Пример #1
 def dev_from_pcapname(self, pcap_name):
     """Return Windows device name for given pcap device name."""
         return next(iface for iface in six.itervalues(self)
                     if iface.pcap_name == pcap_name)
     except (StopIteration, RuntimeError):
         raise ValueError("Unknown pypcap network interface %r" % pcap_name)
Пример #2
 def unfilter(self):
     """Re-enable dissection for all layers"""
     if not self.filtered:
         raise ValueError("Not filtered. Please filter first")
     for lay in six.itervalues(self.ldict):
         for cls in lay:
             cls.payload_guess = self._backup_dict[cls]
     self.filtered = False
Пример #3
 def dev_from_name(self, name):
     """Return the first pcap device name for a given Windows
     device name.
         return next(iface for iface in six.itervalues(self)
                     if (iface.name == name or iface.description == name))
     except (StopIteration, RuntimeError):
         raise ValueError("Unknown network interface %r" % name)
Пример #4
 def dev_from_index(self, if_index):
     """Return interface name from interface index"""
         if_index = int(if_index)  # Backward compatibility
         return next(iface for iface in six.itervalues(self)
                     if iface.win_index == if_index)
     except (StopIteration, RuntimeError):
         if str(if_index) == "1":
             return IFACES.dev_from_pcapname(conf.loopback_name)
         raise ValueError("Unknown network interface index %r" % if_index)
Пример #5
 def filter(self, items):
     """Disable dissection of unused layers to speed up dissection"""
     if self.filtered:
         raise ValueError("Already filtered. Please disable it first")
     for lay in six.itervalues(self.ldict):
         for cls in lay:
             if cls not in self._backup_dict:
                 self._backup_dict[cls] = cls.payload_guess[:]
                 cls.payload_guess = [
                     y for y in cls.payload_guess if y[1] in items
     self.filtered = True
Пример #6
    def build_graph(self):
        s = 'digraph "%s" {\n' % self.__class__.__name__

        se = ""  # Keep initial nodes at the beginning for better rendering
        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            if st.atmt_initial:
                se = ('\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=blue, shape=box, root=true];\n' % st.atmt_state) + se  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_final:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=green, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
            elif st.atmt_error:
                se += '\t"%s" [ style=filled, fillcolor=red, shape=octagon ];\n' % st.atmt_state  # noqa: E501
        s += se

        for st in six.itervalues(self.states):
            for n in st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_names + st.atmt_origfunc.__code__.co_consts:  # noqa: E501
                if n in self.states:
                    s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [ color=green ];\n' % (st.atmt_state, n)  # noqa: E501

        for c, k, v in ([("purple", k, v) for k, v in self.conditions.items()] +  # noqa: E501
                        [("red", k, v) for k, v in self.recv_conditions.items()] +  # noqa: E501
                        [("orange", k, v) for k, v in self.ioevents.items()]):
            for f in v:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names + f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        line = f.atmt_condname
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            line += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s", color=%s];\n' % (k, n, line, c)  # noqa: E501
        for k, v in six.iteritems(self.timeout):
            for t, f in v:
                if f is None:
                for n in f.__code__.co_names + f.__code__.co_consts:
                    if n in self.states:
                        line = "%s/%.1fs" % (f.atmt_condname, t)
                        for x in self.actions[f.atmt_condname]:
                            line += "\\l>[%s]" % x.__name__
                        s += '\t"%s" -> "%s" [label="%s",color=blue];\n' % (k, n, line)  # noqa: E501
        s += "}\n"
        return s
Пример #7
def get_ips(v6=False):
    """Returns all available IPs matching to interfaces, using the windows system.
    Should only be used as a WinPcapy fallback."""
    res = {}
    for iface in six.itervalues(IFACES):
        ips = []
        for ip in iface.ips:
            if v6 and ":" in ip:
            elif not v6 and ":" not in ip:
        res[iface] = ips
    return res
Пример #8
def get_working_if():
    """Return an interface that works"""
        # return the interface associated with the route with smallest
        # mask (route by default if it exists)
        iface = min(conf.route.routes, key=lambda x: x[1])[3]
    except ValueError:
        # no route
        iface = conf.loopback_name
    if isinstance(iface, NetworkInterface) and iface.is_invalid():
        # Backup mode: try them all
        for iface in six.itervalues(IFACES):
            if not iface.is_invalid():
                return iface
        return None
    return iface
Пример #9
 def values(self):
     if self.timeout is None:
         return list(six.itervalues(self))
     t0 = time.time()
     return [v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]  # noqa: E501
Пример #10
 def itervalues(self):
     return six.itervalues(self.__dict__)
Пример #11
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        cls = super(Automaton_metaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
        cls.states = {}
        cls.state = None
        cls.recv_conditions = {}
        cls.conditions = {}
        cls.ioevents = {}
        cls.timeout = {}
        cls.actions = {}
        cls.initial_states = []
        cls.ionames = []
        cls.iosupersockets = []

        members = {}
        classes = [cls]
        while classes:
            c = classes.pop(0)  # order is important to avoid breaking method overloading  # noqa: E501
            classes += list(c.__bases__)
            for k, v in six.iteritems(c.__dict__):
                if k not in members:
                    members[k] = v

        decorated = [v for v in six.itervalues(members)
                     if isinstance(v, types.FunctionType) and hasattr(v, "atmt_type")]  # noqa: E501

        for m in decorated:
            if m.atmt_type == ATMT.STATE:
                s = m.atmt_state
                cls.states[s] = m
                cls.recv_conditions[s] = []
                cls.ioevents[s] = []
                cls.conditions[s] = []
                cls.timeout[s] = []
                if m.atmt_initial:
            elif m.atmt_type in [ATMT.CONDITION, ATMT.RECV, ATMT.TIMEOUT, ATMT.IOEVENT]:  # noqa: E501
                cls.actions[m.atmt_condname] = []

        for m in decorated:
            if m.atmt_type == ATMT.CONDITION:
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.RECV:
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.IOEVENT:
                if m.atmt_as_supersocket is not None:
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.TIMEOUT:
                cls.timeout[m.atmt_state].append((m.atmt_timeout, m))
            elif m.atmt_type == ATMT.ACTION:
                for c in m.atmt_cond:

        for v in six.itervalues(cls.timeout):
            v.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
            v.append((None, None))
        for v in itertools.chain(six.itervalues(cls.conditions),
            v.sort(key=lambda x: x.atmt_prio)
        for condname, actlst in six.iteritems(cls.actions):
            actlst.sort(key=lambda x: x.atmt_cond[condname])

        for ioev in cls.iosupersockets:
            setattr(cls, ioev.atmt_as_supersocket, _ATMT_to_supersocket(ioev.atmt_as_supersocket, ioev.atmt_ioname, cls))  # noqa: E501

        return cls