def __init__(self, wordfile='wordlist.txt'): # Read create the mnemonic wordlist object self.mnemonic = Mnemonic("english") # Set up a default reference wallet self.wallet = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes(0)) # Set up a Polly communication pipe self.polly = PollyCom() # Default print padding self.PAD = "{:35}"
def __init__(self, wordfile = 'wordlist.txt'): # Read create the mnemonic wordlist object self.mnemonic = Mnemonic("english") # Set up a default reference wallet self.wallet = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes(0)) # Set up a Polly communication pipe self.polly = PollyCom() # Default print padding self.PAD = "{:35}"
class PollyAudit(): """ Auditing tests and utilities for Polly. """ def __init__(self, wordfile = 'wordlist.txt'): # Read create the mnemonic wordlist object self.mnemonic = Mnemonic("english") # Set up a default reference wallet self.wallet = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes(0)) # Set up a Polly communication pipe self.polly = PollyCom() # Default print padding self.PAD = "{:35}" # # Tests # def test_set_seed(self, wordlist): """ Sets the wallet seed for Polly and the reference wallet. Note: Subsequent tests will use the seed set by this routine. wordlist - a space separated string of 18 mnemonic words from the Polly wordlist. Note: the checksum must be correct (part of the 18th word) - see BIP0039. gen_wordlist can be used to generate a wordlist including the proper checksum. """ assert len(wordlist.split(" ")) == 18, "expecting 18 words" assert self.mnemonic.check(wordlist) == True, "invalid word list" print (self.PAD.format("Set seed"), end='') # Set polly self.polly.send_set_master_seed(wordlist) print (self.__outok()) # Set the reference wallet seed = self.mnemonic.to_seed(wordlist) self.wallet = Wallet.from_master_secret(seed) def test_key(self, keytype, account = 0, chain = 0, address = 0): """ Performs a public key retrieval test, comparing Polly's key against the reference wallet. keytype - Type of key to retrieve, valid values are KEY_MASTER, KEY_ACCOUNT, KEY_CHAIN, or KEY_ADDRESS. account - Account to use for type KEY_ACCOUNT, KEY_CHAIN, KEY_ADDRESS. chain - Chain to use for type KEY_CHAIN, KEY_ADDRESS. address - Index (0 - 0x7FFFFFFF) to use for type KEY_ADDRESS. """ assert address < 0x80000000, "hardened address keys are not supported" if keytype == PollyCom.KEY_MASTER: print(self.PAD.format("Get master key"), end='') refkey = self.wallet check_chaincode = False elif keytype == PollyCom.KEY_ACCOUNT: print(self.PAD.format("Get account key m/" + str(account) + "h"), end='') refkey = self.wallet.subkey(account, is_hardened = True) check_chaincode = True elif keytype == PollyCom.KEY_CHAIN: print(self.PAD.format("Get chain key m/" + str(account) + "h/" + str(chain)), end='') refkey = self.wallet.subkey(account, is_hardened = True).subkey(chain) check_chaincode = True else: # keytype == PollyCom.KEY_ADDRESS print(self.PAD.format("Get address key m/" + str(account) + "h/" + str(chain) + "/" + str(address)), end='') refkey = self.wallet.subkey(account, is_hardened = True).subkey(chain).subkey(address) check_chaincode = False # Get keypair from Polly (pubx, puby, chaincode) = self.polly.send_get_public_key(keytype, account, chain, address) print (self.__outok()) # Check against reference wallet addr = encoding.public_pair_to_hash160_sec((pubx, puby)) addr_check = encoding.public_pair_to_hash160_sec(refkey.public_pair) assert addr == addr_check, "public key mismatch\nexpected: " + self.hexstr(addr_check) + "\nactual: " + self.hexstr(addr) if check_chaincode == True : assert refkey.chain_code == chaincode, "chain code mismatch\nexpected: " + self.hexstr(refkey.chain_code) + "\nactual: " + self.hexstr(chaincode) def test_sign(self, keynums_satoshi, out_addr, out_satoshi, change_keynum, change_satoshi, prevtx_keynums, prevtx_outputs, prevtx_inputs): """ Performs a tx signing test, comparing Polly's signed tx against the reference wallet. Basic tx signing parameters: keynums_satoshi - list of tuples (keynum, satoshis) with key indices and their unspent value to use as tx inputs. Funding above out_satoshi + change_satoshi will be fees. out_addr - output address in bitcoin address format. out_satoshi - output amount in satoshis. change_keynum - change key index in the wallet, use None for no change. change_satoshi - change amount in satoshis, use 0 for no change. Supporting (previous) txs will be created to fund keynums and are controlled by these parameters: prevtx_keynums - keynums will show up as outputs of previous txs. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many keynums are chosen to include per prev tx. prevtx_outputs - in addition to previous tx outputs funding keynums, other outputs may be present. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many ignored outputs are injected per keynum. prevtx_inputs - previous txs need inputs too. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many inputs are chosen per previous tx. """ total_in_satoshi = sum(satoshi for _, satoshi in keynums_satoshi) fee_satoshi = total_in_satoshi - out_satoshi - change_satoshi chain0 = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened = True).subkey(0) chain1 = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened = True).subkey(1) assert total_in_satoshi >= out_satoshi + change_satoshi assert len(keynums_satoshi) <= 32 # # Step 1: send the inputs and outputs to use in the signed tx # # Create the (key num, compressed public key) tuple, input keys assume an m/0h/0/keynum path for now. keys = [(keynum, encoding.public_pair_to_sec(chain0.subkey(keynum).public_pair)) for (keynum, _) in keynums_satoshi] # Convert base58 address to raw hex address out_addr_160 = encoding.bitcoin_address_to_hash160_sec(out_addr) print() print("Sign tx parameters:", "") for i, (keynum, satoshi) in enumerate(keynums_satoshi): print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc < key {}".format (" inputs" if 0 == i else "", satoshi / 100000000, keynum)) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > {}".format (" output", out_satoshi / 100000000, self.hexstr(out_addr_160))) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > key {}".format (" change", change_satoshi / 100000000, change_keynum)) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format (" fee", fee_satoshi / 100000000)) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format (" total", total_in_satoshi / 100000000)) print() print(self.PAD.format("Send tx parameters"), end='') # ---> send to Polly self.polly.send_sign_tx(keys, out_addr_160, out_satoshi, change_keynum, change_satoshi) print(self.__outok()) # # Step 2: send previous txs to fund the inputs # print() cur = 0 prevtx_info = [] while cur < len(keynums_satoshi) : prevtx_outputs_satoshi = [] # Calculate how many keynums will be associated with this prev tx end = min(cur + random.choice(prevtx_keynums), len(keynums_satoshi)) # Create the prev tx output list for keynum, satoshi in keynums_satoshi[cur:end] : # Inject a random number of outputs not associated with tx input keynums for _ in range(0, random.choice(prevtx_outputs)) : prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append((random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF), random.randint(0, 2099999997690000))) # Add the outputs funding the tx input keynums prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append((keynum, satoshi)) # Create output script addr = chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private = True).bitcoin_address() script = standard_tx_out_script(addr) # Capture some info we'll use later to verify the signed tx prevtx_info.append((keynum, satoshi, script, 0, # This is the hash and will be replaced later len(prevtx_outputs_satoshi) - 1)) # Index of the valid output print("{:30}{}".format("Make prev tx for keys", " ".join(str(keynum) for (keynum, _, _, _, _) in prevtx_info[cur:]))) # Create the prev tx prevtx = self.create_prev_tx(win = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes(0)), # create a dummy wallet in_keynum = list(range(0, random.choice(prevtx_inputs))), sources_per_input = 1, wout = chain0, out_keynum_satoshi = prevtx_outputs_satoshi, fees_satoshi = random.randint(100, 1000)) # We have built the prev tx, calculate its hash (and reverse the bytes) prevtx_hash = encoding.double_sha256(prevtx)[::-1] # Update the hashes now that we have a full prev tx for i, (keynum, satoshi, script, _, outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:]) : prevtx_info[i + cur] = (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx) # Create the index table that matches a keynum index with an ouput index in this prev tx idx_table = [(keynum_idx + cur, outidx) for keynum_idx, (_, _, _, _, outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:])] print(self.PAD.format("Send prev tx "), end='') # ---> send to Polly self.polly.send_prev_tx(idx_table, prevtx) print(self.__outok()) cur = end # # Step 3: generate a signed tx with the reference wallet and compare against Polly's # spendables = [] wifs = [] # Make sure that the inputs add up correctly, and prep the input_sources for reference wallet signing for (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx) in prevtx_info: spendables.append(Spendable(satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx)) wifs.append(chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private = True).wif()) change_addr = chain1.subkey(change_keynum).bitcoin_address() payables = [(out_addr, out_satoshi), (change_addr, change_satoshi)] print() print(self.PAD.format("Make reference signature")) signed_tx = create_signed_tx(spendables, payables, wifs, fee_satoshi) signed_tx = self.get_tx_bytes(signed_tx) print(self.PAD.format("Get signed tx"), end='', flush = True) # <--- get the signed tx from Polly polly_signed_tx = self.polly.send_get_signed_tx() #print(self.txstr(polly_signed_tx)) #print(self.txstr(signed_tx)) print(self.__outok()) # Compare reference wallet signed tx with polly's assert signed_tx == polly_signed_tx, "test_sign: signature mismatch\nExpected:\n" + self.hexstr(signed_tx) + "\n\nActual:\n" + self.hexstr(polly_signed_tx) def test_ref_bip32(self): """ Performs a test of the reference wallet's BIP32 key generation capability. """ # BIP32 test vectors, see # Vector 1 m = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes.fromhex("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")) assert m.wallet_key() == "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8" assert m.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3QTDL4LXw2F7HEK3wJUD2nW2nRk4stbPy6cq3jPPqjiChkVvvNKmPGJxWUtg6LnF5kejMRNNU3TGtRBeJgk33yuGBxrMPHi" assert m.bitcoin_address() == "15mKKb2eos1hWa6tisdPwwDC1a5J1y9nma" assert m.wif() == "L52XzL2cMkHxqxBXRyEpnPQZGUs3uKiL3R11XbAdHigRzDozKZeW" m0h = m.subkey(is_hardened=True) assert m0h.wallet_key() == "xpub68Gmy5EdvgibQVfPdqkBBCHxA5htiqg55crXYuXoQRKfDBFA1WEjWgP6LHhwBZeNK1VTsfTFUHCdrfp1bgwQ9xv5ski8PX9rL2dZXvgGDnw" assert m0h.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9uHRZZhk6KAJC1avXpDAp4MDc3sQKNxDiPvvkX8Br5ngLNv1TxvUxt4cV1rGL5hj6KCesnDYUhd7oWgT11eZG7XnxHrnYeSvkzY7d2bhkJ7" m0h1 = m0h.subkey(i=1) assert m0h1.wallet_key() == "xpub6ASuArnXKPbfEwhqN6e3mwBcDTgzisQN1wXN9BJcM47sSikHjJf3UFHKkNAWbWMiGj7Wf5uMash7SyYq527Hqck2AxYysAA7xmALppuCkwQ" assert m0h1.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9wTYmMFdV23N2TdNG573QoEsfRrWKQgWeibmLntzniatZvR9BmLnvSxqu53Kw1UmYPxLgboyZQaXwTCg8MSY3H2EU4pWcQDnRnrVA1xe8fs" m0h1_1_2h = m0h1.subkey(i=2, is_hardened=True) assert m0h1_1_2h.wallet_key() == "xpub6D4BDPcP2GT577Vvch3R8wDkScZWzQzMMUm3PWbmWvVJrZwQY4VUNgqFJPMM3No2dFDFGTsxxpG5uJh7n7epu4trkrX7x7DogT5Uv6fcLW5" assert m0h1_1_2h.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9z4pot5VBttmtdRTWfWQmoH1taj2axGVzFqSb8C9xaxKymcFzXBDptWmT7FwuEzG3ryjH4ktypQSAewRiNMjANTtpgP4mLTj34bhnZX7UiM" m0h1_1_2h_2 = m0h1_1_2h.subkey(i=2) assert m0h1_1_2h_2.wallet_key() == "xpub6FHa3pjLCk84BayeJxFW2SP4XRrFd1JYnxeLeU8EqN3vDfZmbqBqaGJAyiLjTAwm6ZLRQUMv1ZACTj37sR62cfN7fe5JnJ7dh8zL4fiyLHV" assert m0h1_1_2h_2.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprvA2JDeKCSNNZky6uBCviVfJSKyQ1mDYahRjijr5idH2WwLsEd4Hsb2Tyh8RfQMuPh7f7RtyzTtdrbdqqsunu5Mm3wDvUAKRHSC34sJ7in334" m0h1_1_2h_2_1000000000 = m0h1_1_2h_2.subkey(i=1000000000) assert m0h1_1_2h_2_1000000000.wallet_key() == "xpub6H1LXWLaKsWFhvm6RVpEL9P4KfRZSW7abD2ttkWP3SSQvnyA8FSVqNTEcYFgJS2UaFcxupHiYkro49S8yGasTvXEYBVPamhGW6cFJodrTHy" assert m0h1_1_2h_2_1000000000.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprvA41z7zogVVwxVSgdKUHDy1SKmdb533PjDz7J6N6mV6uS3ze1ai8FHa8kmHScGpWmj4WggLyQjgPie1rFSruoUihUZREPSL39UNdE3BBDu76" # Vector 2 m = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes.fromhex("fffcf9f6f3f0edeae7e4e1dedbd8d5d2cfccc9c6c3c0bdbab7b4b1aeaba8a5a29f9c999693908d8a8784817e7b7875726f6c696663605d5a5754514e4b484542")) assert m.wallet_key() == "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8idoc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB" assert m.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9s21ZrQH143K31xYSDQpPDxsXRTUcvj2iNHm5NUtrGiGG5e2DtALGdso3pGz6ssrdK4PFmM8NSpSBHNqPqm55Qn3LqFtT2emdEXVYsCzC2U" m0 = m.subkey() assert m0.wallet_key() == "xpub69H7F5d8KSRgmmdJg2KhpAK8SR3DjMwAdkxj3ZuxV27CprR9LgpeyGmXUbC6wb7ERfvrnKZjXoUmmDznezpbZb7ap6r1D3tgFxHmwMkQTPH" assert m0.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9vHkqa6EV4sPZHYqZznhT2NPtPCjKuDKGY38FBWLvgaDx45zo9WQRUT3dKYnjwih2yJD9mkrocEZXo1ex8G81dwSM1fwqWpWkeS3v86pgKt" m0_2147483647p = m0.subkey(i=2147483647, is_hardened=True) assert m0_2147483647p.wallet_key() == "xpub6ASAVgeehLbnwdqV6UKMHVzgqAG8Gr6riv3Fxxpj8ksbH9ebxaEyBLZ85ySDhKiLDBrQSARLq1uNRts8RuJiHjaDMBU4Zn9h8LZNnBC5y4a" assert m0_2147483647p.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9wSp6B7kry3Vj9m1zSnLvN3xH8RdsPP1Mh7fAaR7aRLcQMKTR2vidYEeEg2mUCTAwCd6vnxVrcjfy2kRgVsFawNzmjuHc2YmYRmagcEPdU9" m0_2147483647p_1 = m0_2147483647p.subkey(i=1) assert m0_2147483647p_1.wallet_key() == "xpub6DF8uhdarytz3FWdA8TvFSvvAh8dP3283MY7p2V4SeE2wyWmG5mg5EwVvmdMVCQcoNJxGoWaU9DCWh89LojfZ537wTfunKau47EL2dhHKon" assert m0_2147483647p_1.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprv9zFnWC6h2cLgpmSA46vutJzBcfJ8yaJGg8cX1e5StJh45BBciYTRXSd25UEPVuesF9yog62tGAQtHjXajPPdbRCHuWS6T8XA2ECKADdw4Ef" m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p = m0_2147483647p_1.subkey(i=2147483646, is_hardened=True) assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p.wallet_key() == "xpub6ERApfZwUNrhLCkDtcHTcxd75RbzS1ed54G1LkBUHQVHQKqhMkhgbmJbZRkrgZw4koxb5JaHWkY4ALHY2grBGRjaDMzQLcgJvLJuZZvRcEL" assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprvA1RpRA33e1JQ7ifknakTFpgNXPmW2YvmhqLQYMmrj4xJXXWYpDPS3xz7iAxn8L39njGVyuoseXzU6rcxFLJ8HFsTjSyQbLYnMpCqE2VbFWc" m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p_2 = m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p.subkey(i=2) assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p_2.wallet_key() == "xpub6FnCn6nSzZAw5Tw7cgR9bi15UV96gLZhjDstkXXxvCLsUXBGXPdSnLFbdpq8p9HmGsApME5hQTZ3emM2rnY5agb9rXpVGyy3bdW6EEgAtqt" assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p_2.wallet_key(as_private=True) == "xprvA2nrNbFZABcdryreWet9Ea4LvTJcGsqrMzxHx98MMrotbir7yrKCEXw7nadnHM8Dq38EGfSh6dqA9QWTyefMLEcBYJUuekgW4BYPJcr9E7j" def test_rfc6979(self): """ Performs a test of the reference wallet's RFC6979 signatures against test vectors. """ # Test vectors for RFC 6979 ECDSA (secp256k1, SHA-256). # Thanks to the Haskoin developer for these fully formed vectors. # (private key hex, private key WIF, message, r || r as hex, sig as DER) test_vectors = [ ( 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn", "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.", "33a69cd2065432a30f3d1ce4eb0d59b8ab58c74f27c41a7fdb5696ad4e6108c96f807982866f785d3f6418d24163ddae117b7db4d5fdf0071de069fa54342262", "3044022033a69cd2065432a30f3d1ce4eb0d59b8ab58c74f27c41a7fdb5696ad4e6108c902206f807982866f785d3f6418d24163ddae117b7db4d5fdf0071de069fa54342262" ), ( 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140, "L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9", "Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.", "54c4a33c6423d689378f160a7ff8b61330444abb58fb470f96ea16d99d4a2fed07082304410efa6b2943111b6a4e0aaa7b7db55a07e9861d1fb3cb1f421044a5", "3044022054c4a33c6423d689378f160a7ff8b61330444abb58fb470f96ea16d99d4a2fed022007082304410efa6b2943111b6a4e0aaa7b7db55a07e9861d1fb3cb1f421044a5" ), ( 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140, "L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9", "Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.", "ff466a9f1b7b273e2f4c3ffe032eb2e814121ed18ef84665d0f515360dab3dd06fc95f5132e5ecfdc8e5e6e616cc77151455d46ed48f5589b7db7771a332b283", "3045022100ff466a9f1b7b273e2f4c3ffe032eb2e814121ed18ef84665d0f515360dab3dd002206fc95f5132e5ecfdc8e5e6e616cc77151455d46ed48f5589b7db7771a332b283" ), ( 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn", "How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.", "c0dafec8251f1d5010289d210232220b03202cba34ec11fec58b3e93a85b91d375afdc06b7d6322a590955bf264e7aaa155847f614d80078a90292fe205064d3", "3045022100c0dafec8251f1d5010289d210232220b03202cba34ec11fec58b3e93a85b91d3022075afdc06b7d6322a590955bf264e7aaa155847f614d80078a90292fe205064d3" ), ( 0x69ec59eaa1f4f2e36b639716b7c30ca86d9a5375c7b38d8918bd9c0ebc80ba64, "KzmcSTRmg8Gtoq8jbBCwsrvgiTKRrewQXniAHHTf7hsten8MZmBB", "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.", "7186363571d65e084e7f02b0b77c3ec44fb1b257dee26274c38c928986fea45d0de0b38e06807e46bda1f1e293f4f6323e854c86d58abdd00c46c16441085df6", "304402207186363571d65e084e7f02b0b77c3ec44fb1b257dee26274c38c928986fea45d02200de0b38e06807e46bda1f1e293f4f6323e854c86d58abdd00c46c16441085df6" ), ( 0x00000000000000000000000000007246174ab1e92e9149c6e446fe194d072637, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJwe1E2mCa8asowBrSKuCaBV6EsPYEAFZ8", "...if you aren't, at any given time, scandalized by code you wrote five or even three years ago, you're not learning anywhere near enough", "fbfe5076a15860ba8ed00e75e9bd22e05d230f02a936b653eb55b61c99dda4870e68880ebb0050fe4312b1b1eb0899e1b82da89baa5b895f612619edf34cbd37", "3045022100fbfe5076a15860ba8ed00e75e9bd22e05d230f02a936b653eb55b61c99dda48702200e68880ebb0050fe4312b1b1eb0899e1b82da89baa5b895f612619edf34cbd37" ), ( 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056916d0f9b31dc9b637f3, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZiib5S9h4knkymNojPUVsWN", "The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim.", "cde1302d83f8dd835d89aef803c74a119f561fbaef3eb9129e45f30de86abbf906ce643f5049ee1f27890467b77a6a8e11ec4661cc38cd8badf90115fbd03cef", "3045022100cde1302d83f8dd835d89aef803c74a119f561fbaef3eb9129e45f30de86abbf9022006ce643f5049ee1f27890467b77a6a8e11ec4661cc38cd8badf90115fbd03cef" ) ] for (secret_exponent, _, message, _, expected_sig) in test_vectors: h = hashlib.sha256(message.encode('utf-8')).digest() val = intbytes.from_bytes(h) # This will use deterministic values of k based on 'val' r, s = ecdsa.sign(secp256k1.generator_secp256k1, secret_exponent, val) # Ensure that 's' is even to prevent attacks - see if s > (secp256k1.generator_secp256k1.order() / 2): s = secp256k1.generator_secp256k1.order() - s sig = der.sigencode_der(r, s) assert sig == bytes.fromhex(expected_sig), "ECDSA signature using RFC 6979 failed\nExpected: " + expected_sig + "\nActual: " + self.hexstr(sig) def test_txhash(self): """ Performs a test of the reference wallet's tx hashing against a known blockchain tx. """ # 's' and 'expected' are from: # s = ("0100000002bca066b9cfe1eb81e667f219a442acdc5c5e2e470610659a314" "74dfb5e29c552000000008c493046022100b2857170045d5e59112e0d5200" "4a8f65d18945e52d42c2eb12f7d3c2314600b802210098bdab40dfe38b5d4" "fe02e1fa3057ada3e0a982a5c7979eabff86395e2a911e8014104a8075344" "0c651f7191f46085411679545486f1dc6bf34cdaba453966c5fe7cc34f3dd" "c15ae321974f426807faa34b3fc10034e129222067ec053c409a6ac1f30ff" "ffffffe047c65f9e560d799580f6a965c12a059ca1e82cebc3e220659ba29" "ee31c8d0a010000008b48304502206b7eaa2dec17b53022b57a55b48ac245" "6f1c22d87b0170aa969de04146b80bbc022100d6700f6eb9bde89c35b0545" "588c06dcfed95e0502941d79786b5ea24eafc2cfe01410435d1d08c6f5296" "0d056e60c3b5c858e5299c1a688395b589dbde6b58861b20fdd7ee58832b3" "528845973765038cafc1c81280dc635ee202ce06aa4a373db012fffffffff" "0200f2052a010000001976a914315bfd9ee07d6779e44b8e07229650f039f" "0942788aced931600000000001976a91484004861f9a742fc83ad4ab83c42" "e709b512df1888ac00000000") expected = "a8196acaf3938b988f9816ae3e9da1df5a04afff0b5b460e4c1dc4a08dd52109" expected = bytes.fromhex(expected) actual = encoding.double_sha256(bytes.fromhex(s)) # Reverse the bytes to flow lsb -> msb actual = actual[::-1] assert actual == expected, "tx hash calculation mismatch\n" + "Expected: " + self.hexstr(expected) + "\nActual: " + self.hexstr(actual) # # Utilities # def fw_update(self, fwfile): """ Updates device firmware. fwfile - Path to and name of the firmware file to use. """ self.polly.send_fw_download(fwfile) def create_prev_tx(self, win, in_keynum, sources_per_input, wout, out_keynum_satoshi, fees_satoshi): """ Creates and returns a supporting 'previous' tx of 100KB or less win - wallet to use for input addresses in_keynum - key nums from win sources_per_input - how many sources are used to fund each input wout - wallet to use for output addresses out_keynum_satoshi - list of key nums from wout and satoshis to spend in tuples of (num, satoshis) Returns a bytes object containing the previous tx. """ # Calculate the total output payables = [] total_spent = 0 for (out_key_id, out_satoshi) in out_keynum_satoshi: address = wout.subkey(out_key_id).bitcoin_address() payables.append((address, out_satoshi)) total_spent += out_satoshi # Split the total to spend across all of the inputs spendables = [] total_value = 0 satoshi_per_input = int(total_spent + fees_satoshi) / len(in_keynum) for keynum in in_keynum: # Grab the address for the current key num addr = win.subkey(keynum, as_private = True).bitcoin_address(); # Generate fake sources for funding the input coin spendables.extend(self.fake_sources_for_address(addr, sources_per_input, satoshi_per_input)) total_value += satoshi_per_input # Calculate the fee tx_fee = total_value - total_spent assert tx_fee >= 0, "fee < 0: " + str(tx_fee) # Create and 'sign' the transaction unsigned_tx = create_tx(spendables, payables, tx_fee) signed_tx = self.__sign_fake(unsigned_tx) return self.get_tx_bytes(signed_tx) def fake_sources_for_address(self, addr, num_sources, total_satoshi): """ Returns a fake list of funding sources for a bitcoin address. Note: total_satoshi will be split evenly by num_sources addr - bitcoin address to fund num_sources - number of sources to fund it with total_satoshi - total satoshis to fund 'addr' with Returns a list of Spendable objects """ spendables = [] satoshi_left = total_satoshi satoshi_per_tx = satoshi_left / num_sources satoshi_per_tx = int(satoshi_per_tx) # Create the output script for the input to fund script = standard_tx_out_script(addr) while satoshi_left > 0: if satoshi_left < satoshi_per_tx: satoshi_per_tx = satoshi_left # Create a random hash value rand_hash = bytes([random.randint(0, 0xFF) for _ in range(0, 32)]) # Create a random output index # This field is 32 bits, but typically transactions dont have that many, limit to 0xFF rand_output_index = random.randint(0, 0xFF) # Append the new fake source spend = Spendable(satoshi_per_tx, script, rand_hash, rand_output_index) spendables.append(spend) satoshi_left -= satoshi_per_tx assert satoshi_left == 0, "incorrect funding" return spendables def get_tx_bytes(self, tx): """ Takes a Tx object and returns a bytes object containing the tx bytes. """ s = io.BytesIO() return s.getvalue() def gen_wordlist(self, seed): """ Generates a polly mnemonic wordlist from a seed, including the checksum. seed - a string of 24 hex bytes (for a strength of 192 bits) Returns a space separated string of 18 words from the wordlist. """ assert len(seed) == 24, "incorrect seed length, expecting 24 bytes" return self.mnemonic.to_mnemonic(seed) def hexstr(self, data): """ Takes a bytes object and returns a packed hex string. """ # Hexlify the bytes object and strip off the leading b' and trailing ' return str(binascii.hexlify(data))[2:-1] def txstr(self, tx): """ Takes a tx bytes object and prints out its details field by field. """ def hexy(tag, data): print ("{0:<20s} : {1}".format(tag, self.hexstr(data))) print("\n[tx details]\n") s = 0 hexy("version", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 in_count = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy("in count", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 for _ in range(0, in_count) : print(" -------------------") hexy(" prev out hash", tx[s:s + 32]) s += 32 hexy(" prev out index", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 scriptlen = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy(" scriptlen", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 hexy(" script", tx[s:s + scriptlen]) s += scriptlen hexy(" sequence", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 print() out_count = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy("out count", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 for _ in range(0, out_count) : print(" -------------------") hexy(" value", tx[s:s + 8]) s += 8 scriptlen = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy(" pk scriptlen", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 hexy(" pk script", tx[s:s + scriptlen]) s += scriptlen print() hexy("lock time", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 # # Private # def __outok(self): """ Creates a standard successful completion string for Polly operations """ return "ok (" + self.polly.get_cmd_time() + ")" def __sign_fake(self, tx): """ Sign a transaction using a fake randomly generated signature. """ # Create a fake ecdsa signature from 0x68 - 0x6b bytes rand_script = bytes([random.randint(0,0xFF) for _ in range(0, random.randint(0x68, 0x6b))]) tx.check_unspents() for idx, tx_in in enumerate(tx.txs_in): if tx.unspents[idx]: tx_in.script = rand_script return tx
class PollyAudit(): """ Auditing tests and utilities for Polly. """ def __init__(self, wordfile='wordlist.txt'): # Read create the mnemonic wordlist object self.mnemonic = Mnemonic("english") # Set up a default reference wallet self.wallet = Wallet.from_master_secret(bytes(0)) # Set up a Polly communication pipe self.polly = PollyCom() # Default print padding self.PAD = "{:35}" # # Tests # def test_set_seed(self, wordlist): """ Sets the wallet seed for Polly and the reference wallet. Note: Subsequent tests will use the seed set by this routine. wordlist - a space separated string of 18 mnemonic words from the Polly wordlist. Note: the checksum must be correct (part of the 18th word) - see BIP0039. gen_wordlist can be used to generate a wordlist including the proper checksum. """ assert len(wordlist.split(" ")) == 18, "expecting 18 words" assert self.mnemonic.check(wordlist) == True, "invalid word list" print(self.PAD.format("Set seed"), end='') # Set polly self.polly.send_set_master_seed(wordlist) print(self.__outok()) # Set the reference wallet seed = self.mnemonic.to_seed(wordlist) self.wallet = Wallet.from_master_secret(seed) def test_key(self, keytype, account=0, chain=0, address=0): """ Performs a public key retrieval test, comparing Polly's key against the reference wallet. keytype - Type of key to retrieve, valid values are KEY_MASTER, KEY_ACCOUNT, KEY_CHAIN, or KEY_ADDRESS. account - Account to use for type KEY_ACCOUNT, KEY_CHAIN, KEY_ADDRESS. chain - Chain to use for type KEY_CHAIN, KEY_ADDRESS. address - Index (0 - 0x7FFFFFFF) to use for type KEY_ADDRESS. """ assert address < 0x80000000, "hardened address keys are not supported" if keytype == PollyCom.KEY_MASTER: print(self.PAD.format("Get master key"), end='') refkey = self.wallet check_chaincode = False elif keytype == PollyCom.KEY_ACCOUNT: print(self.PAD.format("Get account key m/" + str(account) + "h"), end='') refkey = self.wallet.subkey(account, is_hardened=True) check_chaincode = True elif keytype == PollyCom.KEY_CHAIN: print(self.PAD.format("Get chain key m/" + str(account) + "h/" + str(chain)), end='') refkey = self.wallet.subkey(account, is_hardened=True).subkey(chain) check_chaincode = True else: # keytype == PollyCom.KEY_ADDRESS print(self.PAD.format("Get address key m/" + str(account) + "h/" + str(chain) + "/" + str(address)), end='') refkey = self.wallet.subkey( account, is_hardened=True).subkey(chain).subkey(address) check_chaincode = False # Get keypair from Polly (pubx, puby, chaincode) = self.polly.send_get_public_key(keytype, account, chain, address) print(self.__outok()) # Check against reference wallet addr = encoding.public_pair_to_hash160_sec((pubx, puby)) addr_check = encoding.public_pair_to_hash160_sec(refkey.public_pair) assert addr == addr_check, "public key mismatch\nexpected: " + self.hexstr( addr_check) + "\nactual: " + self.hexstr(addr) if check_chaincode == True: assert refkey.chain_code == chaincode, "chain code mismatch\nexpected: " + self.hexstr( refkey.chain_code) + "\nactual: " + self.hexstr(chaincode) def test_sign(self, keynums_satoshi, out_addr, out_satoshi, change_keynum, change_satoshi, prevtx_keynums, prevtx_outputs, prevtx_inputs): """ Performs a tx signing test, comparing Polly's signed tx against the reference wallet. Basic tx signing parameters: keynums_satoshi - list of tuples (keynum, satoshis) with key indices and their unspent value to use as tx inputs. Funding above out_satoshi + change_satoshi will be fees. out_addr - output address in bitcoin address format. out_satoshi - output amount in satoshis. change_keynum - change key index in the wallet, use None for no change. change_satoshi - change amount in satoshis, use 0 for no change. Supporting (previous) txs will be created to fund keynums and are controlled by these parameters: prevtx_keynums - keynums will show up as outputs of previous txs. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many keynums are chosen to include per prev tx. prevtx_outputs - in addition to previous tx outputs funding keynums, other outputs may be present. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many ignored outputs are injected per keynum. prevtx_inputs - previous txs need inputs too. A number randomly picked from this list controls how many inputs are chosen per previous tx. """ total_in_satoshi = sum(satoshi for _, satoshi in keynums_satoshi) fee_satoshi = total_in_satoshi - out_satoshi - change_satoshi chain0 = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened=True).subkey(0) chain1 = self.wallet.subkey(0, is_hardened=True).subkey(1) assert total_in_satoshi >= out_satoshi + change_satoshi assert len(keynums_satoshi) <= 32 # # Step 1: send the inputs and outputs to use in the signed tx # # Create the (key num, compressed public key) tuple, input keys assume an m/0h/0/keynum path for now. keys = [ (keynum, encoding.public_pair_to_sec(chain0.subkey(keynum).public_pair)) for (keynum, _) in keynums_satoshi ] # Convert base58 address to raw hex address out_addr_160 = encoding.bitcoin_address_to_hash160_sec(out_addr) print() print("Sign tx parameters:", "") for i, (keynum, satoshi) in enumerate(keynums_satoshi): print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc < key {}".format( " inputs" if 0 == i else "", satoshi / 100000000, keynum)) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > {}".format(" output", out_satoshi / 100000000, self.hexstr(out_addr_160))) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc > key {}".format(" change", change_satoshi / 100000000, change_keynum)) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format(" fee", fee_satoshi / 100000000)) print("{:<10}{:16.8f} btc".format(" total", total_in_satoshi / 100000000)) print() print(self.PAD.format("Send tx parameters"), end='') # ---> send to Polly self.polly.send_sign_tx(keys, out_addr_160, out_satoshi, change_keynum, change_satoshi) print(self.__outok()) # # Step 2: send previous txs to fund the inputs # print() cur = 0 prevtx_info = [] while cur < len(keynums_satoshi): prevtx_outputs_satoshi = [] # Calculate how many keynums will be associated with this prev tx end = min(cur + random.choice(prevtx_keynums), len(keynums_satoshi)) # Create the prev tx output list for keynum, satoshi in keynums_satoshi[cur:end]: # Inject a random number of outputs not associated with tx input keynums for _ in range(0, random.choice(prevtx_outputs)): prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append( (random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF), random.randint(0, 2099999997690000))) # Add the outputs funding the tx input keynums prevtx_outputs_satoshi.append((keynum, satoshi)) # Create output script addr = chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private=True).bitcoin_address() script = standard_tx_out_script(addr) # Capture some info we'll use later to verify the signed tx prevtx_info.append(( keynum, satoshi, script, 0, # This is the hash and will be replaced later len(prevtx_outputs_satoshi) - 1)) # Index of the valid output print("{:30}{}".format( "Make prev tx for keys", " ".join( str(keynum) for (keynum, _, _, _, _) in prevtx_info[cur:]))) # Create the prev tx prevtx = self.create_prev_tx( win=Wallet.from_master_secret( bytes(0)), # create a dummy wallet in_keynum=list(range(0, random.choice(prevtx_inputs))), sources_per_input=1, wout=chain0, out_keynum_satoshi=prevtx_outputs_satoshi, fees_satoshi=random.randint(100, 1000)) # We have built the prev tx, calculate its hash (and reverse the bytes) prevtx_hash = encoding.double_sha256(prevtx)[::-1] # Update the hashes now that we have a full prev tx for i, (keynum, satoshi, script, _, outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:]): prevtx_info[i + cur] = (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx) # Create the index table that matches a keynum index with an ouput index in this prev tx idx_table = [ (keynum_idx + cur, outidx) for keynum_idx, (_, _, _, _, outidx) in enumerate(prevtx_info[cur:]) ] print(self.PAD.format("Send prev tx "), end='') # ---> send to Polly self.polly.send_prev_tx(idx_table, prevtx) print(self.__outok()) cur = end # # Step 3: generate a signed tx with the reference wallet and compare against Polly's # spendables = [] wifs = [] # Make sure that the inputs add up correctly, and prep the input_sources for reference wallet signing for (keynum, satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx) in prevtx_info: spendables.append(Spendable(satoshi, script, prevtx_hash, outidx)) wifs.append(chain0.subkey(keynum, as_private=True).wif()) change_addr = chain1.subkey(change_keynum).bitcoin_address() payables = [(out_addr, out_satoshi), (change_addr, change_satoshi)] print() print(self.PAD.format("Make reference signature")) signed_tx = create_signed_tx(spendables, payables, wifs, fee_satoshi) signed_tx = self.get_tx_bytes(signed_tx) print(self.PAD.format("Get signed tx"), end='', flush=True) # <--- get the signed tx from Polly polly_signed_tx = self.polly.send_get_signed_tx() #print(self.txstr(polly_signed_tx)) #print(self.txstr(signed_tx)) print(self.__outok()) # Compare reference wallet signed tx with polly's assert signed_tx == polly_signed_tx, "test_sign: signature mismatch\nExpected:\n" + self.hexstr( signed_tx) + "\n\nActual:\n" + self.hexstr(polly_signed_tx) def test_ref_bip32(self): """ Performs a test of the reference wallet's BIP32 key generation capability. """ # BIP32 test vectors, see # Vector 1 m = Wallet.from_master_secret( bytes.fromhex("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")) assert m.wallet_key( ) == "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8" assert m.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3QTDL4LXw2F7HEK3wJUD2nW2nRk4stbPy6cq3jPPqjiChkVvvNKmPGJxWUtg6LnF5kejMRNNU3TGtRBeJgk33yuGBxrMPHi" assert m.bitcoin_address() == "15mKKb2eos1hWa6tisdPwwDC1a5J1y9nma" assert m.wif( ) == "L52XzL2cMkHxqxBXRyEpnPQZGUs3uKiL3R11XbAdHigRzDozKZeW" m0h = m.subkey(is_hardened=True) assert m0h.wallet_key( ) == "xpub68Gmy5EdvgibQVfPdqkBBCHxA5htiqg55crXYuXoQRKfDBFA1WEjWgP6LHhwBZeNK1VTsfTFUHCdrfp1bgwQ9xv5ski8PX9rL2dZXvgGDnw" assert m0h.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9uHRZZhk6KAJC1avXpDAp4MDc3sQKNxDiPvvkX8Br5ngLNv1TxvUxt4cV1rGL5hj6KCesnDYUhd7oWgT11eZG7XnxHrnYeSvkzY7d2bhkJ7" m0h1 = m0h.subkey(i=1) assert m0h1.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6ASuArnXKPbfEwhqN6e3mwBcDTgzisQN1wXN9BJcM47sSikHjJf3UFHKkNAWbWMiGj7Wf5uMash7SyYq527Hqck2AxYysAA7xmALppuCkwQ" assert m0h1.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9wTYmMFdV23N2TdNG573QoEsfRrWKQgWeibmLntzniatZvR9BmLnvSxqu53Kw1UmYPxLgboyZQaXwTCg8MSY3H2EU4pWcQDnRnrVA1xe8fs" m0h1_1_2h = m0h1.subkey(i=2, is_hardened=True) assert m0h1_1_2h.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6D4BDPcP2GT577Vvch3R8wDkScZWzQzMMUm3PWbmWvVJrZwQY4VUNgqFJPMM3No2dFDFGTsxxpG5uJh7n7epu4trkrX7x7DogT5Uv6fcLW5" assert m0h1_1_2h.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9z4pot5VBttmtdRTWfWQmoH1taj2axGVzFqSb8C9xaxKymcFzXBDptWmT7FwuEzG3ryjH4ktypQSAewRiNMjANTtpgP4mLTj34bhnZX7UiM" m0h1_1_2h_2 = m0h1_1_2h.subkey(i=2) assert m0h1_1_2h_2.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6FHa3pjLCk84BayeJxFW2SP4XRrFd1JYnxeLeU8EqN3vDfZmbqBqaGJAyiLjTAwm6ZLRQUMv1ZACTj37sR62cfN7fe5JnJ7dh8zL4fiyLHV" assert m0h1_1_2h_2.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprvA2JDeKCSNNZky6uBCviVfJSKyQ1mDYahRjijr5idH2WwLsEd4Hsb2Tyh8RfQMuPh7f7RtyzTtdrbdqqsunu5Mm3wDvUAKRHSC34sJ7in334" m0h1_1_2h_2_1000000000 = m0h1_1_2h_2.subkey(i=1000000000) assert m0h1_1_2h_2_1000000000.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6H1LXWLaKsWFhvm6RVpEL9P4KfRZSW7abD2ttkWP3SSQvnyA8FSVqNTEcYFgJS2UaFcxupHiYkro49S8yGasTvXEYBVPamhGW6cFJodrTHy" assert m0h1_1_2h_2_1000000000.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprvA41z7zogVVwxVSgdKUHDy1SKmdb533PjDz7J6N6mV6uS3ze1ai8FHa8kmHScGpWmj4WggLyQjgPie1rFSruoUihUZREPSL39UNdE3BBDu76" # Vector 2 m = Wallet.from_master_secret( bytes.fromhex( "fffcf9f6f3f0edeae7e4e1dedbd8d5d2cfccc9c6c3c0bdbab7b4b1aeaba8a5a29f9c999693908d8a8784817e7b7875726f6c696663605d5a5754514e4b484542" )) assert m.wallet_key( ) == "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8idoc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB" assert m.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9s21ZrQH143K31xYSDQpPDxsXRTUcvj2iNHm5NUtrGiGG5e2DtALGdso3pGz6ssrdK4PFmM8NSpSBHNqPqm55Qn3LqFtT2emdEXVYsCzC2U" m0 = m.subkey() assert m0.wallet_key( ) == "xpub69H7F5d8KSRgmmdJg2KhpAK8SR3DjMwAdkxj3ZuxV27CprR9LgpeyGmXUbC6wb7ERfvrnKZjXoUmmDznezpbZb7ap6r1D3tgFxHmwMkQTPH" assert m0.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9vHkqa6EV4sPZHYqZznhT2NPtPCjKuDKGY38FBWLvgaDx45zo9WQRUT3dKYnjwih2yJD9mkrocEZXo1ex8G81dwSM1fwqWpWkeS3v86pgKt" m0_2147483647p = m0.subkey(i=2147483647, is_hardened=True) assert m0_2147483647p.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6ASAVgeehLbnwdqV6UKMHVzgqAG8Gr6riv3Fxxpj8ksbH9ebxaEyBLZ85ySDhKiLDBrQSARLq1uNRts8RuJiHjaDMBU4Zn9h8LZNnBC5y4a" assert m0_2147483647p.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9wSp6B7kry3Vj9m1zSnLvN3xH8RdsPP1Mh7fAaR7aRLcQMKTR2vidYEeEg2mUCTAwCd6vnxVrcjfy2kRgVsFawNzmjuHc2YmYRmagcEPdU9" m0_2147483647p_1 = m0_2147483647p.subkey(i=1) assert m0_2147483647p_1.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6DF8uhdarytz3FWdA8TvFSvvAh8dP3283MY7p2V4SeE2wyWmG5mg5EwVvmdMVCQcoNJxGoWaU9DCWh89LojfZ537wTfunKau47EL2dhHKon" assert m0_2147483647p_1.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprv9zFnWC6h2cLgpmSA46vutJzBcfJ8yaJGg8cX1e5StJh45BBciYTRXSd25UEPVuesF9yog62tGAQtHjXajPPdbRCHuWS6T8XA2ECKADdw4Ef" m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p = m0_2147483647p_1.subkey( i=2147483646, is_hardened=True) assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6ERApfZwUNrhLCkDtcHTcxd75RbzS1ed54G1LkBUHQVHQKqhMkhgbmJbZRkrgZw4koxb5JaHWkY4ALHY2grBGRjaDMzQLcgJvLJuZZvRcEL" assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprvA1RpRA33e1JQ7ifknakTFpgNXPmW2YvmhqLQYMmrj4xJXXWYpDPS3xz7iAxn8L39njGVyuoseXzU6rcxFLJ8HFsTjSyQbLYnMpCqE2VbFWc" m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p_2 = m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p.subkey( i=2) assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p_2.wallet_key( ) == "xpub6FnCn6nSzZAw5Tw7cgR9bi15UV96gLZhjDstkXXxvCLsUXBGXPdSnLFbdpq8p9HmGsApME5hQTZ3emM2rnY5agb9rXpVGyy3bdW6EEgAtqt" assert m0_2147483647p_1_2147483646p_2.wallet_key( as_private=True ) == "xprvA2nrNbFZABcdryreWet9Ea4LvTJcGsqrMzxHx98MMrotbir7yrKCEXw7nadnHM8Dq38EGfSh6dqA9QWTyefMLEcBYJUuekgW4BYPJcr9E7j" def test_rfc6979(self): """ Performs a test of the reference wallet's RFC6979 signatures against test vectors. """ # Test vectors for RFC 6979 ECDSA (secp256k1, SHA-256). # Thanks to the Haskoin developer for these fully formed vectors. # (private key hex, private key WIF, message, r || r as hex, sig as DER) test_vectors = [ (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn", "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.", "33a69cd2065432a30f3d1ce4eb0d59b8ab58c74f27c41a7fdb5696ad4e6108c96f807982866f785d3f6418d24163ddae117b7db4d5fdf0071de069fa54342262", "3044022033a69cd2065432a30f3d1ce4eb0d59b8ab58c74f27c41a7fdb5696ad4e6108c902206f807982866f785d3f6418d24163ddae117b7db4d5fdf0071de069fa54342262" ), (0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140, "L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9", "Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.", "54c4a33c6423d689378f160a7ff8b61330444abb58fb470f96ea16d99d4a2fed07082304410efa6b2943111b6a4e0aaa7b7db55a07e9861d1fb3cb1f421044a5", "3044022054c4a33c6423d689378f160a7ff8b61330444abb58fb470f96ea16d99d4a2fed022007082304410efa6b2943111b6a4e0aaa7b7db55a07e9861d1fb3cb1f421044a5" ), (0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140, "L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9", "Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.", "ff466a9f1b7b273e2f4c3ffe032eb2e814121ed18ef84665d0f515360dab3dd06fc95f5132e5ecfdc8e5e6e616cc77151455d46ed48f5589b7db7771a332b283", "3045022100ff466a9f1b7b273e2f4c3ffe032eb2e814121ed18ef84665d0f515360dab3dd002206fc95f5132e5ecfdc8e5e6e616cc77151455d46ed48f5589b7db7771a332b283" ), (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn", "How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.", "c0dafec8251f1d5010289d210232220b03202cba34ec11fec58b3e93a85b91d375afdc06b7d6322a590955bf264e7aaa155847f614d80078a90292fe205064d3", "3045022100c0dafec8251f1d5010289d210232220b03202cba34ec11fec58b3e93a85b91d3022075afdc06b7d6322a590955bf264e7aaa155847f614d80078a90292fe205064d3" ), (0x69ec59eaa1f4f2e36b639716b7c30ca86d9a5375c7b38d8918bd9c0ebc80ba64, "KzmcSTRmg8Gtoq8jbBCwsrvgiTKRrewQXniAHHTf7hsten8MZmBB", "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.", "7186363571d65e084e7f02b0b77c3ec44fb1b257dee26274c38c928986fea45d0de0b38e06807e46bda1f1e293f4f6323e854c86d58abdd00c46c16441085df6", "304402207186363571d65e084e7f02b0b77c3ec44fb1b257dee26274c38c928986fea45d02200de0b38e06807e46bda1f1e293f4f6323e854c86d58abdd00c46c16441085df6" ), (0x00000000000000000000000000007246174ab1e92e9149c6e446fe194d072637, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJwe1E2mCa8asowBrSKuCaBV6EsPYEAFZ8", "...if you aren't, at any given time, scandalized by code you wrote five or even three years ago, you're not learning anywhere near enough", "fbfe5076a15860ba8ed00e75e9bd22e05d230f02a936b653eb55b61c99dda4870e68880ebb0050fe4312b1b1eb0899e1b82da89baa5b895f612619edf34cbd37", "3045022100fbfe5076a15860ba8ed00e75e9bd22e05d230f02a936b653eb55b61c99dda48702200e68880ebb0050fe4312b1b1eb0899e1b82da89baa5b895f612619edf34cbd37" ), (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056916d0f9b31dc9b637f3, "KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZiib5S9h4knkymNojPUVsWN", "The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim.", "cde1302d83f8dd835d89aef803c74a119f561fbaef3eb9129e45f30de86abbf906ce643f5049ee1f27890467b77a6a8e11ec4661cc38cd8badf90115fbd03cef", "3045022100cde1302d83f8dd835d89aef803c74a119f561fbaef3eb9129e45f30de86abbf9022006ce643f5049ee1f27890467b77a6a8e11ec4661cc38cd8badf90115fbd03cef" ) ] for (secret_exponent, _, message, _, expected_sig) in test_vectors: h = hashlib.sha256(message.encode('utf-8')).digest() val = intbytes.from_bytes(h) # This will use deterministic values of k based on 'val' r, s = ecdsa.sign(secp256k1.generator_secp256k1, secret_exponent, val) # Ensure that 's' is even to prevent attacks - see if s > (secp256k1.generator_secp256k1.order() / 2): s = secp256k1.generator_secp256k1.order() - s sig = der.sigencode_der(r, s) assert sig == bytes.fromhex( expected_sig ), "ECDSA signature using RFC 6979 failed\nExpected: " + expected_sig + "\nActual: " + self.hexstr( sig) def test_txhash(self): """ Performs a test of the reference wallet's tx hashing against a known blockchain tx. """ # 's' and 'expected' are from: # s = ("0100000002bca066b9cfe1eb81e667f219a442acdc5c5e2e470610659a314" "74dfb5e29c552000000008c493046022100b2857170045d5e59112e0d5200" "4a8f65d18945e52d42c2eb12f7d3c2314600b802210098bdab40dfe38b5d4" "fe02e1fa3057ada3e0a982a5c7979eabff86395e2a911e8014104a8075344" "0c651f7191f46085411679545486f1dc6bf34cdaba453966c5fe7cc34f3dd" "c15ae321974f426807faa34b3fc10034e129222067ec053c409a6ac1f30ff" "ffffffe047c65f9e560d799580f6a965c12a059ca1e82cebc3e220659ba29" "ee31c8d0a010000008b48304502206b7eaa2dec17b53022b57a55b48ac245" "6f1c22d87b0170aa969de04146b80bbc022100d6700f6eb9bde89c35b0545" "588c06dcfed95e0502941d79786b5ea24eafc2cfe01410435d1d08c6f5296" "0d056e60c3b5c858e5299c1a688395b589dbde6b58861b20fdd7ee58832b3" "528845973765038cafc1c81280dc635ee202ce06aa4a373db012fffffffff" "0200f2052a010000001976a914315bfd9ee07d6779e44b8e07229650f039f" "0942788aced931600000000001976a91484004861f9a742fc83ad4ab83c42" "e709b512df1888ac00000000") expected = "a8196acaf3938b988f9816ae3e9da1df5a04afff0b5b460e4c1dc4a08dd52109" expected = bytes.fromhex(expected) actual = encoding.double_sha256(bytes.fromhex(s)) # Reverse the bytes to flow lsb -> msb actual = actual[::-1] assert actual == expected, "tx hash calculation mismatch\n" + "Expected: " + self.hexstr( expected) + "\nActual: " + self.hexstr(actual) # # Utilities # def fw_update(self, fwfile): """ Updates device firmware. fwfile - Path to and name of the firmware file to use. """ self.polly.send_fw_download(fwfile) def create_prev_tx(self, win, in_keynum, sources_per_input, wout, out_keynum_satoshi, fees_satoshi): """ Creates and returns a supporting 'previous' tx of 100KB or less win - wallet to use for input addresses in_keynum - key nums from win sources_per_input - how many sources are used to fund each input wout - wallet to use for output addresses out_keynum_satoshi - list of key nums from wout and satoshis to spend in tuples of (num, satoshis) Returns a bytes object containing the previous tx. """ # Calculate the total output payables = [] total_spent = 0 for (out_key_id, out_satoshi) in out_keynum_satoshi: address = wout.subkey(out_key_id).bitcoin_address() payables.append((address, out_satoshi)) total_spent += out_satoshi # Split the total to spend across all of the inputs spendables = [] total_value = 0 satoshi_per_input = int(total_spent + fees_satoshi) / len(in_keynum) for keynum in in_keynum: # Grab the address for the current key num addr = win.subkey(keynum, as_private=True).bitcoin_address() # Generate fake sources for funding the input coin spendables.extend( self.fake_sources_for_address(addr, sources_per_input, satoshi_per_input)) total_value += satoshi_per_input # Calculate the fee tx_fee = total_value - total_spent assert tx_fee >= 0, "fee < 0: " + str(tx_fee) # Create and 'sign' the transaction unsigned_tx = create_tx(spendables, payables, tx_fee) signed_tx = self.__sign_fake(unsigned_tx) return self.get_tx_bytes(signed_tx) def fake_sources_for_address(self, addr, num_sources, total_satoshi): """ Returns a fake list of funding sources for a bitcoin address. Note: total_satoshi will be split evenly by num_sources addr - bitcoin address to fund num_sources - number of sources to fund it with total_satoshi - total satoshis to fund 'addr' with Returns a list of Spendable objects """ spendables = [] satoshi_left = total_satoshi satoshi_per_tx = satoshi_left / num_sources satoshi_per_tx = int(satoshi_per_tx) # Create the output script for the input to fund script = standard_tx_out_script(addr) while satoshi_left > 0: if satoshi_left < satoshi_per_tx: satoshi_per_tx = satoshi_left # Create a random hash value rand_hash = bytes([random.randint(0, 0xFF) for _ in range(0, 32)]) # Create a random output index # This field is 32 bits, but typically transactions dont have that many, limit to 0xFF rand_output_index = random.randint(0, 0xFF) # Append the new fake source spend = Spendable(satoshi_per_tx, script, rand_hash, rand_output_index) spendables.append(spend) satoshi_left -= satoshi_per_tx assert satoshi_left == 0, "incorrect funding" return spendables def get_tx_bytes(self, tx): """ Takes a Tx object and returns a bytes object containing the tx bytes. """ s = io.BytesIO() return s.getvalue() def gen_wordlist(self, seed): """ Generates a polly mnemonic wordlist from a seed, including the checksum. seed - a string of 24 hex bytes (for a strength of 192 bits) Returns a space separated string of 18 words from the wordlist. """ assert len(seed) == 24, "incorrect seed length, expecting 24 bytes" return self.mnemonic.to_mnemonic(seed) def hexstr(self, data): """ Takes a bytes object and returns a packed hex string. """ # Hexlify the bytes object and strip off the leading b' and trailing ' return str(binascii.hexlify(data))[2:-1] def txstr(self, tx): """ Takes a tx bytes object and prints out its details field by field. """ def hexy(tag, data): print("{0:<20s} : {1}".format(tag, self.hexstr(data))) print("\n[tx details]\n") s = 0 hexy("version", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 in_count = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy("in count", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 for _ in range(0, in_count): print(" -------------------") hexy(" prev out hash", tx[s:s + 32]) s += 32 hexy(" prev out index", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 scriptlen = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy(" scriptlen", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 hexy(" script", tx[s:s + scriptlen]) s += scriptlen hexy(" sequence", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 print() out_count = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy("out count", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 for _ in range(0, out_count): print(" -------------------") hexy(" value", tx[s:s + 8]) s += 8 scriptlen = ord(tx[s:s + 1]) hexy(" pk scriptlen", tx[s:s + 1]) s += 1 hexy(" pk script", tx[s:s + scriptlen]) s += scriptlen print() hexy("lock time", tx[s:s + 4]) s += 4 # # Private # def __outok(self): """ Creates a standard successful completion string for Polly operations """ return "ok (" + self.polly.get_cmd_time() + ")" def __sign_fake(self, tx): """ Sign a transaction using a fake randomly generated signature. """ # Create a fake ecdsa signature from 0x68 - 0x6b bytes rand_script = bytes([ random.randint(0, 0xFF) for _ in range(0, random.randint(0x68, 0x6b)) ]) tx.check_unspents() for idx, tx_in in enumerate(tx.txs_in): if tx.unspents[idx]: tx_in.script = rand_script return tx