def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, False) monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) t0 = time.time() (query, queryArgs) = dbops.getSelect(self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.DM_FLAT) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query + " WITH DATA", queryArgs) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.DM_FLAT, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' monetdbops.createSQLFile(sqlFileName, query, queryArgs) result = monetdbops.executeSQLFileCount(self.dbName, sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def initialize(self): # Variables used during query self.queryIndex = None self.resultTable = None self.qp = None connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor()"Getting SRID and extent from " + self.dbName) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "SELECT srid, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, scalex, scaley from " + self.metaTable) (self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) = cursor.fetchone() # Create the quadtree qtDomain = (0, 0, int((self.maxX - self.minX) / self.scaleX), int((self.maxY - self.minY) / self.scaleY)) self.quadtree = QuadTree(qtDomain, "auto") # Differentiate QuadTree nodes that are fully in the query region self.mortonDistinctIn = False self.queryColsData = self.DM_FLAT.copy() if not ("x" in self.columns and "y" in self.columns): self.queryColsData["x"] = ( "GetX(morton2D, " + str(self.scaleX) + ", " + str(int(self.minX / self.scaleX)) + ")", "DOUBLE PRECISION", ) self.queryColsData["y"] = ( "GetY(morton2D, " + str(self.scaleY) + ", " + str(int(self.minY / self.scaleY)) + ")", "DOUBLE PRECISION", ) # Drops possible query table monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, utils.QUERY_TABLE, check=True) # Create query table cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + utils.QUERY_TABLE + " (id integer, geom Geometry);") connection.commit() connection.close()
def initialize(self): #Variables used during query self.queryIndex = None self.resultTable = None self.qp = None connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor()'Getting SRID and extent from ' + self.dbName) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "SELECT srid, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, scalex, scaley from " + self.metaTable) (self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) = cursor.fetchone() # Drops possible query table monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, utils.QUERY_TABLE, check = True) # Create query table cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + utils.QUERY_TABLE + " (id integer, geom Geometry);") connection.commit() connection.close()
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, False) monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) wkt = self.qp.wkt if self.qp.queryType == 'nn': g = loads(self.qp.wkt) wkt = dumps(g.buffer(self.qp.rad)) t0 = time.time() scaledWKT = wktops.scale(wkt, self.scaleX, self.scaleY, self.minX, self.minY) (mimranges, mxmranges) = self.quadtree.getMortonRanges(scaledWKT, self.mortonDistinctIn, maxRanges=MAXIMUM_RANGES) if len(mimranges) == 0 and len(mxmranges) == 0:'None morton range in specified extent!') return (eTime, result) (query, queryArgs) = dbops.getSelectMorton(mimranges, mxmranges, self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.queryColsData) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query + " WITH DATA", queryArgs) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.DM_FLAT, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' monetdbops.createSQLFile(sqlFileName, query, queryArgs) result = monetdbops.executeSQLFileCount(self.dbName, sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, False) monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) t0 = time.time() (query, queryArgs) = dbops.getSelect(self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.DM_FLAT) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query + " WITH DATA", queryArgs) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.DM_FLAT, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' monetdbops.createSQLFile(sqlFileName, query, queryArgs) result = monetdbops.executeSQLFileCount(self.dbName, sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def initialize(self): #Variables used during query self.queryIndex = None self.resultTable = None self.qp = None connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor()'Getting SRID and extent from ' + self.dbName) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "SELECT srid, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, scalex, scaley from " + self.metaTable) (self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) = cursor.fetchone() # Create the quadtree qtDomain = (0, 0, int((self.maxX - self.minX) / self.scaleX), int((self.maxY - self.minY) / self.scaleY)) self.quadtree = QuadTree(qtDomain, 'auto') # Differentiate QuadTree nodes that are fully in the query region self.mortonDistinctIn = False self.queryColsData = self.DM_FLAT.copy() if not ('x' in self.columns and 'y' in self.columns): self.queryColsData['x'] = ('GetX(morton2D, ' + str(self.scaleX) + ', ' + str(int(self.minX / self.scaleX)) + ')', 'DOUBLE PRECISION') self.queryColsData['y'] = ('GetY(morton2D, ' + str(self.scaleY) + ', ' + str(int(self.minY / self.scaleY)) + ')', 'DOUBLE PRECISION') # Drops possible query table monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, utils.QUERY_TABLE, check=True) # Create query table cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + utils.QUERY_TABLE + " (id integer, geom Geometry);") connection.commit() connection.close()
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, False) monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) wkt = self.qp.wkt if self.qp.queryType == "nn": g = loads(self.qp.wkt) wkt = dumps(g.buffer(self.qp.rad)) t0 = time.time() scaledWKT = wktops.scale(wkt, self.scaleX, self.scaleY, self.minX, self.minY) (mimranges, mxmranges) = self.quadtree.getMortonRanges( scaledWKT, self.mortonDistinctIn, maxRanges=MAXIMUM_RANGES ) if len(mimranges) == 0 and len(mxmranges) == 0:"None morton range in specified extent!") return (eTime, result) (query, queryArgs) = dbops.getSelectMorton( mimranges, mxmranges, self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.queryColsData ) if self.qp.queryMethod != "stream": # disk or stat monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query + " WITH DATA", queryArgs ) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult( cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.DM_FLAT, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics ) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + ".sql" monetdbops.createSQLFile(sqlFileName, query, queryArgs) result = monetdbops.executeSQLFileCount(self.dbName, sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def initialize(self): #Variables used during query self.queryIndex = None self.resultTable = None self.qp = None connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor()'Getting SRID and extent from ' + self.dbName) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "SELECT srid, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, scalex, scaley from " + self.metaTable) (self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) = cursor.fetchone() # Drops possible query table monetdbops.dropTable(cursor, utils.QUERY_TABLE, check=True) # Create query table cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + utils.QUERY_TABLE + " (id integer, geom Geometry);") connection.commit() connection.close()
def processInputFolder(self, index, inputFolder): # Create connection connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Add the meta-data to the meta table metaArgs = (self.flatTable, self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "INSERT INTO " + self.metaTable + " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", metaArgs) l2colCols = [] for c in self.columns: l2colCols.append(self.DM_LAS2COL[c]) if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): # Split the list of input files in bunches of maximum MAX_FILES files inputFilesLists = numpy.array_split( self.tilesFiles[m], int( math.ceil( float(len(self.tilesFiles[m])) / float(MAX_FILES)))) for i in range(len(inputFilesLists)): # Create the file with the list of PC files listFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str( i) + '_listFile' outputFile = open(listFile, 'w') for f in inputFilesLists[i]: outputFile.write(f + '\n') outputFile.close() # Generate the command for the NLeSC Binary converter inputArg = '-f ' + listFile tempFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str( i) + '_tempFile' c = 'las2col ' + inputArg + ' ' + tempFile + ' --parse ' + ''.join( l2colCols) + ' --num_read_threads ' + str( self.numProcessesLoad) if 'k' in self.columns: c += ' --moffset ' + str(int( self.minX / self.scaleX)) + ',' + str( int(self.minY / self.scaleY)) + ' --check ' + str( self.scaleX) + ',' + str(self.scaleY) # Execute the converter os.system(c) #The different binary files have a pre-defined name bs = [] for col in self.columns: bs.append("'" + tempFile + "_col_" + col + ".dat'") if not self.imprints: ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "COPY BINARY INTO " + ftName + str(m) + " from (" + ','.join(bs) + ")") else: # Split the list of input files in bunches of maximum MAX_FILES files inputFilesLists = numpy.array_split( self.inputFiles, int(math.ceil(float(len(self.inputFiles)) / float(MAX_FILES)))) for i in range(len(inputFilesLists)): # Create the file with the list of PC files listFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(i) + '_listFile' outputFile = open(listFile, 'w') for f in inputFilesLists[i]: outputFile.write(f + '\n') outputFile.close() # Generate the command for the NLeSC Binary converter inputArg = '-f ' + listFile tempFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(i) + '_tempFile' c = 'las2col ' + inputArg + ' ' + tempFile + ' --parse ' + ''.join( l2colCols) + ' --num_read_threads ' + str( self.numProcessesLoad) if 'k' in self.columns: c += ' --moffset ' + str(int( self.minX / self.scaleX)) + ',' + str( int(self.minY / self.scaleY)) + ' --check ' + str( self.scaleX) + ',' + str(self.scaleY) # Execute the converter os.system(c) # The different binary files have a pre-defined name bs = [] for col in self.columns: bs.append("'" + tempFile + "_col_" + col + ".dat'") if not self.imprints: ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "COPY BINARY INTO " + ftName + " from (" + ','.join(bs) + ")") connection.close()
def initialize(self): if self.partitioning and not self.imprints: raise Exception('Partitioning without imprints is not supported!') if self.createDB:'Creating DB ' + self.dbName) # Drop previous DB if exist and create a new one os.system('monetdb stop ' + self.dbName) os.system('monetdb destroy ' + self.dbName + ' -f') os.system('monetdb create ' + self.dbName) os.system('monetdb release ' + self.dbName) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """CREATE FUNCTION GetX(morton BIGINT, scaleX DOUBLE, globalOffset BIGINT) RETURNS DOUBLE external name geom."GetX";""") # monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """CREATE FUNCTION GetY(morton BIGINT, scaleY DOUBLE, globalOffset BIGINT) RETURNS DOUBLE external name geom."GetY";""")'Getting files, extent and SRID from input folder ' + self.inputFolder) (self.inputFiles, inputFilesBoundingCube, _, _, boundingCube, scales) = lasops.getPCFolderDetails(self.inputFolder, numProc=self.numProcessesLoad) (self.minX, self.minY, self.minZ, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.maxZ) = boundingCube (self.scaleX, self.scaleY, _) = scales if not self.imprints: # If we want to create a final indexed table we need to put the # points in a temporal table self.tempFlatTable = 'TEMP_' + self.flatTable ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() if self.partitioning: rangeX = self.maxX - self.minX rangeY = self.maxY - self.minY nX = int( math.ceil( math.sqrt(self.numPartitions) * (float(rangeX) / float(rangeY)))) nY = int( math.ceil( math.sqrt(self.numPartitions) / (float(rangeX) / float(rangeY)))) self.tilesFiles = {} for i in range(len(self.inputFiles)): (fminX, fminY, _, fmaxX, fmaxY, _) = inputFilesBoundingCube[i] pX = fminX + ((fmaxX - fminX) / 2.) pY = fminY + ((fmaxY - fminY) / 2.) m = morton.EncodeMorton2D( *self.getTileIndex(pX, pY, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, nX, nY)) if m not in self.tilesFiles: self.tilesFiles[m] = [] self.tilesFiles[m].append(self.inputFiles[i])'Real number of partitions is ' + str(len(self.tilesFiles))) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE MERGE TABLE " + ftName + " (" + (', '.join(self.getDBColumns())) + ")") for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + ftName + str(m) + " (" + (', '.join(self.getDBColumns())) + ")") else: monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + ftName + " (" + (', '.join(self.getDBColumns())) + ")") # Create the meta-data table monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.metaTable + " (tablename text, srid integer, minx DOUBLE PRECISION, miny DOUBLE PRECISION, maxx DOUBLE PRECISION, maxy DOUBLE PRECISION, scalex DOUBLE PRECISION, scaley DOUBLE PRECISION)" ) # Close connection connection.close()
def close(self): # Restart DB to flush data in memory to disk'Restarting DB') os.system('monetdb stop ' + self.dbName) os.system('monetdb start ' + self.dbName) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() if not self.imprints: ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable # We set the table to read only if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = ftName + str(m) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "alter table " + partitionName + " set read only") else: monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "alter table " + ftName + " set read only") if self.imprints: if self.partitioning: # Create imprints index 'Creating imprints for different partitions and columns') for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = ftName + str(m) for c in self.columns: colName = self.DM_FLAT[c][0] if c == 'x': minDim = self.minX - 10 maxDim = self.minX - 9 elif c == 'y': minDim = self.minY - 10 maxDim = self.minY - 9 elif c == 'z': minDim = self.minZ - 10 maxDim = self.minZ - 9 else: minDim = 0 maxDim = 1 monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "select " + colName + " from " + partitionName + " where " + colName + " between %s and %s", [minDim, maxDim]) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "analyze sys." + partitionName + " (" + dbops.getSelectCols(self.columns, self.DM_FLAT) + ") minmax") else:'Creating imprints') for c in self.columns: colName = self.DM_FLAT[c][0] if c == 'x': minDim = self.minX - 10 maxDim = self.minX - 9 elif c == 'y': minDim = self.minY - 10 maxDim = self.minY - 9 elif c == 'z': minDim = self.minZ - 10 maxDim = self.minZ - 9 else: minDim = 0 maxDim = 1 monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "select " + colName + " from " + self.flatTable + " where " + colName + " between %s and %s", [minDim, maxDim]) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "analyze sys." + self.flatTable + " (" + dbops.getSelectCols(self.columns, self.DM_FLAT) + ") minmax") else: if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = ftName + str(m) newPartitionName = self.flatTable + str(m) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, 'CREATE TABLE ' + newPartitionName + ' AS SELECT * FROM ' + partitionName + ' ORDER BY ' + dbops.getSelectCols(self.index, self.DM_FLAT) + ' WITH DATA') monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "alter table " + newPartitionName + " set read only") monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'DROP TABLE ' + partitionName) else: monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, 'CREATE TABLE ' + self.flatTable + ' AS SELECT * FROM ' + self.tempFlatTable + ' ORDER BY ' + dbops.getSelectCols(self.index, self.DM_FLAT) + ' WITH DATA') monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "alter table " + self.flatTable + " set read only") monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'DROP TABLE ' + self.tempFlatTable) if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = self.flatTable + str(m) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "ALTER TABLE " + self.flatTable + " add table " + partitionName) connection.close()
def close(self): # Restart DB to flush data in memory to disk'Restarting DB') os.system('monetdb stop ' + self.dbName) os.system('monetdb start ' + self.dbName) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() if not self.imprints: ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable # We set the table to read only if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = ftName + str(m) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "alter table " + partitionName + " set read only") else: monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "alter table " + ftName + " set read only") if self.imprints: if self.partitioning: # Create imprints index'Creating imprints for different partitions and columns') for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = ftName + str(m) for c in self.columns: colName = self.DM_FLAT[c][0] if c == 'x': minDim = self.minX - 10 maxDim = self.minX - 9 elif c == 'y': minDim = self.minY - 10 maxDim = self.minY - 9 elif c == 'z': minDim = self.minZ - 10 maxDim = self.minZ - 9 else: minDim = 0 maxDim = 1 monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "select " + colName + " from " + partitionName + " where " + colName + " between %s and %s", [minDim, maxDim]) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "analyze sys." + partitionName + " (" + dbops.getSelectCols(self.columns, self.DM_FLAT) + ") minmax") else:'Creating imprints') for c in self.columns: colName = self.DM_FLAT[c][0] if c == 'x': minDim = self.minX - 10 maxDim = self.minX - 9 elif c == 'y': minDim = self.minY - 10 maxDim = self.minY - 9 elif c == 'z': minDim = self.minZ - 10 maxDim = self.minZ - 9 else: minDim = 0 maxDim = 1 monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "select " + colName + " from " + self.flatTable + " where " + colName + " between %s and %s", [minDim, maxDim]) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "analyze sys." + self.flatTable + " (" + dbops.getSelectCols(self.columns, self.DM_FLAT) + ") minmax") else: if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = ftName + str(m) newPartitionName = self.flatTable + str(m) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'CREATE TABLE ' + newPartitionName + ' AS SELECT * FROM ' + partitionName + ' ORDER BY ' + dbops.getSelectCols(self.index, self.DM_FLAT) + ' WITH DATA') monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "alter table " + newPartitionName + " set read only") monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'DROP TABLE ' + partitionName) else: monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'CREATE TABLE ' + self.flatTable + ' AS SELECT * FROM ' + self.tempFlatTable + ' ORDER BY ' + dbops.getSelectCols(self.index, self.DM_FLAT) + ' WITH DATA') monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "alter table " + self.flatTable + " set read only") monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'DROP TABLE ' + self.tempFlatTable) if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): partitionName = self.flatTable + str(m) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "ALTER TABLE " + self.flatTable + " add table " + partitionName) connection.close()
def processInputFolder(self, index, inputFolder): # Create connection connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Add the meta-data to the meta table metaArgs = (self.flatTable, self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "INSERT INTO " + self.metaTable + " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" , metaArgs) l2colCols = [] for c in self.columns: l2colCols.append(self.DM_LAS2COL[c]) if self.partitioning: for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): # Split the list of input files in bunches of maximum MAX_FILES files inputFilesLists = numpy.array_split(self.tilesFiles[m], int(math.ceil(float(len(self.tilesFiles[m]))/float(MAX_FILES)))) for i in range(len(inputFilesLists)): # Create the file with the list of PC files listFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str(i) + '_listFile' outputFile = open(listFile, 'w') for f in inputFilesLists[i]: outputFile.write(f + '\n') outputFile.close() # Generate the command for the NLeSC Binary converter inputArg = '-f ' + listFile tempFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str(i) + '_tempFile' c = 'las2col ' + inputArg + ' ' + tempFile + ' --parse ' + ''.join(l2colCols) + ' --num_read_threads ' + str(self.numProcessesLoad) if 'k' in self.columns: c += ' --moffset ' + str(int(self.minX / self.scaleX)) + ','+ str(int(self.minY / self.scaleY)) + ' --check ' + str(self.scaleX) + ',' + str(self.scaleY) # Execute the converter os.system(c) #The different binary files have a pre-defined name bs = [] for col in self.columns: bs.append("'" + tempFile + "_col_" + col + ".dat'") if not self.imprints: ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "COPY BINARY INTO " + ftName + str(m) + " from (" + ','.join(bs) + ")") else: # Split the list of input files in bunches of maximum MAX_FILES files inputFilesLists = numpy.array_split(self.inputFiles, int(math.ceil(float(len(self.inputFiles))/float(MAX_FILES)))) for i in range(len(inputFilesLists)): # Create the file with the list of PC files listFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(i) + '_listFile' outputFile = open(listFile, 'w') for f in inputFilesLists[i]: outputFile.write(f + '\n') outputFile.close() # Generate the command for the NLeSC Binary converter inputArg = '-f ' + listFile tempFile = self.tempDir + '/' + str(i) + '_tempFile' c = 'las2col ' + inputArg + ' ' + tempFile + ' --parse ' + ''.join(l2colCols) + ' --num_read_threads ' + str(self.numProcessesLoad) if 'k' in self.columns: c += ' --moffset ' + str(int(self.minX / self.scaleX)) + ','+ str(int(self.minY / self.scaleY)) + ' --check ' + str(self.scaleX) + ',' + str(self.scaleY) # Execute the converter os.system(c) # The different binary files have a pre-defined name bs = [] for col in self.columns: bs.append("'" + tempFile + "_col_" + col + ".dat'") if not self.imprints: ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "COPY BINARY INTO " + ftName + " from (" + ','.join(bs) + ")") connection.close()
def initialize(self): if self.partitioning and not self.imprints: raise Exception('Partitioning without imprints is not supported!') if self.createDB:'Creating DB ' + self.dbName) # Drop previous DB if exist and create a new one os.system('monetdb stop ' + self.dbName) os.system('monetdb destroy ' + self.dbName + ' -f') os.system('monetdb create ' + self.dbName) os.system('monetdb release ' + self.dbName) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """CREATE FUNCTION GetX(morton BIGINT, scaleX DOUBLE, globalOffset BIGINT) RETURNS DOUBLE external name geom."GetX";""") # monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """CREATE FUNCTION GetY(morton BIGINT, scaleY DOUBLE, globalOffset BIGINT) RETURNS DOUBLE external name geom."GetY";""")'Getting files, extent and SRID from input folder ' + self.inputFolder) (self.inputFiles, inputFilesBoundingCube, _, _, boundingCube, scales) = lasops.getPCFolderDetails(self.inputFolder, numProc = self.numProcessesLoad) (self.minX, self.minY, self.minZ, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.maxZ) = boundingCube (self.scaleX, self.scaleY, _) = scales if not self.imprints: # If we want to create a final indexed table we need to put the # points in a temporal table self.tempFlatTable = 'TEMP_' + self.flatTable ftName = self.tempFlatTable else: ftName = self.flatTable connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() if self.partitioning: rangeX = self.maxX - self.minX rangeY = self.maxY - self.minY nX = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(self.numPartitions) * (float(rangeX)/float(rangeY)))) nY = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(self.numPartitions) / (float(rangeX)/float(rangeY)))) self.tilesFiles = {} for i in range(len(self.inputFiles)): (fminX, fminY, _, fmaxX, fmaxY, _) = inputFilesBoundingCube[i] pX = fminX + ((fmaxX - fminX) / 2.) pY = fminY + ((fmaxY - fminY) / 2.) m = morton.EncodeMorton2D(*self.getTileIndex(pX, pY, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, nX, nY)) if m not in self.tilesFiles: self.tilesFiles[m] = [] self.tilesFiles[m].append(self.inputFiles[i])'Real number of partitions is ' + str(len(self.tilesFiles))) monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE MERGE TABLE " + ftName + " (" + (', '.join(self.getDBColumns())) + ")") for m in sorted(self.tilesFiles): monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + ftName + str(m) + " (" + (', '.join(self.getDBColumns())) + ")") else: monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + ftName + " (" + (', '.join(self.getDBColumns())) + ")") # Create the meta-data table monetdbops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.metaTable + " (tablename text, srid integer, minx DOUBLE PRECISION, miny DOUBLE PRECISION, maxx DOUBLE PRECISION, maxy DOUBLE PRECISION, scalex DOUBLE PRECISION, scaley DOUBLE PRECISION)") # Close connection connection.close()