def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='oc-idepix-meris', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 # in 2002 the current version of idepix is not correct because of sensor re-programming merisDailyTemplate = 'meris-daily-useIdepix-2002-\${date}.xml' elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) idepixName = 'meris-idepix-' + year + '-' + month params = ['meris-idepix-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [idepixName], parameters=params, logprefix=idepixName) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
class Monitor: def __init__(self, preconditions, usecase, hosts, types, log_dir, simulation): """ :type preconditions: list :type usecase: str :type hosts: list :type calls: list :type log_dir: str :type simulation: bool """ = PMonitor(preconditions, usecase, hosts, types, logdir=log_dir, simulation=simulation, polling="") def execute(self, job): """ :type job: Job """, job.get_preconditions(), job.get_postconditions(), job.get_parameters(), logprefix=job.get_name()) def wait_for_completion(self):
def __init__(self, parameters, types): PMonitor.__init__(self, ['none', parameters['data_root']], request=parameters['requestName'], hosts=[('localhost', 10)], types=types, logdir=parameters['log_dir'], simulation='simulation' in parameters and parameters['simulation']) self._tasks_progress = {} self._lower_script_progress = {} self._upper_script_progress = {} self._processor_logs = {} self._pids = {} self._to_be_cancelled = [] self._cancelled = []
def __init__(self, preconditions, usecase, hosts, calls, log_dir, simulation): """ :type preconditions: list :type usecase: str :type hosts: list :type calls: list :type log_dir: str :type simulation: bool """ = PMonitor(preconditions, usecase, hosts, calls, log_dir=log_dir, simulation=simulation)
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='round-robin2-matchups', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for sensor in sensors: sensorPointData = pointDataLocal[sensor] calvalusPointData = calvalusPointDataRoot + '/' + sensor + '-' + basename(sensorPointData) pm.execute('', [sensorPointData], [calvalusPointData], logprefix="ingest-point-data-" + sensor) eodata = sensorEodata[sensor] for processor in processors: if sensor in processorConfig[processor]['processorName']: params = ['round-robin-\${processor}-\${sensor}-matchup.xml', 'sensor', sensor, 'processor', processor, 'eodataRoot', eodata['root'], 'eodataSuffix', eodata['suffix'], 'processorBundleName', processorConfig[processor]['processorBundleName'], 'processorBundleVersion', processorConfig[processor]['processorBundleVersion'], 'processorName', processorConfig[processor]['processorName'][sensor], 'pointData', calvalusPointData, 'namenode', namenode ] matchupName = 'round-robin-matchup-' + processor + '-' + sensor pm.execute('', [calvalusPointData], [matchupName], parameters=params, logprefix=matchupName) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
def __init__(self, preconditions, usecase, hosts, types, log_dir, simulation): """ :type preconditions: list :type usecase: str :type hosts: list :type calls: list :type log_dir: str :type simulation: bool """ = PMonitor(preconditions, usecase, hosts, types, logdir=log_dir, simulation=simulation, polling="")
class Monitor: def __init__(self, preconditions, usecase, hosts, calls, log_dir, simulation): """ :type preconditions: list :type usecase: str :type hosts: list :type calls: list :type log_dir: str :type simulation: bool """ = PMonitor(preconditions, usecase, hosts, calls, log_dir=log_dir, simulation=simulation) def execute(self, job): """ :type job: Job """, job.get_preconditions(), job.get_postconditions(), job.get_parameters(), log_prefix=job.get_name()) def wait_for_completion(self): def wait_for_completion_and_terminate(self):
def _run_step(self, task_id, host, command, output_paths, log_prefix, async_): """ Executes command on host, collects output paths if any, returns exit code """ wd = self._prepare_working_dir(task_id) process = PMonitor._start_processor(command, host, wd) self._pids[command] = self._trace_processor_output(output_paths, process, task_id, command, wd, log_prefix, async_) process.stdout.close() code = process.wait() return code
def run(self): allLocalPointData = [] for sensor in sensors: for station in sensorStations[sensor]: allLocalPointData.append(localPointDataRoot + "/" + pointData[sensor][station]) print allLocalPointData pm = PMonitor(allLocalPointData, request='ma_vc-analysis-ana', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for sensor in sensors: for station in sensorStations[sensor]: localPointData = localPointDataRoot + "/" + pointData[sensor][station] calvalusPointData = calvalusPointDataRoot + '/' + pointData[sensor][station] handle = "ingest-point-data-" + sensor + "-" + station pm.execute('', [localPointData], [calvalusPointData], logprefix=handle) #====================================================== for vc in gainsWithVC[sensor].keys(): params = ['ma_vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + '-\${station}-\${vc}.xml', 'station', station, 'sensor', sensor, 'vc', vc, 'calib', '"'+gainsWithVC[sensor][vc]+'"', 'calvalusPointData', calvalusPointData, 'output', '/calvalus/projects/vc-analysis/' + sensor + "-" + station + "-" + vc ] handle = 'vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + "-" + station + "-" + vc pm.execute('', [calvalusPointData], [handle], parameters=params, logprefix=handle) #====================================================== vc = 'withoutvc' params = ['ma_vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + '-\${station}-\${vc}.xml', 'station', station, 'sensor', sensor, 'vc', vc, 'calib', '"'+gainsWithoutVC[sensor]+'"', 'calvalusPointData', calvalusPointData, 'output', '/calvalus/projects/vc-analysis/' + sensor + "-" + station + "-" + vc ] handle = 'vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + "-" + station + "-" + vc pm.execute('', [calvalusPointData], [handle], parameters=params, logprefix=handle) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='oc-merging', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: formatMergedInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 1) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): mergedName = 'merged-daily-' + str(singleDay) params = ['sensor-merging-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', ['input'], [mergedName], parameters=params, logprefix=mergedName) formatMergedInputs.append(mergedName) mergedFormatName = 'merged-daily-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'merged-daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'merged-daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-merged-daily' ] pm.execute('', formatMergedInputs, [mergedFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=mergedFormatName) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='round-robin2-area', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for region in regions: for processor in processors: nameProcess = 'round-robin-process-' + processor + '-' + region params = ['round-robin-\${processor}-\${region}-process.xml', 'processor', processor, 'region', region, 'processorBundleName', processorConfig[processor]['processorBundleName'], 'processorBundleVersion', processorConfig[processor]['processorBundleVersion'], 'processorName', processorConfig[processor]['processorName'] ] pm.execute('', inputs, [nameProcess], parameters=params, logprefix=nameProcess) if processorConfig[processor]['needsFormatting']: nameFormat = 'round-robin-format-' + processor + '-' + region params = ['round-robin-\${processor}-\${region}-format.xml', 'processor', processor, 'region', region ] pm.execute('', [nameProcess], [nameFormat], parameters=params, logprefix=nameFormat) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
for year in years: #for day in range(122): # 20080101 - 20080430 #for day in range(15,17): # 20080115, 20080116 #for day in range(1,58): # Jan, Feb for day in days: doy = str(day).zfill(3) #inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/modis-nc/' + year + '/' + doy) inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/modis/' + year + '/' + doy) hosts = [('localhost', 16)] types = [('', 4), ('', 2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='tcwv_modis', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: #for day in range(122): # 20080101 - 20080430 #for day in range(15,17): # 20080115, 20080116 #for day in range(1,58): # Jan, Feb for day in days: doy = str(day).zfill(3) current_date = base_date + timedelta(day - 1) datestring = current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/modis/' + year + '/' + doy ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv/modis/' + year + '/' + doy ], \ parameters=['MODIS', datestring, datestring])
else: #return 2 # test!! return 31 ######################## Idepix --> TCWV: ########################### wvcciRootDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/olafd/WvcciTest' idepixRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/Idepix' snapDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/software/snap' inputs = ['dummy'] m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l2-tcwv', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost', 128)], types=[('', 128)]) for year in years: for sensor in sensors: for month in getMonth(year): if os.path.exists(idepixRootDir + '/' + sensor + '/' + year + '/' + month): for day in range(1, getNumMonthDays(year, int(month)) + 1): tcwvL2Dir = wvcciRootDir + '/Tcwv/' + sensor + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + str( day).zfill(2) if os.path.exists(idepixRootDir + '/' + sensor + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + str(day).zfill(2)):
def run(self): allLocalPointData = [] for sensor in sensors: allLocalPointData.append(localPointDataRoot + "/" + pointData[sensor]) pm = PMonitor(allLocalPointData, request='ma_vc-analysis-ana', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for sensor in sensors: localPointData = localPointDataRoot + "/" + pointData[sensor] calvalusPointData = calvalusPointDataRoot + '/' + pointData[sensor] handle = "ingest-point-data-" + sensor pm.execute('', [localPointData], [calvalusPointData], logprefix=handle) #====================================================== for vc in gains[sensor].keys(): params = ['ma_vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + '-\${station}-\${vc}.xml', 'station', 'global', 'sensor', sensor, 'vc', vc, 'calib', '"'+gains[sensor][vc]+'"', 'calvalusPointData', calvalusPointData, 'output', '/calvalus/projects/vc-analysis3/' + sensor + "-" + vc ] handleMA = 'vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + "-" + vc pm.execute('', [calvalusPointData], [handleMA], parameters=params, logprefix=handleMA) params = ['/calvalus/projects/vc-analysis3/' + sensor + "-" + vc, 'vc-analysis-' + sensor + "-" + vc ] handleCP = 'vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + "-" + vc + '-copy' pm.execute('', [handleMA], [handleCP], parameters=params, logprefix=handleCP) params = ['', 'oc-cci', 'vc-analysis-' + sensor + "-" + vc + '.tar.gz', ftpDirs[sensor][vc] ] handleFTP = 'vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + "-" + vc + '-ftp' pm.execute('', [handleCP], [handleFTP], parameters=params, logprefix=handleFTP) #====================================================== params = ['ma_vc-analysis-ana-idepix-' + sensor + '.xml', 'calvalusPointData', calvalusPointData, 'output', '/calvalus/projects/vc-analysis3/' + sensor + "-idepix" ] handleMA = 'vc-analysis-ana-idepix-' + sensor pm.execute('', [calvalusPointData], [handleMA], parameters=params, logprefix=handleMA) params = ['/calvalus/projects/vc-analysis3/' + sensor + "-idepix", 'vc-analysis-' + sensor + "-idepix" ] handleCP = 'vc-analysis-ana-idepix-' + sensor + '-copy' pm.execute('', [handleMA], [handleCP], parameters=params, logprefix=handleCP) params = ['', 'oc-cci', 'vc-analysis-' + sensor + '-idepix.tar.gz', 'VC/Gain_validation_2014-11-05' ] handleFTP = 'vc-analysis-ana-' + sensor + '-ftp' pm.execute('', [handleCP], [handleFTP], parameters=params, logprefix=handleFTP) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
#years = [ '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011','2012' ] #years = [ '2008' ] years = [ '2005' ] inputs = [] for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month) hosts = [('localhost',16)] types = [('',16), ('',2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='tcwv', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=[str(minDate), str(maxDate)]) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv-fullmission-nc/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=[str(minDate), str(maxDate)])
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='oc-complete', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) ######################################################################################### merisBiasInputs = [] for year in years: merisDailyTemplate = 'meris-daily-useIdepix-QAA-\${date}.xml' months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 # in 2002 the current version of idepix is not correct because of sensor re-programming merisDailyTemplate = 'meris-daily-useIdepix-QAA-2002-\${date}.xml' elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: merisDailyFormatInputs = [] merisDailyBSFormatInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) polymerName = 'polymer-' + str(minDate) params = ['meris-polymer-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [polymerName], parameters=params, logprefix=polymerName) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 9) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): merisDailyName = 'meris-daily-' + str(singleDay) params = [merisDailyTemplate, \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', [polymerName], [merisDailyName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisDailyName) merisDailyFormatInputs.append(merisDailyName) merisDailyBSName = 'meris-daily-bs-' + str(singleDay) params = ['meris-daily-bs-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', [merisDailyName], [merisDailyBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisDailyBSName) merisDailyBSFormatInputs.append(merisDailyBSName) if year >= '2003' and year <= '2007': merisBiasInputs.append(merisDailyBSName) merisFormatName = 'meris-daily-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'meris/daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??-L3-1/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'meris/daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-meris-daily' ] #pm.execute('', merisDailyFormatInputs, [merisFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisFormatName) merisFormatBSName = 'meris-daily-bs-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'meris/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'meris/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-meris-daily-bs' ] #pm.execute('', merisDailyBSFormatInputs, [merisFormatBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisFormatBSName) merisBiasMapName = 'meris-bias-map' params = ['bias-map-\${sensor}.xml', \ 'sensor', 'meris', \ 'sensorMarker', '10' ] pm.execute('', merisBiasInputs, [merisBiasMapName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisBiasMapName) merisBiasFormatName = 'meris-bias-map-format' params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', '5years', \ 'inputPath', 'meris/bias-map-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'meris/bias-map-netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-meris-bias' ] #pm.execute('', [merisBiasMapName], [merisBiasFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisBiasFormatName) ###################################################################### modisBiasInputs = [] for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: modisFormatInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 9) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): modisDailyBSName = 'modis-daily-bs-' + str(singleDay) params = ['modis-daily-bs-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ,\ 'doy', '%03d' % (singleDay.timetuple().tm_yday) ] pm.execute('', ['MODIS_L3_daily'], [modisDailyBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisDailyBSName) modisFormatInputs.append(modisDailyBSName) if year >= '2003' and year <= '2007': modisBiasInputs.append(modisDailyBSName) modisFormatBSName = 'modis-daily-bs-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'modis/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'modis/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-modis-daily-bs' ] #pm.execute('', modisFormatInputs, [modisFormatBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisFormatBSName) modisBiasMapName = 'modis-bias-map' params = ['bias-map-\${sensor}.xml', \ 'sensor', 'modis', \ 'sensorMarker', '11' ] pm.execute('', modisBiasInputs, [modisBiasMapName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisBiasMapName) modisBiasFormatName = 'modis-bias-map-format' params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', '5years', \ 'inputPath', 'modis/bias-map-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'modis/bias-map-netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-modis-bias' ] #pm.execute('', [modisBiasMapName], [modisBiasFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisBiasFormatName) ###################################################################### seawifsBiasInputs = [] for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: seawifsFormatInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 9) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): seawifsDailyBSName = 'seawifs-daily-bs-' + str(singleDay) params = ['seawifs-daily-bs-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ,\ 'doy', '%03d' % (singleDay.timetuple().tm_yday) ] pm.execute('', ['SEAWIFS_L3_daily'], [seawifsDailyBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsDailyBSName) seawifsFormatInputs.append(seawifsDailyBSName) if year >= '2003' and year <= '2007': seawifsBiasInputs.append(seawifsDailyBSName) seawifsFormatBSName = 'seawifs-daily-bs-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'seawifs/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'seawifs/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-seawifs-daily-bs' ] #pm.execute('', seawifsFormatInputs, [seawifsFormatBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsFormatBSName) seawifsBiasMapName = 'seawifs-bias-map' params = ['bias-map-\${sensor}.xml', \ 'sensor', 'seawifs', \ 'sensorMarker', '12' ] pm.execute('', seawifsBiasInputs, [seawifsBiasMapName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsBiasMapName) seawifsBiasFormatName = 'seawifs-bias-map-format' params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', '5years', \ 'inputPath', 'seawifs/bias-map-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'seawifs/bias-map-netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-seawifs-bias' ] #pm.execute('', [seawifsBiasMapName], [seawifsBiasFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsBiasFormatName) ###################################################################### mergedInput = [merisBiasMapName, modisBiasMapName, seawifsBiasMapName] for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: formatMergedInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 9) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): mergedName = 'merged-daily-' + str(singleDay) params = ['sensor-merging-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', mergedInput, [mergedName], parameters=params, logprefix=mergedName) formatMergedInputs.append(mergedName) mergedFormatName = 'merged-daily-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'merged-daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'merged-daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-merged-daily' ] pm.execute('', formatMergedInputs, [mergedFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=mergedFormatName) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
import calendar from pmonitor import PMonitor start = '2015-06-25' stop = '2016-11-30' period = str((datetime.datetime.strptime(stop, '%Y-%m-%d').date() - datetime.datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%d').date()).days + 1) idepix_dir = '/calvalus/projects/urban-tep/s2-idepix/germany ' timescan_seq_dir = '/calvalus/projects/urban-tep/msi-germany-' timescan_dir = '/calvalus/projects/urban-tep/msi-germany-20m' inputs = [ idepix_dir ] pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='germany', types=[('msi-timescan',4),('msi-format',7)], hosts=[('localhost',12)], logdir='log', script='', simulation=False) for lat in range(47,55): for lon in range(6,15): #for lat in range(47,49): # for lon in range(6,8): polygon = "POLYGON(({0} {2},{0} {3},{1} {3},{1} {2},{0} {2}))".format(lon,lon+1, lat,lat+1) region = "h{0:03d}v{1:03d}".format(lon+180, 90-lat-1) pm.execute('msi-timescan', [ idepix_dir ], [ timescan_seq_dir+region ], [ 'polygon', "'{0}'".format(polygon), 'start', start, 'stop', stop, 'period', period, 'region', region ]) pm.execute('msi-format', [ timescan_seq_dir+region ], [ timescan_dir ], [ 'region', region, 'polygon', "'{0}'".format(polygon) ]) pm.wait_for_completion()
#years = [ '2002' ] inputs = [] for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): #inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month) inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/meris-nc/' + year + '/' + month) #inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/meris/' + year + '/' + month) hosts = [('localhost', 16)] types = [('', 4), ('', 2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='tcwv_meris_v10', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) #(minDate, maxDate) = ('2008-02-19', '2008-02-20') pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/meris-nc/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv/meris/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=['MERIS', str(minDate), str(maxDate)]) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv/meris/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/tcwv/meris-nc/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=['MERIS', str(minDate), str(maxDate)])
return allMonths ######################## L1b --> Idepix --> IdepixEraInterim --> TCWV: ########################### wvcciRootDir = '/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_wv/odanne/WvcciRoot' eraInterimRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/auxiliary/era-interim-t2m-mslp-tcwv-u10-v10' snapDir = '/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_wv/software/snap' inputs = ['dummy'] # NEW PMonitor version, MB/TB Nov 2018: m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l2-tcwv-modis-chain', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost', 384)], types=[('', 128), ('', 256)], polling="") for year in years: l1bRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/L1b/' + sensor modisLandMaskRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/ModisLandMask/MOD03' modisCloudMaskRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/ModisCloudMask/MOD35_L2' for month in getMonth(year): if os.path.exists(l1bRootDir + '/' + year + '/' + month): numMonthDays = monthrange(int(year), int(month))[1] #for day in days:
# use notation as in '' regions = ["Lake-Balaton"] # regions = ['Lake-Bogoria', 'Lake-Elmenteita', 'Lake-Nakuru', 'Lake-Tuusulanjarvi', 'Lake-Ulemiste'] DIVERSITY_INST_DIR = os.environ["DIVERSITY_INST"] # before starting, check if WKT files are available # From now on we always use the full polygons (*.shape) rather than just rectangular boxes. for region in regions: boxWktFile = DIVERSITY_INST_DIR + "/wkt/" + region + ".shape" if not os.access(boxWktFile, os.R_OK): raise IOError("Unable to access " + boxWktFile) inputs = ["dummy"] hosts = [("localhost", 8)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, request="geo_child_products", logdir="log", hosts=hosts, script="") BASE = "/calvalus/projects/diversity/prototype/" for region in regions: boxWktFile = "wkt/" + region + ".shape" for year in years: for month in getMonth(year): geoChildDir = BASE + region + "/l1-child/" + year + "/" + month l1_geo_name = "l1_geo-" + year + "-" + month + "-" + region params = [ "year", year, "month", month, "region",
#years = [ '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011','2012' ] #years = [ '2008' ] years = [ '2005' ] inputs = [] for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): inputs.append('/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month) hosts = [('localhost',16)] types = [('',16), ('',2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='idepix', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=[str(minDate), str(maxDate)]) #pm.execute('', \ # [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ # [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission-nc/' + year + '/' + month ], \ # parameters=[str(minDate), str(maxDate)])
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='oc-modis', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) modisBiasInputs = [] for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: modisFormatInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 1) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): modisDailyBSName = 'modis-daily-bs-' + str(singleDay) params = ['modis-daily-bs-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ,\ 'day', '%02d' % ( ] pm.execute('', ['MODIS_L3_daily'], [modisDailyBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisDailyBSName) modisFormatInputs.append(modisDailyBSName) if year >= '2003' and year <= '2007': modisBiasInputs.append(modisDailyBSName) modisFormatBSName = 'modis-daily-bs-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'modis/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'modis/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-modis-daily-bs' ] # debug only daily binned band-shifted pm.execute('', modisFormatInputs, [modisFormatBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisFormatBSName) modisBiasMapName = 'modis-bias-map' params = ['bias-map-\${sensor}.xml', \ 'sensor', 'modis', \ 'sensorMarker', '11' ] pm.execute('', modisBiasInputs, [modisBiasMapName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisBiasMapName) modisBiasFormatName = 'modis-bias-map-format' params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', '5years', \ 'inputPath', 'modis/bias-map-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'modis/bias-map-netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-modis-bias' ] # debug only bias map pm.execute('', [modisBiasMapName], [modisBiasFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=modisBiasFormatName) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
return months ################################################################################################# years = ['2010'] sensor = 'meris' gaRootDir = '/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_wv/odanne/GlobAlbedoTest' inputs = ['dummy'] m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l3-staging-nc2browse', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost', 64)], types=[('', 64)]) for year in years: tcwvMosaicDir = gaRootDir + '/Mosaic/TCWV/' + sensor + '/' + year stagingNc2browseResultDir = gaRootDir + '/staging/QL/tcwv/' + sensor + '/' + year for month in getMonths(year): # stagingNc2browseFile = tcwvMosaicDir + '/l3_tcwv_' + sensor + '_' + year + '-' + month + '-01_' + year + '-' + month + '-' + str( getNumDaysInMonth(year, month)) + '.nc' m.execute('', ['dummy'], [stagingNc2browseResultDir], parameters=[ year, month,
### Provides one step: ### - staging 'browse2mov' --> 1-year movies from png browse files for each band + BHR RGB from Albedo mosaic netcdf files ############################################################################################################################# years=['2010'] sensors=['meris'] bands=['tcwv_mean_mean'] gaRootDir = '/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_wv/odanne/GlobAlbedoTest' inputs = ['dummy'] m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l3-staging-browse2mov', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost',64)], types=[('',64)]) ### matching for all years: for year in years: for sensor in sensors: for band in bands: stagingMoviesInputDir = gaRootDir + '/staging/QL/tcwv/' + sensor + '/' + year + '/' + band stagingMoviesResultDir = gaRootDir + '/staging/Movies/tcwv/' + sensor + '/' + year m.execute('', ['dummy'], [stagingMoviesResultDir], parameters=[year,band,stagingMoviesInputDir, stagingMoviesResultDir]) # wait for processing to complete m.wait_for_completion()
years = range(2015,2017) months = range(1,13) start = '2015-06-25' stop = '2016-11-30' period = str((datetime.datetime.strptime(stop, '%Y-%m-%d').date() - datetime.datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%d').date()).days + 1) l1c_dir = '/calvalus/eodata/S2_L1C/granules-urban' idepix_dir = '/calvalus/projects/urban-tep/msi-idepix' timescan_seq_dir = '/calvalus/projects/urban-tep/msi-tsseq' timescan_dir = '/calvalus/projects/urban-tep/msi-timescan' inputs = [ l1c_dir ] pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='timescan', types=[('msi-idepix',2),('msi-timescan',7),('msi-format',7)], hosts=[('localhost',12)], logdir='log', script='', simulation=False) for year in years: for month in months: if '{0:04d}-{1:02d}'.format(year, month) < start[:7] or '{0:04d}-{1:02d}'.format(year, month) > stop[:7]: continue beginning_of_month = str(, month, 1)) end_of_month = str(, month, calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1])) pm.execute('msi-idepix', [ l1c_dir ], [ idepix_dir ], parameters=[ 'year', '{0:04d}'.format(year), 'month', '{0:02d}'.format(month), 'start', beginning_of_month, 'stop', end_of_month ]) for region in regions: polygon = regions[region]
years = ['2003'] #test doys = ['65'] snowModes = ['snow', 'nosnow', 'merge'] #scalings = ['6', '30', '60'] resolutions = ['05', '025', '005'] gaRootDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/olafd/GlobAlbedoTest' beamDir = '/group_workspaces/cems/globalalbedo/soft/beam-5.0.1' brdfMosaicDir = gaRootDir + '/Mosaic/brdf' #### Upscaling/Mosaicing #### m = PMonitor([gaRootDir], request='ga-l3-mosaic', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost',16)], types=[('',16)]) ## BRDF mosaicking for year in years: for doy in doys: for snowMode in snowModes: for resolution in resolutions: brdfMosaicDir = gaRootDir + '/Mosaic/brdf/' + snowMode + '/' + resolution m.execute('', [gaRootDir], [brdfMosaicDir], parameters=[year,doy,snowMode,resolution,gaRootDir,beamDir]) ## BRDF mosaic --> Albedo mosaic # TODO
gaRootDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/olafd/GlobAlbedoTest' bbdrRootDir = gaRootDir + '/BBDR' noSnowPriorDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol3/newPrior_allBands/1km/NoSnow' snowPriorDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol3/newPrior_allBands/1km/Snow' beamDir = '/group_workspaces/cems/globalalbedo/soft/beam-5.0.1' doys = [] #for i in range(44): #for i in range(3): # test for i in range(1): # test doy = 8*i + 1 doys.append(str(doy).zfill(3)) m = PMonitor([bbdrRootDir], request='ga-l3-tile', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost',4)]) #tiles = glob.glob1(bbdrTileDir+'/'+sensor+'/'+year, 'h??v??') #tiles = glob.glob1(bbdrTileDir, 'h??v??') #tiles = ['h18v03', 'h18v04'] # test tiles = ['h18v04'] # test tiles.sort() for tile in tiles: for doy in doys: ## daily accumulation, full accumulation, inversion, merge, albedo albedoDir = gaRootDir + '/Albedo/' + tile m.execute('', [bbdrRootDir], [albedoDir], parameters=[tile,year,doy,'false',gaRootDir,noSnowPriorDir,snowPriorDir,beamDir]) m.execute('', [bbdrRootDir], [albedoDir], parameters=[tile,year,doy,'true',gaRootDir,snowPriorDir,snowPriorDir,beamDir])
for region in regions: shapeWktFile = DIVERSITY_INST_DIR + '/wkt/' + region + '.shape' if not os.access(shapeWktFile, os.R_OK): raise IOError('Unable to access ' + shapeWktFile) # output format must be one of 'GeoTIFF' 'NetCDF' or 'NetCDF4' outputFormat = 'GeoTIFF' extension = 'nc' if outputFormat == 'GeoTIFF': extension = 'tif' inputs = ['childs'] hosts = [('localhost', 16)] # , simulation=True pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='lake_products', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, script='') BASE = '/calvalus/projects/diversity/prototype/' for region in regions: shapeWktFile = 'wkt/' + region + '.shape' boxWktFile = shapeWktFile shallowDir = BASE + region + '/l3-shallow/' # =============== shallow ======================= # L3 aggregation of ratio490 isNorthRegion = True if isNorthRegion: shallowStart = date(2008, 05, 01) shallowStop = date(2008, 10, 31) requiredIdepix = ['l2_idepix-2008-' + region]
#return 1 # test!! return 30 else: #return 2 # test!! return 31 ######################## EraInterim from Idepix: ########################### wvcciRootDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/olafd/WvcciTest' snapDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/software/snap' inputs = ['dummy'] m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l2-idepix-erainterim-modis', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost', 128)], types=[('', 128)]) for year in years: for sensor in sensors: idepixRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/Idepix/' + sensor for month in getMonth(year): if os.path.exists(idepixRootDir + '/' + year + '/' + month): #for iday in range(1, getNumMonthDays(year, int(month))+1): for iday in range(2, 3): day = str(iday).zfill(2)
years = ['2005', '2006'] inputs = [] for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): #inputs.append('/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month) inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/MERIS_RR_catalysts_N1/' + year + '/' + month) hosts = [('localhost', 16)] types = [('', 16), ('', 4), ('', 2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='idepix_meris_v10_catalysts', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/MERIS_RR_catalysts_N1/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/era-interim/meris/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=['MERIS', str(minDate), str(maxDate)]) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/MERIS_RR_catalysts_N1/' + year + '/' + month , '/calvalus/projects/cawa/era-interim/meris/' + year + '/' + month], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix/meris/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=['MERIS', str(minDate), str(maxDate)])
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='idepix-comparison', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) for (month, firstDay, lastDay) in TIME_RANGES: minDate =, month, firstDay) maxDate =, month, lastDay) polymerTag = 'polymer-' + str(minDate) params = ['polymer-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'year', str(year), \ 'month', str(month) ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [polymerTag], parameters=params, logprefix=polymerTag) idepixOldTag = 'idepix-old-' + str(minDate) params = ['idepix-\${variant}-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'variant', 'old', \ 'processorBundleName', 'beam-idepix-cc', \ 'year', str(year), \ 'month', str(month) ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [idepixOldTag], parameters=params, logprefix=idepixOldTag) idepixNewTag = 'idepix-new-' + str(minDate) params = ['idepix-\${variant}-\${minDate}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'variant', 'new', \ 'processorBundleName', 'beam-idepix-oc', \ 'year', str(year), \ 'month', str(month) ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [idepixNewTag], parameters=params, logprefix=idepixNewTag) #idepixNewQlTag = 'idepix-new-ql-' + str(minDate) #params = ['idepix-ql-\${variant}-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ # 'minDate', str(minDate), \ # 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ # 'variant', 'new', \ # 'year', str(year), \ # 'month', str(month) ] #pm.execute('', [idepixNewTag, polymerTag], [idepixNewQlTag], parameters=params, logprefix=idepixNewQlTag) mergedL2Tag = 'merged-l2-' + str(minDate) params = ['merge-polymer-and-two-idepix-\${minDate}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'variant', 'new', \ 'year', str(year), \ 'month', str(month) ] pm.execute('', [idepixNewTag, idepixOldTag, polymerTag], [mergedL2Tag], parameters=params, logprefix=mergedL2Tag) mergedL2FormatTag = 'merge-l2-format-' + str(minDate) params = ['l2-format-\${minDate}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'year', str(year), \ 'month', str(month) ] pm.execute('', [mergedL2Tag], [mergedL2FormatTag], parameters=params, logprefix=mergedL2FormatTag) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): merisDailyNewName = 'meris-daily-new-' + str(singleDay) merisDailyParams = ['daily-new-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', '%4d' % (singleDay.year), \ 'month', str(singleDay.month) ] pm.execute('', [polymerTag], [merisDailyNewName], parameters=merisDailyParams, logprefix=merisDailyNewName) merisDailyName = 'meris-daily-old-' + str(singleDay) merisDailyParams = ['daily-old-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', '%4d' % (singleDay.year), \ 'month', str(singleDay.month) ] pm.execute('', [polymerTag], [merisDailyName], parameters=merisDailyParams, logprefix=merisDailyName) # quicklooks L2 polymer + old idepix ?) # DONE # quicklooks L2 polymer + new idepix # DONE # merge L2 polymer + old + new idepix --> Format to DIMAP # daily L3 polymer + new idepix + quicklooks # daily L3 polymer + old idepix + quicklooks) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
# use notation as in '' regions = ['Lake-Balaton'] #regions = ['Lake-Bogoria', 'Lake-Elmenteita', 'Lake-Nakuru', 'Lake-Tuusulanjarvi', 'Lake-Ulemiste'] DIVERSITY_INST_DIR = os.environ['DIVERSITY_INST'] # before starting, check if WKT files are available # From now on we always use the full polygons (*.shape) rather than just rectangular boxes. for region in regions: boxWktFile = DIVERSITY_INST_DIR + '/wkt/' + region + '.shape' if not os.access(boxWktFile, os.R_OK): raise IOError('Unable to access ' + boxWktFile) inputs = ['dummy'] hosts = [('localhost', 8)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='geo_child_products', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, script='') BASE = '/calvalus/projects/diversity/prototype/' for region in regions: boxWktFile = 'wkt/' + region + '.shape' for year in years: for month in getMonth(year): geoChildDir = BASE + region + '/l1-child/' + year + "/" + month l1_geo_name = 'l1_geo-' + year + "-" + month + '-' + region params = [ 'year', year, 'month', month, 'region', region, 'wkt', 'include:'+boxWktFile, 'input', '/calvalus/eodata/MER_FSG_1P/v2013/' + year + '/' + month,
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request="oc-seawifs", logdir="log", hosts=hosts, types=types) seawifsBiasInputs = [] for year in years: months = monthsAll if year == "2002": months = months2002 elif year == "2012": months = months2012 for month in months: seawifsFormatInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 1) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): seawifsDailyBSName = "seawifs-daily-bs-" + str(singleDay) params = [ "seawifs-daily-bs-\${date}.xml", "date", str(singleDay), "year", year, "month", month, "day", "%02d" % (, ] pm.execute( "", ["SEAWIFS_L3_daily"], [seawifsDailyBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsDailyBSName, ) seawifsFormatInputs.append(seawifsDailyBSName) if year >= "2003" and year <= "2007": seawifsBiasInputs.append(seawifsDailyBSName) seawifsFormatBSName = "seawifs-daily-bs-format-" + month + "-" + year params = [ "l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml", "date", month + "-" + year, "inputPath", "seawifs/daily-bs/" + year + "/" + month + "/????-??-??/part-*", "outputPath", "seawifs/daily-bs/" + year + "/" + month + "/netcdf-geo", "prefix", "OC-seawifs-daily-bs", ] # debug only daily binned band-shifted pm.execute( "", seawifsFormatInputs, [seawifsFormatBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsFormatBSName, ) seawifsBiasMapName = "seawifs-bias-map" params = ["bias-map-\${sensor}.xml", "sensor", "seawifs", "sensorMarker", "12"] pm.execute( "", seawifsBiasInputs, [seawifsBiasMapName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsBiasMapName ) seawifsBiasFormatName = "seawifs-bias-map-format" params = [ "l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml", "date", "5years", "inputPath", "seawifs/bias-map-parts/part-*", "outputPath", "seawifs/bias-map-netcdf-geo", "prefix", "OC-seawifs-bias", ] # debug only bias map pm.execute( "", [seawifsBiasMapName], [seawifsBiasFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=seawifsBiasFormatName, ) # ====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
#### main script: #### #years = [ '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011','2012' ] years = ['2008'] inputs = [] for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): inputs.append('/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month) hosts = [('localhost', 16)] types = [('', 16), ('', 2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='idepix_meris_v10_CTP', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix_ctp/meris/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=['MERIS', str(minDate), str(maxDate)]) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix_ctp/meris/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix_ctp/meris-nc/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=['MERIS', str(minDate), str(maxDate)])
#return 1 # test!! return 30 else: #return 2 # test!! return 31 ######################## L1b --> Idepix: ########################### wvcciRootDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/olafd/WvcciTest' snapDir = '/group_workspaces/cems2/qa4ecv/vol4/software/snap' inputs = ['dummy'] m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l2-idepix', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost', 128)], types=[('', 128)]) for year in years: for sensor in sensors: l1bRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/L1b/' + sensor modisLandMaskRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/ModisLandMask/MOD03' for month in getMonth(year): if os.path.exists(l1bRootDir + '/' + year + '/' + month): for day in range(1, getNumMonthDays(year, int(month)) + 1): idepixL2Dir = wvcciRootDir + '/Idepix/' + sensor + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + str( day).zfill(2) print 'idepixL2Dir: ', idepixL2Dir
#for day in range(1,32): # Jan, TODO: many broken products, repeat download of MYD021KM for Jan #for day in range(2,3): #for day in range(1,58): # Jan, Feb #for day in range(120,122): for day in days: doy = str(day).zfill(3) inputs.append('/calvalus/projects/cawa/MODIS_MYD021KM/' + year + '/' + doy) hosts = [('localhost', 16)] types = [('', 16), ('', 4), ('', 2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='idepix_modis', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: #for day in range(1,122): # 20080101 - 20080430 #for day in range(1,32): # Jan, TODO: many broken products, repeat download of MYD021KM for Jan #for day in range(2,3): #for day in range(1,58): # Jan, Feb #for day in range(58,122): # Mar, Apr #for day in range(120,122): for day in days: doy = str(day).zfill(3) current_date = base_date + timedelta(day - 1) datestring = current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") pm.execute('', \
def run(self): pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='oc-meris', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, types=types) merisBiasInputs = [] for year in years: merisDailyTemplate = 'meris-daily-useIdepix-\${date}.xml' months = monthsAll if year == '2002': months = months2002 # in 2002 the current version of idepix is not correct because of sensor re-programming merisDailyTemplate = 'meris-daily-useIdepix-2002-\${date}.xml' elif year == '2012': months = months2012 for month in months: merisDailyFormatInputs = [] merisDailyBSFormatInputs = [] (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) idepixName = 'idepix-' + str(minDate) params = ['meris-idepix-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [idepixName], parameters=params, logprefix=idepixName) polymerName = 'polymer-' + str(minDate) params = ['meris-polymer-\${year}-\${month}.xml', \ 'minDate', str(minDate), \ 'maxDate', str(maxDate), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', ['MERIS_L1B'], [polymerName], parameters=params, logprefix=polymerName) # for now because we have not more test-data minDate =, int(month), 1) maxDate =, int(month), 1) for singleDay in dateRange(minDate, maxDate): merisDailyName = 'meris-daily-' + str(singleDay) params = [merisDailyTemplate, \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', [idepixName, polymerName], [merisDailyName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisDailyName) merisDailyFormatInputs.append(merisDailyName) merisDailyBSName = 'meris-daily-bs-' + str(singleDay) params = ['meris-daily-bs-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', str(singleDay), \ 'year', year, \ 'month', month ] pm.execute('', [merisDailyName], [merisDailyBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisDailyBSName) merisDailyBSFormatInputs.append(merisDailyBSName) if year >= '2003' and year <= '2007': merisBiasInputs.append(merisDailyBSName) merisFormatName = 'meris-daily-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'meris/daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??-L3-1/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'meris/daily/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-meris-daily' ] # (debug only / user product ?) daily binned pm.execute('', merisDailyFormatInputs, [merisFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisFormatName) merisFormatBSName = 'meris-daily-bs-format-' + month + '-' + year params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', month + '-' + year, \ 'inputPath', 'meris/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/????-??-??/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'meris/daily-bs/' + year + '/' + month + '/netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-meris-daily-bs' ] # debug only daily binned band-shifted pm.execute('', merisDailyBSFormatInputs, [merisFormatBSName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisFormatBSName) merisBiasMapName = 'meris-bias-map' params = ['bias-map-\${sensor}.xml', \ 'sensor', 'meris', \ 'sensorMarker', '10' ] pm.execute('', merisBiasInputs, [merisBiasMapName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisBiasMapName) merisBiasFormatName = 'meris-bias-map-format' params = ['l3format-\${prefix}-\${date}.xml', \ 'date', '5years', \ 'inputPath', 'meris/bias-map-parts/part-*', \ 'outputPath', 'meris/bias-map-netcdf-geo', \ 'prefix', 'OC-meris-bias' ] # debug only bias map pm.execute('', [merisBiasMapName], [merisBiasFormatName], parameters=params, logprefix=merisBiasFormatName) #====================================================== pm.wait_for_completion()
#years = [ '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011','2012' ] #years = [ '2008' ] years = ['2005'] inputs = [] for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): inputs.append('/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month) hosts = [('localhost', 16)] types = [('', 16), ('', 2)] pm = PMonitor(inputs, \ request='idepix', \ logdir='log', \ hosts=hosts, \ types=types) for year in years: for month in getMonths(year): (minDate, maxDate) = getMinMaxDate(year, month) pm.execute('', \ [ '/calvalus/eodata/MER_RR__1P/r03/' + year + '/' + month ], \ [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ parameters=[str(minDate), str(maxDate)]) #pm.execute('', \ # [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission/' + year + '/' + month ], \ # [ '/calvalus/projects/cawa/idepix-RR-fullmission-nc/' + year + '/' + month ], \ # parameters=[str(minDate), str(maxDate)])
return is_daily else: return false ######################## L1b --> Idepix --> IdepixEraInterim --> TCWV: ########################### wvcciRootDir = '/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_wv/odanne/WvcciRoot' eraInterimRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/auxiliary/era-interim-t2m-mslp-tcwv-u10-v10' inputs = ['dummy'] # NEW PMonitor version, MB/TB Nov 2018: m = PMonitor(inputs, request='wvcci-l2-tcwv-modis-chain_4', logdir='log', hosts=[('localhost', 256)], types=[('', 256)], polling="") for year in years: l1bRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/L1b/' + sensor modisLandMaskRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/ModisLandMask/MOD03' modisCloudMaskRootDir = wvcciRootDir + '/ModisCloudMask/MOD35_L2' print('year: ' + year) for month in getMonth(year): print('month: ' + month) if os.path.exists(l1bRootDir + '/' + year + '/' + month): numMonthDays = monthrange(int(year), int(month))[1]
if not os.access(shapeWktFile, os.R_OK): raise IOError('Unable to access ' + shapeWktFile) # output format must be one of 'GeoTIFF' 'NetCDF' or 'NetCDF4' outputFormat = 'GeoTIFF' extension = 'nc' if outputFormat == 'GeoTIFF': extension = 'tif' inputs = ['childs'] hosts = [('localhost', 16)] # , simulation=True pm = PMonitor(inputs, request='lake_products', logdir='log', hosts=hosts, script='') BASE = '/calvalus/projects/diversity/prototype/' for region in regions: shapeWktFile = 'wkt/' + region + '.shape' boxWktFile = shapeWktFile shallowDir = BASE + region + '/l3-shallow/' # =============== shallow ======================= # L3 aggregation of ratio490 isNorthRegion = True if isNorthRegion: shallowStart = date(2008, 05, 01)