Пример #1
    def run(self, tries):
        """Calculates the win % for each preflop hand, returns the mapping"""
        cards = c.full_deck()
        self.wins = {}
        self.tries = tries

        for count, two_cards in enumerate(itertools.combinations(cards, 2)):
            t1 = time.clock()
            hand = c.Hand(two_cards[0], two_cards[1])
            hand_string = hand.simple()
            if self.wins.get(hand_string) is not None:
                print "Skipping {}. Already computed its simple representation ({})" \
                  .format(hand, hand_string)
            simulator = HandSimulator(hand)
            percent_pots_won = simulator.simulate(tries)

            self.wins[hand_string] = percent_pots_won

            print ' {hand} ({s}) won {percent}% in {tries} tries in {t} seconds' \
                .format(hand=hand, s=hand_string,
                        t=(time.clock() - t1))

            # 52 choose 2 == 1326
            # We go through everything even though we only calculate 169 hands
            percent_done = MathUtils.percentage(count, 1326)
            print ' Finished hand {c} ({p:.2f}%)' \
                .format(c=count, p=percent_done)
            print '-' * 10
Пример #2
    def run(self, tries):
        """Calculates the win % for each preflop hand, returns the mapping"""
        cards = c.full_deck()
        self.wins = {}
        self.tries = tries

        for count, two_cards in enumerate(itertools.combinations(cards, 2)):
            t1 = time.clock()
            hand = c.Hand(two_cards[0], two_cards[1])
            hand_string = hand.simple()
            if self.wins.get(hand_string) is not None:
                print "Skipping {}. Already computed its simple representation ({})" \
                  .format(hand, hand_string)
            simulator = HandSimulator(hand)
            percent_pots_won = simulator.simulate(tries)

            self.wins[hand_string] = percent_pots_won

            print ' {hand} ({s}) won {percent}% in {tries} tries in {t} seconds' \
                .format(hand=hand, s=hand_string,
                        t=(time.clock() - t1))

            # 52 choose 2 == 1326
            # We go through everything even though we only calculate 169 hands
            percent_done = MathUtils.percentage(count, 1326)
            print ' Finished hand {c} ({p:.2f}%)' \
                .format(c=count, p=percent_done)
            print '-'*10
Пример #3
    def run(self, tries):
        """Calculates the win % for each preflop hand, returns the mapping"""
        cards = c.full_deck()
        self.wins = {}
        self.tries = tries
        count = 0

        for two_cards in itertools.combinations(cards, 2):
            t1 = time.clock()
            hand = c.Hand(two_cards[0], two_cards[1])
            simulator = HandSimulator(hand)
            percent_pots_won = simulator.simulate(tries)

            self.wins[repr(hand)] = percent_pots_won

            print ' {hand} won {percent}% in {tries} tries in {t} seconds' \
                        t=(time.clock() - t1))

            count += 1
            # 52 choose 2 == 1326
            percent_done = MathUtils.percentage(count, 1326)
            print ' Finished hand {c} ({p}%)' \
                .format(c=count, p=round(percent_done))
            print '-'*10
Пример #4
    def test_min_hand(self):
        """Verifies that the minimum score filter works"""
        ace = Card(C.ACE, C.HEARTS)
        king = Card(C.KING, C.SPADES)
        three = Card(3, C.HEARTS)
        two = Card(2, C.SPADES)
        seven = Card(7, C.HEARTS)

        cards = [ace, king, three, two]
        hand = Hand(king, seven)
        simulator = HandSimulator(hand, cards)

        # KK should win pretty often
        self.assertGreater(simulator.simulate(100), 50)

        min_hand = HandScore(C.TRIPS)
        # but not against other trips
        self.assertLess(simulator.simulate(100, min_hand=min_hand), 5)
Пример #5
    def test_constructor_with_table(self):
        """Checks that adding table cards works, and that 4ok always wins"""
        hand = Hand(Card(10, C.SPADES), Card(3, C.SPADES))
        table_cards = [Card(3, C.CLUBS),
                       Card(3, C.HEARTS),
                       Card(3, C.DIAMONDS)]
        simulator = HandSimulator(hand, table_cards)

        self.assertEqual(len(simulator.deck), 47)

        win_percentage = simulator.simulate(5)
        self.assertEqual(win_percentage, 100)
Пример #6
    def test_constructor_with_table(self):
        """Checks that adding table cards works, and that quads always win"""
        hand = Hand(Card(10, C.SPADES), Card(3, C.SPADES))
        table_cards = [Card(3, C.CLUBS),
                       Card(3, C.HEARTS),
                       Card(3, C.DIAMONDS)]
        simulator = HandSimulator(hand, table_cards)

        self.assertEqual(len(simulator.deck), 47)

        win_percentage = simulator.simulate(5)
        self.assertEqual(win_percentage, 100)
Пример #7
    def test_constructor(self):
        """Sanity checks on the HandSimulator initial state"""
        hand = Hand(Card(10, C.SPADES), Card(4, C.DIAMONDS))
        simulator = HandSimulator(hand)

        self.assertEqual(len(simulator.deck), 50)
        self.assertFalse(Card(10, C.SPADES) in simulator.deck)
        self.assertFalse(Card(4, C.DIAMONDS) in simulator.deck)

        win_percentage = simulator.simulate(10)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(win_percentage, float))
        self.assertTrue(win_percentage > 0)
Пример #8
    def test_constructor(self):
        """Sanity checks on the HandSimulator initial state"""
        hand = Hand(Card(10, C.SPADES), Card(4, C.DIAMONDS))
        simulator = HandSimulator(hand)

        self.assertEqual(len(simulator.deck), 50)
        self.assertFalse(Card(10, C.SPADES) in simulator.deck)
        self.assertFalse(Card(4, C.DIAMONDS) in simulator.deck)

        win_percentage = simulator.simulate(10)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(win_percentage, float))
        self.assertTrue(win_percentage > 0)