] == '0': PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'] = PmagSiteRec[ 'magic_method_codes'] + ":DA-DIR-GEO" if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] == '100': PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'] = PmagSiteRec[ 'magic_method_codes'] + ":DA-DIR-TILT" PmagSiteRec['site_polarity'] = "" if polarity == 1: # assign polarity based on angle of pole lat to spin axis - may want to re-think this sometime angle = pmag.angle([0, 0], [0, (90 - plat)]) if angle <= 55.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"] = 'n' if angle > 55. and angle < 125.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"] = 't' if angle >= 125.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"] = 'r' PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if polarity == 1: crecs = pmag.get_dictitem(PmagSites, 'site_tilt_correction', '100', 'T') # find the tilt corrected data if len(crecs) < 2: crecs = pmag.get_dictitem( PmagSites, 'site_tilt_correction', '0', 'T') # if there aren't any, find the geographic corrected data if len(crecs) > 2: # if there are some, comp = pmag.get_list( crecs, 'site_comp_name').split(':')[0] # find the first component crecs = pmag.get_dictitem( crecs, 'site_comp_name', comp, 'T') # fish out all of the first component precs = [] for rec in crecs: precs.append({ 'dec': rec['site_dec'], 'inc': rec['site_inc'], 'name': rec['er_site_name'], 'loc': rec['er_location_name'] }) polpars = pmag.fisher_by_pol( precs) # calculate average by polarity for mode in polpars.keys( ): # hunt through all the modes (normal=A, reverse=B, all=ALL) PolRes = {} PolRes['er_citation_names'] = 'This study' PolRes[ "pmag_result_name"] = "Polarity Average: Polarity " + mode # PolRes["data_type"] = "a" PolRes["average_dec"] = '%7.1f' % (polpars[mode]['dec']) PolRes["average_inc"] = '%7.1f' % (polpars[mode]['inc']) PolRes["average_n"] = '%i' % (polpars[mode]['n']) PolRes["average_r"] = '%5.4f' % (polpars[mode]['r']) PolRes["average_k"] = '%6.0f' % (polpars[mode]['k']) PolRes["average_alpha95"] = '%7.1f' % ( polpars[mode]['alpha95']) PolRes['er_site_names'] = polpars[mode]['sites'] PolRes['er_location_names'] = polpars[mode]['locs'] PolRes['magic_software_packages'] = version_num PmagResults.append(PolRes) if noInt != 1 and nositeints != 1: for site in sites: # now do intensities for each site if plotsites == 1: print site if Iaverage == 0: key, intlist = 'specimen', SpecInts # if using specimen level data if Iaverage == 1: key, intlist = 'sample', PmagSamps # if using sample level data Ints = pmag.get_dictitem( intlist, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') # get all the intensities for this site if len(Ints) > 0: # there are some PmagSiteRec = pmag.average_int( Ints, key, 'site') # get average intensity stuff for site table PmagResRec = pmag.average_int( Ints, key, 'average') # get average intensity stuff for results table if plotsites == 1: # if site by site examination requested - print this site out to the screen for rec in Ints: print rec['er_' + key + '_name'], ' %7.1f' % ( 1e6 * float(rec[key + '_int'])) if len(Ints) > 1: print 'Average: ', '%7.1f' % (1e6 * float( PmagResRec['average_int'])), 'N: ', len(Ints) print 'Sigma: ', '%7.1f' % ( 1e6 * float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']) ), 'Sigma %: ', PmagResRec['average_int_sigma_perc'] raw_input('Press any key to continue\n') er_location_name = Ints[0]["er_location_name"] PmagSiteRec[ "er_location_name"] = er_location_name # decorate the records PmagSiteRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagResRec["er_location_names"] = er_location_name PmagResRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSiteRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagResRec["data_type"] = 'i' if Iaverage == 0: PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( Ints, 'er_specimen_name') # list of all specimens used PmagResRec['er_specimen_names'] = pmag.get_list( Ints, 'er_specimen_name') PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names'] = pmag.get_list( Ints, 'er_sample_name') # list of all samples used PmagResRec['er_sample_names'] = pmag.get_list( Ints, 'er_sample_name') PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'] = site PmagResRec['er_site_names'] = site PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( Ints, 'magic_method_codes') PmagResRec['magic_method_codes'] = pmag.get_list( Ints, 'magic_method_codes') kill = pmag.grade(PmagSiteRec, accept, 'site_int') if nocrit == 1 or len(kill) == 0: b, sig = float(PmagResRec['average_int']), "" if (PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']) != "": sig = float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']) sdir = pmag.get_dictitem(PmagResults, 'er_site_names', site, 'T') # fish out site direction if len(sdir) > 0 and sdir[-1][ 'average_inc'] != "": # get the VDM for this record using last average inclination (hope it is the right one!) inc = float(sdir[0]['average_inc']) # mlat = pmag.magnetic_lat( inc) # get magnetic latitude using dipole formula PmagResRec["vdm"] = '%8.3e ' % (pmag.b_vdm( b, mlat)) # get VDM with magnetic latitude PmagResRec["vdm_n"] = PmagResRec['average_int_n'] if 'average_int_sigma' in PmagResRec.keys( ) and PmagResRec['average_int_sigma'] != "": vdm_sig = pmag.b_vdm( float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']), mlat) PmagResRec["vdm_sigma"] = '%8.3e ' % (vdm_sig) else: PmagResRec["vdm_sigma"] = "" mlat = "" # define a model latitude if get_model_lat == 1: # use present site latitude mlats = pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') if len(mlats) > 0: mlat = mlats[0]['site_lat'] elif get_model_lat == 2: # use a model latitude from some plate reconstruction model (or something) mlats = pmag.get_dictitem(ModelLats, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') if len(mlats) > 0: PmagResRec['model_lat'] = mlats[0][ 'site_model_lat'] mlat = PmagResRec['model_lat'] if mlat != "": PmagResRec["vadm"] = '%8.3e ' % ( pmag.b_vdm(b, float(mlat)) ) # get the VADM using the desired latitude if sig != "": vdm_sig = pmag.b_vdm( float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']), float(mlat)) PmagResRec["vadm_sigma"] = '%8.3e ' % (vdm_sig) PmagResRec["vadm_n"] = PmagResRec['average_int_n'] else: PmagResRec["vadm_sigma"] = "" sitedat = pmag.get_dictitem( SiteNFO, 'er_site_name', PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'], 'T') # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) if len(sitedat) > 0: sitedat = sitedat[0] PmagResRec['average_lat'] = sitedat['site_lat'] PmagResRec['average_lon'] = sitedat['site_lon'] else: PmagResRec['average_lon'] = 'UNKNOWN' PmagResRec['average_lon'] = 'UNKNOWN' PmagResRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num PmagResRec["pmag_result_name"] = "V[A]DM: Site " + site PmagResRec["result_description"] = "V[A]DM of site" PmagResRec["pmag_criteria_codes"] = "ACCEPT" if agefile != "": PmagResRec = pmag.get_age(PmagResRec, "er_site_names", "average_", AgeNFO, DefaultAge) site_height = pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo, 'er_site_name', site, 'T') if len(site_height) > 0: PmagResRec["average_height"] = site_height[0][ 'site_height'] PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if len(PmagSites) > 0: Tmp, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(PmagSites) pmag.magic_write(siteout, Tmp, 'pmag_sites') print ' sites written to ', siteout else: print "No Site level table" if len(PmagResults) > 0: TmpRes, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(PmagResults) pmag.magic_write(resout, TmpRes, 'pmag_results') print ' results written to ', resout else: print "No Results level table"
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP LIMS discrete sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input .csv file, default is all in directory -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUTS IODP discrete sample .csv file format exported from LIMS database """ # # initialize defaults version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' csv_file='' MagRecs,Specs=[],[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 # get command line args if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') input_dir_path = args[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) return False if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") csv_file=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get('csv_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') # format variables meas_file= os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) if csv_file=="": filelist=os.listdir(input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist=[csv_file] # parsing the data file_found = False for fname in filelist: # parse each file if fname[-3:].lower()=='csv': file_found = True print('processing: ',fname) with open(fname, 'r') as finput: data = list(finput.readlines()) keys = data[0].replace('\n','').split(',') # splits on underscores interval_key="Offset (cm)" demag_key="Demag level (mT)" offline_demag_key="Treatment Value (mT or °C)" offline_treatment_type="Treatment type" run_key="Test No." if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key="Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key="Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key="Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" if "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key="Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" type="Type" sect_key="Sect" half_key="A/W" # need to add volume_key to LORE format! if "Sample volume (cm^3)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cm^3)" if "Sample volume (cc)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cc)" if "Sample volume (cm³)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cm³)" for line in data[1:]: InRec={} for k in range(len(keys)):InRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k] inst="IODP-SRM" MagRec={} expedition=InRec['Exp'] location=InRec['Site']+InRec['Hole'] offsets=InRec[interval_key].split('.') # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval if len(offsets)==1: offset=int(offsets[0]) else: offset=int(offsets[0])-1 #interval=str(offset+1)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval interval=str(offset)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[type]+"-"+InRec[sect_key]+'_'+InRec[half_key]+'_'+interval if specimen not in Specs:Specs.append(specimen) MagRec['er_expedition_name']=expedition MagRec['er_location_name']=location MagRec['er_site_name']=specimen MagRec['er_citation_names']=citation MagRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen MagRec['er_sample_name']=specimen MagRec['er_site_name']=specimen # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"]='0' # assume all data are "good" volume=InRec[volume_key] MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LT-NO' sort_by='treatment_ac_field' # set default to AF demag if InRec[demag_key]!="0": MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T if sort_by =="treatment_ac_field": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=str(treatment_value)# AF demag in treat mT => T elif offline_treatment_type in list(InRec.keys()) and InRec[offline_treatment_type]!="": if "Lowrie" in InRec['Comments']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LP-IRM-3D' treatment_value=float(InRec[offline_demag_key].strip('"'))+273. # convert C => K MagRec["treatment_temp"]=treatment_value MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]="0" sort_by='treatment_temp' elif 'Isothermal' in InRec[offline_treatment_type]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' treatment_value=float(InRec[offline_demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]=treatment_value MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]="0" sort_by='treatment_dc_field' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" vol=float(volume)*1e-6 # convert from cc to m^3 if run_key in list(InRec.keys()): run_number=InRec[run_key] MagRec['external_database_ids']=run_number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' else: MagRec['external_database_ids']="" MagRec['external_database_names']='' MagRec['measurement_description']='sample orientation: '+InRec['Sample orientation'] MagRec['measurement_inc']=InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_dec']=InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens= InRec[int_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(intens)*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' MagRec['measurement_positions']='' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if not file_found: print("No .csv files were found") return False, "No .csv files were found" MagOuts=[] for spec in Specs: Speclist=pmag.get_dictitem(MagRecs,'er_specimen_name',spec,'T') Meassorted=sorted(Speclist, key=lambda x,y=None: int(round(float(x[sort_by])-float(y[sort_by]))) if y!=None else 0) for rec in Meassorted: for key in list(rec.keys()): rec[key]=str(rec[key]) MagOuts.append(rec) Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts,noave) Out,keys=pmag.fillkeys(Fixed) if pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Out,'magic_measurements'): print('data stored in ',meas_file) return True, meas_file else: print('no data found. bad magfile?') return False, 'no data found. bad magfile?'
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts IODP LIMS and LORE SRM archive half sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input .csv file, default is all in directory -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUTS IODP .csv file format exported from LIMS database """ # # initialize defaults version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' csv_file='' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 depth_method='a' # get command line args if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') input_dir_path = args[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) return False if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") csv_file=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file = args[ind+1] if '-Fsi' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get('csv_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') spec_file = kwargs.get('spec_file', 'er_specimens.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'er_sites.txt') # format variables meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) spec_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, spec_file) Specs,file_type = pmag.magic_read(spec_file) samp_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, samp_file) ErSamps,file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) site_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, site_file) if csv_file=="": filelist=os.listdir(input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist=[csv_file] # parsing the data specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] MagRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs=[],[],[],[] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) file_found = False for f in filelist: # parse each file if f[-3:].lower()=='csv': file_found = True print('processing: ',f) full_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, f) with open(full_file, 'r') as fin: file_input = fin.readlines() keys=file_input[0].replace('\n','').split(',') # splits on underscores if "Interval Top (cm) on SHLF" in keys:interval_key="Interval Top (cm) on SHLF" if " Interval Bot (cm) on SECT" in keys:interval_key=" Interval Bot (cm) on SECT" if "Offset (cm)" in keys: interval_key="Offset (cm)" if "Top Depth (m)" in keys:depth_key="Top Depth (m)" if "CSF-A Top (m)" in keys:depth_key="CSF-A Top (m)" if "Depth CSF-A (m)" in keys:depth_key="Depth CSF-A (m)" if "CSF-B Top (m)" in keys: comp_depth_key="CSF-B Top (m)" # use this model if available elif "Depth CSF-B (m)" in keys: comp_depth_key="Depth CSF-B (m)" else: comp_depth_key="" if "Demag level (mT)" in keys:demag_key="Demag level (mT)" if "Demag Level (mT)" in keys: demag_key="Demag Level (mT)" if "Inclination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Inclination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" if "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" if "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Intensity (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (A/m)" if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" if "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" if "Core Type" in keys: core_type="Core Type" else: core_type="Type" if 'Run Number' in keys: run_number_key='Run Number' if 'Test No.' in keys: run_number_key='Test No.' if 'Test Changed On' in keys: date_key='Test Changed On' if "Timestamp (UTC)" in keys: date_key="Timestamp (UTC)" if "Section" in keys: sect_key="Section" if "Sect" in keys: sect_key="Sect" if 'Section Half' in keys: half_key='Section Half' if "A/W" in keys: half_key="A/W" if "Text ID" in keys: text_id="Text ID" if "Text Id" in keys: text_id="Text Id" for line in file_input[1:]: InRec={} test=0 recs=line.split(',') for k in range(len(keys)): if len(recs)==len(keys): InRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k] if InRec['Exp']!="": test=1 # get rid of pesky blank lines if test==1: run_number="" inst="IODP-SRM" volume='15.59' # set default volume to this MagRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec={},{},{},{} expedition=InRec['Exp'] location=InRec['Site']+InRec['Hole'] # Maintain backward compatibility for the ever-changing LIMS format (Argh!) while len(InRec['Core'])<3: InRec['Core']='0'+InRec['Core'] if "Last Tray Measurment" in list(InRec.keys()) and "SHLF" not in InRec[text_id] or 'dscr' in csv_file : # assume discrete sample specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[core_type]+"-"+InRec[sect_key]+'-'+InRec[half_key]+'-'+str(InRec[interval_key]) else: # mark as continuous measurements specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[core_type]+"_"+InRec[sect_key]+InRec[half_key]+'-'+str(InRec[interval_key]) SpecRec['er_expedition_name']=expedition SpecRec['er_location_name']=location SpecRec['er_site_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_citation_names']=citation for key in list(SpecRec.keys()):SampRec[key]=SpecRec[key] for key in list(SpecRec.keys()):SiteRec[key]=SpecRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='0' SampRec['sample_dip']='0' SampRec['sample_core_depth']=InRec[depth_key] if comp_depth_key!='': SampRec['sample_composite_depth']=InRec[comp_depth_key] if "SHLF" not in InRec[text_id]: SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V' else: SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SO-V' SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SampRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SampRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen SiteRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen for key in list(SpecRec.keys()):MagRec[key]=SpecRec[key] # set up measurement record - default is NRM #MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=InRec['Test Entered By'] MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=0 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives']=InRec[text_id] if 'Sample Area (cm?)' in list(InRec.keys()) and InRec['Sample Area (cm?)']!= "": volume=InRec['Sample Area (cm?)'] if InRec[run_number_key]!= "": run_number=InRec[run_number_key] datestamp=InRec[date_key].split() # date time is second line of file if '/' in datestamp[0]: mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year if len(mmddyy[0])==1: mmddyy[0]='0'+mmddyy[0] # make 2 characters if len(mmddyy[1])==1: mmddyy[1]='0'+mmddyy[1] # make 2 characters if len(datestamp[1])==1: datestamp[1]='0'+datestamp[1] # make 2 characters date='20'+mmddyy[2]+':'+mmddyy[0]+":"+mmddyy[1] +':' +datestamp[1]+":00.00" if '-' in datestamp[0]: mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('-') # break into month day year date=mmddyy[0]+':'+mmddyy[1]+":"+mmddyy[2] +':' +datestamp[1]+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_date"]=date MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LT-NO' if InRec[demag_key]!="0": MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T if 'Treatment Type' in list(InRec.keys()) and InRec['Treatment Type']!="": if 'Alternating Frequency' in InRec['Treatment Type']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':I`ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard Dtech D2000 treatment_value=float(InRec['Treatment Value'])*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T elif 'Thermal' in InRec['Treatment Type']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-T-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-TDS' # measured on shipboard Schonstedt thermal demagnetizer treatment_value=float(InRec['Treatment Value'])+273 # convert C => K MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e'%(treatment_value) # MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" vol=float(volume)*1e-6 # convert from cc to m^3 if run_number!="": MagRec['external_database_ids']=run_number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' else: MagRec['external_database_ids']="" MagRec['external_database_names']='' MagRec['measurement_inc']=InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_dec']=InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens= InRec[int_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(intens)*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' MagRec['measurement_csd']='' MagRec['measurement_positions']='' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if specimen not in specimens: specimens.append(specimen) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) if MagRec['er_site_name'] not in sites: sites.append(MagRec['er_site_name']) SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) #except: # print 'Boo-boo somewhere - no idea where' if not file_found: print("No .csv files were found") return False, "No .csv files were found" if len(SpecRecs)>0: print('spec_file', spec_file) pmag.magic_write(spec_file,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') #print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file if len(SampRecs)>0: SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,'er_samples') #print 'samples stored in ',samp_file if len(SiteRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(site_file,SiteRecs,'er_sites') #print 'sites stored in ',site_file MagSort=pmag.sortbykeys(MagRecs,["er_specimen_name","treatment_ac_field"]) MagOuts=[] for MagRec in MagSort: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(MagRec['treatment_ac_field']) # convert to string MagOuts.append(MagRec) Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts,noave) if pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements'): print('data stored in ',meas_file) return True, meas_file else: print('no data found. bad magfile?') return False, 'no data found. bad magfile?'
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION combines pmag_specimens.txt file with age, location, acceptance criteria and outputs pmag_results table along with other MagIC tables necessary for uploading to the database SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specimen input magic_measurements format file, default is "magic_measurements.txt" -fsp: specimen input pmag_specimens format file, default is "pmag_specimens.txt" -fsm: sample input er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -fsi: specimen input er_sites format file, default is "er_sites.txt" -fla: specify a file with paleolatitudes for calculating VADMs, default is not to calculate VADMS format is: site_name paleolatitude (space delimited file) -fa AGES: specify er_ages format file with age information -crd [s,g,t,b]: specify coordinate system (s, specimen, g geographic, t, tilt corrected, b, geographic and tilt corrected) Default is to assume geographic NB: only the tilt corrected data will appear on the results table, if both g and t are selected. -cor [AC:CR:NL]: colon delimited list of required data adjustments for all specimens included in intensity calculations (anisotropy, cooling rate, non-linear TRM) unless specified, corrections will not be applied -pri [TRM:ARM] colon delimited list of priorities for anisotropy correction (-cor must also be set to include AC). default is TRM, then ARM -age MIN MAX UNITS: specify age boundaries and units -exc: use exiting selection criteria (in pmag_criteria.txt file), default is default criteria -C: no acceptance criteria -aD: average directions per sample, default is NOT -aI: average multiple specimen intensities per sample, default is by site -aC: average all components together, default is NOT -pol: calculate polarity averages -sam: save sample level vgps and v[a]dms, default is by site -xSi: skip the site level intensity calculation -p: plot directions and look at intensities by site, default is NOT -fmt: specify output for saved images, default is svg (only if -p set) -lat: use present latitude for calculating VADMs, default is not to calculate VADMs -xD: skip directions -xI: skip intensities OUPUT writes pmag_samples, pmag_sites, pmag_results tables """ # set defaults Comps=[] # list of components version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv DefaultAge=["none"] skipdirs,coord,excrit,custom,vgps,average,Iaverage,plotsites,opt=1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 get_model_lat=0 # this skips VADM calculation altogether, when get_model_lat=1, uses present day fmt='svg' dir_path="." model_lat_file="" Caverage=0 infile='pmag_specimens.txt' measfile="magic_measurements.txt" sampfile="er_samples.txt" sitefile="er_sites.txt" agefile="er_ages.txt" specout="er_specimens.txt" sampout="pmag_samples.txt" siteout="pmag_sites.txt" resout="pmag_results.txt" critout="pmag_criteria.txt" instout="magic_instruments.txt" sigcutoff,OBJ="","" noDir,noInt=0,0 polarity=0 coords=['0'] Dcrit,Icrit,nocrit=0,0,0 corrections=[] nocorrection=['DA-NL','DA-AC','DA-CR'] priorities=['DA-AC-ARM','DA-AC-TRM'] # priorities for anisotropy correction # get command line stuff if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if '-cor' in args: ind=args.index('-cor') cors=args[ind+1].split(':') # list of required data adjustments for cor in cors: nocorrection.remove('DA-'+cor) corrections.append('DA-'+cor) if '-pri' in args: ind=args.index('-pri') priorities=args[ind+1].split(':') # list of required data adjustments for p in priorities: p='DA-AC-'+p if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") measfile=args[ind+1] if '-fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-fsp") infile=args[ind+1] if '-fsi' in args: ind=args.index("-fsi") sitefile=args[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=args[ind+1] if coord=='s':coords=['-1'] if coord=='g':coords=['0'] if coord=='t':coords=['100'] if coord=='b':coords=['0','100'] if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] else: user="" if "-C" in args: Dcrit,Icrit,nocrit=1,1,1 # no selection criteria if "-sam" in args: vgps=1 # save sample level VGPS/VADMs if "-xSi" in args: nositeints=1 # skip site level intensity else: nositeints=0 if "-age" in args: ind=args.index("-age") DefaultAge[0]=args[ind+1] DefaultAge.append(args[ind+2]) DefaultAge.append(args[ind+3]) Daverage,Iaverage,Caverage=0,0,0 if "-aD" in args: Daverage=1 # average by sample directions if "-aI" in args: Iaverage=1 # average by sample intensities if "-aC" in args: Caverage=1 # average all components together ??? why??? if "-pol" in args: polarity=1 # calculate averages by polarity if '-xD' in args:noDir=1 if '-xI' in args: noInt=1 elif "-fla" in args: if '-lat' in args: print("you should set a paleolatitude file OR use present day lat - not both") sys.exit() ind=args.index("-fla") model_lat_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] get_model_lat=2 mlat=open(model_lat_file,'r') ModelLats=[] for line in mlat.readlines(): ModelLat={} tmp=line.split() ModelLat["er_site_name"]=tmp[0] ModelLat["site_model_lat"]=tmp[1] ModelLat["er_sample_name"]=tmp[0] ModelLat["sample_lat"]=tmp[1] ModelLats.append(ModelLat) get_model_lat=2 elif '-lat' in args: get_model_lat=1 if "-p" in args: plotsites=1 if "-fmt" in args: ind=args.index("-fmt") fmt=args[ind+1] if noDir==0: # plot by site - set up plot window import pmagplotlib EQ={} EQ['eqarea']=1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ['eqarea'],5,5) # define figure 1 as equal area projection pmagplotlib.plotNET(EQ['eqarea']) # I don't know why this has to be here, but otherwise the first plot never plots... pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) if '-WD' in args: infile=dir_path+'/'+infile measfile=dir_path+'/'+measfile instout=dir_path+'/'+instout sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile sitefile=dir_path+'/'+sitefile agefile=dir_path+'/'+agefile specout=dir_path+'/'+specout sampout=dir_path+'/'+sampout siteout=dir_path+'/'+siteout resout=dir_path+'/'+resout critout=dir_path+'/'+critout if "-exc" in args: # use existing pmag_criteria file if "-C" in args: print('you can not use both existing and no criteria - choose either -exc OR -C OR neither (for default)') sys.exit() crit_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(critout) print("Acceptance criteria read in from ", critout) else : # use default criteria (if nocrit set, then get really loose criteria as default) crit_data=pmag.default_criteria(nocrit) if nocrit==0: print("Acceptance criteria are defaults") else: print("No acceptance criteria used ") accept={} for critrec in crit_data: for key in list(critrec.keys()): # need to migrate specimen_dang to specimen_int_dang for intensity data using old format if 'IE-SPEC' in list(critrec.keys()) and 'specimen_dang' in list(critrec.keys()) and 'specimen_int_dang' not in list(critrec.keys()): critrec['specimen_int_dang']=critrec['specimen_dang'] del critrec['specimen_dang'] # need to get rid of ron shaars sample_int_sigma_uT if 'sample_int_sigma_uT' in list(critrec.keys()): critrec['sample_int_sigma']='%10.3e'%(eval(critrec['sample_int_sigma_uT'])*1e-6) if key not in list(accept.keys()) and critrec[key]!='': accept[key]=critrec[key] # # if "-exc" not in args and "-C" not in args: print("args",args) pmag.magic_write(critout,[accept],'pmag_criteria') print("\n Pmag Criteria stored in ",critout,'\n') # # now we're done slow dancing # SiteNFO,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sitefile) # read in site data - has the lats and lons SampNFO,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) # read in site data - has the lats and lons height_nfo=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'site_height','','F') # find all the sites with height info. if agefile !="":AgeNFO,file_type=pmag.magic_read(agefile) # read in the age information Data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(infile) # read in specimen interpretations IntData=pmag.get_dictitem(Data,'specimen_int','','F') # retrieve specimens with intensity data comment,orient="",[] samples,sites=[],[] for rec in Data: # run through the data filling in missing keys and finding all components, coordinates available # fill in missing fields, collect unique sample and site names if 'er_sample_name' not in list(rec.keys()): rec['er_sample_name']="" elif rec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(rec['er_sample_name']) if 'er_site_name' not in list(rec.keys()): rec['er_site_name']="" elif rec['er_site_name'] not in sites: sites.append(rec['er_site_name']) if 'specimen_int' not in list(rec.keys()):rec['specimen_int']='' if 'specimen_comp_name' not in list(rec.keys()) or rec['specimen_comp_name']=="":rec['specimen_comp_name']='A' if rec['specimen_comp_name'] not in Comps:Comps.append(rec['specimen_comp_name']) rec['specimen_tilt_correction']=rec['specimen_tilt_correction'].strip('\n') if "specimen_tilt_correction" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["specimen_tilt_correction"]="-1" # assume sample coordinates if rec["specimen_tilt_correction"] not in orient: orient.append(rec["specimen_tilt_correction"]) # collect available coordinate systems if "specimen_direction_type" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' # assume direction is line - not plane if "specimen_dec" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["specimen_direction_type"]='' # if no declination, set direction type to blank if "specimen_n" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["specimen_n"]='' # put in n if "specimen_alpha95" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["specimen_alpha95"]='' # put in alpha95 if "magic_method_codes" not in list(rec.keys()): rec["magic_method_codes"]='' # # start parsing data into SpecDirs, SpecPlanes, SpecInts SpecInts,SpecDirs,SpecPlanes=[],[],[] samples.sort() # get sorted list of samples and sites sites.sort() if noInt==0: # don't skip intensities IntData=pmag.get_dictitem(Data,'specimen_int','','F') # retrieve specimens with intensity data if nocrit==0: # use selection criteria for rec in IntData: # do selection criteria kill=pmag.grade(rec,accept,'specimen_int') if len(kill)==0: SpecInts.append(rec) # intensity record to be included in sample, site calculations else: SpecInts=IntData[:] # take everything - no selection criteria # check for required data adjustments if len(corrections)>0 and len(SpecInts)>0: for cor in corrections: SpecInts=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'magic_method_codes',cor,'has') # only take specimens with the required corrections if len(nocorrection)>0 and len(SpecInts)>0: for cor in nocorrection: SpecInts=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'magic_method_codes',cor,'not') # exclude the corrections not specified for inclusion # take top priority specimen of its name in remaining specimens (only one per customer) PrioritySpecInts=[] specimens=pmag.get_specs(SpecInts) # get list of uniq specimen names for spec in specimens: ThisSpecRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'er_specimen_name',spec,'T') # all the records for this specimen if len(ThisSpecRecs)==1: PrioritySpecInts.append(ThisSpecRecs[0]) elif len(ThisSpecRecs)>1: # more than one prec=[] for p in priorities: ThisSpecRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'magic_method_codes',p,'has') # all the records for this specimen if len(ThisSpecRecs)>0:prec.append(ThisSpecRecs[0]) PrioritySpecInts.append(prec[0]) # take the best one SpecInts=PrioritySpecInts # this has the first specimen record if noDir==0: # don't skip directions AllDirs=pmag.get_dictitem(Data,'specimen_direction_type','','F') # retrieve specimens with directed lines and planes Ns=pmag.get_dictitem(AllDirs,'specimen_n','','F') # get all specimens with specimen_n information if nocrit!=1: # use selection criteria for rec in Ns: # look through everything with specimen_n for "good" data kill=pmag.grade(rec,accept,'specimen_dir') if len(kill)==0: # nothing killed it SpecDirs.append(rec) else: # no criteria SpecDirs=AllDirs[:] # take them all # SpecDirs is now the list of all specimen directions (lines and planes) that pass muster # PmagSamps,SampDirs=[],[] # list of all sample data and list of those that pass the DE-SAMP criteria PmagSites,PmagResults=[],[] # list of all site data and selected results SampInts=[] for samp in samples: # run through the sample names if Daverage==1: # average by sample if desired SampDir=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecDirs,'er_sample_name',samp,'T') # get all the directional data for this sample if len(SampDir)>0: # there are some directions for coord in coords: # step through desired coordinate systems CoordDir=pmag.get_dictitem(SampDir,'specimen_tilt_correction',coord,'T') # get all the directions for this sample if len(CoordDir)>0: # there are some with this coordinate system if Caverage==0: # look component by component for comp in Comps: CompDir=pmag.get_dictitem(CoordDir,'specimen_comp_name',comp,'T') # get all directions from this component if len(CompDir)>0: # there are some PmagSampRec=pmag.lnpbykey(CompDir,'sample','specimen') # get a sample average from all specimens PmagSampRec["er_location_name"]=CompDir[0]['er_location_name'] # decorate the sample record PmagSampRec["er_site_name"]=CompDir[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSampRec["er_sample_name"]=samp PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSampRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num if nocrit!=1:PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="ACCEPT" if agefile != "": PmagSampRec= pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec,"er_site_name","sample_inferred_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',PmagSampRec['er_site_name'],'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagSampRec["sample_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['sample_comp_name']=comp PmagSampRec['sample_tilt_correction']=coord PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(CompDir,'er_specimen_name') # get a list of the specimen names used PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(CompDir,'magic_method_codes') # get a list of the methods used if nocrit!=1: # apply selection criteria kill=pmag.grade(PmagSampRec,accept,'sample_dir') else: kill=[] if len(kill)==0: SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps==1: # if sample level VGP info desired, do that now PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVGP(PmagSampRec,SiteNFO) if PmagResRec!="":PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) if Caverage==1: # average all components together basically same as above PmagSampRec=pmag.lnpbykey(CoordDir,'sample','specimen') PmagSampRec["er_location_name"]=CoordDir[0]['er_location_name'] PmagSampRec["er_site_name"]=CoordDir[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSampRec["er_sample_name"]=samp PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSampRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num if nocrit!=1:PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="" if agefile != "": PmagSampRec= pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec,"er_site_name","sample_inferred_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagSampRec["sample_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['sample_tilt_correction']=coord PmagSampRec['sample_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(CoordDir,'specimen_comp_name') # get components used PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(CoordDir,'er_specimen_name') # get specimne names averaged PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(CoordDir,'magic_method_codes') # assemble method codes if nocrit!=1: # apply selection criteria kill=pmag.grade(PmagSampRec,accept,'sample_dir') if len(kill)==0: # passes the mustard SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps==1: PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVGP(PmagSampRec,SiteNFO) if PmagResRec!="":PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) else: # take everything SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps==1: PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVGP(PmagSampRec,SiteNFO) if PmagResRec!="":PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) if Iaverage==1: # average by sample if desired SampI=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'er_sample_name',samp,'T') # get all the intensity data for this sample if len(SampI)>0: # there are some PmagSampRec=pmag.average_int(SampI,'specimen','sample') # get average intensity stuff PmagSampRec["sample_description"]="sample intensity" # decorate sample record PmagSampRec["sample_direction_type"]="" PmagSampRec['er_site_name']=SampI[0]["er_site_name"] PmagSampRec['er_sample_name']=samp PmagSampRec['er_location_name']=SampI[0]["er_location_name"] PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user if agefile != "": PmagSampRec=pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec,"er_site_name","sample_inferred_", AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',PmagSampRec['er_site_name'],'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagSampRec["sample_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(SampI,'er_specimen_name') PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(SampI,'magic_method_codes') if nocrit!=1: # apply criteria! kill=pmag.grade(PmagSampRec,accept,'sample_int') if len(kill)==0: PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="ACCEPT" SampInts.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) else:PmagSampRec={} # sample rejected else: # no criteria SampInts.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="" if vgps==1 and get_model_lat!=0 and PmagSampRec!={}: # if get_model_lat==1: # use sample latitude PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVDM(PmagSampRec,SampNFO) del(PmagResRec['model_lat']) # get rid of the model lat key elif get_model_lat==2: # use model latitude PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVDM(PmagSampRec,ModelLats) if PmagResRec!={}:PmagResRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagResRec['magic_method_codes']+":IE-MLAT" if PmagResRec!={}: PmagResRec['er_specimen_names']=PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names'] PmagResRec['er_sample_names']=PmagSampRec['er_sample_name'] PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' PmagResRec['average_int_sigma_perc']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_sigma_perc'] PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_sigma'] PmagResRec['average_int_n']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_n'] PmagResRec['vadm_n']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_n'] PmagResRec['data_type']='i' PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if len(PmagSamps)>0: TmpSamps,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(PmagSamps) # fill in missing keys from different types of records pmag.magic_write(sampout,TmpSamps,'pmag_samples') # save in sample output file print(' sample averages written to ',sampout) # #create site averages from specimens or samples as specified # for site in sites: if Daverage==0: key,dirlist='specimen',SpecDirs # if specimen averages at site level desired if Daverage==1: key,dirlist='sample',SampDirs # if sample averages at site level desired tmp=pmag.get_dictitem(dirlist,'er_site_name',site,'T') # get all the sites with directions tmp1=pmag.get_dictitem(tmp,key+'_tilt_correction',coords[-1],'T') # use only the last coordinate if Caverage==0 sd=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',site,'T') # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) if len(sd)>0: sitedat=sd[0] if Caverage==0: # do component wise averaging for comp in Comps: siteD=pmag.get_dictitem(tmp1,key+'_comp_name',comp,'T') # get all components comp if len(siteD)>0: # there are some for this site and component name PmagSiteRec=pmag.lnpbykey(siteD,'site',key) # get an average for this site PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']=comp # decorate the site record PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"]=siteD[0]['er_location_name'] PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"]=siteD[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=coords[-1] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(siteD,key+'_comp_name') if Daverage==1: PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_sample_name') else: PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_specimen_name') # determine the demagnetization code (DC3,4 or 5) for this site AFnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-AF','has')) Tnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-T','has')) DC=3 if AFnum>0:DC+=1 if Tnum>0:DC+=1 PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'magic_method_codes')+':'+ 'LP-DC'+str(DC) PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") if plotsites==1: print(PmagSiteRec['er_site_name']) pmagplotlib.plotSITE(EQ['eqarea'],PmagSiteRec,siteD,key) # plot and list the data pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) else: # last component only siteD=tmp1[:] # get the last orientation system specified if len(siteD)>0: # there are some PmagSiteRec=pmag.lnpbykey(siteD,'site',key) # get the average for this site PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"]=siteD[0]['er_location_name'] # decorate the record PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"]=siteD[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']=comp PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=coords[-1] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(siteD,key+'_comp_name') PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_specimen_name') PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_sample_name') AFnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-AF','has')) Tnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-T','has')) DC=3 if AFnum>0:DC+=1 if Tnum>0:DC+=1 PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'magic_method_codes')+':'+ 'LP-DC'+str(DC) PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") if Daverage==0:PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(siteD,key+'_comp_name') if plotsites==1: pmagplotlib.plotSITE(EQ['eqarea'],PmagSiteRec,siteD,key) pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) else: print('site information not found in er_sites for site, ',site,' site will be skipped') for PmagSiteRec in PmagSites: # now decorate each dictionary some more, and calculate VGPs etc. for results table PmagSiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSiteRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSiteRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num if agefile != "": PmagSiteRec= pmag.get_age(PmagSiteRec,"er_site_name","site_inferred_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) PmagSiteRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' if 'site_n_lines' in list(PmagSiteRec.keys()) and 'site_n_planes' in list(PmagSiteRec.keys()) and PmagSiteRec['site_n_lines']!="" and PmagSiteRec['site_n_planes']!="": if int(PmagSiteRec["site_n_planes"])>0: PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DE-FM-LP" elif int(PmagSiteRec["site_n_lines"])>2: PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DE-FM" kill=pmag.grade(PmagSiteRec,accept,'site_dir') if len(kill)==0: PmagResRec={} # set up dictionary for the pmag_results table entry PmagResRec['data_type']='i' # decorate it a bit PmagResRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagSiteRec['site_description']='Site direction included in results table' PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' dec=float(PmagSiteRec["site_dec"]) inc=float(PmagSiteRec["site_inc"]) if 'site_alpha95' in list(PmagSiteRec.keys()) and PmagSiteRec['site_alpha95']!="": a95=float(PmagSiteRec["site_alpha95"]) else:a95=180. sitedat=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'],'T')[0] # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) lat=float(sitedat['site_lat']) lon=float(sitedat['site_lon']) plong,plat,dp,dm=pmag.dia_vgp(dec,inc,a95,lat,lon) # get the VGP for this site if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='-1':C=' (spec coord) ' if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='0':C=' (geog. coord) ' if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='100':C=' (strat. coord) ' PmagResRec["pmag_result_name"]="VGP Site: "+PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"] # decorate some more PmagResRec["result_description"]="Site VGP, coord system = "+str(coord)+' component: '+comp PmagResRec['er_site_names']=PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'] PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' PmagResRec['er_citation_names']='This study' PmagResRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user PmagResRec["er_location_names"]=PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"] if Daverage==1: PmagResRec["er_sample_names"]=PmagSiteRec["er_sample_names"] else: PmagResRec["er_specimen_names"]=PmagSiteRec["er_specimen_names"] PmagResRec["tilt_correction"]=PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] PmagResRec["pole_comp_name"]=PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] PmagResRec["average_dec"]=PmagSiteRec["site_dec"] PmagResRec["average_inc"]=PmagSiteRec["site_inc"] PmagResRec["average_alpha95"]=PmagSiteRec["site_alpha95"] PmagResRec["average_n"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n"] PmagResRec["average_n_lines"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n_lines"] PmagResRec["average_n_planes"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n_planes"] PmagResRec["vgp_n"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n"] PmagResRec["average_k"]=PmagSiteRec["site_k"] PmagResRec["average_r"]=PmagSiteRec["site_r"] PmagResRec["average_lat"]='%10.4f ' %(lat) PmagResRec["average_lon"]='%10.4f ' %(lon) if agefile != "": PmagResRec= pmag.get_age(PmagResRec,"er_site_names","average_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagResRec["average_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] PmagResRec["vgp_lat"]='%7.1f ' % (plat) PmagResRec["vgp_lon"]='%7.1f ' % (plong) PmagResRec["vgp_dp"]='%7.1f ' % (dp) PmagResRec["vgp_dm"]='%7.1f ' % (dm) PmagResRec["magic_method_codes"]= PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"] if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='0':PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DA-DIR-GEO" if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='100':PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DA-DIR-TILT" PmagSiteRec['site_polarity']="" if polarity==1: # assign polarity based on angle of pole lat to spin axis - may want to re-think this sometime angle=pmag.angle([0,0],[0,(90-plat)]) if angle <= 55.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"]='n' if angle > 55. and angle < 125.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"]='t' if angle >= 125.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"]='r' PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if polarity==1: crecs=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagSites,'site_tilt_correction','100','T') # find the tilt corrected data if len(crecs)<2:crecs=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagSites,'site_tilt_correction','0','T') # if there aren't any, find the geographic corrected data if len(crecs)>2: # if there are some, comp=pmag.get_list(crecs,'site_comp_name').split(':')[0] # find the first component crecs=pmag.get_dictitem(crecs,'site_comp_name',comp,'T') # fish out all of the first component precs=[] for rec in crecs: precs.append({'dec':rec['site_dec'],'inc':rec['site_inc'],'name':rec['er_site_name'],'loc':rec['er_location_name']}) polpars=pmag.fisher_by_pol(precs) # calculate average by polarity for mode in list(polpars.keys()): # hunt through all the modes (normal=A, reverse=B, all=ALL) PolRes={} PolRes['er_citation_names']='This study' PolRes["pmag_result_name"]="Polarity Average: Polarity "+mode # PolRes["data_type"]="a" PolRes["average_dec"]='%7.1f'%(polpars[mode]['dec']) PolRes["average_inc"]='%7.1f'%(polpars[mode]['inc']) PolRes["average_n"]='%i'%(polpars[mode]['n']) PolRes["average_r"]='%5.4f'%(polpars[mode]['r']) PolRes["average_k"]='%6.0f'%(polpars[mode]['k']) PolRes["average_alpha95"]='%7.1f'%(polpars[mode]['alpha95']) PolRes['er_site_names']= polpars[mode]['sites'] PolRes['er_location_names']= polpars[mode]['locs'] PolRes['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagResults.append(PolRes) if noInt!=1 and nositeints!=1: for site in sites: # now do intensities for each site if plotsites==1:print(site) if Iaverage==0: key,intlist='specimen',SpecInts # if using specimen level data if Iaverage==1: key,intlist='sample',PmagSamps # if using sample level data Ints=pmag.get_dictitem(intlist,'er_site_name',site,'T') # get all the intensities for this site if len(Ints)>0: # there are some PmagSiteRec=pmag.average_int(Ints,key,'site') # get average intensity stuff for site table PmagResRec=pmag.average_int(Ints,key,'average') # get average intensity stuff for results table if plotsites==1: # if site by site examination requested - print this site out to the screen for rec in Ints:print(rec['er_'+key+'_name'],' %7.1f'%(1e6*float(rec[key+'_int']))) if len(Ints)>1: print('Average: ','%7.1f'%(1e6*float(PmagResRec['average_int'])),'N: ',len(Ints)) print('Sigma: ','%7.1f'%(1e6*float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma'])),'Sigma %: ',PmagResRec['average_int_sigma_perc']) input('Press any key to continue\n') er_location_name=Ints[0]["er_location_name"] PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name # decorate the records PmagSiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagResRec["er_location_names"]=er_location_name PmagResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSiteRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagResRec["data_type"]='i' if Iaverage==0: PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_specimen_name') # list of all specimens used PmagResRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_specimen_name') PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_sample_name') # list of all samples used PmagResRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_sample_name') PmagSiteRec['er_site_name']= site PmagResRec['er_site_names']= site PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'magic_method_codes') PmagResRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'magic_method_codes') kill=pmag.grade(PmagSiteRec,accept,'site_int') if nocrit==1 or len(kill)==0: b,sig=float(PmagResRec['average_int']),"" if(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma'])!="":sig=float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']) sdir=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagResults,'er_site_names',site,'T') # fish out site direction if len(sdir)>0 and sdir[-1]['average_inc']!="": # get the VDM for this record using last average inclination (hope it is the right one!) inc=float(sdir[0]['average_inc']) # mlat=pmag.magnetic_lat(inc) # get magnetic latitude using dipole formula PmagResRec["vdm"]='%8.3e '% (pmag.b_vdm(b,mlat)) # get VDM with magnetic latitude PmagResRec["vdm_n"]=PmagResRec['average_int_n'] if 'average_int_sigma' in list(PmagResRec.keys()) and PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']!="": vdm_sig=pmag.b_vdm(float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']),mlat) PmagResRec["vdm_sigma"]='%8.3e '% (vdm_sig) else: PmagResRec["vdm_sigma"]="" mlat="" # define a model latitude if get_model_lat==1: # use present site latitude mlats=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(mlats)>0: mlat=mlats[0]['site_lat'] elif get_model_lat==2: # use a model latitude from some plate reconstruction model (or something) mlats=pmag.get_dictitem(ModelLats,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(mlats)>0: PmagResRec['model_lat']=mlats[0]['site_model_lat'] mlat=PmagResRec['model_lat'] if mlat!="": PmagResRec["vadm"]='%8.3e '% (pmag.b_vdm(b,float(mlat))) # get the VADM using the desired latitude if sig!="": vdm_sig=pmag.b_vdm(float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']),float(mlat)) PmagResRec["vadm_sigma"]='%8.3e '% (vdm_sig) PmagResRec["vadm_n"]=PmagResRec['average_int_n'] else: PmagResRec["vadm_sigma"]="" sitedat=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'],'T') # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) if len(sitedat)>0: sitedat=sitedat[0] PmagResRec['average_lat']=sitedat['site_lat'] PmagResRec['average_lon']=sitedat['site_lon'] else: PmagResRec['average_lon']='UNKNOWN' PmagResRec['average_lon']='UNKNOWN' PmagResRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagResRec["pmag_result_name"]="V[A]DM: Site "+site PmagResRec["result_description"]="V[A]DM of site" PmagResRec["pmag_criteria_codes"]="ACCEPT" if agefile != "": PmagResRec= pmag.get_age(PmagResRec,"er_site_names","average_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagResRec["average_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if len(PmagSites)>0: Tmp,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(PmagSites) pmag.magic_write(siteout,Tmp,'pmag_sites') print(' sites written to ',siteout) else: print("No Site level table") if len(PmagResults)>0: TmpRes,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(PmagResults) pmag.magic_write(resout,TmpRes,'pmag_results') print(' results written to ',resout) else: print("No Results level table")
def convert(**kwargs): # initialize defaults version_num = pmag.get_version() dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get('noave', False) # default is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get('csv_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'measurements.txt') spec_file = kwargs.get('spec_file', 'specimens.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'sites.txt') loc_file = kwargs.get('loc_file', 'locations.txt') lat = kwargs.get('lat', '') lon = kwargs.get('lon', '') volume = kwargs.get('volume', 2.5** 3) * 1e-6 #default volume is a 2.5cm cube # format variables if csv_file == "": filelist = os.listdir( input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist = [csv_file] # parsing the data file_found, citations = False, "This Study" MeasRecs, SpecRecs, SampRecs, SiteRecs, LocRecs = [], [], [], [], [] for fin in filelist: # parse each file if fin[-3:].lower() == 'csv': file_found = True print('processing: ', fin) indata = open(fin, 'r').readlines() keys = indata[0].replace('\n', '').split(',') # splits on underscores keys = [k.strip('"') for k in keys] interval_key = "Offset (cm)" if "Treatment Value (mT or \xc2\xb0C)" in keys: demag_key = "Treatment Value (mT or \xc2\xb0C)" elif "Treatment Value" in keys: demag_key = "Treatment Value" elif "Treatment Value (mT or °C)" in keys: demag_key = "Treatment Value (mT or °C)" elif "Demag level (mT)" in keys: demag_key = "Demag level (mT)" else: print("couldn't find demag level") if "Treatment type" in keys: treatment_type = "Treatment type" elif "Treatment Type" in keys: treatment_type = "Treatment Type" else: treatment_type = "" run_key = "Test No." if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" elif "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Inclination background & drift corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background & drift corrected (deg)" else: print("couldn't find inclination") if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" elif "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Declination background & drift corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background & drift corrected (deg)" else: print("couldn't find declination") if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" elif "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" elif "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" elif "Intensity background & drift corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background & drift corrected (A/m)" else: print("couldn't find magnetic moment") type_val = "Type" sect_key = "Sect" half_key = "A/W" # need to add volume_key to LORE format! if "Sample volume (cm^3)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm^3)" elif "Sample volume (cc)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cc)" elif "Sample volume (cm³)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm³)" elif "Sample volume (cm\xc2\xb3)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm\xc2\xb3)" else: volume_key = "" for line in indata[1:]: InRec = {} MeasRec, SpecRec, SampRec, SiteRec, LocRec = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for k in range(len(keys)): InRec[keys[k]] = line.split(',')[k].strip('"') inst = "IODP-SRM" expedition = InRec['Exp'] location = InRec['Site'] + InRec['Hole'] offsets = InRec[interval_key].split( '.' ) # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval if len(offsets) == 1: offset = int(offsets[0]) else: offset = int(offsets[0]) - 1 #interval=str(offset+1)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval interval = str( offset ) # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval specimen = expedition + '-' + location + '-' + InRec[ 'Core'] + InRec[type_val] + "-" + InRec[ sect_key] + '-' + InRec[half_key] + '-' + str( InRec[interval_key]) sample = expedition + '-' + location + '-' + InRec[ 'Core'] + InRec[type_val] site = expedition + '-' + location if volume_key in list(InRec.keys()): volume = InRec[volume_key] if not InRec[dec_key].strip( """ " ' """) or not InRec[inc_key].strip(""" " ' """): print("No dec or inc found for specimen %s, skipping" % specimen) if specimen != "" and specimen not in [ x['specimen'] if 'specimen' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in SpecRecs ]: SpecRec['specimen'] = specimen SpecRec['sample'] = sample SpecRec['volume'] = volume SpecRec['citations'] = citations SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if sample != "" and sample not in [ x['sample'] if 'sample' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in SampRecs ]: SampRec['sample'] = sample SampRec['site'] = site SampRec['citations'] = citations SampRec['azimuth'] = '0' SampRec['dip'] = '0' SampRec['method_codes'] = 'FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SO-V' SampRecs.append(SampRec) if site != "" and site not in [ x['site'] if 'site' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in SiteRecs ]: SiteRec['site'] = site SiteRec['location'] = location SiteRec['citations'] = citations SiteRec['lat'] = lat SiteRec['lon'] = lon SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) if location != "" and location not in [ x['location'] if 'location' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in LocRecs ]: LocRec['location'] = location LocRec['citations'] = citations LocRec['expedition_name'] = expedition LocRec['lat_n'] = lat LocRec['lon_e'] = lon LocRec['lat_s'] = lat LocRec['lon_w'] = lon LocRecs.append(LocRec) MeasRec['specimen'] = specimen # set up measurement record - default is NRM MeasRec['software_packages'] = version_num MeasRec["treat_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MeasRec["meas_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MeasRec["treat_ac_field"] = '0' MeasRec["treat_dc_field"] = '0' MeasRec["treat_dc_field_phi"] = '0' MeasRec["treat_dc_field_theta"] = '0' MeasRec["quality"] = 'g' # assume all data are "good" MeasRec["standard"] = 'u' # assume all data are "good" MeasRec["dir_csd"] = '0' # assume all data are "good" MeasRec["method_codes"] = 'LT-NO' sort_by = 'treat_ac_field' # set default to AF demag if treatment_type in list( InRec.keys()) and InRec[treatment_type] != "": if "AF" in InRec[treatment_type].upper(): MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst = inst + ':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value = float(InRec[demag_key].strip( '"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T MeasRec["treat_ac_field"] = str( treatment_value) # AF demag in treat mT => T elif "T" in InRec[treatment_type].upper(): MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-T-Z' inst = inst + ':IODP-TDS' # measured on shipboard Schonstedt thermal demagnetizer treatment_value = float(InRec[demag_key].strip( '"')) + 273 # convert C => K MeasRec["treat_temp"] = str(treatment_value) elif "Lowrie" in InRec['Comments']: MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LP-IRM-3D' treatment_value = float(InRec[demag_key].strip( '"')) + 273. # convert C => K MeasRec["treat_temp"] = str(treatment_value) MeasRec["treat_ac_field"] = "0" sort_by = 'treat_temp' elif 'Isothermal' in InRec[treatment_type]: MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' treatment_value = float(InRec[demag_key].strip( '"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T MeasRec["treat_dc_field"] = str(treatment_value) MeasRec["treat_ac_field"] = "0" sort_by = 'treat_dc_field' elif InRec[demag_key] != "0" and InRec[ demag_key] != "": #Assume AF if there is no Treatment typ info MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst = inst + ':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value = float( InRec[demag_key].strip('"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T MeasRec[ "treat_ac_field"] = treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T MeasRec["standard"] = 'u' # assume all data are "good" vol = float(volume) if run_key in list(InRec.keys()): run_number = InRec[run_key] MeasRec['external_database_ids'] = {'LIMS': run_number} else: MeasRec['external_database_ids'] = "" MeasRec['description'] = 'sample orientation: ' + InRec[ 'Sample orientation'] MeasRec['dir_inc'] = InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MeasRec['dir_dec'] = InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens = InRec[int_key].strip('"') MeasRec['magn_moment'] = '%8.3e' % ( float(intens) * vol ) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MeasRec['instrument_codes'] = inst MeasRec['treat_step_num'] = '1' MeasRec['meas_n_orient'] = '' MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) if not file_found: print("No .csv files were found") return False, "No .csv files were found" con = nb.Contribution(output_dir_path, read_tables=[]) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='specimens', data=SpecRecs) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='samples', data=SampRecs) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='sites', data=SiteRecs) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='locations', data=LocRecs) MeasSort = sorted( MeasRecs, lambda x, y=None: int(round(float(x[sort_by]) - float(y[sort_by]))) if y != None else 0) MeasFixed = pmag.measurements_methods3(MeasSort, noave) MeasOuts, keys = pmag.fillkeys(MeasFixed) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='measurements', data=MeasOuts) con.tables['specimens'].write_magic_file(custom_name=spec_file) con.tables['samples'].write_magic_file(custom_name=samp_file) con.tables['sites'].write_magic_file(custom_name=site_file) con.tables['locations'].write_magic_file(custom_name=loc_file) con.tables['measurements'].write_magic_file(custom_name=meas_file) return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION finds anisotropy corrected data and replaces that specimen with it. puts in pmag_specimen format file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i allows interactive setting of file names -fu TFILE uncorrected pmag_specimen format file with thellier interpretations created by -fc AFILE anisotropy corrected pmag_specimen format file created by -F FILE pmag_specimens format output file DEFAULTS TFILE: thellier_specimens.txt AFILE: AC_specimens.txt FILE: TorAC_specimens.txt """ dir_path = '.' tspec = "thellier_specimens.txt" aspec = "AC_specimens.txt" ofile = "TorAC_specimens.txt" critfile = "pmag_criteria.txt" ACSamplist, Samplist, sigmin = [], [], 10000 GoodSamps, SpecOuts = [], [] # get arguments from command line if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-fu' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-fu') tspec = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-fc' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-fc') aspec = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-F') ofile = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] # read in pmag_specimens file tspec = dir_path + '/' + tspec aspec = dir_path + '/' + aspec ofile = dir_path + '/' + ofile Specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(tspec) Specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(tspec) Speclist = pmag.get_specs(Specs) ACSpecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(aspec) ACspeclist = pmag.get_specs(ACSpecs) for spec in Specs: if spec["er_sample_name"] not in Samplist: Samplist.append(spec["er_sample_name"]) for spec in ACSpecs: if spec["er_sample_name"] not in ACSamplist: ACSamplist.append(spec["er_sample_name"]) # for samp in Samplist: useAC, Ints, ACInts, GoodSpecs, AC, UC = 0, [], [], [], [], [] for spec in Specs: if spec["er_sample_name"].lower() == samp.lower(): UC.append(spec) if samp in ACSamplist: for spec in ACSpecs: if spec["er_sample_name"].lower() == samp.lower(): AC.append(spec) if len(AC) > 0: AClist = [] for spec in AC: SpecOuts.append(spec) AClist.append(spec['er_specimen_name']) print('using AC: ', spec['er_specimen_name'], '%7.1f' % (1e6 * float(spec['specimen_int']))) for spec in UC: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in AClist: SpecOuts.append(spec) # print 'using UC: ',spec['er_specimen_name'],'%7.1f'%(1e6*float(spec['specimen_int'])) else: for spec in UC: SpecOuts.append(spec) # print 'using UC: ',spec['er_specimen_name'],'%7.1f'%(1e6*float(spec['specimen_int'])) SpecOuts, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SpecOuts) pmag.magic_write(ofile, SpecOuts, 'pmag_specimens') print('thellier data assessed for AC correction put in ', ofile)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP discrete sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file for appending, default is er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUT Put data from separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in separate directory """ # # version_num = pmag.get_version() meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' spec_file = 'er_specimens.txt' samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' site_file = 'er_sites.txt' ErSpecs, ErSamps, ErSites, ErLocs, ErCits = [], [], [], [], [] MagRecs = [] citation = "This study" dir_path, demag = '.', 'NRM' args = sys.argv noave = 0 if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if '-F' in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsp") spec_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = dir_path + '/' + args[ind + 1] ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) else: samp_file = dir_path + '/' + samp_file if '-LP' in args: ind = args.index("-LP") codelist = args[ind + 1] codes = codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag = 'AF' if '-dc' not in args: methcode = "LT-AF-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode = "LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag = "T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode = "LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode = "LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode = "LP-IRM" if "S" in codes: demag = "S" methcode = "LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield = labfield ans = input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans == "": arm_labfield = 50e-6 else: arm_labfield = float(ans) * 1e-6 ans = input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans == "": trm_peakT = 600 + 273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT = float(ans) + 273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode = "LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode = "LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag = "T" trm = 1 if demag == "T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode = "LP-AN-TRM" if demag == "AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode = "LP-AN-ARM" if labfield == 0: labfield = 50e-6 if peakfield == 0: peakfield = .180 spec_file = dir_path + '/' + spec_file site_file = dir_path + '/' + site_file meas_file = dir_path + '/' + meas_file filelist = os.listdir(dir_path) # read in list of files to import specimens, samples, sites = [], [], [] MagRecs, SpecRecs, SampRecs = [], [], [] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) for file in filelist: # parse each file if file[-3:].lower() == 'dsc': print('processing: ', file) MagRec, SpecRec, SampRec = {}, {}, {} treatment_type, treatment_value, user = "", "", "" inst = "ODP-SRM" input = open(dir_path + '/' + file, 'r').readlines() IDs = file.split('_') # splits on underscores pieces = IDs[0].split('-') expedition = pieces[0] location = pieces[1] if file[0] != '_': while len(pieces[2]) < 4: pieces[2] = '0' + pieces[2] # pad core to be 3 characters specimen = "" else: specimen = "test" for piece in pieces: specimen = specimen + piece + '-' specimen = specimen[:-1] alt_spec = IDs[ 1] # alternate specimen is second field in field name # set up specimen record for Er_specimens table SpecRec['er_expedition_name'] = expedition SpecRec['er_location_name'] = location SpecRec['er_site_name'] = specimen SpecRec['er_sample_name'] = specimen SpecRec['er_citation_names'] = citation for key in list(SpecRec.keys()): SampRec[key] = SpecRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth'] = '0' SampRec['sample_dip'] = '0' SampRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V' SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] = specimen SampRec['er_specimen_names'] = specimen for key in list(SpecRec.keys()): MagRec[key] = SpecRec[key] # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names'] = user MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-NO' MagRec['magic_software_packages'] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = 0. MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '0' MagRec["measurement_flag"] = 'g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = 'u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"] = '' # set csd to blank SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives'] = alt_spec vol = 7e-6 # assume 7 cc samples datestamp = input[1].split() # date time is second line of file mmddyy = datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year date = mmddyy[2] + ':' + mmddyy[0] + ":" + mmddyy[ 1] + ':' + datestamp[1] MagRec["measurement_date"] = date for k in range(len(input)): fields = input[k].split("=") if 'treatment_type' in fields[0]: if "Alternating Frequency Demagnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst = inst + ':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 treatment_type = "AF" if "Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-I' inst = inst + ':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 treatment_type = "ARM" if "Isothermal Remanent Magnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' inst = inst + ':ODP-IMP' # measured on shipboard ASC IMPULSE magnetizer treatment_type = "IRM" if "treatment_value" in fields[0]: values = fields[1].split(',') value = values[0] if value != " \n": if treatment_type == "AF": treatment_value = float(value) * 1e-3 MagRec[ "treatment_ac_field"] = treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T elif treatment_type == "IRM": treatment_value = float(value) * 1e-3 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( treatment_value) # IRM treat mT => T if treatment_type == "ARM": treatment_value = float(value) * 1e-3 dc_value = float(values[1]) * 1e-3 MagRec[ "treatment_ac_field"] = treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( dc_value) # DC mT => T if 'user' in fields[0]: user = fields[-1] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user if 'sample_orientation' in fields[0]: MagRec["measurement_description"] = fields[-1] MagRec[ "measurement_standard"] = 'u' # assume all data are "good" if 'sample_area' in fields[0]: vol = float( fields[1] ) * 1e-6 # takes volume (cc) and converts to m^3 if 'run_number' in fields[0]: MagRec['external_database_ids'] = fields[ 1] # run number is the LIMS measurement number MagRec['external_database_names'] = 'LIMS' if input[k][0:7] == '<MULTI>': rec = input[k + 1].split(',') # list of data for item in rec: items = item.split('=') if items[0].strip( ) == 'demag_level' and treatment_value == "": treat = float(items[1]) if treat != 0: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst = inst + ':ODP-SRM-AF' MagRec[ "treatment_ac_field"] = treat * 1e-3 # AF demag in treat mT => T if items[0].strip() == 'inclination_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_inc'] = items[1] if items[0].strip() == 'declination_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_dec'] = items[1] if items[0].strip() == 'intensity_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_magn_moment'] = '%8.3e' % ( float(items[1]) * vol ) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol if items[0].strip() == 'x_stdev': MagRec['measurement_x_sd'] = items[1] if items[0].strip() == 'y_stdev': MagRec['measurement_y_sd'] = items[1] if items[0].strip() == 'z_stdev': MagRec['measurement_sd_z'] = items[1] MagRec['magic_instrument_codes'] = inst MagRec['measurement_number'] = '1' MagRec['measurement_positions'] = '' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if specimen not in specimens: specimens.append(specimen) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) MagOuts = pmag.sort_diclist(MagRecs, 'treatment_ac_field') for MagRec in MagOuts: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % (MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] ) # convert to string pmag.magic_write(spec_file, SpecRecs, 'er_specimens') if len(SampRecs) > 0: SampOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampOut, 'er_samples') print('samples stored in ', samp_file) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampRecs, 'er_samples') print('specimens stored in ', spec_file) Fixed = pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, Fixed, 'magic_measurements') print('data stored in ', meas_file)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ascii files generated by SUSAR ver.4.0 to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -f FILE: specify .asc input file name -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements output file -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -Fr RFILE: specify rmag_results output file -Fs SFILE: specify er_specimens output file with location, sample, site, etc. information -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -k15 : specify static 15 position mode - default is spinning -new : replace all existing magic files DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt SFILE: default is to create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "unknown" INST: "" SPEC: 0 sample name is same as site (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) appends to 'er_specimens.txt, er_samples.txt, er_sites.txt' files Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ citation='This study' cont=0 samp_con,Z="1",1 AniRecSs,AniRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs,MeasRecs=[],[],[],[],[],[] user,locname,specfile="","unknown","er_specimens.txt" isspec,inst,specnum='0',"",0 spin,new=1,0 dir_path='.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] aoutput,routput,moutput=dir_path+'/rmag_anisotropy.txt',dir_path+'/rmag_results.txt',dir_path+'/magic_measurements.txt' if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-usr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-usr') user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer") sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print("option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer") sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-k15' in sys.argv:spin=0 if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') ascfile=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') moutput=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fa') aoutput=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fr') routput=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fs' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fs') specfile=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] isspec='1' elif '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') locname=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum=-(int(sys.argv[ind+1])) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if isspec=="1": specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(specfile) specnames,sampnames,sitenames=[],[],[] if '-new' not in sys.argv: # see if there are already specimen,sample, site files lying around try: SpecRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/er_specimens.txt') for spec in SpecRecs: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in specnames:specnames.append(samp['er_specimen_name']) except: SpecRecs,specs=[],[] try: SampRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/er_samples.txt') for samp in SampRecs: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in sampnames:sampnames.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: sampnames,SampRecs=[],[] try: SiteRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/er_sites.txt') for site in SiteRecs: if site['er_site_names'] not in sitenames:sitenames.append(site['er_site_name']) except: sitenames,SiteRecs=[],[] try: input=open(ascfile,'r') except: print('Error opening file: ', ascfile) Data=input.readlines() k=0 while k<len(Data): line = Data[k] words=line.split() if "ANISOTROPY" in words: # first line of data for the spec MeasRec,AniRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec={},{},{},{},{} specname=words[0] AniRec['er_specimen_name']=specname if isspec=="1": for spec in specs: if spec['er_specimen_name']==specname: AniRec['er_sample_name']=spec['er_sample_name'] AniRec['er_site_name']=spec['er_site_name'] AniRec['er_location_name']=spec['er_location_name'] break elif isspec=="0": if specnum!=0: sampname=specname[:specnum] else: sampname=specname AniRec['er_sample_name']=sampname SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specname SpecRec['er_sample_name']=sampname SampRec['er_sample_name']=sampname SiteRec['er_sample_name']=sampname SiteRec['site_description']='s' AniRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SpecRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SampRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SiteRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) AniRec['er_location_name']=locname SpecRec['er_location_name']=locname SampRec['er_location_name']=locname SiteRec['er_location_name']=locname AniRec['er_citation_names']="This study" SpecRec['er_citation_names']="This study" SampRec['er_citation_names']="This study" SiteRec['er_citation_names']="This study" AniRec['er_citation_names']="This study" AniRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst AniRec['magic_method_codes']="LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS" AniRec['magic_experiment_names']=specname+":"+"LP-AN-MS" AniRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user for key in list(AniRec.keys()):MeasRec[key]=AniRec[key] MeasRec['measurement_flag']='g' AniRec['anisotropy_flag']='g' MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' MeasRec['measurement_description']='Bulk sucsecptibility measurement' AniRec['anisotropy_type']="AMS" AniRec['anisotropy_unit']="Normalized by trace" if spin==1: AniRec['anisotropy_n']="192" else: AniRec['anisotropy_n']="15" if 'Azi' in words and isspec=='0': SampRec['sample_azimuth']=words[1] labaz=float(words[1]) if 'Dip' in words: SampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(-float(words[1])) SpecRec['specimen_vol']='%8.3e'%(float(words[10])*1e-6) # convert actual volume to m^3 from cm^3 labdip=float(words[1]) if 'T1' in words and 'F1' in words: k+=2 # read in fourth line down line=Data[k] rec=line.split() dd=rec[1].split('/') dip_direction=int(dd[0])+90 SampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%i'%(dip_direction) SampRec['sample_bed_dip']=dd[1] bed_dip=float(dd[1]) if "Mean" in words: k+=4 # read in fourth line down line=Data[k] rec=line.split() MeasRec['measurement_chi_volume']=rec[1] sigma=.01*float(rec[2])/3. AniRec['anisotropy_sigma']='%7.4f'%(sigma) AniRec['anisotropy_unit']='SI' if "factors" in words: k+=4 # read in second line down line=Data[k] rec=line.split() if "Specimen" in words: # first part of specimen data AniRec['anisotropy_s1']='%7.4f'%(old_div(float(words[5]),3.)) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec['anisotropy_s2']='%7.4f'%(old_div(float(words[6]),3.)) AniRec['anisotropy_s3']='%7.4f'%(old_div(float(words[7]),3.)) k+=1 line=Data[k] rec=line.split() AniRec['anisotropy_s4']='%7.4f'%(old_div(float(rec[5]),3.)) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec['anisotropy_s5']='%7.4f'%(old_div(float(rec[6]),3.)) AniRec['anisotropy_s6']='%7.4f'%(old_div(float(rec[7]),3.)) AniRec['anisotropy_tilt_correction']='-1' AniRecs.append(AniRec) AniRecG,AniRecT={},{} for key in list(AniRec.keys()):AniRecG[key]=AniRec[key] for key in list(AniRec.keys()):AniRecT[key]=AniRec[key] sbar=[] sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s1'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s2'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s3'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s4'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s5'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s6'])) sbarg=pmag.dosgeo(sbar,labaz,labdip) AniRecG["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[0]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[1]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[2]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[3]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[4]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[5]) AniRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' AniRecs.append(AniRecG) if bed_dip!="" and bed_dip!=0: # have tilt correction sbart=pmag.dostilt(sbarg,dip_direction,bed_dip) AniRecT["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[0]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[1]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[2]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[3]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[4]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[5]) AniRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' AniRecs.append(AniRecT) MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) if SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] not in specnames: SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) specnames.append(SpecRec['er_specimen_name']) if SampRec['er_sample_name'] not in sampnames: SampRecs.append(SampRec) sampnames.append(SampRec['er_sample_name']) if SiteRec['er_site_name'] not in sitenames: SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) sitenames.append(SiteRec['er_site_name']) k+=1 # skip to next specimen pmag.magic_write(aoutput,AniRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') print("anisotropy tensors put in ",aoutput) pmag.magic_write(moutput,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') print("bulk measurements put in ",moutput) if isspec=="0": SpecOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SpecRecs) output=dir_path+"/er_specimens.txt" pmag.magic_write(output,SpecOut,'er_specimens') print("specimen info put in ",output) output=dir_path+"/er_samples.txt" SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(output,SampOut,'er_samples') print("sample info put in ",output) output=dir_path+"/er_sites.txt" SiteOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SiteRecs) pmag.magic_write(output,SiteOut,'er_sites') print("site info put in ",output) print("""" You can now import your data into the Magic Console and complete data entry, for example the site locations, lithologies, etc. plotting can be done with """)
def save_redo(SpecRecs, inspec): SpecRecs, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SpecRecs) pmag.magic_write(inspec, SpecRecs, 'pmag_specimens')
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP discrete sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file for appending, default is er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUT Put data from separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in separate directory """ # # version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) else: samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 spec_file=dir_path+'/'+spec_file site_file=dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file filelist=os.listdir(dir_path) # read in list of files to import specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] MagRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs=[],[],[] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) for file in filelist: # parse each file if file[-3:].lower()=='dsc': print('processing: ',file) MagRec,SpecRec,SampRec={},{},{} treatment_type,treatment_value,user="","","" inst="ODP-SRM" input=open(dir_path+'/'+file,'r').readlines() IDs=file.split('_') # splits on underscores pieces=IDs[0].split('-') expedition=pieces[0] location=pieces[1] if file[0]!='_': while len(pieces[2])<4:pieces[2]='0'+pieces[2] # pad core to be 3 characters specimen="" else: specimen="test" for piece in pieces: specimen=specimen+piece+'-' specimen=specimen[:-1] alt_spec=IDs[1] # alternate specimen is second field in field name # set up specimen record for Er_specimens table SpecRec['er_expedition_name']=expedition SpecRec['er_location_name']=location SpecRec['er_site_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_citation_names']=citation for key in list(SpecRec.keys()):SampRec[key]=SpecRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='0' SampRec['sample_dip']='0' SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V' SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen SampRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen for key in list(SpecRec.keys()):MagRec[key]=SpecRec[key] # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=0. MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"]='' # set csd to blank SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives']=alt_spec vol=7e-6 # assume 7 cc samples datestamp=input[1].split() # date time is second line of file mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year date=mmddyy[2]+':'+mmddyy[0]+":"+mmddyy[1] +':' +datestamp[1] MagRec["measurement_date"]=date for k in range(len(input)): fields= input[k].split("=") if 'treatment_type' in fields[0]: if "Alternating Frequency Demagnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 treatment_type="AF" if "Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-I' inst=inst+':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 treatment_type="ARM" if "Isothermal Remanent Magnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' inst=inst+':ODP-IMP' # measured on shipboard ASC IMPULSE magnetizer treatment_type="IRM" if "treatment_value" in fields[0]: values=fields[1].split(',') value=values[0] if value!=" \n": if treatment_type=="AF": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T elif treatment_type=="IRM": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(treatment_value) # IRM treat mT => T if treatment_type=="ARM": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 dc_value=float(values[1])*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(dc_value) # DC mT => T if 'user' in fields[0]: user=fields[-1] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user if 'sample_orientation' in fields[0]: MagRec["measurement_description"]=fields[-1] MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" if 'sample_area' in fields[0]: vol=float(fields[1])*1e-6 # takes volume (cc) and converts to m^3 if 'run_number' in fields[0]: MagRec['external_database_ids']=fields[1] # run number is the LIMS measurement number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' if input[k][0:7]=='<MULTI>': rec=input[k+1].split(',') # list of data for item in rec: items=item.split('=') if items[0].strip()=='demag_level' and treatment_value=="" : treat= float(items[1]) if treat!=0: MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-SRM-AF' MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treat*1e-3 # AF demag in treat mT => T if items[0].strip()=='inclination_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_inc']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='declination_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_dec']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='intensity_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(items[1])*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol if items[0].strip()=='x_stdev':MagRec['measurement_x_sd']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='y_stdev':MagRec['measurement_y_sd']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='z_stdev':MagRec['measurement_sd_z']=items[1] MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' MagRec['measurement_positions']='' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if specimen not in specimens: specimens.append(specimen) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) MagOuts=pmag.sort_diclist(MagRecs,'treatment_ac_field') for MagRec in MagOuts: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]) # convert to string pmag.magic_write(spec_file,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') if len(SampRecs)>0: SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,'er_samples') print('samples stored in ',samp_file) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampRecs,'er_samples') print('specimens stored in ',spec_file) Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print('data stored in ',meas_file)
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes the binary 2g format magnetometer files and converts them to magic_measurements, er_samples.txt and er_sites.txt file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input 2g (binary) file -F FILE: specify magic_measurements output file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output file, default is: er_sites.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #5 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass SO-SUN orientation with sun compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ins INST : specify instsrument name -a: average replicate measurements INPUT FORMAT Input files are horrible mag binary format (who knows why?) Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-field_dip i.e., field_dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -field_dip i.e., mag_azimuth is strike and field_dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip i.e., lab arrow same as field arrow, but field_dip was a hade. [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip [5] lab azimuth is same as mag_azimuth,lab arrow dip=field_dip-90 [6] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [7] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: Az will use supplied declination to correct azimuth Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name = sample name [6] site name entered in site_name column in the orient.txt format input file -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXX]YYY: XXX is site designation with Z characters from samples XXXYYY NB: all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in magic_measurements.txt & er_samples.txt formatted files will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # mag_file = '' specnum=0 ub_file,samp_file,or_con,corr,meas_file = "","er_samples.txt","3","1","magic_measurements.txt" pos_file,site_file="","er_sites.txt" noave=1 args=sys.argv bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" samp_con,Z,average_bedding="2",1,"0" meths='FS-FD' sclass,lithology,_type="","","" user,inst="","" DecCorr=0. location_name="unknown" months=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] gmeths="" # # dir_path='.' if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") mag_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fpos" in args: ind=args.index("-fpos") pos_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsi" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ocn" in args: ind=args.index("-ocn") or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") gmeths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") location_name=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-a" in args: noave=0 # ID = False if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') ID = args[ind+1] # if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file', '') pos_file = kwargs.get('pos_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'er_sites.txt') or_con = kwargs.get('or_con', '3') samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '2') corr = kwargs.get('corr', '1') gmeths = kwargs.get('gmeths', '') location_name = kwargs.get('location_name', '') specnum = int(kwargs.get('specnum', 0)) inst = kwargs.get('inst', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 1) # default is DO average ID = kwargs.get('ID', '') # format and fix variables acquired from command line args or input with **kwargs if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if ID: input_dir_path = ID else: input_dir_path = dir_path if samp_con: if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "6" in samp_con: try: Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(os.path.join(input_dir_path, 'er_samples.txt')) except: print "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" return False, "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" if file_type == 'bad_file': print "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" return False, "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" if not mag_file: print "mag file is required input" return False, "mag file is required input" output_dir_path = dir_path mag_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file) samp_file = output_dir_path+'/'+samp_file site_file = output_dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file= output_dir_path+'/'+meas_file samplist=[] try: Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: samplist.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: Samps=[] MagRecs=[] try: f=open(mag_file,'rU') f.close() except Exception as ex: print 'ex', ex print "bad mag file" return False, "bad mag file" firstline,date=1,"" d=input.split('\xcd') for line in d: rec=line.split('\x00') if firstline==1: firstline=0 spec,vol="",1 for c in line[15:23]: if c!='\x00':spec=spec+c # check for bad sample name test=spec.split('.') date="" if len(test)>1: spec=test[0] kk=24 while line[kk]!='\x01' and line[kk]!='\x00': kk+=1 vcc=line[24:kk] el=10 while rec[el].strip()!='':el+=1 date,comments=rec[el+7],[] else: el=9 while rec[el]!='\x01':el+=1 vcc,date,comments=rec[el-3],rec[el+7],[] specname=spec.lower() print 'importing ',specname el+=8 while rec[el].isdigit()==False: comments.append(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 az=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 pl=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 bed_dip_dir=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 bed_dip=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 if rec[el]=='\x01': bed_dip=180.-bed_dip el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 fold_az=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 fold_pl=rec[el] el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 if rec[el]!="" and rec[el]!='\x02' and rec[el]!='\x01': deccorr=float(rec[el]) az+=deccorr bed_dip_dir+=deccorr fold_az+=deccorr if bed_dip_dir>=360:bed_dip_dir=bed_dip_dir-360. if az>=360.:az=az-360. if fold_az>=360.:fold_az=fold_az-360. else: deccorr=0 if specnum!=0: sample=specname[:specnum] else: sample=specname SampRec={} SampRec["er_sample_name"]=sample SampRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(az,pl,or_con) # convert to labaz, labpl # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip_dir) SampRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) if vcc.strip()!="":vol=float(vcc)*1e-6 # convert to m^3 from cc SampRec["sample_volume"]='%10.3e'%(vol) # SampRec["sample_class"]=sclass SampRec["sample_lithology"]=lithology SampRec["sample_type"]=_type SampRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(deccorr) methods=gmeths.split(':') if deccorr!="0": if 'SO-MAG' in methods:del methods[methods.index('SO-MAG')] methods.append('SO-CMD-NORTH') meths="" for meth in methods:meths=meths+meth+":" meths=meths[:-1] SampRec["magic_method_codes"]=meths if int(samp_con)<6 or int(samp_con) == 7: site=pmag.parse_site(SampRec["er_sample_name"],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"]=site elif len(Samps)>1: site,location="","" for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == SampRec["er_sample_name"]: site=samp["er_site_name"] location=samp["er_location_name"] break SampRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] SampRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] if sample not in samplist: samplist.append(sample) Samps.append(SampRec) else: MagRec={} MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=specname MagRec["er_sample_name"]=SampRec['er_sample_name'] MagRec["er_site_name"]=SampRec['er_site_name'] MagRec["er_location_name"]=location_name el,demag=1,'' treat=rec[el] if treat[-1]=='C': demag='T' elif treat!='NRM': demag='AF' el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[el] cdec=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[el] cinc=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 gdec=rec[el] el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 ginc=rec[el] el=skip(2,el,rec) # skip bdec,binc # el=skip(4,el,rec) # skip gdec,ginc,bdec,binc # print 'moment emu: ',rec[el] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3/vol) # magnetization in A/m el=skip(2,el,rec) # skip to xsig MagRec["measurement_sd_x"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el=skip(3,el,rec) # skip to ysig MagRec["measurement_sd_y"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el=skip(3,el,rec) # skip to zsig MagRec["measurement_sd_z"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el+=1 # skip to positions MagRec["measurement_positions"]=rec[el] # el=skip(5,el,rec) # skip to date # mm=str(months.index(date[0])) # if len(mm)==1: # mm='0'+str(mm) # else: # mm=str(mm) # dstring=date[2]+':'+mm+':'+date[1]+":"+date[3] # MagRec['measurement_date']=dstring MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type if demag=="AF": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(treat[:-2])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif demag=="T": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[:-1])+273.) # temp in kelvin meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) MagOuts, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(MagOuts) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "Measurements put in ",meas_file SampsOut,sampkeys=pmag.fillkeys(Samps) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampsOut,"er_samples") Sites=[] for samp in Samps: SiteRec={} SiteRec['er_site_name']=samp['er_site_name'] SiteRec['er_location_name']=samp['er_location_name'] SiteRec['site_definition']='s' SiteRec['er_citation_names']='This study' if 'sample_class' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_class']=samp['sample_class'] if 'sample_lithology' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_lithology']=samp['sample_lithology'] if 'sample_type' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_lithology']=samp['sample_lithology'] if 'sample_lat' in samp.keys(): SiteRec['site_lat']=samp['sample_lat'] else: SiteRec['site_lat']="-999" if 'sample_lon' in samp.keys(): SiteRec['site_lon']=samp['sample_lon'] else: SiteRec['site_lon']="-999" if 'sample_height' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_height']=samp['sample_height'] Sites.append(SiteRec) pmag.magic_write(site_file,Sites,'er_sites') return True, meas_file
def convert(**kwargs): # initialize defaults version_num=pmag.get_version() dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get('noave', False) # default is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get('csv_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'measurements.txt') spec_file = kwargs.get('spec_file', 'specimens.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'sites.txt') loc_file = kwargs.get('loc_file', 'locations.txt') lat = kwargs.get('lat', '') lon = kwargs.get('lon', '') volume = kwargs.get('volume', 2.5**3)*1e-6#default volume is a 2.5cm cube # format variables if csv_file=="": filelist=os.listdir(input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist=[csv_file] # parsing the data file_found,citations = False,"This Study" MeasRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs,LocRecs=[],[],[],[],[] for fin in filelist: # parse each file if fin[-3:].lower()=='csv': file_found = True print('processing: ',fin) indata=open(fin,'r').readlines() keys=indata[0].replace('\n','').split(',') # splits on underscores keys=[k.strip('"') for k in keys] interval_key="Offset (cm)" if "Treatment Value (mT or \xc2\xb0C)" in keys:demag_key="Treatment Value (mT or \xc2\xb0C)" elif "Treatment Value" in keys:demag_key="Treatment Value" elif "Treatment Value (mT or °C)" in keys:demag_key="Treatment Value (mT or °C)" elif "Demag level (mT)" in keys:demag_key="Demag level (mT)" else: print("couldn't find demag level") if "Treatment type" in keys:treatment_type="Treatment type" elif "Treatment Type" in keys:treatment_type="Treatment Type" else: treatment_type="" run_key="Test No." if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" elif "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key="Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Inclination background & drift corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background & drift corrected (deg)" else: print("couldn't find inclination") if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" elif "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key="Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" elif "Declination background & drift corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background & drift corrected (deg)" else: print("couldn't find declination") if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key="Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" elif "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key="Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" elif "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" elif "Intensity background & drift corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background & drift corrected (A/m)" else: print("couldn't find magnetic moment") type_val="Type" sect_key="Sect" half_key="A/W" # need to add volume_key to LORE format! if "Sample volume (cm^3)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cm^3)" elif "Sample volume (cc)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cc)" elif "Sample volume (cm³)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cm³)" elif "Sample volume (cm\xc2\xb3)" in keys:volume_key="Sample volume (cm\xc2\xb3)" else: volume_key="" for line in indata[1:]: InRec={} MeasRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,LocRec={},{},{},{},{} for k in range(len(keys)):InRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k].strip('"') inst="IODP-SRM" expedition=InRec['Exp'] location=InRec['Site']+InRec['Hole'] offsets=InRec[interval_key].split('.') # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval if len(offsets)==1: offset=int(offsets[0]) else: offset=int(offsets[0])-1 #interval=str(offset+1)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval interval=str(offset)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[type_val]+"-"+InRec[sect_key]+'-'+InRec[half_key]+'-'+str(InRec[interval_key]) sample = expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[type_val] site = expedition+'-'+location if volume_key in list(InRec.keys()): volume=InRec[volume_key] if not InRec[dec_key].strip(""" " ' """) or not InRec[inc_key].strip(""" " ' """): print("No dec or inc found for specimen %s, skipping"%specimen) if specimen!="" and specimen not in [x['specimen'] if 'specimen' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in SpecRecs]: SpecRec['specimen'] = specimen SpecRec['sample'] = sample SpecRec['volume'] = volume SpecRec['citations']=citations SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if sample!="" and sample not in [x['sample'] if 'sample' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in SampRecs]: SampRec['sample'] = sample SampRec['site'] = site SampRec['citations']=citations SampRec['azimuth']='0' SampRec['dip']='0' SampRec['method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SO-V' SampRecs.append(SampRec) if site!="" and site not in [x['site'] if 'site' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in SiteRecs]: SiteRec['site'] = site SiteRec['location'] = location SiteRec['citations']=citations SiteRec['lat'] = lat SiteRec['lon'] = lon SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) if location!="" and location not in [x['location'] if 'location' in list(x.keys()) else "" for x in LocRecs]: LocRec['location']=location LocRec['citations']=citations LocRec['expedition_name']=expedition LocRec['lat_n'] = lat LocRec['lon_e'] = lon LocRec['lat_s'] = lat LocRec['lon_w'] = lon LocRecs.append(LocRec) MeasRec['specimen']=specimen # set up measurement record - default is NRM MeasRec['software_packages']=version_num MeasRec["treat_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MeasRec["meas_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MeasRec["treat_ac_field"]='0' MeasRec["treat_dc_field"]='0' MeasRec["treat_dc_field_phi"]='0' MeasRec["treat_dc_field_theta"]='0' MeasRec["quality"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MeasRec["standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" MeasRec["dir_csd"]='0' # assume all data are "good" MeasRec["method_codes"]='LT-NO' sort_by='treat_ac_field' # set default to AF demag if treatment_type in list(InRec.keys()) and InRec[treatment_type]!="": if "AF" in InRec[treatment_type].upper(): MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MeasRec["treat_ac_field"]=str(treatment_value) # AF demag in treat mT => T elif "T" in InRec[treatment_type].upper(): MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-T-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-TDS' # measured on shipboard Schonstedt thermal demagnetizer treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))+273 # convert C => K MeasRec["treat_temp"]=str(treatment_value) elif "Lowrie" in InRec['Comments']: MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LP-IRM-3D' treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))+273. # convert C => K MeasRec["treat_temp"]=str(treatment_value) MeasRec["treat_ac_field"]="0" sort_by='treat_temp' elif 'Isothermal' in InRec[treatment_type]: MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MeasRec["treat_dc_field"]=str(treatment_value) MeasRec["treat_ac_field"]="0" sort_by='treat_dc_field' elif InRec[demag_key]!="0" and InRec[demag_key]!="": #Assume AF if there is no Treatment typ info MeasRec['method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':IODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MeasRec["treat_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T MeasRec["standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" vol=float(volume) if run_key in list(InRec.keys()): run_number=InRec[run_key] MeasRec['external_database_ids']={'LIMS':run_number} else: MeasRec['external_database_ids']="" MeasRec['description']='sample orientation: '+InRec['Sample orientation'] MeasRec['dir_inc']=InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MeasRec['dir_dec']=InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens= InRec[int_key].strip('"') MeasRec['magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(intens)*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MeasRec['instrument_codes']=inst MeasRec['treat_step_num']='1' MeasRec['meas_n_orient']='' MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) if not file_found: print("No .csv files were found") return False, "No .csv files were found" con = nb.Contribution(output_dir_path,read_tables=[]) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='specimens', data=SpecRecs) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='samples', data=SampRecs) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='sites', data=SiteRecs) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='locations', data=LocRecs) MeasSort=sorted(MeasRecs, lambda x,y=None: int(round(float(x[sort_by])-float(y[sort_by]))) if y!=None else 0) MeasFixed=pmag.measurements_methods3(MeasSort,noave) MeasOuts,keys=pmag.fillkeys(MeasFixed) con.add_magic_table_from_data(dtype='measurements', data=MeasOuts) con.tables['specimens'].write_magic_file(custom_name=spec_file) con.tables['samples'].write_magic_file(custom_name=samp_file) con.tables['sites'].write_magic_file(custom_name=site_file) con.tables['locations'].write_magic_file(custom_name=loc_file) con.tables['measurements'].write_magic_file(custom_name=meas_file) return True, meas_file