def test(self): """tests model returns: number correct and total number """ with torch.no_grad(): out = self.forward() dist1, dist2, _, _ = self.criterion(self.labels, out) test_loss = 0.5 * (dist1.mean() + dist2.mean()) labels = torch.Tensor.cpu(self.labels).numpy() out = torch.Tensor.cpu(out).numpy() for i in range(out.shape[0]) : normals = pcu.estimate_normals(out[i], k=16) #print(n.shape, n) fs, vs = poisson_reconstruction(out[i], normals, depth=5, full_depth=3) print(vs.shape, fs.shape) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.filename[i]) file = '%s/%s_%s%s' % (self.export_folder[i], filename, 'out', file_extension) print(file) self.output_export(vs, fs, file) #print(labels.shape, out.shape) #for i in range(len(labels)) : # mean_error, R, indices = icp(labels[i], out[i], tolerance=0.0001) # print(out[i].shape, out[i]) # print(indices.shape, np.unique(indices).shape, indices, np.unique(indices)) #print(out[indices[:len(indices)-self.pad_iter]].shape, self.init_faces) #self.output_export(vertices, faces) print(test_loss, len(self.labels)) return test_loss, len(self.labels), out, self.labels
def upsample_surface(patch_uvs, patch_tx, patch_models, devices, scale=1.0, num_samples=8, normal_samples=64, compute_normals=True): vertices = [] normals = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(len(patch_models)): if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: print("Upsamling %d/%d" % (i+1, len(patch_models))) device = devices[i % len(devices)] n = num_samples translate_i, scale_i, rotate_i = (patch_tx[i][j].to(device) for j in range(len(patch_tx[i]))) uv_i = utils.meshgrid_from_lloyd_ts(patch_uvs[i].cpu().numpy(), n, scale=scale).astype(np.float32) uv_i = torch.from_numpy(uv_i).to(patch_uvs[i]) y_i = patch_models[i](uv_i) mesh_v = ((y_i.squeeze() @ rotate_i.transpose(0, 1)) / scale_i - translate_i).cpu().numpy() if compute_normals: mesh_f = utils.meshgrid_face_indices(n) mesh_n = pcu.per_vertex_normals(mesh_v, mesh_f) normals.append(mesh_n) vertices.append(mesh_v) vertices = np.concatenate(vertices, axis=0).astype(np.float32) if compute_normals: normals = np.concatenate(normals, axis=0).astype(np.float32) else: print("Fixing normals...") normals = pcu.estimate_normals(vertices, k=normal_samples) return vertices, normals
def test_estimate_normals(self): import point_cloud_utils as pcu import numpy as np # v is a nv by 3 NumPy array of vertices # f is an nf by 3 NumPy array of face indexes into v # n is a nv by 3 NumPy array of vertex normals if they are specified, otherwise an empty array v, f, n = pcu.read_obj(os.path.join(self.test_path, "cube_twist.obj")) # Estimate normals for the point set, v using 12 nearest neighbors per point n = pcu.estimate_normals(v, k=12) self.assertEqual(n.shape, v.shape)
def datalist_generation(fn, nb_samples, sqrt_nb, max_nb, normals): datalist = [] for d in range(nb_samples): points = fn(sqrt_nb) perm = torch.randperm(len(points)) points = torch.tensor(points)[perm] points = points[:max_nb] if normals: normal = torch.tensor( pcu.estimate_normals(np.array(points), k=16)) datalist.append(Data(pos=points, norm=normal[:max_nb])) else: datalist.append(Data(pos=points)) return datalist
def main(): with open('../Models/Cloud_ToyScrew-Yellow.json') as fin: cloud = [] screwCloud = np.array(json.load(fin)) for p in screwCloud: if not np.any(np.isnan(np.array(p))): #if not np.any(np.isnan(np.array(p))) and np.linalg.norm(np.array(p) - np.array((0, 0, 0.4))) < 0.3: cloud.append(p) cloud = np.array(cloud) fullCloud = cloud # [np.random.choice(range(len(cloud)), len(cloud))] cloudNormals = pcu.estimate_normals(fullCloud, k=10, smoothing_iterations=3) mask = ModelFinder.voxelFilter(fullCloud, size=0.005) cloud, cloudNormals = fullCloud[mask], cloudNormals[mask] #cloud, cloudNormals = ModelFinder.meanPlanarCloudSampling(fullCloud, cloudNormals, 0.01, 0.2, 0.005) flipNormals(cloudNormals) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') Q = Queue() meshPoints = ax.scatter([], [], [], color='red') ani = FuncAnimation(fig, functools.partial(showHypotheses, ax, cloud, Q), range(1), repeat_delay=1000) ax.scatter(cloud[:, 0], cloud[:, 1], cloud[:, 2], color='blue') ax.quiver(cloud[:, 0], cloud[:, 1], cloud[:, 2], cloudNormals[:, 0] * 0.01, cloudNormals[:, 1] * 0.01, cloudNormals[:, 2] * 0.01, color='blue') process = Process(target=findHypotheses, args=(Q, cloud, cloudNormals)) process.start() ax.set_xlim3d(-.05, 0.05) ax.set_ylim3d(-.05, 0.05) ax.set_zlim3d(-0.05, 0.05) process.terminate()
def main(): with open('Test_Scenes/Cloud_sphere.json') as fin: cloud = [] screwCloud = np.array(json.load(fin)) for p in screwCloud: if not np.any(np.isnan(np.array(p))): # if not np.any(np.isnan(np.array(p))) and np.linalg.norm(np.array(p) - np.array((0, 0, 0.4))) < 0.3: cloud.append(p) cloud = np.array(cloud) fullCloud = cloud # [np.random.choice(range(len(cloud)), len(cloud))] erf = ERF() cloudNormals = pcu.estimate_normals(fullCloud, k=10, smoothing_iterations=10) mask = ERF.voxelFilter(fullCloud, size=0.005) cloud, cloudNormals = fullCloud[mask], cloudNormals[mask] flipNormals(cloudNormals) found_spheres, found_cylinders = erf.findInCloud(cloud, cloudNormals) #################### # Plotting Code # #################### fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_xlim3d(-0.5, 0.5) ax.set_ylim3d(-0.5, 0.5) ax.set_zlim3d(-0.5, 0.5) ax.scatter(cloud[:, 0], cloud[:, 1], cloud[:, 2], color='blue', alpha=0.2) print("Found ", len(found_spheres), " Spheres!") print("Found ", len(found_cylinders), " Cylinders!") # Plot all of the spheres for ii in range(0, len(found_spheres)): r = found_spheres[ii][0] c = found_spheres[ii][1] u, v = np.mgrid[0:2 * np.pi:20j, 0:np.pi:10j] x = r * np.cos(u) * np.sin(v) + c[0] y = r * np.sin(u) * np.sin(v) + c[1] z = r * np.cos(v) + c[2] ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, color="r") print(found_cylinders) # Plot all of the cylinders for ii in range(0, len(found_cylinders)): # Plot points at center facing up, then rotate pts by a-vector r = found_cylinders[ii][0] # radius c = found_cylinders[ii][1] # centerpoint a = found_cylinders[ii][ 2] # vector of cylinder direction (aka plane direction) min_z = found_cylinders[ii][3] max_z = found_cylinders[ii][4] x = np.linspace(-r, r, 25) z = np.linspace(min_z, max_z, 5) xm, zm = np.meshgrid(x, z) ym = np.sqrt(r**2 - xm**2) # Rotate based on a-vector def skew(x): # return the skew symmetric matrix used for rotating return np.array([[0, -x[2], x[1]], [x[2], 0, -x[0]], [-x[1], x[0], 0]]) v = np.cross(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), a) R = np.eye(3) + skew(v) + skew(v) @ skew(v) * 1 / ( 1 +[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), a)) # Rotate all of the meshgrid points rotated_pts = R @ np.stack((xm.flatten(), ym.flatten(), zm.flatten())) rotated_pts_neg_y = R @ np.stack( (xm.flatten(), -ym.flatten(), zm.flatten())) xm = rotated_pts[0, :].reshape((5, 25)) zm = rotated_pts[2, :].reshape((5, 25)) ym1 = rotated_pts[1, :].reshape((5, 25)) ym2 = rotated_pts_neg_y[1, :].reshape((5, 25)) # Shift based on center xm = xm + c[0] ym1 = ym1 + c[1] ym2 = ym2 + c[1] zm = zm + c[2] ax.plot_wireframe(xm, ym1, zm, color="g") ax.plot_wireframe(xm, ym2, zm, color="g")
def __init__(self, traj, top, load=True): """ Instantiate the membrane object with loaded trajectory. :param str traj: Full filepath location to MDTraj-readable trajectory file (e.g., trr, xtc, dcd). :param str top: Full filepath location to MDTraj-readable topology file (e.g., pdb, gro). :param bool load: Flag to load trajectory. """ self.load = load self.traj_file = traj self.top_file = top self.raw_leaflets = [] self.leaflets = [] self.min_leaflet_size = 10 if self.load: self.sim = loader.load(self.traj_file, self.top_file) self.topol = self.sim.topology.to_dataframe()[0] # Check if simulation loaded if self.sim is None: print("ERROR: No simulation data loaded.") raise FileNotFoundError # Populate useful one-off lookups # Construct set for head group filter membership testing self.hg_set = set( "name " + " or name ".join([x for x in particle_naming.headgroup_names]))) # Collect lipid residue indices and lipid particle indices self.detected_lipids = [ x.index for x in self.sim.topology.residues if (particle_naming.ion_names.isdisjoint({}) and particle_naming.water_names.isdisjoint({})) ] logging.debug("Number of lipids detected: %s" % len(self.detected_lipids)) self.residue_names = sorted( set([ self.sim.topology.residue(index).name for index in self.detected_lipids ])) # Collect all lipid particle indices self.lipid_particles = self.topol[~np.isin( self.topol["resName"].values, list(particle_naming.ion_names) + list(particle_naming.water_names))].index # OPTIONAL Collect head group particle indices - not yet sure if this is helpful # self.hg_particles = self.hg_set.intersection(self.lipid_particles) # Construct lookups linking lipid residues and particles self.lipid_particles_by_res = defaultdict(list) for index in self.topol.index: self.lipid_particles_by_res[self.sim.topology.atom( index).residue.index].append(index) self.lipid_residues_by_particle = { index: self.sim.topology.atom(index).residue.index for index in self.topol.index } self.hg_particles_by_res = { resid: tuple(self.hg_set.intersection(self.lipid_particles_by_res[resid])) for resid in self.detected_lipids } # Pre-calculate all lipid vectors # NOTE: This requires the original trajectory file to be PBC-corrected, so that all molecules are whole in every frame. # Use numpy stack to allow indexing using different numbers of head group particles in each lipid self.hg_centroids = np.stack([ get_centroid_of_particles(self.sim, self.hg_particles_by_res[resid]) for resid in self.detected_lipids ], axis=1) # Use numpy stack to allow indexing using different numbers of particles found in each lipid self.com_centroids = np.stack([ get_centroid_of_particles(self.sim, self.lipid_particles_by_res[resid]) for resid in self.detected_lipids ], axis=1) self.vectors = self.com_centroids - self.hg_centroids # Precalculate local neighborhood lipid vector normals # This is not done in a PBC-aware fashion. It therefore tends to mess up in the corners if too many nearest # neighbors are selected for the normal estimation, by dragging the vectors towards the box COM. self.normals = np.asarray( [pcu.estimate_normals(frame, k=20) for frame in self.hg_centroids]) # The normal detection from the point cloud doesn't correctly estimate the Z-direction. The leaflets are # assigned using the lipid vectors rather than the normal vectors. Here, the lipid vectors can also be # used to correct the polarity of the normals. # Correct "positive" normals - these are the normals which point up from the upper leaflet towards # +ve Z-direction. # Where the lipid vectors and normals are negative (i.e., pointing down-Z) make the normals positive (i.e., pointing up-Z) # Likewise, correct "negative" normals - those pointing down from the lower leaflet towards -ve Z # Where the lipid vectors and normals are positive (i.e., pointing up-Z) make the normals negative (i.e., pointing down-Z) pos_inversion = (self.vectors[:, :, 2] < 0) & (self.normals[:, :, 2] < 0) neg_inversion = (self.vectors[:, :, 2] > 0) & (self.normals[:, :, 2] > 0) inversion_slice = 1 + (np.logical_or(pos_inversion, neg_inversion) * -2) self.normals[:, :, 2] = self.normals[:, :, 2] * inversion_slice # Detect leaflets using vector alignment self.detect_leaflets() # Store lookup for residue leaflet occupancy self.leaflet_occupancy_by_resid = defaultdict(list) # Shape: X[resid] = [upper upper lower upper ... ] for frame_leaflets in self.leaflets: for resid in self.detected_lipids: if resid in set(frame_leaflets["upper"]): self.leaflet_occupancy_by_resid[resid].append("upper") elif resid in set(frame_leaflets["lower"]): self.leaflet_occupancy_by_resid[resid].append("lower") elif resid in set(frame_leaflets["aggregate"]): self.leaflet_occupancy_by_resid[resid].append("aggregate") else: self.leaflet_occupancy_by_resid[resid].append("none")
def set_scene(self, cloud): self.Scene = cloud self.SceneNormals = pcu.estimate_normals(cloud, 10, 3) self.SceneKd = KDTree(cloud)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 25 11:21:05 2020 @author: tamir """ import os import numpy as np import point_cloud_utils as pcu THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) points = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "data/point_cloud.obj") # v is a nv by 3 NumPy array of vertices v, f, n = pcu.read_obj(points) # Estimate a normal at each point (row of v) using its 5 nearest neighbors n = pcu.estimate_normals(v, k=5) np.testing.assert_allclose(n[0], np.asarray([0.96283305, 0.11186423, 0.24584327]))
smooth_vtx = fil.filter() # MLS 平滑 tree = smooth_vtx.make_kdtree() mls = smooth_vtx.make_moving_least_squares() mls.set_Compute_Normals(True) mls.set_polynomial_fit(True) mls.set_Search_Method(tree) mls.set_search_radius(10.0) mls_point = mls.process() s_vtx_n = np.asarray(mls_point) print('filter complete') # 计算法向量 n = pcu.estimate_normals(s_vtx_n, k=16) # 三角面片重建 pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(s_vtx_n) pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(n) # depth越大细节越多 mesh, densities = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson( pcd, depth=7) # 移除Possion重建后额外的平面点 vertices_to_remove = remove(mesh, vtx_middle, reconstruct_shape_l, reconstruct_shape_r) mesh.remove_vertices_by_mask(vertices_to_remove)