Пример #1
def setContribution(dataFile, nLines, keyWord, iDoNot, verbose):

    from numpy import size
    from polarSweepLib import parLocator
    import string
    # default values
    nameText = ''
    removeContribution = False
    #----Determine if a given amily contribute to force
    # Start by locating lines setting contribution
    keyWord = keyWord.lower()
    ipar = parLocator(keyWord, dataFile, nLines, iDoNot, verbose)
    if ipar == -1:
        if verbose:
            print ' failed to locate ' + keyWord + ' in base input file; Set value to 1'
        paVal = 1
        paLine = dataFile[ipar]
        icol = paLine.index(':')

        # Now identify the first part of this line
        firstPart = paLine[0:icol]

        # now find out where the standard text ends
        iBF = firstPart.lower().index('family') + 6
        nameText = string.join(firstPart[iBF:].split(), "")

        # component name located. Now check about its contribution
            iComment = paLine.index('#')
            secondPart = paLine[icol + 1:iComment - 1].lower()
        except ValueError:
            secondPart = paLine[icol + 1:].lower()

# find the second colon of this line
        icol2 = secondPart.index(':')
            iComment = secondPart.index('#')
            yesNoText = secondPart[icol2 + 1:iComment - 1].lower()
        except ValueError:
            yesNoText = secondPart[icol2 + 1:].lower()

            noFound = yesNoText.lower().index('no')
            removeContribution = True
        except ValueError:
            removeContribution = False

    if verbose:
        if ipar != -1:
            print ' part: ' + nameText + ' remove contribution: ' + str(

    return nameText, removeContribution, ipar
Пример #2
def readParameter(dataFile,nLines,keyWord,iDoNot,verbose):

    from numpy import size
#----read a parameter from a file-list
    ipar = parLocator(keyWord,dataFile,nLines,iDoNot,verbose)
    if ipar == -1:
        if verbose:
            print ' failed to locate '+keyWord+' in base input file; Set value to 1'
        paVal = 1
        except ValueError:

    if verbose:
        if ipar != -1:
            print keyWord+' = '+paVal

    return paVal,ipar
Пример #3
def readParameter(dataFile, nLines, keyWord, iDoNot, verbose):

    from numpy import size
    #----read a parameter from a file-list
    keyWord = keyWord.lower()
    ipar = parLocator(keyWord, dataFile, nLines, iDoNot, verbose)
    if ipar == -1:
        if verbose:
            print ' failed to locate ' + keyWord + ' in base input file; Set value to 1'
        paVal = 1
        paLine = dataFile[ipar]
        icol = paLine.index(':')
            iComment = paLine.index('#')
            paVal = paLine[icol + 1:iComment - 1].lower()
        except ValueError:
            paVal = paLine[icol + 1:].lower()

    if verbose:
        if ipar != -1:
            print keyWord + ' = ' + paVal

    return paVal, ipar
Пример #4
def setContribution(dataFile,nLines,keyWord,iDoNot,verbose):

    from numpy import size
    from polarSweepLib import parLocator 
    import string
# default values
    removeContribution = False
#----Determine if a given amily contribute to force
# Start by locating lines setting contribution
    ipar = parLocator(keyWord,dataFile,nLines,iDoNot,verbose)
    if ipar == -1:
        if verbose:
            print ' failed to locate '+keyWord+' in base input file; Set value to 1'
        paVal = 1

# Now identify the first part of this line
        firstPart = paLine[0:icol]

# now find out where the standard text ends
        nameText=string.join( firstPart[iBF:].split(), "")      

# component name located. Now check about its contribution
        except ValueError:

# find the second colon of this line
        except ValueError:

            removeContribution = True
        except ValueError:
             removeContribution = False

    if verbose:
        if ipar != -1:
            print ' part: '+nameText+' remove contribution: '+str(removeContribution)

    return nameText,removeContribution,ipar
Пример #5
def retreiveNumPar(ctrl, nc, keyWord, parType, verbose):
    # get the parameter from the control file. Set it to unity if not found
    # parType: 1  -> integer   2 -> float
    from polarSweepLib import parLocator
    ipar = parLocator(keyWord, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    if ipar == -1:
        #  default value
        if parType == 1:
            parVal = 1
            parVal = 1.0
        PARLine = ctrl[ipar]
        icol = PARLine.index(':')
        if parType == 1:
            parVal = int(PARLine[icol + 1:])
            parVal = float(PARLine[icol + 1:])
    return parVal
Пример #6
def retreiveNumPar(ctrl,nc,keyWord,parType,verbose):
    # get the parameter from the control file. Set it to unity if not found
    # parType: 1  -> integer   2 -> float
    from polarSweepLib import parLocator
    ipar = parLocator(keyWord,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    if ipar == -1:
 #  default value
        if parType == 1:
            parVal = 1
            parVal = 1.0
        if parType == 1:
            parVal= int(PARLine[icol+1:])
    return parVal
Пример #7
def updatedControlFile(ctrl, nc, parAngle, ctrlFile, verbose):

    # generate a modified control file for case with addRun options

    from polarSweepLib import parLocator, readList
    import os
    #-- get a proper list of updated parameter-angle
    st1 = str(parAngle)
    updatedAngleList = st1[1:-1]
    # Now let us find out which angles are specified in the control file, to figure out polarSweepType and polarVar
    keyWordListAOA = 'angles of attack'
    iListAOA = parLocator(keyWordListAOA, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    keyWordListPhi = 'roll angles'
    iListPhi = parLocator(keyWordListPhi, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    keyWordListBeta = 'side slip angle'
    iListBeta = parLocator(keyWordListBeta, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    keyWordListMRN = 'mach ramp numbers'
    iListMRN = parLocator(keyWordListMRN, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    # Check first if this is a Mach ramp session
    if iListMRN > -1:
        polarSweepType = 4
        # This is a Mach rmp session
        polarVar = 'MachRampNumbers'
        MachList, nMach = readList(ctrl, iListMRN, verbose)
        # Now check if any angle was specified
        if iListBeta == -1:
            nBeta = 0
            beta = []
            velDirOption = 1
            # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi). May be overwritten below
            beta, nBeta = readList(ctrl, iListBeta, verbose)
            velDirOption = 2
            # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,beta)
            if nBeta > 1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>> nBeta > 1 in a Mach Ramp session <<<<<<<<'

        if iListAOA == -1:
            if velDirOption == 2:
                alpha = [0.0]
                nAalpha = 1
                alpha = []
                nAalpha = 0
                velDirOption = 0
                # No specification of Velocity dirction vector. May be overwritten below
            alpha, nAalpha = readList(ctrl, iListAOA, verbose)
            if nAalpha > 1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>>  nAlpha > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<'

            if iListPhi == -1:
                if velDirOption != 1:
                    phi = []
                    nPhi = 0
                    phi = [0.0]
                    nPhi = 1
                phi, nPhi = readList(ctrl, iListPhi, verbose)
                if nPhi > 1:
                    raise SystemExit(
                        'ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> nPhi > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<'
                if velDirOption == 0:
                    #    if phi is specified, then this is a alpha,phi case, with alpha = 0
                    velDirOption = 1
                    alpha = [0.0]
                    nAalpha = 1

        if nPhi + nBeta >= 2:
            raise SystemExit(
                'ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> Both phi and Beta specified  (in a Mach Ramp session)  <<<<<<<<'

        ctrl[iListMRN] = ' Mach ramp numbers :  ' + updatedAngleList + '\n'

        # this is not a mach ramp
        MachList = []
        nMach = 0
        if iListPhi == -1:
            if iListBeta == -1:
                polarSweepType = 1
                polarVar = 'aoa'
                # phi/beta not found. Polar sweep in alpha for phi=beta=0
                phi = [0.0]
                nPhi = 1
                nBeta = 0
                beta = []
                #         beta was found in control file, phi is not there; check how about alpha
                nPhi = 0
                phi = []
                polarSweepType = 2
                polarVar = 'aoa'
                beta, nBeta = readList(ctrl, iListBeta, verbose)
                if nBeta > 1:
                    raise SystemExit(
                        'ERROR in control file: nBeta > 1. For polar sweep in beta exchange pitch-axis and use aoa'

            if iListAOA == -1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: phi and alpha are missing. Polar sweep not defined'

            alpha, nAalpha = readList(ctrl, iListAOA, verbose)
            ctrl[iListAOA] = ' angles of attack :  ' + updatedAngleList + '\n'

            #      phi was found in control file, so beta must not be there
            if iListBeta > -1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: both phi and beta specified.  Polar sweep not defined '

            nBeta = 0
            beta = []
            #     Check now if alpha appears
            if iListAOA == -1:
                #     phi found in control file, but alpha is missing, so it is a polar-sweep in phi with alpha=0
                polarSweepType = 3
                polarVar = 'phi'
                alpha = [0.0]
                nAalpha = 1

                #     Both alpha and phi found in control file. Find out which one is a list
                alpha, nAalpha = readList(ctrl, iListAOA, verbose)
                if nAalpha > 1:
                        iListAOA] = ' angles of attack :  ' + updatedAngleList + '\n'

            phi, nPhi = readList(ctrl, iListPhi, verbose)
            if nPhi > 1:
                ctrl[iListPhi] = ' roll angles :  ' + updatedAngleList + '\n'

# Prepare a backup of control file

    st1 = 'cp ' + ctrlFile + ' ' + ctrlFile + '.bck'
    # --- Write down the updated file
    fc = open(ctrlFile, 'w')

    print 'More cases were added. Original ctrl file saved at ' + ctrlFile + '.bck File ' + ctrlFile + ' updated'

Пример #8
def setPolaraType(ctrl, nc, verbose):

    # scan the control file and determine polara type and angles
    from polarSweepLib import parLocator, readList
    # Determine pitch direction from control file
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    keyWordPitchAxis = 'pitch axis'
    iPA = parLocator(keyWordPitchAxis, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)

    if iPA == -1:
        PA = 'z'  # This is the default
        paLine = ctrl[iPA]
        icol = paLine.index(':')
        paVal = paLine[icol + 1:].lower()
        zFound = 'z' in paVal
        if zFound:
            PA = 'z'
            yFound = 'y' in paVal
            if yFound:
                PA = 'y'
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: only Y or Z can be given for control keyWord  ->'
                    + keyWordPitchAxis + '<-')

    if verbose:
        print 'Pitch axis is ' + PA.upper()
# angles definitions:
#   alpha ... angle of attack
#   beta  ... side-slip angle
#   phi   ... roll angle
# Note: Actually alpha here is the angle of rotation about the above-defined pitch axis
#       Thus, by replacing the pitch-axis, all that is said here about alpha is actually for beta
# Several combinations of angles are possible:
# 1. Polar-sweep in alpha per given phi                        ...... polarVar   = aoa
# 2. Polar-sweep in alpha per given beta (side slip angle)     ...... polarVar   = aoa
# 3. Polar-sweep in phi per given alpha                        ...... polarVar   = phi
# 4. Mach ramp  (single values for alpha, phi or both permitted)  ... polarVar   = MachRampNumbers
# Note: Seting a list of both phi and beta is impossible
#       For mach ramp you can specify alpha, phi (or both), but not a list of either of them
# Now let us find out which angles are specified in the control file, to figure out polarSweepType and polarVar
    keyWordListAOA = 'angles of attack'
    iListAOA = parLocator(keyWordListAOA, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    keyWordListPhi = 'roll angles'
    iListPhi = parLocator(keyWordListPhi, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    keyWordListBeta = 'side slip angle'
    iListBeta = parLocator(keyWordListBeta, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)
    keyWordListMRN = 'mach ramp numbers'
    iListMRN = parLocator(keyWordListMRN, ctrl, nc, -1, verbose)

    # Check first if this is a Mach ramp session
    if iListMRN > -1:
        polarSweepType = 4
        # This is a Mach rmp session
        polarVar = 'MachRampNumbers'
        MachList, nMach = readList(ctrl, iListMRN, verbose)
        # Now check if any angle was specified
        if iListBeta == -1:
            nBeta = 0
            beta = []
            velDirOption = 1
            # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi). May be overwritten below
            beta, nBeta = readList(ctrl, iListBeta, verbose)
            velDirOption = 2
            # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,beta)
            if nBeta > 1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>> nBeta > 1 in a Mach Ramp session <<<<<<<<'

        if iListAOA == -1:
            if velDirOption == 2:
                alpha = [0.0]
                nAalpha = 1
                alpha = []
                nAalpha = 0
                velDirOption = 0
                # No specification of Velocity dirction vector. May be overwritten below
            alpha, nAalpha = readList(ctrl, iListAOA, verbose)
            if nAalpha > 1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>>  nAlpha > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<'

            if iListPhi == -1:
                if velDirOption != 1:
                    phi = []
                    nPhi = 0
                    phi = [0.0]
                    nPhi = 1
                phi, nPhi = readList(ctrl, iListPhi, verbose)
                if nPhi > 1:
                    raise SystemExit(
                        'ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> nPhi > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<'
                if velDirOption == 0:
                    #    if phi is specified, then this is a alpha,phi case, with alpha = 0
                    velDirOption = 1
                    alpha = [0.0]
                    nAalpha = 1

        if nPhi + nBeta >= 2:
            raise SystemExit(
                'ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> Both phi and Beta specified  (in a Mach Ramp session)  <<<<<<<<'

        # this is not a mach ramp
        MachList = []
        nMach = 0
        # So, this is a polar-sweep and not mach ramp.
        # Now find out polarSweepType (1,2,or 3)

        if iListPhi == -1:
            if iListBeta == -1:
                polarSweepType = 1
                polarVar = 'aoa'
                # phi/beta not found. Polar sweep in alpha for phi=beta=0
                velDirOption = 1
                #  Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi).
                phi = [0.0]
                nPhi = 1
                nBeta = 0
                beta = []
                #         beta was found in control file, phi is not there; check how about alpha
                nPhi = 0
                phi = []
                polarSweepType = 2
                polarVar = 'aoa'
                velDirOption = 2
                #  Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,beta).
                beta, nBeta = readList(ctrl, iListBeta, verbose)
                if nBeta > 1:
                    raise SystemExit(
                        'ERROR in control file: nBeta > 1. For polar sweep in beta exchange pitch-axis and use aoa'

            if iListAOA == -1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: phi and alpha are missing. Polar sweep not defined'

            alpha, nAalpha = readList(ctrl, iListAOA, verbose)

            #      phi was found in control file, so beta must not be there
            if iListBeta > -1:
                raise SystemExit(
                    'ERROR in control file: both phi and beta specified.  Polar sweep not defined '

            nBeta = 0
            beta = []
            velDirOption = 1
            #  Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi).
            #     Check now if alpha appears
            if iListAOA == -1:
                #     phi found in control file, but alpha is missing, so it is a polar-sweep in phi with alpha=0
                polarSweepType = 3
                polarVar = 'phi'
                alpha = [0.0]
                nAalpha = 1

                #     Both alpha and phi found in control file. Find out which one is a list
                alpha, nAalpha = readList(ctrl, iListAOA, verbose)

            phi, nPhi = readList(ctrl, iListPhi, verbose)

            if nAalpha == 1:
                if nPhi > 1:
                    polarSweepType = 3
                    polarVar = 'phi'
                    polarSweepType = 1
                    polarVar = 'aoa'

                nBeta = 0
                beta = []
                #-----that is nAlpha > 1
                if nPhi > 1:
                    raise SystemExit(
                        'ERROR in control file: read lists in both alpha and phi.  Polar sweep not defined '

                polarSweepType = 1
                polarVar = 'aoa'
                nBeta = 0
                beta = []

# Here we end the long if cycle, refrring to Mach ramp or angle sweep

    if verbose:
        if polarSweepType == 1:
            print 'Sweep type: ' + str(
                polarSweepType) + ' in alpha. nAalpha = ' + str(
                    nAalpha) + ' phi = ' + str(phi)
        elif polarSweepType == 2:
            print 'Sweep type: ' + str(
                polarSweepType) + ' in alpha. nAalpha = ' + str(
                    nAalpha) + ' beta = ' + str(beta)
        elif polarSweepType == 3:
            print 'Sweep type: ' + str(
                polarSweepType) + ' in phi. nPhi = ' + str(
                    nPhi) + ' alpha = ', str(alpha)
        elif polarSweepType == 4:
            print 'Sweep type: ' + str(
                polarSweepType) + ' in Mach. nMach = ' + str(nMach)

    return PA, polarSweepType, velDirOption, nAalpha, nBeta, nPhi, nMach, alpha, beta, phi, MachList, polarVar
Пример #9
def updatedControlFile(ctrl,nc,parAngle,ctrlFile,verbose):

# generate a modified control file for case with addRun options

    from polarSweepLib import parLocator, readList
    import os
#-- get a proper list of updated parameter-angle
# Now let us find out which angles are specified in the control file, to figure out polarSweepType and polarVar
    keyWordListAOA='angles of attack'
    iListAOA = parLocator(keyWordListAOA,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    keyWordListPhi='roll angles'
    iListPhi = parLocator(keyWordListPhi,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    keyWordListBeta='side slip angle'
    iListBeta = parLocator(keyWordListBeta,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    keyWordListMRN='mach ramp numbers'
    iListMRN =  parLocator(keyWordListMRN,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
# Check first if this is a Mach ramp session
    if iListMRN > -1 :
         polarSweepType=4 ; # This is a Mach rmp session
# Now check if any angle was specified
         if iListBeta == -1 :
              nBeta=0 ; beta=[ ];
              velDirOption = 1; # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi). May be overwritten below
              velDirOption = 2; # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,beta)
              if nBeta > 1 :
                  raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>> nBeta > 1 in a Mach Ramp session <<<<<<<<')
         if iListAOA == -1:
             if velDirOption == 2 :
                 alpha = [0.0]; nAalpha =1;
                 alpha =[ ]  ; nAalpha=0;
                 velDirOption = 0; # No specification of Velocity dirction vector. May be overwritten below
             if nAalpha > 1 :
                  raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>>  nAlpha > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<')

             if iListPhi == -1 :
                 if velDirOption != 1 :
                     phi = [ ] ; nPhi = 0;
                     phi = [0.0] ; nPhi = 1;
                 if nPhi > 1 :
                     raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> nPhi > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<')
                 if velDirOption == 0 :
#    if phi is specified, then this is a alpha,phi case, with alpha = 0
                     velDirOption = 1; alpha = [0.0];  nAalpha =1;
         if nPhi + nBeta >= 2 :
             raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> Both phi and Beta specified  (in a Mach Ramp session)  <<<<<<<<')

         ctrl[iListMRN]=' Mach ramp numbers :  '+updatedAngleList+'\n'
# this is not a mach ramp
        MachList=[ ]; nMach=0;
        if iListPhi == -1 :
            if  iListBeta == -1 :
                polarSweepType=1 ; 
                polarVar='aoa' ;  # phi/beta not found. Polar sweep in alpha for phi=beta=0
                phi = [0.0] ; nPhi = 1; 
                nBeta=0 ; beta=[ ];
#         beta was found in control file, phi is not there; check how about alpha
                nPhi = 0 ; phi=[ ];
                polarSweepType=2 ; 
                polarVar='aoa' ; 
                if nBeta > 1 :
                    raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: nBeta > 1. For polar sweep in beta exchange pitch-axis and use aoa')
            if  iListAOA == -1 :
                raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: phi and alpha are missing. Polar sweep not defined')

            ctrl[iListAOA]=' angles of attack :  '+updatedAngleList+'\n'
#      phi was found in control file, so beta must not be there
            if iListBeta > -1:
                raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: both phi and beta specified.  Polar sweep not defined ')

            nBeta=0 ; beta=[ ];
#     Check now if alpha appears
            if  iListAOA == -1 :
#     phi found in control file, but alpha is missing, so it is a polar-sweep in phi with alpha=0
                polarSweepType=3 ; 
                polarVar='phi' ; alpha =[0.0]  ; nAalpha=1 

#     Both alpha and phi found in control file. Find out which one is a list
                if nAalpha > 1 :
                    ctrl[iListAOA]=' angles of attack :  '+updatedAngleList+'\n'

            if nPhi > 1:
                ctrl[iListPhi]=' roll angles :  '+updatedAngleList+'\n'
# Prepare a backup of control file

    st1='cp '+ctrlFile+' '+ctrlFile+'.bck'
# --- Write down the updated file

    print 'More cases were added. Original ctrl file saved at '+ctrlFile+'.bck File '+ctrlFile+' updated'

Пример #10
def setPolaraType(ctrl,nc,verbose):

# scan the control file and determine polara type and angles
    from polarSweepLib import parLocator, readList
# Determine pitch direction from control file
# ---------------------------------------------------

    keyWordPitchAxis='pitch axis'
    iPA = parLocator(keyWordPitchAxis,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)

    if iPA == -1:
        PA='z' # This is the default
        zFound = 'z' in paVal
        if zFound:
            yFound = 'y' in paVal
            if yFound:
                raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: only Y or Z can be given for control keyWord  ->'+keyWordPitchAxis+'<-')
    if verbose:
        print 'Pitch axis is '+PA.upper()
# angles definitions:
#   alpha ... angle of attack
#   beta  ... side-slip angle
#   phi   ... roll angle
# Note: Actually alpha here is the angle of rotation about the above-defined pitch axis
#       Thus, by replacing the pitch-axis, all that is said here about alpha is actually for beta
# Several combinations of angles are possible:
# 1. Polar-sweep in alpha per given phi                        ...... polarVar   = aoa
# 2. Polar-sweep in alpha per given beta (side slip angle)     ...... polarVar   = aoa
# 3. Polar-sweep in phi per given alpha                        ...... polarVar   = phi
# 4. Mach ramp  (single values for alpha, phi or both permitted)  ... polarVar   = MachRampNumbers
# Note: Seting a list of both phi and beta is impossible
#       For mach ramp you can specify alpha, phi (or both), but not a list of either of them
# Now let us find out which angles are specified in the control file, to figure out polarSweepType and polarVar
    keyWordListAOA='angles of attack'
    iListAOA = parLocator(keyWordListAOA,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    keyWordListPhi='roll angles'
    iListPhi = parLocator(keyWordListPhi,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    keyWordListBeta='side slip angle'
    iListBeta = parLocator(keyWordListBeta,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)
    keyWordListMRN='mach ramp numbers'
    iListMRN =  parLocator(keyWordListMRN,ctrl,nc,-1,verbose)

# Check first if this is a Mach ramp session
    if iListMRN > -1 :
         polarSweepType=4 ; # This is a Mach rmp session
# Now check if any angle was specified
         if iListBeta == -1 :
              nBeta=0 ; beta=[ ];
              velDirOption = 1; # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi). May be overwritten below
              velDirOption = 2; # Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,beta)
              if nBeta > 1 :
                  raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>> nBeta > 1 in a Mach Ramp session <<<<<<<<')
         if iListAOA == -1:
             if velDirOption == 2 :
                 alpha = [0.0]; nAalpha =1;
                 alpha =[ ]  ; nAalpha=0;
                 velDirOption = 0; # No specification of Velocity dirction vector. May be overwritten below
             if nAalpha > 1 :
                  raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: >>>>>>>>  nAlpha > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<')

             if iListPhi == -1 :
                 if velDirOption != 1 :
                     phi = [ ] ; nPhi = 0;
                     phi = [0.0] ; nPhi = 1;
                 if nPhi > 1 :
                     raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> nPhi > 1 in a Mach Ramp session  <<<<<<<<')
                 if velDirOption == 0 :
#    if phi is specified, then this is a alpha,phi case, with alpha = 0
                     velDirOption = 1; alpha = [0.0];  nAalpha =1;

         if nPhi + nBeta >= 2 :
             raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file:  >>>>>>>> Both phi and Beta specified  (in a Mach Ramp session)  <<<<<<<<')

# this is not a mach ramp
        MachList=[ ]; nMach=0;
# So, this is a polar-sweep and not mach ramp. 
# Now find out polarSweepType (1,2,or 3)

        if iListPhi == -1 :
            if  iListBeta == -1 :
                polarSweepType=1 ; 
                polarVar='aoa' ;  # phi/beta not found. Polar sweep in alpha for phi=beta=0
                velDirOption = 1; #  Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi).
                phi = [0.0] ; nPhi = 1; 
                nBeta=0 ; beta=[ ];
#         beta was found in control file, phi is not there; check how about alpha
                nPhi = 0 ; phi=[ ];
                polarSweepType=2 ; 
                polarVar='aoa' ; 
                velDirOption = 2; #  Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,beta).
                if nBeta > 1 :
                    raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: nBeta > 1. For polar sweep in beta exchange pitch-axis and use aoa')
            if  iListAOA == -1 :
                raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: phi and alpha are missing. Polar sweep not defined')

#      phi was found in control file, so beta must not be there
            if iListBeta > -1:
                raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: both phi and beta specified.  Polar sweep not defined ')

            nBeta=0 ; beta=[ ];
            velDirOption = 1; #  Velocity dirction vector v(alpha,phi).
#     Check now if alpha appears
            if  iListAOA == -1 :
#     phi found in control file, but alpha is missing, so it is a polar-sweep in phi with alpha=0
                polarSweepType=3 ; 
                polarVar='phi' ; alpha =[0.0]  ; nAalpha=1 

#     Both alpha and phi found in control file. Find out which one is a list


            if nAalpha == 1:
                if nPhi > 1 :

                nBeta=0; beta=[ ];
#-----that is nAlpha > 1
                if nPhi > 1 :
                    raise SystemExit('ERROR in control file: read lists in both alpha and phi.  Polar sweep not defined ')

                polarSweepType=1 ; 
                polarVar='aoa'; nBeta=0; beta=[ ];

# Here we end the long if cycle, refrring to Mach ramp or angle sweep

    if verbose:
        if polarSweepType == 1 :
            print 'Sweep type: '+str(polarSweepType)+' in alpha. nAalpha = '+str(nAalpha)+' phi = '+str(phi)
        elif polarSweepType == 2 :
            print 'Sweep type: '+str(polarSweepType)+' in alpha. nAalpha = '+str(nAalpha)+' beta = '+str(beta)
        elif polarSweepType == 3 :
            print 'Sweep type: '+str(polarSweepType)+' in phi. nPhi = '+str(nPhi)+' alpha = ',str(alpha)
        elif polarSweepType == 4 :
            print  'Sweep type: '+str(polarSweepType)+' in Mach. nMach = '+str(nMach)

    return PA,polarSweepType,velDirOption,nAalpha,nBeta,nPhi,nMach,alpha,beta,phi,MachList,polarVar