Пример #1
    def loader(filename, test_angle=None):
        P = np.asarray(open3d.read_point_cloud(filename).points)
        cls = classmap['_'.join(os.path.basename(filename).split('_')[:-1])]

        #transform into ball of diameter 32 (obj scale in modelnet has no meaning, original meshes have random sizes)
        # (in the paper we used a unit ball and ./32 grid sizes, this is equivalent in effect)
        diameter = np.max(np.max(P, axis=0) - np.min(P, axis=0))
        M = transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(32 / diameter)

        # training data augmentation
        if training:
            if args.pc_augm_input_dropout > 0:  # removing points here changes graph structure (unlike zeroing features)
                P, _ = pcu.dropout(P, None, args.pc_augm_input_dropout)

            if args.pc_augm_scale > 1:
                s = random.uniform(1 / args.pc_augm_scale, args.pc_augm_scale)
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(s), M)
            if args.pc_augm_rot:
                angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1], angle),
                           M)  # z=upright assumption
            if args.pc_augm_mirror_prob > 0:  # mirroring x&y, not z
                if random.random() < args.pc_augm_mirror_prob / 2:
                    M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [1, 0, 0]), M)
                if random.random() < args.pc_augm_mirror_prob / 2:
                    M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [0, 1, 0]), M)
            if test_angle:
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1], test_angle),
                    M)  # z=upright assumption

        P = np.dot(P, M.T)

        # coarsen to initial resolution (btw, axis-aligned quantization of rigidly transformed cloud adds jittering noise)
        P -= np.min(
            P, axis=0
        )  #move to positive octant (voxelgrid has fixed boundaries at axes planes)
        cloud = pcu.create_cloud(P)
        cloud = open3d.voxel_down_sample(cloud, voxel_size=pyramid_conf[0][0])
        F = np.ones((len(cloud.points), 1),
                    dtype=np.float32)  # no point features in modelnet

        graphs, poolmaps = pcu.create_graph_pyramid(args, cloud, pyramid_conf)

        return F, cls, graphs, poolmaps
Пример #2
    def loader(filename):
        data = np.fromfile(filename, binType)
        cls = classmap[os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0]]
        P = np.vstack([data['x'], data['y'], data['z']]).T  # metric units
        F = data['intensity'].reshape(-1, 1)

        # training data augmentation
        if training:
            if args.pc_augm_input_dropout > 0:  # removing points here changes graph structure (unlike zeroing features)
                P, F = pcu.dropout(P, F, args.pc_augm_input_dropout)

            M = np.eye(3)
            if args.pc_augm_scale > 1:
                s = random.uniform(1 / args.pc_augm_scale, args.pc_augm_scale)
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(s), M)
            if args.pc_augm_rot:
                angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1], angle),
                           M)  # z=upright assumption
            if args.pc_augm_mirror_prob > 0:  # mirroring x&y, not z
                if random.random() < args.pc_augm_mirror_prob / 2:
                    M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [1, 0, 0]), M)
                if random.random() < args.pc_augm_mirror_prob / 2:
                    M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [0, 1, 0]), M)

            P = np.dot(P, M.T)

        # coarsen to initial resolution (btw, axis-aligned quantization of rigidly transformed cloud adds jittering noise)
        P -= np.min(
            P, axis=0
        )  #move to positive octant (voxelgrid has fixed boundaries at axes planes)
        PF = np.hstack([P, F]).astype(np.float32)
        PF_filtered = pcu.voxelgrid(
            pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZI(PF), pyramid_conf[0][0]
        )  # aggregates intensities too (note pcl wrapper bug: only int intensities accepted)
        F = PF_filtered[:,
                        3] / 255 - 0.5  # laser return intensities in [-0.5,0.5]

        cloud = pcl.PointCloud(
            PF_filtered[:, 0:3]
        )  # (pcl wrapper bug: XYZI cannot query kd-tree by radius)
        graphs, poolmaps = pcu.create_graph_pyramid(args, cloud, pyramid_conf)

        return F, cls, graphs, poolmaps
Пример #3
    def loader(filename):
        data = np.fromfile(filename, binType)
        cls = classmap[os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0]]
        P = np.vstack([data['x'], data['y'], data['z']]).T  # metric units
        F = data['intensity'].reshape(-1, 1)

        # training data augmentation
        if training:
            if args.pc_augm_input_dropout > 0:  # removing points here changes graph structure (unlike zeroing features)
                P, F = pcu.dropout(P, F, args.pc_augm_input_dropout)

            M = np.eye(3)
            if args.pc_augm_scale > 1:
                s = random.uniform(1 / args.pc_augm_scale, args.pc_augm_scale)
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(s), M)
            if args.pc_augm_rot:
                angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1], angle),
                           M)  # z=upright assumption
            if args.pc_augm_mirror_prob > 0:  # mirroring x&y, not z
                if random.random() < args.pc_augm_mirror_prob / 2:
                    M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [1, 0, 0]), M)
                if random.random() < args.pc_augm_mirror_prob / 2:
                    M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [0, 1, 0]), M)

            P = np.dot(P, M.T)

        # coarsen to initial resolution (btw, axis-aligned quantization of rigidly transformed cloud adds jittering noise)
        P -= np.min(
            P, axis=0
        )  #move to positive octant (voxelgrid has fixed boundaries at axes planes)
        cloud = pcu.create_cloud(P, intensity=F)
        cloud = open3d.voxel_down_sample(
            cloud, voxel_size=pyramid_conf[0][0])  # aggregates intensities too
        F = np.asarray(
        )[:, 0] / 255 - 0.5  # laser return intensities in [-0.5,0.5]

        graphs, poolmaps = pcu.create_graph_pyramid(args, cloud, pyramid_conf)

        return F.astype(np.float32), cls, graphs, poolmaps