Пример #1
def sphere_into_ellipsoid(img_path):
    """See if we can turn a sphere into an ellipse by changing the radius of
    The point cloud (ellipse) should have more points than the initial mesh.
    When the intial mesh is coarse the resulting mesh will also be heavily faceted, but this will avoid the big holes, and large changes in depth

    # define the sphere
    vs, fs = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(1, 1, 1, density=20, subdivisions=1)
    ve, fe = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(2, 3, 4, density=20, subdivisions=1)

    mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True)
    mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, vs, fs)
    ms = mesh.mlab_source
    index = 0
    # in a loop add each vertex of the ellipse into the sphere mesh
    for jj in range(2):
        for ii, pt in enumerate(ve):
            index += 1
            filename = os.path.join(
                img_path, 'sphere_ellipsoid_' + str(index).zfill(6) + '.jpg')
            graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4)
            mesh_param = wavefront.polyhedron_parameters(vs, fs)
            vs, fs = wavefront.radius_mesh_incremental_update(
                pt, vs, fs, mesh_param, max_angle=np.deg2rad(10))
            ms.reset(x=vs[:, 0], y=vs[:, 1], z=vs[:, 2], triangles=fs)
            graphics.mayavi_addPoint(mfig, pt)

        vs, fs = wavefront.mesh_subdivide(vs, fs, 1)
        ms.reset(x=vs[:, 0], y=vs[:, 1], z=vs[:, 2], triangles=fs)

    return 0
Пример #2
def test_radius_sphere_into_ellipse():
    """See if we can turn a sphere into an ellipse by changing the radius of
    The point cloud (ellipse) should have more points than the initial mesh.
    When the intial mesh is coarse the resulting mesh will also be heavily faceted, but this will avoid the big holes, and large changes in depth

    # define the sphere
    vs, fs = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(1, 1, 1, density=10, subdivisions=0)
    ve, fe = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(2, 3, 4, density=10, subdivisions=2)

    mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure()
    mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, vs, fs)
    ms = mesh.mlab_source
    # in a loop add each vertex of the ellipse into the sphere mesh
    for pt in ve:
        vs, fs = wavefront.radius_mesh_incremental_update(pt, vs, fs)
        ms.reset(x=vs[:, 0], y=vs[:, 1], z=vs[:, 2], triangles=fs)

    input('Enter for mesh subdivision')
    vs, fs = wavefront.mesh_subdivide(vs, fs, 1)
    ms.reset(x=vs[:, 0], y=vs[:, 1], z=vs[:, 2], triangles=fs)

    input('Enter for second round of updating')
    ve, fe = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(2, 3, 4, density=20, subdivisions=2)
    for pt in ve:
        vs, fs = wavefront.radius_mesh_incremental_update(pt, vs, fs)
        ms.reset(x=vs[:, 0], y=vs[:, 1], z=vs[:, 2], triangles=fs)

    return vs, fs
Пример #3
def cube_into_sphere(img_path):
    """Transform a cube into a sphere
    vc, fc = wavefront.read_obj('./integration/cube.obj')
    vs, fs = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(2, 2, 2, density=10, subdivisions=0)

    mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True)
    mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, vc, fc)
    ms = mesh.mlab_source
    index = 0
    for ii in range(5):
        for jj, pt in enumerate(vs):
            index += 1
            filename = os.path.join(
                img_path, 'cube_sphere_' + str(index).zfill(6) + '.jpg')
            graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4)
            mesh_param = wavefront.polyhedron_parameters(vc, fc)
            vc, fc = wavefront.radius_mesh_incremental_update(
                pt, vc, fc, mesh_param, max_angle=np.deg2rad(5))
            ms.reset(x=vc[:, 0], y=vc[:, 1], z=vc[:, 2], triangles=fc)
            graphics.mayavi_addPoint(mfig, pt)

        vc, fc = wavefront.mesh_subdivide(vc, fc, 1)
        ms.reset(x=vc[:, 0], y=vc[:, 1], z=vc[:, 2], triangles=fc)

    return 0
Пример #4
class TestSubdivision():
    v, f = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(1, 2, 3, density=20, subdivisions=1)
    poly_ellip = wavefront.meshtopolydata(v, f)

    def test_polydata_subdivision_loop(self):
        poly_out = wavefront.polydata_subdivide(self.poly_ellip, 1, 'loop')
        v, f = wavefront.polydatatomesh(poly_out)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape[0], 1146)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(f.shape[0], self.f.shape[0] * 4)

    def test_polydata_subdivision_butterfly(self):
        poly_out = wavefront.polydata_subdivide(self.poly_ellip, 1,
        v, f = wavefront.polydatatomesh(poly_out)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape[0], 1146)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(f.shape[0], self.f.shape[0] * 4)

    def test_mesh_subdivision_loop(self):
        v, f = wavefront.mesh_subdivide(self.v, self.f, 1, 'loop')
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape[0], 1146)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(f.shape[0], self.f.shape[0] * 4)

    def test_mesh_subdivision_butterfly(self):
        v, f = wavefront.mesh_subdivide(self.v, self.f, 1, 'butterfly')
        np.testing.assert_allclose(v.shape[0], 1146)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(f.shape[0], self.f.shape[0] * 4)
Пример #5
class TestCartesianAndSphericalTransformation():

    v, f = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(1, 2, 3)
    spherical = wavefront.cartesian2spherical(v)
    verts_transformed = wavefront.spherical2cartesian(spherical)

    def test_transformation_equal(self):

    def test_single_vector_cartesian2spherical(self):
        spherical = wavefront.cartesian2spherical(np.array([1, 0, 0]))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(spherical, (1, 0, 0))

    def test_single_vector_spherical2cartesian(self):
        cartesian = wavefront.spherical2cartesian(np.array([1, 0, 0]))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(cartesian, (1, 0, 0))
Пример #6
def test_radius_cube_into_sphere():
    """Transform a cube into a sphere
    vc, fc = wavefront.read_obj('./integration/cube.obj')
    vs, fs = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(2, 2, 2, density=10, subdivisions=0)

    mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure()
    mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, vc, fc)
    graphics.mayavi_points3d(mfig, vc, color=(0, 1, 0))
    ms = mesh.mlab_source
    for ii in range(5):
        for pt in vs:
            mesh_param = wavefront.polyhedron_parameters(vc, fc)
            vc, fc = wavefront.radius_mesh_incremental_update(
                pt, vc, fc, mesh_param, max_angle=np.deg2rad(45))
            ms.reset(x=vc[:, 0], y=vc[:, 1], z=vc[:, 2], triangles=fc)
            graphics.mayavi_addPoint(mfig, pt)

        input('Mesh subdivison')
        vc, fc = wavefront.mesh_subdivide(vc, fc, 1)
        ms.reset(x=vc[:, 0], y=vc[:, 1], z=vc[:, 2], triangles=fc)
Пример #7
def vtk_mesh_subdivision():
    """Subdivide a mesh into more triangles

    The subdivisions are increasing the faces by 4^# subdivisions
    # get the polydata for a mesh
    v, f = wavefront.ellipsoid_mesh(1, 2, 3, density=20)
    polydata = wavefront.meshtopolydata(v, f)

    # subdivide using appropriate filter
    smooth_loop = vtk.vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter()
    smooth_loop.SetNumberOfSubdivisions(1) # can define the number of subdivisions
    poly_loop = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    smooth_butterfly = vtk.vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter()
    poly_butterfly = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    # Create a mapper and actor for initial dataset
    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    actor = vtk.vtkActor()
    # Create a mapper and actor for smoothed dataset (vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter)
    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    actor_loop = vtk.vtkActor()
    actor_loop.SetPosition(3, 0, 0)
    # Create a mapper and actor for smoothed dataset (vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter)
    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    actor_butterfly = vtk.vtkActor()
    actor_butterfly.SetPosition(6, 0, 0)
    # Visualise
    renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer()
    renderWindow = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
    renderWindowInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
    # Add actors and render
    renderer.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) # Background color white
    renderWindow.SetSize(800, 800)
    # output to a new v, f array
    # convert polydata to numpy
    v_loop, f_loop = wavefront.polydatatomesh(poly_loop)
    v_butterfly, f_butterfly = wavefront.polydatatomesh(poly_butterfly)
    print('Original #V : {} #F : {}'.format(v.shape[0], f.shape[0]))
    print('Loop     #V : {} #F : {}'.format(v_loop.shape[0], f_loop.shape[0]))
    print('BFly     #V : {} #F : {}'.format(v_butterfly.shape[0], f_butterfly.shape[0]))