def ValidateXml():
    editor = scintilla.Scintilla(pn.CurrentDoc())
    text = editor.GetText(editor.Length)

    parser = expat.ParserCreate()

        parser.Parse(text, True)
    except expat.ExpatError as ex:
        pn.AddOutput("Error: " + str(ex))
def import_libs(dir):
    """ Imports the libs, returns a list of the libraries. 
    Pass in dir to scan """
    library_list = [] 
    for f in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(dir)):       
        module_name, ext = os.path.splitext(f) # Handles no-extension files, etc.
        if ext == '.py': # Important, ignore .pyc/other files.
                module = __import__("scripts." + module_name, globals(), locals(), [])
                #debug.OutputDebugString( 'imported module: %s' % (module_name) )
            except Exception, ex:
                pn.AddOutput("Script Import Error with " + str(module_name) + ".py: " + str(ex))
Пример #3
def _handleChangeCommandInner(command, text, m, s):
    """ Do all command handling, target restoration and undo block handled externally """
    pos = s.CurrentPos
    end = -1
    repetitions = 1
    if != None:
        repetitions = int(
    what =
    remainder =

    # Calculate our change target:
    if what == None:
        return command + text
    elif what == "w":
        end = s.WordEndPosition(pos, True)
        end = _findFurtherWordEnds(s, end, repetitions - 1)
    elif what == "$":
        lineAtEnd = s.LineFromPosition(s.Length)
        line = s.LineFromPosition(pos) + (repetitions - 1)
        if line > lineAtEnd:
            line = lineAtEnd
        end = s.GetLineEndPosition(line)
    elif what == "l":
        end = pos + repetitions
    elif what[0] == "t":
        end = pos
        for x in range(0, repetitions):
            pn.AddOutput("\nLooking for " + remainder + " at " + str(end))
            end = _findNext(s, remainder[0], end)
    elif what == "d":
        startLine = s.LineFromPosition(pos)
        pos = s.PositionFromLine(startLine)

        endLine = startLine + repetitions
        if endLine >= s.LineCount:
            endLine = s.LineCount - 1
            end = s.GetLineEndPosition(endLine)
            end = s.PositionFromLine(endLine)
    elif what == "iw":
        # In word
        end = s.WordEndPosition(pos, True)
        pos = s.WordStartPosition(pos, True)
        end = _findFurtherWordEnds(s, end, repetitions - 1)
    elif what == "i(":
        # In braces
        pos, end = _getBraceRange(s, '(', ')')
    elif what == "i[":
        # In square braces
        pos, end = _getBraceRange(s, '[', ']')

    if pos == -1 or end == -1:
        pn.AddOutput("Failed to find the range to alter")
        # Give up, we couldn't get a good position set.
        return ""

    _setTarget(s, pos, end)

    if command == "d":
        # Delete
        s.ReplaceTarget(0, "")
        return ""

    elif command == "c":
        # Go back to the editor for overwriting the target
        return _overwriteTargetMode(s)

    elif command == "y":
        yankText = s.GetTextRange(pos, end)
        s.ReplaceTarget(0, "")
        return ""