Пример #1
def a_construct():
    return join_(
        pair(I, I),
        pair(BOT, TOP),
        pair(div, BOT),
        pair(a_copy, a_join),
        pair(C, C),
        a_compose(a_construct, a_construct),
Пример #2
def a_construct():
    return join_(
        app(pair, I, I),
        app(pair, BOT, TOP),
        app(pair, div, BOT),
        app(pair, a_copy, a_join),
        app(pair, C, C),
        app(a_preconj, a_construct),
        app(a_postconj, a_construct),
        app(a_compose, a_construct, a_construct),
Пример #3
def close(f):
    """Scott's universal closure operator V."""
    return lambda x: join_(x, app(f, close(x)))
Пример #4
def enum_union(xs, ys):
    return join_(xs, ys)
Пример #5
def enum(items):
    assert isinstance(items, (list, set, frozenset)), items
    return join_(*map(box, items))
Пример #6
def build_A(*part_names):
    return rec(join_(*(PARTS[name] for name in part_names)))
Пример #7
def div_rec_call(x):
    return join_(x, div_rec_call(app(x, TOP)))
Пример #8
def _bits_test(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7):
    bits = [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7]
    tests = map(bool_test, bits)
    return app(join_(*tests), *tests)
Пример #9
    return app(x, QUOTE(true), QUOTE(false))

def bool_if_true(x):
    x = bool_type(x)
    return unit_type(app(x, ok, undefined))

def bool_if_false(x):
    x = bool_type(x)
    return unit_type(app(x, undefined, ok))

enum_bool = join_(APP(CI, true), APP(CI, false))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Maybe

none = K

def some(arg):
    return APP(K, APP(CI, arg))

def maybe_type(x):
Пример #10
from pomagma.reducer.sugar import _compile, app, as_term, combinator, join_
from pomagma.reducer.syntax import NVAR, TOP
from pomagma.util.testing import for_each

f = NVAR('f')
x = NVAR('x')
y = NVAR('y')
z = NVAR('z')

    (I, I),
    (I(K), K),
    (K, K),
    (app(S, I, I), app(S, I, I)),
    (join_(K, I), join_(K, I)),
    (S(I, I), app(S, I, I)),
    (K | I, join_(K, I)),
    # (TOP(K | I), TOP),

    (lambda: x, x),
    (lambda: B, B),
    (lambda x: x, I),
    (lambda x, y: x, K),
    (lambda x, y: y, KI),
    (lambda x: lambda y: x, K),
    (lambda x: lambda x: x, KI),
    (lambda x, y, z: app(x, z, y), C),
    (lambda x, y, z: app(x, app(y, z)), B),
Пример #11
def _bits_test(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7):
    bits = [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7]
    tests = map(bool_test, bits)
    all_defined = app(*tests)
    any_error = join_(*tests)
    return any_error(all_defined)
Пример #12
from pomagma.reducer import oracle
from pomagma.reducer.code import QUOTE, QQUOTE, QAPP
from pomagma.reducer.code import TOP, BOT, I, K, B, C, NVAR
from pomagma.reducer.sugar import app, join_
from pomagma.util.testing import for_each
import pytest

F = app(K, I)
J = join_(K, F)
x = NVAR('x')
y = NVAR('y')

def box(x):
    return app(C, I, x)

    (TOP, TOP, True, True),
    (TOP, BOT, False, True),
    (TOP, I, False, True),
    (TOP, K, False, True),
    (TOP, F, False, True),
    (TOP, J, False, True),
    (BOT, BOT, True, True),
    (BOT, I, True, False),
    (BOT, K, True, False),
    (BOT, F, True, False),
    (BOT, J, True, False),
    (I, I, True, True),
    (I, K, False, False),
Пример #13
# Maybe

        (lib.none, lib.none),
        (lib.some(undefined), lib.some(undefined)),
        (lib.some(error), lib.some(error)),
        (lib.some(ok), lib.some(ok)),
        (lib.some(true), lib.some(true)),
        (lib.some(false), lib.some(false)),
        (error, error),
        (undefined, undefined),
        (ok, error),
        (join, error),
        (join_(lib.none, lib.some(undefined)), error),
        (join_(lib.some(true), lib.some(false)), lib.some(join)),
def test_maybe_type(x, expected):
    assert simplify(lib.maybe_type(x)) == expected

@for_each([(lib.none, ok), (lib.some(x), ok), (error, error), (undefined, undefined)])
def test_maybe_test(x, expected):
    assert simplify(lib.maybe_test(x)) == expected

    [(lib.none, quote(lib.none)), (lib.some(true), quote(lib.some(true))), (undefined, undefined), (error, error)]
Пример #14
def div(f):
    return join_(f, app(div, f, TOP))
Пример #15
def enum_maybe(enum_item):
    return join_(box(none), enum_map(some, enum_item))
Пример #16
def a_join(f, x, y):
    return app(f, join_(x, y))
Пример #17
def enum_sum(enum_inl, enum_inr):
    return join_(enum_map(inl, enum_inl), enum_map(inr, enum_inr))
Пример #18
def unit_or(x, y):
    return join_(x, y)
Пример #19
def enum_num():
    return join_(box(zero), app(enum_map, succ, enum_num))
Пример #20
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

def test_combinator_must_be_closed(arg, expected):
    with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):

def Y(f):
    return app(lambda x: app(f, app(x, x)), lambda x: app(f, app(x, x)))

div_Y = Y(lambda f, x: join_(x, app(f, app(x, TOP))))

def div_rec_call(x):
    return join_(x, div_rec_call(app(x, TOP)))

def div_rec_app(x):
    return join_(x, app(div_rec_app, app(x, TOP)))

@for_each([(div_rec_call, div_Y), (div_rec_app, div_Y)])
def test_combinator_recursion(arg, expected):
    actual = arg.code
Пример #21
def enum_list(enum_item):
    return join_(
        app(enum_list(enum_item), lambda t:
            app(enum_item, lambda h: box(cons(h, t)))),
Пример #22
def div_rec_app(x):
    return join_(x, app(div_rec_app, app(x, TOP)))
Пример #23
  compose := (\f,f'. f\r,s. f'\r',s'. <r o r', s' o s>).
  A = A | <I, I> | <copy, join> | <div, BOT> | <BOT, TOP> | <C, C>
        | preconj A | postconj A | compose A A.


from parsable import parsable

from pomagma.reducer.bohm import (print_tiny, sexpr_simplify, simplify,
from pomagma.reducer.lib import BOT, TOP, B, C, I, box, pair
from pomagma.reducer.sugar import app, as_term, join_, rec
from pomagma.reducer.syntax import sexpr_print

CB = app(C, B)
div = rec(lambda a: join_(I, lambda x: app(a, x, TOP)))
copy = as_term(lambda x, y: app(x, y, y))
join = as_term(lambda x, y, z: app(x, join_(y, z)))
postconj = box(lambda r, s: pair(app(B, r), app(B, s)))
preconj = box(lambda r, s: pair(app(CB, s), app(CB, r)))
compose = as_term(lambda f1, f2:
                  app(f1, lambda r1, s1:
                      app(f2, lambda r2, s2:
                          pair(app(B, r1, r2), app(B, s2, s1)))))

# A = A | <I, I> | <copy, join> | <div, BOT> | <BOT, TOP> | <C, C>
#       | preconj A | postconj A | compose A A.
    'base': as_term(lambda a: pair(I, I)),
    'copy': as_term(lambda a: pair(copy, join)),