def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file [and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. ] Bracketed part not yet implemented SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets measurements format input file, default: measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: specimens.txt -fsa SAMPFILE: sets samples format file sample=>site information, default: samples.txt -fsi SITEFILE: sets sites format file with site=>location informationprior interpreations, default: samples.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave, e, b = 1, 0, 0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] plots, coord = 0, 's' noorient = 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose calculation_type, fmt = "", "svg" user, spec_keys, locname = "", [], '' geo, tilt, ask = 0, 0, 0 PriorRecs = [] # empty list for prior interpretations backup = 0 specimen = "" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-WD", default_val=os.getcwd()) meas_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", default_val="measurements.txt") spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") #meas_file = os.path.join(dir_path, meas_file) #spec_file = os.path.join(dir_path, spec_file) #samp_file = os.path.join(dir_path, samp_file) #site_file = os.path.join(dir_path, site_file) plot_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-Fp", default_val="") crd = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-crd", default_val="s") if crd == "s": coord = "-1" elif crd == "t": coord = "100" else: coord = "0" fmt = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fmt", "svg") specimen = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-spc", default_val="") beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type = sys.argv[ind + 1] beg_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 2]) end_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 3]) if direction_type == 'L': calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' if direction_type == 'P': calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' if direction_type == 'F': calculation_type = 'DE-FM' if '-A' in sys.argv: doave = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots, verbose = 1, 0 # first_save = 1 fnames = { 'measurements': meas_file, 'specimens': spec_file, 'samples': samp_file, 'sites': site_file } contribution = nb.Contribution( dir_path, custom_filenames=fnames, read_tables=['measurements', 'specimens', 'samples', 'sites']) # # import specimens specimen_cols = [ 'analysts', 'aniso_ftest', 'aniso_ftest12', 'aniso_ftest23', 'aniso_s', 'aniso_s_mean', 'aniso_s_n_measurements', 'aniso_s_sigma', 'aniso_s_unit', 'aniso_tilt_correction', 'aniso_type', 'aniso_v1', 'aniso_v2', 'aniso_v3', 'citations', 'description', 'dir_alpha95', 'dir_comp', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc', 'dir_mad_free', 'dir_n_measurements', 'dir_tilt_correction', 'experiments', 'geologic_classes', 'geologic_types', 'hyst_bc', 'hyst_bcr', 'hyst_mr_moment', 'hyst_ms_moment', 'int_abs', 'int_b', 'int_b_beta', 'int_b_sigma', 'int_corr', 'int_dang', 'int_drats', 'int_f', 'int_fvds', 'int_gamma', 'int_mad_free', 'int_md', 'int_n_measurements', 'int_n_ptrm', 'int_q', 'int_rsc', 'int_treat_dc_field', 'lithologies', 'meas_step_max', 'meas_step_min', 'meas_step_unit', 'method_codes', 'sample', 'software_packages', 'specimen' ] if 'specimens' in contribution.tables: # contribution.propagate_name_down('sample','measurements') spec_container = contribution.tables['specimens'] prior_spec_data = spec_container.get_records_for_code( 'LP-DIR', strict_match=False ) # look up all prior directional interpretations # # tie sample names to measurement data # else: spec_container, prior_spec_data = None, [] # # import samples for orientation info # if 'samples' in contribution.tables: # contribution.propagate_name_down('site','measurements') contribution.propagate_cols( col_names=['azimuth', 'dip', 'orientation_flag'], target_df_name='measurements', source_df_name='samples') # # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively # ZED = {} ZED['eqarea'], ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag'] = 1, 2, 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'], 6, 6) # save_pca=0 angle, direction_type, setangle = "", "", 0 # create measurement dataframe # meas_container = contribution.tables['measurements'] meas_data = meas_container.df # meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'LT-NO|LT-AF-Z|LT-T-Z|LT-M-Z') == True] # fish out steps for plotting meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'AN|ARM|LP-TRM|LP-PI-ARM') == False] # strip out unwanted experiments intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in meas_data.columns if col_name in intlist ] # plot first intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - # doesn't matter which used int_key = intensity_types[0] # get all the non-null intensity records of the same type meas_data = meas_data[meas_data[int_key].notnull()] if 'flag' not in meas_data.columns: meas_data['flag'] = 'g' # set the default flag to good # need to treat LP-NO specially for af data, treatment should be zero, # otherwise 273. meas_data['treatment'] = meas_data['treat_ac_field'].where( cond=meas_data['treat_ac_field'] != '0', other=meas_data['treat_temp']) meas_data['ZI'] = 1 # initialize these to one meas_data['instrument_codes'] = "" # initialize these to blank # for unusual case of microwave power.... if 'treat_mw_power' in meas_data.columns: meas_data.loc[ meas_data.treat_mw_power != 0, 'treatment'] = meas_data.treat_mw_power * meas_data.treat_mw_time # # get list of unique specimen names from measurement data # # this is a list of all the specimen names specimen_names = meas_data.specimen.unique() specimen_names = specimen_names.tolist() specimen_names.sort() # # set up new DataFrame for this sessions specimen interpretations # data_container = nb.MagicDataFrame(dtype='specimens', columns=specimen_cols) # this is for interpretations from this session current_spec_data = data_container.df locname = 'LookItUp' if specimen == "": k = 0 else: k = specimen_names.index(specimen) # let's look at the data now while k < len(specimen_names): # set the current specimen for plotting this_specimen = specimen_names[k] if verbose and this_specimen != "": print(this_specimen, k + 1, 'out of ', len(specimen_names)) if setangle == 0: angle = "" this_specimen_measurements = meas_data[ meas_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] # fish out this specimen this_specimen_measurements = this_specimen_measurements[ this_specimen_measurements['flag'].str.contains( 'g') == True] # fish out this specimen if len(this_specimen_measurements) != 0: # if there are measurements # # set up datablock [[treatment,dec, inc, int, direction_type],[....]] # # # figure out the method codes # units, methods, title = "", "", this_specimen # this is a list of all the specimen method codes` meas_meths = this_specimen_measurements.method_codes.unique() tr = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.treatment).tolist() if set(tr) == set([0]): k += 1 continue for m in meas_meths: if 'LT-AF-Z' in m: units = 'T' # units include tesla tr[0] = 0 if 'LT-T-Z' in m: units = units + ":K" # units include kelvin if 'LT-M-Z' in m: units = units + ':J' # units include joules tr[0] = 0 units = units.strip(':') # strip off extra colons if 'LP-' in m: methods = methods + ":" + m decs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_dec).tolist() incs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_inc).tolist() # # fix the coordinate system # if coord != '-1': # need to transform coordinates to geographic azimuths = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.azimuth ).tolist() # get the azimuths # get the azimuths dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dip).tolist() dirs = [decs, incs, azimuths, dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_geo = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dogeo_V(dirs_geo) if coord == '100': # need to do tilt correction too bed_dip_dirs = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip_dir).tolist( ) # get the azimuths bed_dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip ).tolist() # get the azimuths dirs = [decs, incs, bed_dip_dirs, bed_dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_tilt = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dotilt_V(dirs_tilt) title = title + '_t' else: title = title + '_g' if angle == "": angle = decs[0] ints = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements[int_key]).tolist() ZI = this_specimen_measurements.ZI.tolist() flags = this_specimen_measurements.flag.tolist() codes = this_specimen_measurements.instrument_codes.tolist() datalist = [tr, decs, incs, ints, ZI, flags, codes] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists datablock = list(map(list, list(zip(*datalist)))) pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, title, units) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # collect info for current_specimen_interpretation dictionary # if beg_pca == "" and len(prior_spec_data) != 0: # # find prior interpretation # prior_specimen_interpretations = prior_spec_data[ prior_spec_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] beg_pcas = pd.to_numeric(prior_specimen_interpretations. meas_step_min.values).tolist() end_pcas = pd.to_numeric(prior_specimen_interpretations. meas_step_max.values).tolist() spec_methods = prior_specimen_interpretations.method_codes.tolist( ) # step through all prior interpretations and plot them for ind in range(len(beg_pcas)): spec_meths = spec_methods[ind].split(':') for m in spec_meths: if 'DE-BFL' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' # best fit line if 'DE-BFP' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' # best fit plane if 'DE-FM' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-FM' # fisher mean if 'DE-BFL-A' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL-A' # anchored best fit line start, end = tr.index(beg_pcas[ind]), tr.index( end_pcas[ind] ) # getting the starting and ending points # calculate direction/plane mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) else: start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) # calculate direction/plane mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if plots == 1 or specimen != "": if plot_file == "": basename = title else: basename = plot_file files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = basename + '_' + key + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED, files) if specimen != "": sys.exit() if verbose: recnum = 0 for plotrec in datablock: if units == 'T': print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "K": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "J": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0], ' J', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0] >= 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if plotrec[0] < 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) recnum += 1 # we have a current interpretation elif mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # # create a new specimen record for the interpreation for this # specimen this_specimen_interpretation = { col: "" for col in specimen_cols } # this_specimen_interpretation["analysts"]=user this_specimen_interpretation['software_packages'] = version_num this_specimen_interpretation['specimen'] = this_specimen this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = calculation_type this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_unit"] = units this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"] = tr[start] this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"] = tr[end] this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dec']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_inc']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dang']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"] = '%i' % ( mpars['specimen_n']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_tilt_correction"] = coord methods = methods.replace(" ", "") if "T" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-M" this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = methods.strip( ':') this_specimen_interpretation[ "experiments"] = this_specimen_measurements.experiment.unique( )[0] # # print some stuff # if calculation_type != 'DE-FM': this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_mad']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '' if verbose: if units == 'K': print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) - 273, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif units == 'T': print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) - 273 print( '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), min, max, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_alpha95']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '' if verbose: if 'K' in units: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurments"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) - 273, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_alpha95"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % ( this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] ), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_alpha95"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) if verbose: saveit = input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") # START HERE # # if len(current_spec_data)==0: # no interpretations yet for this session # print "no current interpretation" # beg_pca,end_pca="","" # calculation_type="" # get the ones that meet the current coordinate system else: print("no data") if verbose: input('Ready for next specimen ') k += 1
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets magic_measurements format input file, default: magic_measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets pmag_specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: zeq_specimens.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -fsa SAMPFILE: sets er_samples format file with orientation information, default: er_samples.txt -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave,e,b=1,0,0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step plots,coord=0,'s' noorient=0 version_num=pmag.get_version() verbose=pmagplotlib.verbose beg_pca,end_pca,direction_type="","",'l' calculation_type,fmt="","svg" user,spec_keys,locname="",[],'' plot_file="" sfile="" plot_file="" PriorRecs=[] # empty list for prior interpretations backup=0 specimen="" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] else: dir_path='.' inspec=dir_path+'/'+'zeq_specimens.txt' meas_file,geo,tilt,ask,samp_file=dir_path+'/magic_measurements.txt',0,0,0,dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') meas_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsp') inspec=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsa') samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] sfile='ok' if '-crd' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-crd') coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=='g' or coord=='t': samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type=='er_samples':sfile='ok' geo=1 if coord=='t':tilt=1 if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specimen=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type=sys.argv[ind+1] beg_pca=int(sys.argv[ind+2]) end_pca=int(sys.argv[ind+3]) if direction_type=='L':calculation_type='DE-BFL' if direction_type=='P':calculation_type='DE-BFP' if direction_type=='F':calculation_type='DE-FM' if '-Fp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fp') plot_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-A' in sys.argv: doave=0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots=1 verbose=0 if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] # first_save=1 meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) changeM,changeS=0,0 # check if data or interpretations have changed if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() for rec in meas_data: if "magic_method_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_method_codes"]="" methods="" tmp=rec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(":") for meth in tmp: methods=methods+meth+":" rec["magic_method_codes"]=methods[:-1] # get rid of annoying spaces in Anthony's export files if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys() :rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" PriorSpecs=[] PriorRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(inspec) if len(PriorRecs)==0: if verbose:print "starting new file ",inspec for Rec in PriorRecs: if 'magic_software_packages' not in Rec.keys():Rec['magic_software_packages']="" if Rec['er_specimen_name'] not in PriorSpecs: if 'specimen_comp_name' not in Rec.keys():Rec['specimen_comp_name']="A" PriorSpecs.append(Rec['er_specimen_name']) else: if 'specimen_comp_name' not in Rec.keys():Rec['specimen_comp_name']="A" if "magic_method_codes" in Rec.keys(): methods=[] tmp=Rec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(":") for meth in tmp: methods.append(meth) if 'DE-FM' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-FM' # this won't be imported but helps if 'DE-BFL' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL' if 'DE-BFL-A' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL-A' if 'DE-BFL-O' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL-O' if 'DE-BFP' in methods: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFP' else: Rec['calculation_type']='DE-BFL' # default is to assume a best-fit line # # get list of unique specimen names # sids=pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # # set up plots, angle sets X axis to horizontal, direction_type 'l' is best-fit line # direction_type='p' is great circle # # # draw plots for sample s - default is just to step through zijderveld diagrams # # # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively ZED={} ZED['eqarea'],ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag']=1,2,3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'],6,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'],5,5) save_pca=0 if specimen=="": k = 0 else: k=sids.index(specimen) angle,direction_type="","" setangle=0 CurrRecs=[] while k < len(sids): CurrRecs=[] if setangle==0:angle="" method_codes,inst_code=[],"" s=sids[k] PmagSpecRec={} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagSpecRec['specimen_description']="" PmagSpecRec['magic_method_codes']="" if verbose and s!="":print s, k , 'out of ',len(sids) # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # s_meas=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # fish out this specimen s_meas=pmag.get_dictitem(s_meas,'magic_method_codes','Z','has') # fish out zero field steps if len(s_meas)>0: for rec in s_meas: # fix up a few things for the output record PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec["magic_instrument_codes"] # copy over instruments PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] locname=rec['er_location_name'] if 'er_expedition_name' in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["er_expedition_name"]=rec["er_expedition_name"] PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=rec["magic_method_codes"] if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] break # # find the data from the meas_data file for this specimen # data,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,meas_data) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]= units u=units.split(":") if "T" in units:PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units:PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units:PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":LP-DIR-M" # # find prior interpretation # if len(CurrRecs)==0: # check if already in beg_pca,end_pca="","" calculation_type="" if inspec !="": if verbose: print " looking up previous interpretations..." precs=pmag.get_dictitem(PriorRecs,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # get all the prior recs with this specimen name precs=pmag.get_dictitem(precs,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR','has') # get the directional data PriorRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(PriorRecs,'er_specimen_name',s,'F') # take them all out of prior recs # get the ones that meet the current coordinate system for prec in precs: if 'specimen_tilt_correction' not in prec.keys() or prec['specimen_tilt_correction']=='-1': crd='s' elif prec['specimen_tilt_correction']=='0': crd='g' elif prec['specimen_tilt_correction']=='100': crd='t' else: crd='?' CurrRec={} for key in prec.keys():CurrRec[key]=prec[key] CurrRecs.append(CurrRec) # put in CurrRecs method_codes= CurrRec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(':') calculation_type='DE-BFL' if 'DE-FM' in method_codes: calculation_type='DE-FM' if 'DE-BFP' in method_codes: calculation_type='DE-BFP' if 'DE-BFL-A' in method_codes: calculation_type='DE-BFL-A' if 'specimen_dang' not in CurrRec.keys(): if verbose:print 'Run and to get the specimen_dang values' CurrRec['specimen_dang']=-1 if calculation_type!='DE-FM' and crd==coord: # not a fisher mean if verbose:print "Specimen N MAD DANG start end dec inc type component coordinates" if units=='K': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dang"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif units=='T': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dang"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s %s\n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec['specimen_dang']),min,max,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,crd) elif 'J' in units: if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec['specimen_dang']),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif calculation_type=='DE-FM' and crd==coord: # fisher mean if verbose:print "Specimen a95 DANG start end dec inc type component coordinates" if units=='K': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif units=='T': if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(CurrRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_alpha95"]),min,max,float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,crd) elif 'J' in units: if verbose:print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s %s %s \n' % (CurrRec["er_specimen_name"],int(CurrRec["specimen_n"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_mad"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(CurrRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_dec"]),float(CurrRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type,CurrRec['specimen_comp_name'],crd) if len(CurrRecs)==0:beg_pca,end_pca="","" datablock=data noskip=1 if len(datablock) <3: noskip=0 if backup==0: k+=1 else: k-=1 if len(CurrRecs)>0: for rec in CurrRecs: PriorRecs.append(rec) CurrRecs=[] else: backup=0 if noskip: # # find replicate measurements at given treatment step and average them # # step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) # if len(avedata) != len(datablock): # if doave==1: # method_codes.append("DE-VM") # datablock=avedata # # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1: # # find top priority orientation method orient,az_type=pmag.get_orient(samp_data,PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) if az_type=='SO-NO': if verbose: print "no orientation data for ",s orient["sample_azimuth"]=0 orient["sample_dip"]=0 noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") orient["sample_azimuth"]=0 orient["sample_dip"]=0 orient["sample_bed_dip_azimuth"]=0 orient["sample_bed_dip"]=0 noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") else: noorient=0 # # if stratigraphic selected, get stratigraphic correction # tiltblock,geoblock=[],[] for rec in datablock: d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(rec[1],rec[2],float(orient["sample_azimuth"]),float(orient["sample_dip"])) geoblock.append([rec[0],d_geo,i_geo,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5],rec[6]]) if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and float(orient['sample_bed_dip'])!=0: d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,float(orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]),float(orient["sample_bed_dip"])) tiltblock.append([rec[0],d_tilt,i_tilt,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5],rec[6]]) if tilt==1: plotblock=tiltblock if geo==1 and tilt==0:plotblock=geoblock if geo==0 and tilt==0: plotblock=datablock # # set the end pca point to last point if not set if e==0 or e>len(plotblock)-1: e=len(plotblock)-1 if angle=="": angle=plotblock[0][1] # rotate to NRM declination title=s+'_s' if geo==1 and tilt==0 and noorient!=1:title=s+'_g' if tilt==1 and noorient!=1:title=s+'_t' pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,plotblock,angle,title,units) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if len(CurrRecs)!=0: for prec in CurrRecs: if 'calculation_type' not in prec.keys(): calculation_type='' else: calculation_type=prec["calculation_type"] direction_type=prec["specimen_direction_type"] if calculation_type !="": beg_pca,end_pca="","" for j in range(len(datablock)): if data[j][0]==float(prec["measurement_step_min"]):beg_pca=j if data[j][0]==float(prec["measurement_step_max"]):end_pca=j if beg_pca=="" or end_pca=="": if verbose: print "something wrong with prior interpretation " break if calculation_type!="": if beg_pca=="":beg_pca=0 if end_pca=="":end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,geoblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,tiltblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,plotblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # print out data for this sample to screen # recnum=0 for plotrec in plotblock: if units=='T' and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3," mT",plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if units=="K" and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]-273,' C',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if units=="J" and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0],' J',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0]>=1. and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]-273,' C',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) if plotrec[0]<1. and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3," mT",plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[6]) recnum += 1 if specimen!="": if plot_file=="": basename=locname+'_'+s else: basename=plot_file files={} for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]=basename+'_'+key+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) sys.exit() else: # interactive if plots==0: ans='b' k+=1 changeS=0 while ans != "": if len(CurrRecs)==0: print """ g/b: indicates good/bad measurement. "bad" measurements excluded from calculation set s[a]ve plot, [b]ounds for pca and calculate, [p]revious, [s]pecimen, change [h]orizontal projection angle, change [c]oordinate systems, [e]dit data, [q]uit: """ else: print """ g/b: indicates good/bad measurement. "bad" measurements excluded from calculation set s[a]ve plot, [b]ounds for pca and calculate, [p]revious, [s]pecimen, change [h]orizontal projection angle, change [c]oordinate systems, [d]elete current interpretation(s), [e]dit data, [q]uit: """ ans=raw_input('<Return> for next specimen \n') setangle=0 if ans=='d': # delete this interpretation CurrRecs=[] k-=1 # replot same specimen ans="" changeS=1 if ans=='q': if changeM==1: ans=raw_input('Save changes to magic_measurements.txt? y/[n] ') if ans=='y': pmag.magic_write(meas_file,meas_data,'magic_measurements') print "Good bye" sys.exit() if ans=='a': if plot_file=="": basename=locname+'_'+s+'_' else: basename=plot_file files={} for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]=basename+'_'+coord+'_'+key+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) ans="" if ans=='p': k-=2 ans="" backup=1 if ans=='c': k-=1 # replot same block if tilt==0 and geo ==1:print "You are currently viewing geographic coordinates " if tilt==1 and geo ==1:print "You are currently viewing stratigraphic coordinates " if tilt==0 and geo ==0: print "You are currently viewing sample coordinates " print "\n Which coordinate system do you wish to view? " coord=raw_input(" <Return> specimen, [g] geographic, [t] tilt corrected ") if coord=="g":geo,tilt=1,0 if coord=="t": geo=1 tilt=1 if coord=="": coord='s' geo=0 tilt=0 if geo==1 and sfile=="": samp_file=raw_input(" Input er_samples file for sample orientations [er_samples.txt] " ) if samp_file=="":samp_file="er_samples.txt" samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file - coordinate system not changed" else: sfile="ok" ans="" if ans=='s': keepon=1 sample=raw_input('Enter desired specimen name (or first part there of): ') while keepon==1: try: k =sids.index(sample) keepon=0 except: tmplist=[] for qq in range(len(sids)): if sample in sids[qq]:tmplist.append(sids[qq]) print sample," not found, but this was: " print tmplist sample=raw_input('Select one or try again\n ') angle,direction_type="","" setangle=0 ans="" if ans=='h': k-=1 angle=raw_input("Enter desired declination for X axis 0-360 ") angle=float(angle) if angle==0:angle=0.001 s=sids[k] setangle=1 ans="" if ans=='e': k-=1 ans="" recnum=0 for plotrec in plotblock: if plotrec[0]<=200 and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3," mT",plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) if plotrec[0]>200 and verbose: print '%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (plotrec[5], recnum,plotrec[0]-273,' C',plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) recnum += 1 answer=raw_input('Enter index of point to change from bad to good or vice versa: ') try: ind=int(answer) meas_data=pmag.mark_dmag_rec(s,ind,meas_data) changeM=1 except: 'bad entry, try again' if ans=='b': if end_pca=="":end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 if beg_pca=="":beg_pca=0 k-=1 # stay on same sample until through GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: print 'Enter index of first point for pca: ','[',beg_pca,']' answer=raw_input('return to keep default ') if answer != "": beg_pca=int(answer) print 'Enter index of last point for pca: ','[',end_pca,']' answer=raw_input('return to keep default ') try: end_pca=int(answer) if plotblock[beg_pca][5]=='b' or plotblock[end_pca][5]=='b': print "Can't select 'bad' measurement for PCA bounds -try again" end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 beg_pca=0 elif beg_pca >=0 and beg_pca<=len(plotblock)-2 and end_pca>0 and end_pca<len(plotblock): GoOn=1 else: print beg_pca,end_pca, " are bad entry of indices - try again" end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 beg_pca=0 except: print beg_pca,end_pca, " are bad entry of indices - try again" end_pca=len(plotblock)-1 beg_pca=0 GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: if calculation_type!="": print "Prior calculation type = ",calculation_type ct=raw_input('Enter new Calculation Type: best-fit line, plane or fisher mean [l]/p/f : ' ) if ct=="" or ct=="l": direction_type="l" calculation_type="DE-BFL" GoOn=1 elif ct=='p': direction_type="p" calculation_type="DE-BFP" GoOn=1 elif ct=='f': direction_type="l" calculation_type="DE-FM" GoOn=1 else: print "bad entry of calculation type: try again. " pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,plotblock,angle,s,units) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars['specimen_direction_type']=='Error':break PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) if "SO-NO" not in method_codes: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' method_codes.append("DA-DIR-GEO") else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,geoblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars['specimen_direction_type']=='Error':break PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) if "SO-NO" not in method_codes: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' method_codes.append("DA-DIR-TILT") else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,tiltblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars['specimen_direction_type']=='Error':break PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,plotblock,angle) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e ' %(mpars["measurement_step_min"]) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e ' %(mpars["measurement_step_max"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='u' PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars['specimen_dang']) print 'DANG: ',PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"] if calculation_type!='DE-FM': PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_mad"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_alpha95"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]="" PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]='%i ' %(mpars["specimen_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"]=direction_type PmagSpecRec["calculation_type"]=calculation_type # redundant and won't be imported - just for convenience method_codes=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"].split(':') if len(method_codes) != 0: methstring="" for meth in method_codes: ctype=meth.split('-') if 'DE' not in ctype:methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth # don't include old direction estimation methods methstring=methstring+':'+calculation_type PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]= methstring.strip(':') print 'Method codes: ',PmagSpecRec['magic_method_codes'] if calculation_type!='DE-FM': if units=='K': print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif units== 'T': print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),min,max,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) else: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_mad"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) else: if 'K' in units: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])-273,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif 'T' in units: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"])*1e3,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])<1.0 : min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])*1e3 else: min=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_min'])-273 if float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])<1.0 : max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])*1e3 else: max=float(PmagSpecRec['measurement_step_max'])-273 print '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),min,max,float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) else: print '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f, %s \n' % (PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"],int(PmagSpecRec["specimen_n"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_alpha95"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]),float(PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]),float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]),calculation_type) saveit=raw_input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") if saveit!="n": changeS=1 # # put in details # angle,direction_type,setangle="","",0 if len(CurrRecs)>0: replace=raw_input(" [0] add new component, or [1] replace existing interpretation(s) [default is replace] ") if replace=="1" or replace=="": CurrRecs=[] PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name']='A' CurrRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) else: print 'These are the current component names for this specimen: ' for trec in CurrRecs:print trec['specimen_comp_name'] compnum=raw_input("Enter new component name: ") PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name']=compnum print "Adding new component: ",PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name'] CurrRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) else: PmagSpecRec['specimen_comp_name']='A' CurrRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) k+=1 ans="" else: ans="" else: # plots=1 k+=1 files={} locname.replace('/','-') print PmagSpecRec for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]="LO:_"+locname+'_SI:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_site_name']+'_SA:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name']+'_SP:_'+s+'_CO:_'+coord+'_TY:_'+key+'_.'+fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' titles={} titles['demag']='DeMag Plot' titles['zijd']='Zijderveld Plot' titles['eqarea']='Equal Area Plot' ZED = pmagplotlib.addBorders(ZED,titles,black,purple) pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) if len(CurrRecs)>0: for rec in CurrRecs: PriorRecs.append(rec) if changeS==1: if len(PriorRecs)>0: save_redo(PriorRecs,inspec) else: os.system('rm '+inspec) CurrRecs,beg_pca,end_pca=[],"","" # next up changeS=0 else: k+=1 # skip record - not enough data if changeM==1: pmag.magic_write(meas_file,meas_data,'magic_measurements')
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots demagnetization data. The equal area projection has the X direction (usually North in geographic coordinates) to the top. The red line is the X axis of the Zijderveld diagram. Solid symbols are lower hemisphere. The solid (open) symbols in the Zijderveld diagram are X,Y (X,Z) pairs. The demagnetization diagram plots the fractional remanence remaining after each step. The green line is the fraction of the total remaence removed between each step. INPUT FORMAT takes specimen_name treatment intensity declination inclination in space delimited file SYNTAX [command line options OPTIONS -f FILE for reading from command line -u [mT,C] specify units of mT OR C, default is unscaled """ if '-h' in sys.argv: # check if help is needed print main.__doc__ sys.exit() # graceful quit else: if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-u' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-u') units=sys.argv[ind+1] if units=="C":SIunits="K" if units=="mT":SIunits="T" else: units="U" SIunits="U" f=open(file,'rU') data=f.readlines() # datablock= [] # set up list for data fmt='svg' # default image format s="" # initialize specimen name angle=0. for line in data: # read in the data from standard input rec=line.split() # split each line on space to get records if angle=="":angle=float(rec[3]) if s=="":s=rec[0] if units=='mT':datablock.append([float(rec[1])*1e-3,float(rec[3]),float(rec[4]),1e-3*float(rec[2]),'','g']) # treatment, dec, inc, int # convert to T and Am^2 (assume emu) if units=='C':datablock.append([float(rec[1])+273.,float(rec[3]),float(rec[4]),1e-3*float(rec[2]),'','g']) # treatment, dec, inc, int, convert to K and Am^2, assume emu if units=='U':datablock.append([float(rec[1]),float(rec[3]),float(rec[4]),float(rec[2]),'','g']) # treatment, dec, inc, int, using unscaled units # define figure numbers in a dictionary for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively ZED={} ZED['eqarea'],ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag']=1,2,3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'],5,5) # initialize plots pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'],5,5) # # pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,datablock,angle,s,SIunits) # plot the data pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) while 1: # # print out data for this sample to screen # recnum=0 for plotrec in datablock: if units=='mT':print '%i %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (recnum,plotrec[0]*1e3,plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) if units=='C':print '%i %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (recnum,plotrec[0]-273.,plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) if units=='U':print '%i %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (recnum,plotrec[0],plotrec[3],plotrec[1],plotrec[2]) recnum += 1 end_pca=len(datablock)-1 # initialize end_pca, beg_pca to first and last measurement beg_pca=0 ans=raw_input(" s[a]ve plot, [b]ounds for pca and calculate, change [h]orizontal projection angle, [q]uit: ") if ans =='q': sys.exit() if ans=='a': files={} for key in ZED.keys(): files[key]=s+'_'+key+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED,files) if ans=='h': angle=float(raw_input(" Declination to project onto horizontal axis? ")) pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,datablock,angle,s,SIunits) # plot the data if ans=='b': GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: # keep going until reasonable bounds are set print 'Enter index of first point for pca: ','[',beg_pca,']' answer=raw_input('return to keep default ') if answer != "":beg_pca=int(answer) print 'Enter index of last point for pca: ','[',end_pca,']' answer=raw_input('return to keep default ') if answer != "": end_pca=int(answer) if beg_pca >=0 and beg_pca<=len(datablock)-2 and end_pca>0 and end_pca<len(datablock): GoOn=1 else: print "Bad entry of indices - try again" end_pca=len(datablock)-1 beg_pca=0 GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: ct=raw_input('Enter Calculation Type: best-fit line, plane or fisher mean [l]/p/f : ' ) if ct=="" or ct=="l": calculation_type="DE-BFL" GoOn=1 # all good elif ct=='p': calculation_type="DE-BFP" GoOn=1 # all good elif ct=='f': calculation_type="DE-FM" GoOn=1 # all good else: print "bad entry of calculation type: try again. " # keep going pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED,datablock,angle,s,SIunits) # plot the data mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) # get best-fit direction/great circle pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED,mpars,datablock,angle) # plot the best-fit direction/great circle print 'Specimen, calc_type, N, min, max, MAD, dec, inc' if units=='mT':print '%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s,calculation_type,mpars["specimen_n"],mpars["measurement_step_min"]*1e3,mpars["measurement_step_max"]*1e3,mpars["specimen_mad"],mpars["specimen_dec"],mpars["specimen_inc"]) if units=='C':print '%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s,calculation_type,mpars["specimen_n"],mpars["measurement_step_min"]-273,mpars["measurement_step_max"]-273,mpars["specimen_mad"],mpars["specimen_dec"],mpars["specimen_inc"]) if units=='U':print '%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s,calculation_type,mpars["specimen_n"],mpars["measurement_step_min"],mpars["measurement_step_max"],mpars["specimen_mad"],mpars["specimen_dec"],mpars["specimen_inc"])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file [and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. ] Bracketed part not yet implemented SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets measurements format input file, default: measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: specimens.txt -fsa SAMPFILE: sets samples format file sample=>site information, default: samples.txt -fsi SITEFILE: sets sites format file with site=>location informationprior interpreations, default: samples.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave, e, b = 1, 0, 0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] plots, coord = 0, 's' noorient = 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose calculation_type, fmt = "", "svg" user, spec_keys, locname = "", [], '' geo, tilt, ask = 0, 0, 0 PriorRecs = [] # empty list for prior interpretations backup = 0 specimen = "" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-WD", default_val=os.getcwd()) meas_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys( "-f", default_val="measurements.txt") spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys( "-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") #meas_file = os.path.join(dir_path, meas_file) #spec_file = os.path.join(dir_path, spec_file) #samp_file = os.path.join(dir_path, samp_file) #site_file = os.path.join(dir_path, site_file) plot_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-Fp", default_val="") crd = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-crd", default_val="s") if crd == "s": coord = "-1" elif crd == "t": coord = "100" else: coord = "0" fmt = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fmt", "svg") specimen = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-spc", default_val="") beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type = sys.argv[ind + 1] beg_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 2]) end_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 3]) if direction_type == 'L': calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' if direction_type == 'P': calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' if direction_type == 'F': calculation_type = 'DE-FM' if '-A' in sys.argv: doave = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots, verbose = 1, 0 # first_save = 1 fnames = {'measurements': meas_file, 'specimens': spec_file, 'samples': samp_file, 'sites': site_file} contribution = nb.Contribution(dir_path, custom_filenames=fnames, read_tables=[ 'measurements', 'specimens', 'samples', 'sites']) # # import specimens specimen_cols = ['analysts', 'aniso_ftest', 'aniso_ftest12', 'aniso_ftest23', 'aniso_s', 'aniso_s_mean', 'aniso_s_n_measurements', 'aniso_s_sigma', 'aniso_s_unit', 'aniso_tilt_correction', 'aniso_type', 'aniso_v1', 'aniso_v2', 'aniso_v3', 'citations', 'description', 'dir_alpha95', 'dir_comp', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc', 'dir_mad_free', 'dir_n_measurements', 'dir_tilt_correction', 'experiments', 'geologic_classes', 'geologic_types', 'hyst_bc', 'hyst_bcr', 'hyst_mr_moment', 'hyst_ms_moment', 'int_abs', 'int_b', 'int_b_beta', 'int_b_sigma', 'int_corr', 'int_dang', 'int_drats', 'int_f', 'int_fvds', 'int_gamma', 'int_mad_free', 'int_md', 'int_n_measurements', 'int_n_ptrm', 'int_q', 'int_rsc', 'int_treat_dc_field', 'lithologies', 'meas_step_max', 'meas_step_min', 'meas_step_unit', 'method_codes', 'sample', 'software_packages', 'specimen'] if 'specimens' in contribution.tables: # contribution.propagate_name_down('sample','measurements') spec_container = contribution.tables['specimens'] if 'method_codes' not in spec_container.df.columns: spec_container.df['method_codes'] = None prior_spec_data = spec_container.get_records_for_code( 'LP-DIR', strict_match=False) # look up all prior directional interpretations # # tie sample names to measurement data # else: spec_container, prior_spec_data = None, [] # # import samples for orientation info # if ('samples' in contribution.tables) and ('specimens' in contribution.tables): # contribution.propagate_name_down('site','measurements') contribution.propagate_cols(col_names=[ 'azimuth', 'dip', 'orientation_quality'], target_df_name='measurements', source_df_name='samples') # # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively # ZED = {} ZED['eqarea'], ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag'] = 1, 2, 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'], 6, 6) # save_pca=0 angle, direction_type, setangle = "", "", 0 # create measurement dataframe # meas_container = contribution.tables['measurements'] meas_data = meas_container.df # meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'LT-NO|LT-AF-Z|LT-T-Z|LT-M-Z') == True] # fish out steps for plotting meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'AN|ARM|LP-TRM|LP-PI-ARM') == False] # strip out unwanted experiments intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in meas_data.columns if col_name in intlist] intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in intensity_types if any(meas_data[col_name])] if not len(intensity_types): print('-W- No intensity columns found') return # plot first non-empty intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - # doesn't matter which used int_key = intensity_types[0] # get all the non-null intensity records of the same type meas_data = meas_data[meas_data[int_key].notnull()] if 'flag' not in meas_data.columns: meas_data['flag'] = 'g' # set the default flag to good # need to treat LP-NO specially for af data, treatment should be zero, # otherwise 273. meas_data['treatment'] = meas_data['treat_ac_field'].where( cond=meas_data['treat_ac_field'] != 0, other=meas_data['treat_temp']) meas_data['ZI'] = 1 # initialize these to one meas_data['instrument_codes'] = "" # initialize these to blank # for unusual case of microwave power.... if 'treat_mw_power' in meas_data.columns: meas_data.loc[ (meas_data.treat_mw_power != 0) & (meas_data.treat_mw_power) & (meas_data.treat_mw_time), 'treatment'] = meas_data.treat_mw_power * meas_data.treat_mw_time # # get list of unique specimen names from measurement data # # this is a list of all the specimen names specimen_names = meas_data.specimen.unique() specimen_names = specimen_names.tolist() specimen_names.sort() # # set up new DataFrame for this sessions specimen interpretations # data_container = nb.MagicDataFrame( dtype='specimens', columns=specimen_cols) # this is for interpretations from this session current_spec_data = data_container.df locname = 'LookItUp' if specimen == "": k = 0 else: k = specimen_names.index(specimen) # let's look at the data now while k < len(specimen_names): mpars = None # set the current specimen for plotting this_specimen = specimen_names[k] # reset beginning/end pca if plotting more than one specimen if not specimen: beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if verbose and this_specimen != "": print(this_specimen, k + 1, 'out of ', len(specimen_names)) if setangle == 0: angle = "" this_specimen_measurements = meas_data[meas_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] # fish out this specimen this_specimen_measurements = this_specimen_measurements[this_specimen_measurements['flag'].str.contains( 'g') == True] # fish out this specimen if len(this_specimen_measurements) != 0: # if there are measurements # # set up datablock [[treatment,dec, inc, int, direction_type],[....]] # # # figure out the method codes # units, methods, title = "", "", this_specimen # this is a list of all the specimen method codes` meas_meths = this_specimen_measurements.method_codes.unique() tr = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.treatment).tolist() if set(tr) == set([0]): k += 1 continue for m in meas_meths: if 'LT-AF-Z' in m: units = 'T' # units include tesla tr[0] = 0 if 'LT-T-Z' in m: units = units + ":K" # units include kelvin if 'LT-M-Z' in m: units = units + ':J' # units include joules tr[0] = 0 units = units.strip(':') # strip off extra colons if 'LP-' in m: methods = methods + ":" + m decs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_dec).tolist() incs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_inc).tolist() # # fix the coordinate system # if coord != '-1': # need to transform coordinates to geographic azimuths = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.azimuth).tolist() # get the azimuths # get the azimuths dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dip).tolist() dirs = [decs, incs, azimuths, dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_geo = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dogeo_V(dirs_geo) if coord == '100': # need to do tilt correction too bed_dip_dirs = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip_dir).tolist() # get the azimuths bed_dips = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip).tolist() # get the azimuths dirs = [decs, incs, bed_dip_dirs, bed_dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_tilt = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dotilt_V(dirs_tilt) title = title + '_t' else: title = title + '_g' if angle == "": angle = decs[0] ints = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements[int_key]).tolist() ZI = this_specimen_measurements.ZI.tolist() flags = this_specimen_measurements.flag.tolist() codes = this_specimen_measurements.instrument_codes.tolist() datalist = [tr, decs, incs, ints, ZI, flags, codes] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists datablock = list(map(list, list(zip(*datalist)))) pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, title, units) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # collect info for current_specimen_interpretation dictionary # # # find prior interpretation # prior_specimen_interpretations = prior_spec_data[prior_spec_data['specimen'].str.contains(this_specimen) == True] if (beg_pca == "") and (len(prior_specimen_interpretations) != 0): if len(prior_specimen_interpretations)>0: beg_pcas = pd.to_numeric( prior_specimen_interpretations.meas_step_min.values).tolist() end_pcas = pd.to_numeric( prior_specimen_interpretations.meas_step_max.values).tolist() spec_methods = prior_specimen_interpretations.method_codes.tolist() # step through all prior interpretations and plot them for ind in range(len(beg_pcas)): spec_meths = spec_methods[ind].split(':') for m in spec_meths: if 'DE-BFL' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' # best fit line if 'DE-BFP' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' # best fit plane if 'DE-FM' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-FM' # fisher mean if 'DE-BFL-A' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL-A' # anchored best fit line start, end = tr.index(beg_pcas[ind]), tr.index( end_pcas[ind]) # getting the starting and ending points # calculate direction/plane mpars = pmag.domean( datablock, start, end, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) else: try: start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) except ValueError: beg_pca = 0 end_pca = len(datablock) - 1 start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) # calculate direction/plane try: mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) except Exception as ex: print('-I- Problem with {}'.format(this_specimen)) print(' ', ex) print(' Skipping') k += 1 continue if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if plots == 1 or specimen != "": if plot_file == "": basename = title else: basename = plot_file files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = basename + '_' + key + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED, files) if specimen != "": sys.exit() if verbose: recnum = 0 for plotrec in datablock: if units == 'T': print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "K": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "J": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0], ' J', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0] >= 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if plotrec[0] < 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) recnum += 1 # we have a current interpretation elif mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # # create a new specimen record for the interpreation for this # specimen this_specimen_interpretation = { col: "" for col in specimen_cols} # this_specimen_interpretation["analysts"]=user this_specimen_interpretation['software_packages'] = version_num this_specimen_interpretation['specimen'] = this_specimen this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = calculation_type this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_unit"] = units this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"] = tr[start] this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"] = tr[end] this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dec']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_inc']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dang']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"] = '%i' % ( mpars['specimen_n']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_tilt_correction"] = coord methods = methods.replace(" ", "") if "T" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-M" this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = methods.strip( ':') this_specimen_interpretation["experiments"] = this_specimen_measurements.experiment.unique()[ 0] # # print some stuff # if calculation_type != 'DE-FM': this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_mad']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '' if verbose: if units == 'K': print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif units == 'T': print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_alpha95']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '' if verbose: if 'K' in units: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurments"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"]), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) if verbose: saveit = input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") # START HERE # # if len(current_spec_data)==0: # no interpretations yet for this session # print "no current interpretation" # beg_pca,end_pca="","" # calculation_type="" # get the ones that meet the current coordinate system else: print("no data") if verbose: res = input(' <return> for next specimen, [q]uit ') if res == 'q': return k += 1
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots demagnetization data. The equal area projection has the X direction (usually North in geographic coordinates) to the top. The red line is the X axis of the Zijderveld diagram. Solid symbols are lower hemisphere. The solid (open) symbols in the Zijderveld diagram are X,Y (X,Z) pairs. The demagnetization diagram plots the fractional remanence remaining after each step. The green line is the fraction of the total remaence removed between each step. INPUT FORMAT takes specimen_name treatment intensity declination inclination in space delimited file SYNTAX [command line options OPTIONS -f FILE for reading from command line -u [mT,C] specify units of mT OR C, default is unscaled -sav save figure and quit -fmt [svg,jpg,png,pdf] set figure format [default is svg] -beg [step number] treatment step for beginning of PCA calculation, 0 is default -end [step number] treatment step for end of PCA calculation, last step is default -ct [l,p,f] Calculation Type: best-fit line, plane or fisher mean; line is default """ files, fmt, plot = {}, 'svg', 0 end_pca, beg_pca = "", "" calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' if '-h' in sys.argv: # check if help is needed print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() # graceful quit else: if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-f') file = sys.argv[ind + 1] else: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-u' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-u') units = sys.argv[ind + 1] if units == "C": SIunits = "K" if units == "mT": SIunits = "T" else: units = "U" SIunits = "U" if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 if '-ct' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ct') ct = sys.argv[ind + 1] if ct == 'f': calculation_type = 'DE-FM' if ct == 'p': calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-beg' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-beg') beg_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 1]) if '-end' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-end') end_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 1]) f = open(file, 'r') data = f.readlines() # datablock = [] # set up list for data s = "" # initialize specimen name angle = 0. for line in data: # read in the data from standard input rec = line.split() # split each line on space to get records if angle == "": angle = float(rec[3]) if s == "": s = rec[0] if units == 'mT': datablock.append([ float(rec[1]) * 1e-3, float(rec[3]), float(rec[4]), 1e-3 * float(rec[2]), '', 'g' ]) # treatment, dec, inc, int # convert to T and Am^2 (assume emu) if units == 'C': datablock.append([ float(rec[1]) + 273., float(rec[3]), float(rec[4]), 1e-3 * float(rec[2]), '', 'g' ]) # treatment, dec, inc, int, convert to K and Am^2, assume emu if units == 'U': datablock.append([ float(rec[1]), float(rec[3]), float(rec[4]), float(rec[2]), '', 'g' ]) # treatment, dec, inc, int, using unscaled units # define figure numbers in a dictionary for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively ZED = {} ZED['eqarea'], ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag'] = 1, 2, 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'], 5, 5) # initialize plots pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'], 5, 5) # # pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, s, SIunits) # plot the data if plot == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # print out data for this sample to screen # recnum = 0 for plotrec in datablock: if units == 'mT': print( '%i %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2])) if units == 'C': print('%i %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (recnum, plotrec[0] - 273., plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2])) if units == 'U': print('%i %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f ' % (recnum, plotrec[0], plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2])) recnum += 1 if plot == 0: while 1: if beg_pca != "" and end_pca != "" and calculation_type != "": pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, s, SIunits) # plot the data mpars = pmag.domean( datablock, beg_pca, end_pca, calculation_type) # get best-fit direction/great circle pmagplotlib.plotDir( ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) # plot the best-fit direction/great circle print('Specimen, calc_type, N, min, max, MAD, dec, inc') if units == 'mT': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"] * 1e3, mpars["measurement_step_max"] * 1e3, mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if units == 'C': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"] - 273, mpars["measurement_step_max"] - 273, mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if units == 'U': print( '%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"], mpars["measurement_step_max"], mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if end_pca == "": end_pca = len( datablock ) - 1 # initialize end_pca, beg_pca to first and last measurement if beg_pca == "": beg_pca = 0 ans = input( " s[a]ve plot, [b]ounds for pca and calculate, change [h]orizontal projection angle, [q]uit: " ) if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == 'a': files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = s + '_' + key + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED, files) if ans == 'h': angle = float( input(" Declination to project onto horizontal axis? ")) pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, s, SIunits) # plot the data if ans == 'b': GoOn = 0 while GoOn == 0: # keep going until reasonable bounds are set print('Enter index of first point for pca: ', '[', beg_pca, ']') answer = input('return to keep default ') if answer != "": beg_pca = int(answer) print('Enter index of last point for pca: ', '[', end_pca, ']') answer = input('return to keep default ') if answer != "": end_pca = int(answer) if beg_pca >= 0 and beg_pca <= len( datablock) - 2 and end_pca > 0 and end_pca < len( datablock): GoOn = 1 else: print("Bad entry of indices - try again") end_pca = len(datablock) - 1 beg_pca = 0 GoOn = 0 while GoOn == 0: ct = input( 'Enter Calculation Type: best-fit line, plane or fisher mean [l]/p/f : ' ) if ct == "" or ct == "l": calculation_type = "DE-BFL" GoOn = 1 # all good elif ct == 'p': calculation_type = "DE-BFP" GoOn = 1 # all good elif ct == 'f': calculation_type = "DE-FM" GoOn = 1 # all good else: print("bad entry of calculation type: try again. " ) # keep going pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, s, SIunits) # plot the data mpars = pmag.domean( datablock, beg_pca, end_pca, calculation_type ) # get best-fit direction/great circle pmagplotlib.plotDir( ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) # plot the best-fit direction/great circle print('Specimen, calc_type, N, min, max, MAD, dec, inc') if units == 'mT': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"] * 1e3, mpars["measurement_step_max"] * 1e3, mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if units == 'C': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"] - 273, mpars["measurement_step_max"] - 273, mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if units == 'U': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"], mpars["measurement_step_max"], mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) else: print(beg_pca, end_pca) if beg_pca != "" and end_pca != "": pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, s, SIunits) # plot the data mpars = pmag.domean( datablock, beg_pca, end_pca, calculation_type) # get best-fit direction/great circle pmagplotlib.plotDir( ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) # plot the best-fit direction/great circle print('Specimen, calc_type, N, min, max, MAD, dec, inc') if units == 'mT': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"] * 1e3, mpars["measurement_step_max"] * 1e3, mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if units == 'C': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"] - 273, mpars["measurement_step_max"] - 273, mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) if units == 'U': print('%s %s %i %6.2f %6.2f %6.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % (s, calculation_type, mpars["specimen_n"], mpars["measurement_step_min"], mpars["measurement_step_max"], mpars["specimen_mad"], mpars["specimen_dec"], mpars["specimen_inc"])) files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = s + '_' + key + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED, files)