Пример #1
    def append_png_assertion(self, badge):
        """ Append the assertion to a PNG file """

        badge.signed = _signature

        chunks = list()
        png = Reader(bytes=badge.source.image)

        for chunk in png.chunks():

        itxt_data = b'openbadges' + pack(
            'BBBBB', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + badge.get_assertion().encode('utf-8')
        itxt = ('iTXt', itxt_data)
        chunks.insert(len(chunks) - 1, itxt)

        text_data = 'Comment Signed with OpenBadgesLib %s' % __version__
        text = ('tEXt', text_data.encode('utf-8'))
        chunks.insert(len(chunks) - 1, text)

        for tag, data in chunks:
            badge.signed = badge.signed + pack("!I", len(data))
            tag = tag.encode('iso8859-1')
            badge.signed = badge.signed + tag
            badge.signed = badge.signed + data
            checksum = crc32(tag)
            checksum = crc32(data, checksum)
            checksum &= 2**32 - 1
            badge.signed = badge.signed + pack("!I", checksum)
Пример #2
def extract_png_assertion(file_data):
    png = Reader(bytes=file_data)

    for tag, data in png.chunks():
        if tag == 'iTXt':
            fmt_len = len(data) - 15  # 15=len('openbadges'+pack('BBBBB'))
            fmt = '<10s5B%ds' % fmt_len
            return Assertion.decode(unpack(fmt, data)[6])
Пример #3
    def has_png_assertion(self, badge):
        png = Reader(bytes=badge.image)

        for tag, data in png.chunks():
            if tag == 'iTXt':
                if data.startswith(b'openbadges'):
                    return True

        return False
Пример #4
 def to_fits(self, out_file):
     Converts a PNG to file a FITS file.
     :param out_file:    User specified filename for the FITS
     if not self.png:
         raise ValueError, "AstroPNG was not initialized with a PNG image"
     # Reading the PNG takes two passes (for now)
     r = Reader(self.png)
     width, height, imgdata, metadata = r.read()
     fluxes = numpy.vstack( itertools.imap(numpy.uint16, imgdata) )
     r = Reader(self.png)
     chunks = r.chunks()
     has_fits            = False
     has_quantization    = False
     has_nans            = False
     # Read the custom astro chunks
     while True:
             chunk_name, data = chunks.next()
         if chunk_name == 'fITS':
             header = self.__read_fits_header(data)
             has_fits = True
         elif chunk_name == 'qANT':
             zzero, zscale = self.__read_quantization_parameters(data, height)
             has_quantization = True
         elif chunk_name == 'nANS':
             y_nans, x_nans = self.__read_nan_locations(data)
             has_nans = True
         elif chunk_name == 'iEND':
     if has_quantization:
         random_numbers = self.__random_number_generator(N = width * height).reshape( (height, width) )
         fluxes = (fluxes - random_numbers + 0.5) * numpy.vstack(zscale) + numpy.vstack(zzero)
     if has_nans:
         if y_nans.size > 0:
             fluxes[y_nans, x_nans] = numpy.nan
     fluxes = numpy.flipud(fluxes)
     hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(fluxes, header)
     hdu.writeto(out_file, output_verify='ignore')