def setUpClass(self): self.rootpath = os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'src_test') self.dest_nan_value = -99 self.dest_regions = ['AU'] self.dest_sp_res = 1 self.dest_temp_res = 'daily' self.dest_start_date = datetime(2013, 1, 7) self.enddate = datetime(2013, 1, 13) self.testdate = datetime(2013, 1, 10) = 'TEST' self.filename = "test_{YYYY}_{MM}_{TT}.png" self.filedate = {'YYYY': (5, 9), 'MM': (10, 12), 'DD': (13, 15)} self.temp_res = 'daily' self.protocol = 'local' self.begin_date = datetime(2013, 1, 7) if os.path.exists(self.rootpath): shutil.rmtree(self.rootpath) os.mkdir(self.rootpath) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'RAWDATA')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'DATA')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'TMP')) # setup test png files self.pngdir = os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'testpngs') = self.pngdir if os.path.exists(self.pngdir): shutil.rmtree(self.pngdir) os.mkdir(self.pngdir) self.dtindex = get_dtindex('day', self.dest_start_date, self.enddate) for i, dat in enumerate(self.dtindex): if i == 3: continue year = str(dat.year) month = "%02d" % (dat.month) day = "%02d" % ( fname = ('test_' + year + '_' + month + '_' + day + '.png') shutil.copy(os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'test.png'), os.path.join(self.pngdir, fname)) self.source = BasicSource(, self.filename, self.filedate, self.temp_res, self.rootpath,, self.protocol, begin_date=self.begin_date, dest_nan_value=-self.dest_nan_value, dest_regions=self.dest_regions, dest_sp_res=self.dest_sp_res, dest_temp_res=self.dest_temp_res, dest_start_date=self.dest_start_date)
class Test(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.rootpath = os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'src_test') self.dest_nan_value = -99 self.dest_regions = ['AU'] self.dest_sp_res = 1 self.dest_temp_res = 'daily' self.dest_start_date = datetime(2013, 1, 7) self.enddate = datetime(2013, 1, 13) self.testdate = datetime(2013, 1, 10) = 'TEST' self.filename = "test_{YYYY}_{MM}_{TT}.png" self.filedate = {'YYYY': (5, 9), 'MM': (10, 12), 'DD': (13, 15)} self.temp_res = 'daily' self.protocol = 'local' self.begin_date = datetime(2013, 1, 7) if os.path.exists(self.rootpath): shutil.rmtree(self.rootpath) os.mkdir(self.rootpath) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'RAWDATA')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'DATA')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.rootpath, 'TMP')) # setup test png files self.pngdir = os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'testpngs') = self.pngdir if os.path.exists(self.pngdir): shutil.rmtree(self.pngdir) os.mkdir(self.pngdir) self.dtindex = get_dtindex('day', self.dest_start_date, self.enddate) for i, dat in enumerate(self.dtindex): if i == 3: continue year = str(dat.year) month = "%02d" % (dat.month) day = "%02d" % ( fname = ('test_' + year + '_' + month + '_' + day + '.png') shutil.copy(os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'test.png'), os.path.join(self.pngdir, fname)) self.source = BasicSource(, self.filename, self.filedate, self.temp_res, self.rootpath,, self.protocol, begin_date=self.begin_date, dest_nan_value=-self.dest_nan_value, dest_regions=self.dest_regions, dest_sp_res=self.dest_sp_res, dest_temp_res=self.dest_temp_res, dest_start_date=self.dest_start_date) @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): if os.path.exists(self.rootpath): shutil.rmtree(self.rootpath) if os.path.exists(self.pngdir): shutil.rmtree(self.pngdir) def test_download_and_resample(self): self.source.download_and_resample(end=self.enddate) for date in self.dtindex: img, _, _, _ = self.source.read_img(date) if date == self.testdate: assert img[2, 4] is else: assert img[2, 4] == 177. def test_fill_gaps(self): shutil.copy(os.path.join(curpath(), 'data', 'test.png'), os.path.join(self.pngdir, 'test_2013_01_10.png')) self.source.fill_gaps(begin=self.dest_start_date, end=self.enddate) img, _, _, _ = self.source.read_img(self.testdate) assert img[1, 1] == 145.
def add_source(self, name, filename, filedate, temp_res, host, protocol, username=None, password=None, port=22, directory=None, dirstruct=None, begin_date=None, regions=None, variables=None, nan_value=None, valid_range=None, unit=None, ffilter=None, data_range=None, colorbar=None, src_file=None, labels=None, xticks=None): """Creates BasicSource class and adds it to `Poet.sources`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data source. filename : str Structure/convention of the file name. filedate : dict Position of date fields in filename, given as tuple. temp_res : str Temporal resolution of the source. host : str Link to data host. protocol : str Protocol for data transfer. username : str, optional Username for data access. password : str, optional Password for data access. port : int, optional Port to data host, defaults to 22. directory : str, optional Path to data on host. dirstruct : list of strings Structure of source directory, each list item represents a subdirectory. regions : list of str, optional List of regions where data from source is available. Uses all regions as given in Poet.regions attribute if None. begin_date :, optional Date from which on data is available. variables : string or list of strings, optional Variables used from data source. nan_value : int, float, optional Nan value of the original data as given by the data provider. valid_range : tuple of int of float, optional Valid range of data, given as (minimum, maximum). data_range : tuple of int of float, optional Range of the values as data given in rawdata (minimum, maximum). Will be scaled to valid_range. ffilter : str, optional Pattern that apperas in filename. Can be used to select out not needed files if multiple files per date are provided. colorbar : str, optional Colorbar to use, use one from; defaults to jet. labels : list, optional Custom tick-labels for the legend in the web-app; must have same dimension as xticks and only works if xticks is set; Defaults to None. xticks : list of int or float, optional Custom tick locations for the legend in the web-app; must have same dimension as labels and only works if labels is set; Defaults to None. unit : str, optional Unit of dataset for displaying in legend. Does not have to be set if unit is specified in input file metadata. Defaults to None. src_file : dict of str, optional Path to file that contains source. Uses default NetCDF file if None. """ source = BasicSource(name, filename, filedate, temp_res, self.rootpath, host, protocol, username=username, password=password, port=port, ffilter=ffilter, directory=directory, dirstruct=dirstruct, begin_date=begin_date, variables=variables, nan_value=nan_value, valid_range=valid_range, unit=unit, regions=regions, data_range=data_range, colorbar=colorbar, dest_nan_value=self.nan_value, dest_regions=self.regions, dest_sp_res=self.spatial_resolution, dest_temp_res=self.temporal_resolution, dest_start_date=self.start_date, src_file=src_file, labels=labels, xticks=xticks) self.sources[name] = source