Пример #1
    async def timer_pause(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Pauses the timer, if it's running. Keeps all settings and current
            period and time.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if len(interface.subbed) == 0:
            if interface.timer.stop():
                send = "No subs detected, timer will instead stop soon."
                await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=interface.timer.step)
                await self.bot.remove_messages(channel)

                send = "No subs detected, timer has stopped instead."
                await self.bot.say(send, tts=interface.tts)
            log = (
                "Attempted to pause the timer, but due to the lack of subs, "
                "it will be stopped instead")
        elif interface.timer.pause():
            log = "Timer will be paused soon."
            await self.bot.say(log, delete_after=interface.timer.step)

            log = "Could not pause timer, stopped or already running."
            await self.bot.say("I cannot stop something that isn't moving.",

        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
Пример #2
    async def timer_sub(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Adds you to the list of people currently using the timer.
            If you're in this list, you will receive a private message if the
            timer's period changes or if it starts/pauses/stops.

        author = ctx.message.author
        channel = self.bot.spoof(author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if author not in interface.subbed:
            interface.add_sub(author, datetime.utcnow())


            log = (lib.get_author_name(ctx, True) +
                   " has subscribed to this timer.")
            send = "You've successfully subscribed to this timer, {}!" \
                .format(lib.get_author_name(ctx, True))
            log = (lib.get_author_name(ctx, True) + " tried to subscribe to " +
                   "this timer, but he was already added")
            send = ("You're already subscribed. " +
                    "I'll let you know of any changes!")

        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
Пример #3
    async def timer_unsub(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Removes you from the list of people currently using the timer.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))
        author = ctx.message.author

        result = 0

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if author in interface.subbed:
            result = interface.remove_sub(author)

            log = (lib.get_author_name(ctx, True) +
                   " has un-subscribed to this timer.")
            send = "You've successfully un-subscribed to this timer, {}!" \
                .format(lib.get_author_name(ctx, True))
            log = (lib.get_author_name(ctx, True) + " tried to un-subscribe " +
                   "to this timer, but he was not in the list")
            send = "You're not subscribed to this timer... "

        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
        if result == -1:
            await self.bot.say("Timer now has no subs. Will stop after {} "
                               "minutes unless someone subscribes!".format(
        elif result == -2:
            await self.bot.remove_messages(channel)
            await self.bot.say("Timer has stopped since it was paused and "
                               "everyone un-subscribed")
Пример #4
    async def remove_timer_period(self,
                                  ctx: commands.Context,
                                  index: int,
        """ Removes the period(s) from the given index

        :param index: The index to remove from, counting from `1` to `n`.
        :param amount: The amount of periods to remove.

        author = ctx.message.author
        channel = self.bot.spoof(author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        timer = interface.timer

        if index > len(timer.periods) or index <= 0:
            await self.bot.say("Unable to remove the specified period(s)",

        if timer.remove_periods(index - 1, amount):
            period_str = 'period' if amount == 1 else 'periods'

            if timer.get_state() != State.STOPPED:
                await self.bot.edit_message(interface.list_message,

            await self.bot.say(
                "Successfully removed the {}!".format(period_str),
            await self.bot.say(("If you want to remove all periods,"
                                " use the reset command!"),
Пример #5
    async def admin_lock(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Locks a channel's timer so no user can modify it.
            Unless they have permissions.
            This command either locks or unlocks, thus acting as a switch.
            Requires elevated permissions.

        channel = lib.get_channel(ctx)
        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)

        if interface.spoofed is not None:
            channel = interface.spoofed

        if interface.locked:
            interface.locked = False

            await self.bot.say("Channel unlocked.",
            lib.log(lib.get_author_name(ctx) + " unlocked the channel.",
            interface.locked = True

            await self.bot.say("Channel locked.",
            lib.log(lib.get_author_name(ctx) + " locked the channel.",
Пример #6
    async def admin_sub(self, ctx: commands.Context, user_id: str,
        """ Forcefully subscribes a member to a timer.

        :param user_id: The ID of the user to subscribe
        :type user_id: str

        :param channel_id: The ID of the channel to subscribe the user to. If
            it's None or not provided, defaults to the channel this command was
            sent to.
        :type channel_id: str

        if channel_id is None:
            channel_id = lib.get_channel(ctx).id

        server = lib.get_server(ctx)
        user = server.get_member(user_id)

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(server.get_channel(channel_id),
        author_name = lib.get_author_name(ctx, True)
        member_name = lib.get_name(user, True)
        if interface is None:
            lib.log("{} tried to subscribe {} to {}, "
                    "but the channel was not found or had no interface"
                    .format(author_name, member_name,  "this channel" if
                            channel_id is None else "channel with id=" +
            await self.bot.say("Channel not found or invalid.",
        elif user is None:
            lib.log("{} tried to forcefully subscribe an invalid member"
                    .format(author_name), channel_id=channel_id)
            await self.bot.say("User is invalid. Are you sure its his ID?",
            if user in interface.subbed:
                await self.bot.say("User is already subscribed!",
                lib.log("{} tried to subscribe {} to {}, but user is already "
                        "subscribed".format(author_name, member_name,
                                            "this channel" if channel_id is None
                                            else "channel with id=" + channel_id
                                            ), channel_id=channel_id)

            interface.add_sub(user, datetime.now())
            lib.log("{} forcefully subscribed {} to {}."
                    .format(author_name, member_name, "this channel" if
                            channel_id is None else "channel with id=" +
            await self.bot.say("Member subscribed!",
            await self.bot.say("{}, {} has subscribed you to this channel's "
                               "timer!".format(member_name, author_name),
Пример #7
    async def timer_time(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Gives the user the current period and time of the timer.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        send = self.bot.get_interface(channel).timer.time(True)

        lib.log(send, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan * 2)
Пример #8
    async def timer_status(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Tells whether the timer is stopped, running or paused,
            if it's correctly set up and if it will soon stop or pause.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        send = self.bot.get_interface(channel).timer.show_status()

        lib.log(send, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan * 2)
Пример #9
    async def on_command_error(self, error, ctx: commands.Context):

        log = lib.get_author_name(ctx)
        send = None

        if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure):

            if str(error) == "timer not found":
                send = "No timer found for this channel."
                log += " tried to interact with a nonexistent timer."

            elif str(error) == "timer locked":
                send = "You are not allowed to modify this timer."
                log += " tried to modify a locked timer without permissions."

            elif str(error) == "no permissions" or str(error) == "not admin":
                send = "You do not have permission to do this!"
                log += (" tried to execute a command and failed, " +
                        "lacked permissions.")
                send = "Timers are not allowed in this channel."
                log += " tried to start a timer in a non-whitelisted channel."

        elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
            send = "Command not found: `" + ctx.invoked_with + "`."
            log += " tried to execute a nonexistent command: `{}`."\

            alt = None
            for name, command in self.bot.commands.items():
                if ctx.invoked_with == name:
                    alt = name
                elif isinstance(command, commands.GroupMixin):
                    for sub_name, sub_command in command.commands.items():
                        if ctx.invoked_with == sub_name:
                            alt = name + " " + sub_name

            if alt is not None:
                send += " Did you mean `" + alt + "`?"

        elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError):
            log = str(error)

        lib.log(log, channel_id=lib.get_channel_id(ctx), level=logging.WARN)
        await self.bot.safe_send(lib.get_channel(ctx),
Пример #10
    async def timer_resume(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Resumes a paused timer.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        if self.bot.get_interface(channel).timer.resume():
            await self.bot.run_timer(channel)
            lib.log("Unable to resume timer, stopped or already running.",
            await self.bot.say("**grumble grumble.** The timer is " +
                               "stopped or already running, I can't " +
                               "resume that!",
Пример #11
def unlocked_or_allowed(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool:
    """ Checks if a timer is unlocked, or if the author of the command
        has permissions to execute such command on a locked timer.

    :param ctx: The context to check the command in
    :type ctx: commands.Context

    :return: True if the command succeeds, else raises an exception.
    :raises: commands.CheckFailure: If the check fails.
        message : "timer locked"

    if isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot) and \
       ctx.bot.is_locked(lib.get_channel(ctx)) and \
       not ctx.bot.has_permission(ctx.message.author):
        raise commands.CheckFailure(message="timer locked")
    return True
Пример #12
def channel_has_timer(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool:
    """ Checks if a channel has a valid timer set.

    :param ctx: The context to check the command in
    :type ctx: commands.Context

    :return: True if the command succeeds, else raises an exception.
    :raises: commands.CheckFailure: If the check fails.
        message : "timer not found"

    if isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot):
        channel = ctx.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        if ctx.bot.get_interface(channel).timer is not None:
            return True

    raise commands.CheckFailure(message="timer not found")
Пример #13
def whitelisted(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool:
    """ Checks if a channel is allowed to have a timer on it.

    :param ctx: The context to check the command in
    :type ctx: commands.Context

    :return: True if the command succeeds, else False.

    whitelist = config.get_config().get_section('timer.channel_whitelist')
    server_id = lib.get_server_id(ctx)

    return whitelist is not None and server_id is not None and \
        server_id in whitelist.keys() and \
        isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot) and \
        isinstance(whitelist[server_id], dict) and \
        ctx.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx)).id in \
Пример #14
    async def timer_stop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Stops the timer, if it's running.
            Resets the current period and time, but keeps the setup.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if interface.timer.stop():
            send = "Timer will stop soon."
            await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=interface.timer.step)

            await self.bot.remove_messages(channel)

            send = "Timer has stopped."
            await self.bot.say(send, tts=interface.tts)

        lib.log(send, channel_id=channel.id)
Пример #15
    async def admin_spoof(self, ctx: commands.Context, spoofed_id=None):
        """ Enables spoof-mode on a channel.
            Spoof mode allows users with permissions to modify another specified
            channel's timer from the one in which this command
            was executed.

            For example, if channel #session_1 has ID '249719010319532064'
            and someone executes '!spoof 249719010319532064' from #admin_area,
            all timer-related commands (except for setup) executed from
            #admin_area by members with permissions will either affect or give
            information of the timer in #session_1 instead.

        :param spoofed_id: The ID of the channel that instructions will be
            sent to.
        :type spoofed_id: str

        channel = lib.get_channel(ctx)

        if channel.id == spoofed_id:
            await self.bot.say("How about no. " + spoofed_id,

        spoofed_channel = lib.get_server(ctx).get_channel(spoofed_id)

        if spoofed_id is not None:
            self.bot.get_interface(channel).spoofed = spoofed_channel

            send = "Now acting in channel " + spoofed_channel.name
            log = "Now acting as if in " + spoofed_channel.name

        elif self.bot.get_interface(channel).spoofed is not None:
            self.bot.get_interface(channel).spoofed = None

            send = "Now acting in current channel"
            log = "Spoofing now off"
            raise commands.MissingRequiredArgument

        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
Пример #16
    async def add_timer_period(self,
                               ctx: commands.Context,
                               period_info: str,
        """ Adds a period with the given information after the given index.

        :param period_info: The information of the period(s) you want to add,
            that must follow the same rules that the setup command requires.
            For example: `Study:30` will add a 30-minute period with the name
        :param index: The index at which the period should be added,
            counting from `0` to `n`, where `n` is the current number of periods
            available. If the index given is negative, it will count backwards.
            Thus, if 0 is given, it will be added as the first period,
            and with `n` it will be added as the last one (using `-n` is
            the same as using 0).
            If a literal `n` is given, it will translate to whatever the amount
            of periods is currently.

        author = ctx.message.author
        channel = self.bot.spoof(author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        timer = interface.timer

        amount = timer.add_periods(index, period_info)
        if amount == 0:
            await self.bot.say(
                "Could not add the period(s)."
                " Failed to parse the given information",

        period_str = 'period' if amount == 1 else 'periods'

        if interface.timer.get_state() != State.STOPPED:
            await self.bot.edit_message(interface.list_message,

        await self.bot.say("Successfully added the new {}!".format(period_str),
Пример #17
    async def admin_shutdown(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Exits the program. Administrator only!

        lib.log("Shutting down...")
        await self.bot.say("Hope I did well, bye!")

        for channel, timer in self.bot.valid_timers().items():
            if timer.get_state() != State.STOPPED:
                if lib.get_channel(ctx) != channel:
                    await self.bot.safe_send(
                        "I'm sorry, I have to go. See you later!"

                    await self.bot.remove_messages(channel)

        await self.bot.logout()
Пример #18
    async def timer_superreset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Ignores all conditions and resets the channel's timer.
            Requires elevated permissions.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if interface.timer.get_state() == State.RUNNING:
            self.bot.timers_running -= 1
            await self.bot.update_status()

        await self.bot.remove_messages(channel)

        interface.timer = None

        lib.log("Successfully forced a reset on this channel's timer.",
        await self.bot.say("Timer has been force-reset",
Пример #19
    async def timer_goto(self, ctx: commands.Context, period_idx):
        """ Skips to the n-th period, assuming the periods' indexes go
            from 1 to the amount of them.

        :param period_idx: The index of the period to start from, from 1 to n.
        :type period_idx: 'next' or int such that 1 <= period_idx <= n,
            n being the amount of periods set.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)

        if period_idx == "next":
            idx = interface.timer.get_period(True) + 1
                idx = int(period_idx)
            except TypeError:
                raise commands.BadArgument

        label = interface.timer.goto(idx)

        if label is not None:
            log = send = "Moved to period number {!s} ({})".format(idx, label)

            if interface.timer.get_state() != State.STOPPED:
                await self.bot.edit_message(interface.list_message,

                if interface.timer.get_state() == State.PAUSED:
                    await self.bot.edit_message(interface.time_message,
            log = "Invalid period number entered when trying goto command."
            send = "Invalid period number."

        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
Пример #20
    async def toggle_countdown(self, ctx: commands.Context, toggle=None):
        """ Turns the timer's countdown setting on or off. If no state is
            specified, it will toggle it

        :param toggle: True, yes or on to turn the setting on. False, no or off
            to turn the setting off. If not specified, or None is given,
             it will toggle the setting.
        author = ctx.message.author
        channel = self.bot.spoof(author, lib.get_channel(ctx))
        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        timer = interface.timer

        toggle = lib.to_boolean(toggle)
        if timer.countdown == toggle:
            return  # No need to edit it if it's the same.

        await self.bot.edit_message(interface.time_message, timer.time())
        await self.bot.say(
            "Successfully toggled the countdown setting {}!".format(
                "on" if timer.countdown else "off"),
Пример #21
    async def timer_reset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """ Resets the timer setup.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if interface.timer.get_state() == State.STOPPED:

            interface.timer = None
            interface.time_message = None
            interface.list_message = None

            log = lib.get_author_name(ctx) + " reset the timer."
            send = "Successfully reset session configuration."
            log = (lib.get_author_name(ctx) + " tried resetting a timer that "
                   "was running or paused.")
            send = "Cannot do that while the timer is not stopped."

        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
Пример #22
    async def timer_tts(self, ctx: commands.Context, toggle: str = None):
        """ Sets the TTS option on or off for the channel.

        :param toggle: Whether to turn on or off the TTS option. If no option
            is provided, it will toggle it
        :type toggle: str

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))
        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)

        log = send = None

        if toggle is None:
            interface.tts = not interface.tts
            toggle = "ok"
                interface.tts = lib.to_boolean(toggle)

            except TypeError:
                toggle = None
                log = "TTS command failed, bad argument."
                send = ("I could not understand if you wanted to " +
                        "turn TTS on or off.")

        if toggle is not None:
            status = ("on" if interface.tts else "off")
            log = "TTS now " + status + " for this channel."
            send = "Text-to-speech now " + status + " for this channel."

                level=logging.WARN if toggle is None else logging.INFO)
        await self.bot.say(send,
                           tts=interface.tts and toggle is not None,
Пример #23
    async def timer_start(self, ctx: commands.Context, period_idx=1):
        """ Starts the timer with the recorded setup. The timer must be
            correctly set up and not running for it to work.

        :param period_idx: The index of the period to start from, from 1 to n.
        :type period_idx: int; 1 <= period_idx <= amount of periods

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        timer = interface.timer
        if timer.start():
            if not 0 < period_idx <= len(timer.periods):
                period_idx = 1

                if interface.restart_inactivity():
                    await self.bot.say(
                        "Timer has no subs. Will stop after"
                        " {} minutes unless someone subscribes!".format(

                await self.bot.run_timer(channel, period_idx - 1)
            except discord.errors.HTTPException:
                await self.bot.say("@here\n"
                                   "Connection interrupted, please resume! (1)"
            lib.log(lib.get_author_name(ctx) +
                    " tried to start a timer that was already running.",
            await self.bot.say("This channel's timer is already running",
Пример #24
    async def setup(self,
                    ctx: commands.Context,
        """ Sets up a timer for the channel in which this command was executed.
            Only allows timers in white-listed channels (Specified in the

            :param timer_format: The string containing the periods and
                their names, in a format similar to that of a dictionary.
                Ex.: PeriodA:10,PeriodB:5,PeriodC:15
                     This will create 3 periods of 10, 5 and 15 minutes.

                It also accepts segments with the format (nxName1:t1,Name2:t2),
                which creates n iterations of Name1:t1,Name2:t2 periods (Where
                Name1 and Name2 are the period names and t1, t2 the respective
                Ex.: (3xPeriodA:10,PeriodB:5),PeriodC:15
                    This will create 7 periods of times 10,5,10,5,10,5 and 15.
            :type timer_format: str

            :param repeat: (boolean) Whether the timer should go back to
                period 1 after going through the complete list (True)
                or not (False). Defaults to True.

            :param count_back: (boolean) Whether the timer should show
                remaining (True) or elapsed (False) time. Defaults to True.

        channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx))

        timer_format = await self._translate_keyword(timer_format,
        if timer_format is None:

        # Parse the countdown and looping arguments with the custom function.
            loop = config.get_config().get_boolean('timer.looping_default') if \
                repeat is None else lib.to_boolean(repeat)

            countdown = config.get_config() \
                .get_boolean('timer.countdown_default') if count_back is None \
                else lib.to_boolean(count_back)

        except TypeError:
                "Could not parse boolean arguments '{!s}' and '{!s}'".format(
                    repeat, count_back),
            await self.bot.say("Invalid arguments received, please try again.",

        interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel)
        if interface.timer is None:
            interface.timer = PomodoroTimer(interface)
            times = interface.timer.setup(timer_format, loop, countdown)

            if times is not None:
                log = ("Correctly set up timer config: {}."
                       "\nLooping is **{}**\nCountdown is **{}**") \
                    .format(times, "ON" if loop else "OFF",
                            "ON" if countdown else "OFF")
                send = log
                interface.timer = None
                log = ("Could not set the periods correctly, "
                       "command 'setup' failed.")
                send = ("I did not understand what you wanted, "
                        "please try again!")

        else:  # channel_id is in p_timers.keys()
            log = ("Rejecting setup command, there is a period set already "
            send = ("I'm already set and ready to go, please use the reset "
                    "command if you want to change the timer configuration.")

        lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id)
        await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)